anExpectedResultVolume = theExpectedResultsVolumes[anIndex]
anExpectedResultVolumeStr = "{:0.27f}".format(anExpectedResultVolume).lstrip("0").lstrip(".").lstrip("0")
assert (aResultVolumeStr[:theNbSignificantDigits] == anExpectedResultVolumeStr[:theNbSignificantDigits]), "Volume of result[{}]: {:0.27f}. Expected: {:0.27f}. The first {} significant digits not equal.".format(anIndex, aResultVolume, anExpectedResultVolume, theNbSignificantDigits)
+def testHaveNamingFaces(theFeature, theModel, thePartDoc) :
+ """ Tests if all faces of result have a name
+ :param theFeature: feature to test.
+ """
+ # Get feature result/sub-result
+ aResult = theFeature.results()[0].resultSubShapePair()[0]
+ # Get result/sub-result shape
+ shape = aResult.shape()
+ # Create shape explorer with desired shape type
+ shapeExplorer = GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer(shape, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE)
+ # Create list, and store selections in it
+ selectionList = []
+ while shapeExplorer.more():
+ selection = theModel.selection(aResult, shapeExplorer.current()) # First argument should be result/sub-result, second is sub-shape on this result/sub-result
+ selectionList.append(selection)
+ # Create group with this selection list
+ Group_1 = theModel.addGroup(thePartDoc, selectionList)
+ theModel.end()
+ # Now you can check that all selected shapes in group have right shape type and name.
+ groupFeature = Group_1.feature()
+ groupSelectionList = groupFeature.selectionList("group_list")
+ theModel.end()
+ assert(groupSelectionList.size() == len(selectionList))
+ for index in range(0, groupSelectionList.size()):
+ attrSelection = groupSelectionList.value(index)
+ shape = attrSelection.value()
+ name = attrSelection.namingName()
+ assert(shape.isFace())
+ assert(name != ""), "String empty"