--- /dev/null
+ <config version="7.2.0"
+ caption="SALOME v%1"
+ copyright="<h5>Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE<br><br>Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE,<br>EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, CEDRAT, EDF R&D,<br>LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS</h5>"
+ license="<h5>GNU LGPL</h5>"
+ platforms="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ targetdir="${HOME}/salome_7.2.0"
+ tempdir="/tmp"
+ optionallibs="libcppunit,libblsurf"/>
+ <buttons>
+ <button label="Launch SALOME"
+ tooltip="Click this button to launch SALOME"
+ script="start_salome.sh"
+ disable="false"/>
+ <button label="Release Notes"
+ tooltip="Click this button to read release notes"
+ script="release_notes.sh"
+ disable="false"/>
+ </buttons>
+ <products>
+ <product name="KERNEL"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform KERNEL module">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="39376,13516,135020"
+ pickupenv="true"
+ script="KERNEL.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GUI"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GUI module">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="16852,17076,102216"
+ script="GUI.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GEOM"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GEOM module">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="32484,27092,157884"
+ script="GEOM.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MED"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform MED module">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="132980,94224,423000"
+ script="MED.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SMESH"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform SMESH module">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="35052,22268,155620"
+ script="SMESH.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="VISU"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform VISU module">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="28204,13148,128936"
+ script="VISU.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PARAVIS"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform PARAVIS module">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="161032,1396,599320"
+ script="PARAVIS.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HEXABLOCK"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform HEXABLOCK module">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="35052,22268,155620"
+ script="HEXABLOCK.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HEXABLOCKPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform HEXABLOCK meshing algorithm plugin">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5772,54320,64924"
+ script="HEXABLOCKPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="NETGENPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform NETGEN meshing algorithm plugin">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="5772,54320,64924"
+ script="NETGENPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GHS3D meshing algorithm plugin. For use this plugin you should add the path to ghs3d to your PATH environment variable.">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="816,2360,9188"
+ script="GHS3DPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="792,2560,9636"
+ script="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA sources">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="1356,2756,12000"
+ script="BLSURFPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HexoticPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="584,2332,8420"
+ script="HexoticPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="COMPONENT"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform COMPONENT module">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2960,3100,18892"
+ script="COMPONENT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYCALCULATOR"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform PYCALCULATOR module">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="true"
+ installdiskspace="220,2060,5764"
+ script="PYCALCULATOR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="CALCULATOR"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform CALCULATOR module">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1012,2320,8644"
+ script="CALCULATOR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HELLO"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example SALOME C++ module: Hello.">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="540,2096,6656"
+ script="HELLO.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYHELLO"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example SALOME Python module: Hello.">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="408,1968,5468"
+ script="PYHELLO.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMGEN"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example from Salome tutorial.">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="408,1968,5468"
+ script="ATOMGEN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMSOLV"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example from Salome tutorial.">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="408,1968,5468"
+ script="ATOMSOLV.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMIC"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example from Salome tutorial.">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="408,1968,5468"
+ script="ATOMIC.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="LIGHT"
+ type="component"
+ description="LIGHT (no-CORBA-engine) SALOME module example">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="248,2080,6364"
+ script="LIGHT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYLIGHT"
+ type="component"
+ description="LIGHT Python (no-CORBA-engine) SALOME module example">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="112,1796,4772"
+ script="PYLIGHT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="RANDOMIZER"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="196,1808,5060"
+ script="RANDOMIZER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SIERPINSKY"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="480,2316,7680"
+ script="SIERPINSKY.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="FILTER"
+ type="component"
+ description="Med Memory package">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="true"
+ installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
+ script="FILTER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACS"
+ type="component"
+ description="Tool to supervise execution of complex interconnected scientific applications">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="49528,27596,226440"
+ script="YACS.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACSGEN"
+ type="component"
+ description="Component and module generator for SALOME">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="356,668,1200"
+ script="YACSGEN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="JOBMANAGER"
+ type="component"
+ description="Component and module generator for SALOME">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1880,512,15476"
+ script="JOBMANAGER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SAMPLES"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME samples files">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="115800,115800,115800"
+ script="SAMPLES.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="TUTORIAL"
+ type="component"
+ description="Introduction to the developing of an application based on SALOME platform">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="115800,115800,115800"
+ script="TUTORIAL.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HOMARD"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform HOMARD module">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="115800,115800,115800"
+ script="HOMARD.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="xdata"
+ type="component"
+ description="Python module for types declaration in python classes">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="0.9.9"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5615,51450,17231"
+ script="xdata.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOME"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME module generator">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1332,3160,11504"
+ script="HXX2SALOME.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOMEDOC"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME module generator documentation">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="0,2308,2308"
+ script="HXX2SALOMEDOC.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="DOCUMENTATION"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME documentation">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="0,814464,0"
+ script="DOCUMENTATION.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="tcltk"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Tcl/Tk library">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="8.6.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="10765,28789,50385"
+ script="tcltk.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Python"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Python language interpreter">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="2.7.3"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="75364,64576,169376"
+ script="Python.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Multiplatform C++ GUI application framework">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="4.8.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="323108,488984,1522808"
+ script="qt.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sip"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="C++ to Python bindings generation tool">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="4.14.2"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="308,1450,2476"
+ script="sip.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PyQt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Python bindings for Qt library">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="4.9.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="14884,28844,120520"
+ script="PyQt.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="QScintilla"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Auxiliary tool for source code editing and debugging">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="2.7"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="3228,15692,24220"
+ script="qscintilla.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="boost"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Free peer-reviewed portable STL extension">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="1.52.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="boost.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Swig"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="2.0.8"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="3923,11661,31647"
+ script="swig.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="freetype"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Font service engine">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="2.4.11"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="freetype.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ftgl"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Library for using arbitrary fonts in OpenGL applications">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="2.1.3"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="ftgl.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="freeimage"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Library for supporting different graphical formats PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="3.15.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="freeimage.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cmake"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="The cross-platform, open-source make system">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version=""
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="34168,23512,158888"
+ script="cmake.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="gl2ps"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Library for printing an OpenGL output to PostScript (and PDF, and SVG...).">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="1.3.8"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="gl2ps.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="tbb"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="30_018oss"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="tbb.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OpenCascade"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Open CASCADE Technology">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="6.5.5"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="34168,23512,158888"
+ script="OCCT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qwt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="2-D plotting extension for Qt library">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="5.2.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="9988,10828,23964"
+ script="qwt.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OmniORB"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Open source Object Request Broker (ORB) library that implements the 2.3 specification of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="4.1.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="34712,20420,167564"
+ script="omniORB.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Hdf5"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Hierarchical Data Format library">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="1.8.10"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="9264,63776,115928"
+ script="hdf5.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cgnslib"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Provides a standard for recording and recovering computer data associated with the numerical solution of the equations of fluid dynamics.">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="3.1.3-4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="11524,11468,45860"
+ script="cgnslib.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Med"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="MED format interface library">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="3.0.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="11524,11468,45860"
+ script="med.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Metis"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Software package for partitioning unstructured graphs, partitioning meshes, and computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="4.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2856,2184,7064"
+ script="metis.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Scotch"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Software package and library devoted to static mapping, partitioning and sparce matrix block ordering og graph and meshes">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="5.1.11"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="4296,5644,14388"
+ script="scotch.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ParaView"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Scalable, open-source visualization application">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="3.98.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="245476,193252,1157792"
+ script="ParaView.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="numpy"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Fundamental package for scientific computing with Python">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="1.6.2"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="22100,51768,143392"
+ script="numpy.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libBatch"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Generic batch management library">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="2.0.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1552,1148,7192"
+ script="libBatch.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="expat"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="C library for parsing XML">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="2.0.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="880,2480,5412"
+ script="expat.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Graphviz"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Graph Drawing Programs set">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="2.30.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="11592,59320,114428"
+ script="graphviz.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Doxygen"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL, etc.">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version=""
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5812,18536,52656"
+ script="doxygen.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="docutils"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Utilites for processing plaintext documentation">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="0.10"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="3528,6112,11560"
+ script="docutils.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sphinx"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Tool for creation of documentation for Python projects">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="1.1.3"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2163,3342,6310"
+ script="Sphinx.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="netgen"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Quadrangle meshing algorithmic tool">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="4.9.13"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5615,51450,17231"
+ script="netgen.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="DISTENE"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="DISTENE meshing tools. Package includes MeshGems suite v1.0 and Hexotic v1.0.">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="1.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="10076,0,10076"
+ script="DISTENE.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="homard"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="HOMARD meshing tools">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="10.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="10076,0,10076"
+ script="homard.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libxml2"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="XML C parser">
+ <installation os="CentOS 6.3 64bit"
+ version="2.9.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="14740,43504,81544"
+ script="libxml2.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ </products>
+ <dependencies>
+ <product name="KERNEL">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>numpy</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>libBatch</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GUI">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GEOM">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MED">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Metis</dep>
+ <dep>Scotch</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SMESH">
+ <dep>cgnslib</dep>
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HEXABLOCK">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HOMARD">
+ <dep>homard</dep>
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="VISU">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PARAVIS">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HEXABLOCKPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ <dep>HEXABLOCK</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="NETGENPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>netgen</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>DISTENE</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>DISTENE</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>DISTENE</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HexoticPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>DISTENE</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ <dep>BLSURFPLUGIN</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="COMPONENT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYCALCULATOR">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="CALCULATOR">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HELLO">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYHELLO">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="LIGHT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYLIGHT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="RANDOMIZER">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SIERPINSKY">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>VISU</dep>
+ <dep>RANDOMIZER</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="FILTER">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACS">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>QScintilla</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Python">
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sip">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PyQt">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="QScintilla">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sphinx">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="boost">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Swig">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ftgl">
+ <dep>freetype</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="gl2ps">
+ <dep>cmake</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OpenCascade">
+ <dep>tbb</dep>
+ <dep>gl2ps</dep>
+ <dep>freeimage</dep>
+ <dep>ftgl</dep>
+ <dep>freetype</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PatchForOpenCascade">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qwt">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OmniORB">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Med">
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cgnslib">
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ParaView">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>cmake</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>gl2ps</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="numpy">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Graphviz">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>expat</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Doxygen">
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="docutils">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libxml2">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="netgen">
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libBatch">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>cmake</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACSGEN">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="JOBMANAGER">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="xdata">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOME">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>HXX2SALOMEDOC</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMGEN">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMSOLV">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>ATOMGEN</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMIC">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ </dependencies>
--- /dev/null
+ <config version="7.2.0"
+ caption="SALOME v%1"
+ copyright="<h5>Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE<br><br>Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE,<br>EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, CEDRAT, EDF R&D,<br>LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS</h5>"
+ license="<h5>GNU LGPL</h5>"
+ platforms="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ targetdir="${HOME}/salome_7.2.0"
+ tempdir="/tmp"
+ optionallibs="libcppunit,libblsurf"/>
+ <buttons>
+ <button label="Launch SALOME"
+ tooltip="Click this button to launch SALOME"
+ script="start_salome.sh"
+ disable="false"/>
+ <button label="Release Notes"
+ tooltip="Click this button to read release notes"
+ script="release_notes.sh"
+ disable="false"/>
+ </buttons>
+ <products>
+ <product name="KERNEL"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform KERNEL module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="39376,13516,135020"
+ pickupenv="true"
+ script="KERNEL.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GUI"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GUI module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="16852,17076,102216"
+ script="GUI.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GEOM"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GEOM module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="32484,27092,157884"
+ script="GEOM.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MED"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform MED module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="132980,94224,423000"
+ script="MED.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SMESH"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform SMESH module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="35052,22268,155620"
+ script="SMESH.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="VISU"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform VISU module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="28204,13148,128936"
+ script="VISU.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PARAVIS"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform PARAVIS module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="161032,1396,599320"
+ script="PARAVIS.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HEXABLOCK"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform HEXABLOCK module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="35052,22268,155620"
+ script="HEXABLOCK.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HEXABLOCKPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform HEXABLOCK meshing algorithm plugin">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5772,54320,64924"
+ script="HEXABLOCKPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="NETGENPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform NETGEN meshing algorithm plugin">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="5772,54320,64924"
+ script="NETGENPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GHS3D meshing algorithm plugin. For use this plugin you should add the path to ghs3d to your PATH environment variable.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="816,2360,9188"
+ script="GHS3DPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="792,2560,9636"
+ script="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA sources">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="1356,2756,12000"
+ script="BLSURFPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HexoticPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="584,2332,8420"
+ script="HexoticPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="COMPONENT"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform COMPONENT module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2960,3100,18892"
+ script="COMPONENT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYCALCULATOR"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform PYCALCULATOR module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="true"
+ installdiskspace="220,2060,5764"
+ script="PYCALCULATOR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="CALCULATOR"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform CALCULATOR module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1012,2320,8644"
+ script="CALCULATOR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HELLO"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example SALOME C++ module: Hello.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="540,2096,6656"
+ script="HELLO.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYHELLO"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example SALOME Python module: Hello.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="408,1968,5468"
+ script="PYHELLO.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMGEN"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example from Salome tutorial.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="408,1968,5468"
+ script="ATOMGEN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMSOLV"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example from Salome tutorial.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="408,1968,5468"
+ script="ATOMSOLV.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMIC"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example from Salome tutorial.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="408,1968,5468"
+ script="ATOMIC.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="LIGHT"
+ type="component"
+ description="LIGHT (no-CORBA-engine) SALOME module example">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="248,2080,6364"
+ script="LIGHT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYLIGHT"
+ type="component"
+ description="LIGHT Python (no-CORBA-engine) SALOME module example">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="112,1796,4772"
+ script="PYLIGHT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="RANDOMIZER"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="196,1808,5060"
+ script="RANDOMIZER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SIERPINSKY"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="480,2316,7680"
+ script="SIERPINSKY.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="FILTER"
+ type="component"
+ description="Med Memory package">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="true"
+ installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
+ script="FILTER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACS"
+ type="component"
+ description="Tool to supervise execution of complex interconnected scientific applications">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="49528,27596,226440"
+ script="YACS.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACSGEN"
+ type="component"
+ description="Component and module generator for SALOME">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="356,668,1200"
+ script="YACSGEN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="JOBMANAGER"
+ type="component"
+ description="Component and module generator for SALOME">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1880,512,15476"
+ script="JOBMANAGER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SAMPLES"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME samples files">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="115800,115800,115800"
+ script="SAMPLES.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="TUTORIAL"
+ type="component"
+ description="Introduction to the developing of an application based on SALOME platform">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="115800,115800,115800"
+ script="TUTORIAL.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HOMARD"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform HOMARD module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="115800,115800,115800"
+ script="HOMARD.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="xdata"
+ type="component"
+ description="Python module for types declaration in python classes">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="0.9.9"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5615,51450,17231"
+ script="xdata.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOME"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME module generator">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1332,3160,11504"
+ script="HXX2SALOME.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOMEDOC"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME module generator documentation">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="0,2308,2308"
+ script="HXX2SALOMEDOC.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="DOCUMENTATION"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME documentation">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="0,814464,0"
+ script="DOCUMENTATION.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="tcltk"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Tcl/Tk library">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="8.6.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="10765,28789,50385"
+ script="tcltk.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Python"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Python language interpreter">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="2.7.3"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="75364,64576,169376"
+ script="Python.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Multiplatform C++ GUI application framework">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="4.8.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="323108,488984,1522808"
+ script="qt.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sip"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="C++ to Python bindings generation tool">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="4.14.2"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="308,1450,2476"
+ script="sip.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PyQt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Python bindings for Qt library">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="4.9.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="14884,28844,120520"
+ script="PyQt.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="QScintilla"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Auxiliary tool for source code editing and debugging">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="2.7"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="3228,15692,24220"
+ script="qscintilla.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="boost"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Free peer-reviewed portable STL extension">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="1.52.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="boost.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Swig"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="2.0.8"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="3923,11661,31647"
+ script="swig.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="freetype"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Font service engine">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="2.4.11"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="freetype.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ftgl"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Library for using arbitrary fonts in OpenGL applications">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="2.1.3"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="ftgl.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="freeimage"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Library for supporting different graphical formats PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="3.15.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="freeimage.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cmake"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="The cross-platform, open-source make system">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version=""
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="34168,23512,158888"
+ script="cmake.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="gl2ps"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Library for printing an OpenGL output to PostScript (and PDF, and SVG...).">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="1.3.8"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="gl2ps.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="tbb"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="30_018oss"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="tbb.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OpenCascade"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Open CASCADE Technology">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="6.5.5"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="34168,23512,158888"
+ script="OCCT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qwt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="2-D plotting extension for Qt library">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="5.2.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="9988,10828,23964"
+ script="qwt.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OmniORB"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Open source Object Request Broker (ORB) library that implements the 2.3 specification of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="4.1.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="34712,20420,167564"
+ script="omniORB.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Hdf5"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Hierarchical Data Format library">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="1.8.10"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="9264,63776,115928"
+ script="hdf5.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cgnslib"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Provides a standard for recording and recovering computer data associated with the numerical solution of the equations of fluid dynamics.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="3.1.3-4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="11524,11468,45860"
+ script="cgnslib.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Med"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="MED format interface library">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="3.0.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="11524,11468,45860"
+ script="med.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Metis"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Software package for partitioning unstructured graphs, partitioning meshes, and computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="4.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2856,2184,7064"
+ script="metis.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Scotch"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Software package and library devoted to static mapping, partitioning and sparce matrix block ordering og graph and meshes">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="5.1.11"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="4296,5644,14388"
+ script="scotch.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ParaView"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Scalable, open-source visualization application">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="3.98.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="245476,193252,1157792"
+ script="ParaView.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="numpy"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Fundamental package for scientific computing with Python">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="1.6.2"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="22100,51768,143392"
+ script="numpy.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libBatch"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Generic batch management library">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="2.0.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1552,1148,7192"
+ script="libBatch.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="expat"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="C library for parsing XML">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="2.0.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="880,2480,5412"
+ script="expat.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Graphviz"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Graph Drawing Programs set">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="2.30.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="11592,59320,114428"
+ script="graphviz.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Doxygen"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL, etc.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version=""
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5812,18536,52656"
+ script="doxygen.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="docutils"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Utilites for processing plaintext documentation">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="0.10"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="3528,6112,11560"
+ script="docutils.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sphinx"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Tool for creation of documentation for Python projects">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="1.1.3"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2163,3342,6310"
+ script="Sphinx.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="netgen"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Quadrangle meshing algorithmic tool">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="4.9.13"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5615,51450,17231"
+ script="netgen.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="DISTENE"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="DISTENE meshing tools. Package includes MeshGems suite v1.0 and Hexotic v1.0.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="1.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="10076,0,10076"
+ script="DISTENE.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="homard"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="HOMARD meshing tools">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="10.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="10076,0,10076"
+ script="homard.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libxml2"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="XML C parser">
+ <installation os="Fedora 17 64bit"
+ version="2.9.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="14740,43504,81544"
+ script="libxml2.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ </products>
+ <dependencies>
+ <product name="KERNEL">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>numpy</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>libBatch</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GUI">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GEOM">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MED">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Metis</dep>
+ <dep>Scotch</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SMESH">
+ <dep>cgnslib</dep>
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HEXABLOCK">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HOMARD">
+ <dep>homard</dep>
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="VISU">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PARAVIS">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HEXABLOCKPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ <dep>HEXABLOCK</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="NETGENPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>netgen</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>DISTENE</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>DISTENE</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>DISTENE</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HexoticPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>DISTENE</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ <dep>BLSURFPLUGIN</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="COMPONENT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYCALCULATOR">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="CALCULATOR">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HELLO">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYHELLO">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="LIGHT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYLIGHT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="RANDOMIZER">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SIERPINSKY">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>VISU</dep>
+ <dep>RANDOMIZER</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="FILTER">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACS">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>QScintilla</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Python">
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sip">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PyQt">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="QScintilla">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sphinx">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="boost">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Swig">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ftgl">
+ <dep>freetype</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="gl2ps">
+ <dep>cmake</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OpenCascade">
+ <dep>tbb</dep>
+ <dep>gl2ps</dep>
+ <dep>freeimage</dep>
+ <dep>ftgl</dep>
+ <dep>freetype</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PatchForOpenCascade">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qwt">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OmniORB">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Med">
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cgnslib">
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ParaView">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>cmake</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>gl2ps</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="numpy">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Graphviz">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>expat</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Doxygen">
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="docutils">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libxml2">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="netgen">
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libBatch">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>cmake</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACSGEN">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="JOBMANAGER">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="xdata">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOME">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>HXX2SALOMEDOC</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMGEN">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMSOLV">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>ATOMGEN</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMIC">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ </dependencies>
--- /dev/null
+ <config version="7.2.0"
+ caption="SALOME v%1"
+ copyright="<h5>Copyright (C) 2007-2013 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE<br><br>Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE,<br>EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, CEDRAT, EDF R&D,<br>LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS</h5>"
+ license="<h5>GNU LGPL</h5>"
+ platforms="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ targetdir="${HOME}/salome_7.2.0"
+ tempdir="/tmp"
+ optionallibs="libcppunit,libblsurf"/>
+ <buttons>
+ <button label="Launch SALOME"
+ tooltip="Click this button to launch SALOME"
+ script="start_salome.sh"
+ disable="false"/>
+ <button label="Release Notes"
+ tooltip="Click this button to read release notes"
+ script="release_notes.sh"
+ disable="false"/>
+ </buttons>
+ <products>
+ <product name="KERNEL"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform KERNEL module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="39376,13516,135020"
+ pickupenv="true"
+ script="KERNEL.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GUI"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GUI module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="16852,17076,102216"
+ script="GUI.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GEOM"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GEOM module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="32484,27092,157884"
+ script="GEOM.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MED"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform MED module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="132980,94224,423000"
+ script="MED.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SMESH"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform SMESH module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="35052,22268,155620"
+ script="SMESH.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="VISU"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform VISU module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="28204,13148,128936"
+ script="VISU.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PARAVIS"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform PARAVIS module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="161032,1396,599320"
+ script="PARAVIS.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HEXABLOCK"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform HEXABLOCK module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="35052,22268,155620"
+ script="HEXABLOCK.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HEXABLOCKPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform HEXABLOCK meshing algorithm plugin">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5772,54320,64924"
+ script="HEXABLOCKPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="NETGENPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform NETGEN meshing algorithm plugin">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="5772,54320,64924"
+ script="NETGENPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GHS3D meshing algorithm plugin. For use this plugin you should add the path to ghs3d to your PATH environment variable.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="816,2360,9188"
+ script="GHS3DPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="792,2560,9636"
+ script="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA sources">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="1356,2756,12000"
+ script="BLSURFPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HexoticPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="584,2332,8420"
+ script="HexoticPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="COMPONENT"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform COMPONENT module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2960,3100,18892"
+ script="COMPONENT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYCALCULATOR"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform PYCALCULATOR module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="true"
+ installdiskspace="220,2060,5764"
+ script="PYCALCULATOR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="CALCULATOR"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform CALCULATOR module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1012,2320,8644"
+ script="CALCULATOR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HELLO"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example SALOME C++ module: Hello.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="540,2096,6656"
+ script="HELLO.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYHELLO"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example SALOME Python module: Hello.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="408,1968,5468"
+ script="PYHELLO.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMGEN"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example from Salome tutorial.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="408,1968,5468"
+ script="ATOMGEN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMSOLV"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example from Salome tutorial.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="408,1968,5468"
+ script="ATOMSOLV.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMIC"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example from Salome tutorial.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="408,1968,5468"
+ script="ATOMIC.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="LIGHT"
+ type="component"
+ description="LIGHT (no-CORBA-engine) SALOME module example">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="248,2080,6364"
+ script="LIGHT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYLIGHT"
+ type="component"
+ description="LIGHT Python (no-CORBA-engine) SALOME module example">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="112,1796,4772"
+ script="PYLIGHT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="RANDOMIZER"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="196,1808,5060"
+ script="RANDOMIZER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SIERPINSKY"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="480,2316,7680"
+ script="SIERPINSKY.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="FILTER"
+ type="component"
+ description="Med Memory package">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="true"
+ installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
+ script="FILTER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACS"
+ type="component"
+ description="Tool to supervise execution of complex interconnected scientific applications">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="49528,27596,226440"
+ script="YACS.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACSGEN"
+ type="component"
+ description="Component and module generator for SALOME">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="356,668,1200"
+ script="YACSGEN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="JOBMANAGER"
+ type="component"
+ description="Component and module generator for SALOME">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1880,512,15476"
+ script="JOBMANAGER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SAMPLES"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME samples files">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="115800,115800,115800"
+ script="SAMPLES.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="TUTORIAL"
+ type="component"
+ description="Introduction to the developing of an application based on SALOME platform">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="115800,115800,115800"
+ script="TUTORIAL.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HOMARD"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform HOMARD module">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="115800,115800,115800"
+ script="HOMARD.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="xdata"
+ type="component"
+ description="Python module for types declaration in python classes">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="0.9.9"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5615,51450,17231"
+ script="xdata.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOME"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME module generator">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1332,3160,11504"
+ script="HXX2SALOME.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOMEDOC"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME module generator documentation">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="0,2308,2308"
+ script="HXX2SALOMEDOC.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="DOCUMENTATION"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME documentation">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="7.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="0,814464,0"
+ script="DOCUMENTATION.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="tcltk"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Tcl/Tk library">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="8.6.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="10765,28789,50385"
+ script="tcltk.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Python"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Python language interpreter">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="2.7.3"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="75364,64576,169376"
+ script="Python.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Multiplatform C++ GUI application framework">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="4.8.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="323108,488984,1522808"
+ script="qt.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sip"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="C++ to Python bindings generation tool">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="4.14.2"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="308,1450,2476"
+ script="sip.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PyQt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Python bindings for Qt library">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="4.9.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="14884,28844,120520"
+ script="PyQt.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="QScintilla"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Auxiliary tool for source code editing and debugging">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="2.7"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="3228,15692,24220"
+ script="qscintilla.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="boost"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Free peer-reviewed portable STL extension">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="1.52.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="boost.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Swig"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="2.0.8"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="3923,11661,31647"
+ script="swig.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="freetype"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Font service engine">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="2.4.11"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="freetype.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ftgl"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Library for using arbitrary fonts in OpenGL applications">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="2.1.3"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="ftgl.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="freeimage"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Library for supporting different graphical formats PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="3.15.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="freeimage.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cmake"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="The cross-platform, open-source make system">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version=""
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="34168,23512,158888"
+ script="cmake.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="gl2ps"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Library for printing an OpenGL output to PostScript (and PDF, and SVG...).">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="1.3.8"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="gl2ps.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="tbb"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="30_018oss"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="86460,273932,478152"
+ script="tbb.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OpenCascade"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Open CASCADE Technology">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="6.5.5"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="34168,23512,158888"
+ script="OCCT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qwt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="2-D plotting extension for Qt library">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="5.2.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="9988,10828,23964"
+ script="qwt.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OmniORB"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Open source Object Request Broker (ORB) library that implements the 2.3 specification of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="4.1.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="34712,20420,167564"
+ script="omniORB.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Hdf5"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Hierarchical Data Format library">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="1.8.10"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="9264,63776,115928"
+ script="hdf5.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cgnslib"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Provides a standard for recording and recovering computer data associated with the numerical solution of the equations of fluid dynamics.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="3.1.3-4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="11524,11468,45860"
+ script="cgnslib.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Med"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="MED format interface library">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="3.0.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="11524,11468,45860"
+ script="med.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Metis"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Software package for partitioning unstructured graphs, partitioning meshes, and computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="4.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2856,2184,7064"
+ script="metis.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Scotch"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Software package and library devoted to static mapping, partitioning and sparce matrix block ordering og graph and meshes">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="5.1.11"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="4296,5644,14388"
+ script="scotch.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ParaView"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Scalable, open-source visualization application">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="3.98.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="245476,193252,1157792"
+ script="ParaView.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="numpy"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Fundamental package for scientific computing with Python">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="1.6.2"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="22100,51768,143392"
+ script="numpy.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libBatch"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Generic batch management library">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="2.0.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1552,1148,7192"
+ script="libBatch.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="expat"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="C library for parsing XML">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="2.0.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="880,2480,5412"
+ script="expat.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Graphviz"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Graph Drawing Programs set">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="2.30.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="11592,59320,114428"
+ script="graphviz.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Doxygen"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL, etc.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version=""
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5812,18536,52656"
+ script="doxygen.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="docutils"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Utilites for processing plaintext documentation">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="0.10"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="3528,6112,11560"
+ script="docutils.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sphinx"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Tool for creation of documentation for Python projects">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="1.1.3"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2163,3342,6310"
+ script="Sphinx.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="netgen"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Quadrangle meshing algorithmic tool">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="4.9.13"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5615,51450,17231"
+ script="netgen.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="DISTENE"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="DISTENE meshing tools. Package includes MeshGems suite v1.0 and Hexotic v1.0.">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="1.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="10076,0,10076"
+ script="DISTENE.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="homard"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="HOMARD meshing tools">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="10.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="10076,0,10076"
+ script="homard.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libxml2"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="XML C parser">
+ <installation os="Fedora 18 64bit"
+ version="2.9.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="14740,43504,81544"
+ script="libxml2.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ </products>
+ <dependencies>
+ <product name="KERNEL">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>numpy</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>libBatch</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GUI">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GEOM">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MED">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Metis</dep>
+ <dep>Scotch</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SMESH">
+ <dep>cgnslib</dep>
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HEXABLOCK">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HOMARD">
+ <dep>homard</dep>
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="VISU">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PARAVIS">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HEXABLOCKPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ <dep>HEXABLOCK</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="NETGENPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>netgen</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>DISTENE</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>DISTENE</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>DISTENE</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HexoticPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>DISTENE</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ <dep>BLSURFPLUGIN</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="COMPONENT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYCALCULATOR">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="CALCULATOR">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HELLO">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYHELLO">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="LIGHT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYLIGHT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="RANDOMIZER">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SIERPINSKY">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>VISU</dep>
+ <dep>RANDOMIZER</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="FILTER">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACS">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>QScintilla</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Python">
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sip">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PyQt">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="QScintilla">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sphinx">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="boost">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Swig">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ftgl">
+ <dep>freetype</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="gl2ps">
+ <dep>cmake</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OpenCascade">
+ <dep>tbb</dep>
+ <dep>gl2ps</dep>
+ <dep>freeimage</dep>
+ <dep>ftgl</dep>
+ <dep>freetype</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PatchForOpenCascade">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qwt">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OmniORB">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Med">
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cgnslib">
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ParaView">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>cmake</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>gl2ps</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="numpy">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Graphviz">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>expat</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Doxygen">
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="docutils">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libxml2">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="netgen">
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libBatch">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>cmake</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACSGEN">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="JOBMANAGER">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sphinx</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="xdata">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOME">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>HXX2SALOMEDOC</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMGEN">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMSOLV">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>ATOMGEN</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="ATOMIC">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>ParaView</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf5</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ </dependencies>