hello1Msg = "Hello to: you"
helloToAdd = ["hello.py", "args:add.py,1,2,3,outfile="+logFile]
helloToAddMsg = "Hello to: add.py, 1, 2, 3"
+ helloToList = ["hello.py", "args:['file1','file2'],1,2,3,[True,False],'ok',outfile="+logFile]
+ helloToListMsg = "Hello to: ['file1','file2'], 1, 2, 3, [True,False], 'ok'"
add0 = ["add.py", "args:outfile="+logFile]
add0Msg = "No args!"
add3 = ["add.py", "args:1,2,3,outfile="+logFile]
+ def testHelloToList(self):
+ self.session(self.helloToList)
+ self.assertLogFileContentsEqual(self.helloToListMsg)
+ #
def testLines0(self):
if not currentKey or callPython:
raise SalomeContextException("args list must follow corresponding script file in command line.")
elt = elt.replace(argsPrefix, '')
- scriptArgs[len(scriptArgs)-1].args = [os.path.expanduser(x) for x in elt.split(",")]
+ # Special process if some items of 'args:' list are themselves lists
+ # Note that an item can be a list, but not a list of lists...
+ # So we can have something like this:
+ # myscript.py args:['file1','file2'],val1,"done",[1,2,3],[True,False],"ok"
+ # With such a call, an elt variable contains the string representing ['file1','file2'],val1,"done",[1,2,3],[True,False],"ok" that is '[file1,file2],val1,done,[1,2,3],[True,False],ok'
+ # We have to split elt to obtain: ['[file1,file2]','val1','done','[1,2,3]','[True,False]','ok']
+ contains_list = re.findall('(\[[^\]]*\])', elt)
+ if contains_list:
+ extracted_args = []
+ x = elt.split(",")
+ # x is ['[file1', 'file2]', 'val1', 'done', '[1', '2', '3]', '[True', 'False]', 'ok']
+ list_begin_indices = [i for i in xrange(len(x)) if x[i].startswith('[')] # [0, 4, 7]
+ list_end_indices = [i for i in xrange(len(x)) if x[i].endswith(']')] # [1, 6, 8]
+ start = 0
+ for lbeg, lend in zip(list_begin_indices,list_end_indices): # [(0, 1), (4, 6), (7, 8)]
+ if lbeg > start:
+ extracted_args += x[start:lbeg]
+ pass
+ extracted_args += [','.join(x[lbeg:lend+1])]
+ start = lend+1
+ pass
+ if start < len(x):
+ extracted_args += x[start:len(x)]
+ pass
+ scriptArgs[len(scriptArgs)-1].args = extracted_args
+ pass
+ else: # a single split is enough
+ scriptArgs[len(scriptArgs)-1].args = [os.path.expanduser(x) for x in elt.split(",")]
+ pass
currentKey = None
callPython = False
afterArgs = True