#include "SALOME_ModuleCatalog.hh"
#include "Basics_Utils.hxx"
#include "Basics_DirUtils.hxx"
+#include "PythonCppUtils.hxx"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
+#include <queue>
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
logFilename += ".log" ;
command += " > " + logFilename + " 2>&1";
// launch container with a system call
}//end of critical of section
return command;
+//! Return a path to the directory with scripts templates
+ * \return the path pointed by SALOME_KERNEL_SCRIPTS_DIR environment variable, if it is defined,
+ * ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources/separator/kernel/ScriptsTemplate - otherwise
+ */
+std::string getScriptTemplateFilePath()
+ auto parseScriptTemplateFilePath = []() -> std::string
+ {
+ std::string scriptTemplateFilePath = SALOME_ContainerManager::GetenvThreadSafeAsString("SALOME_KERNEL_SCRIPTS_DIR");
+ if (!scriptTemplateFilePath.empty())
+ {
+ return scriptTemplateFilePath;
+ }
+ else {
+ return SALOME_ContainerManager::GetenvThreadSafeAsString("KERNEL_ROOT_DIR") +
+ "/share/salome/resources/kernel/ScriptsTemplate";
+ }
+ };
+ static const std::string scriptTemplateFilePath = parseScriptTemplateFilePath();
+ return scriptTemplateFilePath;
+//! Return a command line constructed based on Python scripts templates
+ * \param theScriptName the name of Python script template
+ * \param theScriptParameters the queue of parameter values
+ * \return the command line constructed according to the given parameters
+ */
+std::string GetCommandFromTemplate(const std::string& theScriptName,
+ std::queue<std::string>& theScriptParameters)
+ std::string command;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
+ PyObject* mod(PyImport_ImportModule(theScriptName.c_str()));
+ if (!mod)
+ {
+ PyObject* sys = PyImport_ImportModule("sys");
+ PyObject* sys_path = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "path");
+ PyObject* folder_path = PyUnicode_FromString(getScriptTemplateFilePath().c_str());
+ PyList_Append(sys_path, folder_path);
+ mod = PyImport_ImportModule(theScriptName.c_str());
+ Py_XDECREF(folder_path);
+ Py_XDECREF(sys_path);
+ Py_XDECREF(sys);
+ }
+ if (mod)
+ {
+ PyObject* meth(PyObject_GetAttrString(mod, "command"));
+ if (!meth)
+ {
+ Py_XDECREF(mod);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int id = -1;
+ PyObject* tuple(PyTuple_New(theScriptParameters.size()));
+ auto insert_parameter = [&tuple, &theScriptParameters, &id]()
+ {
+ if (!theScriptParameters.empty())
+ {
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, ++id, PyUnicode_FromString(theScriptParameters.front().c_str()));
+ theScriptParameters.pop();
+ }
+ };
+ while (!theScriptParameters.empty())
+ {
+ insert_parameter();
+ }
+ PyObject *args(PyTuple_New(1));
+ PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, tuple);
+ PyObject *res(PyObject_CallObject(meth, args));
+ if (res)
+ {
+ command = PyUnicode_AsUTF8(res);
+ Py_XDECREF(res);
+ }
+ Py_XDECREF(args);
+ Py_XDECREF(tuple);
+ Py_XDECREF(meth);
+ Py_XDECREF(mod);
+ }
+ }
+ PyGILState_Release(gstate);
+ MESSAGE("Command from template is ... " << command << std::endl);
+ return command;
* builds the command to be launched.
std::string SALOME_ContainerManager::BuildCommandToLaunchLocalContainer(const Engines::ContainerParameters& params, const std::string& machinesFile, const std::string& container_exe, std::string& tmpFileName) const
- tmpFileName = BuildTemporaryFileName();
- std::string command;
+ // Prepare name of the script to be used
+ std::string script_name = "SALOME_CM_LOCAL_NO_MPI";
+ if (params.isMPI)
+ {
+#ifdef LAM_MPI
+ script_name = "SALOME_CM_LOCAL_MPI_LAN";
+#elif defined(OPEN_MPI)
+ script_name = "SALOME_CM_LOCAL_MPI_OPENMPI";
+#elif defined(MPICH)
+ script_name = "SALOME_CM_LOCAL_MPI_MPICH";
+ }
+ // Prepare parameters to use in the Python script:
+ // 1. All parameters are strings.
+ // 2. For some booleans use "1" = True, "0" = False.
+ // 3. If a parameter is NULL, then its value is "NULL".
+ std::queue<std::string> script_parameters;
+ // ===== Number of processes (key = "nb_proc")
+ script_parameters.push(params.isMPI ? std::to_string(params.nb_proc <= 0 ? 1 : params.nb_proc) : "NULL");
+ // ===== Working directory (key = "workdir") and temporary directory flag (key = "isTmpDir")
+ // A working directory is requested
+ std::string workdir = params.workingdir.in();
+ std::string isTmpDir = std::to_string(0);
+ if (workdir == "$TEMPDIR")
+ {
+ // A new temporary directory is requested
+ isTmpDir = std::to_string(1);
+ workdir = Kernel_Utils::GetTmpDir();
+ }
+ script_parameters.push(workdir);
+ script_parameters.push(isTmpDir);
+ // ===== Server name (key = "name_server")
+ script_parameters.push(Kernel_Utils::GetHostname());
+ // ===== Container (key = "container")
+ std::string container;
+ if (params.isMPI)
+ {
+ container = isPythonContainer(params.container_name) ? "pyMPI SALOME_ContainerPy.py" : "SALOME_MPIContainer";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ container = isPythonContainer(params.container_name) ? "SALOME_ContainerPy.py" : container_exe;
+ }
+ script_parameters.push(container);
+ // ===== Container name (key = "container_name")
+ script_parameters.push(_NS->ContainerName(params));
+ // ===== LIBBATCH node file (key = "libbatch_nodefile")
+ script_parameters.push(std::to_string(GetenvThreadSafe("LIBBATCH_NODEFILE") != NULL ? 1 : 0));
+ // ===== Machine file (key = "machine_file")
+ script_parameters.push(machinesFile.empty() ? "NULL" : machinesFile);
+ // ===== OMPI uri file (key = "ompi_uri_file")
+ std::string ompi_uri_file = GetenvThreadSafeAsString("OMPI_URI_FILE");
+ script_parameters.push(ompi_uri_file.empty() ? "NULL" : ompi_uri_file);
+ std::string command_from_template = GetCommandFromTemplate(script_name, script_parameters);
std::ostringstream o;
+ o << command_from_template << " ";
+ /* //============================================================================
if (params.isMPI)
int nbproc = params.nb_proc <= 0 ? 1 : params.nb_proc;
o << _NS->ContainerName(params) << " ";
+ //==================================================================================== */
if( this->_isSSL )
+ tmpFileName = BuildTemporaryFileName();
std::ofstream command_file( tmpFileName.c_str() );
command_file << o.str();
#ifndef WIN32
chmod(tmpFileName.c_str(), 0x1ED);
- command = tmpFileName;
+ std::string command = tmpFileName;
MESSAGE("Command is file ... " << command);
MESSAGE("Command is ... " << o.str());
return command;
const std::string & workdir) const
std::ostringstream command;
+ // Prepare parameters to use in the Python script:
+ // 1. All parameters are strings.
+ // 2. For some booleans use "1" = True, "0" = False.
+ // 3. If a parameter is NULL, then its value is "NULL".
+ std::queue<std::string> script_parameters;
+ // ===== Protocol (key = "protocol")
+ std::string strProtocol;
+ switch (protocol)
+ {
+ case rsh: strProtocol = "rsh"; break;
+ case ssh: strProtocol = "ssh"; break;
+ case srun: strProtocol = "srun"; break;
+ case pbsdsh: strProtocol = "pbsdsh"; break;
+ case blaunch: strProtocol = "blaunch"; break;
+ default:
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Unknown protocol");
+ }
+ script_parameters.push(strProtocol);
+ // ===== User name (key = "user")
+ script_parameters.push(username.empty() ? "NULL" : username);
+ // ===== Host name (key = "host")
+ script_parameters.push(hostname.empty() ? "NULL" : hostname);
+ // ===== Remote APPLI path (key = "appli")
+ script_parameters.push(applipath.empty() ? GetenvThreadSafeAsString("APPLI") : applipath);
+ if(!this->_isSSL)
+ {
+ ASSERT(GetenvThreadSafe("NSHOST"));
+ ASSERT(GetenvThreadSafe("NSPORT"));
+ }
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ std::string appli_mode = (stat(GetenvThreadSafe("APPLI"), &statbuf) == 0 && S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) ? "launcher" : "dir";
+ // ===== Working directory (key = "workdir")
+ script_parameters.push(workdir == "$TEMPDIR" ? "\\$TEMPDIR" : workdir);
+ // ===== SSL (key = "ssl")
+ script_parameters.push(this->_isSSL ? "1" : "0");
+ // ===== Hostname of CORBA name server (key = "nshost")
+ std::string nshost = GetenvThreadSafeAsString("NSHOST");
+ script_parameters.push(nshost.empty() ? "NULL" : nshost);
+ // ===== Port of CORBA name server (key = "nsport")
+ std::string nsport = GetenvThreadSafeAsString("NSPORT");
+ script_parameters.push(nsport.empty() ? "NULL" : nsport);
+ // ===== Remote script (key = "remote_script")
+ std::string remoteScript = this->GetRunRemoteExecutableScript();
+ script_parameters.push(remoteScript.empty() ? "NONE" : remoteScript);
+ // ===== Naming service (key = "naming_service")
+ std::string namingService = "NONE";
+ if(this->_isSSL)
+ {
+ Engines::EmbeddedNamingService_var ns = GetEmbeddedNamingService();
+ CORBA::String_var iorNS = _orb->object_to_string(ns);
+ namingService = iorNS;
+ }
+ script_parameters.push(namingService);
+ // ===== APPLI mode (key = "appli_mode")
+ // $APPLI points either to an application directory, or to a salome launcher file
+ // we prepare the remote command according to the case
+ script_parameters.push(appli_mode);
+ command << GetCommandFromTemplate("SALOME_CM_REMOTE", script_parameters);
+ /* //====================================================================================
bool envd = true; // source the environment
switch (protocol)
command << "'";
+ //==================================================================================== */
return command.str();
--- /dev/null
+import sys
+class ScriptRemoteParameters:
+ def __init__(self, args):
+ self.debug = False
+ if args[0] == "-d":
+ self.debug = True
+ args = args[1:]
+ self.protocol = args[0]
+ self.user = self._read_arg(args[1], "NULL")
+ self.host = self._read_arg(args[2], "NULL")
+ self.appli = self._read_arg(args[3], "NULL")
+ self.workdir = self._read_arg(args[4], "NULL")
+ self.ssl = True if args[5] == "1" else False
+ self.nshost = args[6]
+ self.nsport = args[7]
+ self.remote_script = self._read_arg(args[8], "NULL")
+ self.naming_service = self._read_arg(args[9], "NULL")
+ self.appli_mode = args[10]
+ import platform
+ self.Windows = platform.system() == "Windows"
+ def _read_arg(self, value, null_value):
+ if value == null_value:
+ return None
+ return value
+ def __str__(self):
+ str = []
+ str.append("protocol: %s" % self.protocol)
+ str.append("user: %s" % self.user)
+ str.append("hostname: %s" % self.host)
+ str.append("appli: %s" % self.appli)
+ str.append("workdir: %s" % self.workdir)
+ str.append("ssl: %s" % self.ssl)
+ str.append("nshost: %s" % self.nshost)
+ str.append("nsport: %s" % self.nsport)
+ str.append("remote_script: %s" % self.remote_script)
+ str.append("naming_service: %s" % self.naming_service)
+ str.append("appil_mode: %s" % self.appli_mode)
+ str.append("--")
+ return "\n".join(str)
+# ----------------------------------------------
+def command(args):
+ options = ScriptRemoteParameters(args)
+ if options.debug: print(options)
+ # build command depending on protocol
+ cmd = []
+ envd = (options.protocol != "srun")
+ if options.protocol == "rsh":
+ # RSH command
+ cmd.append("rsh")
+ if options.user:
+ cmd.append("-l " + options.user)
+ cmd.append(options.host)
+ elif options.protocol == "ssh":
+ # SSH command
+ cmd.append("ssh")
+ if options.user:
+ cmd.append("-l " + options.user)
+ cmd.append(options.host)
+ elif options.protocol == "srun":
+ # srun command
+ cmd.append("srun")
+ cmd.append("-n 1 -N 1 -s --mem-per-cpu=0 --cpu-bind=none")
+ cmd.append("--nodelist=" + options.host)
+ elif options.protocol == "pbsdsh":
+ # pbsdh command
+ cmd.append("pbsdsh")
+ cmd.append("-o -h")
+ cmd.append(options.host)
+ elif options.protocol == "blaunch":
+ # blaunch command
+ cmd.append("blaunch")
+ cmd.append("-no-shell")
+ cmd.append(options.host)
+ else:
+ # unknown protocol
+ raise ValueError("Unknown protocol: %s" % options.protocol)
+ if options.appli_mode == "dir":
+ cmd.append(options.appli + "/" + options.remote_script)
+ if not envd:
+ cmd.append("--noenvd")
+ if options.ssl:
+ cmd.append(options.naming_service)
+ else:
+ cmd.append(options.nshost)
+ cmd.append(options.nsport)
+ if options.workdir:
+ cmd.append(" WORKINGDIR '%s'" % options.workdir)
+ elif options.appli_mode == "launcher":
+ cmd.append(options.appli + " remote")
+ if not options.ssl:
+ cmd.append("-m %s -p %s" % (options.nshost, options.nsport))
+ if options.workdir:
+ cmd.append("-d " + options.workdir)
+ cmd.append("--")
+ # elif ignore other appli_mode value
+ return " ".join(cmd)
\ No newline at end of file