dictCodeFormat = {
- 'Code_Saturne' : ('med', 'cgns', 'msh', 'des', 'unv ', 'Use converter'),
+ 'Code_Saturne' : ('Med', 'cgns', 'msh', 'des', 'unv ', 'Use converter'),
'Culgi Package': ('cof',),
'DEM_SD' : ('geo', 'ascii'),
'DFTB+' : ('geo', 'ascii'),
def prepareBlocSystemType(systemType) :
condition = "SystemType == '" + systemType + "'"
Identifier = SIMP(statut='o', typ=(modeleNumDuCompo,'createObject'),)
- ModelType = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', into = ('Particles', 'Fields'),position='globale')
+ ModelType = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', into = ('Particles', 'Fields'),position='global')
for typeMod in ('Particles', 'Fields'):
conditionType = "ModelType == '" + typeMod + "'"
Interactions = PROC(nom='Interactions',
- InteractionComposant = FACT( max = '**',
+ Interaction = FACT( max = '**',
origine = SIMP(typ=modeleNumDuCompo, statut='o'),
destination = SIMP(typ=modeleNumDuCompo, statut='o'),
# PN a derouler avec une fonction
condition = 'getEficasAttribut(origine,"ModelType") == "Particles" and getEficasAttribut(destination,"ModelType") == "Fields"' ,
termeLE = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into = dictTermeLE['Particles','Fields'],fenetreIhm='menuDeroulant'),
+ transferType = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into =['File', 'Memory', 'CorbaObject']),
monBloc_Saturne_Fluent = BLOC (
- condition = 'getEficasAttribut(origine,"Solver") == "Code_Saturne" and getEficasAttribut(destination,"Solver") == "Fluent"' ,
+ condition = 'transferType == "File" and getEficasAttribut(origine,"Solver") == "Code_Saturne" and getEficasAttribut(destination,"Solver") == "Fluent"' ,
Format = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into = calculCommun( "Code_Saturne", "Fluent",dictCodeFormat) ),
monBloc_Saturne_OpenFoam = BLOC (
- condition = 'getEficasAttribut(origine,"Solver") == "Code_Saturne" and getEficasAttribut(destination,"Solver") == "OpenFOAM"' ,
+ condition = 'transferType == "File" and getEficasAttribut(origine,"Solver") == "Code_Saturne" and getEficasAttribut(destination,"Solver") == "OpenFOAM"' ,
Format = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into = calculCommun( "Code_Saturne", "OpenFOAM",dictCodeFormat) ),
monBloc_conversion = BLOC (condition = 'Format == "Use converter"',
converter = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into = dictCodeConvertisseur['Saturne', 'OpenFOAM']),