#include <algorithm>
+typedef NCollection_IndexedDataMap<TopoDS_Face, TColStd_ListOfInteger> MapFaceToEdgeIndices;
+/// Convert each edge of sketch to corresponding integer value
+/// \param[in] theComposite sketch feature
+/// \param[out] theCurvesIndices map curve to its index
+/// \param[out] theEdgesIndices indexed edge
+/// \param[out] theEdgesNames indexed name for edge
+static void indexingSketchEdges(
+ const CompositeFeaturePtr& theComposite,
+ NCollection_DataMap<Handle(Geom_Curve), int>& theCurvesIndices,
+ NCollection_DataMap<int, TopoDS_Edge>& theEdgesIndices,
+ std::map<int, std::string>& theEdgesNames);
+/// Convert each face to the list of indices of its edges
+/// \param[in] theFaces list of faces to proceed
+/// \param[in] theCurvesIndices index of each curve
+/// \param[out] theFaceEdges map face to indices of its edges
+static void faceToEdgeIndices(
+ const ListOfShape& theFaces,
+ const NCollection_DataMap<Handle(Geom_Curve), int>& theCurvesIndices,
+ MapFaceToEdgeIndices& theFaceEdges);
+/// Assign faces to tags for the specified label
+/// \param theDocument current document
+/// \param theShapeLabel label to store shapes
+/// \param theName name of the object
+/// \param theShape shape to be stored to the label
+/// \param theFacesOrder faces to be assigned to specified tag
+/// \param theUnorderedFaces faces which may be stored to any tag
+/// \param theFaceEdges indices of edges for each face
+/// \param theEdgesIndices indices of edges
+/// \param theEdgesNames named of edges
+static void storeFacesOnLabel(std::shared_ptr<Model_Document>& theDocument,
+ TDF_Label& theShapeLabel,
+ const std::string& theName,
+ const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
+ NCollection_DataMap<int, TopoDS_Face>& theFacesOrder,
+ NCollection_List<TopoDS_Face>& theUnorderedFaces,
+ const MapFaceToEdgeIndices& theFaceEdges,
+ const NCollection_DataMap<int, TopoDS_Edge>& theEdgesIndices,
+ const std::map<int, std::string>& theEdgesNames);
// identifier of the infinite result
Standard_GUID kIS_INFINITE("dea8cc5a-53f2-49c1-94e8-a947bed20a9f");
NCollection_DataMap<Handle(Geom_Curve), int> aCurvesIndices;
NCollection_DataMap<int, TopoDS_Edge> anEdgeIndices;
std::map<int, std::string> aComponentsNames; // names of components that lay on index
- const int aSubNum = aComposite->numberOfSubs();
- for (int a = 0; a < aSubNum; a++) {
- FeaturePtr aSub = aComposite->subFeature(a);
- const std::list<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Result> >& aResults = aSub->results();
- std::list<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Result> >::const_iterator aRes = aResults.cbegin();
- for (; aRes != aResults.cend(); aRes++) {
- ResultConstructionPtr aConstr =
- std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultConstruction>(*aRes);
- if (aConstr->shape() && aConstr->shape()->isEdge()) {
- TopoDS_Edge anEdge = TopoDS::Edge(aConstr->shape()->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
- Standard_Real aFirst, aLast;
- Handle(Geom_Curve) aCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(anEdge, aFirst, aLast);
- aCurvesIndices.Bind(aCurve, a);
- anEdgeIndices.Bind(a, anEdge);
- aComponentsNames[a] = shortName(aConstr);
- }
- }
- }
+ indexingSketchEdges(aComposite, aCurvesIndices, anEdgeIndices, aComponentsNames);
GeomAlgoAPI_SketchBuilder aSketchBuilder(aWirePtr->origin(), aWirePtr->dirX(),
aWirePtr->norm(), aWirePtr);
const ListOfShape& aFaces = aSketchBuilder.faces();
// order is important to store faces in the same order if sketch is created from scratch
- NCollection_IndexedDataMap<TopoDS_Face, TColStd_ListOfInteger> aNewIndices; // edges indices
- std::list<std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> >::const_iterator aFIter = aFaces.begin();
- for (; aFIter != aFaces.end(); aFIter++) {
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Face> aFace(new GeomAPI_Face(*aFIter));
- // put them to a label, trying to keep the same faces on the same labels
- if (aFace.get() && !aFace->isNull()) {
- TopoDS_Face aTopoFace = TopoDS::Face(aFace->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
- aNewIndices.Add(aTopoFace, TColStd_ListOfInteger());
- // keep new indices of sub-elements used in this face
- for (TopExp_Explorer anEdges(aTopoFace, TopAbs_EDGE); anEdges.More(); anEdges.Next()) {
- TopoDS_Edge anEdge = TopoDS::Edge(anEdges.Current());
- Standard_Real aFirst, aLast;
- Handle(Geom_Curve) aCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(anEdge, aFirst, aLast);
- if (aCurvesIndices.IsBound(aCurve)) {
- int anIndex = aCurvesIndices.Find(aCurve);
- if ((aFirst > aLast) != (anEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED))
- anIndex = -anIndex;
- aNewIndices.ChangeFromKey(aTopoFace).Append(anIndex);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ MapFaceToEdgeIndices aNewIndices; // edges indices
+ faceToEdgeIndices(aFaces, aCurvesIndices, aNewIndices);
NCollection_DataMap<int, TopoDS_Face> aFacesOrder; // faces -> tag where they must be set
NCollection_List<TopoDS_Face> anUnorderedFaces; // faces that may be located at any index
// searching for the best new candidate to old location
- NCollection_IndexedDataMap<TopoDS_Face, TColStd_ListOfInteger>::Iterator
- aNewIter(aNewIndices);
+ MapFaceToEdgeIndices::Iterator aNewIter(aNewIndices);
for (; aNewIter.More(); aNewIter.Next()) {
double aBestFound = 0, aBestNotFound = 1.e+100;
int aBestTag = 0;
- aShapeLab.ForgetAllAttributes(); // clear all previously stored
- TDataStd_Name::Set(aShapeLab, aMyName.c_str()); // restore name forgotten
- TNaming_Builder aBuilder(aShapeLab); // store the compound to get it ready on open of document
- aBuilder.Generated(aShape);
- aMyDoc->addNamingName(aShapeLab, aMyName);
- // set new faces to the labels
- int aCurrentTag = 1;
- NCollection_List<TopoDS_Face>::Iterator anUnordered(anUnorderedFaces);
- for(int aCurrentTag = 1; !aFacesOrder.IsEmpty() || anUnordered.More(); aCurrentTag++) {
- TopoDS_Face aFaceToPut;
- if (aFacesOrder.IsBound(aCurrentTag)) {
- aFaceToPut = aFacesOrder.Find(aCurrentTag);
- aFacesOrder.UnBind(aCurrentTag);
- } else if (anUnordered.More()){
- aFaceToPut = anUnordered.Value();
- anUnordered.Next();
- }
+ storeFacesOnLabel(aMyDoc, aShapeLab, aMyName, aShape, aFacesOrder, anUnorderedFaces,
+ aNewIndices, anEdgeIndices, aComponentsNames);
+ }
+ }
- if (!aFaceToPut.IsNull()) {
- TopTools_MapOfShape aFaceEdges;
- for(TopExp_Explorer anEdges(aFaceToPut, TopAbs_EDGE); anEdges.More(); anEdges.Next()) {
- aFaceEdges.Add(anEdges.Current());
- }
+void Model_ResultConstruction::setFacesOrder(const std::list<GeomFacePtr>& theFaces)
+ std::shared_ptr<Model_Data> aData = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Model_Data>(data());
+ if (aData && aData->isValid()) {
+ std::string aMyName = data()->name();
+ TDF_Label aShapeLab = aData->shapeLab();
+ GeomShapePtr aResShape = shape();
+ if (!aResShape.get() || aResShape->isNull()) {
+ // do nothing
+ return;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<Model_Document> aMyDoc =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Model_Document>(document());
+ const TopoDS_Shape& aShape = aResShape->impl<TopoDS_Shape>();
+ if (aShape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX &&
+ aShape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE) {
+ ResultPtr aThisPtr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_Result>(data()->owner());
+ FeaturePtr aThisFeature = aMyDoc->feature(aThisPtr);
+ CompositeFeaturePtr aComposite =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_CompositeFeature>(aThisFeature);
+ if (!aComposite || aComposite->numberOfSubs() == 0)
+ return; // unknown case
+ // collect indices of curves of current composite
+ NCollection_DataMap<Handle(Geom_Curve), int> aCurvesIndices;
+ NCollection_DataMap<int, TopoDS_Edge> anEdgeIndices;
+ std::map<int, std::string> aComponentsNames; // names of components that lay on index
+ indexingSketchEdges(aComposite, aCurvesIndices, anEdgeIndices, aComponentsNames);
- TDF_Label aLab = aShapeLab.FindChild(aCurrentTag);
- TNaming_Builder aFaceBuilder(aLab);
- aFaceBuilder.Generated(aFaceToPut);
- // store also indices of the new face edges
- Handle(TDataStd_IntPackedMap) aNewMap = TDataStd_IntPackedMap::Set(aLab);
- const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aNewInd = aNewIndices.FindFromKey(aFaceToPut);
- std::stringstream aName;
- aName<<"Face";
- TopExp_Explorer aPutEdges(aFaceToPut, TopAbs_EDGE);
- TNaming_Builder *anEdgesBuilder = 0, *aVerticesBuilder = 0;
- for(TColStd_ListOfInteger::Iterator anIter(aNewInd); anIter.More(); anIter.Next()) {
- int anIndex = anIter.Value();
- int aModIndex = anIndex > 0 ? anIndex : -anIndex;
- aNewMap->Add(anIndex);
- aName<<"-"<<aComponentsNames[aModIndex];
- if (anIter.Value() > 0)
- aName<<"f";
- else
- aName<<"r";
- // collect all edges of the face which are modified in sub-label of the face
- if (anEdgeIndices.IsBound(aModIndex) &&
- !aFaceEdges.Contains(anEdgeIndices.Find(aModIndex))) {
- if (!anEdgesBuilder) {
- TDF_Label anEdgesLabel = aLab.FindChild(1);
- anEdgesBuilder = new TNaming_Builder(anEdgesLabel);
- std::ostringstream aSubName;
- // tag is needed for Test1922 to distinguish sub-edges of different faces
- aSubName<<"SubEdge_"<<aCurrentTag;
- TDataStd_Name::Set(anEdgesLabel, aSubName.str().c_str());
- }
- anEdgesBuilder->Modify(anEdgeIndices.Find(aModIndex), aPutEdges.Current());
- }
- // put also modified vertices, otherwise vertex of original edge has no history
- if (anEdgeIndices.IsBound(aModIndex)) {
- TopExp_Explorer aVExpOld(anEdgeIndices.Find(aModIndex), TopAbs_VERTEX);
- TopExp_Explorer aVExpNew(aPutEdges.Current(), TopAbs_VERTEX);
- for(; aVExpNew.More() && aVExpOld.More(); aVExpNew.Next(), aVExpOld.Next()) {
- if (!aVExpOld.Current().IsSame(aVExpNew.Current())) {
- if (!aVerticesBuilder) {
- TDF_Label aVertLabel = aLab.FindChild(2);
- aVerticesBuilder = new TNaming_Builder(aVertLabel);
- std::ostringstream aSubName;
- // tag is needed for Test1922 to distinguish sub-edges of different faces
- aSubName<<"SubVertex_"<<aCurrentTag;
- TDataStd_Name::Set(aVertLabel, aSubName.str().c_str());
- }
- aVerticesBuilder->Modify(aVExpOld.Current(), aVExpNew.Current());
- }
- }
+ ListOfShape aFaces;
+ NCollection_DataMap<int, TopoDS_Face> aFacesOrder; // faces -> tag where they must be set
+ NCollection_List<TopoDS_Face> anUnorderedFaces; // unordered faces are empty in this case
+ int aTagId = 0;
+ for (std::list<GeomFacePtr>::const_iterator aFIt = theFaces.begin();
+ aFIt != theFaces.end(); ++aFIt) {
+ aFaces.push_back(*aFIt);
+ aFacesOrder.Bind(++aTagId, (*aFIt)->impl<TopoDS_Face>());
+ }
+ MapFaceToEdgeIndices aNewIndices; // edges indices
+ faceToEdgeIndices(aFaces, aCurvesIndices, aNewIndices);
+ storeFacesOnLabel(aMyDoc, aShapeLab, aMyName, aShape, aFacesOrder, anUnorderedFaces,
+ aNewIndices, anEdgeIndices, aComponentsNames);
+ }
+ }
+// ========================== Auxiliary functions =========================================
+void storeFacesOnLabel(std::shared_ptr<Model_Document>& theDocument,
+ TDF_Label& theShapeLabel,
+ const std::string& theName,
+ const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
+ NCollection_DataMap<int, TopoDS_Face>& theFacesOrder,
+ NCollection_List<TopoDS_Face>& theUnorderedFaces,
+ const MapFaceToEdgeIndices& theFaceEdges,
+ const NCollection_DataMap<int, TopoDS_Edge>& theEdgesIndices,
+ const std::map<int, std::string>& theEdgesNames)
+ theShapeLabel.ForgetAllAttributes(); // clear all previously stored
+ TDataStd_Name::Set(theShapeLabel, theName.c_str()); // restore name forgotten
+ TNaming_Builder aBuilder(theShapeLabel); // store the compound to get it ready on open of document
+ aBuilder.Generated(theShape);
+ theDocument->addNamingName(theShapeLabel, theName);
+ // set new faces to the labels
+ int aCurrentTag = 1;
+ NCollection_List<TopoDS_Face>::Iterator anUnordered(theUnorderedFaces);
+ for (int aCurrentTag = 1; !theFacesOrder.IsEmpty() || anUnordered.More(); aCurrentTag++) {
+ TopoDS_Face aFaceToPut;
+ if (theFacesOrder.IsBound(aCurrentTag)) {
+ aFaceToPut = theFacesOrder.Find(aCurrentTag);
+ theFacesOrder.UnBind(aCurrentTag);
+ }
+ else if (anUnordered.More()) {
+ aFaceToPut = anUnordered.Value();
+ anUnordered.Next();
+ }
+ if (aFaceToPut.IsNull())
+ continue;
+ TopTools_MapOfShape aFaceEdges;
+ for (TopExp_Explorer anEdges(aFaceToPut, TopAbs_EDGE); anEdges.More(); anEdges.Next())
+ aFaceEdges.Add(anEdges.Current());
+ TDF_Label aLab = theShapeLabel.FindChild(aCurrentTag);
+ TNaming_Builder aFaceBuilder(aLab);
+ aFaceBuilder.Generated(aFaceToPut);
+ // store also indices of the new face edges
+ Handle(TDataStd_IntPackedMap) aNewMap = TDataStd_IntPackedMap::Set(aLab);
+ const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aNewInd = theFaceEdges.FindFromKey(aFaceToPut);
+ std::stringstream aName;
+ aName<<"Face";
+ TopExp_Explorer aPutEdges(aFaceToPut, TopAbs_EDGE);
+ TNaming_Builder *anEdgesBuilder = 0, *aVerticesBuilder = 0;
+ for(TColStd_ListOfInteger::Iterator anIter(aNewInd); anIter.More(); anIter.Next()) {
+ int anIndex = anIter.Value();
+ int aModIndex = anIndex > 0 ? anIndex : -anIndex;
+ aNewMap->Add(anIndex);
+ aName<<"-"<<theEdgesNames.find(aModIndex)->second;
+ if (anIter.Value() > 0)
+ aName<<"f";
+ else
+ aName<<"r";
+ // collect all edges of the face which are modified in sub-label of the face
+ if (theEdgesIndices.IsBound(aModIndex) &&
+ !aFaceEdges.Contains(theEdgesIndices.Find(aModIndex))) {
+ if (!anEdgesBuilder) {
+ TDF_Label anEdgesLabel = aLab.FindChild(1);
+ anEdgesBuilder = new TNaming_Builder(anEdgesLabel);
+ std::ostringstream aSubName;
+ // tag is needed for Test1922 to distinguish sub-edges of different faces
+ aSubName<<"SubEdge_"<<aCurrentTag;
+ TDataStd_Name::Set(anEdgesLabel, aSubName.str().c_str());
+ }
+ anEdgesBuilder->Modify(theEdgesIndices.Find(aModIndex), aPutEdges.Current());
+ }
+ // put also modified vertices, otherwise vertex of original edge has no history
+ if (theEdgesIndices.IsBound(aModIndex)) {
+ TopExp_Explorer aVExpOld(theEdgesIndices.Find(aModIndex), TopAbs_VERTEX);
+ TopExp_Explorer aVExpNew(aPutEdges.Current(), TopAbs_VERTEX);
+ for(; aVExpNew.More() && aVExpOld.More(); aVExpNew.Next(), aVExpOld.Next()) {
+ if (!aVExpOld.Current().IsSame(aVExpNew.Current())) {
+ if (!aVerticesBuilder) {
+ TDF_Label aVertLabel = aLab.FindChild(2);
+ aVerticesBuilder = new TNaming_Builder(aVertLabel);
+ std::ostringstream aSubName;
+ // tag is needed for Test1922 to distinguish sub-edges of different faces
+ aSubName<<"SubVertex_"<<aCurrentTag;
+ TDataStd_Name::Set(aVertLabel, aSubName.str().c_str());
- aPutEdges.Next();
- }
- if (anEdgesBuilder)
- delete anEdgesBuilder;
- if (aVerticesBuilder)
- delete aVerticesBuilder;
- TDataStd_Name::Set(aLab, TCollection_ExtendedString(aName.str().c_str()));
- aMyDoc->addNamingName(aLab, aName.str());
- // put also wires to sub-labels to correctly select them instead of collection by edges
- int aWireTag = 3; // first tag is for SubEdge-s, second - for vertices
- for(TopExp_Explorer aWires(aFaceToPut, TopAbs_WIRE); aWires.More(); aWires.Next()) {
- TDF_Label aWireLab = aLab.FindChild(aWireTag);
- TNaming_Builder aWireBuilder(aWireLab);
- aWireBuilder.Generated(aWires.Current());
- std::ostringstream aWireName;
- aWireName<<aName.str()<<"_wire";
- if (aWireTag > 3)
- aWireName<<"_"<<aWireTag - 2;
- TDataStd_Name::Set(aWireLab, aWireName.str().c_str());
- aMyDoc->addNamingName(aWireLab, aWireName.str());
- aWireTag++;
+ aVerticesBuilder->Modify(aVExpOld.Current(), aVExpNew.Current());
+ aPutEdges.Next();
+ }
+ if (anEdgesBuilder)
+ delete anEdgesBuilder;
+ if (aVerticesBuilder)
+ delete aVerticesBuilder;
+ TDataStd_Name::Set(aLab, TCollection_ExtendedString(aName.str().c_str()));
+ theDocument->addNamingName(aLab, aName.str());
+ // put also wires to sub-labels to correctly select them instead of collection by edges
+ int aWireTag = 3; // first tag is for SubEdge-s, second - for vertices
+ for(TopExp_Explorer aWires(aFaceToPut, TopAbs_WIRE); aWires.More(); aWires.Next()) {
+ TDF_Label aWireLab = aLab.FindChild(aWireTag);
+ TNaming_Builder aWireBuilder(aWireLab);
+ aWireBuilder.Generated(aWires.Current());
+ std::ostringstream aWireName;
+ aWireName<<aName.str()<<"_wire";
+ if (aWireTag > 3)
+ aWireName<<"_"<<aWireTag - 2;
+ TDataStd_Name::Set(aWireLab, aWireName.str().c_str());
+ theDocument->addNamingName(aWireLab, aWireName.str());
+ aWireTag++;
+ }
+ }
+void indexingSketchEdges(const CompositeFeaturePtr& theComposite,
+ NCollection_DataMap<Handle(Geom_Curve), int>& theCurvesIndices,
+ NCollection_DataMap<int, TopoDS_Edge>& theEdgesIndices,
+ std::map<int, std::string>& theEdgesNames)
+ const int aSubNum = theComposite->numberOfSubs();
+ for (int a = 0; a < aSubNum; a++) {
+ FeaturePtr aSub = theComposite->subFeature(a);
+ const std::list<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Result> >& aResults = aSub->results();
+ std::list<std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Result> >::const_iterator aRes = aResults.cbegin();
+ for (; aRes != aResults.cend(); aRes++) {
+ ResultConstructionPtr aConstr =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultConstruction>(*aRes);
+ if (aConstr->shape() && aConstr->shape()->isEdge()) {
+ TopoDS_Edge anEdge = TopoDS::Edge(aConstr->shape()->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ Standard_Real aFirst, aLast;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(anEdge, aFirst, aLast);
+ theCurvesIndices.Bind(aCurve, a);
+ theEdgesIndices.Bind(a, anEdge);
+ theEdgesNames[a] = shortName(aConstr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void faceToEdgeIndices(const ListOfShape& theFaces,
+ const NCollection_DataMap<Handle(Geom_Curve), int>& theCurvesIndices,
+ MapFaceToEdgeIndices& theFaceEdges)
+ std::list<std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> >::const_iterator aFIter = theFaces.begin();
+ for (; aFIter != theFaces.end(); aFIter++) {
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Face> aFace(new GeomAPI_Face(*aFIter));
+ // put them to a label, trying to keep the same faces on the same labels
+ if (aFace.get() && !aFace->isNull()) {
+ TopoDS_Face aTopoFace = TopoDS::Face(aFace->impl<TopoDS_Shape>());
+ theFaceEdges.Add(aTopoFace, TColStd_ListOfInteger());
+ // keep new indices of sub-elements used in this face
+ for (TopExp_Explorer anEdges(aTopoFace, TopAbs_EDGE); anEdges.More(); anEdges.Next()) {
+ TopoDS_Edge anEdge = TopoDS::Edge(anEdges.Current());
+ Standard_Real aFirst, aLast;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve(anEdge, aFirst, aLast);
+ if (theCurvesIndices.IsBound(aCurve)) {
+ int anIndex = theCurvesIndices.Find(aCurve);
+ if ((aFirst > aLast) != (anEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED))
+ anIndex = -anIndex;
+ theFaceEdges.ChangeFromKey(aTopoFace).Append(anIndex);
+ }
+ }
#include "SketchAPI_Rotation.h"
#include "SketchAPI_Translation.h"
+#include <GeomAPI_Curve.h>
#include <GeomAPI_Dir2d.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_PlanarEdges.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer.h>
#include <GeomAPI_XY.h>
+#include <GeomAlgoAPI_SketchBuilder.h>
#include <cmath>
return aFreePoints;
+static GeomCurvePtr untrimmedCurve(GeomShapePtr theShape)
+ GeomCurvePtr aCurve(new GeomAPI_Curve(theShape));
+ if (aCurve->isTrimmed())
+ aCurve = aCurve->basisCurve();
+ return aCurve;
+void SketchAPI_Sketch::changeFacesOrder(
+ const std::list<std::list<ModelHighAPI_Selection> >& theFaces)
+ // collect faces of the sketch
+ ResultConstructionPtr aSketchResult =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultConstruction>(feature()->lastResult());
+ std::list<GeomFacePtr> aFaces;
+ int aFacesNum = aSketchResult->facesNum();
+ for (int i = 0; i < aFacesNum; ++i)
+ aFaces.push_back(aSketchResult->face(i));
+ // find new faces order according to the given lists of edges
+ std::list<GeomFacePtr> aNewFacesOrder;
+ std::list<std::list<ModelHighAPI_Selection> >::const_iterator anIt = theFaces.begin();
+ for (; anIt != theFaces.end(); ++anIt) {
+ // find the appropriate face
+ std::list<GeomFacePtr>::iterator aFIt = aFaces.begin();
+ for (; aFIt != aFaces.end(); ++aFIt) {
+ std::list<ModelHighAPI_Selection>::const_iterator aEdgeIt = anIt->begin();
+ GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer aFExp(*aFIt, GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE);
+ for (; aEdgeIt != anIt->end() && aFExp.more(); ++aEdgeIt, aFExp.next()) {
+ ResultPtr aCurRes = aEdgeIt->resultSubShapePair().first;
+ if (!aCurRes)
+ break;
+ GeomCurvePtr aCurve1 = untrimmedCurve(aCurRes->shape());
+ GeomCurvePtr aCurve2 = untrimmedCurve(aFExp.current());
+ if (!aCurve1->isEqual(aCurve2))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (aEdgeIt == anIt->end() && !aFExp.more()) {
+ // face is found
+ aNewFacesOrder.push_back(*aFIt);
+ aFaces.erase(aFIt);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // place the rest faces at the end of new faces list
+ if (!aFaces.empty())
+ aNewFacesOrder.insert(aNewFacesOrder.end(), aFaces.begin(), aFaces.end());
+ // update the result of the sketch with the new order of faces
+ aSketchResult->setFacesOrder(aNewFacesOrder);
std::shared_ptr<SketchAPI_Point> SketchAPI_Sketch::addPoint(
double theX, double theY)
+static bool isDifferent(GeomFacePtr theFace1, GeomFacePtr theFace2)
+ // collect edges of the first face
+ std::list<GeomShapePtr> anEdges1;
+ for (GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer anExp(theFace1, GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE); anExp.more(); anExp.next())
+ anEdges1.push_back(anExp.current());
+ // compare edges of faces
+ for (GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer anExp(theFace2, GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE); anExp.more(); anExp.next()) {
+ GeomShapePtr aCurrent = anExp.current();
+ bool isFound = false;
+ std::list<GeomShapePtr>::iterator anIt1 = anEdges1.begin();
+ for (; anIt1 != anEdges1.end(); ++anIt1)
+ if (aCurrent->isSameGeometry(*anIt1)) {
+ isFound = true;
+ anEdges1.erase(anIt1);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!isFound)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return !anEdges1.empty();
+static bool isCustomFacesOrder(CompositeFeaturePtr theSketch)
+ ResultConstructionPtr aSketchResult =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultConstruction>(theSketch->lastResult());
+ if (!aSketchResult)
+ return false;
+ std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_PlanarEdges> aWires =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomAPI_PlanarEdges>(aSketchResult->shape());
+ if (!aWires)
+ return false;
+ // collect faces constructed by SketchBuilder algorithm
+ GeomAlgoAPI_SketchBuilder aSketchBuilder(aWires->origin(), aWires->dirX(),
+ aWires->norm(), aWires);
+ const ListOfShape& aFaces = aSketchBuilder.faces();
+ // compare faces stored in sketch with faces generated by SketchBuilder
+ int aNbSketchFaces = aSketchResult->facesNum();
+ int aFaceIndex = 0;
+ for (ListOfShape::const_iterator aFIt = aFaces.begin();
+ aFIt != aFaces.end() && aFaceIndex < aNbSketchFaces;
+ ++aFIt, ++aFaceIndex) {
+ GeomFacePtr aSketchFace = aSketchResult->face(aFaceIndex);
+ GeomFacePtr aCurFace = (*aFIt)->face();
+ if (isDifferent(aSketchFace, aCurFace))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+static void edgesOfSketchFaces(CompositeFeaturePtr theSketch,
+ std::list<std::list<ResultPtr> >& theEdges)
+ ResultConstructionPtr aSketchResult =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_ResultConstruction>(theSketch->lastResult());
+ if (!aSketchResult)
+ return;
+ // collect curves of the sketch
+ std::map<GeomCurvePtr, ResultPtr, GeomAPI_Curve::Comparator> aCurves;
+ int aSubNum = theSketch->numberOfSubs();
+ for (int a = 0; a < aSubNum; ++a) {
+ FeaturePtr aSub = theSketch->subFeature(a);
+ const std::list<ResultPtr>& aResults = aSub->results();
+ std::list<ResultPtr>::const_iterator aRes = aResults.cbegin();
+ for (; aRes != aResults.cend(); aRes++) {
+ GeomShapePtr aCurShape = (*aRes)->shape();
+ if (aCurShape && aCurShape->isEdge())
+ aCurves[untrimmedCurve(aCurShape)] = *aRes;
+ }
+ }
+ // convert each face to the list of results of its edges
+ int aFacesNum = aSketchResult->facesNum();
+ for (int a = 0; a < aFacesNum; ++a) {
+ theEdges.push_back(std::list<ResultPtr>());
+ std::list<ResultPtr>& aCurEdges = theEdges.back();
+ GeomFacePtr aFace = aSketchResult->face(a);
+ for (GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer anExp(aFace, GeomAPI_Shape::EDGE);
+ anExp.more(); anExp.next()) {
+ GeomCurvePtr aCurrent = untrimmedCurve(anExp.current());
+ aCurEdges.push_back(aCurves[aCurrent]);
+ }
+ }
void SketchAPI_Sketch::dump(ModelHighAPI_Dumper& theDumper) const
FeaturePtr aBase = feature();
// dump sketch's subfeatures
CompositeFeaturePtr aCompFeat = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_CompositeFeature>(aBase);
theDumper.processSubs(aCompFeat, true);
+ // if face order differs to the order generated by SketchBuilder,
+ // dump the list of faces for correct execution of the script
+ if (isCustomFacesOrder(aCompFeat)) {
+ std::list<std::list<ResultPtr> > aFaces;
+ edgesOfSketchFaces(aCompFeat, aFaces);
+ const std::string& aSketchName = theDumper.name(aBase);
+ std::string aMethodName(".changeFacesOrder");
+ std::string aSpaceShift(aSketchName.size() + aMethodName.size(), ' ');
+ theDumper << aSketchName << aMethodName << "([";
+ for (std::list<std::list<ResultPtr> >::iterator aFIt = aFaces.begin();
+ aFIt != aFaces.end(); ++aFIt) {
+ if (aFIt != aFaces.begin())
+ theDumper << ",\n" << aSpaceShift << " ";
+ theDumper << *aFIt;
+ }
+ theDumper << "\n" << aSpaceShift << " ])" << std::endl;
+ }