@echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
make -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
- @echo "pdflatex available in $(BUILDDIR)/latex/salomeTools.pdf"
+ @echo "pdflatex available in $(BUILDDIR)/latex/sat.pdf"
* **cmake_options** : additional options for cmake.
* **nb_proc** : number of jobs to use with make for this product.
* **check_install** : allow to specify a list of paths (relative to install directory), that sat will check after installation. This flag allows to check if an installation is complete.
- * **install_dir** : allow to change the default install dir. If the value is set to *'base'*, the product will by default be installed in salomeTool base. Unless base was set to 'no' in application pyconf.
+ * **install_dir** : allow to change the default install dir. If the value is set to *'base'*, the product will by default be installed in sat base. Unless base was set to 'no' in application pyconf.
.. note ::
these files are **not** required,
- salomeTool sets the environment itself, when compiling.
+ sat sets the environment itself, when compiling.
And so does the salome launcher.
These files are useful when someone wants to check the environment.
env.prepend('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', os.path.join(prereq_dir, 'lib'))
-SalomeTools defines four handles:
+sat defines four handles:
* **set_env(env, prereq_dir, version)** : used at build and run time.
* **set_env_launch(env, prereq_dir, version)** : used only at run time (if defined!)
sat init --reset_projects
sat init --add_project <path/to/a/new/sat/project/project.pyconf>
-* By default the product archives are stored locally within the directory containing salomeTool, in a subdirectory called ARCHIVES. If you want to change the default, use the *--archive_dir* option: ::
+* By default the product archives are stored locally within the directory containing sat, in a subdirectory called ARCHIVES. If you want to change the default, use the *--archive_dir* option: ::
sat init --archive_dir <local/path/where/to/store/product/archives>
-* sat enables a **base** mode, which allows to mutualize product builds between several applications. By default, the mutualized builds are stored locally within the directory containing salomeTool, in a subdirectory called BASE. To change the default, use the *--base* option: ::
+* sat enables a **base** mode, which allows to mutualize product builds between several applications. By default, the mutualized builds are stored locally within the directory containing sat, in a subdirectory called BASE. To change the default, use the *--base* option: ::
sat init --base <local/path/where/to/store/product/mutualised/product/builds>
Some useful configuration paths
-All the sat init commands update the local pyconf salomeTool file data/local.pyconf. The same result can be achieved by editing the file directly.
+All the sat init commands update the local pyconf sat file data/local.pyconf. The same result can be achieved by editing the file directly.
The content of data/local.pyconf is dumped into two sat configuration variables:
* **LOCAL**: Contains notably all the default paths in the fields archive_dir, base, log_dir and workdir.
Depending on the selected options, the archive includes sources and binaries
of SALOME products and prerequisites.
-Usually utility *salomeTools* is included in the archive.
+Usually utility *sat* is included in the archive.
.. note::
By default the package includes the sources of prerequisites and products.
where <arch> is the OS architecture of the machine.
-* Do not delete Version Control System (VCS_) information from the configuration files of the embedded salomeTools: ::
+* Do not delete Version Control System (VCS_) information from the configuration files of the embedded sat: ::
sat package SALOME_xx --with_vcs
* Create a python SALOME module: ::
- sat template --name <product_name> --template PythonComponent --target <my_directory>
+ sat template --name <product_name> --template PythonComponent\
+ --target <my_directory>
Create in *my_directory* a ready to use SALOME module implemented in python. The generated module can then be adapted to the needs, and pushed in a git repository.
master_doc = 'index'
# General information about the project.
-project = u'salomeTools'
+project = u'sat'
copyright = u'2019, CEA'
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
#html_file_suffix = None
# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = 'salomeToolsdoc'
+htmlhelp_basename = 'satdoc'
# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
latex_documents = [
- ('index', 'salomeTools.tex', u'SAT Documentation',
+ ('index', 'sat.tex', u'SAT Documentation',
u'CEA DES/ISAS/DM2S/STMF/LGLS', 'manual'),
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
- ('index', 'salometools', u'SAT Documentation',
+ ('index', 'sat', u'SAT Documentation',
This module was slightly adapted for SAT, and renamed Pyconf.
(see `config module <http://www.red-dove.com/config-doc/>`_ for a complete description of the module, the associated syntax, the documentation).
-*salomeTools* uses files with **.pyconf** extension to store the configuration parameters.
+*sat* uses files with **.pyconf** extension to store the configuration parameters.
These *.pyconf* are parsed by SAT, and merged into a global configuration, which is passed to the sat commands and used by them.
# list applications provided by SAT_SALOME project
ls SAT_SALOME/applications
- MEDCOUPLING-9.4.0.pyconf SALOME-7.8.0.pyconf SALOME-8.5.0.pyconf SALOME-9.4.0.pyconf
+ > MEDCOUPLING-9.4.0.pyconf SALOME-7.8.0.pyconf
+ > SALOME-8.5.0.pyconf SALOME-9.4.0.pyconf
These files can be edited directly, and also with the SAT:
environ :
- build : {CONFIGURATION_ROOT_DIR : $workdir + $VARS.sep + "SOURCES" + $VARS.sep + "CONFIGURATION"}
+ build : {CONFIGURATION_ROOT_DIR : $workdir + $VARS.sep + "SOURCES" +\
SALOME_trace : "local" # local/file:.../with_logger
- SALOME_MODULES : "SHAPER,GEOM,SMESH,PARAVIS,YACS,JOBMANAGER" # specify the first modules to display in gui
+ # specify the first modules to display in gui
.. code-block:: bash
ls SAT_SALOME/products/
- ADAO_INTERFACE.pyconf COREFLOWS_PROFILE.pyconf GHS3DPLUGIN.pyconf JOBMANAGER.pyconf omniORB.pyconf Python.pyconf Sphinx.pyconf
- ADAO_MODULE.pyconf COREFLOWS.pyconf GHS3DPRLPLUGIN.pyconf KERNEL.pyconf omniORBpy.pyconf pytz.pyconf sphinx_rtd_theme.pyconf
- ADAO.pyconf cppunit.pyconf gl2ps.pyconf kiwisolver.pyconf opencv.pyconf qt.pyconf subprocess32.pyconf
- alabaster.pyconf cycler.pyconf glu.pyconf lapack.pyconf openmpi.pyconf qwt.pyconf swig.pyconf
- ALAMOS_PROFILE.pyconf Cython.pyconf GMSHPLUGIN.pyconf lata.pyconf ospray.pyconf requests.pyconf tbb.pyconf
- ALAMOS.pyconf dateutil.pyconf gmsh.pyconf LIBBATCH.pyconf packaging.pyconf SALOME_FORMATION_PROFILE.pyconf tcl.pyconf
- Babel.pyconf distribute.pyconf graphviz.pyconf libpng.pyconf ParaViewData.pyconf SALOME_PROFILE.pyconf TECHOBJ_ROOT.pyconf
- BLSURFPLUGIN.pyconf DOCUMENTATION.pyconf GUI.pyconf libxml2.pyconf ParaView.pyconf SALOME.pyconf tk.pyconf
- boost.pyconf docutils.pyconf hdf5.pyconf llvm.pyconf PARAVIS.pyconf SAMPLES.pyconf Togl.pyconf
- bsd_xdr.pyconf doxygen.pyconf HELLO.pyconf markupsafe.pyconf ParMetis.pyconf scipy.pyconf TRIOCFD_IHM.pyconf
- CALCULATOR.pyconf EFICAS.pyconf HEXABLOCKPLUGIN.pyconf matplotlib.pyconf patches scons.pyconf TrioCFD.pyconf
- CAS.pyconf EFICAS_TOOLS.pyconf HEXABLOCK.pyconf MEDCOUPLING.pyconf petsc.pyconf scotch.pyconf TRUST.pyconf
- CDMATH.pyconf eigen.pyconf HexoticPLUGIN.pyconf medfile.pyconf planegcs.pyconf setuptools.pyconf typing.pyconf
- CEATESTBASE.pyconf embree.pyconf Hexotic.pyconf med_pre_windows.pyconf pockets.pyconf SHAPER.pyconf uranie_win.pyconf
- certifi.pyconf env_scripts homard_bin.pyconf MED.pyconf pthreads.pyconf sip.pyconf urllib3.pyconf
- cgns.pyconf expat.pyconf homard_pre_windows.pyconf mesa.pyconf PY2CPP.pyconf six.pyconf VISU.pyconf
- chardet.pyconf f2c.pyconf HOMARD.pyconf MeshGems.pyconf PYCALCULATOR.pyconf SMESH.pyconf vtk.pyconf
- click.pyconf FIELDS.pyconf HXX2SALOME.pyconf metis.pyconf Pygments.pyconf snowballstemmer.pyconf XDATA.pyconf
- cmake.pyconf freeimage.pyconf HYBRIDPLUGIN.pyconf NETGENPLUGIN.pyconf pyhamcrest.pyconf solvespace.pyconf YACSGEN.pyconf
- colorama.pyconf freetype.pyconf idna.pyconf netgen.pyconf PYHELLO.pyconf sphinxcontrib_napoleon.pyconf YACS.pyconf
- compil_scripts ftgl.pyconf imagesize.pyconf nlopt.pyconf pyparsing.pyconf sphinxcontrib.pyconf zlib.pyconf
- COMPONENT.pyconf functools32.pyconf ispc.pyconf numpy.pyconf PyQt.pyconf sphinxcontrib_websupport.pyconf
- CONFIGURATION.pyconf GEOM.pyconf Jinja2.pyconf omniNotify.pyconf pyreadline.pyconf sphinxintl.pyconf
+ ADAO_INTERFACE.pyconf homard_bin.pyconf PyQtChart.pyconf
+ ADAO.pyconf homard_pre_windows.pyconf PyQt.pyconf
+ alabaster.pyconf HOMARD.pyconf pyreadline.pyconf
+ ALAMOS_PROFILE.pyconf HXX2SALOME.pyconf Python.pyconf
+ ALAMOS.pyconf HYBRIDPLUGIN.pyconf pytz.pyconf
+ Babel.pyconf idna.pyconf qt.pyconf
+ BLSURFPLUGIN.pyconf imagesize.pyconf qwt.pyconf
+ boost.pyconf ispc.pyconf requests.pyconf
+ bsd_xdr.pyconf Jinja2.pyconf RESTRICTED.pyconf
+ CALCULATOR.pyconf JOBMANAGER.pyconf root.pyconf
+ CAS.pyconf KERNEL.pyconf ruby.pyconf
+ CDMATH.pyconf kiwisolver.pyconf SALOME_FORMATION_PROFILE.pyconf
+ CEATESTBASE.pyconf lapack.pyconf SALOME_PROFILE.pyconf
+ certifi.pyconf lata.pyconf SALOME.pyconf
+ cgns.pyconf LIBBATCH.pyconf SAMPLES.pyconf
+ chardet.pyconf libjpeg.pyconf scipy.pyconf
+ click.pyconf libpng.pyconf scons.pyconf
+ cmake.pyconf libxml2.pyconf scotch.pyconf
+ colorama.pyconf llvm.pyconf setuptools.pyconf
+ compil_scripts markupsafe.pyconf SHAPER.pyconf
+ COMPONENT.pyconf matplotlib.pyconf SHAPERSTUDY.pyconf
+ CONFIGURATION.pyconf MEDCOUPLING.pyconf sip.pyconf
+ COREFLOWS_PROFILE.pyconf medfile.pyconf six.pyconf
+ COREFLOWS.pyconf med_pre_windows.pyconf SMESH.pyconf
+ cppunit.pyconf MED.pyconf snowballstemmer.pyconf
+ cycler.pyconf mesa.pyconf SOLVERLAB.pyconf
+ Cython.pyconf MeshGems.pyconf solvespace.pyconf
+ dateutil.pyconf metis.pyconf sphinxcontrib_applehelp.pyconf
+ distribute.pyconf mpc.pyconf sphinxcontrib_devhelp.pyconf
+ DOCUMENTATION.pyconf mpfr.pyconf sphinxcontrib_htmlhelp.pyconf
+ docutils.pyconf msvc.pyconf sphinxcontrib_jsmath.pyconf
+ doxygen.pyconf NETGENPLUGIN.pyconf sphinxcontrib_napoleon.pyconf
+ EFICAS.pyconf netgen.pyconf sphinxcontrib.pyconf
+ EFICAS_TOOLS.pyconf nlopt.pyconf sphinxcontrib_qthelp.pyconf
+ eigen.pyconf numpy.pyconf sphinxcontrib_serializinghtml.pyconf
+ embree.pyconf omniNotify.pyconf sphinxcontrib_websupport.pyconf
+ env_scripts omniORB.pyconf sphinxintl.pyconf
+ expat.pyconf omniORBpy.pyconf Sphinx.pyconf
+ f2c.pyconf openblas.pyconf sphinx_rtd_theme.pyconf
+ ffmpeg.pyconf opencv.pyconf subprocess32.pyconf
+ FIELDS.pyconf openmpi.pyconf swig.pyconf
+ freeimage.pyconf openssl.pyconf tbb.pyconf
+ freetype.pyconf ospray.pyconf tcl.pyconf
+ ftgl.pyconf packaging.pyconf tcltk.pyconf
+ functools32.pyconf ParaViewData.pyconf TECHOBJ_ROOT.pyconf
+ gcc.pyconf ParaView.pyconf tk.pyconf
+ GEOM.pyconf PARAVIS.pyconf Togl.pyconf
+ GHS3DPLUGIN.pyconf ParMetis.pyconf TRIOCFD_IHM.pyconf
+ GHS3DPRLPLUGIN.pyconf patches TRIOCFD_PROFILE.pyconf
+ gl2ps.pyconf perl.pyconf TrioCFD.pyconf
+ glu.pyconf petsc.pyconf TRUST.pyconf
+ gmp.pyconf Pillow.pyconf typing.pyconf
+ GMSHPLUGIN.pyconf planegcs.pyconf uranie_win.pyconf
+ gmsh.pyconf pockets.pyconf urllib3.pyconf
+ graphviz.pyconf pthreads.pyconf VISU.pyconf
+ GUI.pyconf PY2CPP.pyconf vtk.pyconf
+ hdf5.pyconf pybind11.pyconf XDATA.pyconf
+ HELLO.pyconf PYCALCULATOR.pyconf YACSGEN.pyconf
+ HEXABLOCKPLUGIN.pyconf Pygments.pyconf YACS.pyconf
+ HEXABLOCK.pyconf PyHamcrest.pyconf zlib.pyconf
+ HexoticPLUGIN.pyconf PYHELLO.pyconf
+ Hexotic.pyconf pyparsing.pyconf
Available product configuration flags
environ :
- _SalomeAppConfig : $install_dir + $VARS.sep + "share" + $VARS.sep + "salome" + $VARS.sep + "resources" + $VARS.sep + "salome"
+ _SalomeAppConfig : $install_dir + $VARS.sep + "share" + $VARS.sep + "salome" +\
+ $VARS.sep + "resources" + $VARS.sep + "salome"
if version_maj[0] == '5':
env.set('QT5_ROOT_DIR', prereq_dir)
env.prepend('QT_PLUGIN_PATH', os.path.join(prereq_dir, 'plugins'))
- env.prepend('QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH', os.path.join(prereq_dir, 'plugins'))
+ os.path.join(prereq_dir, 'plugins'))
env.set('QT4_ROOT_DIR', prereq_dir)
* **PROJECTS** : This section contains the configuration of the projects loaded in SAT by *sat init --add_project* command.
-* **PATHS** : This section contains paths used by salomeTools.
+* **PATHS** : This section contains paths used by sat.
* **LOCAL** : contains information relative to the local installation of SAT.
* **INTERNAL** : contains internal SAT information
.. code-block:: bash
# recompile MEDCOUPLING in debug mode (-g) and with verbosity
- ./sat -t -o "APPLICATION.verbose='yes'" -o "APPLICATION.debug='yes'" compile SALOME-9.4.0 -p MEDCOUPLING --clean_all
+ ./sat -t -o "APPLICATION.verbose='yes'" -o "APPLICATION.debug='yes'" compile\
+ SALOME-9.4.0 -p MEDCOUPLING --clean_all
tar -xf SALOME-9.3.0-CO7-SRC.tgz
cd SALOME-9.3.0-CO7-SRC
ls PROJECT/ # list the embedded sat project
- salomeTools/sat config SALOME-9.3.0 -e # edit the SALOME-9.3.0 configuration pyconf file
+ # edit the SALOME-9.3.0 configuration pyconf file
+ sat/sat config SALOME-9.3.0 -e
The user has usually two main use cases with an embedded sat, which are explained in the README file of the archive:
.. code-block:: bash
- ./install_bin.sh # pre-installation of all binaries in INSTALL dir, with substitutions
+ # pre-installation of all binaries in INSTALL dir, with substitutions
+ ./install_bin.sh
./sat prepare SALOME-9.3.0 -p GEOM # get GEOM sources, modify them
./sat compile SALOME-9.3.0 -p GEOM --clean_all # only recompile GEOM
Standalone sat packages
-**sat** is also delivered as a standalone package, usually associated to a sat project. The following example is an archive containing salomeTools 5.3.0 and the salome sat project. It can be used to build from scratch any salome application.
+**sat** is also delivered as a standalone package, usually associated to a sat project. The following example is an archive containing sat 5.3.0 and the salome sat project. It can be used to build from scratch any salome application.
.. code-block:: bash
# untar a standalone sat package, with a salome project
- tar xf salomeTools_5.3.0_satproject_salome.tgz
- cd salomeTools_5.3.0_satproject_salome
+ tar xf sat_5.3.0_satproject_salome.tgz
+ cd sat_5.3.0_satproject_salome
ls projects # list embedded sat projects
> salome
./sat config -l # list all salome applications available for build
Release Notes, January 2018
-This version of salomeTool was used to produce SALOME 8.4.0
+This version of sat was used to produce SALOME 8.4.0
New features and improvments
Release Notes, June, 2018
-This version of salomeTool was used to produce SALOME 8.5.0
+This version of sat was used to produce SALOME 8.5.0
New features and improvments
**sat init**
The command *sat init* has been finalized, with the addition of options **--add_project** and **--reset_projects**.
-It is now able to manage projects after an intiale git clone of salomeTool. The capacity is used by users
-installing salomeTool from the git repositories:
+It is now able to manage projects after an intiale git clone of sat. The capacity is used by users
+installing sat from the git repositories:
.. code-block:: bash
- # get sources of salomeTool
- git clone https://codev-tuleap.cea.fr/plugins/git/spns/SAT.git salomeTool
+ # get sources of sat
+ git clone https://codev-tuleap.cea.fr/plugins/git/spns/SAT.git sat
# get SAT_SALOME project (the sat project that contains the configuration of SALOME)
git clone https://codev-tuleap.cea.fr/plugins/git/spns/SAT_SALOME.git
# initialise sat with this project
- salomeTool/sat init --add_project $(pwd)/SAT_SALOME/salome.pyconf
+ sat init --add_project $(pwd)/SAT_SALOME/salome.pyconf
It is possible to initialise sat with several projects by calling several times *sat init --add_project*
| sat #12994 | new git retry functionnality for sat prepare : give three trials in case of |
| | failures |
-| sat #8581 | traceability : save tag of salomeTool and its projects |
+| sat #8581 | traceability : save tag of sat and its projects |
| sat #8588 | reset LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH before launching SALOME |
Release Notes, April, 2019
-This version of salomeTool was used to produce SALOME 9.3.0
+This version of sat was used to produce SALOME 9.3.0
New features and improvments
.. code-block:: bash
- # produce a standalone archive of salomeTool
+ # produce a standalone archive of sat
sat package -t
- # produce a HUGE standalone archive of salomeTool with the salome project embedded.
+ # produce a HUGE standalone archive of sat with the salome project embedded.
sat package -t -p salome
- # produce a small archive with salomeTool and embedded salome project,
+ # produce a small archive with sat and embedded salome project,
# with direct links to ftp server and git repos
sat package -t -p salome --ftp --with_vcs
To use the option, one has to call *sat prepare* before. this call will get new sources, and will allow sat checking if the source code was modified since the last compilation.
The mechanism is based upon git *log -1* command, and the modification of the source directory date accordingly: ::
- # update SALOME sources and set the date of the source directories of git products accordingly: to the last commit
+ # update SALOME sources and set the date of the source directories of git
+ # products accordingly: to the last commit
./sat prepare <application> --properties is_SALOME_module:yes
# only compile products that has to be recompiled.
# list all available options of sat compile
./sat compile SALOME-9.3.0 <TAB> <TAB>
- > --check --clean_build_after --install_flags --properties
- > --stop_first_fail --with_fathers --clean_all --clean_make
- > --products --show --with_children
+ > --check --clean_build_after --install_flags --properties
+ > --stop_first_fail --with_fathers --clean_all --clean_make
+ > --products --show --with_children
# start salome
- # copy binaries in INSTALL directory, do required substitutions to enable recompilation
+ # copy binaries in INSTALL directory, do required substitutions
+ # to enable recompilation
# get sources of modules we want to recompile
- salomeTools/sat prepare SALOME-9.4.0 -p SHAPER,SMESH
+ sat/sat prepare SALOME-9.4.0 -p SHAPER,SMESH
# do some modifications and recompile both modules
- salomeTools/sat compile SALOME-9.4.0 -p SHAPER,SMESH --clean_all
+ sat/sat compile SALOME-9.4.0 -p SHAPER,SMESH --clean_all
This use case is documented in the README file of the package
# declare KERNEL in development mode (and also compile it
# with debug and verbose options)
- 'KERNEL' : {dev:'yes', debug:'yes', verbose:'yes', tag:'my_dev_branch', section:'version_7_8_0_to_8_4_0'}
+ 'KERNEL' : {dev:'yes', debug:'yes', verbose:'yes',
+ tag:'my_dev_branch', section:'version_7_8_0_to_8_4_0'}
For example the following command recompiles KERNEL using */home/KERNEL* as source directory: ::
# take KERNEL sources in /home/KERNEL
- ./sat -o "PRODUCTS.KERNEL.default.source_dir='/home/KERNEL'" compile SALOME-master -p KERNEL --clean_all
+ ./sat -o "PRODUCTS.KERNEL.default.source_dir='/home/KERNEL'" compile SALOME-master\
+ -p KERNEL --clean_all
Displaying compilation logs in the terminal
It is advised to use in this case the **-t** option of sat, it will display the logs directly inside the terminal: ::
# sat -t option put the compilation logs in the terminal
- ./sat -t -o "PRODUCTS.KERNEL.default.source_dir='/home/KERNEL'" compile SALOME-master -p KERNEL --clean_all
+ ./sat -t -o "PRODUCTS.KERNEL.default.source_dir='/home/KERNEL'" compile\
+ SALOME-master -p KERNEL --clean_all
.. note:: This documentation is for Python_ developers.
-The salomeTools product provides a simple way to develop commands.
-The first thing to do is to add a file with *.py* extension in the ``commands`` directory of salomeTools.
+The sat product provides a simple way to develop commands.
+The first thing to do is to add a file with *.py* extension in the ``commands`` directory of sat.
Here are the basic requirements that must be followed in this file in order to add a command.
Basic requirements
-By adding a file *mycommand.py* in the ``commands`` directory, salomeTools will define a new command named ``mycommand``.
+By adding a file *mycommand.py* in the ``commands`` directory, sat will define a new command named ``mycommand``.
In *mycommand.py*, there must be the following method: ::
In fact, at this point, the command will already be functional.
-But there are some useful services provided by salomeTools :
+But there are some useful services provided by sat :
* You can give some options to your command:
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
# algorithm
-HowTo access salomeTools config and other commands
+HowTo access sat config and other commands
The *runner* variable is an python instance of *Sat* class.
It gives access to *runner.cfg* which is the data model defined from all
-*configuration pyconf files* of salomeTools
+*configuration pyconf files* of sat
For example, *runner.cfg.APPLICATION.workdir*
contains the root directory of the current application.
-The *runner* variable gives also access to other commands of salomeTools:
+The *runner* variable gives also access to other commands of sat
.. code-block:: python