void MEDCouplingCurveLinearMesh::setNodeGridStructure(const int *gridStructBg, const int *gridStructEnd) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
- _structure.resize(0);
- _structure.insert(_structure.end(),gridStructBg,gridStructEnd);
+ std::size_t sz=std::distance(gridStructBg,gridStructEnd);
+ if(sz>=1 && sz<=3)
+ {
+ _structure.resize(0);
+ _structure.insert(_structure.end(),gridStructBg,gridStructEnd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "MEDCouplingCurveLinearMesh::setNodeGridStructure : size of input nodal grid structure (" << sz << ") should be in 1, 2 or 3 !";
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
+ }
std::vector<int> MEDCouplingCurveLinearMesh::getNodeGridStructure() const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
void MEDCouplingCurveLinearMesh::reprQuickOverview(std::ostream& stream) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
- stream << "MEDCouplingCurveLinearMesh C++ instance at " << this << ".";
+ stream << "MEDCouplingCurveLinearMesh C++ instance at " << this << "." << std::endl;
+ stream << "Nodal structure : [";
+ for(std::size_t i=0;i<_structure.size();i++)
+ {
+ char tmp='X'+i;
+ stream << " " << tmp << "=" << _structure[i];
+ if(i!=_structure.size()-1)
+ stream << ", ";
+ }
+ stream << " ].";
+ const DataArrayDouble *coo(_coords);
+ if(!coo)
+ { stream << std::endl << "No coordinates set !"; return ; }
+ if(!coo->isAllocated())
+ { stream << std::endl << "Coordinates set but not allocated !"; return ; }
+ int nbOfCompo=coo->getNumberOfComponents();
+ if(nbOfCompo!=(int)_structure.size())
+ { stream << std::endl << "Coordinates set and allocated but mismatch number of components !"; return ; }
+ stream << std::endl << "Coordinates ( number of tuples = " << coo->getNumberOfTuples() << " ) : ";
+ coo->reprQuickOverviewData(stream,200);
std::string MEDCouplingCurveLinearMesh::getVTKDataSetType() const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)