- * Adds a MEDCouplingFieldDouble to \a this. Specified entities of a given dimension
- * of a given mesh are used as the support of the given field (a real support is not used).
- * Elements of the given mesh must be sorted suitable for writing to MED file.
- * Order of underlying mesh entities of the given field specified by \a profile parameter
- * is not prescribed; this method permutes field values to have them sorted by element
- * type as required for writing to MED file. A new profile is added only if no equal
- * profile is missing.
+ * Adds a MEDCouplingFieldDouble to \a this. As described in \ref MEDLoaderMainC a field in MED file sense
+ * can be an aggregation of several MEDCouplingFieldDouble instances.
+ * The mesh support of input parameter \a field is ignored here, it can be NULL.
+ * The support of field \a field is expected to be those computed with the input parameter \a mesh, \a meshDimRelToMax,
+ * and \a profile.
+ *
+ * This method will check that the field based on the computed support is coherent. If not an exception will be thrown.
+ * A new profile is added only if no equal profile is missing.
* For more info, see \ref AdvMEDLoaderAPIFieldRW
- * \param [in] field - the field to add to \a this.
+ * \param [in] field - the field to add to \a this. The mesh support of field is ignored.
* \param [in] mesh - the supporting mesh of \a field.
- * \param [in] meshDimRelToMax - a relative dimension of mesh entities \a field lies on.
+ * \param [in] meshDimRelToMax - a relative dimension of mesh entities \a field lies on (useless if field spatial discretization is ON_NODES).
* \param [in] profile - ids of mesh entities on which corresponding field values lie.
* \throw If either \a field or \a mesh or \a profile has an empty name.
* \throw If there are no mesh entities of \a meshDimRelToMax dimension in \a mesh.
- * Adds a MEDCouplingFieldDouble to \a this. Specified entities of a given dimension
- * of a given mesh are used as the support of the given field (a real support is not used).
- * Elements of the given mesh must be sorted suitable for writing to MED file.
- * Order of underlying mesh entities of the given field specified by \a profile parameter
- * is not prescribed; this method permutes field values to have them sorted by element
- * type as required for writing to MED file. A new profile is added only if no equal
- * profile is missing.
+ * Adds a MEDCouplingFieldDouble to \a this. As described in \ref MEDLoaderMainC a field in MED file sense
+ * can be an aggregation of several MEDCouplingFieldDouble instances.
+ * The mesh support of input parameter \a field is ignored here, it can be NULL.
+ * The support of field \a field is expected to be those computed with the input parameter \a mesh, \a meshDimRelToMax,
+ * and \a profile.
+ *
+ * This method will check that the field based on the computed support is coherent. If not an exception will be thrown.
+ * A new profile is added only if no equal profile is missing.
* For more info, see \ref AdvMEDLoaderAPIFieldRW
- * \param [in] field - the field to add to \a this. The field double values are ignored.
+ * \param [in] field - the field to add to \a this. The field double values and mesh support are ignored.
* \param [in] arrOfVals - the values of the field \a field used.
* \param [in] mesh - the supporting mesh of \a field.
- * \param [in] meshDimRelToMax - a relative dimension of mesh entities \a field lies on.
+ * \param [in] meshDimRelToMax - a relative dimension of mesh entities \a field lies on (useless if field spatial discretization is ON_NODES).
* \param [in] profile - ids of mesh entities on which corresponding field values lie.
* \throw If either \a field or \a mesh or \a profile has an empty name.
* \throw If there are no mesh entities of \a meshDimRelToMax dimension in \a mesh.
- * Adds a MEDCouplingFieldDouble to \a this as another time step. Specified entities of
- * a given dimension of a given mesh are used as the support of the given field.
- * Elements of the given mesh must be sorted suitable for writing to MED file.
- * Order of underlying mesh entities of the given field specified by \a profile parameter
- * is not prescribed; this method permutes field values to have them sorted by element
- * type as required for writing to MED file.
+ * Adds a MEDCouplingFieldDouble to \a this as another time step.
+ * The mesh support of input parameter \a field is ignored here, it can be NULL.
+ * The support of field \a field is expected to be those computed with the input parameter \a mesh, \a meshDimRelToMax,
+ * and \a profile.
+ *
+ * This method will check that the field based on the computed support is coherent. If not an exception will be thrown.
+ * A new profile is added only if no equal profile is missing.
* For more info, see \ref AdvMEDLoaderAPIFieldRW
- * \param [in] field - the field to add to \a this.
+ * \param [in] field - the field to add to \a this. The mesh support of field is ignored.
* \param [in] mesh - the supporting mesh of \a field.
- * \param [in] meshDimRelToMax - a relative dimension of mesh entities \a field lies on.
+ * \param [in] meshDimRelToMax - a relative dimension of mesh entities \a field lies on (useless if field spatial discretization is ON_NODES).
* \param [in] profile - ids of mesh entities on which corresponding field values lie.
* \throw If either \a field or \a mesh or \a profile has an empty name.
- * \throw If existing time steps have different name or number of components than \a field.
* \throw If there are no mesh entities of \a meshDimRelToMax dimension in \a mesh.
* \throw If the data array of \a field is not set.
+ * \throw If the data array of \a this is already allocated but has different number of
+ * components than \a field.
* \throw If elements in \a mesh are not in the order suitable for writing to the MED file.
+ * \sa setFieldNoProfileSBT()
void MEDFileFieldMultiTS::appendFieldProfile(const MEDCouplingFieldDouble *field, const MEDFileMesh *mesh, int meshDimRelToMax, const DataArrayInt *profile) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
- * Adds a MEDCouplingFieldDouble to \a this as another time step. Specified entities of
- * a given dimension of a given mesh are used as the support of the given field.
- * Elements of the given mesh must be sorted suitable for writing to MED file.
- * Order of underlying mesh entities of the given field specified by \a profile parameter
- * is not prescribed; this method permutes field values to have them sorted by element
- * type as required for writing to MED file.
+ * Adds a MEDCouplingFieldDouble to \a this as another time step.
+ * The mesh support of input parameter \a field is ignored here, it can be NULL.
+ * The support of field \a field is expected to be those computed with the input parameter \a mesh, \a meshDimRelToMax,
+ * and \a profile.
+ *
+ * This method will check that the field based on the computed support is coherent. If not an exception will be thrown.
+ * A new profile is added only if no equal profile is missing.
* For more info, see \ref AdvMEDLoaderAPIFieldRW
- * \param [in] field - the field to add to \a this.
+ * \param [in] field - the field to add to \a this. The field double values and mesh support are ignored.
+ * \param [in] arrOfVals - the values of the field \a field used.
* \param [in] mesh - the supporting mesh of \a field.
- * \param [in] meshDimRelToMax - a relative dimension of mesh entities \a field lies on.
+ * \param [in] meshDimRelToMax - a relative dimension of mesh entities \a field lies on (useless if field spatial discretization is ON_NODES).
* \param [in] profile - ids of mesh entities on which corresponding field values lie.
* \throw If either \a field or \a mesh or \a profile has an empty name.
- * \throw If existing time steps have different name or number of components than \a field.
* \throw If there are no mesh entities of \a meshDimRelToMax dimension in \a mesh.
* \throw If the data array of \a field is not set.
+ * \throw If the data array of \a this is already allocated but has different number of
+ * components than \a field.
* \throw If elements in \a mesh are not in the order suitable for writing to the MED file.
+ * \sa setFieldNoProfileSBT()
void MEDFileIntFieldMultiTS::appendFieldProfile(const MEDCouplingFieldDouble *field, const DataArrayInt *arrOfVals, const MEDFileMesh *mesh, int meshDimRelToMax, const DataArrayInt *profile) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)