# $Header$
include $(top_srcdir)/salome_adm/unix/make_common_starter.am
IDLDIR = idl
SUBDIRS = src resources
- SUBDIRS = salome_adm $(IDLDIR) src doc bin resources
+ SUBDIRS = salome_adm $(IDLDIR) src bin doc resources
DIST_SUBDIRS= salome_adm idl src doc bin resources
+ 'runSalomeScript',
+ 'update_catalogs.py',
virtual_salome.symlink("./bin/salome/appliskel/"+fn,os.path.join(home_dir, fn))
default=0, help="Increase verbosity")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not os.path.exists(options.config):
+ print "ERROR: config file %s does not exist. It is mandatory." % options.config
+ sys.exit(1)
return "setenv %s %s" % (VAR, value)
return "export %s=%s" % (VAR, value)
-#print set_var('APPLI', applipath)
-print applipath
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ applipath=relpath(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),os.path.realpath(os.getenv('HOME')))
+ print applipath
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os,sys,optparse
+import socket,shutil
+import re
+ Connect to a SALOME session (local or remote) and execute a Python script with data files in argument (optional)
+ Usage: %prog [ options ] script
+ script : The Python script to execute in the SALOME session
+ --------------
+ If PORT and MACHINE are not given, try to connect to the last active session on the local machine
+ If PORT and MACHINE are given, try to connect to the remote session associated with PORT on MACHINE
+ If MACHINE is not given, try to connect to the session associated to PORT on the local machine
+ If PORT is not given, try to connect to the remote session associated to port 2810 on MACHINE
+ If MACHINE isn't localhost or hostname, USER is needed
+ If Salome isn't installed on the local machine, use APPLI_DIST to execute a distant session
+ -----------------
+ script is needed in all case
+ INPUT and OUTPUT are used only when Salome isn't on local machine. It defines a list of script (full path, blank separated)
+ Actions done with these two lists are :
+ - adjustment of path in a temporary script file
+ - copy of the input files and script file on the distant machine
+def get_hostname():
+ return socket.gethostname().split('.')[0]
+def vararg_callback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ """optparse callback for variable length arguments"""
+ assert value is None
+ done = 0
+ value = []
+ rargs = parser.rargs
+ while rargs:
+ arg = rargs[0]
+ # Stop if we hit an arg like "--foo", "-a", "-fx", "--file=f",
+ # etc. Note that this also stops on "-3" or "-3.0", so if
+ # your option takes numeric values, you will need to handle this.
+ if ((arg[:2] == "--" and len(arg) > 2) or
+ (arg[:1] == "-" and len(arg) > 1 and arg[1] != "-")):
+ break
+ else:
+ value.append(arg)
+ del rargs[0]
+ setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
+def parse_args():
+ """parse arguments, check validity and set defaults"""
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
+ parser.add_option('-p','--port', dest="port", default='', help="The port to connect to")
+ parser.add_option('-m','--machine', dest="machine", default='', help="The computer to connect to")
+ parser.add_option('-d','--directory', dest="directory", help="[Distant Mode] The APPLI_HOME path on the distant machine (must be used if Salome isn't on the local machine)")
+ parser.add_option('-u','--user', dest="user", default='', help="[Distant Mode] The user on the computer to connect to")
+ parser.add_option('-i','--infiles', dest="infiles", default=[], action="callback", callback=vararg_callback,
+ help="[Distant Mode] The list of input files (blank separated) used in the Python script")
+ parser.add_option('-o','--outfiles', dest="outfiles", default=[], action="callback", callback=vararg_callback,
+ help="[Distant Mode] The list of output files (blank separated) generated by the Python script")
+ args=sys.argv[1:]
+ script=""
+ if args:
+ script=args.pop()
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
+ #check the arguments
+ if not os.path.exists(script):
+ print "ERROR: the script file is mandatory"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ machine=options.machine
+ port=options.port
+ user=options.user
+ infiles = options.infiles
+ outfiles = options.outfiles
+ directory=options.directory
+ mode="local"
+ if machine:
+ here=get_hostname()
+ if machine != here and machine != "localhost":
+ #SALOME server is on a remote computer
+ mode="remote"
+ if not user:
+ print "ERROR: the remote execution needs -u user argument"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(appli_local,"runSession")):
+ if not directory:
+ print "ERROR: the remote execution without SALOME installation needs -d directory argument"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return mode,user,machine,port,directory,infiles,outfiles,script
+def copy_files(user,machine,script,infiles,outfiles,directory):
+ """modify script, copy files to remote computer and return lists of copied files"""
+ namescript=os.path.basename(script)
+ logname=os.getenv("LOGNAME",user)
+ tmp_script="/tmp/%s_%s_%s" % (logname,os.getpid(),namescript)
+ fscript=open(script)
+ script_text=fscript.read()
+ fscript.close()
+ list_infiles=[]
+ list_outfiles=[]
+ n=0
+ for infile in infiles:
+ # generate a temporary file name
+ namefile=os.path.basename(infile)
+ tmp_file="/tmp/%s_%s_i%s_%s" % (logname,os.getpid(),n,namefile)
+ #modify the salome script
+ script_text = re.sub(infile,tmp_file,script_text)
+ # copy the infile to the remote server (into /tmp)
+ cmd="scp %s %s@%s:%s" % (infile,user,machine,tmp_file)
+ print "[ SCP ]",cmd
+ os.system(cmd)
+ list_infiles.append(tmp_file)
+ n=n+1
+ n=0
+ for outfile in outfiles:
+ # generate a temporary file name
+ namefile=os.path.basename(outfile)
+ tmp_file="/tmp/%s_%s_o%s_%s" % (logname,os.getpid(),n,namefile)
+ #modify the salome script
+ script_text = re.sub(outfile,tmp_file,script_text)
+ list_outfiles.append(tmp_file)
+ n=n+1
+ fscript=open(tmp_script,'w')
+ fscript.write(script_text)
+ fscript.close()
+ if directory:
+ #copy the salome script on the remote server
+ cmd="scp %s %s@%s:%s" % (tmp_script,user,machine,tmp_script)
+ print "[ SCP ]",cmd
+ os.system(cmd)
+ return list_infiles, list_outfiles, tmp_script
+def main():
+ mode,user,machine,port,directory,infiles,outfiles,script = parse_args()
+ tmp_script=script
+ print "mode:",mode
+ if mode == "remote":
+ list_infiles, list_outfiles, tmp_script = copy_files(user,machine,script,infiles,outfiles,directory)
+ #################################################
+ # Execution #
+ #################################################
+ if directory:
+ print "[ REMOTE ]"
+ # execute runSession from the remote SALOME application
+ cmd="ssh %s@%s %s/runSession " % (user,machine,directory)
+ if port:
+ cmd=cmd+"-p %s "%port
+ cmd = cmd +"python " + tmp_script
+ print '[ SSH ] ' + cmd
+ os.system(cmd)
+ else:
+ print "[ LOCAL ]"
+ # execute runSession from the local SALOME application
+ cmd="%s/runSession " % appli_local
+ if machine:
+ cmd=cmd+"-m %s "%machine
+ if port:
+ cmd=cmd+"-p %s "%port
+ cmd = cmd +"python " + tmp_script
+ print '[ SH ] ' + cmd
+ os.system(cmd)
+ #################################################
+ # Get remote files and clean #
+ #################################################
+ if mode == "remote":
+ temp_files=list_infiles+list_outfiles
+ #get the outfiles
+ for outfile in outfiles:
+ remote_outfile=list_outfiles.pop(0)
+ cmd="scp %s@%s:%s %s" %(user,machine,remote_outfile,outfile)
+ print "[ SCP ] "+cmd
+ os.system(cmd)
+ #clean temporary files
+ cmd="ssh %s@%s \\rm -f %s" % (user,machine," ".join(temp_files))
+ print '[ SSH ] ' + cmd
+ os.system(cmd)
+ os.remove(tmp_script)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
# --- invoke shell with or without args
if [ $# -ne 0 ] ; then
- ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/envSalome.py $*
+ ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/envSalome.py -exec $*
${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/envSalome.py /bin/bash --rcfile ${HOME}/${APPLI}/.bashrc
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys,os,shutil,glob,socket
+import optparse
+import getAppliPath
+usage="""usage: %prog [options]
+Typical use is:
+ python update_catalogs.py
+You need to have a well installed SALOME application with a CatalogResources.base.xml file.
+This file is used (parsed) to collect all module catalogs from distant resources and
+put them in the directory "remote_catalogs" with sub-directories with same name as the distant resource.
+Distant resources are all the resources except the main SALOME application.
+Module catalogs from distant resources are copied by the remote protocol declared in the catalog (rcp or rsh)
+except for the user resources on the local machine (local copy: cp).
+In a second time, this procedure generates a ready to use CatalogResources.xml with all available components
+for each resource.
+ # cElementTree from Python 2.5+
+ import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree_
+except ImportError:
+ try:
+ import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree_
+ except ImportError:
+ try:
+ import cElementTree as etree_
+ except ImportError:
+ try:
+ # normal ElementTree install
+ import elementtree.ElementTree as etree_
+ except ImportError:
+ raise
+class ParseError(Exception):
+ pass
+if sys.platform == "win32":SEP=";"
+def get_hostname():
+ return socket.gethostname().split('.')[0]
+class Component:
+ """Define a SALOME component
+ - name : component name
+ - moduleName : module name
+ """
+ def __init__(self,name,moduleName):
+ self.name=name
+ self.moduleName=moduleName
+class Resource:
+ """Define a SALOME resource
+ - components : the list of available components of the resource
+ """
+ def __init__(self,node):
+ self.node=node
+ self.components=[]
+ self.resource_dir=None
+ self.build()
+ def build(self):
+ self.attrs=self.node.attrib
+ #remove all children (components and modules)
+ for child in list(self.node):
+ self.node.remove(child)
+ def update(self):
+ for compo in self.components:
+ child=etree_.Element("component",name=compo.name,moduleName=compo.moduleName)
+ child.tail="\n"
+ self.node.append(child)
+ def get_rcp(self):
+ protocol= self.node.get("protocol")
+ if protocol and protocol[0]=='s':return "scp"
+ else:return "rcp"
+ def get_user(self):
+ userName= self.node.get("userName")
+ if not userName:
+ userName=os.getenv('USER')
+ return userName
+ def get_host(self):
+ hostname= self.node.get("hostname")
+ return hostname
+ def get_name(self):
+ name= self.node.get("name")
+ if name:return name
+ return self.get_host()
+ def get_appliPath(self):
+ appliPath= self.node.get("appliPath")
+ if appliPath is None:
+ appliPath=APPLI
+ return appliPath
+ def get_catalogs(self):
+ """Get module catalogs file from the resource and copy them locally in remote_catalogs/<resource name>"""
+ hostname=self.get_host()
+ appliPath= self.get_appliPath()
+ userName = self.get_user()
+ rcopy=self.get_rcp()
+ resource_dir=os.path.join(cata_dir,self.get_name())
+ if hostname == "localhost" or hostname == get_hostname() and userName == os.getenv("USER"):
+ #local machine, use cp
+ if appliPath[0]!='/':
+ #relative path
+ appliPath=os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"),appliPath)
+ if appliPath == appli_local:
+ return
+ os.mkdir(resource_dir)
+ cata_path=os.path.join(appliPath,"share","salome","resources","*Catalog.xml")
+ cmd="cp %s %s" % (cata_path,resource_dir)
+ print cmd
+ os.system(cmd)
+ cata_path=os.path.join(appliPath,"share","salome","resources","*","*Catalog.xml")
+ cmd="cp %s %s" % (cata_path,resource_dir)
+ print cmd
+ os.system(cmd)
+ else:
+ #remote machine, use rcopy
+ os.mkdir(resource_dir)
+ cata_path=os.path.join(appliPath,"share","salome","resources","*Catalog.xml")
+ cmd="%s %s@%s:%s %s"
+ cmd= cmd%(rcopy,userName,hostname,cata_path,resource_dir)
+ print cmd
+ os.system(cmd)
+ cata_path=os.path.join(appliPath,"share","salome","resources","*","*Catalog.xml")
+ cmd="%s %s@%s:%s %s"
+ cmd= cmd%(rcopy,userName,hostname,cata_path,resource_dir)
+ print cmd
+ os.system(cmd)
+ schema_cata=os.path.join(resource_dir,"*SchemaCatalog.xml")
+ os.system("rm %s"% schema_cata)
+ self.resource_dir=os.path.abspath(resource_dir)
+ def get_components(self):
+ """Retrieve all components declared in module catalogs of the resource"""
+ appliPath= self.get_appliPath()
+ userName = self.get_user()
+ hostname=self.get_host()
+ resource_dir=os.path.join(cata_dir,self.get_name())
+ catalogs_list=glob.glob(os.path.join(resource_dir,"*Catalog.xml"))
+ if hostname == "localhost" or hostname == get_hostname() and userName == os.getenv("USER"):
+ #user local resource
+ if appliPath[0]!='/':
+ appliPath=os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"),appliPath)
+ if appliPath == appli_local:
+ #main local resource: get catalogs in share/salome/resources
+ catalogs_list=glob.glob(os.path.join(appliPath,"share","salome","resources","*","*Catalog.xml"))
+ catalogs_list=catalogs_list + glob.glob(os.path.join(appliPath,"share","salome","resources","*Catalog.xml"))
+ for cata in catalogs_list:
+ moduleName= os.path.basename(cata)[:-11]
+ #Parse module catalog
+ doc = etree_.parse(cata)
+ rootNode = doc.getroot()
+ for componentName in rootNode.findall("component-list/component/component-name"):
+ self.components.append(Component(componentName.text,moduleName))
+def main():
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
+ options, args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not os.path.exists(catalog_file_base):
+ print "ERROR: the base catalog file %s is mandatory" % catalog_file_base
+ sys.exit(1)
+ #Parse CatalogResource.xml
+ doc = etree_.parse(catalog_file_base)
+ rootNode = doc.getroot()
+ if rootNode.tag != "resources":
+ raise ParseError("First level tag must be resources not %s" % rootNode.tag)
+ resources=[]
+ #Extract resources
+ for child in rootNode:
+ if child.tag != "machine":
+ raise ParseError("Second level tag must be machine not %s" % child.tag)
+ resources.append(Resource(child))
+ # Remove remote_catalogs directory and create a new empty one
+ if os.path.exists(cata_dir):
+ if os.path.exists(cata_dir_bak):
+ shutil.rmtree(cata_dir_bak)
+ os.rename(cata_dir,cata_dir_bak)
+ os.mkdir(cata_dir)
+ #Get catalogs from remote resources and copy them in remote_catalogs
+ for mach in resources:
+ mach.get_catalogs()
+ #Get the list of SALOME components that are defined in catalogs
+ for mach in resources:
+ mach.get_components()
+ #Update the resource catalog dom object for further dump
+ for mach in resources:
+ mach.update()
+ #dump new CatalogResources.xml
+ f=open(catalog_file,'w')
+ f.write('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')
+ doc.write(f)
+ f.write('\n')
+ f.close()
+ print "%s updated" % catalog_file
+ #update configRemote.sh in env.d directory (environment variable SALOME_CATALOGS_PATH)
+ path=[]
+ for mach in resources:
+ if mach.resource_dir:
+ path.append(mach.resource_dir)
+ f=open(os.path.join(appli_local,"env.d","configRemote.sh"),'w')
+ f.write("export SALOME_CATALOGS_PATH=%s\n" % SEP.join(path))
+ f.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
-#import runSalome
argv = sys.argv[1:]
sys.argv = argv[1:]
-#sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]]
-#if len(argv) > 3:
-# sys.argv += argv[3:]
-#if len(argv) > 2:
-# sys.argv = argv[2:]
-#args, modules_list, modules_root_dir = setenv.get_config()
-#runSalome.set_env(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
+if argv[0] == "-exec":
+ #keep options only for execution
+ del argv[0]
+ sys.argv = []
if sys.platform == "win32":
fpid = open(filedict, 'r')
from salome_utils import generateFileName
- fpidomniNames = generateFileName(os.path.join('/tmp/logs', os.getenv('USER')),
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ username = os.getenv( "USERNAME" )
+ else:
+ username = os.getenv('USER')
+ path = os.path.join('/tmp/logs', username)
+ fpidomniNames = generateFileName(path,
play_nam = "play"
gdb_session_nam = "gdb_session"
ddd_session_nam = "ddd_session"
+valgrind_session_nam = "valgrind_session"
shutdown_servers_nam = "shutdown_servers"
# values in XML configuration file giving specific module parameters (<module_name> section)
dest="ddd_session", default=False,
+ # valgrind session
+ help_str = "Launch session with valgrind $VALGRIND_OPTIONS"
+ o_valgrind = optparse.Option("--valgrind-session",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="valgrind_session", default=False,
+ help=help_str)
# shutdown-servers. Default: False.
help_str = "1 to shutdown standalone servers when leaving python interpreter, "
help_str += "0 to keep the standalone servers as daemon [default]. "
o_play, # Reproducing test script with help of TestRecorder
+ o_valgrind,
if cmd_opts.py_scripts is not None:
listlist = cmd_opts.py_scripts
for listi in listlist:
- args[script_nam] += re.split( "[:;,]", listi)
+ if os.sys.platform == 'win32':
+ args[script_nam] += re.split( "[;,]", listi)
+ else:
+ args[script_nam] += re.split( "[:;,]", listi)
for arg in cmd_args:
if arg[-3:] == ".py":
if cmd_opts.ddd_session is not None:
args[ddd_session_nam] = cmd_opts.ddd_session
+ # valgrind session
+ if cmd_opts.valgrind_session is not None:
+ args[valgrind_session_nam] = cmd_opts.valgrind_session
# Shutdown servers
if cmd_opts.shutdown_servers is None:
args[shutdown_servers_nam] = 0
from launchConfigureParser import verbose
from server import process_id
+if sys.platform == "win32":
+ SEP = ";"
+ SEP = ":"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from killSalome import killAllPorts
class InterpServer(Server):
def __init__(self,args):
- env_ld_library_path=['env', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=' + os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")]
- self.CMD=['xterm', '-e']+ env_ld_library_path + ['python']
+ if sys.platform != "win32":
+ env_ld_library_path=['env', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=' + os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")]
+ self.CMD=['xterm', '-e']+ env_ld_library_path + ['python']
+ else:
+ self.CMD=['cmd', '/c', 'start cmd.exe', '/K', 'python']
def run(self):
global process_id
# ---
+def get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir):
+ """Build a list of catalog paths (cata_path) to initialize the ModuleCatalog server
+ """
+ modules_cata={}
+ cata_path=[]
+ for module in list_modules:
+ if modules_root_dir.has_key(module):
+ module_root_dir=modules_root_dir[module]
+ module_cata=module+"Catalog.xml"
+ cata_file=os.path.join(module_root_dir, "share",setenv.salome_subdir, "resources",module.lower(), module_cata)
+ if os.path.exists(cata_file):
+ cata_path.append(cata_file)
+ modules_cata[module]=cata_file
+ else:
+ cata_file=os.path.join(module_root_dir, "share",setenv.salome_subdir, "resources", module_cata)
+ if os.path.exists(cata_file):
+ cata_path.append(cata_file)
+ modules_cata[module]=cata_file
+ for path in os.getenv("SALOME_CATALOGS_PATH","").split(SEP):
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ for cata_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(path,"*Catalog.xml")):
+ module_name= os.path.basename(cata_file)[:-11]
+ if not modules_cata.has_key(module_name):
+ cata_path.append(cata_file)
+ modules_cata[module_name]=cata_file
+ return cata_path
class CatalogServer(Server):
def __init__(self,args):
- #if sys.platform == "win32":
- # self.SCMD1=[os.environ["KERNEL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/win32/" + os.environ["BIN_ENV"] + "/" + 'SALOME_ModuleCatalog_Server' + ".exe",'-common']
- #else:
def setpath(self,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
- cata_path=[]
list_modules = modules_list[:]
if self.args["gui"] :
list_modules = ["KERNEL", "GUI"] + list_modules
else :
list_modules = ["KERNEL"] + list_modules
- for module in list_modules:
- if modules_root_dir.has_key(module):
- module_root_dir=modules_root_dir[module]
- module_cata=module+"Catalog.xml"
- #print " ", module_cata
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(module_root_dir,
- "share",setenv.salome_subdir,
- "resources",module.lower(),
- module_cata)):
- cata_path.extend(
- glob.glob(os.path.join(module_root_dir,
- "share",setenv.salome_subdir,
- "resources",module.lower(),
- module_cata)))
- else:
- cata_path.extend(
- glob.glob(os.path.join(module_root_dir,
- "share",setenv.salome_subdir,
- "resources",
- module_cata)))
- pass
- pass
- #self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['\"']+[string.join(cata_path,'\"::\"')] + ['\"'] + self.SCMD2
- self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['\"' + string.join(cata_path,'\"::\"') + '\"'] + self.SCMD2
+ cata_path=get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir)
+ self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['"' + string.join(cata_path,'"::"') + '"'] + self.SCMD2
# ---
def setpath(self,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
- cata_path=[]
list_modules = modules_list[:]
if self.args["gui"] :
list_modules = ["KERNEL", "GUI"] + list_modules
else :
list_modules = ["KERNEL"] + list_modules
- for module in list_modules:
- module_root_dir=modules_root_dir[module]
- module_cata=module+"Catalog.xml"
- #print " ", module_cata
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(module_root_dir,
- "share",setenv.salome_subdir,
- "resources",module.lower(),
- module_cata)):
- cata_path.extend(
- glob.glob(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"share",
- setenv.salome_subdir,"resources",
- module.lower(),module_cata)))
- else:
- cata_path.extend(
- glob.glob(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"share",
- setenv.salome_subdir,"resources",
- module_cata)))
- pass
+ cata_path=get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir)
if (self.args["gui"]) & ('moduleCatalog' in self.args['embedded']):
#Use '::' instead ":" because drive path with "D:\" is invalid on windows platform
- #self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['\"']+[string.join(cata_path,'\"::\"')] + ['\"'] + self.SCMD2
- self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['\"' + string.join(cata_path,'\"::\"') + '\"'] + self.SCMD2
+ self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['"' + string.join(cata_path,'"::"') + '"'] + self.SCMD2
self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + self.SCMD2
if self.args.has_key('test'):
+ if self.args["valgrind_session"]:
+ l = ["valgrind"]
+ val = os.getenv("VALGRIND_OPTIONS")
+ if val:
+ l += val.split()
+ pass
+ self.CMD = l + self.CMD
+ pass
# ---
class LauncherServer(Server):
if 'cppContainer' in self.args['embedded']:
def setpath(self,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
- cata_path=[]
list_modules = modules_list[:]
if self.args["gui"] :
- list_modules = ["GUI"] + list_modules
- for module in ["KERNEL"] + list_modules:
- if modules_root_dir.has_key(module):
- module_root_dir=modules_root_dir[module]
- module_cata=module+"Catalog.xml"
- #print " ", module_cata
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(module_root_dir,
- "share",setenv.salome_subdir,
- "resources",module.lower(),
- module_cata)):
- cata_path.extend(
- glob.glob(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"share",
- setenv.salome_subdir,"resources",
- module.lower(),module_cata)))
- else:
- cata_path.extend(
- glob.glob(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"share",
- setenv.salome_subdir,"resources",
- module_cata)))
- pass
- pass
+ list_modules = ["KERNEL", "GUI"] + list_modules
+ else :
+ list_modules = ["KERNEL"] + list_modules
+ cata_path=get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir)
if (self.args["gui"]) & ('moduleCatalog' in self.args['embedded']):
- self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + [string.join(cata_path,':')] + self.SCMD2
+ #Use '::' instead ":" because drive path with "D:\" is invalid on windows platform
+ self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['"' + string.join(cata_path,'"::"') + '"'] + self.SCMD2
self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + self.SCMD2
# set PYTHONINSPECT variable (python interpreter in interactive mode)
if args['pinter']:
- import readline
+ try:
+ import readline
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
return clt
if args.has_key('gui') and args.has_key('session_gui'):
if not args['gui'] or not args['session_gui']:
toimport = args['pyscript']
- i = 0
- while i < len( toimport ) :
- if toimport[ i ] == 'killall':
+ for srcname in toimport :
+ if srcname == 'killall':
- scrname = toimport[ i ]
- if len(scrname) > 2 and (len(scrname) - string.rfind(scrname, ".py") == 3):
- print 'executing',scrname
- sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.dirname(scrname))
- execfile(scrname,globals())
- del sys.path[0]
+ if os.path.isabs(srcname):
+ if os.path.exists(srcname):
+ execScript(srcname)
+ elif os.path.exists(srcname+".py"):
+ execScript(srcname+".py")
+ else:
+ print "Can't execute file %s" % srcname
+ pass
- print 'importing',scrname
- doimport = 'import ' + scrname
- exec doimport
- i = i + 1
+ found = False
+ for path in [os.getcwd()] + sys.path:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,srcname)):
+ execScript(os.path.join(path,srcname))
+ found = True
+ break
+ elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,srcname+".py")):
+ execScript(os.path.join(path,srcname+".py"))
+ found = True
+ break
+ pass
+ if not found:
+ print "Can't execute file %s" % srcname
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
return clt
+def execScript(script_path):
+ print 'executing', script_path
+ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(script_path))
+ execfile(script_path,globals())
+ del sys.path[0]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if self.args.get('xterm'):
+ if sys.platform != "win32":
self.ARGS=['xterm', '-iconic', '-sb', '-sl', '500', '-hold']
+ else:
+ self.ARGS=['cmd', '/c', 'start cmd.exe', '/K']
def __init__(self,args):
if self.args.get('xterm'):
# (Debian) send LD_LIBRARY_PATH to children shells (xterm)
- env_ld_library_path=['env', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH='
- + os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")]
- myargs = myargs +['-T']+self.CMD[:1]+['-e'] + env_ld_library_path
+ if sys.platform != "win32":
+ env_ld_library_path=['env', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH='
+ + os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")]
+ myargs = myargs +['-T']+self.CMD[:1]+['-e'] + env_ld_library_path
command = myargs + self.CMD
#print "command = ", command
if sys.platform == "win32":
+ import platform
+ if platform.machine() == "x86_64":
+ add_path(os.path.join(module_root_dir,"lib64",
+ python_version,"site-packages",
+ salome_subdir),
+ pass
if not os.path.exists(module_lib_py_dir):
print "Python directory %s does not exist" % module_lib_py_dir
+ # __GBO__ specific action for the package salome
+ module_lib_pypkg_dir=os.path.join(module_lib_py_dir,"salome")
+ lib_pypkg_dir=os.path.join(lib_py_dir,"salome")
+ mkdir(lib_pypkg_dir)
+ # __GBO__
for fn in os.listdir(module_lib_py_dir):
if fn == "shared_modules": continue
+ # __GBO__
+ if fn == "salome": continue
+ # __GBO__
symlink(os.path.join(module_lib_py_dir, fn), os.path.join(lib_py_dir, fn))
if os.path.exists(module_lib_py_shared_dir):
symlink(os.path.join(module_lib_py_shared_dir, fn), os.path.join(lib_py_shared_dir, fn))
+ # __GBO__
+ if os.path.exists(module_lib_pypkg_dir):
+ for fn in os.listdir(module_lib_pypkg_dir):
+ symlink(os.path.join(module_lib_pypkg_dir, fn), os.path.join(lib_pypkg_dir, fn))
+ pass
+ pass
+ # __GBO__
if verbose:
print module_lib_py_shared_dir, " doesn't exist"
# ================================================================
-AC_INIT([Salome2 Project], [6.1.0], [paul.rascle@edf.fr], [SalomeKERNEL])
+AC_INIT([Salome2 Project], [6.2.0], [paul.rascle@edf.fr], [SalomeKERNEL])
# AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR defines an alternative directory where to find the auxiliary
# scripts such as config.guess, install-sh, ...
+if test "X$enable_debug" = "Xyes"; then
echo ---------------------------------------------
echo testing libtool
dnl add library libm :
-# _CS_gbo We should add all dependent libraries
echo ---------------------------------------------
-dnl _CS_gbo We should use here a variable given from the CHECK_PYTHON
+# _GBO_ This definition is required. Without this definition, the pythondir
+# would not be defined. The version doesn't matter.
# Additional conditional to avoid compilation of non-portable code
+echo ---------------------------------------------
+echo testing sphinx
+echo ---------------------------------------------
echo ============================================================
echo Summary
-htmldoc_products="doxygen_ok graphviz_ok rst2html_ok"
+htmldoc_products="doxygen_ok graphviz_ok rst2html_ok sphinx_ok"
echo --- Html documentation products: only required for doc production
summary $htmldoc_products
echo ---------------------------------------------
+sed -i "s%^CC=\"\(.*\)\"%hack_libtool (){ \n\
+ if test \"\$(echo \$[@] | grep -E '\\\-L/usr/lib(/../lib)?(64)? ')\" == \"\" \n\
+ then\n\
+ cmd=\"\1 \$[@]\"\n\
+ else\n\
+ cmd=\"\1 \"\`echo \$[@] | sed -r -e 's|(.*)-L/usr/lib(/../lib)?(64)? (.*)|\\\1\\\4 -L/usr/lib\\\3|g'\`\n\
+ fi\n\
+ \$cmd\n\
+CC=\"hack_libtool\"%g" libtool
# This list is initiated using autoscan and must be updated manually
# when adding a new file <filename>.in to manage. When you execute
# autoscan, the Makefile list is generated in the output file configure.scan.
doc/salome/gui/Makefile \
doc/salome/gui/doxyfile \
doc/salome/gui/static/header.html \
+ doc/docutils/Makefile \
idl/Makefile \
idl/Calcium_Ports.idl \
resources/Makefile \
src/GenericObj/Makefile \
src/HDFPersist/Makefile \
src/KERNEL_PY/Makefile \
+ src/KERNEL_PY/kernel/Makefile \
+ src/KERNEL_PY/kernel/logconfig.py \
src/Launcher/Makefile \
src/LifeCycleCORBA/Makefile \
src/LifeCycleCORBA/Test/Makefile \
src/Utils/Makefile \
src/Utils/Test/Makefile \
+++ /dev/null
-Installation instructions, up to date for 3.0 version
-*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
- rst2html < doc.txt > doc.html
-*This document corresponds to SALOME2 2.2.9.*
-*IT IS NOT UP TO DATE with 3.2.0*
-.. contents::
-.. sectnum::
-You'll find here generic instructions for installing the SALOME2 platform.
-`1. Quick Overview`_
-`2. System configuration`_
-`3. Third-party dependencies`_
-`4. Preparing the shell environment`_
-`5. Installing the KERNEL component`_
-`6. Installing the SALOME components`_
-`7. Runtime`_
-`8. Suggestions and advices`_
-1. Quick Overview
-First of all, you have to check (or install if needed) the dependant
-software programs on your system. These programs are:
-- common development tools as gcc, automake, autoconf and libtools.
-- third party softwares used in SALOME building or runtime process
- (python, OCC, VTK, ...)
-Further details can be found in sections [2] and [3].
-If the dependencies are installed on your system, then you have to set
-your shell environment to get access to the software components
-(cf. [4]. "Preparing the shell environment").
-The next step is to install the KERNEL (cf. [5] "Installing KERNEL"):
-$ mkdir <kernel_build>
-$ mkdir <kernel_install>
-$ cd <kernel_src>
-$ ./build_configure
-$ cd <kernel_build>
-$ <kernel_src>/configure --prefix=<kernel_install>
-$ make
-$ make install
-Then, the SALOME components GEOM, MED, VISU, ... can be installed
-with a similar procedure (cf. [6]).
-Eventually, the platform can be run by executing the shell script
-runSalome (cf. [7]). Here, somme additionnal variables have to be set
-to describe the SALOME runtime configuration (<COMPONENT>_ROOT_DIR,
-The following provides you with specific instructions for each step.
-2. System configuration
-SALOME is compiled and tested on differents platforms with native packages:
-- Debian sarge
-- Mandrake 10.1
-- ...
-If you have another platform, we suggest the following configuration
-for building process:
-- gcc-3.3.x or 3.4.x
-- automake-1.7 or more (only aclocal is used)
-- autoconf-2.59
-- libtool-1.5.6
-- This is the minimum level of automake, autoconf and libtool, if you need
- to compile all the third party softwares (included OpenCascade 5.2.x).
-3. Third-party dependencies
-The SALOME platform relies on a set of third-party softwares. The
-current version depends on the following list
-(versions given here are from Debian Sarge, except OpenCascade, VTK and MED,
-which are not Debian packages):
-CAS-5.2.4 OpenCascade (try binaries,a source patch is needed)
-VTK-4.2.6 VTK 3D-viewer
-PyQt-3.13 Python-Qt Wrapper
-Python-2.3.5 Python interpreter
-SWIG-1.3.24 SWIG library
-boost-1_32_0 C++ library (only include templates are used)
-hdf5-1.6.2 Files Database library
-med-2.2.2 MED Data Format support for file records
-omniORB-4.0.5 ORB used in SALOME
-qt-x11-free-3.3.3 Qt library
-qwt-4.2 Graph components for Qt
-sip4-4.1.1 langage binding software
-And, in order to build the documentation:
-Additionnal software may be installed for optional features:
-netgen4.3 + patch
-3.1 To Do
-- Instructions for installing these software programs can be found in a
- special note doc/configuration_examples/install-prerequis.
-- Installation shell scripts are also provided.
- These scripts have to be adapted to your own configuration.
-- See doc/configuration_examples/*
-In the following, we assume that all the third-party softwares are
-installed in the same root directory, named <salomeroot>/prerequis.
-Then, your file system should probably look like::
- <salomeroot>/prerequis/Python-2.2.2
- <salomeroot>/prerequis/omniORB-3.0.5
- <salomeroot>/prerequis/qt-x11-free-3.0.5
- ...
-4. Preparing the shell environment
-Some variables have to be set to get acces to third-party software
-components (include files, executable, library, ...) during building
-process and runtime.
-The shell file prerequis.sh, embedded in the KERNEL source package,
-provides a template for setting those variables. In this example, all the
-softwares are supposed to be installed in the same root directory,
-named here INSTALLROOT.
-Copy the prerequis.sh in a working directory and adjust the settings
-to your own configuration. To get the shell prepared, just
-execute the following command in the building shell:
-$ source prerequis.sh
-(we assume here a ksh or bash mode)
-5. Installing the KERNEL component
-We use here the notation <kernel_src> to specify the source directory
-of the KERNEL component. The shell environment is supposed to have
-been set (cf. 4).
-Installing the KERNEL from a source package needs three directories:
-- the source directory, denoted here by <kernel_src>.
-- the build directory, denoted by <kernel_build> in the following. This
- directory can't be the same directory as <kernel_src>.
-- the install directory, denoted by <kernel_install> in the following. This
- directory can't be the same directory as <kernel_src> or
- <kernel_build>.
-The installing process is:
-STEP 1:
- preparing directories
- create the <kernel_build> and the <kernel_install> directories::
- $ mkdir <kernel_build>
- $ mkdir <kernel_install>
-STEP 2:
- build configure script
- go to <kernel_src> directory and generate the "configure" script::
- $ cd <kernel_src>
- $ ./build_configure
- If it doesn't work, check your system automake tools as specified in
- section [2].
-STEP 3:
- configure the building process
- go to the build directory and execute the configuration process::
- $ cd <kernel_build>
- $ <kernel_src>/configure --prefix=<kernel_install>
- Note that <kernel_install> must be an absolute path.
- When the configure process is complete, check the status of
- third-party softwares detection. You should have a status like::
- ---------------------------------------------
- Summary
- ---------------------------------------------
- Configure
- cc : yes
- boost : yes
- lex_yacc : yes
- python : yes
- swig : yes
- threads : yes
- OpenGL : yes
- qt : yes
- vtk : yes
- hdf5 : yes
- med2 : yes
- omniORB : yes
- occ : yes
- sip : yes
- pyqt : yes
- qwt : yes
- doxygen : yes
- graphviz : no
- openpbs : no
- lsf : no
- Default ORB : omniORB
- ----------------------------------------------
-If a software get a status "no", then it's not "seen" in the system:
-- the software is not installed, or
-- the shell environment is not set correctly.
-In this example, the software programs graphviz, openpbs and lsf are not
-installed (optional for most usages).
-STEP 4 :
- Building the binary files
- Execute make in the <kernel_build> directory::
- $ make
-STEP 5:
- Installing binary files, scripts and documentation
- Execute install target in the <kernel_build> directory::
- $ make install
-6. Installing the SALOME components
-TInstalling a component <COMPONENT> is done by following the same
-instructions as given for the KERNEL, replacing KERNEL by
-<COMPONENT> (build_configure, configure, make, make install).
-You just have to be aware of the dependencies between components:
-- MED depends on KERNEL
-- GEOM depends on KERNEL
-- SMESH depends on KERNEL, MED, GEOM
-- VISU depends on KERNEL, MED
-- SUPERV depends on KERNEL
-For example, installing the component SMESH needs the previous
-installation of the KERNEL component, and then the GEOM and MED components.
-The building process uses the variables <COMPONENT>_ROOT_DIR to
-localize the dependant components. The variables must be set to the
-install path directory of the components <COMPONENT> (ex:
-In the above example, the three variables KERNEL_ROOT_DIR,
-GEOM_ROOT_DIR and MED_ROOT_DIR have to be set before configuring the
-building process of the SMESH component (STEP 3).
-7. Runtime
-See SALOME_Application_ to define your own configuration of SALOME and run it
-on one or several computers. This is the recommended way of configuration.
-.. _SALOME_Application: ./SALOME_Application.html
-The following explains the general principles.
-To run the SALOME platform, the procedure is:
-- set the shell environment to get acces to third-party softwares::
- $ source prerequis.sh
-- define the SALOME configuration by setting the whole set of
- variables <COMPONENT>_ROOT_DIR. Here, you just have to set the
- kernel and the components you need::
- $ export KERNEL_ROOT_DIR=<kernel_install>
- $ export MED_ROOT_DIR=<med_install>
- $ ...
-- define the CORBA configuration file by setting the variable
- OMNIORB_CONFIG. This variable must be set to a writable file
- path. The file may be arbitrary chosen and doesn't need to exist
- before running. We suggest::
- $ export OMNIORB_CONFIG=$HOME/.omniORB.cfg
-- run the SALOME platform by executing the script runSalome::
- $KERNEL_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/runSalome
-8. Suggestions and advices
-For convenience or customization, we suggest the following organisation:
-- chose and create a root directory for the SALOME platform, say
- <salomeroot>.
-- install the third-party softwares in a sub-directory "prerequis"
-- install the SALOME components in a sub-directory "SALOME2"
-- make personnal copies of the files prerequis.sh and runSalome in
- <salomeroot>::
- $ cp <kernel_src>/prerequis.sh <rundir>/.
- $ cp <kernel_install>/bin/salome/runSalome <rundir>/.
- Edit the file prerequis.sh and adjust it to your own configuration.
-- define the SALOME2 configuration
- This step consists in setting the KERNEL_ROOT_DIR, the whole set of
- variables <COMPONENT>_ROOT_DIR you need, and the OMNIORB_CONFIG
- variable.
- We suggest to create a shell file envSalome.sh containing those
- settings. Then the configuration consists in loading envSalome.sh in
- the runtime shell::
- $ source envSalome.sh
-- When installed with this file organisation, running SALOME is done
- with the following shell commands::
- $ source <salomeroot>/prerequis.sh
- $ source <salomeroot>/envSalome.sh
- $ ./runSalome
-| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
-.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
-.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
+++ /dev/null
-KERNEL Services for end user (Python interface)
-*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
- rst2html < doc.txt > doc.html
-This document corresponds to SALOME2 3.2.0
-.. contents::
-.. sectnum::
-In a SALOME application, distributed components, servers and clients use
-the CORBA middleware for comunication. CORBA interfaces are defined via idl
-files. All the different CORBA interfaces are available for users in Python,
-see CORBA interfaces below.
-For some general purpose services, CORBA interfaces have been encapsulated
-in order to provide a simple interface (encapsulation is generally done in
-C++ classes, and a Python SWIG interface is also generated from C++, to
-ensure a consistent behavior between C++ modules and Python modules or user
-General purpose services
-SALOME services access from a Python shell
-See SALOME_Application_ for detailed instructions to launch a Python
-interpreter with full acces to the SALOME environment and services.
-.. _SALOME_Application: ./SALOME_Application.txt
-You can use the embedded Python interpreter in Grahic User Interface, or an
-external interpreter, with::
- ./runSession
- python
-In either cases, SALOME services access is done with::
- import salome
- salome.salome_init()
-In the embedded interpreter, it is already done, but there is no problem to
-do it several times, so it is preferable to add these instructions
-systematically in your scripts, to allow them to work in all configurations.
-Container and component instanciation
-See LifeCycleCORBA_ for the C++ interface (Python interface obtained with SWIG
-is very similar).
-.. _LifeCycleCORBA: ./tui/KERNEL/classSALOME__LifeCycleCORBA.html
-In the following example, a test component provided in KERNEL is launched
-in the local container, "FactoryServer", created when SALOME starts::
- import salome
- salome.salome_init()
- import LifeCycleCORBA
- lcc = LifeCycleCORBA.LifeCycleCORBA()
- obj=lcc.FindOrLoad_Component("FactoryServer","SalomeTestComponent")
- import Engines
- comp=obj._narrow(Engines.TestComponent)
- comp.Coucou(1)
-The answer is something like::
- 'TestComponent_i : L = 1'
-The _narrow() instruction is not always mandatory in Python, but sometimes
-useful to be sure you have got the right type of object. Here, Testcomponent_
-interface is defined in CORBA module Engines. With this example, it works also
-without the _narrow() instruction::
- obj.Coucou(1)
-.. _Testcomponent: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1TestComponent.html
-In the next example, a component instance is created in a specific Container
-defined by it's computer hostname and it's name. Here we use the local
-computer. Note that in Utils_Identity_, getShortHostName() gives the short
-hostname of the computer, without domain suffixes, which is used in SALOME.
-The container process is created here if it does not exists, and a new
-component instance is created::
- import salome
- salome.salome_init()
- import LifeCycleCORBA
- lcc = LifeCycleCORBA.LifeCycleCORBA()
- import Utils_Identity
- host = Utils_Identity.getShortHostName()
- import Engines
- params={}
- params['hostname']=host
- params['container_name']='myContainer'
- comp=lcc.LoadComponent(params,'SalomeTestComponent')
- comp.Coucou(1)
-.. _Utils_Identity: ./tui/KERNEL/namespaceUtils__Identity.html
-If you want to get a list of containers and component instances, client object
-from orbmodule_ provides a list::
- import orbmodule
- clt=orbmodule.client()
- clt.showNS()
-.. _orbmodule: ./tui/KERNEL/classorbmodule_1_1client.html
-The list looks like::
- Logger.
- ContainerManager.object
- Containers.dir
- cli70ac.dir
- FactoryServerPy.object
- SuperVisionContainer.object
- FactoryServer.object
- FactoryServer.dir
- SalomeTestComponent_inst_1.object
- myContainer.object
- myContainer.dir
- SalomeTestComponent_inst_1.object
- SalomeTestComponent_inst_2.object
- Registry.object
- Kernel.dir
- ModulCatalog.object
- Session.object
- Study.dir
- Study2.object
- extStudy_1.object
- extStudy_2.object
- extStudy_3.object
- myStudyManager.object
- SalomeAppEngine.object
-File transfer service
-See FileTransferCORBA_ for the C++ interface (Python interface obtained with
-SWIG is very similar).
-.. _FileTransferCORBA: ./tui/KERNEL/classSALOME__FileTransferCORBA.html
-The following example shows how to tranfer a file from a remote host to the
-client computer. Remote hostname is 'cli76cc', we would like to copy
-'tkcvs_8_0_3.tar.gz' from remote to local computer. A full pathname is
-required. A container is created on remote computer if it does not exist,
-to handle the file transfer::
- import salome
- salome.salome_init()
- import LifeCycleCORBA
- remotefile="/home/prascle/tkcvs_8_0_3.tar.gz"
- aFileTransfer=LifeCycleCORBA.SALOME_FileTransferCORBA('cli76cc',remotefile)
- localFile=aFileTransfer.getLocalFile()
-CORBA Naming service access
-See SALOME_NamingService_ for the C++ interface. The Python interface
-SALOME_NamingServicePy_ is not yet derived from the C++ interface and offers
-only the most useful functions.
-.. _SALOME_NamingService: ./tui/KERNEL/classSALOME__NamingService.html
-.. _SALOME_NamingServicePy: ./tui/KERNEL/classSALOME__NamingServicePy_1_1SALOME__NamingServicePy__i.html
-Batch services
-See Batch_ documentation (in french only).
-.. _Batch: ./Batch.html/index.html
-All IDL Interfaces
-Containers and component life cycle, File transfer service
-| Engines_ | Engines CORBA module. |
-| Component_ | Generic component interface. |
-| | All SALOME components inherit this interface |
-| Container_ | Container: host for C++ and Python components |
-| | components instances |
-| FileTransfer_ | Agent for file transfer created by a container|
-| | copy a local file to a distent client |
-| FileRef_ | Reference to a file, used by a container for |
-| | file transfers |
-| ContainerManager_ | Unique instance, in charge of container |
-| | creation on remote computers |
-| MPIContainer_ | An exemple of parallel implementation for |
-| | containers and components |
-| MPIObject_ | |
-Study management
-| SALOMEDSidl_ | |
-| SALOMEDS_Attributes_ | |
-High speed transfer, object life cycle, exceptions, GUI interface...
-| SALOME_ | SALOME CORBA module |
-| SALOME_Comm_ | |
-| SALOME_GenericObj_ | |
-| SALOME_Exception_ | |
-| SALOME_Session_ | |
-| | other CORBA modules |
-| SALOME_ModuleCatalog_ | |
-| SALOME_RessourcesCatalog_ | |
-| SALOME_Registry_ | |
-| Logger_ | |
-**Other idl for test purposes**
-.. _Engines: ./tui/KERNEL/namespaceEngines.html
-.. _Component: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1Component.html
-.. _Container: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1Container.html
-.. _fileTransfer: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1fileTransfer.html
-.. _fileRef: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1fileRef.html
-.. _ContainerManager: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1ContainerManager.html
-.. _MPIContainer: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1MPIContainer.html
-.. _MPIObject: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1MPIObject.html
-.. _SALOME: ./tui/KERNEL/namespaceSALOME.html
-.. _SALOMEDS: ./tui/KERNEL/namespaceSALOMEDS.html
-.. _SALOME_Component: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__Component_8idl.html
-.. _SALOME_ContainerManager: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__ContainerManager_8idl.html
-.. _SALOMEDSidl: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOMEDS_8idl.html
-.. _SALOMEDS_Attributes: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOMEDS__Attributes_8idl.html
-.. _SALOME_ModuleCatalog: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__ModuleCatalog_8idl.html
-.. _SALOME_RessourcesCatalog: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__RessourcesCatalog_8idl.html
-.. _SALOME_Registry: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__Registry_8idl.html
-.. _Logger: ./tui/KERNEL/Logger_8idl.html
-.. _SALOME_Comm: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__Comm_8idl.html
-.. _SALOME_GenericObj: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__GenericObj_8idl.html
-.. _SALOME_Exception: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__Exception_8idl.html
-.. _SALOME_Session: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__Session_8idl.html
-.. _SALOME_MPIContainer: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__MPIContainer_8idl.html
-.. _SALOME_MPIObject: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__MPIObject_8idl.html
-| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
-.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
-.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
# -* Makefile *-
# Author : Paul RASCLE (EDF)
# Date : 06/02/2006
-# $Header$
include $(top_srcdir)/salome_adm/unix/make_common_starter.am
-SUBDIRS = salome
+SUBDIRS = salome docutils
+EXTRA_DIST = configuration_examples
docs: usr_docs
(cd salome && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) dev_docs)
- cp -Rp $(srcdir)/configuration_examples $(distdir)
- rm -rf $(distdir)/configuration_examples/CVS
+++ /dev/null
-SALOME Application Concept. Configuration for one or more computers
-*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
- rst2html doc.txt > doc.html
-This document corresponds to SALOME2 3.2.0
-.. contents::
-.. sectnum::
-The following explains how to configure your own application with your list of
-modules, how to define and run this application on one or more computers.
-General principles
-A SALOME application is defined by a set of modules (GEOM, SMESH, ASTER...).
-A SALOME User can define several SALOME Applications. These applications are
-runnable from the same user account. These applications may share the same
-KERNEL and modules. Thus, the application configuration is independant of
-KERNEL and must not be put in KERNEL_ROOT_DIR.
-Furthermore, prerequisites may not be the same on all the applications.
-A SALOME Session can run on a several computers.
-Binary modules and prerequisites are installed on the different computers.
-There is no need to have all the modules on each computer (the minimum is
-There is no need of standardization or centralised information on the details
-of configuration on each computer (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, environment
-variables) provided the application modules are version - compatible. Details
-of configuration stay private to the computer, and are held by scripts on each
-There is no hierarchy between the computers (for example only one master
-computer used to launch application).
-The SALOME user has an account on all the computers. Access between
-account@computer is via rsh or ssh and must be configured for use without
-password (key exchange for ssh). Account may be different on each
-Application Directory
-Two ways for creation of an application directory
-First way - references to different module directories
-The script createAppli.sh in ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome creates an
-application directory with the given path in parameter. ${APPLI} is a path
-relative to ${HOME}.
-The directory is only a skeleton, the user has to edit several files to
-configure his own application. These files are described after, the list is:
-- env.d/atFirst.sh
-- env.d/envProducts.sh
-- env.d/envSalome.sh
-- CatalogResources.xml
-- SalomeApp.xml
-Second and easiest way - one single virtual install directory
-The user must create a SALOME application configuration file by modifying a
-copy of ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/config_appli.xml.
-The file describes the list of SALOME modules used in the application, with
-their respective installation path. The configuration file also defines the
-path of an existing script which sets the SALOME prerequisites,
-and optionnaly, the path of samples directory (SAMPLES_SRC).
-The following command::
- python <KERNEL_ROOT_DIR>/bin/salome/appli_gen.py --prefix=<install directory> --config=<configuration file>
-creates a virtual installation of SALOME in the application directory ${APPLI}
-(bin, lib, doc, share...), with, for each file (executable, script, data,
-library, resources...), symbolic links to the actual file.
-Providing an existing an existing script for SALOME prerequisites (the same one
-used for modules compilation, or given with the modules installation), the
-installation works without further modification for a single computer (unless
-some modules needs a special environment not defined in the above script).
-For a distributed application (several computers), one must copy and adapt
-CatalogResources.xml from ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/appliskel (see below).
-General rules
-Directory ${APPLI} must be created on each computer of the application.
-The easiest way is to use the same relative path (to ${HOME}) on each computer.
-(Sometimes it is not possible to use the same path everywhere, for instance
-when ${HOME} is shared with NFS, so it is possible to define different path
-following the computers).
-The ${APPLI} directory contains scripts for environment and runs. Environment
-scripts must be configured (by the user) on each computer. All the environment
-scripts are in the ${APPLI}/env.d directory.
-The script ${APPLI}/envd sources **all** the files (\*.sh) in ${APPLI}/env.d
-in alphanumeric order (after edition, think to remove backup files). the envd
-script is used by run scripts.
-env.d scripts
-With the first way of installation, each user **must define** his own
-configuration for these scripts, following the above rules.
-With the virtual installation (second way, above), env.d
-scripts are built automatically.
- **The following is only an example proposed by createAppli.sh, (first way of installation) not working as it is**.
- Sets the computer configuration not directly related to SALOME,
- like useful tools, default PATH.
- Sets the SALOME prerequisites.
- Sets all the MODULE_ROOT_DIR that can be used in the SALOME application.
- SalomeAppConfig is also defined by::
- export SalomeAppConfig=${HOME}/${APPLI}
- where SalomeAppConfig designates the directory containing SalomeApp.xml.
- Note that ${APPLI} is already defined by the calling scripts when
- env.d/envSalome.sh is sourced.
-User run scripts
-The SALOME user can use 4 scripts:
- Launches a SALOME Session
- (similar to ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/runSalome but with a different
- name to avoid confusions).
- Launches a shell script in the SALOME application environment, with access
- to the current (last launched) SALOME session (naming service), if any.
- Without arguments, the script is interactive. With arguments, the script
- executes the command in the SALOME application environment.
- Gives a python console connected to the current SALOME Session.
- It is also possible to use runSession, then python.
- Similar to runSession, used for unit testing. runSession tries to use an
- already existing naming service definition from a running session (hostname
- and port number), runTests defines a new configuration for naming service
- (new port number).
-SALOME internal run scripts
- Sets SALOME application environment, envd is sourced by other scripts.
-For remote calls, SALOME uses one script.
- This script is mainly used to launch containers. The first 2 arguments
- define the hostname and port userd for naming service, the remaining
- arguments define the command to execute.
-Other configuration files
- This file is similar to the default given
- in ${GUI_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources/gui
- This files describes all the computers the application can use. The given
- example is minimal and suppose ${APPLI} is the same relative path
- to ${HOME}, on all the computers. A different directory can be set on a
- particular computer with a line::
- appliPath="my/specific/path/on/this/computer"
-Examples of use
-Launch a SALOME session with a GUI interface
-Launch is done with a command like::
- ./runAppli --logger
-The --logger option means here : collect all the traces from the all the
-distributed process, via CORBA, in a single file : logger.log.
-There are a lot of options, a complete list is given by::
- ./runAppli --help
-Note that, without argument, runAppli is a non interactive Python application,
-and, with arguments, runAppli is an interactive Python interpreter.
-Several options are already defined by default in SalomeApp.xml files. Optional
-arguments given in the command override the SalomeApp.xml configuration.
-Several sessions can run simultaneously, each session use a different port for
-CORBA naming service, so the sessions are totally separated from each other.
-When the GUI is closed, the different SALOME servers are still running.
-Close a SALOME session, kill all the servers
-Inside the interactive python interpreter you get when you use runAppli
-with arguments, you can kill all the servers of your session with::
- >>> killLocalPort()
-or the servers of all the sessions with::
- >>> killAllPorts()
-If you have no active Python interpreter connected to your session, you can
-kill all the SALOME servers of **all the sessions** on a given computer::
- ./runSession killSalome.py
-Remember! it's the same idea in *Windows (R) operating system* [#]_ :
-use the start menu to stop...
-When you use only one session at a time, you don't need more.
-To kill a given session (when several session are running), one needs
-the naming service port number::
- ./runSession killSalomeWithPort 2810
-Note that the port number of the last launched session can be found on Linux,
-in the prompt, within a runSession shell (see below).
-It is also possible to get the Naming Service host and port number of
-the last launched session with::
- ./runSession NSparam.py
-.. [#] Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
- Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
-Launch a SALOME session without GUI interface
-This is used to launch a SALOME Python script without GUI
-(no GUI server = SALOME_session_server)
-Example of script (test_session_geom.py)::
- import salome_session
- salome_session.startSession(modules=["GEOM"])
- import GEOM_usinggeom
- raw_input("Press a key and the servers will be killed ...")
-This script is run in a non interactive way with::
- ./runSession python test_session_geom.py
-All the process are automatically killed when Python is closed
-(with salome_session delete).
-Add an external Python interpretor to a running session
-It's often easier to develop and try Python scripts outside the GUI embedded
-Python interpreter. Imagine, for instance, you are writing a script involving
-geometry and mesh modules.
-first, launch a SALOME session with gui, then, on another terminal::
- ./runSession
- python
-Import salome module. salome_init() without arguments creates a new study
-in the running session (note: salome_init(n) attachs to a running session whose
-studyId is n)::
- import salome
- salome.salome_init()
-An example of script given with SMESH::
- import ex01_cube2build
-It is possible to connect the GUI interface to the study created in the above
-script with the file/connect menu, then browse study and display objects.
-Further modifications on study can be done either with GUI or external script
-(use refresh popup in GUI object browser to see study modifications generated
-by the external script). **AVOID modifications with GUI when a Python script
-is running**. Not all the modules are protected against concurrent actions...
-Different uses of the runSession shell interpreter
-runSession invoked without arguments gives an interactive shell with the full
-environment of SALOME (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PYTHONPATH, other variables).
-If there are running sessions of the same SALOME application, runSession
-connects to the last launched session (i.e. gets the naming service references
-of the session: hostname and port)
-On Linux, the shell prompt (bash) gives information on naming service
-references, hostname and port::
- [NS=cli76cc:2811]prascle@cli76cc:~/SALOME2/Run/Virtual$
-If there is no running session, prompt looks like::
- [NS=:]prascle@cli76cc:~/SALOME2/Run/Virtual$
-runSession is useful to launch any script or program which needs the complete
-SALOME environment, with or without a session already running.
-For instance, to launch the ddd debugger interface on the gui server, first
-launch a SALOME session with gui, then, on another terminal::
- ./runSession ddd
-Then attach to the running SALOME_Session_Server process.
-| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
-.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
-.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
+++ /dev/null
-Source code structuration and Unit Tests
-*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
- rst2html < doc.txt > doc.html
-*This document corresponds to SALOME2 3.2.0*
-.. contents::
-.. sectnum::
-You will find here general information on code directories structure,
-unit tests associated to the different kind of classes, and how to run
-the unit tests.
-SALOME KERNEL source code structuration
-General structure of KERNEL_SRC
- Some README files and configuration tools for build
- Part of the configuration files, other modules have a directory with the
- same name. Not used in KERNEL.
- Python and shell scripts used at run time.
- Kit to install a SALOME Application.
- Kit for KERNEL end user documentation production:
- public interfaces, Python, CORBA.
- Integrator and Developper documentation.
- All CORBA interfaces from KERNEL are regrouped here.
- Configuration files for servers (examples).
- Interfaces definitions for KERNEL test components.
- Configuration files used by autotools (M4 macros & co.)
- The source code (C++ and Python)
-Directory src: C++ and Python source code
-Basic services non related to CORBA
- A set of general purpose C++ services, not related to CORBA.
- Some general purpose services that are in Utils directory (CORBA related),
- are progressivley moved here, as they are not related to CORBA.
- A multithread trace system that allows message tracing on standard error
- or a file.
- Exceptions and signal handler.
- A C++ interface to HDF.
-Basic CORBA services
- A CORBA server that collects the trace messages from differents CORBA
- process.
- A multithread trace system derived from SALOMELocalTrace, that sends messages
- to Logger server via CORBA.
- A set of general purpose services related to CORBA, such as basic CORBA
- exception system. See also Basics directory above.
- C++ and Python interfaces to name, store and retrieve CORBA objects
- A generic CORBA interface for CORBA objects, to count distributed references,
- and to allow destruction by client.
-Miscellaneous CORBA servers
- Implements SALOME_registry.idl.
- Provides a CORBA server library and a separate server program.
- Implements SALOME_moduleCatalog.idl.
- Provide a CORBA server library and separate server and client programs.
- Tool to generate a module catalog from CORBA idl
- library included in container server
- library included in differents servers (container)
-CORBA Containers for SALOME Modules
-STUDY server and related interfaces and tools
-Python interface to SALOME
-Efficient CORBA transfer services
-A Parallel container with MPI
-Batch interface library
-Unit tests
-Tools and principles used for Unit testing
-Unit Testing rely on cppunit package for C++ testing, and on unittest module
-for Python. See these products for general principles of unit testing.
-The cppunit package is optional. When the prerequisite is detected, the unit
-tests are compiled.
-Unit Tests sources are in directories Test under the src/directories
-containing the classes to test.
-Test are ordered following the order of directories given above.
-Tests can be run as a whole, or for a particular directory. In this case, only
-a partial test is run (the classes to test, and the classes used, i.e. the
-preceding test directories).
-Today, only some tests are written as an example. There are not yet python
-scripts in KERNEL_SRC, but it's a matter of days, there are working scripts
-to test LifeCycleCORBA_SWIG interface.
-| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
-.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
-.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+include $(top_srcdir)/salome_adm/unix/make_common_starter.am
+pydocdir = $(docdir)/tui/KERNEL/docutils
+.PHONY : latex
+ make htm
+EXTRA_DIST = archives
+SOURCEDIR = $(srcdir)
+SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
+PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4
+SPHINX_PYTHONPATH = $(prefix)/lib/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages/salome:$(prefix)/lib64/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages/salome:$(prefix)/bin/salome:$(OMNIORB_ROOT)/lib/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages:$(OMNIORB_ROOT)/lib64/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages
+ mkdir -p html doctrees
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in html."
+ mkdir -p latex doctrees
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -W -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) latex
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in latex."
+ @echo "Run \`make all-pdf' or \`make all-ps' in that directory to" \
+ "run these through (pdf)latex."
+ mkdir -p $@
+ index.rst \
+ overview.rst \
+ docapi.rst \
+ salomepypkg.rst
+ conf.py
+install-data-local: html/index.html
+ test -z $(pydocdir) || mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(pydocdir)
+ if test -d "html"; then b=; else b="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ cp -rf $$b"html"/* $(pydocdir) ; \
+ if test -f $$b"latex"/kernelpy.pdf; then cp -f $$b"latex"/kernelpy.pdf $(pydocdir) ; fi;
+ -test -d $(pydocdir) && chmod -R +w $(pydocdir) && rm -rf $(pydocdir)/*
+ -rm -rf html latex doctrees
+ if test -d "html"; then rm -rf html ; fi
+disthook :
+ -test -d html && cp -Rp html $(distdir)
--- /dev/null
+Installation instructions, up to date for 3.0 version
+*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
+ rst2html < doc.txt > doc.html
+*This document corresponds to SALOME2 2.2.9.*
+*IT IS NOT UP TO DATE with 3.2.0*
+.. contents::
+.. sectnum::
+You'll find here generic instructions for installing the SALOME2 platform.
+`1. Quick Overview`_
+`2. System configuration`_
+`3. Third-party dependencies`_
+`4. Preparing the shell environment`_
+`5. Installing the KERNEL component`_
+`6. Installing the SALOME components`_
+`7. Runtime`_
+`8. Suggestions and advices`_
+1. Quick Overview
+First of all, you have to check (or install if needed) the dependant
+software programs on your system. These programs are:
+- common development tools as gcc, automake, autoconf and libtools.
+- third party softwares used in SALOME building or runtime process
+ (python, OCC, VTK, ...)
+Further details can be found in sections [2] and [3].
+If the dependencies are installed on your system, then you have to set
+your shell environment to get access to the software components
+(cf. [4]. "Preparing the shell environment").
+The next step is to install the KERNEL (cf. [5] "Installing KERNEL"):
+$ mkdir <kernel_build>
+$ mkdir <kernel_install>
+$ cd <kernel_src>
+$ ./build_configure
+$ cd <kernel_build>
+$ <kernel_src>/configure --prefix=<kernel_install>
+$ make
+$ make install
+Then, the SALOME components GEOM, MED, VISU, ... can be installed
+with a similar procedure (cf. [6]).
+Eventually, the platform can be run by executing the shell script
+runSalome (cf. [7]). Here, somme additionnal variables have to be set
+to describe the SALOME runtime configuration (<COMPONENT>_ROOT_DIR,
+The following provides you with specific instructions for each step.
+2. System configuration
+SALOME is compiled and tested on differents platforms with native packages:
+- Debian sarge
+- Mandrake 10.1
+- ...
+If you have another platform, we suggest the following configuration
+for building process:
+- gcc-3.3.x or 3.4.x
+- automake-1.7 or more (only aclocal is used)
+- autoconf-2.59
+- libtool-1.5.6
+- This is the minimum level of automake, autoconf and libtool, if you need
+ to compile all the third party softwares (included OpenCascade 5.2.x).
+3. Third-party dependencies
+The SALOME platform relies on a set of third-party softwares. The
+current version depends on the following list
+(versions given here are from Debian Sarge, except OpenCascade, VTK and MED,
+which are not Debian packages):
+CAS-5.2.4 OpenCascade (try binaries,a source patch is needed)
+VTK-4.2.6 VTK 3D-viewer
+PyQt-3.13 Python-Qt Wrapper
+Python-2.3.5 Python interpreter
+SWIG-1.3.24 SWIG library
+boost-1_32_0 C++ library (only include templates are used)
+hdf5-1.6.2 Files Database library
+med-2.2.2 MED Data Format support for file records
+omniORB-4.0.5 ORB used in SALOME
+qt-x11-free-3.3.3 Qt library
+qwt-4.2 Graph components for Qt
+sip4-4.1.1 langage binding software
+And, in order to build the documentation:
+Additionnal software may be installed for optional features:
+netgen4.3 + patch
+3.1 To Do
+- Instructions for installing these software programs can be found in a
+ special note doc/configuration_examples/install-prerequis.
+- Installation shell scripts are also provided.
+ These scripts have to be adapted to your own configuration.
+- See doc/configuration_examples/*
+In the following, we assume that all the third-party softwares are
+installed in the same root directory, named <salomeroot>/prerequis.
+Then, your file system should probably look like::
+ <salomeroot>/prerequis/Python-2.2.2
+ <salomeroot>/prerequis/omniORB-3.0.5
+ <salomeroot>/prerequis/qt-x11-free-3.0.5
+ ...
+4. Preparing the shell environment
+Some variables have to be set to get acces to third-party software
+components (include files, executable, library, ...) during building
+process and runtime.
+The shell file prerequis.sh, embedded in the KERNEL source package,
+provides a template for setting those variables. In this example, all the
+softwares are supposed to be installed in the same root directory,
+named here INSTALLROOT.
+Copy the prerequis.sh in a working directory and adjust the settings
+to your own configuration. To get the shell prepared, just
+execute the following command in the building shell:
+$ source prerequis.sh
+(we assume here a ksh or bash mode)
+5. Installing the KERNEL component
+We use here the notation <kernel_src> to specify the source directory
+of the KERNEL component. The shell environment is supposed to have
+been set (cf. 4).
+Installing the KERNEL from a source package needs three directories:
+- the source directory, denoted here by <kernel_src>.
+- the build directory, denoted by <kernel_build> in the following. This
+ directory can't be the same directory as <kernel_src>.
+- the install directory, denoted by <kernel_install> in the following. This
+ directory can't be the same directory as <kernel_src> or
+ <kernel_build>.
+The installing process is:
+STEP 1:
+ preparing directories
+ create the <kernel_build> and the <kernel_install> directories::
+ $ mkdir <kernel_build>
+ $ mkdir <kernel_install>
+STEP 2:
+ build configure script
+ go to <kernel_src> directory and generate the "configure" script::
+ $ cd <kernel_src>
+ $ ./build_configure
+ If it doesn't work, check your system automake tools as specified in
+ section [2].
+STEP 3:
+ configure the building process
+ go to the build directory and execute the configuration process::
+ $ cd <kernel_build>
+ $ <kernel_src>/configure --prefix=<kernel_install>
+ Note that <kernel_install> must be an absolute path.
+ When the configure process is complete, check the status of
+ third-party softwares detection. You should have a status like::
+ ---------------------------------------------
+ Summary
+ ---------------------------------------------
+ Configure
+ cc : yes
+ boost : yes
+ lex_yacc : yes
+ python : yes
+ swig : yes
+ threads : yes
+ OpenGL : yes
+ qt : yes
+ vtk : yes
+ hdf5 : yes
+ med2 : yes
+ omniORB : yes
+ occ : yes
+ sip : yes
+ pyqt : yes
+ qwt : yes
+ doxygen : yes
+ graphviz : no
+ openpbs : no
+ lsf : no
+ Default ORB : omniORB
+ ----------------------------------------------
+If a software get a status "no", then it's not "seen" in the system:
+- the software is not installed, or
+- the shell environment is not set correctly.
+In this example, the software programs graphviz, openpbs and lsf are not
+installed (optional for most usages).
+STEP 4 :
+ Building the binary files
+ Execute make in the <kernel_build> directory::
+ $ make
+STEP 5:
+ Installing binary files, scripts and documentation
+ Execute install target in the <kernel_build> directory::
+ $ make install
+6. Installing the SALOME components
+TInstalling a component <COMPONENT> is done by following the same
+instructions as given for the KERNEL, replacing KERNEL by
+<COMPONENT> (build_configure, configure, make, make install).
+You just have to be aware of the dependencies between components:
+- MED depends on KERNEL
+- GEOM depends on KERNEL
+- SMESH depends on KERNEL, MED, GEOM
+- VISU depends on KERNEL, MED
+- SUPERV depends on KERNEL
+For example, installing the component SMESH needs the previous
+installation of the KERNEL component, and then the GEOM and MED components.
+The building process uses the variables <COMPONENT>_ROOT_DIR to
+localize the dependant components. The variables must be set to the
+install path directory of the components <COMPONENT> (ex:
+In the above example, the three variables KERNEL_ROOT_DIR,
+GEOM_ROOT_DIR and MED_ROOT_DIR have to be set before configuring the
+building process of the SMESH component (STEP 3).
+7. Runtime
+See SALOME_Application_ to define your own configuration of SALOME and run it
+on one or several computers. This is the recommended way of configuration.
+.. _SALOME_Application: ./SALOME_Application.html
+The following explains the general principles.
+To run the SALOME platform, the procedure is:
+- set the shell environment to get acces to third-party softwares::
+ $ source prerequis.sh
+- define the SALOME configuration by setting the whole set of
+ variables <COMPONENT>_ROOT_DIR. Here, you just have to set the
+ kernel and the components you need::
+ $ export KERNEL_ROOT_DIR=<kernel_install>
+ $ export MED_ROOT_DIR=<med_install>
+ $ ...
+- define the CORBA configuration file by setting the variable
+ OMNIORB_CONFIG. This variable must be set to a writable file
+ path. The file may be arbitrary chosen and doesn't need to exist
+ before running. We suggest::
+ $ export OMNIORB_CONFIG=$HOME/.omniORB.cfg
+- run the SALOME platform by executing the script runSalome::
+ $KERNEL_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/runSalome
+8. Suggestions and advices
+For convenience or customization, we suggest the following organisation:
+- chose and create a root directory for the SALOME platform, say
+ <salomeroot>.
+- install the third-party softwares in a sub-directory "prerequis"
+- install the SALOME components in a sub-directory "SALOME2"
+- make personnal copies of the files prerequis.sh and runSalome in
+ <salomeroot>::
+ $ cp <kernel_src>/prerequis.sh <rundir>/.
+ $ cp <kernel_install>/bin/salome/runSalome <rundir>/.
+ Edit the file prerequis.sh and adjust it to your own configuration.
+- define the SALOME2 configuration
+ This step consists in setting the KERNEL_ROOT_DIR, the whole set of
+ variables <COMPONENT>_ROOT_DIR you need, and the OMNIORB_CONFIG
+ variable.
+ We suggest to create a shell file envSalome.sh containing those
+ settings. Then the configuration consists in loading envSalome.sh in
+ the runtime shell::
+ $ source envSalome.sh
+- When installed with this file organisation, running SALOME is done
+ with the following shell commands::
+ $ source <salomeroot>/prerequis.sh
+ $ source <salomeroot>/envSalome.sh
+ $ ./runSalome
+| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
+.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
+.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
--- /dev/null
+KERNEL Services for end user (Python interface)
+*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
+ rst2html < doc.txt > doc.html
+This document corresponds to SALOME2 3.2.0
+.. contents::
+.. sectnum::
+In a SALOME application, distributed components, servers and clients use
+the CORBA middleware for comunication. CORBA interfaces are defined via idl
+files. All the different CORBA interfaces are available for users in Python,
+see CORBA interfaces below.
+For some general purpose services, CORBA interfaces have been encapsulated
+in order to provide a simple interface (encapsulation is generally done in
+C++ classes, and a Python SWIG interface is also generated from C++, to
+ensure a consistent behavior between C++ modules and Python modules or user
+General purpose services
+SALOME services access from a Python shell
+See SALOME_Application_ for detailed instructions to launch a Python
+interpreter with full acces to the SALOME environment and services.
+.. _SALOME_Application: ./SALOME_Application.txt
+You can use the embedded Python interpreter in Grahic User Interface, or an
+external interpreter, with::
+ ./runSession
+ python
+In either cases, SALOME services access is done with::
+ import salome
+ salome.salome_init()
+In the embedded interpreter, it is already done, but there is no problem to
+do it several times, so it is preferable to add these instructions
+systematically in your scripts, to allow them to work in all configurations.
+Container and component instanciation
+See LifeCycleCORBA_ for the C++ interface (Python interface obtained with SWIG
+is very similar).
+.. _LifeCycleCORBA: ./tui/KERNEL/classSALOME__LifeCycleCORBA.html
+In the following example, a test component provided in KERNEL is launched
+in the local container, "FactoryServer", created when SALOME starts::
+ import salome
+ salome.salome_init()
+ import LifeCycleCORBA
+ lcc = LifeCycleCORBA.LifeCycleCORBA()
+ obj=lcc.FindOrLoad_Component("FactoryServer","SalomeTestComponent")
+ import Engines
+ comp=obj._narrow(Engines.TestComponent)
+ comp.Coucou(1)
+The answer is something like::
+ 'TestComponent_i : L = 1'
+The _narrow() instruction is not always mandatory in Python, but sometimes
+useful to be sure you have got the right type of object. Here, Testcomponent_
+interface is defined in CORBA module Engines. With this example, it works also
+without the _narrow() instruction::
+ obj.Coucou(1)
+.. _Testcomponent: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1TestComponent.html
+In the next example, a component instance is created in a specific Container
+defined by it's computer hostname and it's name. Here we use the local
+computer. Note that in Utils_Identity_, getShortHostName() gives the short
+hostname of the computer, without domain suffixes, which is used in SALOME.
+The container process is created here if it does not exists, and a new
+component instance is created::
+ import salome
+ salome.salome_init()
+ import LifeCycleCORBA
+ lcc = LifeCycleCORBA.LifeCycleCORBA()
+ import Utils_Identity
+ host = Utils_Identity.getShortHostName()
+ import Engines
+ params={}
+ params['hostname']=host
+ params['container_name']='myContainer'
+ comp=lcc.LoadComponent(params,'SalomeTestComponent')
+ comp.Coucou(1)
+.. _Utils_Identity: ./tui/KERNEL/namespaceUtils__Identity.html
+If you want to get a list of containers and component instances, client object
+from orbmodule_ provides a list::
+ import orbmodule
+ clt=orbmodule.client()
+ clt.showNS()
+.. _orbmodule: ./tui/KERNEL/classorbmodule_1_1client.html
+The list looks like::
+ Logger.
+ ContainerManager.object
+ Containers.dir
+ cli70ac.dir
+ FactoryServerPy.object
+ SuperVisionContainer.object
+ FactoryServer.object
+ FactoryServer.dir
+ SalomeTestComponent_inst_1.object
+ myContainer.object
+ myContainer.dir
+ SalomeTestComponent_inst_1.object
+ SalomeTestComponent_inst_2.object
+ Registry.object
+ Kernel.dir
+ ModulCatalog.object
+ Session.object
+ Study.dir
+ Study2.object
+ extStudy_1.object
+ extStudy_2.object
+ extStudy_3.object
+ myStudyManager.object
+ SalomeAppEngine.object
+File transfer service
+See FileTransferCORBA_ for the C++ interface (Python interface obtained with
+SWIG is very similar).
+.. _FileTransferCORBA: ./tui/KERNEL/classSALOME__FileTransferCORBA.html
+The following example shows how to tranfer a file from a remote host to the
+client computer. Remote hostname is 'cli76cc', we would like to copy
+'tkcvs_8_0_3.tar.gz' from remote to local computer. A full pathname is
+required. A container is created on remote computer if it does not exist,
+to handle the file transfer::
+ import salome
+ salome.salome_init()
+ import LifeCycleCORBA
+ remotefile="/home/prascle/tkcvs_8_0_3.tar.gz"
+ aFileTransfer=LifeCycleCORBA.SALOME_FileTransferCORBA('cli76cc',remotefile)
+ localFile=aFileTransfer.getLocalFile()
+CORBA Naming service access
+See SALOME_NamingService_ for the C++ interface. The Python interface
+SALOME_NamingServicePy_ is not yet derived from the C++ interface and offers
+only the most useful functions.
+.. _SALOME_NamingService: ./tui/KERNEL/classSALOME__NamingService.html
+.. _SALOME_NamingServicePy: ./tui/KERNEL/classSALOME__NamingServicePy_1_1SALOME__NamingServicePy__i.html
+Batch services
+See Batch_ documentation (in french only).
+.. _Batch: ./Batch.html/index.html
+All IDL Interfaces
+Containers and component life cycle, File transfer service
+| Engines_ | Engines CORBA module. |
+| Component_ | Generic component interface. |
+| | All SALOME components inherit this interface |
+| Container_ | Container: host for C++ and Python components |
+| | components instances |
+| FileTransfer_ | Agent for file transfer created by a container|
+| | copy a local file to a distent client |
+| FileRef_ | Reference to a file, used by a container for |
+| | file transfers |
+| ContainerManager_ | Unique instance, in charge of container |
+| | creation on remote computers |
+| MPIContainer_ | An exemple of parallel implementation for |
+| | containers and components |
+| MPIObject_ | |
+Study management
+| SALOMEDSidl_ | |
+| SALOMEDS_Attributes_ | |
+High speed transfer, object life cycle, exceptions, GUI interface...
+| SALOME_ | SALOME CORBA module |
+| SALOME_Comm_ | |
+| SALOME_GenericObj_ | |
+| SALOME_Exception_ | |
+| SALOME_Session_ | |
+| | other CORBA modules |
+| SALOME_ModuleCatalog_ | |
+| SALOME_RessourcesCatalog_ | |
+| SALOME_Registry_ | |
+| Logger_ | |
+**Other idl for test purposes**
+.. _Engines: ./tui/KERNEL/namespaceEngines.html
+.. _Component: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1Component.html
+.. _Container: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1Container.html
+.. _fileTransfer: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1fileTransfer.html
+.. _fileRef: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1fileRef.html
+.. _ContainerManager: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1ContainerManager.html
+.. _MPIContainer: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1MPIContainer.html
+.. _MPIObject: ./tui/KERNEL/interfaceEngines_1_1MPIObject.html
+.. _SALOME: ./tui/KERNEL/namespaceSALOME.html
+.. _SALOMEDS: ./tui/KERNEL/namespaceSALOMEDS.html
+.. _SALOME_Component: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__Component_8idl.html
+.. _SALOME_ContainerManager: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__ContainerManager_8idl.html
+.. _SALOMEDSidl: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOMEDS_8idl.html
+.. _SALOMEDS_Attributes: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOMEDS__Attributes_8idl.html
+.. _SALOME_ModuleCatalog: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__ModuleCatalog_8idl.html
+.. _SALOME_RessourcesCatalog: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__RessourcesCatalog_8idl.html
+.. _SALOME_Registry: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__Registry_8idl.html
+.. _Logger: ./tui/KERNEL/Logger_8idl.html
+.. _SALOME_Comm: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__Comm_8idl.html
+.. _SALOME_GenericObj: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__GenericObj_8idl.html
+.. _SALOME_Exception: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__Exception_8idl.html
+.. _SALOME_Session: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__Session_8idl.html
+.. _SALOME_MPIContainer: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__MPIContainer_8idl.html
+.. _SALOME_MPIObject: ./tui/KERNEL/SALOME__MPIObject_8idl.html
+| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
+.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
+.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
--- /dev/null
+SALOME Application Concept. Configuration for one or more computers
+*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
+ rst2html doc.txt > doc.html
+This document corresponds to SALOME2 3.2.0
+.. contents::
+.. sectnum::
+The following explains how to configure your own application with your list of
+modules, how to define and run this application on one or more computers.
+General principles
+A SALOME application is defined by a set of modules (GEOM, SMESH, ASTER...).
+A SALOME User can define several SALOME Applications. These applications are
+runnable from the same user account. These applications may share the same
+KERNEL and modules. Thus, the application configuration is independant of
+KERNEL and must not be put in KERNEL_ROOT_DIR.
+Furthermore, prerequisites may not be the same on all the applications.
+A SALOME Session can run on a several computers.
+Binary modules and prerequisites are installed on the different computers.
+There is no need to have all the modules on each computer (the minimum is
+There is no need of standardization or centralised information on the details
+of configuration on each computer (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, environment
+variables) provided the application modules are version - compatible. Details
+of configuration stay private to the computer, and are held by scripts on each
+There is no hierarchy between the computers (for example only one master
+computer used to launch application).
+The SALOME user has an account on all the computers. Access between
+account@computer is via rsh or ssh and must be configured for use without
+password (key exchange for ssh). Account may be different on each
+Application Directory
+Two ways for creation of an application directory
+First way - references to different module directories
+The script createAppli.sh in ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome creates an
+application directory with the given path in parameter. ${APPLI} is a path
+relative to ${HOME}.
+The directory is only a skeleton, the user has to edit several files to
+configure his own application. These files are described after, the list is:
+- env.d/atFirst.sh
+- env.d/envProducts.sh
+- env.d/envSalome.sh
+- CatalogResources.xml
+- SalomeApp.xml
+Second and easiest way - one single virtual install directory
+The user must create a SALOME application configuration file by modifying a
+copy of ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/config_appli.xml.
+The file describes the list of SALOME modules used in the application, with
+their respective installation path. The configuration file also defines the
+path of an existing script which sets the SALOME prerequisites,
+and optionnaly, the path of samples directory (SAMPLES_SRC).
+The following command::
+ python <KERNEL_ROOT_DIR>/bin/salome/appli_gen.py --prefix=<install directory> --config=<configuration file>
+creates a virtual installation of SALOME in the application directory ${APPLI}
+(bin, lib, doc, share...), with, for each file (executable, script, data,
+library, resources...), symbolic links to the actual file.
+Providing an existing an existing script for SALOME prerequisites (the same one
+used for modules compilation, or given with the modules installation), the
+installation works without further modification for a single computer (unless
+some modules needs a special environment not defined in the above script).
+For a distributed application (several computers), one must copy and adapt
+CatalogResources.xml from ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/appliskel (see below).
+General rules
+Directory ${APPLI} must be created on each computer of the application.
+The easiest way is to use the same relative path (to ${HOME}) on each computer.
+(Sometimes it is not possible to use the same path everywhere, for instance
+when ${HOME} is shared with NFS, so it is possible to define different path
+following the computers).
+The ${APPLI} directory contains scripts for environment and runs. Environment
+scripts must be configured (by the user) on each computer. All the environment
+scripts are in the ${APPLI}/env.d directory.
+The script ${APPLI}/envd sources **all** the files (\*.sh) in ${APPLI}/env.d
+in alphanumeric order (after edition, think to remove backup files). the envd
+script is used by run scripts.
+env.d scripts
+With the first way of installation, each user **must define** his own
+configuration for these scripts, following the above rules.
+With the virtual installation (second way, above), env.d
+scripts are built automatically.
+ **The following is only an example proposed by createAppli.sh, (first way of installation) not working as it is**.
+ Sets the computer configuration not directly related to SALOME,
+ like useful tools, default PATH.
+ Sets the SALOME prerequisites.
+ Sets all the MODULE_ROOT_DIR that can be used in the SALOME application.
+ SalomeAppConfig is also defined by::
+ export SalomeAppConfig=${HOME}/${APPLI}
+ where SalomeAppConfig designates the directory containing SalomeApp.xml.
+ Note that ${APPLI} is already defined by the calling scripts when
+ env.d/envSalome.sh is sourced.
+User run scripts
+The SALOME user can use 4 scripts:
+ Launches a SALOME Session
+ (similar to ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/runSalome but with a different
+ name to avoid confusions).
+ Launches a shell script in the SALOME application environment, with access
+ to the current (last launched) SALOME session (naming service), if any.
+ Without arguments, the script is interactive. With arguments, the script
+ executes the command in the SALOME application environment.
+ Gives a python console connected to the current SALOME Session.
+ It is also possible to use runSession, then python.
+ Similar to runSession, used for unit testing. runSession tries to use an
+ already existing naming service definition from a running session (hostname
+ and port number), runTests defines a new configuration for naming service
+ (new port number).
+SALOME internal run scripts
+ Sets SALOME application environment, envd is sourced by other scripts.
+For remote calls, SALOME uses one script.
+ This script is mainly used to launch containers. The first 2 arguments
+ define the hostname and port userd for naming service, the remaining
+ arguments define the command to execute.
+Other configuration files
+ This file is similar to the default given
+ in ${GUI_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources/gui
+ This files describes all the computers the application can use. The given
+ example is minimal and suppose ${APPLI} is the same relative path
+ to ${HOME}, on all the computers. A different directory can be set on a
+ particular computer with a line::
+ appliPath="my/specific/path/on/this/computer"
+Examples of use
+Launch a SALOME session with a GUI interface
+Launch is done with a command like::
+ ./runAppli --logger
+The --logger option means here : collect all the traces from the all the
+distributed process, via CORBA, in a single file : logger.log.
+There are a lot of options, a complete list is given by::
+ ./runAppli --help
+Note that, without argument, runAppli is a non interactive Python application,
+and, with arguments, runAppli is an interactive Python interpreter.
+Several options are already defined by default in SalomeApp.xml files. Optional
+arguments given in the command override the SalomeApp.xml configuration.
+Several sessions can run simultaneously, each session use a different port for
+CORBA naming service, so the sessions are totally separated from each other.
+When the GUI is closed, the different SALOME servers are still running.
+Close a SALOME session, kill all the servers
+Inside the interactive python interpreter you get when you use runAppli
+with arguments, you can kill all the servers of your session with::
+ >>> killLocalPort()
+or the servers of all the sessions with::
+ >>> killAllPorts()
+If you have no active Python interpreter connected to your session, you can
+kill all the SALOME servers of **all the sessions** on a given computer::
+ ./runSession killSalome.py
+Remember! it's the same idea in *Windows (R) operating system* [#]_ :
+use the start menu to stop...
+When you use only one session at a time, you don't need more.
+To kill a given session (when several session are running), one needs
+the naming service port number::
+ ./runSession killSalomeWithPort 2810
+Note that the port number of the last launched session can be found on Linux,
+in the prompt, within a runSession shell (see below).
+It is also possible to get the Naming Service host and port number of
+the last launched session with::
+ ./runSession NSparam.py
+.. [#] Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
+ Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
+Launch a SALOME session without GUI interface
+This is used to launch a SALOME Python script without GUI
+(no GUI server = SALOME_session_server)
+Example of script (test_session_geom.py)::
+ import salome_session
+ salome_session.startSession(modules=["GEOM"])
+ import GEOM_usinggeom
+ raw_input("Press a key and the servers will be killed ...")
+This script is run in a non interactive way with::
+ ./runSession python test_session_geom.py
+All the process are automatically killed when Python is closed
+(with salome_session delete).
+Add an external Python interpretor to a running session
+It's often easier to develop and try Python scripts outside the GUI embedded
+Python interpreter. Imagine, for instance, you are writing a script involving
+geometry and mesh modules.
+first, launch a SALOME session with gui, then, on another terminal::
+ ./runSession
+ python
+Import salome module. salome_init() without arguments creates a new study
+in the running session (note: salome_init(n) attachs to a running session whose
+studyId is n)::
+ import salome
+ salome.salome_init()
+An example of script given with SMESH::
+ import ex01_cube2build
+It is possible to connect the GUI interface to the study created in the above
+script with the file/connect menu, then browse study and display objects.
+Further modifications on study can be done either with GUI or external script
+(use refresh popup in GUI object browser to see study modifications generated
+by the external script). **AVOID modifications with GUI when a Python script
+is running**. Not all the modules are protected against concurrent actions...
+Different uses of the runSession shell interpreter
+runSession invoked without arguments gives an interactive shell with the full
+environment of SALOME (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PYTHONPATH, other variables).
+If there are running sessions of the same SALOME application, runSession
+connects to the last launched session (i.e. gets the naming service references
+of the session: hostname and port)
+On Linux, the shell prompt (bash) gives information on naming service
+references, hostname and port::
+ [NS=cli76cc:2811]prascle@cli76cc:~/SALOME2/Run/Virtual$
+If there is no running session, prompt looks like::
+ [NS=:]prascle@cli76cc:~/SALOME2/Run/Virtual$
+runSession is useful to launch any script or program which needs the complete
+SALOME environment, with or without a session already running.
+For instance, to launch the ddd debugger interface on the gui server, first
+launch a SALOME session with gui, then, on another terminal::
+ ./runSession ddd
+Then attach to the running SALOME_Session_Server process.
+| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
+.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
+.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
--- /dev/null
+Source code structuration and Unit Tests
+*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
+ rst2html < doc.txt > doc.html
+*This document corresponds to SALOME2 3.2.0*
+.. contents::
+.. sectnum::
+You will find here general information on code directories structure,
+unit tests associated to the different kind of classes, and how to run
+the unit tests.
+SALOME KERNEL source code structuration
+General structure of KERNEL_SRC
+ Some README files and configuration tools for build
+ Part of the configuration files, other modules have a directory with the
+ same name. Not used in KERNEL.
+ Python and shell scripts used at run time.
+ Kit to install a SALOME Application.
+ Kit for KERNEL end user documentation production:
+ public interfaces, Python, CORBA.
+ Integrator and Developper documentation.
+ All CORBA interfaces from KERNEL are regrouped here.
+ Configuration files for servers (examples).
+ Interfaces definitions for KERNEL test components.
+ Configuration files used by autotools (M4 macros & co.)
+ The source code (C++ and Python)
+Directory src: C++ and Python source code
+Basic services non related to CORBA
+ A set of general purpose C++ services, not related to CORBA.
+ Some general purpose services that are in Utils directory (CORBA related),
+ are progressivley moved here, as they are not related to CORBA.
+ A multithread trace system that allows message tracing on standard error
+ or a file.
+ Exceptions and signal handler.
+ A C++ interface to HDF.
+Basic CORBA services
+ A CORBA server that collects the trace messages from differents CORBA
+ process.
+ A multithread trace system derived from SALOMELocalTrace, that sends messages
+ to Logger server via CORBA.
+ A set of general purpose services related to CORBA, such as basic CORBA
+ exception system. See also Basics directory above.
+ C++ and Python interfaces to name, store and retrieve CORBA objects
+ A generic CORBA interface for CORBA objects, to count distributed references,
+ and to allow destruction by client.
+Miscellaneous CORBA servers
+ Implements SALOME_registry.idl.
+ Provides a CORBA server library and a separate server program.
+ Implements SALOME_moduleCatalog.idl.
+ Provide a CORBA server library and separate server and client programs.
+ Tool to generate a module catalog from CORBA idl
+ library included in container server
+ library included in differents servers (container)
+CORBA Containers for SALOME Modules
+STUDY server and related interfaces and tools
+Python interface to SALOME
+Efficient CORBA transfer services
+A Parallel container with MPI
+Batch interface library
+Unit tests
+Tools and principles used for Unit testing
+Unit Testing rely on cppunit package for C++ testing, and on unittest module
+for Python. See these products for general principles of unit testing.
+The cppunit package is optional. When the prerequisite is detected, the unit
+tests are compiled.
+Unit Tests sources are in directories Test under the src/directories
+containing the classes to test.
+Test are ordered following the order of directories given above.
+Tests can be run as a whole, or for a particular directory. In this case, only
+a partial test is run (the classes to test, and the classes used, i.e. the
+preceding test directories).
+Today, only some tests are written as an example. There are not yet python
+scripts in KERNEL_SRC, but it's a matter of days, there are working scripts
+to test LifeCycleCORBA_SWIG interface.
+| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
+.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
+.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
--- /dev/null
+KERNEL common Services
+*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
+ rst2html < doc.txt > doc.html
+*This document corresponds to SALOME2 3.2.0*
+.. contents::
+.. sectnum::
+**General information, for users, integrators and developers**
+**Users, integrators and developers, which documentation ?**
+Following your kind of usage of SALOME, you will find some specific
+introductory documentation, listed below.
+End user
+How to configure a SALOME application
+The end user may have to configure his own SALOME application by selection of a
+subset of availables SALOME modules. He also may want to install his
+application on several computers.
+See SALOME_Application_ to define your own configuration of SALOME and run it
+on one or several computers. This is the recommended way of configuration.
+.. _SALOME_Application: ./SALOME_Application.html
+How to launch SALOME in a SALOME application
+See SALOME_Application_.
+How to use KERNEL services in Python scripts
+The SALOME KERNEL offers offers a list of services available in Python.
+See KERNEL_Services_.
+.. _KERNEL_Services: ./KERNEL_Services.html
+Application Integrator
+Applications integrators are in charge of configuration and installation of
+specific SALOME applications over a local network. Application Integrators
+built SALOME modules binaries from sources tarballs.
+How to install SALOME
+See INSTALL_ for general information on required configuration and
+prerequisites, compilation procedure, setting environment principles.
+.. _INSTALL: ./INSTALL.html
+How to configure a SALOME application
+See SALOME_Application_ to define your own configuration of SALOME and run it
+on one or several computers. This is the recommended way of configuration.
+.. _SALOME_Application: ./SALOME_Application.html
+Module maintainer
+Module maintainers are in charge of the development and debug of the SALOME
+modules. Each SALOME module is stored in a CVS base. CVS bases are organised
+in separate branches for developments and debug. All official or development
+releases are identified by a CVS tag.
+Source code structuration and Unit Tests
+See UnitTests_ for general information on code directories structure,
+unit tests associated to the different kind of classes, and how to run
+the unit tests.
+.. _UnitTests: ./UnitTests.html
+Some development utilities
+See kernel_resources_ for information on basic utilities for C++ and Python
+development, like trace and debug, exceptions, singleton.
+.. _kernel_resources: ./kernel_resources.html
+| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
+.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
+.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
--- /dev/null
+SALOME Kernel resources for developer
+*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
+ rst2html doc.txt > doc.html
+*This document corresponds to SALOME2 3.2.0*
+ Antoine Yessayan,
+ Paul Rascle
+:Version: 0.3 - february 17, 2006
+This document describes the development environment for
+C++ and Python. Makefiles generation and usage are
+introduced in another document: "using the SALOME
+configuration and building system environment".
+Development environment is intended here as: trace and
+debug macros usage; SALOME exceptions usage, in C++ and
+Python; user CORBA exceptions usage, in C++ and Python,
+with and without Graphical User Interface; some general
+purpose services such as singleton, used for CORBA
+connection and disconnection.
+.. contents::
+.. sectnum::
+Trace and debug Utilities
+During the development process, an execution log is
+useful to identify problems. This log contains
+messages, variables values, source files names and line
+numbers. It is recommended to verify assertions on
+variables values and if necessary, to stop the
+execution at debug time, in order to validate all parts
+of code.
+Two modes: debug and release
+The goal of debug mode is to check as many features as
+possible during the early stages of the development
+process. The purpose of the utilities provided in
+SALOME is to help the developer to add detailed traces
+and check variables values, without writing a lot of code.
+When the code is assumed to be valid, the release mode
+optimizes execution, in terms of speed, memory, and
+display only user level messages.
+But, some informations must always be displayed in both
+modes: especially messages concerning environment or
+internal errors, with version identification. When an
+end user is confronted to such a message, he may refer
+to a configuration documentation or send the message to
+the people in charge of SALOME installation, or to the
+development team, following the kind of error.
+C++ Macros for trace and debug
+SALOME provides C++ macros for trace and debug. These
+macros are in::
+ KERNEL_SRC/src/SALOMELocalTrace/utilities.h
+This file must be included in C++ source. Some
+macros are activated only in debug mode, others are
+always activated. To activate the debug mode, ``_DEBUG_``
+must be defined, which is the case when SALOME
+Makefiles are generated from configure, without
+options. When ``_DEBUG_`` is undefined (release mode:
+``configure --disable-debug --enable-production``), the
+debug mode macros are defined empty (they do nothing).
+So, when switching from debug to release, it is
+possible (and recommended) to let the macro calls
+unchanged in the source.
+All the macros generate trace messages, stored in a
+circular buffer pool. A separate thread reads the
+messages in the buffer pool, and, depending on options
+given at SALOME start, writes the messages on the
+standard output, a file, or send them via CORBA, in
+case of a multi machine configuration.
+Three informations are systematically added in front of
+the information displayed:
+* the thread number from which the message come from;
+* the name of the source file in which the macros is set;
+* the line number of the source file at which the macro
+ is set.
+Macros defined in debug and release modes
+ The C++ macro INFOS_COMPILATION writes on the trace
+ buffer pool informations about the compiling process:
+ * the name of the compiler : g++, KCC, CC, pgCC;
+ * the date and the time of the compiling processing process.
+ This macro INFOS_COMPILATION does not have any
+ argument. Moreover, it is defined in both compiling
+ mode : _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+ INFOS(str)
+ In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
+ macro INFOS writes on the trace buffer pool the string
+ which has been passed in argument by the user.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ {
+ ...
+ return 0;
+ }
+ displays::
+ main.cxx [5] : NORMAL END OF THE PROCESS
+ In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
+ macro INTERRUPTION writes on the trace buffer pool the
+ string, with a special ABORT type. When the thread in
+ charge of collecting messages finds this message, it
+ terminates the application, after message treatment.
+ In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
+ macro IMMEDIATE_ABORT writes the message str immediately on
+ standard error and exits the application. Remaining
+ messages not treated by the message collector thread
+ are lost.
+Macros defined only in debug mode
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode only, the C++ macro MESSAGE
+ writes on the trace buffer pool the string which has
+ been passed in argument by the user. In _RELEASE_
+ compiling mode, this macro is blank.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ #include <string>
+ using namespace std;
+ int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ {
+ ...
+ const char *str = "Salome";
+ MESSAGE(str);
+ ... const string st;
+ st = "Aster";
+ MESSAGE(c_str(st+" and CASTEM"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ displays::
+ - Trace main.cxx [8] : Salome
+ - Trace main.cxx [12] : Aster and CASTEM
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro BEGIN_OF
+ appends the string "Begin of " to the one passed in
+ argument by the user and displays the result on the
+ trace buffer pool. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this
+ macro is blank.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ {
+ BEGIN_OF(argv[0]);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ displays::
+ - Trace main.cxx [3] : Begin of a.out
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro END_OF appends
+ the string "Normal end of " to the one passed in
+ argument by the user and displays the result on the
+ trace buffer pool. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this
+ macro is blank.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ {
+ END_OF(argv[0]);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ displays::
+ - Trace main.cxx [4] : Normal end of a.out
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro SCRUTE
+ displays its argument which is an application variable
+ followed by the value of the variable. In _RELEASE_
+ compiling mode, this macro is blank.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ {
+ const int i=999;
+ if( i > 0 ) SCRUTE(i) ; i=i+1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ displays::
+ - Trace main.cxx [5] : i=999
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode only, The C++ macro ASSERT
+ checks the expression passed in argument to be not
+ NULL. If it is NULL the condition is written with the
+ macro INTERRUPTION (see above). The process exits after
+ trace of this last message. In _RELEASE_ compiling
+ mode, this macro is blank. N.B. : if ASSERT is already
+ defined, this macro is ignored.
+ Example::
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ ...
+ const char *ptrS = fonc();
+ cout << strlen(ptrS);
+ float table[10];
+ int k;
+ ...
+ ASSERT(k<10);
+ cout << table[k];
+C++ exceptions: class SALOME_Exception
+The class SALOME_Exception provides a generic method to
+send a message, with optional source file name and line
+number. This class is intended to serve as a base class
+for all kinds of exceptions SALOME code. All the
+exceptions derived from SALOME_Exception could be
+handled in a single catch, in which the message
+associated to the exception is displayed, or sent to a
+log file.
+The class SALOME_Exception inherits its behavior from
+the STL class exception.
+The header SALOME/src/utils/utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx
+must be included in the C++ source, when raised or trapped::
+ #include "utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx"
+The SALOME_Exception constructor is::
+ SALOME_Exception( const char *text,
+ const char *fileName=0,
+ const unsigned int lineNumber=0 );
+The exception is raised like this::
+ throw SALOME_Exception("my pertinent message");
+or like this::
+ throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("my pertinent message"));
+where LOCALIZED is a macro provided with
+``utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx`` which gives file name and
+line number.
+The exception is handled like this::
+ try
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+ catch (const SALOME_Exception &ex)
+ {
+ cerr << ex.what() <<endl;
+ }
+The what() method overrides the one defined in the STL
+exception class.
+CORBA exceptions
+The idl SALOME_Exception provides a generic CORBA
+exception for SALOME, with an attribute that gives an
+exception type,a message, plus optional source file
+name and line number.
+This idl is intended to serve for all user CORBA
+exceptions raised in SALOME code, as IDL specification
+does not support exception inheritance. So, all the
+user CORBA exceptions from SALOME could be handled in a
+single catch.
+The exception types defined in idl are:
+ - COMM CORBA communication problem,
+ - BAD_PARAM Bad User parameters,
+ - INTERNAL_ERROR application level problem (often irrecoverable).
+CORBA system and user exceptions already defined in the
+packages used within SALOME, such as OmniORB
+exceptions, must be handled separately.
+CORBA servant, C++
+ The CORBA Server header for SALOME_Exception and a
+ macro to throw the exception are provided with the
+ header ``KERNEL_SRC/src/Utils/Utils_CorbaException.hxx``::
+ #include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
+ The exception is raised with a macro which appends file
+ name and line number::
+ if (myStudyName.size() == 0)
+CORBA Client, GUI Qt C++
+ The CORBA Client header for SALOME_Exception and a Qt
+ function header that displays a message box are
+ provided in:
+ ``KERNEL_SRC/src/SALOMEGUI/SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx``
+ ::
+ #include "SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx"
+ A typical exchange with a CORBA Servant will be::
+ try
+ {
+ ... // one ore more CORBA calls
+ }
+ catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception & S_ex)
+ {
+ QtCatchCorbaException(S_ex);
+ }
+CORBA Client, C++, without GUI
+ Nothing specific has been provided to the developer
+ yet. See the idl or the Qt function
+ SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx to see how to get
+ the information given by the exception object.
+Miscellaneous tools
+A singleton is an application data which is created and
+deleted only once at the end of the application
+process. The C++ compiler allows the user to create a
+static singleton data before the first executable
+statement. They are deleted after the last statement execution.
+The ``SINGLETON_`` template class deals with dynamic
+singleton. It is useful for functor objects. For
+example, an object that connects the application to a
+system at creation and disconnects the application at deletion.
+To create a single instance of a POINT object::
+ # include "Utils_SINGLETON.hxx"
+ ...
+ POINT *ptrPoint=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;
+ assert(ptrPoint!=NULL) ;
+No need to delete ptrPoint. Deletion is achieved
+automatically at exit. If the user tries to create more
+than one singleton by using the class method
+SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance(), the pointer is returned
+with the same value even if this is done in different
+functions (threads ?)::
+ POINT *p1=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;
+ ...
+ POINT *p2=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;
+ assert(p1==p2)
+Design description
+Here are the principles features of the singleton
+* the user creates an object of class TYPE by using the
+ class method ``SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance()`` which
+ returns a pointer to the single object ;
+* to create an object, ``SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance()``
+ uses the default constructor of class TYPE ;
+* at the same time, this class method creates a
+ destructor object which is added to the generic list
+ of destructor objects to be executed at the end of
+ the application (atexit) ;
+* at the end of the application process all the
+ deletions are performed by the ``Nettoyage()`` C function
+ which executes the destruction objects end then
+ deletes the destructions objects themselves ;
+* the ``Nettoyage()`` C function using ``atexit()`` C function
+ is embedded in a static single object ``ATEXIT_()``.
+| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
+.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
+.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
--- /dev/null
+:Authors: David Goodger, David Abrahams
+:Contact: goodger@users.sourceforge.net, dave@boost-consulting.com
+:date: $Date$
+:version: $Revision$
+:copyright: This stylesheet has been placed in the public domain.
+This stylesheet is for the use of ReStructuredText in a Boost context.
+It is basically an agglomeration of boost.css and the default.css that
+comes from docutils.
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--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+# ===================================================================
+# This shell script is provided for generating the html files
+# from the txt files (restructured text) in the source directory.
+# Usage: just execute the script where it stands in the source
+# directory. The file list has to be updated manually when adding
+# a new restructured text file.
+# Note that the building process executes a target rstdoc that
+# generates the html documentation without need of this script.
+# The autoconficuration (check_htmlgen.m4) set the correct generator
+# rst2html by replacing the @RST2HTML@ tag.
+# ===================================================================
+# (CSSI - gboulant - 25/10/05)
+# This must be updated manually in this script (for source usage only)
+ UnitTests
+ SALOME_Application
+ kernel_resources
+ userguide"
+RSTOPTS="--output-encoding=latin1 --stylesheet=$STYLESHEET"
+for file in $FILELIST; do
+ bfn=`basename $file .txt`
+ echo "Generating ${bfn}.html from ${bfn}.txt ..."
+ $RST2HTML $RSTOPTS ${bfn}.txt ${bfn}.html
--- /dev/null
+User's guide, for developpers and users
+*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
+ rst2html < doc.txt > doc.html
+*This document corresponds to SALOME2 3.1.0*
+*NOT UP TO DATE with 3.2.0*
+.. contents::
+.. sectnum::
+This guide provides you with some basic concepts for developing and
+using the SALOME platform. You will find some information on the
+general technical architecture ...
+General information
+This document has been initialized by collecting and updating an existing
+documentation. The restructured text format has been selected for
+writing. This format can be read with a basic editor except for
+pictures and some hypertext links. You can build the html pages using
+the docutils scripts provided with python packages on most platform.
+ definition of a module and/or link to the definition
+ definition of a container
+General concepts
+modules et dépendances (s'inspirer de PYHELLO)
+Filesystem organisation
+Voir doc de JR "Organisation de la plate-forme"
+A typical source working directory
+organisation type des sources d'un module standard (spécifications techniques)
+A typical installation directory
+organisation type des produits installés
+Building process
+Procédures de compilation (renvoie au install.sh)
+Developer's guide - basic concepts
+Guide du développeur: éléments de conception
+ - zoom sur certains éléments techniques bons à connaitre pour faire
+ évoluer le KERNEL sans tout casser.
+ - les ressources du kernel:
+ - trace, debug, exception (cf. kernel_ressources.tex)
+ - classes batch (présentation puis renvoi à la doc d'Ivan)
+ - développement de tests unitaires
+Developer's guide - managing the development space
+- Guide du développeur: gestion de l'espace de développement
+ - principe de mise en oeuvre (rôle des étapes: build_configure, ...)
+ - description des fichiers m4 et du principe de mise en oeuvre
+ - les Makefile.in, ... (cf. doc guide du développeur).
+ - évolution des procédures de construction
+ - personalisation des procédures de construction
+Developer' guide - integration tools
+- Guide de l'intégrateur (développeur de nouveaux modules)
+(on lui montre ici le principe de construction et les ressources à
+disposition pour faire le travail)
+ - création d'un modules
+ - intégration code boîte noire (perfect, solver)
+ - intégration bibliothèque de fonctions (hxx2salome, voir avec
+ N.Crouzet)
+ - intégration de modèles de données (xdata)
+End user's guide
+- Guide de l'utilisateur
+ - concept d'application (renvoie doc Paul)
+ - commandes avancées (showNS, exemple de contact de la
+ session, d'un engine, utilisation du lifeCycle, du module salome,
+ des modules geompy et smesh)
+ - utilisation en mode distribué (doc de B. Sechet)
+ - GUI and TUI documentation
+RST Exemples
+See INSTALL_ for general information on required configuration and
+prerequisites, compilation procedure, setting environment principles.
+.. _INSTALL: ./INSTALL.html
+| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
+.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
+.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+# yacs documentation build configuration file, created by
+# sphinx-quickstart on Fri Aug 29 09:57:25 2008.
+# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir.
+# The contents of this file are pickled, so don't put values in the namespace
+# that aren't pickleable (module imports are okay, they're removed automatically).
+# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
+# serve to show the default.
+import sys, os
+# If your extensions are in another directory, add it here. If the directory
+# is relative to the documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it
+# absolute, like shown here.
+# General configuration
+# ---------------------
+# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
+# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
+extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc']
+# Uncomment the following line to build the links with Python documentation
+# (you might need to set http_proxy environment variable for this to work)
+#extensions += ['sphinx.ext.intersphinx']
+# Intersphinx mapping to add links to modules and objects in the Python
+# standard library documentation
+intersphinx_mapping = {'http://docs.python.org': None}
+# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
+templates_path = ['_templates']
+# The suffix of source filenames.
+source_suffix = '.rst'
+# The encoding of source files.
+source_encoding = 'utf-8'
+# The master toctree document.
+master_doc = 'index'
+# General information about the project.
+project = 'KERNEL python packages'
+copyright = '2010 EDF R&D'
+# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
+# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
+# built documents.
+# The short X.Y version.
+version = '5.1.4'
+# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
+release = '5.1.4'
+# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
+# for a list of supported languages.
+language = 'en'
+# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
+# non-false value, then it is used:
+#today = ''
+# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
+#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
+# List of documents that shouldn't be included in the build.
+#unused_docs = []
+# List of directories, relative to source directory, that shouldn't be searched
+# for source files.
+exclude_trees = ['.build','ref','images','CVS','.svn']
+# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents.
+#default_role = None
+# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
+#add_function_parentheses = True
+# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
+# unit titles (such as .. function::).
+#add_module_names = True
+# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
+# output. They are ignored by default.
+#show_authors = False
+# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
+pygments_style = 'sphinx'
+# Options for HTML output
+# -----------------------
+# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. Major themes that come with
+# Sphinx are currently 'default' and 'sphinxdoc'.
+html_theme = 'default'
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+#html_theme = 'sphinxdoc'
+#html_theme = 'omadoc'
+# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
+#html_theme_path = ['themes']
+# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to
+# "<project> v<release> documentation".
+#html_title = None
+# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
+#html_short_title = None
+# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
+# of the sidebar.
+#html_logo = None
+# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
+# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
+# pixels large.
+#html_favicon = None
+# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
+# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
+# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
+#html_static_path = ['_static']
+# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
+# using the given strftime format.
+#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
+# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
+# typographically correct entities.
+#html_use_smartypants = True
+# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
+#html_sidebars = {}
+# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
+# template names.
+#html_additional_pages = {}
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+html_use_modindex = False
+# If false, no index is generated.
+#html_use_index = True
+# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
+#html_split_index = False
+# If true, the reST sources are included in the HTML build as _sources/<name>.
+html_copy_source = True
+# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
+# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
+# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
+#html_use_opensearch = ''
+# If nonempty, this is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
+#html_file_suffix = ''
+# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
+htmlhelp_basename = 'kernelpydoc'
+# Options for LaTeX output
+# ------------------------
+# The paper size ('letter' or 'a4').
+latex_paper_size = 'a4'
+# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
+latex_font_size = '10pt'
+# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title, author, document class [howto/manual]).
+latex_documents = [
+ ('index', 'kernelpy.tex', 'Documentation of the KERNEL python packages', 'EDF R\&D', 'manual')
+# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
+# the title page.
+latex_logo = '../salome/tui/images/head.png'
+# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
+# not chapters.
+#latex_use_parts = True
+# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
+#latex_preamble = ''
+# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
+#latex_appendices = []
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+latex_use_modindex = False
--- /dev/null
+ Documentation of the programming interface (API)
+This section describes the python modules of the
+``salome.kernel`` python package. The main part is generated from the
+code documentation included in source python files.
+:mod:`salome.kernel` -- Package containing the KERNEL python utilities
+:mod:`deprecation` -- Indication of deprecated modules and functions
+.. automodule:: salome.kernel.deprecation
+ :members:
+:mod:`termcolor` -- Display colored text in terminal
+.. automodule:: salome.kernel.termcolor
+ :members:
+ :exclude-members: TEST_termcolor
+:mod:`logger` -- Logging utility
+.. automodule:: salome.kernel.logger
+.. autoclass:: Logger
+ :members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. autoclass:: ExtLogger
+ :members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+:mod:`studyedit` -- Study editor
+.. automodule:: salome.kernel.studyedit
+ :members:
--- /dev/null
+ Documentation of the KERNEL python packages
+Main documentation
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 3
+ overview.rst
+ docapi.rst
+Additional documentation
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 3
+ salomepypkg.rst
--- /dev/null
+General presentation of the KERNEL python package
+The KERNEL python package essentially contains:
+* Helper functions to manipulate KERNEL objects from python. For
+ example, the ``studyedit.py`` module facilitates the
+ manipulation of components and items in SALOME study.
+* General purpose functions for logging and other recurrent
+ stuff in python programming.
+Note that these functions either encapsulate the python programming
+interface of KERNEL core (the CORBA or SWIG interfaces for example) or
+extend existing utilities as the ``salome*.py`` modules.
+The functions are distributed in the python package
+``salome.kernel``. For example, the usage of the study editor to
+manipulate some objects can be done with a set of instructions as:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from salome.kernel.studyedit import getStudyEditor
+ studyEditor = getStudyEditor() # Get an editor for the current study
+ myStudyComponent = studyEditor.findOrCreateComponent(
+ moduleName,
+ componentName,
+ componentIcon)
+ myStudyItem = studyEditor.createItem(
+ myStudyComponent,
+ itemName,
+ comment = itemComment,
+ icon = itemIcon)
+The specification of the programming interface of this package is
+detailed in the part :doc:`Documentation of the programming interface
+(API)</docapi>` of this documentation.
+.. note::
+ The main package ``salome`` contains other sub-packages that are
+ distributed with the other SALOME modules. For example, the GEOM
+ module provides the python package ``salome.geom`` and SMESH the
+ package ``salome.smesh``.
--- /dev/null
+Complement A: Organizing the SALOME python functions in a packaged structure
+This chapter contains the instruction notes to organise the python
+files of SALOME in a packaged python structure. This is the first step
+of the development process, whose goal is to validate the principles
+and show a possible way.
+:Contacts: Guillaume Boulant, Christian Caremoli, Renaud Barate
+The main idea is to import SALOME python functions by doing:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from salome.kernel.<myPythonModule> import <myFunction>
+instead of:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from <myPythonModule> import <myFunction>
+as it must be done up to now because of the flat organisation of
+python files in the installation folders of SALOME modules.
+To reach this target, the files ``<myPythonModule>.py`` have to be
+organised in a packaged python structure where the main package is
+named ``salome``, and then sub-packages could be created for each
+SALOME module:
+* ``salome.kernel``: for kernel python functions, embedded in the
+ KERNEL module
+* ``salome.gui``: for gui python functions, embedded in the GUI module
+* ``salome.geom``: for geom python functions, embedded in the GEOM
+ module
+* and so on ...
+The motivations of this objective are twice:
+* Definitively prevent the risk of naming conflict between python
+ modules coming from different SALOME modules. Today, the developper
+ of a module has to take care of the names used in other modules to
+ choose a name.
+* Integrate in SALOME some python modules initialy developed in the
+ context of domain specific SALOME applications (SALOME-MECA,
+ SALOME-CFD, OPENTURN, PANTHERE) and whose source files are organized
+ in a packaged python structure.
+The starting point then is a python library named ``nepal`` that
+provides SALOME helper functions classified by modules
+(KERNEL,GEOM,...) and organized in a packaged python structure:
+* ``salome.kernel``: helper functions for manipulating the SALOME
+ study and its components (SComponents and SObject). This provides
+ also general purpose utilities for logging and threading.
+* ``salome.gui``: helper functions to manipulate the graphical
+ representation of studies and the general behavior of the graphical
+ interface. This provides also generic templates for implementing
+ dialog box with the MVC pattern.
+* ``salome.geom``: essentially contains a function called
+ "visualization of structural elements". This is used by mechanical
+ ingeneers to create the 3D geometrical object corresponding to the
+ numerical model of a given structural element.
+* ``salome.smesh``: to manipulated smesh data handled from the SObject
+ in the SALOME study.
+The target point is to have the ``salome.kernel`` part in the KERNEL
+module, the ``salome.geom`` part in the GEOM module, and so on. And
+with **no impact on SALOME scripts** that already exists (import salome,
+and all other stuff should be imported and work as before).
+To reach this target, we have to face two problems:
+* A naming conflict with the instruction ``import salome``. The result
+ is unpredictible because of the existance in the ``sys.path`` of
+ both a file ``salome.py`` and a package ``salome``.
+* The dispatching of ``salome.*`` sub-packages in the different SALOME
+ modules.
+Naming conflict between ``salome.py`` module and ``salome`` package
+The problem is solved by installing the ``salome.py`` file under the
+name ``__init__.py`` in a folder named ``${salomepythondir}/salome``.
+By this operation, the ``${salomepythondir}/salome`` directory is
+transformed in a python package and the instruction ``import salome``
+do the same things as before this modification, without any
+modification of the ``sys.path``.
+Dispatching of ``salome.*`` sub-packages in different SALOME modules
+When we use a SALOME virtual application, the problem is naturally
+solved by the fact that every sub-packages are virtually installed in
+the same directory, the directory ``${salomepythondir}/salome``
+containing the file ``__init__.py``.
+Nevertheless, some people doesn't use the virtual application. To get
+a robust configuration in any case, one can use the python namespace
+pattern. This consists in creating a virtual python package that
+aggregates all the sub-packages.
+Technically speaking, this consists in implementing in the file
+``${salomepythondir}/salome/__init__.py`` (new version of
+``salome.py``) a function that automatically extend the ``__path__``
+variable with sub-packages that can be found in SALOME modules
+installation paths. The code looks something like that:
+.. code-block:: python
+ import os, sys
+ MATCH_ENDING_PATTERN="site-packages/salome"
+ def extend_path(pname):
+ for dir in sys.path:
+ if not isinstance(dir, basestring) or not os.path.isdir(dir) or not dir.endswith(MATCH_ENDING_PATTERN):
+ continue
+ subdir = os.path.join(dir, pname)
+ # WARN: This may still add duplicate entries to path on
+ # case-insensitive filesystems
+ if os.path.isdir(subdir) and subdir not in __path__:
+ print "INFO - The directory %s is appended to sys.path" % subdir
+ __path__.append(subdir)
+Adaptation of the ``apply_gen`` utility
+Due to the specific above choices, the ``apply_gen`` utility must be
+modified so that the sub-folder ``salome`` in ``${salomepythondir}``
+is not generated as a symbolic link any longer but as a real folder
+containing symbolic links towards the module specific python
+sub-packages (``kernel``, ``geom``, ``smesh``, ...) and to the single
+file ``__init__.py`` provided by the KERNEL module.
+This adaptation can be done in the ``virtual_salome.py`` script.
+What to do with already existing python files?
+Do nothing at this step, it works fine because the files are installed
+in a path included in the ``sys.path``.
+In a future version, it should be nice to reverse all the python files
+of the KERNEL library in this packaged structure. But this can't be
+done without impact on existing python user scripts.
+Instructions for creating the python packages
+Considering the elements described above, a procedure that works to
+get the packaged python structure is:
+* Rename the file ``salome.py`` in ``__init__.py`` (and adapt the
+ Makefile.am). This is located in the source directory
+ ``src/KERNEL_PY``.
+* Copy the sources files of the kernel part in the source directory
+ ``src/KERNEL_PY`` starting with a stage named ``kernel`` including
+ its own packaged structure (only python files and a file
+ ``__init__.py`` for now)
+* Copy the sources files of the geom part in the source directory
+ ``src/GEOM_PY`` (to be created) of the GEOM module. In this case, we
+ copy the python files directly in the directory (no stage named
+ ``geom``, it's not required for source organisation, and will be
+ created only for installation by makefile).
+* Apply the same procedure for every other SALOME modules (it concerns
+ only SMESH up to now).
+* Apply the "namespace pattern" by implementing and invoking the
+ ``extend_path`` function in the newly created file ``__init__.py``
+* Adapt the ``apply_gen`` utility to take into account the finer
+ folder hierarchy in ``site-packages``.
+The naming convention for source folder is here the convention in
+place in the KERNEL module: the source code of the python packages of
+a SALOME module <MODULE_NAME> is located in the source directory
+Note also that all python files that were existing in the KERNEL
+module are leaft untouched but the file ``salome.py``.
+Instructions for the associated documentation
+One special point for the documentation:
+* The documentation of the python package API is writen in rst
+ (restructured text) and generated form the source code with sphinx.
+* The rst source files are located in the directory
+ ``<srcdir>/doc/docutils``.
+* The html generated files are installed in the directory
+ ``<installdir>/share/doc/salome/docutils`` but are not connected to
+ the in-line documentation of the SALOME associated module (menu help
+ of the SALOME application).
+Any suggestion on this point would be appreciated.
+TODO (by someone):
+* Move all files ``*.txt`` from the ``<srcdir>/doc`` folder to the
+ ``<srcdir>/doc/docutils`` folder and analyse what is still to date
+ and usefull.
+* Integrate in this part the reference documentation of the ``salome``
+ utility and all documentation associated to the launching process
+ (in particular virtual application)
+* Connect this part of the documentation to the main part (doxygen
+ part).
+Finaly, here is a synthesis of modifications in source files.
+Files modified:
+* See the CVS patch files KERNEL.patch, GEOM.patch and SMESH.patch
+ (the only SALOME modules modified today).
+Files to be added:
+* KERNEL: file ``src/KERNEL_PY/__init__.py`` (``salome.py`` renamed)
+* KERNEL: directory ``src/KERNEL_PY/kernel``
+* KERNEL: directory ``doc/docutils``
+* KERNEL: file ``salome_adm/unix/config_files/check_sphinx.m4``
+* GEOM : directory ``src/GEOM_PY``
+* GEOM : directory ``doc/docutils``
+* SMESH : directory ``src/SMESH_PY``
+* SMESH : directory ``doc/docutils``
+Files to be delete:
+* file ``src/KERNEL_PY/salome.py``
+Tests and usage
+The instructions above provides you with a SALOME application whose
+modules embed there dedicated python packages. This installation can
+can be tested using some test use cases. For example, the
+visualisation of structural elements (provided by the package
+``salome.geom`` can be tested by:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from salome.geom.structelem import TEST_StructuralElement
+ TEST_StructuralElement()
+This can be enter in the GUI python console or in a python interpreter
+executed in a SALOME session.
+For more details, read the API documentation in
+++ /dev/null
-KERNEL common Services
-*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
- rst2html < doc.txt > doc.html
-*This document corresponds to SALOME2 3.2.0*
-.. contents::
-.. sectnum::
-**General information, for users, integrators and developers**
-**Users, integrators and developers, which documentation ?**
-Following your kind of usage of SALOME, you will find some specific
-introductory documentation, listed below.
-End user
-How to configure a SALOME application
-The end user may have to configure his own SALOME application by selection of a
-subset of availables SALOME modules. He also may want to install his
-application on several computers.
-See SALOME_Application_ to define your own configuration of SALOME and run it
-on one or several computers. This is the recommended way of configuration.
-.. _SALOME_Application: ./SALOME_Application.html
-How to launch SALOME in a SALOME application
-See SALOME_Application_.
-How to use KERNEL services in Python scripts
-The SALOME KERNEL offers offers a list of services available in Python.
-See KERNEL_Services_.
-.. _KERNEL_Services: ./KERNEL_Services.html
-Application Integrator
-Applications integrators are in charge of configuration and installation of
-specific SALOME applications over a local network. Application Integrators
-built SALOME modules binaries from sources tarballs.
-How to install SALOME
-See INSTALL_ for general information on required configuration and
-prerequisites, compilation procedure, setting environment principles.
-.. _INSTALL: ./INSTALL.html
-How to configure a SALOME application
-See SALOME_Application_ to define your own configuration of SALOME and run it
-on one or several computers. This is the recommended way of configuration.
-.. _SALOME_Application: ./SALOME_Application.html
-Module maintainer
-Module maintainers are in charge of the development and debug of the SALOME
-modules. Each SALOME module is stored in a CVS base. CVS bases are organised
-in separate branches for developments and debug. All official or development
-releases are identified by a CVS tag.
-Source code structuration and Unit Tests
-See UnitTests_ for general information on code directories structure,
-unit tests associated to the different kind of classes, and how to run
-the unit tests.
-.. _UnitTests: ./UnitTests.html
-Some development utilities
-See kernel_resources_ for information on basic utilities for C++ and Python
-development, like trace and debug, exceptions, singleton.
-.. _kernel_resources: ./kernel_resources.html
-| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
-.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
-.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
+++ /dev/null
-SALOME Kernel resources for developer
-*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
- rst2html doc.txt > doc.html
-*This document corresponds to SALOME2 3.2.0*
- Antoine Yessayan,
- Paul Rascle
-:Version: 0.3 - february 17, 2006
-This document describes the development environment for
-C++ and Python. Makefiles generation and usage are
-introduced in another document: "using the SALOME
-configuration and building system environment".
-Development environment is intended here as: trace and
-debug macros usage; SALOME exceptions usage, in C++ and
-Python; user CORBA exceptions usage, in C++ and Python,
-with and without Graphical User Interface; some general
-purpose services such as singleton, used for CORBA
-connection and disconnection.
-.. contents::
-.. sectnum::
-Trace and debug Utilities
-During the development process, an execution log is
-useful to identify problems. This log contains
-messages, variables values, source files names and line
-numbers. It is recommended to verify assertions on
-variables values and if necessary, to stop the
-execution at debug time, in order to validate all parts
-of code.
-Two modes: debug and release
-The goal of debug mode is to check as many features as
-possible during the early stages of the development
-process. The purpose of the utilities provided in
-SALOME is to help the developer to add detailed traces
-and check variables values, without writing a lot of code.
-When the code is assumed to be valid, the release mode
-optimizes execution, in terms of speed, memory, and
-display only user level messages.
-But, some informations must always be displayed in both
-modes: especially messages concerning environment or
-internal errors, with version identification. When an
-end user is confronted to such a message, he may refer
-to a configuration documentation or send the message to
-the people in charge of SALOME installation, or to the
-development team, following the kind of error.
-C++ Macros for trace and debug
-SALOME provides C++ macros for trace and debug. These
-macros are in::
- KERNEL_SRC/src/SALOMELocalTrace/utilities.h
-This file must be included in C++ source. Some
-macros are activated only in debug mode, others are
-always activated. To activate the debug mode, ``_DEBUG_``
-must be defined, which is the case when SALOME
-Makefiles are generated from configure, without
-options. When ``_DEBUG_`` is undefined (release mode:
-``configure --disable-debug --enable-production``), the
-debug mode macros are defined empty (they do nothing).
-So, when switching from debug to release, it is
-possible (and recommended) to let the macro calls
-unchanged in the source.
-All the macros generate trace messages, stored in a
-circular buffer pool. A separate thread reads the
-messages in the buffer pool, and, depending on options
-given at SALOME start, writes the messages on the
-standard output, a file, or send them via CORBA, in
-case of a multi machine configuration.
-Three informations are systematically added in front of
-the information displayed:
-* the thread number from which the message come from;
-* the name of the source file in which the macros is set;
-* the line number of the source file at which the macro
- is set.
-Macros defined in debug and release modes
- The C++ macro INFOS_COMPILATION writes on the trace
- buffer pool informations about the compiling process:
- * the name of the compiler : g++, KCC, CC, pgCC;
- * the date and the time of the compiling processing process.
- This macro INFOS_COMPILATION does not have any
- argument. Moreover, it is defined in both compiling
- mode : _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_.
- Example::
- #include "utilities.h"
- int main(int argc , char **argv)
- {
- ...
- }
- INFOS(str)
- In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
- macro INFOS writes on the trace buffer pool the string
- which has been passed in argument by the user.
- Example::
- #include "utilities.h"
- int main(int argc , char **argv)
- {
- ...
- return 0;
- }
- displays::
- main.cxx [5] : NORMAL END OF THE PROCESS
- In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
- macro INTERRUPTION writes on the trace buffer pool the
- string, with a special ABORT type. When the thread in
- charge of collecting messages finds this message, it
- terminates the application, after message treatment.
- In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
- macro IMMEDIATE_ABORT writes the message str immediately on
- standard error and exits the application. Remaining
- messages not treated by the message collector thread
- are lost.
-Macros defined only in debug mode
- In _DEBUG_ compiling mode only, the C++ macro MESSAGE
- writes on the trace buffer pool the string which has
- been passed in argument by the user. In _RELEASE_
- compiling mode, this macro is blank.
- Example::
- #include "utilities.h"
- #include <string>
- using namespace std;
- int main(int argc , char **argv)
- {
- ...
- const char *str = "Salome";
- MESSAGE(str);
- ... const string st;
- st = "Aster";
- MESSAGE(c_str(st+" and CASTEM"));
- return 0;
- }
- displays::
- - Trace main.cxx [8] : Salome
- - Trace main.cxx [12] : Aster and CASTEM
- In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro BEGIN_OF
- appends the string "Begin of " to the one passed in
- argument by the user and displays the result on the
- trace buffer pool. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this
- macro is blank.
- Example::
- #include "utilities.h"
- int main(int argc , char **argv)
- {
- BEGIN_OF(argv[0]);
- return 0;
- }
- displays::
- - Trace main.cxx [3] : Begin of a.out
- In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro END_OF appends
- the string "Normal end of " to the one passed in
- argument by the user and displays the result on the
- trace buffer pool. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this
- macro is blank.
- Example::
- #include "utilities.h"
- int main(int argc , char **argv)
- {
- END_OF(argv[0]);
- return 0;
- }
- displays::
- - Trace main.cxx [4] : Normal end of a.out
- In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro SCRUTE
- displays its argument which is an application variable
- followed by the value of the variable. In _RELEASE_
- compiling mode, this macro is blank.
- Example::
- #include "utilities.h"
- int main(int argc , char **argv)
- {
- const int i=999;
- if( i > 0 ) SCRUTE(i) ; i=i+1;
- return 0;
- }
- displays::
- - Trace main.cxx [5] : i=999
- In _DEBUG_ compiling mode only, The C++ macro ASSERT
- checks the expression passed in argument to be not
- NULL. If it is NULL the condition is written with the
- macro INTERRUPTION (see above). The process exits after
- trace of this last message. In _RELEASE_ compiling
- mode, this macro is blank. N.B. : if ASSERT is already
- defined, this macro is ignored.
- Example::
- #include "utilities.h"
- ...
- const char *ptrS = fonc();
- cout << strlen(ptrS);
- float table[10];
- int k;
- ...
- ASSERT(k<10);
- cout << table[k];
-C++ exceptions: class SALOME_Exception
-The class SALOME_Exception provides a generic method to
-send a message, with optional source file name and line
-number. This class is intended to serve as a base class
-for all kinds of exceptions SALOME code. All the
-exceptions derived from SALOME_Exception could be
-handled in a single catch, in which the message
-associated to the exception is displayed, or sent to a
-log file.
-The class SALOME_Exception inherits its behavior from
-the STL class exception.
-The header SALOME/src/utils/utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx
-must be included in the C++ source, when raised or trapped::
- #include "utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx"
-The SALOME_Exception constructor is::
- SALOME_Exception( const char *text,
- const char *fileName=0,
- const unsigned int lineNumber=0 );
-The exception is raised like this::
- throw SALOME_Exception("my pertinent message");
-or like this::
- throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("my pertinent message"));
-where LOCALIZED is a macro provided with
-``utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx`` which gives file name and
-line number.
-The exception is handled like this::
- try
- {
- ...
- }
- catch (const SALOME_Exception &ex)
- {
- cerr << ex.what() <<endl;
- }
-The what() method overrides the one defined in the STL
-exception class.
-CORBA exceptions
-The idl SALOME_Exception provides a generic CORBA
-exception for SALOME, with an attribute that gives an
-exception type,a message, plus optional source file
-name and line number.
-This idl is intended to serve for all user CORBA
-exceptions raised in SALOME code, as IDL specification
-does not support exception inheritance. So, all the
-user CORBA exceptions from SALOME could be handled in a
-single catch.
-The exception types defined in idl are:
- - COMM CORBA communication problem,
- - BAD_PARAM Bad User parameters,
- - INTERNAL_ERROR application level problem (often irrecoverable).
-CORBA system and user exceptions already defined in the
-packages used within SALOME, such as OmniORB
-exceptions, must be handled separately.
-CORBA servant, C++
- The CORBA Server header for SALOME_Exception and a
- macro to throw the exception are provided with the
- header ``KERNEL_SRC/src/Utils/Utils_CorbaException.hxx``::
- #include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
- The exception is raised with a macro which appends file
- name and line number::
- if (myStudyName.size() == 0)
-CORBA Client, GUI Qt C++
- The CORBA Client header for SALOME_Exception and a Qt
- function header that displays a message box are
- provided in:
- ``KERNEL_SRC/src/SALOMEGUI/SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx``
- ::
- #include "SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx"
- A typical exchange with a CORBA Servant will be::
- try
- {
- ... // one ore more CORBA calls
- }
- catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception & S_ex)
- {
- QtCatchCorbaException(S_ex);
- }
-CORBA Client, C++, without GUI
- Nothing specific has been provided to the developer
- yet. See the idl or the Qt function
- SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx to see how to get
- the information given by the exception object.
-Miscellaneous tools
-A singleton is an application data which is created and
-deleted only once at the end of the application
-process. The C++ compiler allows the user to create a
-static singleton data before the first executable
-statement. They are deleted after the last statement execution.
-The ``SINGLETON_`` template class deals with dynamic
-singleton. It is useful for functor objects. For
-example, an object that connects the application to a
-system at creation and disconnects the application at deletion.
-To create a single instance of a POINT object::
- # include "Utils_SINGLETON.hxx"
- ...
- POINT *ptrPoint=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;
- assert(ptrPoint!=NULL) ;
-No need to delete ptrPoint. Deletion is achieved
-automatically at exit. If the user tries to create more
-than one singleton by using the class method
-SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance(), the pointer is returned
-with the same value even if this is done in different
-functions (threads ?)::
- POINT *p1=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;
- ...
- POINT *p2=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;
- assert(p1==p2)
-Design description
-Here are the principles features of the singleton
-* the user creates an object of class TYPE by using the
- class method ``SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance()`` which
- returns a pointer to the single object ;
-* to create an object, ``SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance()``
- uses the default constructor of class TYPE ;
-* at the same time, this class method creates a
- destructor object which is added to the generic list
- of destructor objects to be executed at the end of
- the application (atexit) ;
-* at the end of the application process all the
- deletions are performed by the ``Nettoyage()`` C function
- which executes the destruction objects end then
- deletes the destructions objects themselves ;
-* the ``Nettoyage()`` C function using ``atexit()`` C function
- is embedded in a static single object ``ATEXIT_()``.
-| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
-.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
-.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
+++ /dev/null
-:Authors: David Goodger, David Abrahams
-:Contact: goodger@users.sourceforge.net, dave@boost-consulting.com
-:date: $Date$
-:version: $Revision$
-:copyright: This stylesheet has been placed in the public domain.
-This stylesheet is for the use of ReStructuredText in a Boost context.
-It is basically an agglomeration of boost.css and the default.css that
-comes from docutils.
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# Configuration::additions related to the search engine
--- /dev/null
+\page kernelpypkg_page Programming Interface of the KERNEL python package
+Sorry, but the documentation is not available yet in doxygen format.
+Fortunately, a documentation exists in restructured format and then
+can be generated here using sphinx, in the expectative of the doxygen
+Please refer to this <a href="../../tui/KERNEL/docutils/index.html">
+documentation of the KERNEL python packages</a>.
- \subpage kernel_salome
- \subpage dsc_page : DSC documentation page.
- \subpage salome_file_page : Salome_file documentation page.
+ - \subpage kernelpypkg_page : Documentation of the KERNEL python packages
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-# ===================================================================
-# This shell script is provided for generating the html files
-# from the txt files (restructured text) in the source directory.
-# Usage: just execute the script where it stands in the source
-# directory. The file list has to be updated manually when adding
-# a new restructured text file.
-# Note that the building process executes a target rstdoc that
-# generates the html documentation without need of this script.
-# The autoconficuration (check_htmlgen.m4) set the correct generator
-# rst2html by replacing the @RST2HTML@ tag.
-# ===================================================================
-# (CSSI - gboulant - 25/10/05)
-# This must be updated manually in this script (for source usage only)
- UnitTests
- SALOME_Application
- kernel_resources
- userguide"
-RSTOPTS="--output-encoding=latin1 --stylesheet=$STYLESHEET"
-for file in $FILELIST; do
- bfn=`basename $file .txt`
- echo "Generating ${bfn}.html from ${bfn}.txt ..."
- $RST2HTML $RSTOPTS ${bfn}.txt ${bfn}.html
+++ /dev/null
-User's guide, for developpers and users
-*html version of this document is produced with docutils*::
- rst2html < doc.txt > doc.html
-*This document corresponds to SALOME2 3.1.0*
-*NOT UP TO DATE with 3.2.0*
-.. contents::
-.. sectnum::
-This guide provides you with some basic concepts for developing and
-using the SALOME platform. You will find some information on the
-general technical architecture ...
-General information
-This document has been initialized by collecting and updating an existing
-documentation. The restructured text format has been selected for
-writing. This format can be read with a basic editor except for
-pictures and some hypertext links. You can build the html pages using
-the docutils scripts provided with python packages on most platform.
- definition of a module and/or link to the definition
- definition of a container
-General concepts
-modules et dépendances (s'inspirer de PYHELLO)
-Filesystem organisation
-Voir doc de JR "Organisation de la plate-forme"
-A typical source working directory
-organisation type des sources d'un module standard (spécifications techniques)
-A typical installation directory
-organisation type des produits installés
-Building process
-Procédures de compilation (renvoie au install.sh)
-Developer's guide - basic concepts
-Guide du développeur: éléments de conception
- - zoom sur certains éléments techniques bons à connaitre pour faire
- évoluer le KERNEL sans tout casser.
- - les ressources du kernel:
- - trace, debug, exception (cf. kernel_ressources.tex)
- - classes batch (présentation puis renvoi à la doc d'Ivan)
- - développement de tests unitaires
-Developer's guide - managing the development space
-- Guide du développeur: gestion de l'espace de développement
- - principe de mise en oeuvre (rôle des étapes: build_configure, ...)
- - description des fichiers m4 et du principe de mise en oeuvre
- - les Makefile.in, ... (cf. doc guide du développeur).
- - évolution des procédures de construction
- - personalisation des procédures de construction
-Developer' guide - integration tools
-- Guide de l'intégrateur (développeur de nouveaux modules)
-(on lui montre ici le principe de construction et les ressources à
-disposition pour faire le travail)
- - création d'un modules
- - intégration code boîte noire (perfect, solver)
- - intégration bibliothèque de fonctions (hxx2salome, voir avec
- N.Crouzet)
- - intégration de modèles de données (xdata)
-End user's guide
-- Guide de l'utilisateur
- - concept d'application (renvoie doc Paul)
- - commandes avancées (showNS, exemple de contact de la
- session, d'un engine, utilisation du lifeCycle, du module salome,
- des modules geompy et smesh)
- - utilisation en mode distribué (doc de B. Sechet)
- - GUI and TUI documentation
-RST Exemples
-See INSTALL_ for general information on required configuration and
-prerequisites, compilation procedure, setting environment principles.
-.. _INSTALL: ./INSTALL.html
-| `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ |
-.. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html
-.. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html
SALOME_Registry.idl \
Logger.idl \
SALOME_GenericObj.idl \
+ SALOME_Types.idl \
SALOME_Session.idl \
SALOME_TestModuleCatalog.idl \
nstest.idl \
SALOME_PyNode.idl \
Palm_Ports.idl \
SALOME_PACOExtension.idl \
- SALOME_ParamPorts.idl
+ SALOME_ParamPorts.idl \
+ SALOME_Parametric.idl
SALOME_MPIObject.idl \
SALOME_RegistrySK.cc \
LoggerSK.cc \
SALOME_GenericObjSK.cc \
+ SALOME_TypesSK.cc \
SALOME_SessionSK.cc \
SALOME_TestModuleCatalogSK.cc \
nstestSK.cc \
Calcium_PortsSK.cc \
Palm_PortsSK.cc \
SALOME_PACOExtensionSK.cc \
- SALOME_ParamPortsSK.cc
+ SALOME_ParamPortsSK.cc \
+ SALOME_ParametricSK.cc
SALOME_PortsDynSK.cc Calcium_PortsDynSK.cc SALOME_ContainerManagerDynSK.cc \
SALOME_CommDynSK.cc SALOME_RegistryDynSK.cc SALOME_ModuleCatalogDynSK.cc \
SALOMEDSDynSK.cc SALOME_SessionDynSK.cc SALOME_RessourcesCatalogDynSK.cc \
- DSC_EnginesDynSK.cc SALOME_ComponentDynSK.cc SALOME_GenericObjDynSK.cc \
+ DSC_EnginesDynSK.cc SALOME_ComponentDynSK.cc SALOME_GenericObjDynSK.cc SALOME_TypesDynSK.cc \
Palm_PortsDynSK.cc SALOME_ExceptionDynSK.cc SALOMEDS_AttributesDynSK.cc \
- LoggerDynSK.cc SALOME_PACOExtensionDynSK.cc SALOME_ParamPortsDynSK.cc SALOME_PyNodeDynSK.cc
+ LoggerDynSK.cc SALOME_PACOExtensionDynSK.cc SALOME_ParamPortsDynSK.cc SALOME_PyNodeDynSK.cc \
+ SALOME_ParametricDynSK.cc
\brief Comment attribute
- The attribute stores a string value containing supplementary information about
- the SObject. In particular it contains the data type of the %SComponent.
+ The attribute stores arbitrary string value containing supplementary information about
+ the SObject. This is common-usage attribute that can be used for any purpose.
+ There is only one explicit limitation: for the SComponent %object representing
+ the root item of the SALOME component tree, the AttributeComment is used to store
+ component data type value. This attribute is automatically set with NewComponent()
+ function of StudyBuilder. Also, the value of this attribute is returned by the
+ ComponentDataType() function of SComponent interface.
<em>See \ref example6 for an example of this attribute usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.</em>
//! GiveContainer - use mode parameter of ContainerParameters to configure
//! how this method works
//! Currently: get, start, getorstart, findorstart, find
- Container GiveContainer(in ContainerParameters params);
+ Container GiveContainer(in ContainerParameters params) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
//! Shutdown all containers that have been launched by the container manager
void ShutdownContainers();
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+// File : SALOME_Parametric.idl
+// Author : Renaud BARATE, EDF R&D
+#ifndef _SALOME_Parametric_IDL_
+#define _SALOME_Parametric_IDL_
+/*! \brief
+ This module contains type definitions for the communication between
+ supervision codes and computation codes in parametric studies.
+/*! \brief Structure describing a parameter that can be used for specific
+ information exchange between the codes.
+ struct Parameter {
+ string name;
+ string value;
+ };
+/*! \brief List of parameters.
+ typedef sequence<Parameter> ParameterList;
+/*! \brief Type representing the value of a variable exchanged between the
+ codes. As the variables may be matrices, a value is a 2D object
+ represented as a sequence of sequences of real numbers.
+ typedef sequence<sequence<double> > Value;
+/*! \brief List of variable names.
+ typedef sequence<string> VarList;
+/*! \brief List of variable values.
+ typedef sequence<Value> ValueList;
+/*! \brief Structure describing the input of a computation code.
+ struct ParametricInput {
+ VarList inputVarList;
+ VarList outputVarList;
+ ValueList inputValues;
+ ParameterList specificParameters;
+ };
+/*! \brief Structure describing the output of a computation code.
+ struct ParametricOutput {
+ ValueList outputValues;
+ ParameterList specificOutputInfos;
+ long returnCode;
+ string errorMessage;
+ };
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+#ifndef __SALOME_TYPES_IDL__
+#define __SALOME_TYPES_IDL__
+ typedef sequence<long> ListOfLong;
+ typedef sequence<double> ListOfDouble;
+ typedef sequence<string> ListOfString;
+ typedef sequence<ListOfDouble> ListOfDouble2;
<objref name="SALOME/SenderDouble"/>
<objref name="SALOME/SenderInt"/>
<objref name="SALOME/Matrix"/>
+ <!-- Types for parametric computations -->
+ <struct name="SALOME_TYPES/Parameter">
+ <member type="string" name="name"></member>
+ <member type="string" name="value"></member>
+ </struct>
+ <sequence content="SALOME_TYPES/Parameter" name="SALOME_TYPES/ParameterList"></sequence>
+ <sequence content="double" name="Value1D"></sequence>
+ <sequence content="Value1D" name="SALOME_TYPES/Value"></sequence>
+ <sequence content="string" name="SALOME_TYPES/VarList"></sequence>
+ <sequence content="SALOME_TYPES/Value" name="SALOME_TYPES/ValueList"></sequence>
+ <struct name="SALOME_TYPES/ParametricInput">
+ <member type="SALOME_TYPES/VarList" name="inputVarList"></member>
+ <member type="SALOME_TYPES/VarList" name="outputVarList"></member>
+ <member type="SALOME_TYPES/ValueList" name="inputValues"></member>
+ <member type="SALOME_TYPES/ParameterList" name="specificParameters"></member>
+ </struct>
+ <struct name="SALOME_TYPES/ParametricOutput">
+ <member type="SALOME_TYPES/ValueList" name="outputValues"></member>
+ <member type="SALOME_TYPES/ParameterList" name="specificOutputInfos"></member>
+ <member type="long" name="returnCode"></member>
+ <member type="string" name="errorMessage"></member>
+ </struct>
<!-- Component list -->
+FIND_LIBRARY(CalciumC CalciumC ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(Launcher Launcher ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
+FIND_LIBRARY(LifeCycleCORBATest LifeCycleCORBATest ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
+FIND_LIBRARY(NamingServiceTest NamingServiceTest ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(OpUtil OpUtil ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(Registry Registry ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(ResourcesManager ResourcesManager ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
-FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeBatch SalomeBatch ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeCatalog SalomeCatalog ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeCommunication SalomeCommunication ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeContainer SalomeContainer ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
+FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeDatastream SalomeDatastream ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeDSCContainer SalomeDSCContainer ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeDSClient SalomeDSClient ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
+FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeDSCSupervBasic SalomeDSCSupervBasic ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
+FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeDSCSuperv SalomeDSCSuperv ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeDSImpl SalomeDSImpl ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeDS SalomeDS ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeGenericObj SalomeGenericObj ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeHDFPersist SalomeHDFPersist ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeIDLKernel SalomeIDLKernel ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeLauncher SalomeLauncher ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeLifeCycleCORBA SalomeLifeCycleCORBA ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
+FIND_LIBRARY(SALOMELocalTraceTest SALOMELocalTraceTest ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeLoggerServer SalomeLoggerServer ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
+FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeMPIContainer SalomeMPIContainer ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeNotification SalomeNotification ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeNS SalomeNS ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeResourcesManager SalomeResourcesManager ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
+FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeTestComponentEngine SalomeTestComponentEngine ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
+FIND_LIBRARY(SalomeTestMPIComponentEngine SalomeTestMPIComponentEngine ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
+FIND_LIBRARY(SALOMETraceCollectorTest SALOMETraceCollectorTest ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
+FIND_LIBRARY(UtilsTest UtilsTest ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
FIND_LIBRARY(with_loggerTraceCollector with_loggerTraceCollector ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome)
# ------
FOREACH(lib mpi_cxx mpi mpich)
+ IF(lib STREQUAL mpi_cxx)
+ ENDIF(lib STREQUAL mpi_cxx)
IF(lib STREQUAL mpich)
ENDFOREACH(lib mpi_cxx mpi mpich)
# ------
+ include(CheckSymbolExists)
+ MESSAGE(STATUS "Your mpi implemtentation is compatible with mpi2 ... adding -DHAVE_MPI2")
+# ------
SET(PLATFORM_LIBADD ${PLATFORM_LIBADD} Userenv.lib) # At least for GEOM suit
# ----
+ COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import numpy ; import sys ; sys.stdout.write(numpy.get_include())"
+ )
+ MESSAGE(STATUS "numpy not found")
+# ----
MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "python not found ... mandatory ... abort")
# ----
+# ----
dist_salome_cmake_DATA = \
am2cmake.py \
+copytree1.py \
FindBOOST.cmake \
FindCPPUNIT.cmake \
FindDOXYGEN.cmake \
kernel_list = [
+ "CalciumC",
+ "LifeCycleCORBATest",
+ "NamingServiceTest",
- "SalomeBatch",
+ "SalomeDatastream",
+ "SalomeDSCSupervBasic",
+ "SalomeDSCSuperv",
+ "SALOMEDSImplTest",
+ "SALOMELocalTraceTest",
+ "SalomeMPIContainer",
+ "SalomeTestComponentEngine",
+ "SalomeTestMPIComponentEngine",
+ "SALOMETraceCollectorTest",
+ "UtilsTest",
gui_list = [
+ "OpenGLUtils",
+ "SalomeAppTest",
+ "SalomePyQtGUILight",
+ "SalomePyQtGUI",
+ "SalomePyQt",
+ "SalomePy",
+ "ViewerTools",
geom_list = [
+ "AdvancedGUI",
+ "OCC2VTK",
+ "VTKExport",
med_list = [
- "InterpGeometric2DAlg",
- "interpkernelbases",
+ "InterpKernelTest",
+ "medcouplingclient",
+ "medcouplingcorba",
+ "medcouplingremapper",
+ "medloader",
+ "MEDMEMCppTest",
+ "medsplitter",
+ "paramedcouplingcorba",
+ "paramedloader",
+ "paramedmemcompo",
+ "paramedmem",
+ "ParaMEDMEMTest",
+ "SalomeIDLMEDTests",
smesh_list = [
ENDIF(COMMAND cmake_policy)
# --
+ newlines.append("""
+ """)
+ # --
if self.module == "kernel":
+ if self.module == "hxx2salome":
+ newlines.append("""
+ INCLUDE(${MED_ROOT_DIR}/adm_local/cmake_files/FindMEDFILE.cmake)
+ INCLUDE(${MED_ROOT_DIR}/adm_local/cmake_files/FindMED.cmake)
+ """)
+ pass
# --
- set(VERSION 5.1.4)
- set(XVERSION 0x050104)
- set(VERSION 5.1.4)
- set(XVERSION 0x050104)
elif self.module == "geom":
+ elif self.module == "netgen":
+ newlines.append("""
+ SET(OCCLIBS ${OCCLIBS} ${TKernel} ${TKGeomBase} ${TKMath} ${TKG2d} ${TKG3d} ${TKXSBase} ${TKOffset} ${TKFillet} ${TKShHealing})
+ SET(OCCLIBS ${OCCLIBS} ${TKMesh} ${TKMeshVS} ${TKTopAlgo} ${TKGeomAlgo} ${TKBool} ${TKPrim} ${TKBO} ${TKIGES} ${TKBRep})
+ """)
+ pass
elif self.module == "netgenplugin":
# --
+ newlines.append("""
+ set(VERSION 5.1.5)
+ set(XVERSION 0x050105)
+ """)
# --
+ SET(pythondir lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages)
+ SET(salomepythondir ${pythondir}/salome)
+ SET(salomepypkgdir ${salomepythondir}/salome)
- if self.module == "kernel":
+ if self.module == "netgen":
+ newlines.append(r'''
+ ''')
+ elif self.module == "kernel":
+ if self.module == "hxx2salome":
+ key = "_SRC"
+ if self.the_root[-len(key):] != key:
+ msg = "Source dir must finished with %s !"%(key)
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ hxxmodule = self.the_root[:-len(key)]
+ from os.path import basename
+ hxxmodule = basename(hxxmodule)
+ hxxmodule = hxxmodule.lower()
+ self.hxxmodule = hxxmodule
+ newlines.append(r'''
+ '''%(hxxmodule.upper()))
+ pass
# --
def finalize(self, newlines):
# --
# Convert the .in files in build dir
# --
+ import operator
+ mod = self.module
+ if mod in ['kernel', 'gui'] and self.root[-len('gui'):] == 'gui' or mod == 'med' and operator.contains(self.root, 'doxygen'):
+ newlines.append(r'''
+ SET(top_builddir
+ )
+ SET(top_srcdir
+ )
+ SET(srcdir
+ )
+ SET(builddir
+ )
+ SET(datadir
+ )
+ SET(docdir
+ ${datadir}/doc/salome
+ )
+ ''')
+ self.files.append("static/header.html.in")
+ elif self.root[-len(mod):] == mod.upper() and operator.contains(self.root, 'doc') or mod in ['kernel', 'gui', 'geom', 'med', 'smesh', 'visu'] and self.root[-len('tui'):] == 'tui':
+ newlines.append(r'''
+ SET(top_builddir
+ )
+ SET(top_srcdir
+ )
+ SET(srcdir
+ )
+ SET(builddir
+ )
+ SET(datadir
+ )
+ SET(docdir
+ ${datadir}/doc/salome
+ )
+ ''')
+ self.files.append("static/header.html.in")
if self.module == "yacs":
key = "salomegui"
if self.root[-len(key):] == key:
for f in self.files:
if f[-3:] == ".in":
+ if self.module == 'yacs' and f == "Doxyfile.in":
+ continue
if f == "sstream.in":
if f in ["runContainer.in", "stopContainer.in"]:
+ # --
+ # add commands for generating of user's documentation
+ # --
+ upmod = self.module.upper()
+ doc_gui_destination = "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/doc/salome/gui/%s"%(upmod)
+ doc_tui_destination = "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/doc/salome/tui/%s"%(upmod)
+ doc_destination = "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/doc/salome"
+ head_source = "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/images/head.png"
+ if mod == 'kernel':
+ copytree_src = "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/salome_adm/cmake_files"
+ else:
+ copytree_src = "$ENV{KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/salome_adm/cmake_files"
+ str = "import re \nimport sys \noutfile = open(sys.argv[1], 'wb') \nfor line in open(sys.argv[2], 'rb').readlines():"
+ str += "\n if re.match('class '+sys.argv[3]+'DC', line): \n continue \n line = re.sub(r'^\s+\#', '#', line) \n line = re.sub(r'^\s+def', 'def', line) \n line = re.sub(sys.argv[3]+'DC', sys.argv[3], line)"
+ str += "\n outfile.write(line) \noutfile.close()"
+ if mod in ['kernel', 'gui'] and self.root[-len('gui'):] == 'gui' or mod == 'med' and operator.contains(self.root, 'doxygen'):
+ if mod == 'med':
+ doc_source = "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/doc_ref_user/html"
+ input = "Doxyfile_med_user"
+ else:
+ doc_source = "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/%s"%(upmod)
+ input = ""
+ newlines.append("""\t ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(usr_docs ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} %s
+ COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import shutil, sys; sys.path.append(r'''%s'''); shutil.rmtree(r'''%s''', True); import copytree1; copytree1.copytree(r'''%s''', r'''%s'''); shutil.copy(r'''%s''', r'''%s''')"
+ )"""%(input, copytree_src, doc_gui_destination, doc_source, doc_gui_destination, head_source, doc_gui_destination))
+ if mod in ['geom', 'smesh', 'visu'] and self.root[-len(mod):] == upmod and operator.contains(self.root, 'doc'):
+ ign = r"""'tempfile', '*usr_docs*', '*CMakeFiles*', '*.cmake', 'doxyfile*', '*.vcproj', 'static', 'Makefile*'"""
+ if mod in ['geom', 'smesh']:
+ if mod == 'geom':
+ tmp = 'geompy'
+ input = "COMMAND ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} doxyfile_tui \n\t\t"
+ else:
+ tmp = 'smesh'
+ input = ''
+ newlines.append(r"""
+ ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(usr_docs ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} tempfile ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/%s_SWIG/%s.py ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/%s_SWIG/%sDC.py %s
+ COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import os; os.remove(r'''${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/%s_SWIG/%s.py''')"
+ COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import shutil, sys; sys.path.append(r'''%s'''); shutil.rmtree(r'''%s''', True); import copytree1; copytree1.copytree(r'''${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}''', r'''%s''', ignore=copytree1.ignore_patterns(%s)); shutil.copy(r'''%s''', r'''%s''')"
+ )"""%(str, upmod, tmp, upmod, tmp, tmp, input, upmod, tmp, copytree_src, doc_gui_destination, doc_gui_destination, ign, head_source, doc_gui_destination))
+ else:
+ newlines.append("""\t ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(usr_docs ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} doxyfile_idl
+ COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import shutil, sys; sys.path.append(r'''%s'''); shutil.rmtree(r'''%s''',True); import copytree1; copytree1.copytree(r'''${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}''',r'''%s''', ignore=copytree1.ignore_patterns(%s)); shutil.copy(r'''%s''',r'''%s''')"
+ )"""%(copytree_src, doc_gui_destination, doc_gui_destination, ign, head_source, doc_gui_destination))
+ # --
+ # add commands for generating of developer's documentation
+ # --
+ upmod = self.module.upper()
+ if mod in ['kernel', 'gui', 'med', 'smesh', 'visu'] and self.root[-len('tui'):] == 'tui':
+ if mod == 'kernel':
+ tmp = """\tADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(dev_docs ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} -u
+ COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import os; os.remove(r'''${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/doxyfile.bak''')" """
+ tmp1=""
+ else:
+ tmp = """\tADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(dev_docs ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE}"""
+ if mod == 'visu':
+ tmp1= r"""\n COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "from shutil import copy; copy(r'''${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/images/visuscreen.png''', r'''%s''')" """%(doc_tui_destination)
+ elif mod == 'smesh':
+ extra_srcdir = "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extra"
+ tmp1= """\n COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "from shutil import copy; copy(r'''${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/images/smeshscreen.png''', r'''%s'''); copy(r'''%s/AddNetgenInSalome2.pdf''', r'''%s'''); copy(r'''%s/PluginMeshers.html''', r'''%s''')"
+ COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "from shutil import copy; copy(r'''%s/AddNetgenInSalome2.ps''', r'''%s'''); copy(r'''%s/AddNetgenInSalome2.sxw''', r'''%s''')" """%(doc_tui_destination, extra_srcdir,doc_destination, extra_srcdir,doc_destination, extra_srcdir,doc_destination,extra_srcdir,doc_destination)
+ else:
+ tmp1=""
+ doc_source = "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/%s"%(upmod)
+ newlines.append(tmp + """
+ COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import shutil, sys; sys.path.append(r'''%s'''); shutil.rmtree(r'''%s''', True); import copytree1; copytree1.copytree(r'''%s''', r'''%s'''); shutil.copy(r'''%s''', r'''%s''')" """%(copytree_src, doc_tui_destination, doc_source, doc_tui_destination, head_source, doc_tui_destination) + tmp1 + """
+ )""")
+ if mod == 'geom' and self.root[-len('tui'):] == 'tui':
+ tmp = 'geompy'
+ doc_source = "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/%s"%(upmod)
+ newlines.append(r"""
+ ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(dev_docs ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} tempfile ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/%s_SWIG/%s.py ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/%s_SWIG/%sDC.py %s
+ COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import os; os.remove(r'''${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/%s_SWIG/%s.py''')"
+ COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import shutil, sys; sys.path.append(r'''%s'''); shutil.rmtree(r'''%s''', True); import copytree1; copytree1.copytree(r'''%s''', r'''%s'''); shutil.copy(r'''%s''', r'''%s'''); shutil.copy(r'''${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/images/geomscreen.png''', r'''%s''')"
+ )"""%(str, upmod, tmp, upmod, tmp, tmp, upmod, tmp, copytree_src, doc_tui_destination, doc_source, doc_tui_destination, head_source, doc_tui_destination, doc_tui_destination))
# --
# convert the SUBDIRS in cmake grammar
# --
- INSTALL(CODE "SET(DIR lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/salome)")
+ INSTALL(CODE "SET(DIR ${salomepythondir})")
+ INSTALL(CODE "SET(DIR bin/salome)")
# --
+ # --
+ # For make check
+ # --
+ for key in ["TESTS"]:
+ if self.__thedict__.has_key(key):
+ newlines.append('''
+ '''%(key))
+ self.__thedict__["UNIT_TEST_PROG"] = self.__thedict__[key]
+ pass
+ pass
+ key = "UNIT_TEST_PROG"
+ if self.__thedict__.has_key(key):
+ newlines.append('''
+ IF(ext STREQUAL .py)
+ ELSE(ext STREQUAL .py)
+ SET(test ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${input}_exe.exe)
+ ELSE()
+ SET(test ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${input}_exe)
+ ADD_TEST(${input} ${test})
+ SET(fail_regex "KO")
+ # ADD_TEST(${input}_valgrind valgrind ${test})
+ # SET_PROPERTY(TEST ${input}_valgrind PROPERTY FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "${fail_regex}")
+ # SET_PROPERTY(TEST ${input}_valgrind PROPERTY PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "no leaks are possible")
+ # ENDIF()
+ ''')
+ pass
# --
# Treat the install targets
# --
+ resdir = self.module
+ if resdir == "hxx2salome":
+ resdir = self.hxxmodule
+ pass
d = {
- "salomeadmux_DATA" : "salome_adm/unix",
- "dist_salomeadmux_DATA" : "salome_adm/unix",
- "dist_salome_cmake_DATA" : "salome_adm/cmake_files",
- "dist_salomem4_DATA" : "salome_adm/unix/config_files",
- "dist_salome4depr_DATA" : "salome_adm/unix/config_files/DEPRECATED",
- "dist_admlocalm4_DATA" : "adm_local/unix/config_files",
- "dist_admlocal_cmake_DATA" : "adm_local/cmake_files",
- "salomeinclude_DATA" : "include/salome",
- "salomeinclude_HEADERS" : "include/salome",
- "dist_salomeres_DATA" : "share/salome/resources/%s"%(self.module),
- "nodist_salomeres_DATA" : "share/salome/resources/%s"%(self.module),
- "nodist_salomeres_SCRIPTS" : "share/salome/resources/%s"%(self.module),
- "dist_salomescript_SCRIPTS" : "bin/salome",
- "dist_salomescript_DATA" : "bin/salome",
- "dist_salomescript_PYTHON" : "bin/salome",
- "nodist_salomescript_DATA" : "bin/salome",
- "salomepython_PYTHON" : "lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/salome",
- "nodist_salomepython_PYTHON" : "lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/salome",
- "dist_salomepython_DATA" : "lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/salome",
- "sharedpkgpython_PYTHON" : "lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/salome/shared_modules",
+ "salomeadmux_DATA" : "salome_adm/unix",
+ "dist_salomeadmux_DATA" : "salome_adm/unix",
+ "dist_salome_cmake_DATA" : "salome_adm/cmake_files",
+ "dist_salomem4_DATA" : "salome_adm/unix/config_files",
+ "dist_salome4depr_DATA" : "salome_adm/unix/config_files/DEPRECATED",
+ "dist_admlocalm4_DATA" : "adm_local/unix/config_files",
+ "dist_admlocal_cmake_DATA" : "adm_local/cmake_files",
+ "salomeinclude_DATA" : "include/salome",
+ "salomeinclude_HEADERS" : "include/salome",
+ "nodist_salomeinclude_HEADERS" : "include/salome",
+ "dist_salomeres_DATA" : "share/salome/resources/%s"%(resdir),
+ "nodist_salomeres_DATA" : "share/salome/resources/%s"%(resdir),
+ "nodist_salomeres_SCRIPTS" : "share/salome/resources/%s"%(resdir),
+ "dist_salomescript_SCRIPTS" : "bin/salome",
+ "dist_salomescript_DATA" : "bin/salome",
+ "dist_salomescript_PYTHON" : "bin/salome",
+ "nodist_salomescript_DATA" : "bin/salome",
+ "salomepython_PYTHON" : "${salomepythondir}",
+ "nodist_salomepython_PYTHON" : "${salomepythondir}",
+ "dist_salomepython_DATA" : "${salomepythondir}",
+ "sharedpkgpython_PYTHON" : "${salomepythondir}/shared_modules",
+ "salomepypkg_PYTHON" : "${salomepypkgdir}",
+ "mypkgpython_PYTHON" : "${mypkgpythondir}",
if self.module == "medfile":
d = {
"doc_DATA" : "${docdir}",
+ if self.module == "netgen":
+ d = {
+ "include_HEADERS" : "include",
+ "noinst_HEADERS" : "share/netgen/include",
+ "dist_pkgdata_DATA" : "share/netgen",
+ "dist_doc_DATA" : "share/doc/netgen",
+ }
+ pass
for key, value in d.items():
if self.__thedict__.has_key(key):
self.addInstallTarget(key, value, newlines)
# --
- SET(libs ${PLATFORM_LIBADD} ${PLATFORM_LDFLAGS} ${${amname}_LIBADD} ${${amname}_LDADD} ${${amname}_LDFLAGS})
+ SET(libs ${PLATFORM_LIBADD} ${PLATFORM_LDFLAGS} ${LDADD} ${${amname}_LIBADD} ${${amname}_LDADD} ${${amname}_LDFLAGS})
FOREACH(lib SALOMEBasics SalomeBatch)
IF(name STREQUAL lib)
SET(libs ${libs} ${PTHREAD_LIBS})
ENDFOREACH(lib SALOMEBasics SalomeBatch)
- if key == "bin_PROGRAMS":
- newlines.append(r'''
- SET(libs ${libs} ${LDADD})
- ''')
- pass
# --
FOREACH(lib ${libs})
SET(var ${var} ${AM_CPPFLAGS})
SET(var ${var} ${AM_CXXFLAGS})
+ # --
+ newlines.append(r'''
+ SET(var ${var} -fPIC)
+ ''')
+ # --
if self.module == "yacs":
SET(var ${var} -DYACS_PTHREAD)
ENDFOREACH(v ${vars})
+ IF(f)
+ string(REGEX MATCH "^-I" test_include ${f})
+ if(test_include)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^-I" "" include_dir ${f})
+ if(include_dir)
+ if(include_dir STREQUAL /usr/include)
+ else(include_dir STREQUAL /usr/include)
+ string(REGEX MATCH "^\\." test_dot ${include_dir})
+ if(test_dot)
+ set(include_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${include_dir})
+ endif(test_dot)
+ include_directories(${include_dir})
+ endif(include_dir STREQUAL /usr/include)
+ endif(include_dir)
+ else(test_include)
SET(flags "${flags} ${f}")
+ endif(test_include)
+ ENDIF(f)
ENDFOREACH(f ${var})
STRING(REPLACE ".f" ".c" src ${src})
SET(output ${src})
+ SET(cmd f2c)
+ SET(cmd valgrind f2c) # f2c seems to be buggy on 64 bits ... but with valgrind, it works :)
OUTPUT ${output}
- COMMAND f2c ${input}
+ COMMAND ${cmd} ${input}
ELSE(src STREQUAL trte.f)
# --
self.setLibAdd(key, newlines)
# --
- if key != "noinst_LTLIBRARIES":
- if self.module == "medfile":
+ if 1: # key != "noinst_LTLIBRARIES":
+ newlines.append(r'''
+ SET(key %s)
+ '''%(key))
+ newlines.append(r'''
+ SET(test ON)
+ SET(test OFF)
+ ''')
+ if self.module == "netgen" :
+ newlines.append(r'''
+ SET(test ON)
+ ''')
+ pass
+ newlines.append(r'''
+ IF(test)
+ ''')
+ if self.module in ["medfile", "netgen"]:
- INSTALL(TARGETS ${name} DESTINATION lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/salome)
+ INSTALL(TARGETS ${name} DESTINATION ${salomepythondir})
- INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/salome/${name}.dll DESTINATION lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/salome RENAME ${name}.pyd)
+ INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${salomepythondir}/${name}.dll DESTINATION ${salomepythondir} RENAME ${name}.pyd)
- INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/salome/${name}.dll DESTINATION lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/salome RENAME ${name}_d.pyd)
+ INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${salomepythondir}/${name}.dll DESTINATION ${salomepythondir} RENAME ${name}_d.pyd)
- INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lib${name}.so.${version} DESTINATION lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/salome RENAME ${name}.so.${version})
- INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lib${name}.so.${version} DESTINATION lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/salome RENAME ${name}.so.${soversion})
- INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lib${name}.so.${version} DESTINATION lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/salome RENAME ${name}.so)
+ INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lib${name}.so.${version} DESTINATION ${salomepythondir} RENAME ${name}.so.${version})
+ INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lib${name}.so.${version} DESTINATION ${salomepythondir} RENAME ${name}.so.${soversion})
+ INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lib${name}.so.${version} DESTINATION ${salomepythondir} RENAME ${name}.so)
+ newlines.append(r'''
+ ENDIF(test)
+ ''')
# --
# --
self.setLibAdd(key, newlines)
# --
- if self.module == "medfile":
+ if self.module in ["medfile", "netgen"]:
IF(f STREQUAL am2cmake.py)
ELSE(f STREQUAL am2cmake.py)
+ IF(f STREQUAL copytree1.py)
+ ELSE(f STREQUAL copytree1.py)
INSTALL(SCRIPT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/salome_adm/cmake_files/install_and_compile_python_file.cmake)
+ ENDIF(f STREQUAL copytree1.py)
ENDIF(f STREQUAL am2cmake.py)
from os import getcwd
the_root = getcwd()
+ nok = 0
+ #
from os import walk
for root, dirs, files in walk(the_root):
# --
from sys import stdout
for f in files:
if f in ["Makefile.am", "Makefile.am.cmake"]:
- stdout.write("Scanning %s %s ..."%(root, f))
- stdout.flush()
convertAmFile(the_root, root, dirs, files, f, module)
- stdout.write(" done.\n")
+ nok += 1
+ if nok:
+ if nok == 1:
+ msg = "%s file has been converted to cmake"%(nok)
+ else:
+ msg = "%s files have been converted to cmake"%(nok)
+ pass
+ stdout.write(msg)
+ stdout.write("\n")
+ stdout.flush()
+ pass
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import sys
+import stat
+from os.path import abspath
+import fnmatch
+import shutil
+class Error(EnvironmentError):
+ pass
+ WindowsError
+except NameError:
+ WindowsError = None
+def ignore_patterns(*patterns):
+ """Function that can be used as copytree() ignore parameter.
+ Patterns is a sequence of glob-style patterns
+ that are used to exclude files"""
+ def _ignore_patterns(path, names):
+ ignored_names = []
+ for pattern in patterns:
+ ignored_names.extend(fnmatch.filter(names, pattern))
+ return set(ignored_names)
+ return _ignore_patterns
+def copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None):
+ """Recursively copy a directory tree using shutil.copy2().
+ The destination directory must not already exist.
+ If exception(s) occur, an Error is raised with a list of reasons.
+ If the optional symlinks flag is true, symbolic links in the
+ source tree result in symbolic links in the destination tree; if
+ it is false, the contents of the files pointed to by symbolic
+ links are copied.
+ The optional ignore argument is a callable. If given, it
+ is called with the `src` parameter, which is the directory
+ being visited by copytree(), and `names` which is the list of
+ `src` contents, as returned by os.listdir():
+ callable(src, names) -> ignored_names
+ Since copytree() is called recursively, the callable will be
+ called once for each directory that is copied. It returns a
+ list of names relative to the `src` directory that should
+ not be copied.
+ XXX Consider this example code rather than the ultimate tool.
+ """
+ names = os.listdir(src)
+ if ignore is not None:
+ ignored_names = ignore(src, names)
+ else:
+ ignored_names = set()
+ os.makedirs(dst)
+ errors = []
+ for name in names:
+ if name in ignored_names:
+ continue
+ srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
+ dstname = os.path.join(dst, name)
+ try:
+ if symlinks and os.path.islink(srcname):
+ linkto = os.readlink(srcname)
+ os.symlink(linkto, dstname)
+ elif os.path.isdir(srcname):
+ copytree(srcname, dstname, symlinks, ignore)
+ else:
+ shutil.copy2(srcname, dstname)
+ # XXX What about devices, sockets etc.?
+ except (IOError, os.error), why:
+ errors.append((srcname, dstname, str(why)))
+ # catch the Error from the recursive copytree so that we can
+ # continue with other files
+ except Error, err:
+ errors.extend(err.args[0])
+ try:
+ shutil.copystat(src, dst)
+ except OSError, why:
+ if WindowsError is not None and isinstance(why, WindowsError):
+ # Copying file access times may fail on Windows
+ pass
+ else:
+ errors.extend((src, dst, str(why)))
+ if errors:
+ raise Error, errors
check_calcium.m4 \
check_hdf5.m4 \
check_htmlgen.m4 \
+check_sphinx.m4 \
check_lam.m4 \
check_libbatch.m4 \
check_mpi.m4 \
check_omniorb.m4 \
check_sockets.m4 \
check_swig.m4 \
+check_vtk.m4 \
check_withihm.m4 \
enable_pthreads.m4 \
production.m4 \
python.m4 \
check_libxml.m4 \
check_paco++.m4 \
+local_install.m4 \
+gccver=`$CC -dumpversion | sed 's/^\([[0-9]]\+\)\.\([[0-9]]\+\).*/\1\2/g'`
+SUFFIXES="empty -mt -gcc -gcc-mt -gcc${gccver} -gcc${gccver}-mt"
AC_CHECKING(for BOOST location)
if test "x${BOOSTDIR}" != "x" ; then
if test "x${BOOSTDIR}" = "x/usr" ; then
AC_CHECKING(for BOOST binaries)
if test "x${BOOSTDIR}" != "x" ; then
- boost_lib_dir_ok=yes,
- boost_lib_dir_ok=no)
- if test "x${boost_lib_dir_ok}" = "xno" ; then
- boost_lib_dir_ok=yes,
- boost_lib_dir_ok=no)
- fi
+ test "${BOOST_LIBSUFFIX}" == "empty" && BOOST_LIBSUFFIX=""
+ AC_CHECK_FILE([${BOOSTDIR}/lib${LIB_SUFFIX}/libboost_thread${BOOST_LIBSUFFIX}.so],
+ [boost_lib_dir_ok=yes],
+ [AC_CHECK_FILE([${BOOSTDIR}/lib64/libboost_thread${BOOST_LIBSUFFIX}.so],
+ [boost_lib_dir_ok=yes; LIB_SUFFIX=64],
+ [boost_lib_dir_ok=no])
+ ])
+ if test "x${boost_lib_dir_ok}" = "xyes" ; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
if test "x${boost_lib_dir_ok}" = "xyes" ; then
LIBS="${LIBS_old} ${BOOST_LIBS} -lboost_thread${BOOST_LIBSUFFIX}"
[struct TBody{ void operator()(){} }; boost::thread(TBody())],
- if test "x${boost_binaries_ok}" = "xno" ; then
- LIBS="${LIBS_old} ${BOOST_LIBS} -lboost_thread${BOOST_LIBSUFFIX}"
- AC_TRY_LINK([#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>],
- [struct TBody{ void operator()(){} }; boost::thread(TBody())],
- boost_binaries_ok=yes,
- boost_binaries_ok=no)
+ if test "x${boost_binaries_ok}" = "xyes" ; then
+ break
+ if test "$WITHMPI2" = "yes";then
+ mpi2_ok=yes
+ else
+ mpi2_ok=no
+ fi
if test "$WITHMPI" = no; then
AM_CONDITIONAL(MPI_IS_OK, [test x"$mpi_ok" = xyes])
+AM_CONDITIONAL(MPI2_IS_OK, [test x"$mpi2_ok" = xyes])
+ OMNIORB_IDLPYFLAGS_1='-bpython -nf '
AC_MSG_CHECKING(for openmpi)
if test "$WITHOPENMPI" = "yes";then
+ mpi2_ok=$WITHMPI2
+ mpi2_ok=no
--- /dev/null
+dnl Copyright (C) 2006-2008 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+dnl This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+dnl modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+dnl License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+dnl version 2.1 of the License.
+dnl This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl Lesser General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+dnl License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+dnl See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+AC_CHECKING(for sphinx doc generator)
+dnl where is sphinx ?
+if test "x$SPHINX" = "x"
+ AC_MSG_WARN(sphinx not found)
+ sphinx_ok=no
+AM_CONDITIONAL(SPHINX_IS_OK, [test x"$sphinx_ok" = xyes])
--- /dev/null
+dnl Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+dnl Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+dnl This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+dnl modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+dnl License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+dnl version 2.1 of the License.
+dnl This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl Lesser General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+dnl License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+dnl See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+dnl Adds the --with-vtk=path, --with-vtk-version and --with-paraview configure options
+ AC_ARG_WITH([vtk],
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-vtk], [The prefix where VTK is installed (default "" means taking from environment variable unless VTK from ParaView is detected)])],
+ [with_vtk=$withval], [with_vtk=""])
+ AC_ARG_WITH([vtk-version],
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-vtk-version], [VTK include directory name is vtk-suffix, e.g. vtk-5.0/. What is the suffix? (Default "yes" means taking from environment variable)])],
+ [vtk_suffix=$withval], [vtk_suffix="yes"])
+ AC_ARG_WITH([paraview],
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-paraview], [ParaView from the specified location is used instead of VTK (default "" means taking from environment variable)])])
+dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if test "x$OpenGL_ok" != "xyes" ; then
+ AC_MSG_WARN(VTK needs OpenGL correct configuration, check configure output)
+if test "x$x_libraries" != "x"
+ LXLIB="-L$x_libraries"
+ LXLIB=""
+if test "x$x_libraries" = "x/usr/lib"
+ LXLIB=""
+if test "x$x_libraries" = "x/usr/lib${LIB_LOCATION_SUFFIX}"
+ LXLIB=""
+LOCAL_LIBS="-lvtkCommon -lvtkGraphics -lvtkImaging -lvtkFiltering -lvtkIO -lvtkRendering -lvtkHybrid -lvtkParallel -lvtkWidgets $LXLIB -lX11 -lXt"
+TRY_LINK_LIBS="-lvtkCommon $LXLIB -lX11 -lXt"
+dnl VTK version suffix
+if test -z $vtk_suffix ; then
+ vtk_suffix="yes"
+if test "x$vtk_suffix" = "xno" ; then
+ dnl in case user wrote --with-vtk-version=no, use empty suffix
+ vtk_suffix=""
+if test "x$vtk_suffix" != "xyes" ; then
+ VTKSUFFIX="$vtk_suffix"
+ dnl in case user wrote --with-vtk-version=yes, get the suffix from env
+ if test -z $VTKSUFFIX ; then
+ VTKSUFFIX="-5.0"
+ fi
+dnl Use VTK from ParaView unless --with-paraview=no is given
+case "x$with_paraview" in
+ xno )
+ ;;
+ xyes | x )
+ if test -z $PVHOME ; then
+ AC_PATH_PROG(para_path, paraview)
+ if test "x$para_path" != "x" ; then
+ para_path=`dirname $para_path`
+ PVHOME=`dirname $para_path`
+ else
+ for d in /usr/local /usr ; do
+ if test -f ${d}/include/paraview${PVVERSION}/pqDialog.h ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(trying ${d})
+ PVHOME="${d}"
+ break
+ fi
+ if test -f ${d}/include/paraview-3.7/pqDialog.h ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(trying ${d})
+ PVHOME="${d}"
+ PVVERSION="-3.7"
+ break
+ fi
+ if test -f ${d}/include/paraview-3.8/pqDialog.h ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(trying ${d})
+ PVHOME="${d}"
+ PVVERSION="-3.8"
+ break
+ fi
+ if test -f ${d}/include/paraview/pqDialog.h ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(trying ${d})
+ PVHOME="${d}"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ * )
+ PVHOME=${with_paraview}
+ ;;
+dnl Check VTK from ParaView.
+if test "x$PVHOME" != "x" ; then
+ if test "x$PVVERSION" = "x" ; then
+ for suffix in 3.7 3.8 ; do
+ if test -f $PVHOME/include/paraview-$suffix/vtkPVConfig.h ; then
+ PVVERSION=$suffix
+ break;
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ if test "x$PVVERSION" = "x" ; then
+ PVVERSION=`basename $PVHOME | sed -e "s,[[^-]]*,,"`
+ else
+ if test "${PVVERSION:0:1}" != "-" ; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ AC_CHECKING(for VTK from ParaView)
+ PV_LOCAL_LIBS="-L$PVHOME/lib/paraview$PVVERSION -lvtksys -lvtkzlib -lvtkpng -lvtkjpeg -lvtktiff -lvtkexpat -lvtksqlite -lvtkmetaio -lvtkverdict -lvtkNetCDF -lvtkDICOMParser -lvtkfreetype -lvtkftgl -lvtkexoIIc $LOCAL_LIBS"
+ dnl vtk headers
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER(vtkPoints.h,pv_vtk_ok="yes",pv_vtk_ok="no")
+ if test "x$pv_vtk_ok" = "xyes"; then
+ dnl vtk libraries
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(linking VTK library from ParaView)
+ LIBS_old="$LIBS"
+ AC_CACHE_VAL(salome_cv_lib_pvvtk,[
+ AC_TRY_LINK([#include "vtkPoints.h"
+ ],
+ [vtkPoints::New()],
+ [salome_cv_lib_pvvtk=yes],
+ [salome_cv_lib_pvvtk=no])
+ ])
+ pv_vtk_ok="$salome_cv_lib_pvvtk"
+ LIBS="$LIBS_old"
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($pv_vtk_ok)
+ fi
+ dnl Find out version of VTK from ParaView
+ PVVTKVERSION=" Undefined"
+ if test "x$pv_vtk_ok" = "xyes"; then
+ PVVTKVERSION=`grep VTK_VERSION $PVHOME/include/paraview$PVVERSION/vtkConfigure.h`
+ fi
+dnl Use regular VTK if no ParaView found or a newer version is provided via --with-vtk
+if test "$pv_vtk_ok" = "no"; then
+ try_regular_vtk=yes
+if test -z $with_vtk ; then
+ with_vtk=""
+case "x$with_vtk" in
+ xyes)
+ dnl in case user wrote --with-vtk=yes
+ with_vtk=""
+ ;;
+ xno)
+ dnl in case user wrote --with-vtk=no
+ with_vtk=""
+ AC_MSG_WARN(Value "no", specified for option --with-vtk, is not supported)
+ ;;
+ x)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ try_regular_vtk=yes
+ ;;
+if test "$try_regular_vtk" = "yes"; then
+ dnl Check regular VTK installation
+ AC_CHECKING(for regular VTK)
+ dnl VTK install dir
+ if test "x$with_vtk" != "x" ; then
+ VTKHOME="$with_vtk"
+ else
+ if test -z $VTKHOME ; then
+ AC_MSG_WARN(undefined VTKHOME variable which specify where vtk was compiled)
+ for d in /usr/local /usr ; do
+ if test -f ${d}/include/vtk${VTKSUFFIX}/vtkPlane.h ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(trying ${d})
+ VTKHOME="${d}"
+ break
+ fi
+ if test -f ${d}/include/vtk-5.0/vtkPlane.h ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(trying ${d})
+ VTKHOME="${d}"
+ VTKSUFFIX="-5.0"
+ break
+ fi
+ if test -f ${d}/include/vtk-5.2/vtkPlane.h ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(trying ${d})
+ VTKHOME="${d}"
+ VTKSUFFIX="-5.2"
+ break
+ fi
+ if test -f ${d}/include/vtk/vtkPlane.h ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(trying ${d})
+ VTKHOME="${d}"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test "x$VTKHOME" != "x/usr" ; then
+ fi
+ dnl vtk headers
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER(vtkPlane.h,vtk_ok="yes",vtk_ok="no")
+ if test "x$vtk_ok" = "xyes"; then
+ dnl vtk libraries
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(linking regular VTK library)
+ LIBS_old="$LIBS"
+ AC_CACHE_VAL(salome_cv_lib_vtk,[
+ AC_TRY_LINK([#include "vtkPlane.h"
+ ],
+ [vtkPlane::New()],
+ [salome_cv_lib_vtk=yes],
+ [salome_cv_lib_vtk=no])
+ ])
+ vtk_ok="$salome_cv_lib_vtk"
+ LIBS="$LIBS_old"
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($vtk_ok)
+ fi
+ VTKVERSION=" Undefined"
+ if test "x$vtk_ok" = "xyes"; then
+ VTKVERSION=`grep VTK_VERSION $VTKHOME/include/vtk${VTKSUFFIX}/vtkConfigure.h`
+ fi
+dnl Select either of VTKs
+if test "x$pv_vtk_ok" = "xyes" ; then
+ if test "x$vtk_ok" = "xyes" ; then
+ if test "$VTKVERSION" \> "$PVVTKVERSION" ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([VTK from ParaView is older, ignored])
+ pv_vtk_ok=no
+ else
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([regular VTK is older, ignored])
+ vtk_ok=no
+ fi
+ fi
+if test "x$pv_vtk_ok" = "xyes" ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(for VTK: yes)
+ vtk_ok=yes
+ if test "x$vtk_ok" = "xyes" ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(for VTK: yes)
+ else
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(for VTK: no)
+ AC_MSG_WARN(unable to link with vtk library)
+ fi
+# Save cache
--- /dev/null
+dnl Copyright (C) 2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+dnl This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+dnl modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+dnl License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+dnl version 2.1 of the License.
+dnl This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl Lesser General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+dnl License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+dnl See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+dnl ---
+dnl File : hack_libtool.m4
+dnl Author : Vadim SANDLER, Open CASCADE S.A.S. (vadim.sandler@opencascade.com)
+dnl ---
+dnl The purpose of below autoconf macro is to workaround very annoying problem
+dnl of the GNU libtool program. The problem leads to the incorrect linking
+dnl to the native libraries (installed in /usr/lib[64]) instead of those supplied
+dnl with specific -Ldir options.
+sed -i "s%^CC=\"\(.*\)\"%hack_libtool (){ \n\
+ if test \"\$(echo \$[@] | grep -E '\\\-L/usr/lib(/../lib)?(64)? ')\" == \"\" \n\
+ then\n\
+ cmd=\"\1 \$[@]\"\n\
+ else\n\
+ cmd=\"\1 \"\`echo \$[@] | sed -r -e 's|(.*)-L/usr/lib(/../lib)?(64)? (.*)|\\\1\\\4 -L/usr/lib\\\3|g'\`\n\
+ fi\n\
+ \$cmd\n\
+CC=\"hack_libtool\"%g" libtool
+ if test ! -f "$PY_MAKEFILE"; then
+ if test "${build_cpu::6}" = "x86_64" ; then
+ PY_MAKEFILE=${PYTHON_PREFIX}/lib64/python$PYTHON_VERSION/config/Makefile
+ fi
+ fi
if test ! -f "$PY_MAKEFILE"; then
AC_MSG_WARN([*** Couldn't find ${PY_MAKEFILE}. Maybe you are
*** missing the development portion of the python installation])
+ if test "${build_cpu::6}" = "x86_64" ; then
+ if test "$PY_MAKEFILE" = "${PYTHON_PREFIX}/lib64/python$PYTHON_VERSION/config/Makefile" ; then
+ fi
+ fi
dnl At times (like when building shared libraries) you may want
dnl to know which OS Python thinks this is.
libdir = $(prefix)/lib@LIB_LOCATION_SUFFIX@/salome
bindir = $(prefix)/bin/salome
salomescriptdir = $(bindir)
+# Maybe we could try to suppress on stage in this folder path, for
+# example by installing by default the python files in site-packages
+# folder. Then, python packages could be installed in the
+# site-packages/salome folder (main package containing the root
+# __init__.py file). This could be done by replacing salomepythondir
+# and salomepyexecdir by pythondir and pyexecdir respectively (TO BE
+# DONE)
salomepythondir = $(pythondir)/salome
salomepyexecdir = $(pyexecdir)/salome
+salomepypkgdir = $(salomepythondir)/salome
# Directory for installing idl files
salomeidldir = $(prefix)/idl/salome
def create_pynode(self,nodeName,code):
- node=SALOME_PyNode.PyNode_i(nodeName,code,self._poa)
+ node=SALOME_PyNode.PyNode_i(nodeName,code,self._poa,self)
id_o = self._poa.activate_object(node)
comp_o = self._poa.id_to_reference(id_o)
comp_iors = self._orb.object_to_string(comp_o)
#ifdef HAVE_MPI2
+ std::string urifile = getenv("HOME");
+ std::ostringstream mypid;
+ mypid << getpid();
+ urifile += "/.urifile_" + mypid.str();
+ setenv("OMPI_URI_FILE",urifile.c_str(),0);
if( getenv("OMPI_URI_FILE") != NULL ){
system("killall ompi-server");
std::string command;
std::string containerNameInNS;
int nbproc;
- if ( (params.resource_params.nb_node <= 0) && (params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node <= 0) )
+ if ( params.nb_proc <= 0 )
nbproc = 1;
- else if ( params.resource_params.nb_node == 0 )
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node;
- else if ( params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node == 0 )
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_node;
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_node * params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node;
+ nbproc = params.nb_proc;
if( getenv("LIBBATCH_NODEFILE") != NULL )
machFile = machinesFile(nbproc);
// A mpi parallel container register on zero node in NS
#ifdef WNT
std::string logFilename=getenv("TEMP");
logFilename += "\\";
+ std::string user = getenv( "USERNAME" );
+ std::string user = getenv( "USER" );
std::string logFilename="/tmp";
char* val = getenv("SALOME_TMP_DIR");
logFilename += "/";
- logFilename += _NS->ContainerName(params)+"_"+ resource_selected +"_"+getenv( "USER" ) ;
+ logFilename += _NS->ContainerName(params)+"_"+ resource_selected +"_"+user;
std::ostringstream tmp;
tmp << "_" << getpid();
logFilename += tmp.str();
// Setting log file name
- logFilename=getenv( "USER" )+logFilename;
+ logFilename=user+logFilename;
RmTmpFile(_TmpFileName); // command file can be removed here
if (params.isMPI)
- if ((params.resource_params.nb_node <= 0) && (params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node <= 0))
+ if ( params.nb_proc <= 0 )
nbproc = 1;
- else if (params.resource_params.nb_node == 0)
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node;
- else if (params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node == 0)
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_node;
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_node * params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node;
+ nbproc = params.nb_proc;
// "ssh -l user machine distantPath/runRemote.sh hostNS portNS WORKINGDIR workingdir \
o << "mpirun -np ";
- if ( (params.resource_params.nb_node <= 0) && (params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node <= 0) )
+ if ( params.nb_proc <= 0 )
nbproc = 1;
- else if ( params.resource_params.nb_node == 0 )
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node;
- else if ( params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node == 0 )
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_node;
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_node * params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node;
+ nbproc = params.nb_proc;
o << nbproc << " ";
tempOutputFile << "mpirun -np ";
int nbproc;
- if ( (params.resource_params.nb_node <= 0) && (params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node <= 0) )
+ if ( params.nb_proc <= 0 )
nbproc = 1;
- else if ( params.resource_params.nb_node == 0 )
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node;
- else if ( params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node == 0 )
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_node;
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_node * params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node;
+ nbproc = params.nb_proc;
std::ostringstream o;
status = system(command.c_str());
if( status == 0 ){
std::ifstream fp(tmpFile.c_str(),std::ios::in);
- fp >> zeronode;
+ while(fp >> zeronode);
class PyNode_i (Engines__POA.PyNode,Generic):
"""The implementation of the PyNode CORBA IDL"""
- def __init__(self, nodeName,code,poa):
+ def __init__(self, nodeName,code,poa,my_container):
"""Initialize the node : compilation in the local context"""
+ self.my_container=my_container._container
+ self.context["my_container"] = self.my_container
exec ccode in self.context
def execute(self,funcName,argsin):
char name[HDF_NAME_MAX_LEN+1];
int nbsons = hdf_file->nInternalObjects(), nbAttr = hdf_file->nAttributes();
- FILE* fp = fopen(aFileName.c_str(), "w");
+ FILE* fp = fopen(aFileName.c_str(), "wb");
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", ASCIIHDF_ID);
fprintf(fp, "%i\n", nbsons+nbAttr);
aFullName = std::string(thePath)+".ascii_tmp";
- FILE *fp = fopen(thePath, "r");
+ FILE *fp = fopen(thePath, "rb");
if(!fp) return NULL;
HDFfile *hdf_file = new HDFfile((char*)aFullName.c_str());
char *new_str = new char[ 1+length ];
strcpy(new_str , aTmpDir.c_str()) ;
+ fclose(fp);
return new_str;
std::string GetTmpDir()
//Find a temporary directory to store a file
std::string aTmpDir;
char *Tmp_dir = getenv("SALOME_TMP_DIR");
if(Tmp_dir != NULL) {
aTmpDir = std::string(Tmp_dir);
if(aTmpDir[aTmpDir.size()-1] != dir_separator) aTmpDir+=dir_separator;
-/*#ifdef WIN32
- if(aTmpDir[aTmpDir.size()-1] != '\\') aTmpDir+='\\';
- if(aTmpDir[aTmpDir.size()-1] != '/') aTmpDir+='/';
else {
#ifdef WIN32
aTmpDir += aSubDir; //Get RND sub directory
if(aTmpDir[aTmpDir.size()-1] != dir_separator) aTmpDir+=dir_separator;
-#ifdef WIN32
- if(aTmpDir[aTmpDir.size()-1] != '\\') aTmpDir+='\\';
- if(aTmpDir[aTmpDir.size()-1] != '/') aTmpDir+='/';
- */
std::string aDir = aTmpDir;
for(aRND = 0; Exists(aDir); aRND++) {
sprintf(buffer, "%d", aRND);
aDir = aTmpDir+buffer; //Build a unique directory name
bool Exists(const std::string thePath)
#ifdef WIN32
- if ( GetFileAttributes ( thePath.c_str() ) == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
- if ( GetLastError () != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) {
+ if ( GetFileAttributes ( thePath.c_str() ) == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
+ DWORD errorId = GetLastError ();
+ if ( errorId == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || errorId == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND )
return false;
- }
int status = access ( thePath.c_str() , F_OK );
if ((datatype = H5Dget_type(id)) < 0)
return -1;
-#if defined (PCLINUX) || defined (PCLINUX64)
+//#if defined (PCLINUX) || defined (PCLINUX64)
if ((H5Tget_class(datatype) == H5T_INTEGER) && (H5Tget_size(datatype) == 4))
datatype = H5T_NATIVE_INT;
if ((ret = H5Dread(id,datatype,H5S_ALL,H5S_ALL,H5P_DEFAULT, val)) < 0)
return -1;
salomepython_PYTHON += \
Help.py \
PyInterp.py \
- salome.py \
batchmode_salome.py \
salome_test.py \
salome_kernel.py \
+# Note that the salome.py should not be installed any more
+# Special extention to create a python packaging
+SUBDIRS= kernel
+salomepypkg_PYTHON= \
+ __init__.py
sharedpkgpython_PYTHON = kernel_shared_modules.py
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+# File : salome.py renamed as __init__.py for python packaging (gboulant)
+# Author : Paul RASCLE, EDF
+# Module : SALOME
+# $Header$
+Module salome gives access to Salome ressources.
+ - salome.orb : CORBA
+ - salome.naming_service : instance of naming Service class
+ - methods:
+ - Resolve(name) : find a CORBA object (ior) by its pathname
+ - Register(name) : register a CORBA object under a pathname
+ - salome.lcc : instance of lifeCycleCORBA class
+ - methods:
+ - FindOrLoadComponent(server,name) :
+ obtain an Engine (CORBA object)
+ or launch the Engine if not found,
+ with a Server name and an Engine name
+ - salome.sg : salome object to communicate with the graphical user interface (if any)
+ - methods:
+ - updateObjBrowser(bool):
+ - getActiveStudyId():
+ - getActiveStudyName():
+ - SelectedCount(): returns number of selected objects
+ - getSelected(i): returns entry of selected object number i
+ - getAllSelected(): returns list of entry of selected objects
+ - AddIObject(Entry): select an existing Interactive object
+ - RemoveIObject(Entry): remove object from selection
+ - ClearIObjects(): clear selection
+ - Display(*Entry):
+ - DisplayOnly(Entry):
+ - Erase(Entry):
+ - DisplayAll():
+ - EraseAll():
+ - IDToObject(Entry): returns CORBA reference from entry
+ - salome.myStudyName : active Study Name
+ - salome.myStudyId : active Study Id
+ - salome.myStudy : the active Study itself (CORBA ior)
+ - methods : defined in SALOMEDS.idl
+## @package salome
+# Module salome gives access to Salome ressources.
+# \param salome.orb : CORBA orb object
+# \param salome.naming_service : instance of naming Service class (SALOME_NamingServicePy::SALOME_NamingServicePy_i)
+# \param salome.lcc : instance of lifeCycleCORBA class (SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA)
+# \param salome.sg : Salome object to communicate with the graphical user interface, if running (see interface in salome_iapp::SalomeOutsideGUI)
+# \param salome.myStudyName : active Study Name
+# \param salome.myStudyId : active Study Id
+# \param salome.myStudy : the active Study (interface SALOMEDS::Study)
+# ==========================================================================
+# The function extend_path is used here to aggregate in a single
+# virtual python package all the python sub-packages embedded in each
+# SALOME modules (python "namespace" pattern).
+# This root package name is expected to be found as a directory in
+# some paths of the sys.path variable, especially the paths
+# <MODULE_ROOT_DIR>/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/salome where are
+# installed the python files. These paths are theorically appended by
+# the SALOME main runner and should be in the sys.path at this point
+# of the application. The extend_path is looking then for directories
+# of the type:
+# <MODULE_ROOT_DIR>/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/salome/<ROOT_PYTHONPACKAGE_NAME>
+# And append them to the sys.path. These directories are supposed to
+# be the pieces to be aggregated as a single virtual python package.
+import os, sys
+def extend_path(pname):
+ for dir in sys.path:
+ if not isinstance(dir, basestring) or not os.path.isdir(dir) or not dir.endswith(MATCH_ENDING_PATTERN):
+ continue
+ subdir = os.path.join(dir, pname)
+ # XXX This may still add duplicate entries to path on
+ # case-insensitive filesystems
+ if os.path.isdir(subdir) and subdir not in __path__:
+ print "INFO - The directory %s is appended to sys.path" % subdir
+ __path__.append(subdir)
+# ==========================================================================
+from salome_kernel import *
+from salome_study import *
+from salome_iapp import *
+# The next block is workaround for the problem of shared symbols loading for the extension modules (e.g. SWIG-generated)
+# that causes RTTI unavailable in some cases. To solve this problem, sys.setdlopenflags() function is used.
+# Depending on the Python version and platform, the dlopen flags can be defined in the dl, DLFUN or ctypes module.
+import sys
+flags = None
+if not flags:
+ try:
+ # dl module can be unavailable
+ import dl
+ flags = dl.RTLD_NOW | dl.RTLD_GLOBAL
+ except:
+ pass
+ pass
+if not flags:
+ try:
+ # DLFCN module can be unavailable
+ import DLFCN
+ except:
+ pass
+ pass
+if not flags:
+ try:
+ # ctypes module can be unavailable
+ import ctypes
+ flags = ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL
+ except:
+ pass
+ pass
+if flags:
+ sys.setdlopenflags(flags)
+ pass
+orb, lcc, naming_service, cm,sg=None,None,None,None,None
+myStudyManager, myStudyId, myStudy, myStudyName=None,None,None,None
+def salome_init(theStudyId=0,embedded=0):
+ """
+ Performs only once SALOME general purpose intialisation for scripts.
+ optional argument : theStudyId
+ When in embedded interpreter inside IAPP, theStudyId is not used
+ When used without GUI (external interpreter)
+ 0 : create a new study (default).
+ n (>0) : try connection to study with Id = n, or create a new one
+ if study not found.
+ If study creation, its Id may be different from theStudyId !
+ Provides:
+ orb reference to CORBA
+ lcc a LifeCycleCorba instance
+ naming_service a naming service instance
+ cm reference to the container manager
+ sg access to SALOME GUI (when linked with IAPP GUI)
+ myStudyManager the study manager
+ myStudyId active study identifier
+ myStudy active study itself (CORBA reference)
+ myStudyName active study name
+ """
+ global salome_initial
+ global orb, lcc, naming_service, cm
+ global sg
+ global myStudyManager, myStudyId, myStudy, myStudyName
+ try:
+ if salome_initial:
+ salome_initial=0
+ sg = salome_iapp_init(embedded)
+ orb, lcc, naming_service, cm = salome_kernel_init()
+ myStudyManager, myStudyId, myStudy, myStudyName =salome_study_init(theStudyId)
+ pass
+ pass
+ except RuntimeError, inst:
+ # wait a little to avoid trace mix
+ import time
+ time.sleep(0.2)
+ x = inst
+ print "salome.salome_init():", x
+ print """
+ ============================================
+ May be there is no running SALOME session
+ salome.salome_init() is intented to be used
+ within an already running session
+ ============================================
+ """
+ raise
+#to expose all objects to pydoc
""" Try to import module fqname
It's parent is module parent and has name partname
+ #print "import_module",partname, fqname, parent
m = sys.modules[fqname]
except KeyError:
def ensure_fromlist(m, fromlist, recursive=0):
""" Return the real modules list to be imported
+ #print "ensure_fromlist",m, fromlist, recursive
for sub in fromlist:
if sub == "*":
l.extend(ensure_fromlist(m, all, 1))
- elif hasattr(m,sub):
- submod=getattr(m,sub)
+ else:
+ #try to find if sub is an attribute (eventually dotted) of m
+ components=sub.split('.')
+ has_submod=True
+ submod=m
+ for comp in components:
+ if hasattr(submod,comp):
+ submod=getattr(submod, comp)
+ else:
+ has_submod=False
+ break
+ if has_submod:
+ #the attribute has been found
if type(submod) == type(sys):
l.append(("%s.%s" % (m.__name__, sub),submod))
- else:
+ else:
subname="%s.%s" % (m.__name__, sub)
submod = import_module(sub, subname, m)
if not submod:
return l
-def import_hook(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None, *args):
+def import_hook(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None, *args, **kwds):
""" Import replacement for sharing modules among multiple interpreters
Mostly update sys.modules before doing real import
#print "import_hook",name,fromlist
- module= original_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, *args)
+ module= original_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, *args, **kwds)
if fromlist:
#when fromlist is specified, module is the real module
--- /dev/null
+include $(top_srcdir)/salome_adm/unix/make_common_starter.am
+mypkgpythondir =$(salomepypkgdir)/kernel
+mypkgpython_PYTHON = \
+ __init__.py \
+ deprecation.py \
+ logger.py \
+ studyedit.py \
+ termcolor.py \
+ logconfig.py
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+__all__ = [ "deprecation", "logger", "termcolor", "studyedit", "logconfig" ]
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 EDF R&D
+# This file is part of PAL_SRC.
+# PAL_SRC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# PAL_SRC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with PAL_SRC; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+This module provides several functions to indicate the deprecation of a
+module, a method or a function.
+import sys
+import warnings
+import inspect
+import os
+from salome.kernel import termcolor
+msg_seedoc = "See documentation for possible replacements."
+def __deprecated_with_msg(func, msg):
+ def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
+ if len(inspect.stack()) > 1:
+ callingfunc = inspect.stack()[1][3]
+ else:
+ callingfunc = "CORBA middleware"
+ warnings.warn(
+ ("Call to deprecated function %(funcname)s of module " +
+ "%(modname)s (called from %(callingfunc)s).\n %(msg)s") % {
+ 'funcname': func.__name__,
+ 'modname': func.__module__,
+ 'callingfunc': callingfunc,
+ 'msg': msg,
+ },
+ category = DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel = 2
+ )
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return new_func
+def deprecated(msg = msg_seedoc):
+ """
+ This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions
+ as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted
+ when the function is used. The message in parameter will
+ be displayed and should indicate how this function can be
+ replaced. If the terminal can display colors, the warning
+ messages will appear in blue.
+ """
+ def make_dep(f):
+ if is_called_by_sphinx():
+ return f
+ else:
+ g = __deprecated_with_msg(f, msg)
+ g.__name__ = f.__name__
+ g.__doc__ = f.__doc__
+ g.__dict__.update(f.__dict__)
+ return g
+ return make_dep
+def deprecated_module(msg = msg_seedoc):
+ """
+ This function can be used to mark a module as deprecated.
+ It must be called explicitly at the beginning of the deprecated
+ module. It will result in a warning being emitted. The message
+ in parameter will be displayed and should indicate how this
+ module can be replaced. If the terminal can display colors,
+ the warning messages will appear in blue.
+ """
+ if not is_called_by_sphinx():
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Importation of deprecated module %(modname)s.\n %(msg)s" % {
+ 'modname': inspect.getmodulename(inspect.stack()[1][1]),
+ 'msg': msg,
+ },
+ category = DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel = 5
+ )
+def is_called_by_sphinx():
+ """
+ Determine if the calling code is ultimately called by sphinx to generate
+ documentation. The result can be used to conditionally inhibit the
+ decorators or some Salome-related imports that fail when called outside
+ Salome.
+ """
+ calling_file = inspect.stack()[len(inspect.stack())-1][1]
+ basename = os.path.basename(calling_file)
+ return (basename == "sphinx-build")
+def __show_colored_warning(message, category, filename,
+ lineno, file = sys.stderr):
+ str = warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno)
+ if category == DeprecationWarning and termcolor.canDisplayColor(file):
+ file.write(termcolor.makeColoredMessage(str, termcolor.BLUE))
+ else:
+ file.write(str)
+warnings.showwarning = __show_colored_warning
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 EDF R&D
+# This file is part of PAL_SRC.
+# PAL_SRC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# PAL_SRC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with PAL_SRC; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+This module defines a variable to indicate which traces should be logged.
+import logging
+loggingLevel = logging.@PYLOGLEVEL@
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 EDF R&D
+# This file is part of PAL_SRC.
+# PAL_SRC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# PAL_SRC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with PAL_SRC; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# Author : Guillaume Boulant (CSSI)
+# Rewritten by Renaud Barate (EDF R&D)
+# Project : SALOME
+# Copyright : EDF 2001-2009
+# $Header$
+This module defines a class which provides logging facility in Salome:
+import sys, os
+import logging
+from salome.kernel.deprecation import deprecated
+from salome.kernel import termcolor
+import salome.kernel.logconfig
+class Logger(logging.Logger):
+ """
+ This class formats and displays log messages in Salome environment. It
+ inherits :class:`Logger<logging.Logger>` class defined in :mod:`logging`
+ module from Python library, so all methods from :class:`logging.Logger`
+ can be used here. The format of the traces is:
+ LEVEL [keyword] : Message
+ where `LEVEL` is the level of the message (`DEBUG`, `INFO`, etc.),
+ `keyword` is the name of the logger, and `Message` is the message to log.
+ When creating a new Logger object, the parameter `keyword` defines the
+ name of the logger, `level` defines the logging level (default is
+ :const:`logging.DEBUG` if KERNEL module is configured with --enable-debug
+ option or :const:`logging.WARNING` otherwise), and `color` defines the color
+ of the log messages for this logger (log messages will appear in color
+ only when displayed on color-capable ASCII terminals). See module
+ :mod:`salome.kernel.termcolor` for the color constants.
+ By default, log messages will be displayed only on standard output. They
+ can also be recorded in a file (see method :meth:`setLogFile`). For now,
+ the CORBA-based logging facility can not be used through this class.
+ A source filename `sourceFileName` can be defined. If this argument is
+ specified, then the `keyword` is modified to the basename of the `sourceFileName`
+ Basic usage::
+ from salome.kernel.logger import Logger
+ log = Logger("Test")
+ log.debug("Debug message")
+ log.info("Information message")
+ log.warning("Warning message")
+ log.error("Error message")
+ log.critical("Fatal error message")
+ """
+ def __init__(self, keyword = "KEY", level = salome.kernel.logconfig.loggingLevel,
+ color = None, sourceFileName=None):
+ if sourceFileName is not None:
+ keyword = os.path.basename(sourceFileName).split('.')[0]
+ logging.Logger.__init__(self, keyword, level)
+ self._baseFormatString = "%(levelname)-8s [%(name)s] : %(message)s"
+ self._baseFormatter = logging.Formatter(self._baseFormatString)
+ if hasattr(sys.stdout, "flush"):
+ self._stdoutStream = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ self._stdoutStream = _UnFlushableLogStream(sys.stdout)
+ self._stdoutHandler = logging.StreamHandler(self._stdoutStream)
+ self._stdoutHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ self.setColor(color)
+ self.addHandler(self._stdoutHandler)
+ self._fileHandler = None
+ def showDebug(self):
+ """
+ Log all messages, including DEBUG level messages (equivalent to
+ ``setLevel(logging.DEBUG)``).
+ """
+ self.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ def setLogFile(self, logFilename):
+ """
+ Define a log file to record the log messages (in addition to the
+ standard output).
+ """
+ self.closeLogFile()
+ self._fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(logFilename, 'w')
+ self._fileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ self._fileHandler.setFormatter(self._baseFormatter)
+ self.addHandler(self._fileHandler)
+ def setColor(self, color):
+ """
+ Set the color of log messages on color-capable terminals. If `color`
+ is :const:`None`, the default color will be used.
+ """
+ if color is None or not termcolor.canDisplayColor(self._stdoutStream):
+ stdoutFormatter = self._baseFormatter
+ else:
+ format = ("%s%s%s" %
+ (termcolor.getControlSequence(color),
+ self._baseFormatString,
+ termcolor.getControlSequence(termcolor.DEFAULT)))
+ stdoutFormatter = logging.Formatter(format)
+ self._stdoutHandler.setFormatter(stdoutFormatter)
+ def closeLogFile(self):
+ """Close the log file."""
+ if self._fileHandler is not None:
+ self.removeHandler(self._fileHandler)
+ self._fileHandler.close()
+ self._fileHandler = None
+ def hideDebug(self):
+ """
+ Hide DEBUG level messages (equivalent to ``setLevel(logging.INFO)``).
+ """
+ self.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ @deprecated("Deprecated since version 5.1.5. Please replace with "
+ "Logger.critical(message)")
+ def fatal(self, message):
+ """
+ Log a message with CRITICAL level. This method only exists for
+ backward compatibility and is equivalent to ``critical(message)``.
+ """
+ self.critical(message)
+class _UnFlushableLogStream:
+ """
+ This utility class allows to log messages to a stream with no `flush`
+ method. This is useful to send log messages to `PyOut` objects.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, stream):
+ self._stream = stream
+ def write(self, msg):
+ self._stream.write(msg)
+ def flush(self):
+ pass
+class ExtLogger(Logger):
+ """
+ This class extends :class:`Logger` class and adds exception information
+ when DEBUG messages are recorded. It exists mainly for backward
+ compatibility, as the same thing can be done by calling
+ ``Logger.debug(message, exc_info = True)``.
+ """
+ @deprecated("Class ExtLogger is deprecated since version 5.1.5. See "
+ "documentation for replacement.")
+ def __init__(self, keyword = "KEY",
+ level = salome.kernel.logconfig.loggingLevel,
+ color = None, sourceFileName=None):
+ Logger.__init__(self, keyword, level, color, sourceFileName)
+ def debug( self, message ):
+ """
+ Log a DEBUG message with exception information (equivalent to
+ ``Logger.debug(message, exc_info = True)``).
+ """
+ Logger.debug(self, message, exc_info = True)
+def TEST_Logger():
+ """Test function for logger module"""
+ log = Logger("TST")
+ # Base methods
+ log.info("Information message")
+ log.debug("Debug message")
+ log.fatal("Fatal error message")
+ # Message building
+ data = 12
+ log.info("This message displays data = " + str(data))
+ data = {}
+ data["KERNEL"] = "V1"
+ data["GEOM"] = "V2"
+ log.info("This message displays data = " + str(data))
+ # Test with a non-string parameter
+ log.info(data)
+ # Test with a default instance
+ log = Logger()
+ log.info("Default logger")
+ # Test showDebug method
+ log.setLogFile("test.log")
+ log.debug("Debug trace")
+ log.hideDebug()
+ log.debug("This trace should NOT be displayed")
+ log.showDebug()
+ log.debug("This trace should be displayed")
+ log.closeLogFile()
+ log.info("After closing the log file")
+# Main function only used to test the module
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ TEST_Logger()
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 EDF R&D
+# This file is part of PAL_SRC.
+# PAL_SRC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# PAL_SRC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with PAL_SRC; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+This module provides a new class :class:`StudyEditor` to complement
+:class:`Study` and :class:`StudyBuilder` classes.
+import re
+import salome
+from salome.kernel.logger import Logger
+from salome.kernel import termcolor
+logger = Logger("salome.kernel.studyedit", color = termcolor.PURPLE)
+_editors = {}
+_DEFAULT_CONTAINER = "FactoryServer"
+def getActiveStudyId():
+ """
+ Return the ID of the active study. In GUI mode, this function is equivalent
+ to ``salome.sg.getActiveStudyId()``. Outside GUI, it returns
+ ``salome.myStudyId`` variable.
+ """
+ salome.salome_init()
+ if salome.hasDesktop():
+ return salome.sg.getActiveStudyId()
+ else:
+ return salome.myStudyId
+def getStudyEditor(studyId = None):
+ """
+ Return a :class:`StudyEditor` instance to edit the study with ID
+ `studyId`. If `studyId` is :const:`None`, return an editor for the current
+ study.
+ """
+ if studyId is None:
+ studyId = getActiveStudyId()
+ if not _editors.has_key(studyId):
+ _editors[studyId] = StudyEditor(studyId)
+ return _editors[studyId]
+class StudyEditor:
+ """
+ This class provides utility methods to complement :class:`Study` and
+ :class:`StudyBuilder` classes. Those methods may be moved in those classes
+ in the future. The parameter `studyId` defines the ID of the study to
+ edit. If it is :const:`None`, the edited study will be the current study.
+ The preferred way to get a StudyEditor object is through the method
+ :meth:`getStudyEditor` which allows to reuse existing instances.
+ .. attribute:: studyId
+ This instance attribute contains the ID of the edited study. This
+ attribute should not be modified.
+ .. attribute:: study
+ This instance attribute contains the underlying :class:`Study` object.
+ It can be used to access the study but the attribute itself should not
+ be modified.
+ .. attribute:: builder
+ This instance attribute contains the underlying :class:`StudyBuilder`
+ object. It can be used to edit the study but the attribute itself
+ should not be modified.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, studyId = None):
+ salome.salome_init()
+ if studyId is None:
+ studyId = getActiveStudyId()
+ self.studyId = studyId
+ self.study = salome.myStudyManager.GetStudyByID(studyId)
+ if self.study is None:
+ raise Exception("Can't create StudyEditor object: "
+ "Study %d doesn't exist" % studyId)
+ self.builder = self.study.NewBuilder()
+ def findOrCreateComponent(self, moduleName, componentName = None,
+ icon = None, containerName = _DEFAULT_CONTAINER):
+ """
+ Find a component corresponding to the Salome module `moduleName` in
+ the study. If none is found, create a new component and associate it
+ with the corresponding engine (i.e. the engine named `moduleName`).
+ Note that in Salome 5, the module name and engine name must be
+ identical (every module must provide an engine with the same name).
+ In Salome 6 it will be possible to define a different name for the
+ engine.
+ :type moduleName: string
+ :param moduleName: name of the module corresponding to the component
+ (the module name is the string value in the
+ attribute "AttributeComment" of the component)
+ :type componentName: string
+ :param componentName: name of the new component if created. If
+ :const:`None`, use `moduleName` instead.
+ :type icon: string
+ :param icon: icon for the new component (attribute "AttributePixMap").
+ :type containerName: string
+ :param containerName: name of the container in which the engine should be
+ loaded.
+ :return: the SComponent found or created.
+ """
+ sComponent = self.study.FindComponent(moduleName)
+ if sComponent is None:
+ sComponent = self.builder.NewComponent(moduleName)
+ # Note that the NewComponent method set the "comment" attribute to the
+ # value of its argument (moduleName here)
+ if componentName is None:
+ componentName = moduleName
+ self.builder.SetName(sComponent, componentName)
+ if icon is not None:
+ # _MEM_ : This will be effective if and only if "moduleName"
+ # really corresponds to the module name (as specified in the
+ # SalomeApp.xml)
+ self.setIcon(sComponent, icon)
+ # This part will stay inactive until Salome 6. In Salome 6, the
+ # engine name will be stored separately from the module name.
+ # An internal convention (in this class) is to store the name of the
+ # associated engine in the parameter attribute of the scomponent (so that
+ # it could be retrieved in a future usage of this scomponent, for example,
+ # for the need of the function loadComponentEngine). The comment attribute
+ # SHOULD NOT be used for this purpose because it's used by the SALOME
+ # resources manager to identify the SALOME module and then localized
+ # the resource files
+ #attr = self.builder.FindOrCreateAttribute( sComponent, "AttributeParameter" )
+ #attr.SetString( "ENGINE_NAME", engineName )
+ engine = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent(containerName, moduleName)
+ if engine is None:
+ raise Exception("Cannot load engine %s in container %s. See "
+ "logs of container %s for more details." %
+ (moduleName, containerName, containerName))
+ self.builder.DefineComponentInstance(sComponent, engine)
+ return sComponent
+ def loadComponentEngine(self, sComponent,
+ containerName = _DEFAULT_CONTAINER):
+ """
+ Load the engine corresponding to `sComponent` in the container
+ `containerName`, associate the engine with the component and load the
+ CORBA objects of this component in the study.
+ """
+ # This part will stay inactive until Salome 6. In Salome 6, the
+ # engine name will be stored separately from the module name.
+ #attr = self.builder.FindOrCreateAttribute( sComponent, "AttributeParameter" )
+ #engineName = attr.GetString( "ENGINE_NAME" )
+ engine = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent(containerName,
+ sComponent.GetComment())
+ if engine is None:
+ raise Exception("Cannot load component %s in container %s. See "
+ "logs of container %s for more details." %
+ (sComponent.GetComment(), containerName,
+ containerName))
+ self.builder.LoadWith(sComponent, engine)
+ def getOrLoadObject(self, item):
+ """
+ Get the CORBA object associated with the SObject `item`, eventually by
+ first loading it with the corresponding engine.
+ """
+ object = item.GetObject()
+ if object is None: # the engine has not been loaded yet
+ sComponent = item.GetFatherComponent()
+ self.loadComponentEngine(sComponent)
+ object = item.GetObject()
+ return object
+ def findOrCreateItem(self, fatherItem, name, fileType = None,
+ fileName = None, comment = None, icon = None,
+ IOR = None, typeId = None):
+ """
+ Find an object under `fatherItem` in the study with the given
+ attributes. Return the first one found if at least one exists,
+ otherwise create a new one with the given attributes and return it.
+ See :meth:`setItem` for the description of the parameters.
+ """
+ sObject = self.findItem(fatherItem, name, fileType, fileName, comment,
+ icon, IOR, typeId)
+ if sObject is None:
+ sObject = self.createItem(fatherItem, name, fileType, fileName,
+ comment, icon, IOR, typeId)
+ return sObject
+ def findItem(self, fatherItem, name = None, fileType = None,
+ fileName = None, comment = None, icon = None, IOR = None,
+ typeId = None):
+ """
+ Find an item with given attributes under `fatherItem` in the study. If
+ none is found, return :const:`None`. If several items correspond to
+ the parameters, only the first one is returned. The search is made
+ only on given parameters (i.e. not :const:`None`). To look explicitly
+ for an empty attribute, use an empty string in the corresponding
+ parameter.
+ See :meth:`setItem` for the description of the parameters.
+ """
+ foundItem = None;
+ childIterator = self.study.NewChildIterator(fatherItem)
+ while childIterator.More() and foundItem is None:
+ childItem = childIterator.Value()
+ if childItem and \
+ (name is None or childItem.GetName() == name) and \
+ (fileType is None or \
+ self.getFileType(childItem) == fileType) and \
+ (fileName is None or \
+ self.getFileName(childItem) == fileName) and \
+ (comment is None or childItem.GetComment() == comment) and \
+ (icon is None or \
+ self.getIcon(childItem) == icon) and \
+ (IOR is None or childItem.GetIOR() == IOR) and \
+ (typeId is None or \
+ self.getTypeId(childItem) == typeId):
+ foundItem = childItem
+ childIterator.Next()
+ return foundItem
+ def createItem(self, fatherItem, name, fileType = None, fileName = None,
+ comment = None, icon = None, IOR = None, typeId = None):
+ """
+ Create a new object named `name` under `fatherItem` in the study, with
+ the given attributes. If an object named `name` already exists under
+ the father object, the new object is created with a new name `name_X`
+ where X is the first available index.
+ :type fatherItem: SObject
+ :param fatherItem: item under which the new item will be added.
+ :return: new SObject created in the study
+ See :meth:`setItem` for the description of the other parameters.
+ """
+ aSObject = self.builder.NewObject(fatherItem)
+ aChildIterator = self.study.NewChildIterator(fatherItem)
+ aMaxId = -1
+ aLength = len(name)
+ aDelim = "_"
+ anIdRE = re.compile("^" + aDelim + "[0-9]+")
+ aNameRE = re.compile("^" + name)
+ while aChildIterator.More():
+ aSObj = aChildIterator.Value()
+ aChildIterator.Next()
+ aName = aSObj.GetName()
+ if re.match(aNameRE,aName):
+ aTmp = aName[aLength:]
+ if re.match(anIdRE,aTmp):
+ import string
+ anId = string.atol(aTmp[1:])
+ if aMaxId < anId:
+ aMaxId = anId
+ pass
+ pass
+ elif aMaxId < 0:
+ aMaxId = 0
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
+ aMaxId = aMaxId + 1
+ aName = name
+ if aMaxId > 0:
+ aName = aName + aDelim + str(aMaxId)
+ pass
+ self.setItem(aSObject, aName, fileType, fileName, comment, icon,
+ IOR, typeId)
+ return aSObject
+ def setItem(self, item, name = None, fileType = None, fileName = None,
+ comment = None, icon = None, IOR = None, typeId = None):
+ """
+ Modify the attributes of an item in the study. Unspecified attributes
+ (i.e. those set to :const:`None`) are left unchanged.
+ :type item: SObject
+ :param item: item to modify.
+ :type name: string
+ :param name: item name (attribute 'AttributeName').
+ :type fileType: string
+ :param fileType: item file type (attribute 'AttributeFileType').
+ :type fileName: string
+ :param fileName: item file name (attribute
+ 'AttributeExternalFileDef').
+ :type comment: string
+ :param comment: item comment (attribute 'AttributeComment'). Note that
+ this attribute will appear in the 'Value' column in
+ the object browser.
+ :type icon: string
+ :param icon: item icon name (attribute 'AttributePixMap').
+ :type IOR: string
+ :param IOR: IOR of a CORBA object associated with the item
+ (attribute 'AttributeIOR').
+ :type typeId: integer
+ :param typeId: item type (attribute 'AttributeLocalID').
+ """
+ logger.debug("setItem (ID=%s): name=%s, fileType=%s, fileName=%s, "
+ "comment=%s, icon=%s, IOR=%s" %
+ (item.GetID(), name, fileType, fileName, comment,
+ icon, IOR))
+ # Explicit cast is necessary for unicode to string conversion
+ if name is not None:
+ self.builder.SetName(item, str(name))
+ if fileType is not None:
+ self.setFileType(item, fileType)
+ if fileName is not None:
+ self.setFileName(item, fileName)
+ if comment is not None:
+ self.builder.SetComment(item, str(comment))
+ if icon is not None:
+ self.setIcon(item, icon)
+ if IOR is not None:
+ self.builder.SetIOR(item, str(IOR))
+ if typeId is not None:
+ self.setTypeId(item, typeId)
+ def removeItem(self, item, withChildren = False ):
+ """
+ Remove the given item from the study. Note that the items are never
+ really deleted. They just don't appear in the study anymore.
+ :type item: SObject
+ :param item: the item to be removed
+ :type withChildren: boolean
+ :param withChildren: if :const:`True`, also remove the children of
+ `item`
+ :return: :const:`True` if the item was removed successfully, or
+ :const:`False` if an error happened.
+ """
+ ok = False
+ try:
+ if withChildren:
+ self.builder.RemoveObjectWithChildren(item)
+ else:
+ self.builder.RemoveObject(item)
+ ok = True
+ except:
+ ok = False
+ return ok
+ def setItemAtTag(self, fatherItem, tag, name = None, fileType = None,
+ fileName = None, comment = None, icon = None, IOR = None,
+ typeId = None):
+ """
+ Find an item tagged `tag` under `fatherItem` in the study tree or
+ create it if there is none, then set its attributes.
+ :type fatherItem: SObject
+ :param fatherItem: item under which the tagged item will be looked for
+ and eventually created.
+ :type tag: integer
+ :param tag: tag of the item to look for.
+ :return: the SObject at `tag` if found or created successfully, or
+ :const:`None` if an error happened.
+ See :meth:`setItem` for the description of the other parameters.
+ """
+ found, sObj = fatherItem.FindSubObject(tag)
+ if not found:
+ sObj = self.builder.NewObjectToTag(fatherItem, tag)
+ self.setItem(sObj, name, fileType, fileName, comment, icon,
+ IOR, typeId)
+ return sObj
+ def getAttributeValue(self, sObject, attributeName, default = None):
+ """
+ Return the value of the attribute named `attributeName` on the object
+ `sObject`, or `default` if the attribute doesn't exist.
+ """
+ value = default
+ found, attr = self.builder.FindAttribute(sObject, attributeName)
+ if found:
+ value = attr.Value()
+ return value
+ def setAttributeValue(self, sObject, attributeName, attributeValue):
+ """
+ Set the value of the attribute named `attributeName` on the object
+ `sObject` to the value `attributeValue`.
+ """
+ attr = self.builder.FindOrCreateAttribute(sObject, attributeName)
+ attr.SetValue(attributeValue)
+ def getTypeId(self, sObject):
+ """
+ Return the value of the attribute "AttributeLocalID" of the object
+ `sObject`, or :const:`None` if it is not set.
+ """
+ return self.getAttributeValue(sObject, "AttributeLocalID")
+ def setTypeId(self, sObject, value):
+ """
+ Set the attribute "AttributeLocalID" of the object `sObject` to the
+ value `value`.
+ """
+ self.setAttributeValue(sObject, "AttributeLocalID", value)
+ def getFileType(self, sObject):
+ """
+ Return the value of the attribute "AttributeFileType" of the object
+ `sObject`, or an empty string if it is not set.
+ """
+ return self.getAttributeValue(sObject, "AttributeFileType", "")
+ def setFileType(self, sObject, value):
+ """
+ Set the attribute "AttributeFileType" of the object `sObject` to the
+ value `value`.
+ """
+ # Explicit cast is necessary for unicode to string conversion
+ self.setAttributeValue(sObject, "AttributeFileType", str(value))
+ def getFileName(self, sObject):
+ """
+ Return the value of the attribute "AttributeExternalFileDef" of the
+ object `sObject`, or an empty string if it is not set.
+ """
+ return self.getAttributeValue(sObject, "AttributeExternalFileDef", "")
+ def setFileName(self, sObject, value):
+ """
+ Set the attribute "AttributeExternalFileDef" of the object `sObject`
+ to the value `value`.
+ """
+ # Explicit cast is necessary for unicode to string conversion
+ self.setAttributeValue(sObject, "AttributeExternalFileDef",
+ str(value))
+ def getIcon(self, sObject):
+ """
+ Return the value of the attribute "AttributePixMap" of the object
+ `sObject`, or an empty string if it is not set.
+ """
+ value = ""
+ found, attr = self.builder.FindAttribute(sObject, "AttributePixMap")
+ if found and attr.HasPixMap():
+ value = attr.GetPixMap()
+ return value
+ def setIcon(self, sObject, value):
+ """
+ Set the attribute "AttributePixMap" of the object `sObject` to the
+ value `value`.
+ """
+ attr = self.builder.FindOrCreateAttribute(sObject, "AttributePixMap")
+ # Explicit cast is necessary for unicode to string conversion
+ attr.SetPixMap(str(value))
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 EDF R&D
+# This file is part of PAL_SRC.
+# PAL_SRC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# PAL_SRC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with PAL_SRC; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# Author : Renaud Barate (EDF R&D)
+# Date : August 2009
+This module provides utility functions to display colored text in the
+terminal. It is based on ISO 6429 standard that defines control codes to
+change characters representation in color-capable ASCII terminals.
+In this module, colors are represented as lists of codes, so they can be added
+to obtain special effects (e.g. RED + GREEN_BG to display red text on green
+background). Several constants are defined for the most usual codes to
+facilitate the use of colors, but it is also possible to define colors
+directly from the corresponding code from ISO 6429 standard. In fact it is
+even necessary for less usual codes that don't have an associated constant
+(e.g. PURPLE + ['09'] can be used to display a crossed-out purple text).
+ import sys
+ from pal import termcolor
+ if termcolor.canDisplayColor(sys.stdout):
+ print termcolor.makeColoredMessage("Hello world!", termcolor.BLUE)
+ else:
+ print "Hello world!"
+# Constants for color codes
+DEFAULT = ['00']
+"""Default color for the terminal"""
+BOLD = ['01']
+"""Bold text and brighter colors"""
+UNDERLINED = ['04']
+"""Underlined text"""
+BLACK_FG = ['30']
+"""Black foreground"""
+RED_FG = ['31']
+"""Red foreground"""
+GREEN_FG = ['32']
+"""Green foreground"""
+YELLOW_FG = ['33']
+"""Yellow foreground"""
+BLUE_FG = ['34']
+"""Blue foreground"""
+PURPLE_FG = ['35']
+"""Purple foreground"""
+CYAN_FG = ['36']
+"""Cyan foreground"""
+WHITE_FG = ['37']
+"""White foreground"""
+BLACK_BG = ['40']
+"""Black background"""
+RED_BG = ['41']
+"""Red background"""
+GREEN_BG = ['42']
+"""Green background"""
+YELLOW_BG = ['43']
+"""Yellow background"""
+BLUE_BG = ['44']
+"""Blue background"""
+PURPLE_BG = ['45']
+"""Purple background"""
+CYAN_BG = ['46']
+"""Cyan background"""
+WHITE_BG = ['47']
+"""White background"""
+# Constants for common colored text
+"""Black text (equivalent to BLACK_FG)"""
+"""Red text (equivalent to BOLD + RED_FG)"""
+"""Green text (equivalent to BOLD + GREEN_FG)"""
+"""Yellow text (equivalent to BOLD + YELLOW_FG)"""
+"""Blue text (equivalent to BOLD + BLUE_FG)"""
+"""Purple text (equivalent to BOLD + PURPLE_FG)"""
+"""Cyan text (equivalent to BOLD + CYAN_FG)"""
+"""White text (equivalent to WHITE_FG)"""
+def canDisplayColor(stream):
+ """
+ Return True if the stream can display colored text, False otherwise.
+ """
+ return hasattr(stream, "isatty") and stream.isatty()
+def getControlSequence(color):
+ """
+ Return the control sequence for the color in parameter, i.e. the string
+ telling the terminal to display the following text in the given color.
+ """
+ seq = "\x1b["
+ for i in range(len(color)):
+ seq += color[i]
+ if i < len(color)-1:
+ seq += ";"
+ seq += "m"
+ return seq
+def makeColoredMessage(message, color):
+ """
+ Return a string that can be used to display the message in parameter with
+ the given color.
+ """
+ return (getControlSequence(color) +
+ str(message) +
+ getControlSequence(DEFAULT))
+def TEST_termcolor():
+ """Test function for termcolor module."""
+ import sys
+ if not canDisplayColor(sys.stdout):
+ print "Standard output does not support colors."
+ return
+ print makeColoredMessage("This message must appear in blue.", BLUE)
+ print makeColoredMessage("This message must appear in red on green " +
+ "background.", RED + GREEN_BG)
+ print makeColoredMessage("This message must appear in magenta and " +
+ "crossed-out.", PURPLE + ['09'])
+# Main function only used to test the module
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ TEST_termcolor()
# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+# ================================================================================
+# WARNING: this file is deprecated and should not be used any more. It has been
+# replaced by the file __init__.py of the python package named "salome".
+# To prevent any error, a warning is raised in the case where this file is imported
+raise RuntimeError("WRN - the file salome.py is deprecated. It should NOT be used any more.")
+# ================================================================================
# File : salome.py
# Author : Paul RASCLE, EDF
# Module : SALOME
# \param salome.myStudyId : active Study Id
# \param salome.myStudy : the active Study (interface SALOMEDS::Study)
from salome_kernel import *
from salome_study import *
from salome_iapp import *
resource_protocol = "rsh";
launch_script_stream << "if [ \"x$LIBBATCH_NODEFILE\" != \"x\" ]; then " << std::endl;
- launch_script_stream << "CATALOG_FILE=" << work_directory << "/CatalogResources_" << _launch_date << ".xml" << std::endl;
+ launch_script_stream << "CATALOG_FILE=" << "CatalogResources_" << _launch_date << ".xml" << std::endl;
launch_script_stream << "export USER_CATALOG_RESOURCES_FILE=" << "$CATALOG_FILE" << std::endl;
launch_script_stream << "echo '<!DOCTYPE ResourcesCatalog>' > $CATALOG_FILE" << std::endl;
launch_script_stream << "echo '<resources>' >> $CATALOG_FILE" << std::endl;
if( !isMpiContainer(params) )
return 0;
- else if( (params.resource_params.nb_node <= 0) && (params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node <= 0) )
+ else if( params.nb_proc <= 0 )
return 1;
- else if( params.resource_params.nb_node == 0 )
- return params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node;
- else if( params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node == 0 )
- return params.resource_params.nb_node;
- return params.resource_params.nb_node * params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node;
+ return params.nb_proc;
class MachineParameters (Engines.MachineParameters):
- def __init__(self, container_name='', hostname='', componentList=[], computerList=[], OS='',
- mem_mb=0, cpu_clock=0, nb_proc_per_node=0, nb_node=0, isMPI=False, workingdir='',
- mode='start', policy='altcycl', parallelLib='', nb_component_nodes=0):
- Engines.MachineParameters.__init__(self,container_name, hostname, componentList, computerList, OS,
- mem_mb, cpu_clock, nb_proc_per_node, nb_node, isMPI, workingdir,
- mode, policy, parallelLib, nb_component_nodes)
+ def __init__(self, container_name='', hostname='', componentList=[], computerList=[], OS='',
+ mem_mb=0, cpu_clock=0, nb_proc_per_node=0, nb_node=0, isMPI=False, workingdir='',
+ mode='start', policy='altcycl', parallelLib='', nb_component_nodes=0):
+ Engines.MachineParameters.__init__(self,container_name, hostname, componentList, computerList, OS,
+ mem_mb, cpu_clock, nb_proc_per_node, nb_node, isMPI, workingdir,
+ mode, policy, parallelLib, nb_component_nodes)
+class ContainerParameters (Engines.ContainerParameters):
+ def __init__(self, container_name='', mode='start', workingdir='', nb_proc=0, isMPI=False, parallelLib='',resource_params=None):
+ if resource_params is None:resource_params=ResourceParameters()
+ Engines.ContainerParameters.__init__(self,container_name, mode, workingdir, nb_proc, isMPI, parallelLib,resource_params)
class ResourceParameters (Engines.ResourceParameters):
def __init__(self, name="", hostname="", OS="", componentList=[],
def test0(self):
- p=LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(container_name="MyContainer",mode="start",
- policy="best",componentList=["PYHELLO"])
- co=cm.StartContainer( p )
- print "Container:",co,co.getHostName(), co.getPID(),co._get_name()
+ rp=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(policy="best",componentList=["PYHELLO"])
+ p=LifeCycleCORBA.ContainerParameters(container_name="MyContainer",mode="start",resource_params=rp)
+ co=cm.GiveContainer( p )
self.assertEqual(co._get_name(), "/Containers/claui2c6/MyContainer")
- co=cm.StartContainer( p )
+ co=cm.GiveContainer( p )
self.assertEqual(co._get_name(), "/Containers/clt10br/MyContainer")
def test1(self):
- p=LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(container_name="MyContainer",mode="get",
- policy="best",componentList=["PYHELLO"])
- co=cm.StartContainer( p )
- print "Container:",co,co.getHostName(), co.getPID(),co._get_name()
+ rp=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(policy="best",componentList=["PYHELLO"])
+ p=LifeCycleCORBA.ContainerParameters(container_name="MyContainer",mode="get",resource_params=rp)
+ co=cm.GiveContainer( p )
self.assertEqual(co._get_name(), "/Containers/claui2c6/MyContainer")
- co=cm.StartContainer( p )
+ co=cm.GiveContainer( p )
self.assertEqual(co._get_name(), "/Containers/clt10br/MyContainer")
def test2(self):
- p=LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(container_name="MyContainer",mode="getorstart",
- policy="best",componentList=["PYHELLO"])
- co=cm.StartContainer( p )
- print "Container:",co,co.getHostName(), co.getPID(),co._get_name()
+ rp=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(policy="best",componentList=["PYHELLO"])
+ p=LifeCycleCORBA.ContainerParameters(container_name="MyContainer",mode="getorstart",resource_params=rp)
+ co=cm.GiveContainer( p )
self.assertEqual(co._get_name(), "/Containers/claui2c6/MyContainer")
- co=cm.StartContainer( p )
+ co=cm.GiveContainer( p )
self.assertEqual(co._get_name(), "/Containers/clt10br/MyContainer")
if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestContainerManager)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
import unittest
import salome
import LifeCycleCORBA
+import SALOME
cm= salome.lcc.getContainerManager()
rm= salome.lcc.getResourcesManager()
def test0(self):
"""host required"""
- params=LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(hostname="m3")
+ params=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(hostname="m3")
self.assertEqual(machineList, ["m3"])
def test1(self):
"""OS required"""
- params=LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(OS="Linux")
- machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(params)
- self.assertEqual(machineList, [])
+ params=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(OS="Linux")
+ self.assertRaises(SALOME.SALOME_Exception,rm.GetFittingResources,params)
def test2(self):
"""component add required"""
- params=LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(componentList=["add"])
+ params=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(componentList=["add"])
self.assertEqual(machineList, ['claui2c6', 'm1', 'm2'])
def test3(self):
"""component tutu required"""
- machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(componentList=["tutu"]))
+ params=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(componentList=["tutu"])
+ machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(params)
self.assertEqual(machineList, ['m1', 'm2', 'm3'])
def test4(self):
"""component tata required"""
- machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(componentList=["tata"]))
+ params=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(componentList=["tata"])
+ machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(params)
self.assertEqual(machineList, ['m1', 'm2'])
def test5(self):
"""component titi required"""
- machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(componentList=["titi"]))
+ params=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(componentList=["titi"])
+ machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(params)
self.assertEqual(machineList, ['m1', 'm2'])
def test6(self):
"""component toto required"""
- machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(componentList=["toto"]))
+ params=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(componentList=["toto"])
+ machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(params)
self.assertEqual(machineList, ['claui2c6', 'm1', 'm2'])
def test7(self):
"""components add and toto required"""
- machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(componentList=["add","toto"]))
+ params=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(componentList=["add","toto"])
+ machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(params)
self.assertEqual(machineList, ['claui2c6', 'm1', 'm2'])
def test8(self):
"""components add and toto required"""
- machineDef=rm.GetMachineParameters('claui2c6')
+ machineDef=rm.GetResourceDefinition('claui2c6')
self.assertEqual(machineDef.componentList, ['toto', 'add'])
def test10(self):
"""policy altcycl"""
- machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(componentList=["add","toto"]))
+ params=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(componentList=["add","toto"])
+ machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(params)
self.assertEqual(rm.Find('altcycl',machineList), "claui2c6")
self.assertEqual(rm.Find('altcycl',machineList), "m1")
self.assertEqual(rm.Find('altcycl',machineList), "m2")
def test11(self):
"""policy cycl"""
- machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(componentList=["add","toto"]))
+ params=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(componentList=["add","toto"])
+ machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(params)
self.assertEqual(rm.Find('cycl',machineList), "claui2c6")
self.assertEqual(rm.Find('cycl',machineList), "m1")
self.assertEqual(rm.Find('cycl',machineList), "m2")
def test12(self):
"""policy first"""
- machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(componentList=["add","toto"]))
+ params=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(componentList=["add","toto"])
+ machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(params)
self.assertEqual(rm.Find('first',machineList), "claui2c6")
self.assertEqual(rm.Find('first',machineList), "claui2c6")
def test13(self):
"""policy best"""
- machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(LifeCycleCORBA.MachineParameters(componentList=["add","toto"]))
+ params=LifeCycleCORBA.ResourceParameters(componentList=["add","toto"])
+ machineList=rm.GetFittingResources(params)
self.assertEqual(rm.Find('best',machineList), "claui2c6")
self.assertEqual(rm.Find('best',machineList), "m1")
self.assertEqual(rm.Find('best',machineList), "m2")
self.assertEqual(rm.Find('best',machineList), "m2")
if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestResourceManager)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] shutdown of MPI Corba Server");
if( _numproc == 0 ){
+ _NS->Destroy_Name(_containerName.c_str());
for(ip= 1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
if ( !params.isMPI )
nbproc = 0;
- else if ( (params.resource_params.nb_node <= 0) && (params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node <= 0) )
+ else if ( params.nb_proc <= 0 )
nbproc = 1;
- else if ( params.resource_params.nb_node == 0 )
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node;
- else if ( params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node == 0 )
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_node;
- nbproc = params.resource_params.nb_node * params.resource_params.nb_proc_per_node;
+ nbproc = params.nb_proc;
std::string ret = ContainerName(params.container_name);
ResourcesManager_cpp::KeepOnlyResourcesWithComponent(std::vector<std::string>& resources,
const std::vector<std::string>& componentList)
+ std::vector<std::string> kept_resources;
std::vector<std::string>::iterator iter = resources.begin();
for (; iter != resources.end(); iter++)
- MapOfParserResourcesType::const_iterator it = _resourcesList.find(*iter);
- const std::vector<std::string>& mapOfComponentsOfCurrentHost = (*it).second.ComponentsList;
+ const std::vector<std::string>& mapOfComponentsOfCurrentHost = _resourcesList[*iter].ComponentsList;
bool erasedHost = false;
if( mapOfComponentsOfCurrentHost.size() > 0 )
for(unsigned int i=0; i<componentList.size(); i++)
- const char* compoi = componentList[i].c_str();
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itt = find(mapOfComponentsOfCurrentHost.begin(),
- mapOfComponentsOfCurrentHost.end(),
- compoi);
+ mapOfComponentsOfCurrentHost.end(),
+ componentList[i]);
if (itt == mapOfComponentsOfCurrentHost.end())
erasedHost = true;
- if(erasedHost)
- resources.erase(iter);
+ if(!erasedHost)
+ kept_resources.push_back(*iter);
+ resources=kept_resources;
if(_resource.HostName == "localhost")
_resource.HostName = Kernel_Utils::GetHostname();
- if (_resource.Name == "localhost")
- {
- _resource.Name = Kernel_Utils::GetHostname();
- _resource.DataForSort._Name = Kernel_Utils::GetHostname();
- }
std::map<std::string, ParserResourcesType>::const_iterator iter = _resources_list.find(_resource.Name);
if (iter != _resources_list.end())
void SALOMEDS_Study_i::Close()
SALOMEDS::Locker lock;
SALOMEDS::SComponentIterator_var itcomponent = NewComponentIterator();
try {
CORBA::Object_var obj = _orb->string_to_object(anIORs[i].c_str());
SALOME::GenericObj_var aGeneric = SALOME::GenericObj::_narrow(obj);
- if (!CORBA::is_nil(aGeneric)) aGeneric->Destroy();
+ //rnv: To avoid double deletion of the Salome Generic Objects:
+ //rnv: 1. First decrement of the reference count in the SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeIOR::~SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeIOR();
+ //rnv: 2. Second decrement of the reference count in the next string : aGeneric->Destroy();
+ //if (!CORBA::is_nil(aGeneric)) aGeneric->Destroy();
} catch (...) {}
DF_Label aRefLabel = theSO.GetLabel();
SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeReference* aReference;
if ((aReference=(SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeReference*)aRefLabel.FindAttribute(SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeReference::GetID()))) {
- for(int i = 0, len = myVariables.size(); i<len; i++) if(myVariables[i]->Label() == aRefLabel) return; //BugID: PAL6192
- myVariables.push_back(aReference);
+ myVariables[aRefLabel.Entry()]=aReference;
SetModifyFlag(); //SRN: Mark the study as being modified, so it could be saved
std::vector<SALOMEDSImpl_SObject> aSeq;
- for(int i = 0, len = myVariables.size(); i<len; i++)
- aSeq.push_back( SALOMEDSImpl_Study::SObject(myVariables[i]->Label()));
+ for (std::map< std::string , DF_Attribute* >::iterator iter = myVariables.begin(); iter != myVariables.end(); ++iter)
+ aSeq.push_back( SALOMEDSImpl_Study::SObject(iter->second->Label()));
return aSeq;
DF_Label aRefLabel = theSO.GetLabel();
- std::vector<DF_Attribute*> va;
- for(int i = 0, len = myVariables.size(); i<len; i++) {
- DF_Label L = myVariables[i]->Label();
- if(myVariables[i]->Label() == aRefLabel) continue;
- va.push_back(myVariables[i]);
- }
- myVariables.clear();
- myVariables = va;
+ myVariables.erase(aRefLabel.Entry());
SetModifyFlag(); //SRN: Mark the study as being modified, so it could be saved
SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeTarget* REL = dynamic_cast<SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeTarget*>(With);
myRelation = REL->GetRelation();
- for (int i = 0, len = REL->myVariables.size(); i<len; i++) {
- myVariables.push_back(REL->myVariables[i]);
+ for (std::map< std::string , DF_Attribute* >::iterator iter = REL->myVariables.begin(); iter != REL->myVariables.end(); ++iter){
+ myVariables[iter->first]=iter->second;
SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeTarget* REL = dynamic_cast<SALOMEDSImpl_AttributeTarget*>(into);
- for (int i = 0, len = myVariables.size(); i<len; i++) {
- REL->myVariables.push_back(myVariables[i]);
+ for (std::map< std::string , DF_Attribute* >::iterator iter = myVariables.begin(); iter != myVariables.end(); ++iter){
+ REL->myVariables[iter->first]=iter->second;
#include <string>
#include "SALOMEDSImpl_GenericAttribute.hxx"
#include "SALOMEDSImpl_SObject.hxx"
+#include <map>
public SALOMEDSImpl_GenericAttribute
std::string myRelation;
- std::vector<DF_Attribute*> myVariables;
+ std::map< std::string , DF_Attribute* > myVariables;
static const std::string& GetID() ;
void Remove(const SALOMEDSImpl_SObject& theSO);
std::string GetRelation() { return myRelation; }
void SetRelation(const std::string& theRelation);
- std::vector<DF_Attribute*>& GetVariables() { return myVariables; }
+ std::map< std::string , DF_Attribute* >& GetVariables() { return myVariables; }
const std::string& ID() const;
void Restore(DF_Attribute* with) ;
DF_Attribute* NewEmpty() const;
case SALOMEDSImpl_GenericVariable::STRING_VAR:
- sprintf(buffer, "\"%s\"", myStrValue.c_str());
+ sprintf(buffer, "%s", myStrValue.c_str());
Kernel_Utils::Localizer loc;
+ std::string strCopy = theStrValue;
if ( Type() == SALOMEDSImpl_GenericVariable::STRING_VAR ) {
- setStringValue( theStrValue );
+ if (strCopy.size() > 1 && strCopy[0] == '\"' && strCopy[strCopy.size()-1] == '\"')
+ strCopy = strCopy.substr(1, strCopy.size()-2);
+ setStringValue( strCopy );
else {
- std::string strCopy = theStrValue;
int dotpos = strCopy.find(',');
if (dotpos != std::string::npos)
if (HDFascii::isASCII(aUrl.c_str())) {
isASCII = true;
char* aResultPath = HDFascii::ConvertFromASCIIToHDF(aUrl.c_str());
+ if ( !aResultPath )
+ return NULL;
aC_HDFUrl = new char[strlen(aResultPath) + 19];
sprintf(aC_HDFUrl, "%shdf_from_ascii.hdf", aResultPath);
delete [] (aResultPath);
hdf_file->OpenOnDisk(HDF_RDONLY);// mpv: was RDWR, but opened file can be write-protected too
catch (HDFexception)
- {
- char *eStr;
- eStr = new char[strlen(aUrl.c_str())+17];
- sprintf(eStr,"Can't open file %s",aUrl.c_str());
- delete [] eStr;
- _errorCode = std::string(eStr);
- return NULL;
- }
+ {
+ char *eStr;
+ eStr = new char[strlen(aUrl.c_str())+17];
+ sprintf(eStr,"Can't open file %s",aUrl.c_str());
+ delete [] eStr;
+ _errorCode = std::string(eStr);
+ return NULL;
+ }
// Temporary aStudyUrl in place of study name
DF_Document* Doc = _appli->NewDocument("SALOME_STUDY");
BuildTree (Study, hdf_group_study_structure);
catch (HDFexception)
- {
- char *eStr = new char [strlen(aUrl.c_str())+17];
- sprintf(eStr,"Can't open file %s", aUrl.c_str());
- _errorCode = std::string(eStr);
- return NULL;
- }
+ {
+ char *eStr = new char [strlen(aUrl.c_str())+17];
+ sprintf(eStr,"Can't open file %s", aUrl.c_str());
+ _errorCode = std::string(eStr);
+ return NULL;
+ }
//Read and create notebook variables
if(hdf_file->ExistInternalObject("NOTEBOOK_VARIABLES")) {
hdf_notebook_vars = new HDFgroup("NOTEBOOK_VARIABLES",hdf_file);
// Iterate and move files in the temporary directory
- FILE* fp = fopen(aTmpFile.c_str(), "r");
+ FILE* fp = fopen(aTmpFile.c_str(), "rb");
if(!fp) return false;
char* buffer = new char[2047];
while(!feof(fp)) {
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <sstream>
#include "SALOMEDSImpl_Tool.hxx"
// purpose : The functions returns a list of substring of initial string
// divided by given separator include empty strings
+std::vector<std::string> treatRepetation(const std::string& theValue);
+std::vector<std::string> treatRepetation(const std::string& theValue)
+ std::vector<std::string> aResult;
+ int pos = theValue.find(";*=");
+ if(pos < 0 )
+ {
+ aResult.push_back(theValue);
+ return aResult;
+ }
+ std::string val(theValue.substr(0, pos));
+ std::string suffix(theValue.substr(pos+3));
+ int nb;
+ std::istringstream tmp(suffix);
+ tmp >> nb;
+ for(int i=0; i<nb; i++)
+ aResult.push_back(val);
+ return aResult;
std::vector<std::string> SALOMEDSImpl_Tool::splitStringWithEmpty(const std::string& theValue, char sep)
std::vector<std::string> aResult;
if(theValue[0] == sep ) aResult.push_back(std::string());
int pos = theValue.find(sep);
if(pos < 0 ) {
- aResult.push_back(theValue);
+ if(sep == '|')
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> tmp = treatRepetation(theValue);
+ std::copy(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector<std::string> >(aResult));
+ }
+ else
+ aResult.push_back(theValue);
return aResult;
std::string s = theValue;
if(s[0] == sep) s = s.substr(1, s.size());
while((pos = s.find(sep)) >= 0) {
- aResult.push_back(s.substr(0, pos));
+ if(sep == '|')
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> tmp = treatRepetation(s.substr(0, pos));
+ std::copy(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector<std::string> >(aResult));
+ }
+ else
+ aResult.push_back(s.substr(0, pos));
s = s.substr(pos+1, s.size());
- if(!s.empty() && s[0] != sep) aResult.push_back(s);
+ if(!s.empty() && s[0] != sep) {
+ if(sep == '|')
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> tmp = treatRepetation(s);
+ std::copy(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector<std::string> >(aResult));
+ }
+ else
+ aResult.push_back(s);
+ }
if(theValue[theValue.size()-1] == sep) aResult.push_back(std::string());
return aResult;
char *aFileName = new char[aFileNameSize];
//Put a file name to aFileName
memcpy(aFileName, (aBuffer + aCurrentPos), aFileNameSize);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ for (int i = 0; i < strlen(aFileName); i++)
+ {
+ if (aFileName[i] == ':')
+ aFileName[i] = '_';
+ }
aCurrentPos += aFileNameSize;
//Put a length of the file to aFileSize
self._adip = socket.gethostbyname(self._machine) # IP adress
if sys.platform == "win32":
self._uid = os.getpid()
- self._pwname = os.environ["USER"]
+ self._pwname = os.environ["USERNAME"]
self._uid = os.getuid()
list = pwd.getpwuid(self._uid)