#include <CurveCreator_Widget.h>
#include <CurveCreator_Curve.hxx>
+#include <QHBoxLayout>
+#include <QLabel>
+#include <QLineEdit>
HYDROGUI_PolylineDlg::HYDROGUI_PolylineDlg( HYDROGUI_Module* theModule, const QString& theTitle )
-: HYDROGUI_InputPanel( theModule, theTitle )
+: HYDROGUI_InputPanel( theModule, theTitle ), myName(NULL)
- CurveCreator_Curve *aStaticCurve = NULL;
+ QHBoxLayout* aNameLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+ QLabel* aNameLabel = new QLabel(tr("CURVE_NAME_TLT"), this);
+ aNameLayout->addWidget(aNameLabel);
+ myName = new QLineEdit(this);
+ aNameLayout->addWidget(myName);
- aStaticCurve = new CurveCreator_Curve(CurveCreator::Dim3d);
+ addLayout(aNameLayout);
- CurveCreator_Widget *aWidget =
- new CurveCreator_Widget( this, aStaticCurve);
+ myEditorWidget =
+ new CurveCreator_Widget( this, NULL);
- addWidget( aWidget );
- addStretch();
+ addWidget( myEditorWidget );
void HYDROGUI_PolylineDlg::reset()
\ No newline at end of file
+void HYDROGUI_PolylineDlg::setPolylineName( const QString& theName )
+ myName->setText(theName);
+QString HYDROGUI_PolylineDlg::getPolylineName() const
+ return myName->text();
+void HYDROGUI_PolylineDlg::setCurve( CurveCreator_Curve* theCurve )
+ myEditorWidget->setCurve( theCurve );
#include <HYDROData_Document.h>
#include <HYDROData_Polyline.h>
+#include <CurveCreator_Curve.hxx>
+#include <CurveCreator_CurveEditor.hxx>
#include <LightApp_Application.h>
#include <LightApp_UpdateFlags.h>
HYDROGUI_PolylineOp::HYDROGUI_PolylineOp( HYDROGUI_Module* theModule, bool theIsEdit )
-: HYDROGUI_Operation( theModule ), myIsEdit(theIsEdit)
+: HYDROGUI_Operation( theModule ), myIsEdit(theIsEdit), myCurve(NULL)
setName( theIsEdit ? tr( "EDIT_POLYLINE" ) : tr( "CREATE_POLYLINE" ) );
if( aPolylineObj.IsNull() )
return false;
- if( !myIsEdit ){
- static int PolylineId = 0;
- aPolylineObj->SetName( QString( "Polyline_%1" ).arg( QString::number( ++PolylineId ) ) );
+ QString aPolylineName = aPanel->getPolylineName();
+ aPolylineObj->SetName(aPolylineName);
+ int aDimInt = 3;
+ if( myCurve->getDimension() == CurveCreator::Dim2d )
+ aDimInt = 2;
+ aPolylineObj->setDimension(aDimInt);
+ QList<PolylineSection> aPolylineData;
+ for( int i=0 ; i < myCurve->getNbSections() ; i++ ){
+ PolylineSection aSect;
+ aSect.mySectionName = HYDROGUI_Tool::ToExtString( QString::fromLocal8Bit(myCurve->getSectionName(i).c_str()));
+ aSect.myIsClosed = myCurve->isClosed(i);
+ aSect.myType = PolylineSection::SECTION_POLYLINE;
+ if( myCurve->getType(i) == CurveCreator::BSpline ){
+ aSect.myType = PolylineSection::SECTION_SPLINE;
+ }
+ CurveCreator::Coordinates aCoords = myCurve->getPoints(i);
+ for( int j = 0 ; j < aCoords.size() ; j++ ){
+ aSect.myCoords << aCoords.at(j);
+ }
+ aPolylineData << aSect;
+ aPolylineObj->setPolylineData(aPolylineData);
+ theUpdateFlags = UF_Model;
aPolylineObj->SetVisibility( true );
- theUpdateFlags = UF_Model | UF_Viewer;
return true;
void HYDROGUI_PolylineOp::startOperation()
+ CurveCreator_Curve* anOldCurve = myCurve;
HYDROGUI_PolylineDlg* aPanel = (HYDROGUI_PolylineDlg*)inputPanel();
myEditedObject = Handle(HYDROData_Polyline)::DownCast( HYDROGUI_Tool::GetSelectedObject( module() ) );
if( !myEditedObject.IsNull() )
+ int anIntDim = myEditedObject->getDimension();
+ CurveCreator::Dimension aDim = CurveCreator::Dim3d;
+ if( anIntDim == 2 )
+ aDim = CurveCreator::Dim2d;
+ myCurve = new CurveCreator_Curve(aDim);
+ QList<PolylineSection> aPolylineData = myEditedObject->getPolylineData();
+ CurveCreator_CurveEditor* anEdit = new CurveCreator_CurveEditor(myCurve);
+ for( int i = 0 ; i < aPolylineData.size() ; i++ ){
+ std::string aName = HYDROGUI_Tool::ToQString(aPolylineData[i].mySectionName).toStdString();
+ bool isClosed = aPolylineData[i].myIsClosed;
+ CurveCreator::Type aType = CurveCreator::Polyline;
+ if( aPolylineData[i].myType == PolylineSection::SECTION_SPLINE ){
+ aType = CurveCreator::BSpline;
+ }
+ CurveCreator::Coordinates aCoords;
+ for( int j = 0 ; j < aPolylineData[i].myCoords.size() ; j++ ){
+ aCoords.push_back(aPolylineData[i].myCoords[j]);
+ }
+ anEdit->addSection( aName, aType, isClosed, aCoords );
+ }
+ delete anEdit;
+ aPanel->setPolylineName( myEditedObject->GetName() );
\ No newline at end of file
+ else{
+ myCurve = new CurveCreator_Curve(CurveCreator::Dim3d);
+ aPanel->setCurve(myCurve);
+ QString aNewName = HYDROGUI_Tool::GenerateObjectName( module(), tr("POLYLINE_PREFIX") );
+ aPanel->setPolylineName(aNewName);
+ }
+ aPanel->setCurve(myCurve);
+ if( anOldCurve )
+ delete anOldCurve;