import logging
import copy
import numpy
+import mimetypes
from daCore import Persistence
from daCore import PlatformInfo
from daCore import Templates
"Renvoie le script complet"
return self.__filestring
+# ==============================================================================
+class ImportDetector(object):
+ """
+ Détection des caractéristiques de fichiers ou objets en entrée
+ """
+ __slots__ = (
+ "__url", "__usr", "__root", "__end")
+ def __enter__(self): return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return False
+ #
+ def __init__(self, __url, UserMime=""):
+ if __url is None:
+ raise ValueError("The name or url of the file object has to be specified.")
+ if __url is bytes:
+ self.__url = __url.decode()
+ else:
+ self.__url = str(__url)
+ if UserMime is bytes:
+ self.__usr = UserMime.decode().lower()
+ else:
+ self.__usr = str(UserMime).lower()
+ (self.__root, self.__end) = os.path.splitext(self.__url)
+ #
+ mimetypes.add_type('application/numpy.npy', '.npy')
+ mimetypes.add_type('application/numpy.npz', '.npz')
+ #
+ # File related f
+ # ------------------
+ def is_local_file(self):
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.realpath(self.__url)):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def is_not_local_file(self):
+ if not os.path.isfile(os.path.realpath(self.__url)):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def raise_error_if_not_local_file(self):
+ if not os.path.isfile(os.path.realpath(self.__url)):
+ raise ValueError("The name or the url of the file object doesn't seem to exist. The given name is:\n \"%s\""%str(self.__url))
+ else:
+ return False
+ # Directory related tests
+ # -----------------------
+ def is_local_dir(self):
+ if os.path.isdir(self.__url):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def is_not_local_dir(self):
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.__url):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def raise_error_if_not_local_dir(self):
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.__url):
+ raise ValueError("The name or the url of the directory object doesn't seem to exist. The given name is:\n \"%s\""%str(self.__url))
+ else:
+ return False
+ # Mime related functions
+ # ------------------------
+ def get_standard_mime(self):
+ (__mtype, __encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(self.__url, strict=False)
+ return __mtype
+ def get_user_mime(self):
+ __fake = "fake."+self.__usr.lower()
+ (__mtype, __encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(__fake, strict=False)
+ return __mtype
+ def get_comprehensive_mime(self):
+ if self.get_standard_mime() is not None:
+ return self.get_standard_mime()
+ elif self.get_user_mime() is not None:
+ return self.get_user_mime()
+ else:
+ return None
+ # Name related functions
+ # ----------------------
+ def get_user_name(self):
+ return self.__url
+ def get_absolute_name(self):
+ return os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(self.__url))
+ def get_extension(self):
+ return self.__end
# ==============================================================================
class ImportFromFile(object):
les noms des variables de colonnes. Les commentaires commencent par un "#".
__slots__ = (
- "_filename", "_varsline", "_format", "_delimiter", "_skiprows",
- "__colnames", "__colindex", "__filestring", "__header", "__allowvoid")
+ "_filename", "_colnames", "_colindex", "_varsline", "_format",
+ "_delimiter", "_skiprows", "__url", "__filestring", "__header",
+ "__allowvoid")
def __enter__(self): return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return False
- AllowVoidNameList : permet, si la liste de noms est vide, de
prendre par défaut toutes les colonnes
- if Filename is None:
- raise ValueError("The name of the file, containing the variables to be read, has to be specified.")
- if not os.path.isfile(Filename):
- raise ValueError("The file, containing the variables to be read, doesn't seem to exist. The given file name is:\n \"%s\""%str(Filename))
- self._filename = os.path.abspath(Filename)
+ self.__url = ImportDetector( Filename, Format)
+ self.__url.raise_error_if_not_local_file()
+ self._filename = self.__url.get_absolute_name()
- self.__header, self._varsline, self._skiprows = self.__getentete(self._filename)
+ self._format = self.__url.get_comprehensive_mime()
- self._delimiter = None
- self.__filestring = "".join(self.__header)
- if Format.upper() == "GUESS":
- if self._filename.split(".")[-1].lower() == "npy":
- self._format = "NPY"
- elif self._filename.split(".")[-1].lower() == "npz":
- self._format = "NPZ"
- elif self.__filestring.count(",") > 1 and self._filename.split(".")[-1].lower() == "csv":
- self._format = "CSV"
- self._delimiter = ","
- elif self.__filestring.count(";") > 1 and self._filename.split(".")[-1].lower() == "csv":
- self._format = "CSV"
- self._delimiter = ";"
- elif self.__filestring.count("\t") > 1 and self._filename.split(".")[-1].lower() == "tsv":
- self._format = "TSV"
- self._delimiter = "\t"
- elif self.__filestring.count(" ") > 1 and self._filename.split(".")[-1].lower() == "txt":
- self._format = "TXT"
- else:
- raise ValueError("Can not guess the file format, please specify the good one")
- elif Format.upper() == "CSV" and self._delimiter is None:
- if self.__filestring.count(",") > 1 and self._filename.split(".")[-1].lower() == "csv":
- self._format = "CSV"
+ self.__header, self._varsline, self._skiprows = self.__getentete()
+ #
+ if self._format == "text/csv" or Format.upper() == "CSV":
+ self.__filestring = "".join(self.__header)
+ if self.__filestring.count(",") > 1:
self._delimiter = ","
- elif self.__filestring.count(";") > 1 and self._filename.split(".")[-1].lower() == "csv":
- self._format = "CSV"
+ elif self.__filestring.count(";") > 1:
self._delimiter = ";"
- elif Format.upper() == "TSV" and self._delimiter is None:
- self._format = "TSV"
+ elif self._format == "text/tab-separated-values" or Format.upper() == "TSV":
self._delimiter = "\t"
- self._format = str(Format).upper()
+ self._delimiter = None
- if ColNames is not None: self.__colnames = tuple(ColNames)
- else: self.__colnames = None
+ if ColNames is not None: self._colnames = tuple(ColNames)
+ else: self._colnames = None
- if ColIndex is not None: self.__colindex = str(ColIndex)
- else: self.__colindex = None
+ if ColIndex is not None: self._colindex = str(ColIndex)
+ else: self._colindex = None
self.__allowvoid = bool(AllowVoidNameList)
- def __getentete(self, __filename, __nblines = 3):
+ def __getentete(self, __nblines = 3):
"Lit l'entête du fichier pour trouver la définition des variables"
__header, __varsline, __skiprows = [], "", 1
- if __filename.split(".")[-1].lower() in ("npy", "npz"):
+ if self._format in ("application/numpy.npy", "application/numpy.npz"):
- with open(__filename,'r') as fid:
+ with open(self._filename,'r') as fid:
__line = fid.readline().strip()
while "#" in __line or len(__line) < 1:
def getvalue(self, ColNames=None, ColIndex=None ):
"Renvoie la ou les variables demandees par la liste de leurs noms"
# Uniquement si mise à jour
- if ColNames is not None: self.__colnames = tuple(ColNames)
- if ColIndex is not None: self.__colindex = str(ColIndex)
+ if ColNames is not None: self._colnames = tuple(ColNames)
+ if ColIndex is not None: self._colindex = str(ColIndex)
__index = None
- if self._format == "NPY":
+ if self._format == "application/numpy.npy":
__columns = numpy.load(self._filename)
- elif self._format == "NPZ":
+ elif self._format == "application/numpy.npz":
__columns = None
with numpy.load(self._filename) as __allcolumns:
- if self.__colnames is None:
- self.__colnames = __allcolumns.files
- for nom in self.__colnames:
+ if self._colnames is None:
+ self._colnames = __allcolumns.files
+ for nom in self._colnames:
if nom in __allcolumns.files:
if __columns is not None:
# Attention : toutes les variables doivent avoir la même taille
# Première colonne
__columns = numpy.reshape(__allcolumns[nom], (1,-1))
- if self.__colindex is not None and self.__colindex in __allcolumns.files:
- __index = numpy.array(numpy.reshape(__allcolumns[self.__colindex], (1,-1)), dtype=bytes)
- elif self._format == "TXT":
- __usecols, __useindex = self.__getindices(self.__colnames, self.__colindex)
+ if self._colindex is not None and self._colindex in __allcolumns.files:
+ __index = numpy.array(numpy.reshape(__allcolumns[self._colindex], (1,-1)), dtype=bytes)
+ elif self._format == "text/plain":
+ __usecols, __useindex = self.__getindices(self._colnames, self._colindex)
__columns = numpy.loadtxt(self._filename, usecols = __usecols, skiprows=self._skiprows)
if __useindex is not None:
__index = numpy.loadtxt(self._filename, dtype = bytes, usecols = (__useindex,), skiprows=self._skiprows)
- elif self._format == "CSV":
- __usecols, __useindex = self.__getindices(self.__colnames, self.__colindex, self._delimiter)
+ elif self._format == "text/csv":
+ __usecols, __useindex = self.__getindices(self._colnames, self._colindex, self._delimiter)
__columns = numpy.loadtxt(self._filename, usecols = __usecols, delimiter = self._delimiter, skiprows=self._skiprows)
if __useindex is not None:
__index = numpy.loadtxt(self._filename, dtype = bytes, usecols = (__useindex,), delimiter = self._delimiter, skiprows=self._skiprows)
- elif self._format == "TSV":
- __usecols, __useindex = self.__getindices(self.__colnames, self.__colindex, self._delimiter)
+ elif self._format == "text/tab-separated-values":
+ __usecols, __useindex = self.__getindices(self._colnames, self._colindex, self._delimiter)
__columns = numpy.loadtxt(self._filename, usecols = __usecols, delimiter = self._delimiter, skiprows=self._skiprows)
if __useindex is not None:
__index = numpy.loadtxt(self._filename, dtype = bytes, usecols = (__useindex,), delimiter = self._delimiter, skiprows=self._skiprows)
- raise ValueError("Unkown file format %s"%self._format)
+ raise ValueError("Unkown file format \"%s\""%self._format)
def toString(value):
if __index is not None:
__index = tuple([toString(v) for v in __index])
- return (self.__colnames, __columns, self.__colindex, __index)
+ return (self._colnames, __columns, self._colindex, __index)
def getstring(self):
"Renvoie le fichier complet"
def __init__(self, Filename=None, ColNames=None, ColIndex=None, Format="Guess"):
ImportFromFile.__init__(self, Filename, ColNames, ColIndex, Format)
- if self._format not in ["TXT", "CSV", "TSV"]:
+ if self._format not in ["text/plain", "text/csv", "text/tab-separated-values"]:
raise ValueError("Unkown file format \"%s\""%self._format)
def getvalue(self, VarNames = None, HeaderNames=()):
raise ValueError("Can not find names of columns for initial values. Wrong first line is:\n \"%s\""%__firstline)
- if self._format == "TXT":
+ if self._format == "text/plain":
__content = numpy.loadtxt(self._filename, dtype = __dtypes, usecols = __usecols, skiprows = self._skiprows, converters = __converters)
- elif self._format in ["CSV", "TSV"]:
+ elif self._format in ["text/csv", "text/tab-separated-values"]:
__content = numpy.loadtxt(self._filename, dtype = __dtypes, usecols = __usecols, skiprows = self._skiprows, converters = __converters, delimiter = self._delimiter)
raise ValueError("Unkown file format \"%s\""%self._format)