+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2010-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-This module is intended to provide Python API for building presentations
-typical for Post-Pro module (Scalar Map, Deformed Shape, Vectors, etc.)
-##from __future__ import print_function
-import os
-import re
-import warnings
-from math import sqrt, sin, cos, radians
-# Do not use pv as a short name.
-# It is a name of function from numpy and may be redefined implicitly by 'from numpy import *' call.
-# import pvsimple as pv
-import pvsimple as pvs
-# # TODO(MZN): to be removed (issue with Point Sprite texture)
-# #import paravisSM as sm
-# import paraview.simple as pvs
-# import paraview.servermanager as sm
-# Constants
-EPS = 1E-3
-FLT_MIN = 1E-37
-# Globals
-_current_bar = None
-_med_field_sep = '@@][@@'
-# Enumerations
-class PrsTypeEnum:
- """
- Post-Pro presentation types.
- """
- MESH = 0
- PLOT3D = 8
- _type2name = {MESH: 'Mesh',
- SCALARMAP: 'Scalar Map',
- ISOSURFACES: 'Iso Surfaces',
- CUTPLANES: 'Cut Planes',
- CUTLINES: 'Cut Lines',
- DEFORMEDSHAPE: 'Deformed Shape',
- DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP: 'Deformed Shape And Scalar Map',
- VECTORS: 'Vectors',
- PLOT3D: 'Plot3D',
- STREAMLINES: 'Stream Lines',
- GAUSSPOINTS: 'Gauss Points'}
- @classmethod
- def get_name(cls, type):
- """Return presentaion name by its type."""
- return cls._type2name[type]
-class EntityType:
- """
- Entity types.
- """
- NODE = 0
- CELL = 1
- _type2name = {NODE: 'P1',
- CELL: 'P0'}
- _name2type = {'P1': NODE,
- 'P0': CELL}
- _type2pvtype = {NODE: 'POINT_DATA',
- @classmethod
- def get_name(cls, type):
- """Return entity name (used in full group names) by its type."""
- return cls._type2name[type]
- @classmethod
- def get_type(cls, name):
- """Return entity type by its name (used in full group names)."""
- return cls._name2type[name]
- @classmethod
- def get_pvtype(cls, type):
- """Return entity type from ['CELL_DATA', 'POINT_DATA']"""
- return cls._type2pvtype[type]
-class Orientation:
- """Orientation types.
- Defines a set of plane orientation possibilities:
- AUTO: plane orientation should be calculated.
- XY: plane formed by X and Y axis.
- YZ: plane formed by Y and Z axis.
- ZX: plane formed by Z and X axis
- """
- AUTO = 0
- XY = 1
- YZ = 2
- ZX = 3
-class GlyphPos:
- """Glyph positions.
- Set of elements defining the position of the vector head:
- CENTER: in the center of the vector
- TAIL: in the tail of the vector
- HEAD: in the head of the vector
- """
- CENTER = 0
- TAIL = 1
- HEAD = 2
-class GaussType:
- """
- Gauss Points primitive types.
- """
- SPRITE = 0
- POINT = 1
- SPHERE = 2
- _type2mode = {SPRITE: 'Texture',
- POINT: 'SimplePoint',
- SPHERE: 'Sphere (Texture)'}
- @classmethod
- def get_mode(cls, type):
- """Return paraview point sprite mode by the primitive type."""
- return cls._type2mode[type]
-# Auxiliary functions
-def get_field_mesh_name(full_field_name):
- """Return mesh name of the field by its full name."""
- aList = full_field_name.split('/')
- if len(aList) >= 2 :
- field_name = full_field_name.split('/')[1]
- return field_name
-def get_field_entity(full_field_name):
- """Return entity type of the field by its full name."""
- aList = full_field_name.split(_med_field_sep)
- if len(aList) == 2 :
- entity_name = full_field_name.split(_med_field_sep)[-1]
- entity = EntityType.get_type(entity_name)
- return entity
-def get_field_short_name(full_field_name):
- """Return short name of the field by its full name."""
- aList = full_field_name.split('/')
- if len(aList) == 4 :
- short_name_with_type = full_field_name.split('/')[-1]
- short_name = short_name_with_type.split(_med_field_sep)[0]
- return short_name
-def find_mesh_full_name(proxy, short_mesh_name):
- """Return full mesh path by short mesh name, if found"""
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- all_mesh_names = get_mesh_full_names(proxy)
- for name in all_mesh_names:
- if short_mesh_name == get_field_short_name(name):
- return name
-def process_prs_for_test(prs, view, picture_name, show_bar=True):
- """Show presentation and record snapshot image.
- Arguments:
- prs: the presentation to show
- view: the render view
- picture_name: the full name of the graphics file to save
- show_bar: to show scalar bar or not
- """
- # Show the presentation only
- display_only(prs, view)
- # Show scalar bar
- global _current_bar
- if show_bar and _current_bar:
- _current_bar.Visibility = 1
- # Reset the view
- reset_view(view)
- # Create a directory for screenshot if necessary
- file_name = re.sub("\s+", "_", picture_name)
- pic_dir = os.path.dirname(picture_name)
- if not os.path.exists(pic_dir):
- os.makedirs(pic_dir)
- # Save picture
- print("Write image:", file_name)
- pvs.WriteImage(file_name, view=view, Magnification=1)
-def reset_view(view=None):
- """Reset the view.
- Set predefined (taken from Post-Pro) camera settings.
- If the view is not passed, the active view is used.
- """
- if not view:
- view = pvs.GetRenderView()
- # Camera preferences
- view.CameraFocalPoint = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- view.CameraViewUp = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
- view.CameraPosition = [738.946, -738.946, 738.946]
- # Turn on the headligth
- view.LightSwitch = 1
- view.LightIntensity = 0.5
- # Use parallel projection
- view.CameraParallelProjection = 1
- view.ResetCamera()
- pvs.Render(view=view)
-def hide_all(view, to_remove=False):
- """Hide all representations in the view."""
- if not view:
- view = pvs.GetRenderView()
- rep_list = view.Representations
- for rep in rep_list:
- if hasattr(rep, 'Visibility') and rep.Visibility != 0:
- rep.Visibility = 0
- if to_remove:
- view.Representations.remove(rep)
- pvs.Render(view=view)
-def display_only(prs, view=None):
- """Display only the given presentation in the view."""
- if not view:
- view = pvs.GetRenderView()
- rep_list = view.Representations
- for rep in rep_list:
- if hasattr(rep, 'Visibility'):
- rep.Visibility = (rep == prs)
- pvs.Render(view=view)
-def set_visible_lines(xy_prs, lines):
- """Set visible only the given lines for XYChartRepresentation."""
- sv = xy_prs.GetProperty("SeriesVisibility").GetData()
- visible = '0'
- for i in range(0, len(sv)):
- if i % 2 == 0:
- line_name = sv[i]
- if line_name in lines:
- visible = '1'
- else:
- visible = '0'
- else:
- sv[i] = visible
- xy_prs.SeriesVisibility = sv
-def check_vector_mode(vector_mode, nb_components):
- """Check vector mode.
- Check if vector mode is correct for the data array with the
- given number of components.
- Arguments:
- vector_mode: 'Magnitude', 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'
- nb_components: number of component in the data array
- Raises:
- ValueError: in case of the vector mode is unexistent
- or nonapplicable.
- """
- if vector_mode not in ('Magnitude', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'):
- raise ValueError("Unexistent vector mode: " + vector_mode)
- if ((nb_components == 1 and (vector_mode == 'Y' or vector_mode == 'Z')) or
- (nb_components == 2 and vector_mode == 'Z')):
- raise ValueError("Incorrect vector mode " + vector_mode + " for " +
- nb_components + "-component field")
-def get_vector_component(vector_mode):
- """Get vector component as ineger.
- Translate vector component notation from string
- to integer:
- 'Magnitude': -1
- 'X': 0
- 'Y': 1
- 'Z': 2
- """
- vcomponent = -1
- if vector_mode == 'X':
- vcomponent = 0
- elif vector_mode == 'Y':
- vcomponent = 1
- elif vector_mode == 'Z':
- vcomponent = 2
- return vcomponent
-def get_data_range(proxy, entity, field_name, vector_mode='Magnitude',
- cut_off=False):
- """Get data range for the field.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data array for the field
- entity: the field entity
- field_name: the field name
- vector_mode: the vector mode ('Magnitude', 'X', 'Y' or 'Z')
- Returns:
- Data range as [min, max]
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- entity_data_info = None
- field_data = proxy.GetFieldDataInformation()
- if field_name in list(field_data.keys()):
- entity_data_info = field_data
- elif entity == EntityType.CELL:
- entity_data_info = proxy.GetCellDataInformation()
- elif entity == EntityType.NODE:
- entity_data_info = proxy.GetPointDataInformation()
- data_range = []
- if field_name in list(entity_data_info.keys()):
- vcomp = get_vector_component(vector_mode)
- data_range = entity_data_info[field_name].GetComponentRange(vcomp)
- else:
- pv_entity = EntityType.get_pvtype(entity)
- warnings.warn("Field " + field_name +
- " is unknown for " + pv_entity + "!")
- # Cut off the range
- if cut_off and (data_range[0] <= data_range[1]):
- data_range = list(data_range)
- delta = abs(data_range[1] - data_range[0]) * GAP_COEFFICIENT
- data_range[0] += delta
- data_range[1] -= delta
- return data_range
-def get_bounds(proxy):
- """Get bounds of the proxy in 3D."""
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- dataInfo = proxy.GetDataInformation()
- bounds_info = dataInfo.GetBounds()
- return bounds_info
-def get_x_range(proxy):
- """Get X range of the proxy bounds in 3D."""
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- bounds_info = get_bounds(proxy)
- return bounds_info[0:2]
-def get_y_range(proxy):
- """Get Y range of the proxy bounds in 3D."""
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- bounds_info = get_bounds(proxy)
- return bounds_info[2:4]
-def get_z_range(proxy):
- """Get Z range of the proxy bounds in 3D."""
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- bounds_info = get_bounds(proxy)
- return bounds_info[4:6]
-def is_planar_input(proxy):
- """Check if the given input is planar."""
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- bounds_info = get_bounds(proxy)
- if (abs(bounds_info[0] - bounds_info[1]) <= FLT_MIN or
- abs(bounds_info[2] - bounds_info[3]) <= FLT_MIN or
- abs(bounds_info[4] - bounds_info[5]) <= FLT_MIN):
- return True
- return False
-def is_data_on_cells(proxy, field_name):
- """Check the existence of a field on cells with the given name."""
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- cell_data_info = proxy.GetCellDataInformation()
- return (field_name in list(cell_data_info.keys()))
-def is_empty(proxy):
- """Check if the object contains any points or cells.
- Returns:
- True: if the given proxy doesn't contain any points or cells
- False: otherwise
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- data_info = proxy.GetDataInformation()
- nb_cells = data_info.GetNumberOfCells()
- nb_points = data_info.GetNumberOfPoints()
- return not(nb_cells + nb_points)
-def get_orientation(proxy):
- """Get the optimum cutting plane orientation for Plot 3D."""
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- orientation = Orientation.XY
- bounds = get_bounds(proxy)
- delta = [bounds[1] - bounds[0],
- bounds[3] - bounds[2],
- bounds[5] - bounds[4]]
- if (delta[0] >= delta[1] and delta[0] >= delta[2]):
- if (delta[1] >= delta[2]):
- orientation = Orientation.XY
- else:
- orientation = Orientation.ZX
- elif (delta[1] >= delta[0] and delta[1] >= delta[2]):
- if (delta[0] >= delta[2]):
- orientation = Orientation.XY
- else:
- orientation = Orientation.YZ
- elif (delta[2] >= delta[0] and delta[2] >= delta[1]):
- if (delta[0] >= delta[1]):
- orientation = Orientation.ZX
- else:
- orientation = Orientation.YZ
- return orientation
-def dot_product(a, b):
- """Dot product of two 3-vectors."""
- dot = a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2]
- return dot
-def multiply3x3(a, b):
- """Mutltiply one 3x3 matrix by another."""
- c = [[0, 0, 0],
- [0, 0, 0],
- [0, 0, 0]]
- for i in range(3):
- c[0][i] = a[0][0] * b[0][i] + a[0][1] * b[1][i] + a[0][2] * b[2][i]
- c[1][i] = a[1][0] * b[0][i] + a[1][1] * b[1][i] + a[1][2] * b[2][i]
- c[2][i] = a[2][0] * b[0][i] + a[2][1] * b[1][i] + a[2][2] * b[2][i]
- return c
-def get_rx(ang):
- """Get X rotation matrix by angle."""
- rx = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- [0.0, cos(ang), -sin(ang)],
- [0.0, sin(ang), cos(ang)]]
- return rx
-def get_ry(ang):
- """Get Y rotation matrix by angle."""
- ry = [[cos(ang), 0.0, sin(ang)],
- [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
- [-sin(ang), 0.0, cos(ang)]]
- return ry
-def get_rz(ang):
- """Get Z rotation matrix by angle."""
- rz = [[cos(ang), -sin(ang), 0.0],
- [sin(ang), cos(ang), 0.0],
- [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
- return rz
-def get_normal_by_orientation(orientation, ang1=0, ang2=0):
- """Get normal for the plane by its orientation."""
- i_plane = 0
- rotation = [[], [], []]
- rx = ry = rz = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
- [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
- normal = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- if orientation == Orientation.XY:
- if abs(ang1) > EPS:
- rx = get_rx(ang1)
- if abs(ang2) > EPS:
- ry = get_ry(ang2)
- rotation = multiply3x3(rx, ry)
- i_plane = 2
- elif orientation == Orientation.ZX:
- if abs(ang1) > EPS:
- rz = get_rz(ang1)
- if abs(ang2) > EPS:
- rx = get_rx(ang2)
- rotation = multiply3x3(rz, rx)
- i_plane = 1
- elif orientation == Orientation.YZ:
- if abs(ang1) > EPS:
- ry = get_ry(ang1)
- if abs(ang2) > EPS:
- rz = get_rz(ang2)
- rotation = multiply3x3(ry, rz)
- i_plane = 0
- for i in range(0, 3):
- normal[i] = rotation[i][i_plane]
- return normal
-def get_bound_project(bound_box, dir):
- """Get bounds projection"""
- bound_points = [[bound_box[0], bound_box[2], bound_box[4]],
- [bound_box[1], bound_box[2], bound_box[4]],
- [bound_box[0], bound_box[3], bound_box[4]],
- [bound_box[1], bound_box[3], bound_box[4]],
- [bound_box[0], bound_box[2], bound_box[5]],
- [bound_box[1], bound_box[2], bound_box[5]],
- [bound_box[0], bound_box[3], bound_box[5]],
- [bound_box[1], bound_box[3], bound_box[5]]]
- bound_prj = [0, 0, 0]
- bound_prj[0] = dot_product(dir, bound_points[0])
- bound_prj[1] = bound_prj[0]
- for i in range(1, 8):
- tmp = dot_product(dir, bound_points[i])
- if bound_prj[1] < tmp:
- bound_prj[1] = tmp
- if bound_prj[0] > tmp:
- bound_prj[0] = tmp
- bound_prj[2] = bound_prj[1] - bound_prj[0]
- bound_prj[1] = bound_prj[0] + (1.0 - EPS) * bound_prj[2]
- bound_prj[0] = bound_prj[0] + EPS * bound_prj[2]
- bound_prj[2] = bound_prj[1] - bound_prj[0]
- return bound_prj
-def get_positions(nb_planes, dir, bounds, displacement):
- """Compute plane positions."""
- positions = []
- bound_prj = get_bound_project(bounds, dir)
- if nb_planes > 1:
- step = bound_prj[2] / (nb_planes - 1)
- abs_displacement = step * displacement
- start_pos = bound_prj[0] - 0.5 * step + abs_displacement
- for i in range(nb_planes):
- pos = start_pos + i * step
- positions.append(pos)
- else:
- pos = bound_prj[0] + bound_prj[2] * displacement
- positions.append(pos)
- return positions
-def get_contours(scalar_range, nb_contours):
- """Generate contour values."""
- contours = []
- for i in range(nb_contours):
- pos = scalar_range[0] + i * (
- scalar_range[1] - scalar_range[0]) / (nb_contours - 1)
- contours.append(pos)
- return contours
-def get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name):
- """Return number of components for the field."""
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- entity_data_info = None
- field_data = proxy.GetFieldDataInformation()
- if field_name in list(field_data.keys()):
- entity_data_info = field_data
- elif entity == EntityType.CELL:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_cells=[field_name])
- entity_data_info = proxy.GetCellDataInformation()
- elif entity == EntityType.NODE:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_points=[field_name])
- entity_data_info = proxy.GetPointDataInformation()
- nb_comp = None
- if field_name in list(entity_data_info.keys()):
- nb_comp = entity_data_info[field_name].GetNumberOfComponents()
- else:
- pv_entity = EntityType.get_pvtype(entity)
- raise ValueError("Field " + field_name +
- " is unknown for " + pv_entity + "!")
- return nb_comp
-def get_scale_factor(proxy):
- """Compute scale factor."""
- if not proxy:
- return 0.0
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- data_info = proxy.GetDataInformation()
- nb_cells = data_info.GetNumberOfCells()
- nb_points = data_info.GetNumberOfPoints()
- nb_elements = nb_cells if nb_cells > 0 else nb_points
- bounds = get_bounds(proxy)
- volume = 1
- vol = dim = 0
- for i in range(0, 6, 2):
- vol = abs(bounds[i + 1] - bounds[i])
- if vol > 0:
- dim += 1
- volume *= vol
- if nb_elements == 0 or dim < 1 / VTK_LARGE_FLOAT:
- return 0
- volume /= nb_elements
- return pow(volume, 1 / dim)
-def get_default_scale(prs_type, proxy, entity, field_name):
- """Get default scale factor."""
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- data_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity, field_name)
- if prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE:
- if abs(data_range[1]) > EPS:
- scale_factor = get_scale_factor(proxy)
- return scale_factor / data_range[1]
- elif prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D:
- bounds = get_bounds(proxy)
- length = sqrt((bounds[1] - bounds[0]) ** 2 +
- (bounds[3] - bounds[2]) ** 2 +
- (bounds[5] - bounds[4]) ** 2)
- EPS = 0.3
- if data_range[1] > 0:
- return length / data_range[1] * EPS
- return 0
-def get_calc_magnitude(proxy, array_entity, array_name):
- """Compute magnitude for the given vector array via Calculator.
- Returns:
- the calculator object.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- calculator = None
- # Transform vector array to scalar array if possible
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, array_entity, array_name)
- if (nb_components > 1):
- calculator = pvs.Calculator(proxy)
- attribute_mode = "Point Data"
- if array_entity != EntityType.NODE:
- attribute_mode = "Cell Data"
- calculator.AttributeMode = attribute_mode
- if (nb_components == 2):
- # Workaroud: calculator unable to compute magnitude
- # if number of components equal to 2
- func = "sqrt(" + array_name + "_X^2+" + array_name + "_Y^2)"
- calculator.Function = func
- else:
- calculator.Function = "mag(" + array_name + ")"
- calculator.ResultArrayName = array_name + "_magnitude"
- calculator.UpdatePipeline()
- return calculator
-def get_add_component_calc(proxy, array_entity, array_name):
- """Creates 3-component array from 2-component.
- The first two components is from the original array. The 3rd component
- is zero.
- If the number of components is not equal to 2 - return original array name.
- Returns:
- the calculator object.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- calculator = None
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, array_entity, array_name)
- if nb_components == 2:
- calculator = pvs.Calculator(proxy)
- attribute_mode = "Point Data"
- if array_entity != EntityType.NODE:
- attribute_mode = "Cell Data"
- calculator.AttributeMode = attribute_mode
- expression = "iHat * " + array_name + "_X + jHat * " + array_name + "_Y + kHat * 0"
- calculator.Function = expression
- calculator.ResultArrayName = array_name + "_3c"
- calculator.UpdatePipeline()
- return calculator
-def select_all_cells(proxy):
- """Select all cell types.
- Used in creation of mesh/submesh presentation.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- extractCT = pvs.ExtractCellType()
- extractCT.AllGeoTypes = extractCT.GetProperty("GeoTypesInfo")[::2]
- extractCT.UpdatePipelineInformation()
-def select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_points=[], on_cells=[], on_gauss=[]):
- """Select cell types with data.
- Only cell types with data for the given fields will be selected.
- If no fields defined (neither on points nor on cells) only cell
- types with data for even one field (from available) will be selected.
- """
- if not proxy.GetProperty("FieldsTreeInfo"):
- return
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- if not hasattr(proxy, 'Entity'):
- fields_info = proxy.GetProperty("FieldsTreeInfo")[::2]
- arr_name_with_dis=[elt.split("/")[-1] for elt in fields_info]
- fields = []
- for name in on_gauss:
- fields.append(name+_med_field_sep+'GAUSS')
- for name in on_cells:
- fields.append(name+_med_field_sep+'P0')
- for name in on_points:
- fields.append(name+_med_field_sep+'P1')
- field_list = []
- for name in fields:
- if arr_name_with_dis.count(name) > 0:
- index = arr_name_with_dis.index(name)
- field_list.append(fields_info[index])
- if field_list:
- proxy.AllArrays = field_list
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- return len(field_list) != 0
- # TODO: VTN. Looks like this code is out of date.
- #all_cell_types = proxy.CellTypes.Available
- all_cell_types = proxy.Entity.Available
- all_arrays = list(proxy.CellArrays.GetData())
- all_arrays.extend(proxy.PointArrays.GetData())
- if not all_arrays:
- file_name = proxy.FileName.split(os.sep)[-1]
- print("Warning: " + file_name + " doesn't contain any data array.")
- # List of cell types to be selected
- cell_types_on = []
- for cell_type in all_cell_types:
- #proxy.CellTypes = [cell_type]
- proxy.Entity = [cell_type]
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- cell_arrays = list(proxy.GetCellDataInformation().keys())
- point_arrays = list(proxy.GetPointDataInformation().keys())
- if on_points or on_cells:
- if on_points is None:
- on_points = []
- if on_cells is None:
- on_cells = []
- if (all(array in cell_arrays for array in on_cells) and
- all(array in point_arrays for array in on_points)):
- # Add cell type to the list
- cell_types_on.append(cell_type)
- else:
- in_arrays = lambda array: ((array in cell_arrays) or
- (array in point_arrays))
- if any(in_arrays(array) for array in all_arrays):
- cell_types_on.append(cell_type)
- # Select cell types
- #proxy.CellTypes = cell_types_on
- proxy.Entity = cell_types_on
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
-def if_possible(proxy, field_name, entity, prs_type, extrGrps=None):
- """Check if the presentation creation is possible on the given field."""
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- result = True
- if (prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE or
- prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP or
- prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS or
- prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES):
- nb_comp = get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name)
- result = (nb_comp > 1)
- elif (prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.GAUSSPOINTS):
- result = (entity == EntityType.CELL or
- field_name in proxy.QuadraturePointArrays.Available)
- elif (prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.MESH):
- result = len(get_group_names(extrGrps)) > 0
- return result
-def add_scalar_bar(field_name, nb_components,
- vector_mode, lookup_table, time_value):
- """Add scalar bar with predefined properties."""
- global _current_bar
- # Construct bar title
- title = "\n".join([field_name, str(time_value)])
- if nb_components > 1:
- title = "\n".join([title, vector_mode])
- # Create scalar bar
- scalar_bar = pvs.CreateScalarBar(Enabled=1)
- scalar_bar.Orientation = 'Vertical'
- scalar_bar.Title = title
- scalar_bar.LookupTable = lookup_table
- # Set default properties same as in Post-Pro
- # NumberOfLabels removed (see commit ff8f9cb6 in PARAVIEW)
- # scalar_bar.NumberOfLabels = 5
- scalar_bar.AutomaticLabelFormat = 0
- scalar_bar.LabelFormat = '%-#6.6g'
- # Title
- scalar_bar.TitleFontFamily = 'Arial'
- scalar_bar.TitleFontSize = 8
- scalar_bar.TitleBold = 1
- scalar_bar.TitleItalic = 1
- scalar_bar.TitleShadow = 1
- # Labels
- scalar_bar.LabelFontFamily = 'Arial'
- scalar_bar.LabelFontSize = 8
- scalar_bar.LabelBold = 1
- scalar_bar.LabelItalic = 1
- scalar_bar.LabelShadow = 1
- # Add the scalar bar to the view
- pvs.GetRenderView().Representations.append(scalar_bar)
- # Reassign the current bar
- _current_bar = scalar_bar
- return _current_bar
-def get_bar():
- """Get current scalar bar."""
- return _current_bar
-def get_lookup_table(field_name, nb_components, vector_mode='Magnitude'):
- """Get lookup table for the given field."""
- lookup_table = pvs.GetLookupTableForArray(field_name, nb_components)
- if vector_mode == 'Magnitude':
- lookup_table.VectorMode = vector_mode
- elif vector_mode == 'X':
- lookup_table.VectorMode = 'Component'
- lookup_table.VectorComponent = 0
- elif vector_mode == 'Y':
- lookup_table.VectorMode = 'Component'
- lookup_table.VectorComponent = 1
- elif vector_mode == 'Z':
- lookup_table.VectorMode = 'Component'
- lookup_table.VectorComponent = 2
- else:
- raise ValueError("Incorrect vector mode: " + vector_mode)
- lookup_table.Discretize = 0
- lookup_table.ColorSpace = 'HSV'
- if hasattr(lookup_table,"LockDataRange"):
- lookup_table.LockDataRange = 0
- elif hasattr(lookup_table,"LockScalarRange"):
- lookup_table.LockScalarRange = 0
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Object %s has no 'LockDataRange' or 'LockScalarRange' attribute!"%(lookup_table))
- return lookup_table
-def get_group_mesh_name(full_group_name):
- """Return mesh name of the group by its full name."""
- aList = full_group_name.split('/')
- if len(aList) >= 2 :
- group_name = full_group_name.split('/')[1]
- return group_name
-def get_group_entity(full_group_name):
- """Return entity type of the group by its full name."""
- aList = full_group_name.split('/')
- if len(aList) >= 3 :
- entity_name = full_group_name.split('/')[2]
- entity = EntityType.get_type(entity_name)
- return entity
-def get_group_short_name(full_group_name):
- """Return short name of the group by its full name."""
- short_name = re.sub('^GRP_', '', full_group_name)
- return short_name
-def get_mesh_full_names(proxy):
- """Return all mesh names in the given proxy as a set."""
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- fields = proxy.GetProperty("FieldsTreeInfo")[::2]
- mesh_full_names = set([item for item in fields if get_field_mesh_name(item) == get_field_short_name(item)])
- return mesh_full_names
-def get_group_names(extrGrps):
- """Return full names of all groups of the given 'ExtractGroup' filter object.
- """
- group_names = [x for x in list(extrGrps.GetProperty("GroupsFlagsInfo")[::2]) if x[:4]=="GRP_"]
- return group_names
-def get_time(proxy, timestamp_nb):
- """Get time value by timestamp number."""
- #proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- # Check timestamp number
- timestamps = []
- if (hasattr(proxy, 'TimestepValues')):
- timestamps = proxy.TimestepValues.GetData()
- elif (hasattr(proxy.Input, 'TimestepValues')):
- timestamps = proxy.Input.TimestepValues.GetData()
- length = len(timestamps)
- if (timestamp_nb > 0 and (timestamp_nb - 1) not in range(length) ) or (timestamp_nb < 0 and -timestamp_nb > length):
- raise ValueError("Timestamp number is out of range: " + str(timestamp_nb))
- if not timestamps:
- return 0.0
- # Return time value
- if timestamp_nb > 0:
- return timestamps[timestamp_nb - 1]
- else:
- return timestamps[timestamp_nb]
-def create_prs(prs_type, proxy, field_entity, field_name, timestamp_nb):
- """Auxiliary function.
- Build presentation of the given type on the given field and
- timestamp number.
- Set the presentation properties like visu.CreatePrsForResult() do.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- prs = None
- if prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.SCALARMAP:
- prs = ScalarMapOnField(proxy, field_entity, field_name, timestamp_nb)
- elif prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.CUTPLANES:
- prs = CutPlanesOnField(proxy, field_entity, field_name, timestamp_nb,
- orientation=Orientation.ZX)
- elif prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.CUTLINES:
- prs = CutLinesOnField(proxy, field_entity, field_name, timestamp_nb,
- orientation1=Orientation.XY,
- orientation2=Orientation.ZX)
- elif prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE:
- prs = DeformedShapeOnField(proxy, field_entity,
- field_name, timestamp_nb)
- elif prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPESCALARMAP:
- prs = DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(proxy, field_entity,
- field_name, timestamp_nb)
- elif prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.VECTORS:
- prs = VectorsOnField(proxy, field_entity, field_name, timestamp_nb)
- elif prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D:
- prs = Plot3DOnField(proxy, field_entity, field_name, timestamp_nb)
- elif prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.ISOSURFACES:
- prs = IsoSurfacesOnField(proxy, field_entity, field_name, timestamp_nb)
- elif prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.GAUSSPOINTS:
- prs = GaussPointsOnField(proxy, field_entity, field_name, timestamp_nb)
- elif prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.STREAMLINES:
- prs = StreamLinesOnField(proxy, field_entity, field_name, timestamp_nb)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Unexistent presentation type.")
- return prs
-# Functions for building Post-Pro presentations
-def ScalarMapOnField(proxy, entity, field_name, timestamp_nb,
- vector_mode='Magnitude'):
- """Creates Scalar Map presentation on the given field.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data
- entity: the entity type from PrsTypeEnum
- field_name: the field name
- timestamp_nb: the number of time step (1, 2, ...)
- vector_mode: the mode of transformation of vector values
- into scalar values, applicable only if the field contains vector values.
- Possible modes: 'Magnitude', 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'.
- Returns:
- Scalar Map as representation object.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- # We don't need mesh parts with no data on them
- if entity == EntityType.NODE:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_points=[field_name])
- else:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_cells=[field_name])
- # Check vector mode
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name)
- check_vector_mode(vector_mode, nb_components)
- # Get time value
- time_value = get_time(proxy, timestamp_nb)
- # Set timestamp
- pvs.GetRenderView().ViewTime = time_value
- pvs.UpdatePipeline(time_value, proxy)
- # Get Scalar Map representation object
- scalarmap = pvs.GetRepresentation(proxy)
- # Get lookup table
- lookup_table = get_lookup_table(field_name, nb_components, vector_mode)
- # Set field range if necessary
- data_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity,
- field_name, vector_mode)
- if hasattr(lookup_table,"LockDataRange"):
- lookup_table.LockDataRange = 1
- elif hasattr(lookup_table,"LockScalarRange"):
- lookup_table.LockScalarRange = 1
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Object %s has no 'LockDataRange' or 'LockScalarRange' attribute!"%(lookup_table))
- lookup_table.RGBPoints = [data_range[0], 0, 0, 1, data_range[1], 1, 0, 0]
- # Set properties
- pvs.ColorBy(scalarmap, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), field_name))
- scalarmap.LookupTable = lookup_table
- # Add scalar bar
- bar_title = field_name + ", " + str(time_value)
- if (nb_components > 1):
- bar_title += "\n" + vector_mode
- add_scalar_bar(field_name, nb_components, vector_mode,
- lookup_table, time_value)
- return scalarmap
-def CutPlanesOnField(proxy, entity, field_name, timestamp_nb,
- nb_planes=10, orientation=Orientation.YZ,
- angle1=0, angle2=0,
- displacement=0.5, vector_mode='Magnitude'):
- """Creates Cut Planes presentation on the given field.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data
- entity: the entity type from PrsTypeEnum
- field_name: the field name
- timestamp_nb: the number of time step (1, 2, ...)
- nb_planes: number of cutting planes
- orientation: cutting planes orientation in 3D space
- angle1: rotation of the planes in 3d space around the first axis of the
- selected orientation (X axis for XY, Y axis for YZ, Z axis for ZX).
- The angle of rotation is set in degrees. Acceptable range: [-45, 45].
- angle2: rotation of the planes in 3d space around the second axis of the
- selected orientation. Acceptable range: [-45, 45].
- displacement: the displacement of the planes into one or another side
- vector_mode: the mode of transformation of vector values
- into scalar values, applicable only if the field contains vector values.
- Possible modes: 'Magnitude', 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'.
- Returns:
- Cut Planes as representation object.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- if entity == EntityType.NODE:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_points=[field_name])
- else:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_cells=[field_name])
- # Check vector mode
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name)
- check_vector_mode(vector_mode, nb_components)
- # Get time value
- time_value = get_time(proxy, timestamp_nb)
- # Set timestamp
- pvs.GetRenderView().ViewTime = time_value
- pvs.UpdatePipeline(time_value, proxy)
- # Create slice filter
- slice_filter = pvs.Slice(proxy)
- slice_filter.SliceType = "Plane"
- # Set cut planes normal
- normal = get_normal_by_orientation(orientation,
- radians(angle1), radians(angle2))
- slice_filter.SliceType.Normal = normal
- # Set cut planes positions
- positions = get_positions(nb_planes, normal,
- get_bounds(proxy), displacement)
- slice_filter.SliceOffsetValues = positions
- # Get Cut Planes representation object
- cut_planes = pvs.GetRepresentation(slice_filter)
- # Get lookup table
- lookup_table = get_lookup_table(field_name, nb_components, vector_mode)
- # Set field range if necessary
- data_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity,
- field_name, vector_mode)
- if hasattr(lookup_table,"LockDataRange"):
- lookup_table.LockDataRange = 1
- elif hasattr(lookup_table,"LockScalarRange"):
- lookup_table.LockScalarRange = 1
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Object %s has no 'LockDataRange' or 'LockScalarRange' attribute!"%(lookup_table))
- lookup_table.RGBPoints = [data_range[0], 0, 0, 1, data_range[1], 1, 0, 0]
- # Set properties
- pvs.ColorBy(cut_planes, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), field_name))
- cut_planes.LookupTable = lookup_table
- # Add scalar bar
- add_scalar_bar(field_name, nb_components,
- vector_mode, lookup_table, time_value)
- return cut_planes
-def CutLinesOnField(proxy, entity, field_name, timestamp_nb,
- nb_lines=10,
- orientation1=Orientation.XY,
- base_angle1=0, base_angle2=0,
- orientation2=Orientation.YZ,
- cut_angle1=0, cut_angle2=0,
- displacement1=0.5, displacement2=0.5,
- generate_curves=False,
- vector_mode='Magnitude'):
- """Creates Cut Lines presentation on the given field.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data
- entity: the entity type from PrsTypeEnum
- field_name: the field name
- timestamp_nb: the number of time step (1, 2, ...)
- nb_lines: number of lines
- orientation1: base plane orientation in 3D space
- base_angle1: rotation of the base plane in 3d space around the first
- axis of the orientation1 (X axis for XY, Y axis for YZ, Z axis for ZX).
- The angle of rotation is set in degrees. Acceptable range: [-45, 45].
- base_angle2: rotation of the base plane in 3d space around the second
- axis of the orientation1. Acceptable range: [-45, 45].
- orientation2: cutting planes orientation in 3D space
- cut_angle1: rotation of the cut planes in 3d space around the first
- axis of the orientation2. Acceptable range: [-45, 45].
- cut_angle2: rotation of the cuting planes in 3d space around the second
- axis of the orientation2. Acceptable range: [-45, 45].
- displacement1: base plane displacement
- displacement2: cutting planes displacement
- generate_curves: if true, 'PlotOverLine' filter will be created
- for each cut line
- vector_mode: the mode of transformation of vector values
- into scalar values, applicable only if the field contains vector values.
- Possible modes: 'Magnitude', 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'.
- Returns:
- Cut Lines as representation object if generate_curves == False,
- (Cut Lines as representation object, list of 'PlotOverLine') otherwise
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- if entity == EntityType.NODE:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_points=[field_name])
- else:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_cells=[field_name])
- # Check vector mode
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name)
- check_vector_mode(vector_mode, nb_components)
- # Get time value
- time_value = get_time(proxy, timestamp_nb)
- # Set timestamp
- pvs.GetRenderView().ViewTime = time_value
- pvs.UpdatePipeline(time_value, proxy)
- # Create base plane
- base_plane = pvs.Slice(proxy)
- base_plane.SliceType = "Plane"
- # Set base plane normal
- base_normal = get_normal_by_orientation(orientation1,
- radians(base_angle1),
- radians(base_angle2))
- base_plane.SliceType.Normal = base_normal
- # Set base plane position
- base_position = get_positions(1, base_normal,
- get_bounds(proxy), displacement1)
- base_plane.SliceOffsetValues = base_position
- # Check base plane
- base_plane.UpdatePipeline()
- if (base_plane.GetDataInformation().GetNumberOfCells() == 0):
- base_plane = proxy
- # Create cutting planes
- cut_planes = pvs.Slice(base_plane)
- cut_planes.SliceType = "Plane"
- # Set cutting planes normal and get positions
- cut_normal = get_normal_by_orientation(orientation2,
- radians(cut_angle1),
- radians(cut_angle2))
- cut_planes.SliceType.Normal = cut_normal
- # Set cutting planes position
- cut_positions = get_positions(nb_lines, cut_normal,
- get_bounds(base_plane), displacement2)
- # Generate curves
- curves = []
- if generate_curves:
- index = 0
- for pos in cut_positions:
- # Get points for plot over line objects
- cut_planes.SliceOffsetValues = pos
- cut_planes.UpdatePipeline()
- bounds = get_bounds(cut_planes)
- point1 = [bounds[0], bounds[2], bounds[4]]
- point2 = [bounds[1], bounds[3], bounds[5]]
- # Create plot over line filter
- pol = pvs.PlotOverLine(cut_planes,
- Source="High Resolution Line Source")
- pvs.RenameSource('Y' + str(index), pol)
- pol.Source.Point1 = point1
- pol.Source.Point2 = point2
- pol.UpdatePipeline()
- curves.append(pol)
- index += 1
- cut_planes.SliceOffsetValues = cut_positions
- cut_planes.UpdatePipeline()
- # Get Cut Lines representation object
- cut_lines = pvs.GetRepresentation(cut_planes)
- # Get lookup table
- lookup_table = get_lookup_table(field_name, nb_components, vector_mode)
- # Set field range if necessary
- data_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity,
- field_name, vector_mode)
- if hasattr(lookup_table,"LockDataRange"):
- lookup_table.LockDataRange = 1
- elif hasattr(lookup_table,"LockScalarRange"):
- lookup_table.LockScalarRange = 1
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Object %s has no 'LockDataRange' or 'LockScalarRange' attribute!"%(lookup_table))
- lookup_table.RGBPoints = [data_range[0], 0, 0, 1, data_range[1], 1, 0, 0]
- # Set properties
- pvs.ColorBy(cut_lines, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), field_name))
- cut_lines.LookupTable = lookup_table
- # Set wireframe represenatation mode
- cut_lines.Representation = 'Wireframe'
- # Add scalar bar
- add_scalar_bar(field_name, nb_components,
- vector_mode, lookup_table, time_value)
- result = cut_lines
- # If curves were generated return tuple (cut lines, list of curves)
- if curves:
- result = cut_lines, curves
- return result
-def CutSegmentOnField(proxy, entity, field_name, timestamp_nb,
- point1, point2, vector_mode='Magnitude'):
- """Creates Cut Segment presentation on the given field.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data
- entity: the entity type from PrsTypeEnum
- field_name: the field name
- timestamp_nb: the number of time step (1, 2, ...)
- point1: set the first point of the segment (as [x, y, z])
- point1: set the second point of the segment (as [x, y, z])
- vector_mode: the mode of transformation of vector values
- into scalar values, applicable only if the field contains vector values.
- Possible modes: 'Magnitude', 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'.
- Returns:
- Cut Segment as 3D representation object.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- if entity == EntityType.NODE:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_points=[field_name])
- else:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_cells=[field_name])
- # Check vector mode
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name)
- check_vector_mode(vector_mode, nb_components)
- # Get time value
- time_value = get_time(proxy, timestamp_nb)
- # Set timestamp
- pvs.GetRenderView().ViewTime = time_value
- pvs.UpdatePipeline(time_value, proxy)
- # Create plot over line filter
- pol = pvs.PlotOverLine(proxy, Source="High Resolution Line Source")
- pol.Source.Point1 = point1
- pol.Source.Point2 = point2
- pol.UpdatePipeline()
- # Get Cut Segment representation object
- cut_segment = pvs.GetRepresentation(pol)
- # Get lookup table
- lookup_table = get_lookup_table(field_name, nb_components, vector_mode)
- # Set field range if necessary
- data_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity,
- field_name, vector_mode)
- if hasattr(lookup_table,"LockDataRange"):
- lookup_table.LockDataRange = 1
- elif hasattr(lookup_table,"LockScalarRange"):
- lookup_table.LockScalarRange = 1
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Object %s has no 'LockDataRange' or 'LockScalarRange' attribute!"%(lookup_table))
- lookup_table.RGBPoints = [data_range[0], 0, 0, 1, data_range[1], 1, 0, 0]
- # Set properties
- pvs.ColorBy(cut_segment, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), field_name))
- cut_segment.LookupTable = lookup_table
- # Set wireframe represenatation mode
- cut_segment.Representation = 'Wireframe'
- # Add scalar bar
- add_scalar_bar(field_name, nb_components,
- vector_mode, lookup_table, time_value)
- return cut_segment
-def VectorsOnField(proxy, entity, field_name, timestamp_nb,
- scale_factor=None,
- glyph_pos=GlyphPos.TAIL, glyph_type='2D Glyph',
- is_colored=False, vector_mode='Magnitude'):
- """Creates Vectors presentation on the given field.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data
- entity: the entity type from PrsTypeEnum
- field_name: the field name
- timestamp_nb: the number of time step (1, 2, ...)
- scale_factor: scale factor
- glyph_pos: the position of glyphs
- glyph_type: the type of glyphs
- is_colored: this option allows to color the presentation according to
- the corresponding data array values
- vector_mode: the mode of transformation of vector values
- into scalar values, applicable only if the field contains vector values.
- Possible modes: 'Magnitude', 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'.
- Returns:
- Vectors as representation object.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- if entity == EntityType.NODE:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_points=[field_name])
- else:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_cells=[field_name])
- # Check vector mode
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name)
- check_vector_mode(vector_mode, nb_components)
- # Get time value
- time_value = get_time(proxy, timestamp_nb)
- # Set timestamp
- pvs.GetRenderView().ViewTime = time_value
- pvs.UpdatePipeline(time_value, proxy)
- # Extract only groups with data for the field
- source = proxy
- # Cell centers
- if is_data_on_cells(proxy, field_name):
- cell_centers = pvs.CellCenters(source)
- cell_centers.VertexCells = 1
- source = cell_centers
- vector_array = field_name
- # If the given vector array has only 2 components, add the third one
- if nb_components == 2:
- calc = get_add_component_calc(source, EntityType.NODE, field_name)
- vector_array = calc.ResultArrayName
- source = calc
- # Glyph
- glyph = pvs.Glyph(source)
- glyph.Vectors = vector_array
- glyph.ScaleMode = 'vector'
- #glyph.MaskPoints = 0
- # Set glyph type
- glyph.GlyphType = glyph_type
- if glyph_type == '2D Glyph':
- glyph.GlyphType.GlyphType = 'Arrow'
- elif glyph_type == 'Cone':
- glyph.GlyphType.Resolution = 7
- glyph.GlyphType.Height = 2
- glyph.GlyphType.Radius = 0.2
- # Set glyph position if possible
- if glyph.GlyphType.GetProperty("Center"):
- if (glyph_pos == GlyphPos.TAIL):
- glyph.GlyphType.Center = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]
- elif (glyph_pos == GlyphPos.HEAD):
- glyph.GlyphType.Center = [-0.5, 0.0, 0.0]
- elif (glyph_pos == GlyphPos.CENTER):
- glyph.GlyphType.Center = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- if scale_factor is not None:
- glyph.ScaleFactor = scale_factor
- else:
- def_scale = get_default_scale(PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE,
- proxy, entity, field_name)
- glyph.ScaleFactor = def_scale
- glyph.UpdatePipeline()
- # Get Vectors representation object
- vectors = pvs.GetRepresentation(glyph)
- # Get lookup table
- lookup_table = get_lookup_table(field_name, nb_components, vector_mode)
- # Set field range if necessary
- data_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity,
- field_name, vector_mode)
- if hasattr(lookup_table,"LockDataRange"):
- lookup_table.LockDataRange = 1
- elif hasattr(lookup_table,"LockScalarRange"):
- lookup_table.LockScalarRange = 1
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Object %s has no 'LockDataRange' or 'LockScalarRange' attribute!"%(lookup_table))
- lookup_table.RGBPoints = [data_range[0], 0, 0, 1, data_range[1], 1, 0, 0]
- # Set properties
- if (is_colored):
- pvs.ColorBy(vectors, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), 'GlyphVector'))
- else:
- pvs.ColorBy(vectors, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), None))
- vectors.LookupTable = lookup_table
- vectors.LineWidth = 1.0
- # Set wireframe represenatation mode
- vectors.Representation = 'Wireframe'
- # Add scalar bar
- add_scalar_bar(field_name, nb_components,
- vector_mode, lookup_table, time_value)
- return vectors
-def DeformedShapeOnField(proxy, entity, field_name,
- timestamp_nb,
- scale_factor=None, is_colored=False,
- vector_mode='Magnitude'):
- """Creates Defromed Shape presentation on the given field.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data
- entity: the entity type from PrsTypeEnum
- field_name: the field name
- timestamp_nb: the number of time step (1, 2, ...)
- scale_factor: scale factor of the deformation
- is_colored: this option allows to color the presentation according to
- the corresponding data array values
- vector_mode: the mode of transformation of vector values
- into scalar values, applicable only if the field contains vector values.
- Possible modes: 'Magnitude', 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'.
- Returns:
- Defromed Shape as representation object.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- # We don't need mesh parts with no data on them
- if entity == EntityType.NODE:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_points=[field_name])
- else:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_cells=[field_name])
- # Check vector mode
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name)
- check_vector_mode(vector_mode, nb_components)
- # Get time value
- time_value = get_time(proxy, timestamp_nb)
- # Set timestamp
- pvs.GetRenderView().ViewTime = time_value
- pvs.UpdatePipeline(time_value, proxy)
- # Do merge
- source = pvs.MergeBlocks(proxy)
- pvs.UpdatePipeline()
- # Cell data to point data
- if is_data_on_cells(proxy, field_name):
- cell_to_point = pvs.CellDatatoPointData()
- cell_to_point.PassCellData = 1
- source = cell_to_point
- vector_array = field_name
- # If the given vector array has only 2 components, add the third one
- if nb_components == 2:
- calc = get_add_component_calc(source, EntityType.NODE, field_name)
- vector_array = calc.ResultArrayName
- source = calc
- # Warp by vector
- warp_vector = pvs.WarpByVector(source)
- warp_vector.Vectors = [vector_array]
- if scale_factor is not None:
- warp_vector.ScaleFactor = scale_factor
- else:
- def_scale = get_default_scale(PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE,
- proxy, entity, field_name)
- warp_vector.ScaleFactor = def_scale
- # Get Deformed Shape representation object
- defshape = pvs.GetRepresentation(warp_vector)
- # Get lookup table
- lookup_table = get_lookup_table(field_name, nb_components, vector_mode)
- # Set field range if necessary
- data_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity,
- field_name, vector_mode)
- if hasattr(lookup_table,"LockDataRange"):
- lookup_table.LockDataRange = 1
- elif hasattr(lookup_table,"LockScalarRange"):
- lookup_table.LockScalarRange = 1
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Object %s has no 'LockDataRange' or 'LockScalarRange' attribute!"%(lookup_table))
- lookup_table.RGBPoints = [data_range[0], 0, 0, 1, data_range[1], 1, 0, 0]
- # Set properties
- if is_colored:
- pvs.ColorBy(defshape, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), field_name))
- else:
- pvs.ColorBy(defshape, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), None))
- defshape.LookupTable = lookup_table
- # Set wireframe represenatation mode
- defshape.Representation = 'Wireframe'
- # Add scalar bar
- add_scalar_bar(field_name, nb_components,
- vector_mode, lookup_table, time_value)
- return defshape
-def DeformedShapeAndScalarMapOnField(proxy, entity, field_name,
- timestamp_nb,
- scale_factor=None,
- scalar_entity=None,
- scalar_field_name=None,
- vector_mode='Magnitude'):
- """Creates Defromed Shape And Scalar Map presentation on the given field.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data
- entity: the entity type from PrsTypeEnum
- field_name: the field name
- timestamp_nb: the number of time step (1, 2, ...)
- scale_factor: scale factor of the deformation
- scalar_entity: scalar field entity
- scalar_field_name: scalar field, i.e. the field for coloring
- vector_mode: the mode of transformation of vector values
- into scalar values, applicable only if the field contains vector values.
- Possible modes: 'Magnitude', 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'.
- Returns:
- Defromed Shape And Scalar Map as representation object.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- # We don't need mesh parts with no data on them
- on_points = []
- on_cells = []
- if entity == EntityType.NODE:
- on_points.append(field_name)
- else:
- on_cells.append(field_name)
- if scalar_entity and scalar_field_name:
- if scalar_entity == EntityType.NODE:
- on_points.append(scalar_field_name)
- else:
- on_cells.append(scalar_field_name)
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name)
- # Select fields
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_points, on_cells)
- # Check vector mode
- check_vector_mode(vector_mode, nb_components)
- # Get time value
- time_value = get_time(proxy, timestamp_nb)
- # Set timestamp
- pvs.GetRenderView().ViewTime = time_value
- pvs.UpdatePipeline(time_value, proxy)
- # Set scalar field by default
- scalar_field_entity = scalar_entity
- scalar_field = scalar_field_name
- if (scalar_field_entity is None) or (scalar_field is None):
- scalar_field_entity = entity
- scalar_field = field_name
- # Do merge
- source = pvs.MergeBlocks(proxy)
- pvs.UpdatePipeline()
- # Cell data to point data
- if is_data_on_cells(proxy, field_name):
- cell_to_point = pvs.CellDatatoPointData(source)
- cell_to_point.PassCellData = 1
- source = cell_to_point
- vector_array = field_name
- # If the given vector array has only 2 components, add the third one
- if nb_components == 2:
- calc = get_add_component_calc(source, EntityType.NODE, field_name)
- vector_array = calc.ResultArrayName
- source = calc
- # Warp by vector
- warp_vector = pvs.WarpByVector(source)
- warp_vector.Vectors = [vector_array]
- if scale_factor is not None:
- warp_vector.ScaleFactor = scale_factor
- else:
- def_scale = get_default_scale(PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE,
- proxy, entity, field_name)
- warp_vector.ScaleFactor = def_scale
- # Get Defromed Shape And Scalar Map representation object
- defshapemap = pvs.GetRepresentation(warp_vector)
- # Get lookup table
- lookup_table = get_lookup_table(scalar_field, nb_components, vector_mode)
- # Set field range if necessary
- data_range = get_data_range(proxy, scalar_field_entity,
- scalar_field, vector_mode)
- if hasattr(lookup_table,"LockDataRange"):
- lookup_table.LockDataRange = 1
- elif hasattr(lookup_table,"LockScalarRange"):
- lookup_table.LockScalarRange = 1
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Object %s has no 'LockDataRange' or 'LockScalarRange' attribute!"%(lookup_table))
- lookup_table.RGBPoints = [data_range[0], 0, 0, 1, data_range[1], 1, 0, 0]
- # Set properties
- pvs.ColorBy(defshapemap, (EntityType.get_pvtype(scalar_field_entity), scalar_field))
- defshapemap.LookupTable = lookup_table
- # Add scalar bar
- add_scalar_bar(field_name, nb_components,
- vector_mode, lookup_table, time_value)
- return defshapemap
-def Plot3DOnField(proxy, entity, field_name, timestamp_nb,
- orientation=Orientation.AUTO,
- angle1=0, angle2=0,
- position=0.5, is_relative=True,
- scale_factor=None,
- is_contour=False, nb_contours=32,
- vector_mode='Magnitude'):
- """Creates Plot 3D presentation on the given field.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data
- entity: the entity type from PrsTypeEnum
- field_name: the field name
- timestamp_nb: the number of time step (1, 2, ...)
- orientation: the cut plane plane orientation in 3D space, if
- the input is planar - will not be taken into account
- angle1: rotation of the cut plane in 3d space around the first axis
- of the selected orientation (X axis for XY, Y axis for YZ,
- Z axis for ZX).
- The angle of rotation is set in degrees. Acceptable range: [-45, 45].
- angle2: rotation of the cut plane in 3d space around the second axis
- of the selected orientation. Acceptable range: [-45, 45].
- position: position of the cut plane in the object (ranging from 0 to 1).
- The value 0.5 corresponds to cutting by halves.
- is_relative: defines if the cut plane position is relative or absolute
- scale_factor: deformation scale factor
- is_contour: if True - Plot 3D will be represented with a set of contours,
- otherwise - Plot 3D will be represented with a smooth surface
- nb_contours: number of contours, applied if is_contour is True
- vector_mode: the mode of transformation of vector values
- into scalar values, applicable only if the field contains vector values.
- Possible modes: 'Magnitude', 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'.
- Returns:
- Plot 3D as representation object.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- # We don't need mesh parts with no data on them
- if entity == EntityType.NODE:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_points=[field_name])
- else:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_cells=[field_name])
- # Check vector mode
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name)
- check_vector_mode(vector_mode, nb_components)
- # Get time value
- time_value = get_time(proxy, timestamp_nb)
- # Set timestamp
- pvs.GetRenderView().ViewTime = time_value
- pvs.UpdatePipeline(time_value, proxy)
- # Do merge
- merge_blocks = pvs.MergeBlocks(proxy)
- merge_blocks.UpdatePipeline()
- poly_data = None
- # Cutting plane
- # Define orientation if necessary (auto mode)
- plane_orientation = orientation
- if (orientation == Orientation.AUTO):
- plane_orientation = get_orientation(proxy)
- # Get cutting plane normal
- normal = None
- if (not is_planar_input(proxy)):
- normal = get_normal_by_orientation(plane_orientation,
- radians(angle1), radians(angle2))
- # Create slice filter
- slice_filter = pvs.Slice(merge_blocks)
- slice_filter.SliceType = "Plane"
- # Set cutting plane normal
- slice_filter.SliceType.Normal = normal
- # Set cutting plane position
- if (is_relative):
- base_position = get_positions(1, normal,
- get_bounds(proxy), position)
- slice_filter.SliceOffsetValues = base_position
- else:
- slice_filter.SliceOffsetValues = position
- slice_filter.UpdatePipeline()
- poly_data = slice_filter
- else:
- normal = get_normal_by_orientation(plane_orientation, 0, 0)
- use_normal = 0
- # Geometry filter
- if not poly_data or poly_data.GetDataInformation().GetNumberOfCells() == 0:
- geometry_filter = pvs.GeometryFilter(merge_blocks)
- poly_data = geometry_filter
- use_normal = 1 # TODO(MZN): workaround
- warp_scalar = None
- plot3d = None
- source = poly_data
- if is_data_on_cells(poly_data, field_name):
- # Cell data to point data
- cell_to_point = pvs.CellDatatoPointData(poly_data)
- cell_to_point.PassCellData = 1
- source = cell_to_point
- scalars = ['POINTS', field_name]
- # Transform vector array to scalar array if necessary
- if (nb_components > 1):
- calc = get_calc_magnitude(source, EntityType.NODE, field_name)
- scalars = ['POINTS', calc.ResultArrayName]
- source = calc
- # Warp by scalar
- warp_scalar = pvs.WarpByScalar(source)
- warp_scalar.Scalars = scalars
- warp_scalar.Normal = normal
- warp_scalar.UseNormal = use_normal
- if scale_factor is not None:
- warp_scalar.ScaleFactor = scale_factor
- else:
- def_scale = get_default_scale(PrsTypeEnum.PLOT3D,
- proxy, entity, field_name)
- warp_scalar.ScaleFactor = def_scale
- warp_scalar.UpdatePipeline()
- source = warp_scalar
- if (is_contour):
- # Contours
- contour = pvs.Contour(warp_scalar)
- contour.PointMergeMethod = "Uniform Binning"
- contour.ContourBy = ['POINTS', field_name]
- scalar_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity,
- field_name, vector_mode)
- contour.Isosurfaces = get_contours(scalar_range, nb_contours)
- contour.UpdatePipeline()
- source = contour
- # Get Plot 3D representation object
- plot3d = pvs.GetRepresentation(source)
- # Get lookup table
- lookup_table = get_lookup_table(field_name, nb_components, vector_mode)
- # Set field range if necessary
- data_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity,
- field_name, vector_mode)
- if hasattr(lookup_table,"LockDataRange"):
- lookup_table.LockDataRange = 1
- elif hasattr(lookup_table,"LockScalarRange"):
- lookup_table.LockScalarRange = 1
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Object %s has no 'LockDataRange' or 'LockScalarRange' attribute!"%(lookup_table))
- lookup_table.RGBPoints = [data_range[0], 0, 0, 1, data_range[1], 1, 0, 0]
- # Set properties
- pvs.ColorBy(plot3d, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), field_name))
- plot3d.LookupTable = lookup_table
- # Add scalar bar
- add_scalar_bar(field_name, nb_components,
- vector_mode, lookup_table, time_value)
- return plot3d
-def IsoSurfacesOnField(proxy, entity, field_name, timestamp_nb,
- custom_range=None, nb_surfaces=10,
- is_colored=True, color=None, vector_mode='Magnitude'):
- """Creates Iso Surfaces presentation on the given field.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data
- entity: the entity type from PrsTypeEnum
- field_name: the field name
- timestamp_nb: the number of time step (1, 2, ...)
- custom_range: scalar range, if undefined the source range will be applied
- nb_surfaces: number of surfaces, which will be generated
- is_colored: this option allows to color the presentation according to
- the corresponding data array values. If False - the presentation will
- be one-coloured.
- color: defines the presentation color as [R, G, B] triple. Taken into
- account only if is_colored is False.
- vector_mode: the mode of transformation of vector values
- into scalar values, applicable only if the field contains vector values.
- Possible modes: 'Magnitude', 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'.
- Returns:
- Iso Surfaces as representation object.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- # We don't need mesh parts with no data on them
- if entity == EntityType.NODE:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_points=[field_name])
- else:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_cells=[field_name])
- # Check vector mode
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name)
- check_vector_mode(vector_mode, nb_components)
- # Get time value
- time_value = get_time(proxy, timestamp_nb)
- # Set timestamp
- pvs.GetRenderView().ViewTime = time_value
- pvs.UpdatePipeline(time_value, proxy)
- # Do merge
- source = pvs.MergeBlocks(proxy)
- pvs.UpdatePipeline()
- # Transform cell data into point data if necessary
- if is_data_on_cells(proxy, field_name):
- cell_to_point = pvs.CellDatatoPointData(source)
- cell_to_point.PassCellData = 1
- source = cell_to_point
- contour_by = ['POINTS', field_name]
- # Transform vector array to scalar array if necessary
- if (nb_components > 1):
- calc = get_calc_magnitude(source, EntityType.NODE, field_name)
- contour_by = ['POINTS', calc.ResultArrayName]
- source = calc
- # Contour filter settings
- contour = pvs.Contour(source)
- contour.ComputeScalars = 1
- contour.ContourBy = contour_by
- # Specify the range
- scalar_range = custom_range
- if (scalar_range is None):
- scalar_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity,
- field_name, cut_off=True)
- # Get contour values for the range
- surfaces = get_contours(scalar_range, nb_surfaces)
- # Set contour values
- contour.Isosurfaces = surfaces
- # Get Iso Surfaces representation object
- isosurfaces = pvs.GetRepresentation(contour)
- # Get lookup table
- lookup_table = get_lookup_table(field_name, nb_components, vector_mode)
- # Set field range if necessary
- data_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity,
- field_name, vector_mode)
- if hasattr(lookup_table,"LockDataRange"):
- lookup_table.LockDataRange = 1
- elif hasattr(lookup_table,"LockScalarRange"):
- lookup_table.LockScalarRange = 1
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Object %s has no 'LockDataRange' or 'LockScalarRange' attribute!"%(lookup_table))
- lookup_table.RGBPoints = [data_range[0], 0, 0, 1, data_range[1], 1, 0, 0]
- # Set display properties
- if (is_colored):
- pvs.ColorBy(isosurfaces, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), field_name))
- else:
- pvs.ColorBy(isosurfaces, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), None))
- if color:
- isosurfaces.DiffuseColor = color
- isosurfaces.LookupTable = lookup_table
- # Add scalar bar
- add_scalar_bar(field_name, nb_components,
- vector_mode, lookup_table, time_value)
- return isosurfaces
-def GaussPointsOnField(proxy, entity, field_name,
- timestamp_nb,
- is_deformed=True, scale_factor=None,
- is_colored=True, color=None,
- primitive=GaussType.SPRITE,
- is_proportional=True,
- max_pixel_size=256,
- multiplier=None, vector_mode='Magnitude'):
- """Creates Gauss Points on the given field.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data
- entity: the field entity type from PrsTypeEnum
- field_name: the field name
- timestamp_nb: the number of time step (1, 2, ...)
- is_deformed: defines whether the Gauss Points will be deformed or not
- scale_factor -- the scale factor for deformation. Will be taken into
- account only if is_deformed is True.
- If not passed by user, default scale will be computed.
- is_colored -- defines whether the Gauss Points will be multicolored,
- using the corresponding data values
- color: defines the presentation color as [R, G, B] triple. Taken into
- account only if is_colored is False.
- primitive: primitive type from GaussType
- is_proportional: if True, the size of primitives will depends on
- the gauss point value
- max_pixel_size: the maximum sizr of the Gauss Points primitive in pixels
- multiplier: coefficient between data values and the size of primitives
- If not passed by user, default scale will be computed.
- vector_mode: the mode of transformation of vector values into
- scalar values, applicable only if the field contains vector values.
- Possible modes: 'Magnitude' - vector module;
- 'X', 'Y', 'Z' - vector components.
- Returns:
- Gauss Points as representation object.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- # We don't need mesh parts with no data on them
- on_gauss = select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_gauss=[field_name])
- if not on_gauss:
- if entity == EntityType.NODE:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_points=[field_name])
- else:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_cells=[field_name])
- # Check vector mode
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name)
- check_vector_mode(vector_mode, nb_components)
- # Get time value
- time_value = get_time(proxy, timestamp_nb)
- # Set timestamp
- pvs.GetRenderView().ViewTime = time_value
- pvs.UpdatePipeline(time_value, proxy)
- source = proxy
- # If no quadrature point array is passed, use cell centers
- if on_gauss:
- generate_qp = pvs.GenerateQuadraturePoints(source)
- generate_qp.QuadratureSchemeDef = ['CELLS', 'ELGA@0']
- source = generate_qp
- else:
- # Cell centers
- cell_centers = pvs.CellCenters(source)
- cell_centers.VertexCells = 1
- source = cell_centers
- source.UpdatePipeline()
- # Check if deformation enabled
- if is_deformed and nb_components > 1:
- vector_array = field_name
- # If the given vector array has only 2 components, add the third one
- if nb_components == 2:
- calc = get_add_component_calc(source, EntityType.NODE, field_name)
- vector_array = calc.ResultArrayName
- source = calc
- # Warp by vector
- warp_vector = pvs.WarpByVector(source)
- warp_vector.Vectors = [vector_array]
- if scale_factor is not None:
- warp_vector.ScaleFactor = scale_factor
- else:
- def_scale = get_default_scale(PrsTypeEnum.DEFORMEDSHAPE, proxy,
- entity, field_name)
- warp_vector.ScaleFactor = def_scale
- warp_vector.UpdatePipeline()
- source = warp_vector
- # Get Gauss Points representation object
- gausspnt = pvs.GetRepresentation(source)
- # Get lookup table
- lookup_table = get_lookup_table(field_name, nb_components, vector_mode)
- # Set field range if necessary
- data_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity,
- field_name, vector_mode)
- if hasattr(lookup_table,"LockDataRange"):
- lookup_table.LockDataRange = 1
- elif hasattr(lookup_table,"LockScalarRange"):
- lookup_table.LockScalarRange = 1
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Object %s has no 'LockDataRange' or 'LockScalarRange' attribute!"%(lookup_table))
- lookup_table.RGBPoints = [data_range[0], 0, 0, 1, data_range[1], 1, 0, 0]
- # Set display properties
- if is_colored:
- pvs.ColorBy(gausspnt, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), field_name))
- else:
- pvs.ColorBy(gausspnt, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), None))
- if color:
- gausspnt.DiffuseColor = color
- gausspnt.LookupTable = lookup_table
- # Add scalar bar
- add_scalar_bar(field_name, nb_components,
- vector_mode, lookup_table, time_value)
- # Set point sprite representation
- gausspnt.Representation = 'Point Sprite'
- # Point sprite settings
- gausspnt.InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping = 0
- gausspnt.MaxPixelSize = max_pixel_size
- # Render mode
- gausspnt.RenderMode = GaussType.get_mode(primitive)
- #if primitive == GaussType.SPRITE:
- # Set texture
- # TODO(MZN): replace with pvsimple high-level interface
- # texture = sm.CreateProxy("textures", "SpriteTexture")
- # alphamprop = texture.GetProperty("AlphaMethod")
- # alphamprop.SetElement(0, 2) # Clamp
- # alphatprop = texture.GetProperty("AlphaThreshold")
- # alphatprop.SetElement(0, 63)
- # maxprop = texture.GetProperty("Maximum")
- # maxprop.SetElement(0, 255)
- # texture.UpdateVTKObjects()
- # gausspnt.Texture = texture
- #gausspnt.Texture.AlphaMethod = 'Clamp'
- #gausspnt.Texture.AlphaThreshold = 63
- #gausspnt.Texture.Maximum= 255
- # Proportional radius
- gausspnt.RadiusUseScalarRange = 0
- gausspnt.RadiusIsProportional = 0
- if is_proportional:
- mult = multiplier
- if mult is None and data_range[1] != 0:
- mult = abs(0.1 / data_range[1])
- gausspnt.RadiusScalarRange = data_range
- gausspnt.RadiusTransferFunctionEnabled = 1
- gausspnt.RadiusMode = 'Scalar'
- gausspnt.RadiusArray = ['POINTS', field_name]
- if nb_components > 1:
- v_comp = get_vector_component(vector_mode)
- gausspnt.RadiusVectorComponent = v_comp
- gausspnt.RadiusTransferFunctionMode = 'Table'
- gausspnt.RadiusScalarRange = data_range
- gausspnt.RadiusUseScalarRange = 1
- if mult is not None:
- gausspnt.RadiusIsProportional = 1
- gausspnt.RadiusProportionalFactor = mult
- else:
- gausspnt.RadiusTransferFunctionEnabled = 0
- gausspnt.RadiusMode = 'Constant'
- gausspnt.RadiusArray = ['POINTS', 'Constant Radius']
- return gausspnt
-def GaussPointsOnField1(proxy, entity, field_name,
- timestamp_nb,
- is_colored=True, color=None,
- primitive=GaussType.SPHERE,
- is_proportional=True,
- max_pixel_size=256,
- multiplier=None,
- vector_mode='Magnitude'):
- """Creates Gauss Points on the given field. Use GaussPoints() Paraview interface.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data
- entity: the field entity type from PrsTypeEnum
- field_name: the field name
- timestamp_nb: the number of time step (1, 2, ...)
- is_colored -- defines whether the Gauss Points will be multicolored,
- using the corresponding data values
- color: defines the presentation color as [R, G, B] triple. Taken into
- account only if is_colored is False.
- primitive: primitive type from GaussType
- is_proportional: if True, the size of primitives will depends on
- the gauss point value
- max_pixel_size: the maximum sizr of the Gauss Points primitive in pixels
- multiplier: coefficient between data values and the size of primitives
- If not passed by user, default scale will be computed.
- vector_mode: the mode of transformation of vector values into
- scalar values, applicable only if the field contains vector values.
- Possible modes: 'Magnitude' - vector module;
- 'X', 'Y', 'Z' - vector components.
- Returns:
- Gauss Points as representation object.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_gauss=[field_name])
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name)
- # Get time value
- time_value = get_time(proxy, timestamp_nb)
- # Set timestamp
- pvs.GetRenderView().ViewTime = time_value
- proxy.UpdatePipeline(time=time_value)
- # Create Gauss Points object
- source = pvs.ELGAfieldToPointSprite(proxy)
- source.UpdatePipeline()
- # Get Gauss Points representation object
- gausspnt = pvs.GetRepresentation(source)
- # Get lookup table
- lookup_table = get_lookup_table(field_name, nb_components, vector_mode)
- # Set field range if necessary
- data_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity,
- field_name, vector_mode)
- if hasattr(lookup_table,"LockDataRange"):
- lookup_table.LockDataRange = 1
- elif hasattr(lookup_table,"LockScalarRange"):
- lookup_table.LockScalarRange = 1
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Object %s has no 'LockDataRange' or 'LockScalarRange' attribute!"%(lookup_table))
- lookup_table.RGBPoints = [data_range[0], 0, 0, 1, data_range[1], 1, 0, 0]
- # Set display properties
- if is_colored:
- pvs.ColorBy(gausspnt, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), field_name))
- else:
- pvs.ColorBy(gausspnt, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), None))
- if color:
- gausspnt.DiffuseColor = color
- gausspnt.LookupTable = lookup_table
- # Add scalar bar
- add_scalar_bar(field_name, nb_components,
- vector_mode, lookup_table, time_value)
- # Set point sprite representation
- gausspnt.Representation = 'Point Sprite'
- # Point sprite settings
- gausspnt.InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping = 0
- gausspnt.MaxPixelSize = max_pixel_size
- # Render mode
- gausspnt.RenderMode = GaussType.get_mode(primitive)
- #if primitive == GaussType.SPRITE:
- # Set texture
- # TODO(MZN): replace with pvsimple high-level interface
- # texture = sm.CreateProxy("textures", "SpriteTexture")
- # alphamprop = texture.GetProperty("AlphaMethod")
- # alphamprop.SetElement(0, 2) # Clamp
- # alphatprop = texture.GetProperty("AlphaThreshold")
- # alphatprop.SetElement(0, 63)
- # maxprop = texture.GetProperty("Maximum")
- # maxprop.SetElement(0, 255)
- # texture.UpdateVTKObjects()
- # gausspnt.Texture = texture
- #gausspnt.Texture.AlphaMethod = 'Clamp'
- #gausspnt.Texture.AlphaThreshold = 63
- #gausspnt.Texture.Maximum= 255
- # Proportional radius
- gausspnt.RadiusUseScalarRange = 0
- gausspnt.RadiusIsProportional = 0
- if is_proportional:
- mult = multiplier
- if mult is None and data_range[1] != 0:
- mult = abs(0.1 / data_range[1])
- gausspnt.RadiusScalarRange = data_range
- gausspnt.RadiusTransferFunctionEnabled = 1
- gausspnt.RadiusMode = 'Scalar'
- gausspnt.RadiusArray = ['POINTS', field_name]
- if nb_components > 1:
- v_comp = get_vector_component(vector_mode)
- gausspnt.RadiusVectorComponent = v_comp
- gausspnt.RadiusTransferFunctionMode = 'Table'
- gausspnt.RadiusScalarRange = data_range
- gausspnt.RadiusUseScalarRange = 1
- if mult is not None:
- gausspnt.RadiusIsProportional = 1
- gausspnt.RadiusProportionalFactor = mult
- else:
- gausspnt.RadiusTransferFunctionEnabled = 0
- gausspnt.RadiusMode = 'Constant'
- gausspnt.RadiusArray = ['POINTS', 'Constant Radius']
- return gausspnt
-def StreamLinesOnField(proxy, entity, field_name, timestamp_nb,
- direction='BOTH', is_colored=False, color=None,
- vector_mode='Magnitude'):
- """Creates Stream Lines presentation on the given field.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data
- entity: the entity type from PrsTypeEnum
- field_name: the field name
- timestamp_nb: the number of time step (1, 2, ...)
- direction: the stream lines direction ('FORWARD', 'BACKWARD' or 'BOTH')
- is_colored: this option allows to color the presentation according to
- the corresponding data values. If False - the presentation will
- be one-coloured.
- color: defines the presentation color as [R, G, B] triple. Taken into
- account only if is_colored is False.
- vector_mode: the mode of transformation of vector values
- into scalar values, applicable only if the field contains vector values.
- Possible modes: 'Magnitude', 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'.
- Returns:
- Stream Lines as representation object.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- # We don't need mesh parts with no data on them
- if entity == EntityType.NODE:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_points=[field_name])
- else:
- select_cells_with_data(proxy, on_cells=[field_name])
- # Check vector mode
- nb_components = get_nb_components(proxy, entity, field_name)
- check_vector_mode(vector_mode, nb_components)
- # Get time value
- time_value = get_time(proxy, timestamp_nb)
- # Set timestamp
- pvs.GetRenderView().ViewTime = time_value
- pvs.UpdatePipeline(time_value, proxy)
- # Do merge
- source = pvs.MergeBlocks(proxy)
- pvs.UpdatePipeline()
- # Cell data to point data
- if is_data_on_cells(proxy, field_name):
- cell_to_point = pvs.CellDatatoPointData(source)
- cell_to_point.PassCellData = 1
- pvs.UpdatePipeline()
- source = cell_to_point
- vector_array = field_name
- # If the given vector array has only 2 components, add the third one
- if nb_components == 2:
- calc = get_add_component_calc(source, EntityType.NODE, field_name)
- vector_array = calc.ResultArrayName
- pvs.UpdatePipeline()
- source = calc
- # Stream Tracer
- stream = pvs.StreamTracer(source)
- stream.SeedType = "Point Source"
- stream.Vectors = ['POINTS', vector_array]
- stream.IntegrationDirection = direction
- stream.IntegratorType = 'Runge-Kutta 2'
- stream.SeedType = 'High Resolution Line Source'
- stream.UpdatePipeline()
- # Get Stream Lines representation object
- if is_empty(stream):
- return None
- streamlines = pvs.GetRepresentation(stream)
- # Get lookup table
- lookup_table = get_lookup_table(field_name, nb_components, vector_mode)
- # Set field range if necessary
- data_range = get_data_range(proxy, entity,
- field_name, vector_mode)
- if hasattr(lookup_table,"LockDataRange"):
- lookup_table.LockDataRange = 1
- elif hasattr(lookup_table,"LockScalarRange"):
- lookup_table.LockScalarRange = 1
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Object %s has no 'LockDataRange' or 'LockScalarRange' attribute!"%(lookup_table))
- lookup_table.RGBPoints = [data_range[0], 0, 0, 1, data_range[1], 1, 0, 0]
- # Set properties
- if is_colored:
- pvs.ColorBy(streamlines, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), field_name))
- else:
- pvs.ColorBy(streamlines, (EntityType.get_pvtype(entity), None))
- if color:
- streamlines.DiffuseColor = color
- streamlines.LookupTable = lookup_table
- # Add scalar bar
- add_scalar_bar(field_name, nb_components,
- vector_mode, lookup_table, time_value)
- return streamlines
-def MeshOnEntity(proxy, mesh_name, entity):
- """Creates submesh of the entity type for the mesh.
- Arguments:
- proxy -- the pipeline object, containig data
- mesh_name -- the full or short name of mesh field
- Returns:
- Submesh as representation object of the given source.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- mesh_full_name = None
- aList = mesh_name.split('/')
- if len(aList) >= 2:
- mesh_full_name = mesh_name
- else:
- mesh_full_name = find_mesh_full_name(proxy, mesh_name)
- if not mesh_full_name:
- raise RuntimeError("The given mesh name was not found")
- # Select only the given mesh
- proxy.AllArrays = [mesh_full_name]
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- # Get representation object if the submesh is not empty
- prs = None
- if (proxy.GetDataInformation().GetNumberOfPoints() or
- proxy.GetDataInformation().GetNumberOfCells()):
- my_view = pvs.GetRenderView()
- prs = pvs.GetRepresentation(proxy, view=my_view)
- prs.ColorArrayName = (None, '')
- return prs
-def MeshOnGroup(proxy, extrGroups, group_name):
- """Creates submesh on the group.
- Arguments:
- proxy -- the pipeline object, containig data
- group_name -- the full group name
- extrGroups -- all extracted groups object
- Returns:
- Representation object of the given source with single group
- selected.
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- # Deselect all groups
- extrGroups.AllGroups = []
- extrGroups.UpdatePipelineInformation()
- # Select only the group with the given name
- extrGroups.AllGroups = [group_name]
- extrGroups.UpdatePipelineInformation()
- # Get representation object if the submesh is not empty
- prs = None
- # Check if the group was set
- if len(extrGroups.AllGroups) == 1 and \
- extrGroups.AllGroups[0] == group_name:
- # Check if the submesh is not empty
- nb_points = proxy.GetDataInformation().GetNumberOfPoints()
- nb_cells = proxy.GetDataInformation().GetNumberOfCells()
- if nb_points or nb_cells:
-# prs = pvs.GetRepresentation(proxy)
- prs = pvs.Show()
- prs.ColorArrayName = (None, '')
- display_only(prs)
- return prs
-def CreatePrsForFile(file_name, prs_types,
- picture_dir, picture_ext):
- """Build presentations of the given types for the file.
- Build presentations for all fields on all timestamps.
- Arguments:
- file_name: full path to the MED file
- prs_types: the list of presentation types to build
- picture_dir: the directory path for saving snapshots
- picture_ext: graphics files extension (determines file type)
- """
- # Import MED file
- print("Import " + file_name.split(os.sep)[-1] + "...")
- try:
- proxy = pvs.MEDReader(FileName=file_name)
- if proxy is None:
- print("FAILED")
- else:
- #proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- print("OK")
- except:
- print("FAILED")
- else:
- # Get view
- view = pvs.GetRenderView()
- time_value = get_time(proxy, 0)
- view.ViewTime = time_value
- pvs.UpdatePipeline(time=time_value, proxy=proxy)
- # Create required presentations for the proxy
- CreatePrsForProxy(proxy, view, prs_types,
- picture_dir, picture_ext)
-def CreatePrsForProxy(proxy, view, prs_types, picture_dir, picture_ext):
- """Build presentations of the given types for all fields of the proxy.
- Save snapshots in graphics files (type depends on the given extension).
- Stores the files in the given directory.
- Arguments:
- proxy: the pipeline object, containig data
- view: the render view
- prs_types: the list of presentation types to build
- picture_dir: the directory path for saving snapshots
- picture_ext: graphics files extension (determines file type)
- """
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- # List of the field names
- fields_info = proxy.GetProperty("FieldsTreeInfo")[::2]
- # Add path separator to the end of picture path if necessery
- if not picture_dir.endswith(os.sep):
- picture_dir += os.sep
- # Mesh Presentation
- if PrsTypeEnum.MESH in prs_types:
- # Iterate on meshes
- mesh_names = get_mesh_full_names(proxy)
- for mesh_name in mesh_names:
- # Build mesh field presentation
- print("Creating submesh for '" + get_field_short_name(mesh_name) + "' mesh... ")
- prs = MeshOnEntity(proxy, mesh_name, None)
- if prs is None:
- print("FAILED")
- continue
- else:
- print("OK")
- # Construct image file name
- pic_name = picture_dir + get_field_short_name(mesh_name) + "." + picture_ext
- # Show and dump the presentation into a graphics file
- process_prs_for_test(prs, view, pic_name, False)
- # Create Mesh presentation. Build all groups.
- extGrp = pvs.ExtractGroup()
- extGrp.UpdatePipelineInformation()
- if if_possible(proxy, None, None, PrsTypeEnum.MESH, extGrp):
- for group in get_group_names(extGrp):
- print("Creating submesh on group " + get_group_short_name(group) + "... ")
- prs = MeshOnGroup(proxy, extGrp, group)
- if prs is None:
- print("FAILED")
- continue
- else:
- print("OK")
- # Construct image file name
- pic_name = picture_dir + get_group_short_name(group) + "." + picture_ext
- # Show and dump the presentation into a graphics file
- process_prs_for_test(prs, view, pic_name, False)
- # Presentations on fields
- for field in fields_info:
- field_name = get_field_short_name(field)
- # Ignore mesh presentation
- if field_name == get_field_mesh_name(field):
- continue
- field_entity = get_field_entity(field)
- # Select only the current field:
- # necessary for getting the right timestamps
- proxy.AllArrays = [field]
- proxy.UpdatePipeline()
- # Get timestamps
- timestamps = proxy.TimestepValues.GetData()
- for prs_type in prs_types:
- # Ignore mesh presentation
- if prs_type == PrsTypeEnum.MESH:
- continue
- # Get name of presentation type
- prs_name = PrsTypeEnum.get_name(prs_type)
- # Build the presentation if possible
- possible = if_possible(proxy, field_name,
- field_entity, prs_type)
- if possible:
- # Presentation type for graphics file name
- f_prs_type = prs_name.replace(' ', '').upper()
- for timestamp_nb in range(1, len(timestamps) + 1):
- time = timestamps[timestamp_nb - 1]
- if (time == 0.0):
- scalar_range = get_data_range(proxy, field_entity,
- field_name, cut_off=True)
- # exclude time stamps with null lenght of scalar range
- if (scalar_range[0] == scalar_range[1]):
- continue
- print("Creating " + prs_name + " on " + field_name + ", time = " + str(time) + "... ")
- try:
- prs = create_prs(prs_type, proxy,
- field_entity, field_name, timestamp_nb)
- except ValueError:
- """ This exception comes from get_nb_components(...) function.
- The reason of exception is an implementation of MEDReader
- activating the first leaf when reading MED file (refer to
- MEDFileFieldRepresentationTree::activateTheFirst() and
- MEDFileFieldRepresentationTree::getTheSingleActivated(...) methods).
- """
- print("ValueError exception is catched")
- continue
- if prs is None:
- print("FAILED")
- continue
- else:
- print("OK")
- # Construct image file name
- pic_name = picture_dir + field_name + "_" + str(time) + "_" + f_prs_type + "." + picture_ext
- # Show and dump the presentation into a graphics file
- process_prs_for_test(prs, view, pic_name)
- return
-def delete_pv_object(obj):
- # There is a bug when repeating CreateRenderView/Delete calls
- # Here is a workaround proposed by KW (#10744)
- import gc
- del obj
- gc.collect()