const vector<gp_XYZ>& p = thePointOnShape;
thePoint =
- x1 * p[ID_F0yz] + x * p[ID_F1yz]
- + y1 * p[ID_Fx0z] + y * p[ID_Fx1z]
- + z1 * p[ID_Fxy0] + z * p[ID_Fxy1]
- + x1 * (y1 * (z1 * p[ID_V000] + z * p[ID_V001])
- + y * (z1 * p[ID_V010] + z * p[ID_V011]))
- + x * (y1 * (z1 * p[ID_V100] + z * p[ID_V101])
- + y * (z1 * p[ID_V110] + z * p[ID_V111]));
+ x1 * p[ID_F0yz] + x * p[ID_F1yz] +
+ y1 * p[ID_Fx0z] + y * p[ID_Fx1z] +
+ z1 * p[ID_Fxy0] + z * p[ID_Fxy1] +
+ x1 * (y1 * (z1 * p[ID_V000] + z * p[ID_V001]) +
+ y * (z1 * p[ID_V010] + z * p[ID_V011])) +
+ x * (y1 * (z1 * p[ID_V100] + z * p[ID_V101]) +
+ y * (z1 * p[ID_V110] + z * p[ID_V111]));
thePoint -=
- x1 * (y1 * p[ID_E00z] + y * p[ID_E01z])
- + x * (y1 * p[ID_E10z] + y * p[ID_E11z])
- + y1 * (z1 * p[ID_Ex00] + z * p[ID_Ex01])
- + y * (z1 * p[ID_Ex10] + z * p[ID_Ex11])
- + z1 * (x1 * p[ID_E0y0] + x * p[ID_E1y0])
- + z * (x1 * p[ID_E0y1] + x * p[ID_E1y1]);
+ x1 * (y1 * p[ID_E00z] + y * p[ID_E01z]) +
+ x * (y1 * p[ID_E10z] + y * p[ID_E11z]) +
+ y1 * (z1 * p[ID_Ex00] + z * p[ID_Ex01]) +
+ y * (z1 * p[ID_Ex10] + z * p[ID_Ex11]) +
+ z1 * (x1 * p[ID_E0y0] + x * p[ID_E1y0]) +
+ z * (x1 * p[ID_E0y1] + x * p[ID_E1y1]);
return true;
-//function : NbVariables
-//purpose :
-Standard_Integer SMESH_Block::NbVariables() const
- return 3;
-//function : NbEquations
-//purpose :
-Standard_Integer SMESH_Block::NbEquations() const
- return 1;
-//function : Value
-//purpose :
-Standard_Boolean SMESH_Block::Value(const math_Vector& theXYZ, math_Vector& theFxyz)
- gp_XYZ P, params( theXYZ(1), theXYZ(2), theXYZ(3) );
- if ( params.IsEqual( myParam, DBL_MIN )) { // same param
- theFxyz( 1 ) = funcValue( myValues[ SQUARE_DIST ]);
- }
- else {
- ShellPoint( params, P );
- gp_Vec dP( P - myPoint );
- theFxyz(1) = funcValue( dP.SquareMagnitude() );
- }
- return true;
-//function : Derivatives
-//purpose :
-Standard_Boolean SMESH_Block::Derivatives(const math_Vector& XYZ,math_Matrix& Df)
- MESSAGE( "SMESH_Block::Derivatives()");
- math_Vector F(1,3);
- return Values(XYZ,F,Df);
//function : Constructor
//purpose :
-//function : Values
-//purpose :
-Standard_Boolean SMESH_Block::Values(const math_Vector& theXYZ,
- math_Vector& theFxyz,
- math_Matrix& theDf)
- gp_XYZ P, params( theXYZ(1), theXYZ(2), theXYZ(3) );
- if ( params.IsEqual( myParam, DBL_MIN )) { // same param
- theFxyz( 1 ) = funcValue( myValues[ SQUARE_DIST ] );
- theDf( 1, DRV_1 ) = myValues[ DRV_1 ];
- theDf( 1, DRV_2 ) = myValues[ DRV_2 ];
- theDf( 1, DRV_3 ) = myValues[ DRV_3 ];
- return true;
- }
- cout << "PARAM GUESS: " << params.X() << " "<< params.Y() << " "<< params.X() << endl;
- myNbIterations++; // how many times call ShellPoint()
- ShellPoint( params, P );
- gp_Vec dP( myPoint, P );
- double sqDist = dP.SquareMagnitude();
- theFxyz(1) = funcValue( sqDist );
- if ( sqDist < myTolerance * myTolerance ) { // a solution found
- myParam = params;
- myValues[ SQUARE_DIST ] = sqDist;
- theFxyz(1) = theDf( 1,1 ) = theDf( 1,2 ) = theDf( 1,3 ) = 0;
- return true;
- }
- if ( sqDist < myValues[ SQUARE_DIST ] ) // a better guess
- {
- // 3 partial derivatives
- gp_Vec drv[ 3 ]; // where we move with a small step in each direction
- for ( int iP = 1; iP <= 3; iP++ ) {
- if ( iP - 1 == myFaceIndex ) {
- drv[ iP - 1 ] = gp_Vec(0,0,0);
- continue;
- }
- gp_XYZ Pi;
- bool onEdge = ( theXYZ( iP ) + 0.001 > 1. );
- if ( onEdge )
- params.SetCoord( iP, theXYZ( iP ) - 0.001 );
- else
- params.SetCoord( iP, theXYZ( iP ) + 0.001 );
- ShellPoint( params, Pi );
- params.SetCoord( iP, theXYZ( iP ) ); // restore params
- gp_Vec dPi ( P, Pi );
- if ( onEdge ) dPi *= -1.;
- double mag = dPi.Magnitude();
- if ( mag > DBL_MIN )
- dPi /= mag;
- drv[ iP - 1 ] = dPi;
- }
- for ( int iP = 0; iP < 3; iP++ ) {
-#if 1
- theDf( 1, iP + 1 ) = dP * drv[iP];
- // Distance from P to plane passing through myPoint and defined
- // by the 2 other derivative directions:
- // like IntAna_IntConicQuad::Perform (const gp_Lin& L, const gp_Pln& P)
- // where L is (P -> myPoint), P is defined by the 2 other derivative direction
- int iPrev = ( iP ? iP - 1 : 2 );
- int iNext = ( iP == 2 ? 0 : iP + 1 );
- gp_Vec plnNorm = drv[ iPrev ].Crossed( drv [ iNext ] );
- double Direc = plnNorm * drv[ iP ];
- if ( Abs(Direc) <= DBL_MIN )
- theDf( 1, iP + 1 ) = dP * drv[ iP ];
- else {
- double Dis = plnNorm * P - plnNorm * myPoint;
- theDf( 1, iP + 1 ) = Dis/Direc;
- }
- }
- cout << "F = " << theFxyz(1) <<
- " DRV: " << theDf(1,1) << " " << theDf(1,2) << " " << theDf(1,3) << endl;
- myNbIterations +=3; // how many times call ShellPoint()
- // store better values
- myParam = params;
- myValues[SQUARE_DIST]= sqDist;
- myValues[DRV_1] = theDf(1,DRV_1);
- myValues[DRV_2] = theDf(1,DRV_2);
- myValues[DRV_3] = theDf(1,DRV_3);
- }
- return true;
//function : ComputeParameters
//purpose : compute point parameters in the block
return false;
- myPoint = thePoint.XYZ();
- myParam.SetCoord( -1,-1,-1 );
- myValues[ SQUARE_DIST ] = 1e100;
const bool isOnFace = IsFaceID( theShapeID );
double * coef = GetShapeCoef( theShapeID );
// Find the first guess paremeters
- math_Vector start( 1, 3, 0.0 );
+ gp_XYZ start(0, 0, 0);
bool hasHint = ( 0 <= theParamsHint.X() && theParamsHint.X() <= 1 &&
0 <= theParamsHint.Y() && theParamsHint.Y() <= 1 &&
iEdge += 4;
+ double sumParam = 0;
for ( int iE = 0; iE < 4; iE++, iEdge++ ) { // loop on 4 parallel edges
gp_Pnt p0 = myEdge[ iEdge ].Point( par000 );
gp_Pnt p1 = myEdge[ iEdge ].Point( par111 );
- start( iParam ) += par;
+ sumParam += par;
- start( iParam ) /= 4.;
+ start.SetCoord( iParam, sumParam / 4.);
if ( needGrid ) {
// compute nodes of 3 x 3 x 3 grid
myTolerance = sqrt( box.SquareExtent() ) * 1e-5;
- if ( myTolerance < 0 ) myTolerance = 1e-6;
- double loopTol = 10 * myTolerance; // to stop restarting solution search
if ( hasHint )
- gp_Pnt hintPoint = myPoint;
- ShellPoint( theParamsHint, hintPoint.ChangeCoord() );
- double sqDist = hintPoint.SquareDistance( myPoint );
- if ( sqrt( sqDist ) < loopTol ) {
- // theParamsHint is good, no need to solve
- myValues[ SQUARE_DIST ] = sqDist;
- myParam = theParamsHint;
- }
- start( 1 ) = theParamsHint.X();
- start( 2 ) = theParamsHint.Y();
- start( 3 ) = theParamsHint.Z();
+ start = theParamsHint;
else if ( myGridComputed )
bestParam = & prmPtn.first;
- start( 1 ) = bestParam->X();
- start( 2 ) = bestParam->Y();
- start( 3 ) = bestParam->Z();
+ start = *bestParam;
- myFaceIndex = -1;
+ int faceIndex = -1;
+ double faceParam = 0.;
if ( isOnFace ) {
// put a point on the face
for ( int iCoord = 0; iCoord < 3; iCoord++ )
if ( coef[ iCoord ] ) {
- myFaceIndex = iCoord;
- myFaceParam = ( coef[ myFaceIndex ] < 0.5 ) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
- start( iCoord + 1 ) = myFaceParam;
+ faceIndex = iCoord;
+ faceParam = ( coef[ faceIndex ] < 0.5 ) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
+ start.SetCoord( iCoord + 1, faceParam );
cout << " #### POINT " <<thePoint.X()<<" "<<thePoint.Y()<<" "<<thePoint.Z()<<" ####"<< endl;
- cout << " ** START ** " << start(1) << " " << start(2) << " " << start(3) << " " << endl;
- math_Vector low ( 1, 3, 0.0 );
- math_Vector up ( 1, 3, 1.0 );
- math_Vector tol ( 1, 3, 1e-4 );
- math_FunctionSetRoot paramSearch( *this, tol );
+ if ( myTolerance < 0 ) myTolerance = 1e-6;
- mySquareFunc = 0; // large approaching steps
- //if ( hasHint ) mySquareFunc = 1; // small approaching steps
+ const double parDelta = 1e-4;
+ const double sqTolerance = myTolerance * myTolerance;
+ gp_XYZ solution = start, params = start;
+ double sqDistance = 1e100;
int nbLoops = 0;
- while ( distance() > loopTol && nbLoops <= 3 )
+ while ( nbLoops <= 100 )
- paramSearch.Perform ( *static_cast<math_FunctionSetWithDerivatives*>(this),
- start, low, up );
- start( 1 ) = myParam.X();
- start( 2 ) = myParam.Y();
- start( 3 ) = myParam.Z();
- mySquareFunc = !mySquareFunc;
+ gp_XYZ P;
+ ShellPoint( params, P );
+ gp_Vec dP( thePoint, P );
+ double sqDist = dP.SquareMagnitude();
+ cout << "PARAMS: ( " << params.X() <<" "<< params.Y() <<" "<< params.Z() <<" )"<< endl;
+ cout << "DIST: " << sqrt( sqDist ) << endl;
+ if ( sqDist > sqDistance ) { // solution get worse
+ break;
+ }
+ sqDistance = sqDist;
+ solution = params;
+ if ( sqDist < sqTolerance ) { // a solution found
+ break;
+ }
+ // look for a better solution
+ for ( int iP = 1; iP <= 3; iP++ ) {
+ if ( iP - 1 == faceIndex )
+ continue;
+ // see where we move with a small (=parDelta) step in this direction
+ gp_XYZ nearParams = params;
+ bool onEdge = ( params.Coord( iP ) + parDelta > 1. );
+ if ( onEdge )
+ nearParams.SetCoord( iP, params.Coord( iP ) - parDelta );
+ else
+ nearParams.SetCoord( iP, params.Coord( iP ) + parDelta );
+ gp_XYZ Pi;
+ ShellPoint( nearParams, Pi );
+ gp_Vec dPi ( P, Pi );
+ if ( onEdge ) dPi *= -1.;
+ // modify a parameter
+ double mag = dPi.Magnitude();
+ if ( mag < DBL_MIN )
+ continue;
+ gp_Vec dir = dPi / mag; // dir we move modifying the parameter
+ double dist = dir * dP; // where we should get to
+ double dPar = dist / mag * parDelta; // predict parameter change
+ double curPar = params.Coord( iP );
+ double par = curPar - dPar; // new parameter value
+ while ( par > 1 || par < 0 ) {
+ dPar /= 2.;
+ par = curPar - dPar;
+ }
+ params.SetCoord( iP, par );
+ }
- mySumDist += distance();
- cout << " ------ SOLUTION: ( "<< myParam.X() <<" "<< myParam.Y() <<" "<< myParam.Z() <<" )"<<endl
- << " ------ DIST : " << distance() << "\t Tol=" << myTolerance << "\t Nb LOOPS=" << nbLoops << endl
+ myNbIterations += nbLoops*4; // how many times ShellPoint called
+ mySumDist += sqrt( sqDistance );
+ cout << " ------ SOLUTION: ( "<<solution.X()<<" "<<solution.Y()<<" "<<solution.Z()<<" )"<<endl
+ << " ------ DIST : " << sqrt( sqDistance ) << "\t Tol=" << myTolerance << "\t Nb LOOPS=" << nbLoops << endl
<< " ------ NB IT: " << myNbIterations << ", SUM DIST: " << mySumDist << endl;
-// if ( nbLoops == 0 && hasHint )
-// theParams = theParamsHint;
-// else
- theParams = myParam;
+ theParams = solution;
- if ( myFaceIndex >= 0 )
- theParams.SetCoord( myFaceIndex + 1, myFaceParam );
+ if ( faceIndex >= 0 )
+ theParams.SetCoord( faceIndex + 1, faceParam );
return true;
return false;
-//function : GetStateNumber
-//purpose :
-Standard_Integer SMESH_Block::GetStateNumber ()
- return 0; //myValues[0] < 1e-1;
//function : DumpShapeID
//purpose : debug an id of a block sub-shape