--- /dev/null
+ \page INSTALL Installation instructions
+You'll find here generic instructions for installing the SALOME2 platform.
+\section Summary
+<li> \ref S1_install </li>
+<li> \ref S2_install </li>
+<li> \ref S3_install </li>
+<li> \ref S4_install </li>
+<li> \ref S5_install </li>
+<li> \ref S6_install </li>
+<li> \ref S7_install </li>
+<li> \ref S8_install </li>
+\section S1_install Quick Overview
+First of all, you have to check (or install if needed) the dependant
+software programs on your system. These programs are:
+- common development tools as gcc, automake, autoconf and libtools.
+- third party softwares used in SALOME building or runtime process
+ (python, OCC, VTK, ...)
+Further details can be found in sections [2] and [3].
+If the dependencies are installed on your system, then you have to set
+your shell environment to get access to the software components
+(cf. [4]. "Preparing the shell environment").
+The next step is to install the KERNEL (cf. [5] "Installing KERNEL"):
+$ mkdir <kernel_build>
+$ mkdir <kernel_install>
+$ cd <kernel_src>
+$ ./build_configure
+$ cd <kernel_build>
+$ <kernel_src>/configure --prefix=<kernel_install>
+$ make
+$ make install
+Then, the %SALOME components GEOM, MED, VISU, ... can be installed
+with a similar procedure (cf. [6]).
+Eventually, the platform ccodean be run by executing the shell script
+runSalome (cf. [7]). Here, somme additionnal variables have to be set
+to describe the %SALOME runtime configuration (<COMPONENT>_ROOT_DIR,
+The following provides you with specific instructions for each step.
+\section S2_install System configuration
+%SALOME is compiled and tested on differents platforms with native packages:
+- Debian sarge
+- Mandrake 10.1
+- ...
+If you have another platform, we suggest the following configuration
+for building process:
+- gcc-3.3.x or 3.4.x
+- automake-1.7 or more (only aclocal is used)
+- autoconf-2.59
+- libtool-1.5.6
+- This is the minimum level of automake, autoconf and libtool, if you need
+ to compile all the third party softwares (included OpenCascade 5.2.x).
+\section S3_install Third-party dependencies
+The %SALOME platform relies on a set of third-party softwares. The
+current version depends on the following list
+(versions given here are from Debian Sarge, except OpenCascade, VTK and MED,
+which are not Debian packages):
+- CAS-5.2.4 OpenCascade (try binaries,a source patch is needed)
+- VTK-4.2.6 VTK 3D-viewer
+- PyQt-3.13 Python-Qt Wrapper
+- Python-2.3.5 Python interpreter
+- SWIG-1.3.24 SWIG library
+- boost-1_32_0 C++ library (only include templates are used)
+- hdf5-1.6.2 Files Database library
+- med-2.2.2 MED Data Format support for file records
+- omniORB-4.0.5 ORB used in %SALOME
+- qt-x11-free-3.3.3 Qt library
+- qwt-4.2 Graph components for Qt
+- sip4-4.1.1 langage binding software
+And, in order to build the documentation:
+- doxygen-1.4.2
+- graphviz-2.2.1
+Additionnal software may be installed for optional features:
+- netgen4.3 + patch
+- tix8.1.4
+- openpbs-2.3.16
+- lsf-???
+<b>To Do</b>
+- Instructions for installing these software programs can be found in a
+ special note doc/configuration_examples/install-prerequis.
+- Installation shell scripts are also provided.
+ These scripts have to be adapted to your own configuration.
+- See doc/configuration_examples/*
+In the following, we assume that all the third-party softwares are
+installed in the same root directory, named <salomeroot>/prerequis.
+Then, your file system should probably look like::
+\section S4_install Preparing the shell environment
+Some variables have to be set to get acces to third-party software
+components (include files, executable, library, ...) during building
+process and runtime.
+The shell file prerequis.sh, embedded in the KERNEL source package,
+provides a template for setting those variables. In this example, all the
+softwares are supposed to be installed in the same root directory,
+named here INSTALLROOT.
+Copy the prerequis.sh in a working directory and adjust the settings
+to your own configuration. To get the shell prepared, just
+execute the following command in the building shell:
+$ source prerequis.sh
+(we assume here a ksh or bash mode)
+\section S5_install Installing the KERNEL component
+We use here the notation <kernel_src> to specify the source directory
+of the KERNEL component. The shell environment is supposed to have
+been set (cf. 4).
+Installing the KERNEL from a source package needs three directories:
+- the source directory, denoted here by <kernel_src>.
+- the build directory, denoted by <kernel_build> in the following. This
+ directory can't be the same directory as <kernel_src>.
+- the install directory, denoted by <kernel_install> in the following. This
+ directory can't be the same directory as <kernel_src> or
+ <kernel_build>.
+The installing process is:
+<b>STEP 1:</b>
+ preparing directories
+ create the <kernel_build> and the <kernel_install> directories:
+ \code
+$ mkdir <kernel_build>
+$ mkdir <kernel_install>
+<b>STEP 2:</b>
+ build configure script
+ go to <kernel_src> directory and generate the "configure" script:
+ \code
+$ cd <kernel_src>
+$ ./build_configure
+ \endcode
+ If it doesn't work, check your system automake tools as specified in
+ section [2].
+<b>STEP 3:</b>
+ configure the building process
+ go to the build directory and execute the configuration process::
+ \code
+$ cd <kernel_build>
+$ <kernel_src>/configure --prefix=<kernel_install>
+ \endcode
+ Note that <kernel_install> must be an absolute path.
+ When the configure process is complete, check the status of
+ third-party softwares detection. You should have a status like::
+ \code
+ ---------------------------------------------
+ Summary
+ ---------------------------------------------
+ Configure
+ cc : yes
+ boost : yes
+ lex_yacc : yes
+ python : yes
+ swig : yes
+ threads : yes
+ OpenGL : yes
+ qt : yes
+ vtk : yes
+ hdf5 : yes
+ med2 : yes
+ omniORB : yes
+ occ : yes
+ sip : yes
+ pyqt : yes
+ qwt : yes
+ doxygen : yes
+ graphviz : no
+ openpbs : no
+ lsf : no
+ Default ORB : omniORB
+ ----------------------------------------------
+ \endcode
+If a software get a status "no", then it's not "seen" in the system:
+- the software is not installed, or
+- the shell environment is not set correctly.
+In this example, the software programs graphviz, openpbs and lsf are not
+installed (optional for most usages).
+<b>STEP 4 :</b>
+ Building the binary files
+ Execute make in the <kernel_build> directory::
+ \code
+$ make
+ \endcode
+<b>STEP 5:</b>
+ Installing binary files, scripts and documentation
+ Execute install target in the <kernel_build> directory::
+ \code
+$ make install
+ \endcode
+\section S6_install Installing the SALOME components
+TInstalling a component <COMPONENT> is done by following the same
+instructions as given for the KERNEL, replacing KERNEL by
+<COMPONENT> (build_configure, configure, make, make install).
+You just have to be aware of the dependencies between components:
+- MED depends on KERNEL
+- GEOM depends on KERNEL
+- SMESH depends on KERNEL, MED, GEOM
+- VISU depends on KERNEL, MED
+- SUPERV depends on KERNEL
+For example, installing the component SMESH needs the previous
+installation of the KERNEL component, and then the GEOM and MED components.
+The building process uses the variables <COMPONENT>_ROOT_DIR to
+localize the dependant components. The variables must be set to the
+install path directory of the components <COMPONENT> (ex:
+In the above example, the three variables KERNEL_ROOT_DIR,
+GEOM_ROOT_DIR and MED_ROOT_DIR have to be set before configuring the
+building process of the SMESH component (STEP 3).
+\section S7_install Runtime
+See SALOME_Application to define your own configuration of %SALOME and run it
+on one or several computers. This is the recommended way of configuration.
+The following explains the general principles.
+To run the %SALOME platform, the procedure is:
+- set the shell environment to get acces to third-party softwares:
+$ source prerequis.sh
+- define the %SALOME configuration by setting the whole set of
+ variables <COMPONENT>_ROOT_DIR. Here, you just have to set the
+ kernel and the components you need::
+ \code
+$ export KERNEL_ROOT_DIR=<kernel_install>
+$ export MED_ROOT_DIR=<med_install>
+$ ...
+ \endcode
+- define the CORBA configuration file by setting the variable
+ OMNIORB_CONFIG. This variable must be set to a writable file
+ path. The file may be arbitrary chosen and doesn't need to exist
+ before running. We suggest::
+ \code
+$ export OMNIORB_CONFIG=$HOME/.omniORB.cfg
+ \endcode
+- run the %SALOME platform by executing the script runSalome:
+ \code
+ \endcode
+\section S8_install Suggestions and advices
+For convenience or customization, we suggest the following organisation:
+- chose and create a root directory for the %SALOME platform, say
+ <salomeroot>.
+- install the third-party softwares in a sub-directory "prerequis"
+- install the %SALOME components in a sub-directory "SALOME2"
+- make personnal copies of the files prerequis.sh and runSalome in
+ <salomeroot>:
+ \code
+$ cp <kernel_src>/prerequis.sh <rundir>/.
+$ cp <kernel_install>/bin/salome/runSalome <rundir>/.
+ \endcode
+ Edit the file prerequis.sh and adjust it to your own configuration.
+- define the SALOME2 configuration
+ This step consists in setting the KERNEL_ROOT_DIR, the whole set of
+ variables <COMPONENT>_ROOT_DIR you need, and the OMNIORB_CONFIG
+ variable.
+ We suggest to create a shell file envSalome.sh containing those
+ settings. Then the configuration consists in loading envSalome.sh in
+ the runtime shell:
+$ source envSalome.sh
+- When installed with this file organisation, running %SALOME is done
+ with the following shell commands::
+ \code
+ $ source <salomeroot>/prerequis.sh
+ $ source <salomeroot>/envSalome.sh
+ $ ./runSalome
+ \endcode
--- /dev/null
+\page kernel_resources SALOME Kernel resources for developer
+\section S1_kernel_res Abstract
+This document describes the development environment for
+C++ and Python. Makefiles generation and usage are
+introduced in another document: "using the %SALOME
+configuration and building system environment".
+Development environment is intended here as: trace and
+debug macros usage; %SALOME exceptions usage, in C++ and
+Python; user CORBA exceptions usage, in C++ and Python,
+with and without Graphical User Interface; some general
+purpose services such as singleton, used for CORBA
+connection and disconnection.
+\section S2_kernel_res Trace and debug Utilities
+During the development process, an execution log is
+useful to identify problems. This log contains
+messages, variables values, source files names and line
+numbers. It is recommended to verify assertions on
+variables values and if necessary, to stop the
+execution at debug time, in order to validate all parts
+of code.
+<b>Two modes: debug and release</b>
+The goal of debug mode is to check as many features as
+possible during the early stages of the development
+process. The purpose of the utilities provided in
+%SALOME is to help the developer to add detailed traces
+and check variables values, without writing a lot of code.
+When the code is assumed to be valid, the release mode
+optimizes execution, in terms of speed, memory, and
+display only user level messages.
+But, some informations must always be displayed in both
+modes: especially messages concerning environment or
+internal errors, with version identification. When an
+end user is confronted to such a message, he may refer
+to a configuration documentation or send the message to
+the people in charge of %SALOME installation, or to the
+development team, following the kind of error.
+<b>C++ Macros for trace and debug</b>
+%SALOME provides C++ macros for trace and debug. These
+macros are in:
+This file must be included in C++ source. Some
+macros are activated only in debug mode, others are
+always activated. To activate the debug mode, ``_DEBUG_``
+must be defined, which is the case when %SALOME
+Makefiles are generated from configure, without
+options. When ``_DEBUG_`` is undefined (release mode:
+``configure --disable-debug --enable-production``), the
+debug mode macros are defined empty (they do nothing).
+So, when switching from debug to release, it is
+possible (and recommended) to let the macro calls
+unchanged in the source.
+All the macros generate trace messages, stored in a
+circular buffer pool. %A separate %thread reads the
+messages in the buffer pool, and, depending on options
+given at %SALOME start, writes the messages on the
+standard output, a file, or send them via CORBA, in
+case of a multi machine configuration.
+Three informations are systematically added in front of
+the information displayed:
+- the %thread number from which the message come from;
+- the name of the source file in which the macros is set;
+- the line number of the source file at which the macro
+ is set.
+<b>Macros defined in debug and release modes</b>
+ The C++ macro INFOS_COMPILATION writes on the trace
+ buffer pool informations about the compiling process:
+ - the name of the compiler : g++, KCC, CC, pgCC;
+ - the date and the time of the compiling processing process.
+ This macro INFOS_COMPILATION does not have any
+ argument. Moreover, it is defined in both compiling
+ mode : _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_.
+ Example:
+ \code
+#include "utilities.h"
+int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ ...
+ \endcode
+ In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
+ macro INFOS writes on the trace buffer pool %the string
+ which has been passed in argument by the user.
+ Example:
+ \code
+#include "utilities.h"
+int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ ...
+ return 0;
+ \endcode
+ Displays:
+ \code
+ \endcode
+ In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
+ macro INTERRUPTION writes on the trace buffer pool the
+ %string, with a special ABORT type. When the %thread in
+ charge of collecting messages finds this message, it
+ terminates the application, after message treatment.
+ In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++
+ macro IMMEDIATE_ABORT writes the message str immediately on
+ standard error and exits the application. Remaining
+ messages not treated by the message collector %thread
+ are lost.
+<b>Macros defined only in debug mode</b>
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode only, the C++ macro MESSAGE
+ writes on the trace buffer pool the %string which has
+ been passed in argument by the user. In _RELEASE_
+ compiling mode, this macro is blank.
+ Example:
+ \code
+#include "utilities.h"
+#include <string>
+using namespace std;
+int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ ...
+ const char *str = "Salome";
+ MESSAGE(str);
+ ... const string st;
+ st = "Aster";
+ MESSAGE(c_str(st+" and CASTEM"));
+ return 0;
+ \endcode
+ Displays:
+ \code
+- Trace main.cxx [8] : Salome
+- Trace main.cxx [12] : Aster and CASTEM
+ \endcode
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro BEGIN_OF
+ appends the %string "Begin of " to the one passed in
+ argument by the user and displays the result on the
+ trace buffer pool. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this
+ macro is blank.
+ Example:
+ \code
+#include "utilities.h"
+int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ BEGIN_OF(argv[0]);
+ return 0;
+ \endcode
+ Displays:
+ \code
+ - Trace main.cxx [3] : Begin of a.out
+ \endcode
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro END_OF appends
+ the %string "Normal end of " to the one passed in
+ argument by the user and displays the result on the
+ trace buffer pool. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this
+ macro is blank.
+ Example:
+ \code
+#include "utilities.h"
+int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ END_OF(argv[0]);
+ return 0;
+ \endcode
+ Displays:
+ \code
+- Trace main.cxx [4] : Normal end of a.out
+ \endcode
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro SCRUTE
+ displays its argument which is an application variable
+ followed by the value of the variable. In _RELEASE_
+ compiling mode, this macro is blank.
+ Example:
+ \code
+#include "utilities.h"
+int main(int argc , char **argv)
+ const int i=999;
+ if( i > 0 ) SCRUTE(i) ; i=i+1;
+ return 0;
+ \endcode
+ Displays:
+ \code
+- Trace main.cxx [5] : i=999
+ \endcode
+ In _DEBUG_ compiling mode only, The C++ macro ASSERT
+ checks the expression passed in argument to be not
+ NULL. If it is NULL the condition is written with the
+ macro INTERRUPTION (see above). The process exits after
+ trace of this last message. In _RELEASE_ compiling
+ mode, this macro is blank. N.B. : if ASSERT is already
+ defined, this macro is ignored.
+ Example:
+ \code
+#include "utilities.h"
+const char *ptrS = fonc();
+cout << strlen(ptrS);
+float table[10];
+int k;
+cout << table[k];
+ \endcode
+\section S3_kernel_res Exceptions
+<b>C++ exceptions: class SALOME_Exception</b>
+The class SALOME_Exception provides a generic method to
+send a message, with optional source file name and line
+number. This class is intended to serve as a base class
+for all kinds of exceptions %SALOME code. All the
+exceptions derived from SALOME_Exception could be
+handled in a single catch, in which the message
+associated to the exception is displayed, or sent to a
+log file.
+The class SALOME_Exception inherits its behavior from
+the STL class exception.
+The header %SALOME/src/utils/utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx
+must be included in the C++ source, when raised or trapped:
+#include "utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx"
+The SALOME_Exception constructor is:
+SALOME_Exception( const char *text,
+ const char *fileName=0,
+ const unsigned int lineNumber=0 );
+The exception is raised like this:
+throw SALOME_Exception("my pertinent message");
+or like this:
+throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("my pertinent message"));
+where LOCALIZED is a macro provided with
+``utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx`` which gives file name and
+line number.
+The exception is handled like this:
+ try
+ ...
+catch (const SALOME_Exception &ex)
+ cerr << ex.what() <<endl;
+The what() method overrides the one defined in the STL
+exception class.
+<b>CORBA exceptions</b>
+The idl SALOME_Exception provides a generic CORBA
+exception for %SALOME, with an attribute that gives an
+exception type,a message, plus optional source file
+name and line number.
+This idl is intended to serve for all user CORBA
+exceptions raised in %SALOME code, as IDL specification
+does not support exception inheritance. So, all the
+user CORBA exceptions from %SALOME could be handled in a
+single catch.
+The exception types defined in idl are:
+ - COMM CORBA communication problem,
+ - BAD_PARAM Bad User parameters,
+ - INTERNAL_ERROR application level problem (often irrecoverable).
+CORBA system and user exceptions already defined in the
+packages used within %SALOME, such as OmniORB
+exceptions, must be handled separately.
+<b>CORBA servant, C++</b>
+ The CORBA Server header for SALOME_Exception and a
+ macro to throw the exception are provided with the
+ header ``KERNEL_SRC/src/Utils/Utils_CorbaException.hxx``:
+ \code
+#include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
+ \endcode
+ The exception is raised with a macro which appends file
+ name and line number:
+ \code
+if (myStudyName.size() == 0)
+ \endcode
+<b>CORBA Client, GUI Qt C++</b>
+ The CORBA Client header for SALOME_Exception and a Qt
+ function header that displays a message box are
+ provided in:
+ ``KERNEL_SRC/src/SALOMEGUI/SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx``
+ \code
+#include "SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx"
+ \endcode
+ %A typical exchange with a CORBA Servant will be:
+ \code
+ ... // one ore more CORBA calls
+catch (const SALOME::SALOME_Exception & S_ex)
+ QtCatchCorbaException(S_ex);
+ \endcode
+<b>CORBA Client, C++, without GUI</b>
+ Nothing specific has been provided to the developer
+ yet. See the idl or the Qt function
+ SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx to see how to get
+ the information given by the exception %object.
+\section S4_kernel_res Miscellaneous tools
+%A singleton is an application data which is created and
+deleted only once at the end of the application
+process. The C++ compiler allows the user to create a
+static singleton data before the first executable
+statement. They are deleted after the last statement execution.
+The ``SINGLETON_`` template class deals with dynamic
+singleton. It is useful for functor objects. For
+example, an %object that connects the application to a
+system at creation and disconnects the application at deletion.
+To create a single instance of a POINT %object:
+# include "Utils_SINGLETON.hxx"
+POINT *ptrPoint=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;
+assert(ptrPoint!=NULL) ;
+No need to delete ptrPoint. Deletion is achieved
+automatically at exit. If the user tries to create more
+than one singleton by using the class method
+SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance(), the pointer is returned
+with the same value even if this is done in different
+functions (threads ?):
+POINT *p1=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;
+POINT *p2=SINGLETON_<POINT>::Instance() ;
+<b>Design description</b>
+Here are the principles features of the singleton
+- the user creates an %object of class TYPE by using the
+ class method ``SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance()`` which
+ returns a pointer to the single %object ;
+- to create an %object, ``SINGLETON_<TYPE>::Instance()``
+ uses the default constructor of class TYPE ;
+- at the same time, this class method creates a
+ destructor %object which is added to the generic list
+ of destructor objects to be executed at the end of
+ the application (atexit) ;
+- at the end of the application process all the
+ deletions are performed by the ``Nettoyage()`` C function
+ which executes the destruction objects end then
+ deletes the destructions objects themselves ;
+- the ``Nettoyage()`` C function using ``atexit()`` C function
+ is embedded in a static single %object ``ATEXIT_()``.
--- /dev/null
+ \page KERNEL_Services KERNEL Services for end user (Python interface)
+In a %SALOME application, distributed components, servers and clients use
+the CORBA middleware for comunication. CORBA interfaces are defined via idl
+files. All the different CORBA interfaces are available for users in Python,
+see CORBA interfaces below.
+For some general purpose services, CORBA interfaces have been encapsulated
+in order to provide a simple interface (encapsulation is generally done in
+C++ classes, and a Python SWIG interface is also generated from C++, to
+ensure a consistent behavior between C++ modules and Python modules or user
+\section S1_kernel_ser General purpose services
+<b>%SALOME services access from a Python shell</b>
+See \ref SALOME_Application for detailed instructions to launch a Python
+interpreter with full acces to the %SALOME environment and services.
+You can use the embedded Python interpreter in Grahic User Interface, or an
+external interpreter, with:
+In either cases, %SALOME services access is done with:
+import salome
+In the embedded interpreter, it is already done, but there is no problem to
+do it several times, so it is preferable to add these instructions
+systematically in your scripts, to allow them to work in all configurations.
+<b>Container and component instanciation</b>
+See LifeCycleCORBA for the C++ interface (Python interface obtained with SWIG
+is very similar).
+In the following example, a test component provided in KERNEL is launched
+in the local container, "FactoryServer", created when %SALOME starts:
+import salome
+import LifeCycleCORBA
+lcc = LifeCycleCORBA.LifeCycleCORBA()
+import Engines
+The answer is something like:
+'TestComponent_i : L = 1'
+The _narrow() instruction is not always mandatory in Python, but sometimes
+useful to be sure you have got the right type of %object. Here, Testcomponent
+interface is defined in CORBA module Engines. With this example, it works also
+without the _narrow() instruction:
+ obj.Coucou(1)
+In the next example, a component instance is created in a specific Container
+defined by it's computer hostname and it's name. Here we use the local
+computer. Note that in Utils_Identity, getShortHostName() gives the short
+hostname of the computer, without domain suffixes, which is used in %SALOME.
+The container process is created here if it does not exists, and a new
+component instance is created:
+import salome
+import LifeCycleCORBA
+lcc = LifeCycleCORBA.LifeCycleCORBA()
+import Utils_Identity
+host = Utils_Identity.getShortHostName()
+import Engines
+If you want to get a list of containers and component instances, client %object
+from orbmodule provides a list:
+import orbmodule
+The list looks like:
+ cli70ac.dir
+ FactoryServerPy.object
+ SuperVisionContainer.object
+ FactoryServer.object
+ FactoryServer.dir
+ SalomeTestComponent_inst_1.object
+ myContainer.object
+ myContainer.dir
+ SalomeTestComponent_inst_1.object
+ SalomeTestComponent_inst_2.object
+ ModulCatalog.object
+ Session.object
+ Study2.object
+ extStudy_1.object
+ extStudy_2.object
+ extStudy_3.object
+<b>File transfer service</b>
+See SALOME_FileTransferCORBA for the C++ interface (Python interface obtained with
+SWIG is very similar).
+The following example shows how to tranfer a file from a remote host to the
+client computer. Remote hostname is 'cli76cc', we would like to copy
+'tkcvs_8_0_3.tar.gz' from remote to local computer. %A full pathname is
+required. %A container is created on remote computer if it does not exist,
+to handle the file transfer:
+import salome
+import LifeCycleCORBA
+<b>CORBA Naming service access</b>
+See SALOME_NamingService for the C++ interface. The Python interface
+SALOME_NamingServicePy is not yet derived from the C++ interface and offers
+only the most useful functions.
+<b>Batch services</b>
+See \ref batch_page documentation (in french only).
+\section S2_kernel_ser All IDL Interfaces
+<b>Containers and component life cycle, File transfer service</b>
+- Engines : engines CORBA module.
+- Engines::Component : generic component interface. All %SALOME components inherit this interface.
+- Engines::Container : host for C++ and Python components components instances
+- Engines::fileTransfer : agent for file transfer created by a container copy a local file to a distent client
+- Engines::fileRef : reference to a file, used by a container for file transfers
+- Engines::ContainerManager : unique instance, in charge of container creation on remote computers
+- Engines::MPIContainer : an exemple of parallel implementation for containers and components
+- Engines::MPIObject
+<b>Study management</b>
+- SALOMEDS_Attributes.idl
+<b>High speed transfer, object life cycle, exceptions, GUI interface...</b>
+- SALOME_Comm.idl
+- SALOME_GenericObj.idl
+- SALOME_Exception
+- SALOME_Session.idl
+- SALOME_ModuleCatalog
+- SALOME_RessourcesCatalog
+- SALOME_Registry.idl
+- Logger.idl
+<b>Other idl for test purposes</b>
+- nstest.idl
+- SALOME_TestComponent.idl
+- SALOME_TestModuleCatalog.idl
+- SALOME_TestMPIComponent.idl
+- TestNotif.idl
--- /dev/null
+/*! \mainpage SALOME KERNEL Reference Documentation
+ \image html kernel_about_4.png
+ \section S1_main Introduction
+ Welcome to the %SALOME KERNEL documentation !
+ Following your kind of usage of %SALOME, you will find some specific
+ introductory documentation, listed below.
+ \section S2_main End user
+ <li>
+ <b>How to configure a %SALOME application</b>
+ \n The end user may have to configure his own %SALOME application by selection of a
+ subset of availables %SALOME modules. He also may want to install his
+ application on several computers.
+ See \subpage SALOME_Application to define your own configuration of %SALOME and run it
+ on one or several computers. This is the recommended way of configuration.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <b>How to launch %SALOME in a %SALOME application</b>
+ \n See \ref SALOME_Application.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <b>How to use KERNEL services in Python scripts</b>
+ \n The %SALOME KERNEL offers a list of services available in Python. See \subpage KERNEL_Services.
+ </li>
+ \section S3_main Application Integrator
+ Applications integrators are in charge of configuration and installation of
+ specific %SALOME applications over a local network. Application Integrators
+ built %SALOME modules binaries from sources tarballs.
+ <li>
+ <b>How to install %SALOME</b>
+ \n See \subpage INSTALL for general information on required configuration and
+ prerequisites, compilation procedure, setting environment principles.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <b>How to configure a %SALOME application</b>
+ \n See \ref SALOME_Application to define your own configuration of %SALOME and run it
+ on one or several computers. This is the recommended way of configuration.
+ </li>
+ \section S4_main Module maintainer
+ Module maintainers are in charge of the development and debug of the %SALOME
+ modules. Each %SALOME module is stored in a CVS base. CVS bases are organised
+ in separate branches for developments and debug. All official or development
+ releases are identified by a CVS tag.
+ <li>
+ <b>Source code structuration and Unit Tests</b>
+ \n See \subpage UnitTests for general information on code directories structure,
+ unit tests associated to the different kind of classes, and how to run
+ the unit tests.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Some development utilities</b>
+ \n See \subpage kernel_resources for information on basic utilities for C++ and Python
+ development, like trace and debug, exceptions, singleton.
+ </li>
+ \section S5_main SALOME programming model
+ You will find in the next pages informations about
+ specific points of %SALOME Kernel :
+ - \subpage dsc_page : DSC documentation page.
+ - \subpage salome_file_page : Salome_file documentation page.
+ - \subpage batch_page : BATCH documentation page.
--- /dev/null
+ \page SALOME_Application SALOME Application Concept
+ <b>Configuration for one or more computers</b>
+The following explains how to configure your own application with your list of
+modules, how to define and run this application on one or more computers.
+\section S1_sal_appl General principles
+%A %SALOME application is defined by a set of modules (GEOM, SMESH, ASTER...).
+%A %SALOME User can define several %SALOME Applications. These applications are
+runnable from the same user account. These applications may share the same
+KERNEL and modules. Thus, the application configuration is independant of
+KERNEL and must not be put in KERNEL_ROOT_DIR.
+Furthermore, prerequisites may not be the same on all the applications.
+%A %SALOME Session can run on a several computers.
+Binary modules and prerequisites are installed on the different computers.
+There is no need to have all the modules on each computer (the minimum is
+There is no need of standardization or centralised information on the details
+of configuration on each computer (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, environment
+variables) provided the application modules are version - compatible. Details
+of configuration stay private to the computer, and are held by scripts on each
+There is no hierarchy between the computers (for example only one master
+computer used to launch application).
+The %SALOME user has an account on all the computers. Access between
+account@computer is via rsh or ssh and must be configured for use without
+password (key exchange for ssh). Account may be different on each
+\section S2_sal_appl Application Directory
+There is two ways for creation of an application directory
+ <li>
+ <b>First way - references to different module directories</b>
+The script createAppli.sh in ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/SALOME creates an
+application directory with the given path in parameter. ${APPLI} is a path
+relative to ${HOME}.
+The directory is only a skeleton, the user has to edit several files to
+configure his own application. These files are described after, the list is:
+- env.d/atFirst.sh
+- env.d/envProducts.sh
+- env.d/envSALOME.sh
+- CatalogResources.xml
+- SALOMEApp.xml
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Second and easiest way - one single virtual install directory</b>
+The user must create a %SALOME application configuration file by modifying a
+copy of ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/SALOME/config_appli.xml.
+The file describes the list of %SALOME modules used in the application, with
+their respective installation path. The configuration file also defines the
+path of an existing script which sets the %SALOME prerequisites,
+and optionnaly, the path of samples directory (SAMPLES_SRC).
+The following command::
+python <KERNEL_ROOT_DIR>/bin/SALOME/appli_gen.py --prefix=<install directory> --config=<configuration file>
+creates a virtual installation of %SALOME in the application directory ${APPLI}
+(bin, lib, doc, share...), with, for each file (executable, script, data,
+library, resources...), symbolic links to the actual file.
+Providing an existing an existing script for %SALOME prerequisites (the same one
+used for modules compilation, or given with the modules installation), the
+installation works without further modification for a single computer (unless
+some modules needs a special environment not defined in the above script).
+For a distributed application (several computers), one must copy and adapt
+CatalogResources.xml from ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/SALOME/appliskel (see below).
+ </li>
+\section S3_sal_appl General rules
+Directory ${APPLI} must be created on each computer of the application.
+The easiest way is to use the same relative path (to ${HOME}) on each computer.
+(Sometimes it is not possible to use the same path everywhere, for instance
+when ${HOME} is shared with NFS, so it is possible to define different path
+following the computers).
+The ${APPLI} directory contains scripts for environment and runs. Environment
+scripts must be configured (by the user) on each computer. All the environment
+scripts are in the ${APPLI}/env.d directory.
+The script ${APPLI}/envd sources **all** the files (\*.sh) in ${APPLI}/env.d
+in alphanumeric order (after edition, think to remove backup files). the envd
+script is used by run scripts.
+ <li>
+<b>env.d scripts</b>
+With the first way of installation, each user **must define** his own
+configuration for these scripts, following the above rules.
+With the virtual installation (second way, above), env.d
+scripts are built automatically.
+ **The following is only an example proposed by createAppli.sh, (first way of installation) not working as it is**.
+- atFirst.sh
+ Sets the computer configuration not directly related to %SALOME,
+ like useful tools, default PATH.
+- envProducts.sh
+ Sets the %SALOME prerequisites.
+- envSALOME.sh
+ Sets all the MODULE_ROOT_DIR that can be used in the %SALOME application.
+ SALOMEAppConfig is also defined by:
+export SALOMEAppConfig=${HOME}/${APPLI}
+ where SALOMEAppConfig designates the directory containing SALOMEApp.xml.
+ Note that ${APPLI} is already defined by the calling scripts when
+ env.d/envSALOME.sh is sourced.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+<b>User run scripts</b>
+The %SALOME user can use 4 scripts:
+- runAppli
+ Launches a %SALOME Session
+ (similar to ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/SALOME/runSALOME but with a different
+ name to avoid confusions).
+- runSession
+ Launches a shell script in the %SALOME application environment, with access
+ to the current (last launched) %SALOME session (naming service), if any.
+ Without arguments, the script is interactive. With arguments, the script
+ executes the command in the %SALOME application environment.
+- runConsole
+ Gives a python console connected to the current %SALOME Session.
+ It is also possible to use runSession, then python.
+- runTests
+ Similar to runSession, used for unit testing. runSession tries to use an
+ already existing naming service definition from a running session (hostname
+ and port number), runTests defines a new configuration for naming service
+ (new port number).
+ </li>
+ <li>
+<b>%SALOME internal run scripts</b>
+- envd
+ Sets %SALOME application environment, envd is sourced by other scripts.
+For remote calls, %SALOME uses one script.
+- runRemote.sh
+ This script is mainly used to launch containers. The first 2 arguments
+ define the hostname and port userd for naming service, the remaining
+ arguments define the command to execute.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+<b>Other configuration files</b>
+- SALOMEApp.xml
+ This file is similar to the default given
+ in ${GUI_ROOT_DIR}/share/SALOME/resources/gui
+- CatalogRessources.xml
+ This files describes all the computers the application can use. The given
+ example is minimal and suppose ${APPLI} is the same relative path
+ to ${HOME}, on all the computers. %A different directory can be set on a
+ particular computer with a line:
+ </li>
+\section S4_sal_appl Examples of use
+ <li>
+<b>Launch a %SALOME session with a GUI interface</b>
+Launch is done with a command like::
+./runAppli --logger
+The --logger option means here : collect all the traces from the all the
+distributed process, via CORBA, in a single file : logger.log.
+There are a lot of options, a complete list is given by::
+./runAppli --help
+Note that, without argument, runAppli is a non interactive Python application,
+and, with arguments, runAppli is an interactive Python interpreter.
+Several options are already defined by default in SALOMEApp.xml files. Optional
+arguments given in the command override the SALOMEApp.xml configuration.
+Several sessions can run simultaneously, each session use a different port for
+CORBA naming service, so the sessions are totally separated from each other.
+When the GUI is closed, the different %SALOME servers are still running.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+<b>Close a %SALOME session, kill all the servers</b>
+Inside the interactive python interpreter you get when you use runAppli
+with arguments, you can kill all the servers of your session with::
+>>> killLocalPort()
+or the servers of all the sessions with::
+>>> killAllPorts()
+If you have no active Python interpreter connected to your session, you can
+kill all the %SALOME servers of **all the sessions** on a given computer::
+./runSession killSALOME.py
+Remember! it's the same idea in *Windows (R) operating system* (Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
+ Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries) :
+use the start menu to stop...
+When you use only one session at a time, you don't need more.
+To kill a given session (when several session are running), one needs
+the naming service port number::
+./runSession killSALOMEWithPort 2810
+Note that the port number of the last launched session can be found on Linux,
+in the prompt, within a runSession shell (see below).
+It is also possible to get the Naming Service host and port number of
+the last launched session with::
+./runSession NSparam.py
+ </li>
+ <li>
+<b>Launch a %SALOME session without GUI interface</b>
+This is used to launch a %SALOME Python script without GUI
+(no GUI %server = SALOME_session_server)
+Example of script (test_session_geom.py):
+import SALOME_session
+import GEOM_usinggeom
+raw_input("Press a key and the servers will be killed ...")
+This script is run in a non interactive way with::
+./runSession python test_session_geom.py
+All the process are automatically killed when Python is closed
+(with SALOME_session delete).
+ </li>
+ <li>
+<b>Add an external Python interpretor to a running session</b>
+It's often easier to develop and try Python scripts outside the GUI embedded
+Python interpreter. Imagine, for instance, you are writing a script involving
+geometry and mesh modules.
+first, launch a %SALOME session with gui, then, on another terminal::
+Import %SALOME module. SALOME_init() without arguments creates a new study
+in the running session (note: SALOME_init(n) attachs to a running session whose
+studyId is n)::
+import SALOME
+An example of script given with SMESH::
+import ex01_cube2build
+It is possible to connect the GUI interface to the study created in the above
+script with the file/connect menu, then browse study and display objects.
+Further modifications on study can be done either with GUI or external script
+(use refresh popup in GUI %object browser to see study modifications generated
+by the external script). **AVOID modifications with GUI when a Python script
+is running**. Not all the modules are protected against concurrent actions...
+ </li>
+ <li>
+<b>Different uses of the runSession shell interpreter</b>
+runSession invoked without arguments gives an interactive shell with the full
+environment of %SALOME (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PYTHONPATH, other variables).
+If there are running sessions of the same %SALOME application, runSession
+connects to the last launched session (i.e. gets the naming service references
+of the session: hostname and port)
+On Linux, the shell prompt (bash) gives information on naming service
+references, hostname and port::
+If there is no running session, prompt looks like::
+runSession is useful to launch any script or program which needs the complete
+%SALOME environment, with or without a session already running.
+For instance, to launch the ddd debugger interface on the gui %server, first
+launch a %SALOME session with gui, then, on another terminal::
+./runSession ddd
+Then attach to the running SALOME_Session_Server process.
+ </li>
--- /dev/null
+\page salome_file_page Salome_file
+This page introduces the Salome_file feature. Salome_file is based on the
+SALOME_FileTransfer. It extends it to enable a higher model for managing files into
+%SALOME applications.
+\section S1_Salome_file Principles
+Salome_file is a CORBA %object. It's role is to managed many system files. When a Salome_file
+is created, no files are managed. Then, files are added using Salome_file interface. %A file is represented
+by a <b>name</b> and a <b>path</b>.
+There is two different cases when a file is added :
+- <b>Local file</b> : the file added exists or it will be created by the user with the path and the name used in
+its registration.
+- <b>Distributed file</b> : the file added exists into a distributed localization.
+To be able to get a distributed file, the Salome_file has to be connected with an another Salome_file that
+managed this file. This distributed Salome_file could be located into a distributed resource.
+\section S2_Salome_file Simple example
+This section shows a simple example of the use of Salome_file. The objective is to create
+two Salome_file; one is managing a local file, the other is managing a distributed file.
+Then, these Salome_files are connected to enable the copy of the real file gbetween the two Salome_files.
+Firstly, two Salome_files are created :
+#include "Salome_file_i.hxx"
+int main (int argc, char * argv[])
+ Salome_file_i file_source;
+ Salome_file_i file_dest;
+Secondly, the real files are registered into the Salome_files.
+ file_source.setLocalFile("/bin/cat");
+ file_dest.setDistributedFile("/tmp/cat_copy");
+Thirdly, we connect the destination file with the source file :
+ file_dest.connect(file_source);
+Finally, the file is sended using Salome_file interface.
+ file_dest.recvFiles();
+ // Status check
+ state = file_dest.getSalome_fileState();
+ print_state(state); // You have to implement this function.
+\section S3_Salome_file Advanced example
+This advanced example illustrates a part of the Salome_file API dedicated
+for situations where multiple files are managed.
+This is the situation :
+#include "Salome_file_i.hxx"
+int main (int argc, char * argv[])
+ Salome_file_i file_source_a;
+ Salome_file_i file_source_b;
+ Salome_file_i file_dest;
+ file_source_a.setLocalFile("/bin/cat");
+ file_source_a.setLocalFile("/bin/ls");
+ file_source_b.setLocalFile("/bin/echo");
+ file_source_b.setLocalFile("/bin/cp");
+ file_dest.setDistributedFile("/tmp/cat_copy");
+ file_dest.setDistributedFile("/tmp/echo_copy");
+There is two problems in this case.
+The first problem is in the <b>file_dest</b> Salome_file, there is two files. If
+the method connect is used, the Salome_file cannot know if the reference is for <b>cat_copy</b> or
+<b>echo_copy</b>. Indeed <b>echo_copy</b> could be provided by another Salome_file that for <b>cat_copy</b>.
+The second problem comes from the two files of <b>file_source_a</b> Salome_file. Indeed when connect is used,
+there is no information about the choice of the source file into the source Salome_file. For
+<b>cat_copy</b>, did the used want <b>cat</b> or <b>echo</b> ?
+To avoid these cases, Salome_file API provides advanced methods :
+ file_dest.connectDistributedFile("cat_copy", file_source_a);
+ file_dest.setDistributedSourceFile("cat_copy", "cat");
+ file_dest.connectDistributedFile("cat_echo", file_source_b);
+ file_dest.setDistributedSourceFile("cat_echo", "echo");
+ file_dest.recvFiles();
+ // Status check
+ state = file_dest.getSalome_fileState();
+ print_state(state); // You have to implement this function.
+\section S3_Salome_file Using Salome_file into %SALOME services
+Currently you can't use Salome_file into YACS schema. In the next version of %SALOME,
+files ports will be available to connect output files to input files.
--- /dev/null
+\page UnitTests Source code structuration and Unit Tests
+You will find here general information on code directories structure,
+unit tests associated to the different kind of classes, and how to run
+the unit tests.
+\section S1_unit SALOME KERNEL source code structuration
+<li> <b>General structure of KERNEL_SRC</b>
+ Some README files and configuration tools for build
+- KERNEL_SRC/adm_local :
+ Part of the configuration files, other modules have a directory with the
+ same name. Not used in KERNEL.
+- KERNEL_SRC/bin :
+ Python and shell scripts used at run time.
+ Kit to install a %SALOME Application.
+- KERNEL_SRC/doc :
+ Kit for KERNEL end user documentation production:
+ public interfaces, Python, CORBA.
+ Integrator and Developper documentation.
+- KERNEL_SRC/idl :
+ All CORBA interfaces from KERNEL are regrouped here.
+- KERNEL_SRC/resources :
+ Configuration files for servers (examples).
+ Interfaces definitions for KERNEL test components.
+- KERNEL_SRC/salome_adm :
+ Configuration files used by autotools (M4 macros & co.)
+- KERNEL_SRC/src :
+ The source code (C++ and Python)
+<b>Directory src: C++ and Python source code</b>
+<b>Basic services non related to CORBA</b>
+- Basics
+ %A set of general purpose C++ services, not related to CORBA.
+ Some general purpose services that are in Utils directory (CORBA related),
+ are progressivley moved here, as they are not related to CORBA.
+- SALOMELocalTrace
+ %A multithread trace system that allows message tracing on standard error
+ or a file.
+- CASCatch
+ Exceptions and signal handler.
+- HDFPersist
+ %A C++ interface to HDF.
+<b>Basic CORBA services</b>
+- Logger :
+ %A CORBA %server that collects the trace messages from differents CORBA
+ process.
+- SALOMETraceCollector :
+ %A multithread trace system derived from SALOMELocalTrace, that sends messages
+ to Logger %server via CORBA.
+- Utils :
+ %A set of general purpose services related to CORBA, such as basic CORBA
+ exception system. See also Basics directory above.
+- NamingService :
+ C++ and Python interfaces to name, store and retrieve CORBA objects
+- GenericObj :
+ %A generic CORBA interface for CORBA objects, to count distributed references,
+ and to allow destruction by client.
+<b>Miscellaneous CORBA servers</b>
+- %Registry :
+ Implements SALOME_registry.idl.
+ Provides a CORBA %server library and a separate %server program.
+- ModuleCatalog :
+ Implements SALOME_moduleCatalog.idl.
+ Provide a CORBA %server library and separate %server and client programs.
+- ModuleGenerator :
+ Tool to generate a module catalog from CORBA idl
+- ResourcesManager :
+ library included in container %server
+- Notification :
+ library included in differents servers (container)
+<b>CORBA Containers for %SALOME Modules</b>
+- Container
+- TestContainer
+- LifeCycleCORBA
+- LifeCycleCORBA_SWIG
+<b>STUDY %server and related interfaces and tools</b>
+<b>Python interface to %SALOME</b>
+<b>Efficient CORBA transfer services</b>
+- Communication
+- Communication_SWIG
+<b>%A Parallel container with MPI</b>
+- MPIContainer
+- TestMPIContainer
+<b>Batch interface library</b>
+- Batch
+- Batch_SWIG
+<b>Unit tests</b>
+- UnitTests
+\section S2_unit Tools and principles used for Unit testing
+<b>**TO BE COMPLETED**</b>
+Unit Testing rely on cppunit package for C++ testing, and on unittest module
+for Python. See these products for general principles of unit testing.
+The cppunit package is optional. When the prerequisite is detected, the unit
+tests are compiled.
+Unit Tests sources are in directories Test under the src/directories
+containing the classes to test.
+Test are ordered following the order of directories given above.
+Tests can be run as a whole, or for a particular directory. In this case, only
+a partial test is run (the classes to test, and the classes used, i.e. the
+preceding test directories).
+Today, only some tests are written as an example. There are not yet python
+scripts in KERNEL_SRC, but it's a matter of days, there are working scripts
+to test LifeCycleCORBA_SWIG interface.
--- /dev/null
+\page dsc_page DSC
+DSC means Dynamic Software Component. It's an extension of the %SALOME programming model.
+It provides a new paradigm to design %SALOME components. It also provides new ports for %SALOME services.
+These ports are : interface ports and datastream ports.
+\section S1_DSC Datastream ports
+We list in this section the datastream ports that are provided by %SALOME.
+<b>BASIC datastream ports</b>
+<tr><td> <b> Port name </b> </td><td> <b> Data type </b> </td><td> <b> Idl Name </b> </td><td> <b> Idl File </b> </td></tr>
+<tr><td> BASIC_short </td><td> short </td><td> Data_Short_Port </td><td> SALOME_Ports.idl </td></tr>
+<b>CALCIUM datastream ports</b>
+<tr><td> <b> Port name </b> </td><td> <b> Data type </b> </td><td> <b> Idl Name </b> </td><td> <b> Idl File </b> </td></tr>
+<tr><td> CALCIUM_integer </td><td> sequence of long </td><td> Calcium_Integer_Port </td><td> Calcium_Ports.idl </td></tr>
+<tr><td> CALCIUM_real </td><td> sequence of float </td><td> Calcium_Real_Port </td><td> Calcium_Ports.idl </td></tr>
+<tr><td> CALCIUM_double </td><td> sequence of double </td><td> Calcium_Double_Port </td><td> Calcium_Ports.idl </td></tr>
+<tr><td> CALCIUM_string </td><td> sequence of %string </td><td> Calcium_String_Port </td><td> Calcium_Ports.idl </td></tr>
+<tr><td> CALCIUM_logical </td><td> sequence of boolean </td><td> Calcium_Logical_Port </td><td> Calcium_Ports.idl </td></tr>
+<tr><td> CALCIUM_complex </td><td> sequence of float </td><td> Calcium_Complex_Port </td><td> Calcium_Ports.idl </td></tr>
+<b>PALM datastream ports</b>
+<tr><td> <b> Port name </b> </td><td> <b> Data type </b> </td><td> <b> Idl Name </b> </td><td> <b> Idl File </b> </td></tr>
+<tr><td> PALM_short </td><td> short </td><td> Palm_Data_Short_Port </td><td> Palm_Ports.idl </td></tr>
+<tr><td> PALM_seq_short </td><td> sequence of short </td><td> Palm_Data_Seq_Short_Port </td><td> Palm_Ports.idl </td></tr>