#include <Model_Document.h>
#include <ModelAPI_Feature.h>
#include <Model_Data.h>
+#include <Model_Object.h>
#include <Model_Application.h>
#include <Model_PluginManager.h>
#include <Model_Events.h>
#include <TDF_ChildIDIterator.hxx>
#include <TDataStd_ReferenceArray.hxx>
#include <TDataStd_HLabelArray1.hxx>
+#include <TDataStd_Name.hxx>
#include <climits>
return aFeature;
+/// Appenad to the array of references a new referenced label
+static void AddToRefArray(TDF_Label& theArrayLab, TDF_Label& theReferenced) {
+ Handle(TDataStd_ReferenceArray) aRefs;
+ if (!theArrayLab.FindAttribute(TDataStd_ReferenceArray::GetID(), aRefs)) {
+ aRefs = TDataStd_ReferenceArray::Set(theArrayLab, 0, 0);
+ aRefs->SetValue(0, theReferenced);
+ } else { // extend array by one more element
+ Handle(TDataStd_HLabelArray1) aNewArray =
+ new TDataStd_HLabelArray1(aRefs->Lower(), aRefs->Upper() + 1);
+ for(int a = aRefs->Lower(); a <= aRefs->Upper(); a++) {
+ aNewArray->SetValue(a, aRefs->Value(a));
+ }
+ aNewArray->SetValue(aRefs->Upper() + 1, theReferenced);
+ aRefs->SetInternalArray(aNewArray);
+ }
void Model_Document::addFeature(const boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> theFeature)
- const std::string& aGroup = theFeature->getGroup();
- TDF_Label aGroupLab = groupLabel(aGroup);
- TDF_Label anObjLab = aGroupLab.NewChild();
- boost::shared_ptr<Model_Data> aData(new Model_Data);
- aData->setFeature(theFeature);
- aData->setLabel(anObjLab);
boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> aThis =
+ TDF_Label aFeaturesLab = groupLabel(FEATURES_GROUP);
+ TDF_Label aFeatureLab = aFeaturesLab.NewChild();
+ // organize feature and data objects
+ boost::shared_ptr<Model_Data> aData(new Model_Data);
+ aData->setFeature(theFeature);
+ aData->setLabel(aFeatureLab);
// keep the feature ID to restore document later correctly
- TDataStd_Comment::Set(anObjLab, theFeature->getKind().c_str());
- // put index of the feature in the group in the tree
- TDataStd_Integer::Set(anObjLab, myFeatures[aGroup].size());
- myFeatures[aGroup].push_back(theFeature);
+ TDataStd_Comment::Set(aFeatureLab, theFeature->getKind().c_str());
+ myFeatures.push_back(theFeature);
// store feature in the history of features array
if (theFeature->isInHistory()) {
- Handle(TDataStd_ReferenceArray) aRefs;
- if (!groupLabel(FEATURES_GROUP).FindAttribute(TDataStd_ReferenceArray::GetID(), aRefs)) {
- aRefs = TDataStd_ReferenceArray::Set(groupLabel(FEATURES_GROUP), 0, 0);
- aRefs->SetValue(0, anObjLab);
- } else { // extend array by one more element
- Handle(TDataStd_HLabelArray1) aNewArray =
- new TDataStd_HLabelArray1(aRefs->Lower(), aRefs->Upper() + 1);
- for(int a = aRefs->Lower(); a <= aRefs->Upper(); a++) {
- aNewArray->SetValue(a, aRefs->Value(a));
- }
- aNewArray->SetValue(aRefs->Upper() + 1, anObjLab);
- aRefs->SetInternalArray(aNewArray);
- }
+ AddToRefArray(aFeaturesLab, aFeatureLab);
+ // add featue to the group
+ const std::string& aGroup = theFeature->getGroup();
+ TDF_Label aGroupLab = groupLabel(aGroup);
+ AddToRefArray(aGroupLab, aFeatureLab);
+ // new name of this feature object by default equal to name of feature
+ TDF_Label anObjLab = aGroupLab.NewChild();
+ TCollection_ExtendedString aName(theFeature->data()->getName().c_str());
+ TDataStd_Name::Set(anObjLab, aName);
+ AddToRefArray(aGroupLab.FindChild(1), anObjLab); // reference to names is on the first sub
// event: feature is added
boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> Model_Document::feature(TDF_Label& theLabel)
- Handle(TDataStd_Integer) aFeatureIndex;
- if (theLabel.FindAttribute(TDataStd_Integer::GetID(), aFeatureIndex)) {
- Handle(TDataStd_Comment) aGroupID;
- if (theLabel.Father().FindAttribute(TDataStd_Comment::GetID(), aGroupID)) {
- string aGroup = TCollection_AsciiString(aGroupID->Get()).ToCString();
- if (myFeatures[aGroup].size() > aFeatureIndex->Get())
- return myFeatures[aGroup][aFeatureIndex->Get()];
- }
+ // iterate all features, may be optimized later by keeping labels-map
+ vector<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> >::iterator aFIter = myFeatures.begin();
+ for(; aFIter != myFeatures.end(); aFIter++) {
+ boost::shared_ptr<Model_Data> aData =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Model_Data>((*aFIter)->data());
+ if (aData->label().IsEqual(theLabel))
+ return *aFIter;
return boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>(); // not found
-int Model_Document::featureIndex(boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> theFeature)
- if (theFeature->document().get() != this) {
- return theFeature->document()->featureIndex(theFeature);
- }
- boost::shared_ptr<Model_Data> aData =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Model_Data>(theFeature->data());
- Handle(TDataStd_Integer) aFeatureIndex;
- if (aData->label().FindAttribute(TDataStd_Integer::GetID(), aFeatureIndex)) {
- return aFeatureIndex->Get();
- }
- return -1; // not found
boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> Model_Document::subDocument(string theDocID)
// just store sub-document identifier here to manage it later
boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> Model_Document::feature(
const string& theGroupID, const int theIndex)
- if (theGroupID == FEATURES_GROUP) { // history is just a references array
- Handle(TDataStd_ReferenceArray) aRefs;
- if (groupLabel(FEATURES_GROUP).FindAttribute(TDataStd_ReferenceArray::GetID(), aRefs)) {
- if (aRefs->Lower() <= theIndex && aRefs->Upper() >= theIndex) {
- TDF_Label aFeatureLab = aRefs->Value(theIndex);
- return feature(aFeatureLab);
+ TDF_Label aGroupLab = groupLabel(theGroupID);
+ Handle(TDataStd_ReferenceArray) aRefs;
+ if (aGroupLab.FindAttribute(TDataStd_ReferenceArray::GetID(), aRefs)) {
+ if (aRefs->Lower() <= theIndex && aRefs->Upper() >= theIndex) {
+ TDF_Label aFeatureLab = aRefs->Value(theIndex);
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> aFeature = feature(aFeatureLab);
+ if (theGroupID == FEATURES_GROUP) { // just returns the feature from the history
+ return aFeature;
+ } else { // create a new object from the group to return it
+ Handle(TDataStd_Name) aName; // name of the object
+ if (aGroupLab.FindChild(1).FindAttribute(TDataStd_ReferenceArray::GetID(), aRefs))
+ aRefs->Value(theIndex).FindAttribute(TDataStd_Name::GetID(), aName);
+ boost::shared_ptr<Model_Object> anObj(new Model_Object(aFeature, aName));
+ return anObj;
- } else { // one of the group
- map<string, vector<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> > >::iterator aGroup =
- myFeatures.find(theGroupID);
- if (aGroup != myFeatures.end() && (int)(aGroup->second.size()) > theIndex) {
- return aGroup->second[theIndex];
- }
// not found
return boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>();
int Model_Document::size(const string& theGroupID)
- if (theGroupID == FEATURES_GROUP) { // history is just a references array
- Handle(TDataStd_ReferenceArray) aRefs;
- if (groupLabel(FEATURES_GROUP).FindAttribute(TDataStd_ReferenceArray::GetID(), aRefs))
- return aRefs->Length();
- } else { // one of the group
- map<string, vector<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> > >::iterator aGroup =
- myFeatures.find(theGroupID);
- if (aGroup != myFeatures.end())
- return aGroup->second.size();
- }
+ Handle(TDataStd_ReferenceArray) aRefs;
+ if (groupLabel(FEATURES_GROUP).FindAttribute(TDataStd_ReferenceArray::GetID(), aRefs))
+ return aRefs->Length();
// group is not found
return 0;
-const vector<string>& Model_Document::getGroups() const
- return myGroupsNames;
Model_Document::Model_Document(const std::string theID)
: myID(theID), myDoc(new TDocStd_Document("BinOcaf")) // binary OCAF format
TDF_Label Model_Document::groupLabel(const string theGroup)
- if (myGroups.find(theGroup) == myGroups.end()) {
- myGroups[theGroup] = myDoc->Main().FindChild(TAG_OBJECTS).NewChild();
- myGroupsNames.push_back(theGroup);
- // set to the group label the group idntifier to restore on "open"
- TDataStd_Comment::Set(myGroups[theGroup], theGroup.c_str());
- myFeatures[theGroup] = vector<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> >();
+ // searching for existing
+ TCollection_ExtendedString aGroup(theGroup.c_str());
+ TDF_ChildIDIterator aGroupIter(myDoc->Main().FindChild(TAG_OBJECTS), TDataStd_Comment::GetID());
+ for(; aGroupIter.More(); aGroupIter.Next()) {
+ Handle(TDataStd_Comment) aName = Handle(TDataStd_Comment)::DownCast(aGroupIter.Value());
+ if (aName->Get() == aGroup)
+ return aGroupIter.Value()->Label();
- return myGroups[theGroup];
+ // create a new
+ TDF_Label aNew = myDoc->Main().FindChild(TAG_OBJECTS).NewChild();
+ TDataStd_Comment::Set(aNew, aGroup);
+ return aNew;
void Model_Document::setUniqueName(boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> theFeature)
// first count all objects of such kind to start with index = count + 1
int a, aNumObjects = 0;
- int aSize = size(theFeature->getGroup());
+ int aSize = size(FEATURES_GROUP);
for(a = 0; a < aSize; a++) {
- if (feature(theFeature->getGroup(), a)->getKind() == theFeature->getKind())
+ if (feature(FEATURES_GROUP, a)->getKind() == theFeature->getKind())
// generate candidate name
string aName = aNameStream.str();
// check this is unique, if not, increase index by 1
for(a = 0; a < aSize;) {
- if (feature(theFeature->getGroup(), a)->data()->getName() == aName) {
+ if (feature(FEATURES_GROUP, a)->data()->getName() == aName) {
stringstream aNameStream;
aNameStream<<theFeature->getKind()<<"_"<<aNumObjects + 1;
+//! Returns the object by the feature
+boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> Model_Document::objectByFeature(
+ const boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> theFeature)
+ for(int a = 0; a < size(theFeature->getGroup()); a++) {
+ boost::shared_ptr<Model_Object> anObj =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Model_Object>(feature(theFeature->getGroup(), a));
+ if (anObj) {
+ return anObj;
+ }
+ }
+ return boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>(); // not found
void Model_Document::synchronizeFeatures()
boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> aThis = Model_Application::getApplication()->getDocument(myID);
- // iterate groups labels
- TDF_ChildIDIterator aGroupsIter(myDoc->Main().FindChild(TAG_OBJECTS),
- TDataStd_Comment::GetID(), Standard_False);
- vector<string>::iterator aGroupNamesIter = myGroupsNames.begin();
- for(; aGroupsIter.More() && aGroupNamesIter != myGroupsNames.end();
- aGroupsIter.Next(), aGroupNamesIter++) {
- string aGroupName = TCollection_AsciiString(Handle(TDataStd_Comment)::DownCast(
- aGroupsIter.Value())->Get()).ToCString();
- if (*aGroupNamesIter != aGroupName)
- break; // all since there is a change this must be recreated from scratch
- }
- // delete all groups left after the data model groups iteration
- while(aGroupNamesIter != myGroupsNames.end()) {
- string aGroupName = *aGroupNamesIter;
- myFeatures.erase(aGroupName);
- myGroups.erase(aGroupName);
- aGroupNamesIter = myGroupsNames.erase(aGroupNamesIter);
- // say that features were deleted from group
- Model_FeatureDeletedMessage aMsg(aThis, aGroupName);
- Events_Loop::loop()->send(aMsg);
- }
- // create new groups basing on the following data model update
- for(; aGroupsIter.More(); aGroupsIter.Next()) {
- string aGroupName = TCollection_AsciiString(Handle(TDataStd_Comment)::DownCast(
- aGroupsIter.Value())->Get()).ToCString();
- myGroupsNames.push_back(aGroupName);
- myGroups[aGroupName] = aGroupsIter.Value()->Label();
- myFeatures[aGroupName] = vector<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> >();
- }
- // update features group by group
- aGroupsIter.Initialize(myDoc->Main().FindChild(TAG_OBJECTS),
- TDataStd_Comment::GetID(), Standard_False);
- for(; aGroupsIter.More(); aGroupsIter.Next()) {
- string aGroupName = TCollection_AsciiString(Handle(TDataStd_Comment)::DownCast(
- aGroupsIter.Value())->Get()).ToCString();
- // iterate features in internal container
- vector<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> >& aFeatures = myFeatures[aGroupName];
- vector<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> >::iterator aFIter = aFeatures.begin();
- // and in parallel iterate labels of features
- TDF_ChildIDIterator aFLabIter(
- aGroupsIter.Value()->Label(), TDataStd_Comment::GetID(), Standard_False);
- while(aFIter != aFeatures.end() || aFLabIter.More()) {
- static const int INFINITE_TAG = INT_MAX; // no label means that it exists somwhere in infinite
- int aFeatureTag = INFINITE_TAG;
- if (aFIter != aFeatures.end()) { // existing tag for feature
- boost::shared_ptr<Model_Data> aData = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Model_Data>((*aFIter)->data());
- aFeatureTag = aData->label().Tag();
- }
- int aDSTag = INFINITE_TAG;
- if (aFLabIter.More()) { // next label in DS is existing
- aDSTag = aFLabIter.Value()->Label().Tag();
- }
- if (aDSTag > aFeatureTag) { // feature is removed
- aFIter = aFeatures.erase(aFIter);
- // event: model is updated
- Model_FeatureDeletedMessage aMsg(aThis, aGroupName);
- Events_Loop::loop()->send(aMsg);
- } else if (aDSTag < aFeatureTag) { // a new feature is inserted
- // create a feature
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> aFeature = ModelAPI_PluginManager::get()->createFeature(
- TCollection_AsciiString(Handle(TDataStd_Comment)::DownCast(
- aFLabIter.Value())->Get()).ToCString());
- if (aFIter == aFeatures.end()) { // must be before "setData" to redo the sketch line correctly
- aFeatures.push_back(aFeature);
- aFIter = aFeatures.end();
- } else {
- aFIter++;
- aFeatures.insert(aFIter, aFeature);
- }
- boost::shared_ptr<Model_Data> aData(new Model_Data);
- TDF_Label aLab = aFLabIter.Value()->Label();
- aData->setLabel(aLab);
- aData->setFeature(aFeature);
- aFeature->setDoc(aThis);
- aFeature->setData(aData);
- aFeature->initAttributes();
- // event: model is updated
- static Events_ID anEvent = Events_Loop::eventByName(EVENT_FEATURE_CREATED);
- Model_FeatureUpdatedMessage aMsg(aFeature, anEvent);
- Events_Loop::loop()->send(aMsg);
- // feature for this label is added, so go to the next label
- aFLabIter.Next();
- } else { // nothing is changed, both iterators are incremented
+ // update features
+ vector<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> >::iterator aFIter = myFeatures.begin();
+ // and in parallel iterate labels of features
+ TDF_ChildIDIterator aFLabIter(groupLabel(FEATURES_GROUP), TDataStd_Comment::GetID());
+ while(aFIter != myFeatures.end() || aFLabIter.More()) {
+ static const int INFINITE_TAG = INT_MAX; // no label means that it exists somwhere in infinite
+ int aFeatureTag = INFINITE_TAG;
+ if (aFIter != myFeatures.end()) { // existing tag for feature
+ boost::shared_ptr<Model_Data> aData = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Model_Data>((*aFIter)->data());
+ aFeatureTag = aData->label().Tag();
+ }
+ int aDSTag = INFINITE_TAG;
+ if (aFLabIter.More()) { // next label in DS is existing
+ aDSTag = aFLabIter.Value()->Label().Tag();
+ }
+ if (aDSTag > aFeatureTag) { // feature is removed
+ Model_FeatureDeletedMessage aMsg1(aThis, FEATURES_GROUP);
+ Model_FeatureDeletedMessage aMsg2(aThis, (*aFIter)->getGroup());
+ aFIter = myFeatures.erase(aFIter);
+ // event: model is updated
+ Events_Loop::loop()->send(aMsg1);
+ Events_Loop::loop()->send(aMsg2);
+ } else if (aDSTag < aFeatureTag) { // a new feature is inserted
+ // create a feature
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> aFeature = ModelAPI_PluginManager::get()->createFeature(
+ TCollection_AsciiString(Handle(TDataStd_Comment)::DownCast(
+ aFLabIter.Value())->Get()).ToCString());
+ if (aFIter == myFeatures.end()) { // must be before "setData" to redo the sketch line correctly
+ myFeatures.push_back(aFeature);
+ aFIter = myFeatures.end();
+ } else {
- aFLabIter.Next();
+ myFeatures.insert(aFIter, aFeature);
+ boost::shared_ptr<Model_Data> aData(new Model_Data);
+ TDF_Label aLab = aFLabIter.Value()->Label();
+ aData->setLabel(aLab);
+ aData->setFeature(aFeature);
+ aFeature->setDoc(aThis);
+ aFeature->setData(aData);
+ aFeature->initAttributes();
+ // event: model is updated
+ static Events_ID anEvent = Events_Loop::eventByName(EVENT_FEATURE_CREATED);
+ Model_FeatureUpdatedMessage aMsg1(aFeature, anEvent);
+ Events_Loop::loop()->send(aMsg1);
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> anObj = objectByFeature(aFeature);
+ if (anObj) {
+ Model_FeatureUpdatedMessage aMsg2(anObj, anEvent);
+ Events_Loop::loop()->send(aMsg2);
+ }
+ // feature for this label is added, so go to the next label
+ aFLabIter.Next();
+ } else { // nothing is changed, both iterators are incremented
+ aFIter++;
+ aFLabIter.Next();