filepath = apath.value()
print("filepath : ", filepath)
if filepath != "" :
+ from os.path import basename
+ filename = basename(filepath)
+ print("filename : ", filename)
# Creating the construction points in the current document
part = model.activeDocument()
lVertices = []
+ startPoint = None
with open(filepath) as file:
for line in file:
coord = line.split(' ')
x = float(coord[0]); y = float(coord[1]); z = float(coord[2]);
point = model.addPoint(part, x,y,z); point.execute(True)
+ if startPoint == None : startPoint = point
vertex = model.addVertex(part, [point.result()]); vertex.execute(True)
- Compound_1 = model.addCompound(part, lVertices)
+ compound = model.addCompound(part, lVertices)
+ compound.execute(True)
+ folder = model.addFolder(part, startPoint, compound)
+ folder.setName(filename)
setError("The file does not exist")