// Prepare OCC geometry
// -------------------------
netgen::OCCGeometry occgeo;
- PrepareOCCgeometry( occgeo, _shape, *_mesh );
+ list< SMESH_subMesh* > meshedSM[3]; // for 0-2 dimensions
+ NETGENPlugin_Internals internals( *_mesh, _shape, _isVolume );
+ PrepareOCCgeometry( occgeo, _shape, *_mesh, meshedSM, &internals );
bool tooManyElems = false;
const int hugeNb = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() / 100;
// evaluate 1D
// ----------------
// pass 1D simple parameters to NETGEN
- if ( _simpleHyp ) {
- if ( int nbSeg = _simpleHyp->GetNumberOfSegments() ) {
+ if ( _simpleHyp )
+ {
+ // not to RestrictLocalH() according to curvature during MESHCONST_ANALYSE
+ mparams.uselocalh = false;
+ mparams.grading = 0.8; // not limitited size growth
+ if ( _simpleHyp->GetNumberOfSegments() )
// nb of segments
- mparams.segmentsperedge = nbSeg + 0.1;
mparams.maxh = occgeo.boundingbox.Diam();
- mparams.minh = GetDefaultMinSize( _shape, mparams.maxh );
- mparams.grading = 0.01;
- }
- else {
+ else
// segment length
- mparams.segmentsperedge = 1;
mparams.maxh = _simpleHyp->GetLocalLength();
- }
+ if ( mparams.maxh == 0.0 )
+ mparams.maxh = occgeo.boundingbox.Diam();
+ if ( _simpleHyp || ( mparams.minh == 0.0 && _fineness != NETGENPlugin_Hypothesis::UserDefined))
+ mparams.minh = GetDefaultMinSize( _shape, mparams.maxh );
// let netgen create ngMesh and calculate element size on not meshed shapes
NETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapper ngLib;
netgen::Mesh *ngMesh = NULL;
char *optstr = 0;
int startWith = netgen::MESHCONST_ANALYSE;
- int endWith = netgen::MESHCONST_MESHEDGES;
+ int endWith = netgen::MESHCONST_ANALYSE;
int err = netgen::OCCGenerateMesh(occgeo, ngMesh, startWith, endWith, optstr);
sm->GetComputeError().reset( new SMESH_ComputeError( COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED ));
return false;
+ if ( _simpleHyp )
+ {
+ // Pass 1D simple parameters to NETGEN
+ // --------------------------------
+ int nbSeg = _simpleHyp->GetNumberOfSegments();
+ double segSize = _simpleHyp->GetLocalLength();
+ for ( int iE = 1; iE <= occgeo.emap.Extent(); ++iE )
+ {
+ const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge( occgeo.emap(iE));
+ if ( nbSeg )
+ segSize = SMESH_Algo::EdgeLength( e ) / ( nbSeg - 0.4 );
+ setLocalSize( e, segSize, *ngMesh );
+ }
+ }
+ else // if ( ! _simpleHyp )
+ {
+ // Local size on vertices and edges
+ // --------------------------------
+ for(std::map<int,double>::const_iterator it=EdgeId2LocalSize.begin(); it!=EdgeId2LocalSize.end(); it++)
+ {
+ int key = (*it).first;
+ double hi = (*it).second;
+ const TopoDS_Shape& shape = ShapesWithLocalSize.FindKey(key);
+ const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge(shape);
+ setLocalSize( e, hi, *ngMesh );
+ }
+ for(std::map<int,double>::const_iterator it=VertexId2LocalSize.begin(); it!=VertexId2LocalSize.end(); it++)
+ {
+ int key = (*it).first;
+ double hi = (*it).second;
+ const TopoDS_Shape& shape = ShapesWithLocalSize.FindKey(key);
+ const TopoDS_Vertex& v = TopoDS::Vertex(shape);
+ gp_Pnt p = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v);
+ NETGENPlugin_Mesher::RestrictLocalSize( *ngMesh, p.XYZ(), hi );
+ }
+ for(map<int,double>::const_iterator it=FaceId2LocalSize.begin();
+ it!=FaceId2LocalSize.end(); it++)
+ {
+ int key = (*it).first;
+ double val = (*it).second;
+ const TopoDS_Shape& shape = ShapesWithLocalSize.FindKey(key);
+ int faceNgID = occgeo.fmap.FindIndex(shape);
+ occgeo.SetFaceMaxH(faceNgID, val);
+ for ( TopExp_Explorer edgeExp( shape, TopAbs_EDGE ); edgeExp.More(); edgeExp.Next() )
+ setLocalSize( TopoDS::Edge( edgeExp.Current() ), val, *ngMesh );
+ }
+ }
// calculate total nb of segments and length of edges
double fullLen = 0.0;
int fullNbSeg = 0;