+#include <meshgems/meshgems.h>
struct GET_DEFAULT // struct used to get default value from GetOptionValue()
_defaultOptionValues["compute_ridges" ] = "yes";
+ if ( strcmp( MESHGEMS_VERSION_LONG, "2.9.6" ) < 0 )
+ {
+ std::string missingOption = "allow_patch_independent";
+ _defaultOptionValues.erase( missingOption );
+ _boolOptions.erase( missingOption );
+ _option2value.erase( missingOption );
+ }
#ifdef _DEBUG_
// check validity of option names of _defaultOptionValues
TOptionValues::iterator n2v = _defaultOptionValues.begin();
else if ( name == "tiny_edge_optimisation_length" )
SetTinyEdgeOptimisationLength( GetImpl()->ToDbl( optionValue ));
+ else if ( name == "proximity" )
+ SetVolumeProximity( GetImpl()->ToBool( optionValue ));
+ else if ( name == "prox_ratio" )
+ SetVolumeProximityRatio( GetImpl()->ToDbl( optionValue ));
+ else if ( name == "prox_nb_layer" )
+ SetNbVolumeProximityLayers( GetImpl()->ToInt( optionValue ));
// advanced options (for backward compatibility)
else if ( name == "create_tag_on_collision" ||
void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::AddOption(const char* optionName, const char* optionValue)
- ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ // backward compatibility
+ {
+ std::string name( optionName );
+ if ( name == "proximity" )
+ SetVolumeProximity( GetImpl()->ToBool( optionValue ));
+ else if ( name == "prox_ratio" )
+ SetVolumeProximityRatio( GetImpl()->ToDbl( optionValue ));
+ else if ( name == "prox_nb_layer" )
+ SetNbVolumeProximityLayers( GetImpl()->ToInt( optionValue ));
+ }
bool valueChanged = (this->GetImpl()->GetOption(optionName) != optionValue);
if (valueChanged) {
this->GetImpl()->AddOption(optionName, optionValue);