if 'environ' in self.cfg.APPLICATION:
self.add_comment("APPLICATION environment")
for p in self.cfg.APPLICATION.environ:
- self.set(p, self.cfg.APPLICATION.environ[p])
+ val = self.cfg.APPLICATION.environ[p]
+ # "_" means that the value must be prepended
+ if p.startswith("_"):
+ # separator exception for PV_PLUGIN_PATH
+ if p[1:] == 'PV_PLUGIN_PATH':
+ self.prepend(p[1:], val, ';')
+ else:
+ self.prepend(p[1:], val)
+ elif p.endswith("_"):
+ # separator exception for PV_PLUGIN_PATH
+ if p[:-1] == 'PV_PLUGIN_PATH':
+ self.append(p[:-1], val, ';')
+ else:
+ self.append(p[:-1], val)
+ else:
+ self.set(p, val)
# If there is an "environ_script" section, load the scripts