// store feature in the history of features array
if (theFeature->isInHistory()) {
AddToRefArray(aFeaturesLab, aFeatureLab);
- // add featue to the group
- const std::string& aGroup = theFeature->getGroup();
- TDF_Label aGroupLab = groupLabel(aGroup);
- AddToRefArray(aGroupLab, aFeatureLab);
- // new name of this feature object by default equal to name of feature
- TDF_Label anObjLab = aGroupLab.NewChild();
- TCollection_ExtendedString aName(theFeature->data()->getName().c_str());
- TDataStd_Name::Set(anObjLab, aName);
- AddToRefArray(aGroupLab.FindChild(1), anObjLab); // reference to names is on the first sub
+ // add featue to the group
+ const std::string& aGroup = theFeature->getGroup();
+ TDF_Label aGroupLab = groupLabel(aGroup);
+ AddToRefArray(aGroupLab, aFeatureLab);
+ // new name of this feature object by default equal to name of feature
+ TDF_Label anObjLab = aGroupLab.NewChild();
+ TCollection_ExtendedString aName(theFeature->data()->getName().c_str());
+ TDataStd_Name::Set(anObjLab, aName);
+ AddToRefArray(aGroupLab.FindChild(1), anObjLab); // reference to names is on the first sub
// event: feature is added
static Events_ID anEvent = Events_Loop::eventByName(EVENT_FEATURE_CREATED);