return oss.str();
+ * Simple loop over MEDFileMesh::addGroup method.
+ *
+ * \sa MEDFileMesh::addGroup
+ */
+void MEDFileMesh::addGroupsAtLevel(int meshDimRelToMaxExt, const std::vector<const DataArrayIdType *>& grps)
+ for(auto grp : grps)
+ this->addGroup(meshDimRelToMaxExt,grp);
* This method is nearly like getFamilyFieldAtLevel method. Except that if the array does not exist at the specified level \a meshDimRelToMaxExt
* an empty one is created.
MEDLOADER_EXPORT virtual int getSpaceDimension() const = 0;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT virtual std::string simpleRepr() const;
MEDLOADER_EXPORT virtual std::string advancedRepr() const = 0;
+ MEDLOADER_EXPORT void addGroupsAtLevel(int meshDimRelToMaxExt, const std::vector<const DataArrayIdType *>& grps);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT virtual void setGroupsAtLevel(int meshDimRelToMaxExt, const std::vector<const DataArrayIdType *>& grps, bool renum=false);
MEDLOADER_EXPORT virtual void setFamilyFieldArr(int meshDimRelToMaxExt, DataArrayIdType *famArr) = 0;
+ void addGroupsAtLevel(int meshDimRelToMaxExt, PyObject *grps)
+ {
+ std::vector<const DataArrayIdType *> grpsCpp;
+ convertFromPyObjVectorOfObj<const MEDCoupling::DataArrayIdType *>(grps,SWIGTITraits<mcIdType>::TI,"DataArrayInt",grpsCpp);
+ self->addGroupsAtLevel(meshDimRelToMaxExt,grpsCpp);
+ }
PyObject *areFamsEqual(const MEDFileMesh *other) const
std::string what;
self.assertTrue( cas2.getGroupArr(0, "GNODE1").isEqualWithoutConsideringStr( DataArrayInt([]) ) ) # Expected to return empty array on both cases
self.assertTrue( cas1.getGroupArr(1, "GCELL1").isEqualWithoutConsideringStr( DataArrayInt([]) ) ) # Expected to return empty array on both cases
+ def test45(self):
+ """
+ EDF26451 : addGroupsAtLevel
+ """
+ arr = DataArrayDouble([0,1,2,3])
+ cmesh = MEDCouplingCMesh("TEST")
+ cmesh.setCoords(arr, arr, arr)
+ umesh3d = cmesh.buildUnstructured()
+ umesh2d = umesh3d.computeSkin()
+ cas1 = MEDFileUMesh()
+ cas1[0] = umesh3d
+ cas1[-1] = umesh2d
+ gcell1 = DataArrayInt([1,2,4]) ; gcell1.setName("GCELL1")
+ cas1.setGroupsAtLevel(0, [gcell1])
+ gcell2 = DataArrayInt([2,5,6,7]) ; gcell2.setName("GCELL2")
+ gcell3 = DataArrayInt([5,16,17,26]) ; gcell3.setName("GCELL3")
+ cas1.addGroupsAtLevel(0,[gcell2,gcell3]) # <- the aim of the test is here
+ self.assertEqual( cas1.getGroupsOnSpecifiedLev(0) , ("GCELL1","GCELL2","GCELL3") )
+ self.assertTrue( cas1.getGroupArr(0,"GCELL1").isEqual(gcell1) )
+ self.assertTrue( cas1.getGroupArr(0,"GCELL2").isEqual(gcell2) )
+ self.assertTrue( cas1.getGroupArr(0,"GCELL3").isEqual(gcell3) )
if __name__ == "__main__":