# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
- Formatted_File1 = SIMP( statut = 'f', typ = ('Fichier', 'formated File (*.txt);;All Files (*)',),
+ Formatted_Data_File_1 = SIMP( statut = 'f', typ = ('Fichier', 'formated File (*.txt);;All Files (*)',),
# ------------------------------------
fr = "Fichier de donnees formate mis a la disposition de l''utilisateur. \n\
Les donnees de ce fichier seront a lire sur le canal 26.",
The data in this file shall be read on channel 26.',),
# ------------------------------------
- Formatted_File2 = SIMP( statut = 'f', typ = ('Fichier', 'formated File (*.txt);;All Files (*)',),
+ Formatted_Data_File_2 = SIMP( statut = 'f', typ = ('Fichier', 'formated File (*.txt);;All Files (*)',),
# ------------------------------------
fr = "Fichier de donnees formate mis a la disposition de l'utilisateur. \n\
Les donnees de ce fichier seront a lire sur le canal 27.",
The data in this file shall be read on channel 27.",),
# ------------------------------------
- Binary_Data_File1 = SIMP( statut = 'f', typ = ('Fichier', 'Reference File (*.txt);;All Files (*)',),
+ Binary_Data_File_1 = SIMP( statut = 'f', typ = ('Fichier', 'Reference File (*.txt);;All Files (*)',),
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'Fichier de donnees code en binaire mis a la disposition de l utilisateur. \n\
Les donnees de ce fichier seront a lire sur le canal 24.',
The data in this file shall be read on channel 24.',),
# ------------------------------------
- Binary_Data_File2 = SIMP( statut = 'f', typ = ('Fichier', 'Reference File (*.txt);;All Files (*)',),
+ Binary_Data_File_2 = SIMP( statut = 'f', typ = ('Fichier', 'Reference File (*.txt);;All Files (*)',),
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'Fichier de donnees code en binaire mis a la disposition de l utilisateur.\n\
Les donnees de ce fichier seront a lire sur le canal 25.',
The last recorded time step will provid the initial conditions for the new computation.',
# ------------------------------------
- Initial_Time_Set = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',
+ Initial_Time_Set_To_Zero = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o',
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'Remet le temps a zero en cas de suite de calcul',
ang = 'Initial time set to zero in case of restart',
ang = 'Geographic coordinates system in which the numerical model is built.',),
# ------------------------------------
- Zone_number_in_Geographic_System = SIMP(statut = 'f',typ = 'TXM',
+ Zone_Number_In_Geographic_System = SIMP(statut = 'f',typ = 'TXM',
# ------------------------------------
into = [ 'Lambert 1 north', 'Lambert 2 center', 'Lambert 3 xouth', \
'Lambert 4 corsica', 'Lambert 2 extended', 'UTM zone,E.G.'],
# ------------------------------------
- Binary_Database_1_for_Tide = SIMP( statut = 'o',
+ Binary_Database_1_For_Tide = SIMP( statut = 'o',
# ------------------------------------
typ = ('Fichier', '(All Files (*),)',),
fr = 'Base de donnees binaire 1 tiree du fichier du modele de maree.\n\
In the case of the TPXO satellite altimetry model, this file should be for free surface level, for instance h_tpxo7.2',),
# ------------------------------------
- Binary_Database_2_for_Tide = SIMP( statut = 'o',
+ Binary_Database_2_For_Tide = SIMP( statut = 'o',
# ------------------------------------
typ = ('Fichier', '(All Files (*),)',),
fr= 'Base de donnees binaire 2 tiree du fichier du modele de maree.\n\
b_Wave = BLOC(condition = "Wave_Driver_Currents == 'True'",
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
- Record_Number_in_Wave_File = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'I', defaut = 1,
+ Record_Number_In_Wave_File = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'I', defaut = 1,
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'Numero d enregistrement dans le fichier des courants de houle',
ang = 'Record number to read in the wave driven currents file'),
ang = 'Coefficient to calibrate the tidal range of tidal wave at tidal open boundary conditions'),
# ------------------------------------
- Coefficient_To_Calibrate_Tidal_Velocity = SIMP(statut = 'o',
+ Coefficient_To_Calibrate_Tidal_Velocities = SIMP(statut = 'o',
# ------------------------------------
typ = 'R', defaut = 999999,
fr = 'Coefficient pour ajuster les composantes de vitesse de l''onde de maree aux frontieres maritimes.\n\
b_Velocity = BLOC (condition = "Type_Condition == 'Prescribed Velocity'",
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
- Prescribed_Velocity = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'R',
+ Prescribed_Velocities = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'R',
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'Valeurs des vitesses imposees aux frontieres liquides entrantes.\n\
Lire la partie du mode d''emploi consacree aux conditions aux limites',
b_discharge_curve = BLOC (condition = "Stage_Discharge_Curves != 'no'",
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
- Stage_Discharge_Curves_Files = SIMP( statut = 'f',
+ Stage_Discharge_Curves_File = SIMP( statut = 'f',
# ------------------------------------
typ = ('Fichier', 'All Files (*)',),
fr = 'Nom du fichier contenant les courbes de tarage',
), # fin b_stop
# ------------------------------------
- Control_Of_Limit = SIMP(statut = 'o',
+ Control_Of_Limits = SIMP(statut = 'o',
# ------------------------------------
typ = bool, defaut = 'False',
fr = 'Le programme s''arrete si les limites sur u,v,h ou t sont depassees',
# ------------------------------------
b_limit = BLOC(condition = "Control_Of_Limit == True" ,
Limit_Values = FACT(statut = 'o',
+# Attention : 1 seul MC ds Telemac
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'valeurs mini et maxi acceptables min puis max',
ang = 'min and max acceptable values ',
ang = 'Correction of the velocities on points with a prescribed elevation, where the continuity equation has not been solved',),
# ------------------------------------
- Number_Of_Sub_Iterations_For_Non_Linearity = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'I',
+ Number_Of_Sub_Iterations_For_Non_Linearities = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'I',
# ------------------------------------
defaut = 1,
fr = 'Permet de reactualiser, pour un meme pas de temps, les champs convecteur et propagateur \n\
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
- Preconditionning = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'TXM',
+ Preconditioning = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'TXM',
# ------------------------------------
# PNPN Soizic ? Est ce que c'est une liste
# Comment fait-on le into est faux : voir l aide
the product of relevant options shall be made.',
# ------------------------------------
- C_U_Preconditionning = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o', defaut=False,
+ C_U_Preconditioning = SIMP(typ = bool, statut = 'o', defaut=False,
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'Changement de variable de H en C dans le systeme lineaire final',
ang = 'Change of variable from H to C in the final linear system'
# Tres differents du dico liste de 4
# PNPN eclaircir les choix SVP
# soizic. choix 3 et 4 et 13 et 14
+# Attention recalcul de Type_Of_Advection
# ------------------------------------
Advection_Of_U_And_V = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = bool, defaut = False,
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
into = ['No upwinding', 'Classical SUPG','Modified SUPG']),
# ------------------------------------
- Supg_Option_K_and_Epsilon = SIMP(statut = 'o', defaut = 'Modified SUPG', typ = 'TXM',
+ Supg_Option_K_And_Epsilon = SIMP(statut = 'o', defaut = 'Modified SUPG', typ = 'TXM',
# ------------------------------------
into = ['No upwinding', 'Classical SUPG','Modified SUPG']),
), # Fin de SUPG
b_linear = BLOC(condition = "Linearized_Propagation == True ",
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
- Mean_Depth_For_Linearity = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'R', defaut = 0.0, val_min = 0,
+ Mean_Depth_For_Linearization = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'R', defaut = 0.0, val_min = 0,
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'Fixe la hauteur d eau autour de laquelle s effectue la linearisation lorsque l option PROPAGATION LINEARISEE est choisie.',
ang = 'Sets the water depth about which the linearization is made when the LINEARIZED PROPAGATION OPTION is selected.'),
), # fin b_linear
# ------------------------------------
- Initial_Guess_for_H = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'TXM',
+ Initial_Guess_For_H = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'TXM',
# ------------------------------------
into = ['Zero', 'Previous', 'Extrapolation'],
defaut = 'Previous',
Thus, the convergence can be speeded up when the system is being solved.',),
# ------------------------------------
- Initial_Guess_for_U = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'TXM',
+ Initial_Guess_For_U = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'TXM',
# ------------------------------------
into = ['Zero', 'Previous', 'Extrapolation'],
defaut = 'Previous',
), # fin Propagation
# ------------------------------------
- Discretisation_Implicitation = FACT(statut = 'f',
+ Discretization_Implicitation = FACT(statut = 'f',
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
- Discretisations_In_Space = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'TXM',
+ Discretizations_In_Space = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'TXM',
# ------------------------------------
into = ["Linear", "Quasi-bubble", "Quadratic"],
defaut = "Linear",),
Values below 0.5 result in an unstable scheme.'),
# ------------------------------------
- Implicitation_for_Velocity = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'R',defaut = 0.55,
+ Implicitation_For_Velocity = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'R',defaut = 0.55,
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'Fixe la valeur du coefficient d''implicitation sur la vitesse dans l''etape de propagation (cf. Note de principe).\n\
Les valeurs inferieures a 0.5 donnent un schema instable.',
fr = 'Fixe la valeur du coefficient d''implicitation sur les termes de diffusion des vitesses',
ang = 'Sets the value of the implicitation coefficient for the diffusion of velocity',),
- ), # fin Discretisation_Implicitation
+ ), # fin Discretization_Implicitation
# ------------------------------------
b_Wind = BLOC(condition = "Wind == True",
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
- Wind_Velocity_along_X = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'R', defaut = 0.,
+ Wind_Velocity_Along_X = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'R', defaut = 0.,
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'Composante de la vitesse du vent suivant l''axe des x (m/s).',
ang = 'Wind velocity, component along x axis (m/s).',),
# ------------------------------------
- Wind_Velocity_along_Y = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'R',defaut = 0.,
+ Wind_Velocity_Along_Y = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'R',defaut = 0.,
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'Composante de la vitesse du vent suivant l''axe des y (m/s).',
ang = 'Wind velocity, component along y axis (m/s).',),
# ------------------------------------
- Threashold_Depth_for_Wind = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'R',defaut = 0.,
+ Threshold_Depth_For_Wind = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'R',defaut = 0.,
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'Retire la force due au vent dans les petites profondeurs',
ang = 'Wind is not taken into account for small depths' ),
ang = 'gives option for managing the wind'),
# ------------------------------------
- file_for_wind = BLOC (condition = 'Option_For_Wind == "Variable in time" or Option_For_Wind == "Variable in time and space"',
+ file_For_wind = BLOC (condition = 'Option_For_Wind == "Variable in time" or Option_For_Wind == "Variable in time and space"',
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
Consigne = SIMP(statut = "o",homo = 'information',typ = "TXM",
# ------------------------------------
defaut = "give formated file 3"),
- ), # fin bloc file_for_wind
+ ), # fin bloc file_For_wind
# ------------------------------------
- speed_for_wind = BLOC (condition = 'Option_For_Wind == "Constant in time and space"',
+ speed_For_wind = BLOC (condition = 'Option_For_Wind == "Constant in time and space"',
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
Speed_And_Direction_Of_Wind = SIMP( statut = 'o', defaut = (0.0, 0.0) ,
typ = Tuple(2),validators = VerifTypeTuple(('R','R')),
fr = 'Donne la vitesse et la direction (en degres de 0 a 360, 0 etant y = 0 et x = +inf) du vent',
ang = 'gives the speed and direction (degre (from 0 to 360), 0 given y = 0 anx x = +infinity)',),
- ), # speed_for_wind
+ ), # speed_For_wind
), # fin b_Wind
), # fin b_air
# ------------------------------------
- Rain_or_Evaporation = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = bool,
+ Rain_Or_Evaporation = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = bool,
# ------------------------------------
defaut = False,
fr = 'Pour ajouter un apport ou une perte d''eau en surface.',
ang = 'to add or remove water at the free surface. ',),
# -----------------------------------
- b_Rain = BLOC(condition = "Rain_or_Evaporation == True",
+ b_Rain = BLOC(condition = "Rain_Or_Evaporation == True",
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
- Rain_or_Evaporation_in_mm_perday = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'I',defaut = 0.),
+ Rain_Or_Evaporation_In_Mm_Per_Day = SIMP(statut = 'o',typ = 'I',defaut = 0.),
# ------------------------------------
), # fin b_Rain
b_Colebrooke_White = BLOC(condition = "Law_Of_Bottom_Friction == 'Colebrooke_white'",
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
- Manning_Default_Value_For_Colebrook_white_Law = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'R',
+ Manning_Default_Value_For_Colebrook_White_Law = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'R',
# ------------------------------------
defaut = 0.02 ,
fr = 'valeur par defaut du manning pour la loi de frottement de Colebrook-White ',
), # Fin b_Colebrooke_White
# ------------------------------------
- Non_submerged_Vegetation_Friction = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = bool,
+ Non_Submerged_Vegetation_Friction = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = bool,
# ------------------------------------
defaut = False ,
fr = 'calcul du frottement du a la vegetation non submergee',
# ------------------------------------
# PNPNPN recalculer en liste de 4 reels
# ------------------------------------
- Tolerance_sur_H = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=1.E-3,
+ Tolerance_For_H = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=1.E-3,
# ------------------------------------
fr = "precision absolue sur H",
ang = "absolute precision on H",),
# ------------------------------------
- Tolerance_sur_U = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=1.E-3,
+ Tolerance_For_U = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=1.E-3,
# ------------------------------------
fr = "precision absolue sur U",
ang = "absolute precision on U",),
# ------------------------------------
- Tolerance_sur_V = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=1.E-3,
+ Tolerance_For_V = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=1.E-3,
# ------------------------------------
fr = "precision absolue sur V",
ang = "absolute precision on V",),
# ------------------------------------
- Tolerance_sur_cout = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=1.E-4,
+ Tolerance_For_cout = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=1.E-4,
# ------------------------------------
fr = "precision relative sur la fonction cout",
ang = "relative precision on the cost function",),
ang = 'Determines, in number of time steps, the printout period for the VARIABLES FOR GRAPHIC PRINTOUTS in the RESULTS FILE.' ,),
# ------------------------------------
- Number_Of_First_TimeStep_For_Graphic_Printouts = SIMP(statut = 'o', typ = 'I',defaut = 1,
+ Number_Of_First_Time_Step_For_Graphic_Printouts = SIMP(statut = 'o', typ = 'I',defaut = 1,
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'Determine le nombre de pas de temps a partir duquel debute l''ecriture des resultats dans le listing.',
ang = 'Determines the number of time steps after which the results are first written into the listing.'),
Controls = FACT( statut='f',
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
- Controls_Section = SIMP(statut = 'f',typ = Tuple(2),validators = VerifTypeTuple(('I','I')),
+ Control_Sections = SIMP(statut = 'f',typ = Tuple(2),validators = VerifTypeTuple(('I','I')),
# ------------------------------------
fr = 'Couples de points (numeros globaux dans le maillage) entre lesquels les debits instantanes et cumules seront donnes.',
ang = 'Couples of points (global numbers in the mesh) defining sections where the instantaneous and cumulated discharges will be given',),
ang = 'Sets the required accuracy for computing epsilon in the diffusion and source-terms step of the k-epsilon model.',),
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Time_Step_Reduction_For_K_epsilon_Model = SIMP( statut = 'f',typ = 'R', defaut = 1.0 ,
+ Time_Step_Reduction_For_K_Epsilon_Model = SIMP( statut = 'f',typ = 'R', defaut = 1.0 ,
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
fr = 'Coefficient reducteur du pas de temps pour le modele k-epsilon (qui est normalement identique a celui du systeme hydrodynamique).\n\
Utilisation deconseillee',
ang = 'Provided for selecting the type of friction on the walls',),
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Solver_For_K_epsilon_Model = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'TXM',
+ Solver_For_K_Epsilon_Model = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'TXM',
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
defaut = "Conjugate gradient" ,
into = ("Conjugate gradient", "Conjugate residuals", "Conjugate gradient on normal equation",
ang = 'Makes it possible to select the solver used for solving the system of the k-epsilon model.',),
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- b_gmres = BLOC(condition = 'Solver_For_K_epsilon_Model == "GMRES"',
+ b_gmres = BLOC(condition = 'Solver_For_K_Epsilon_Model == "GMRES"',
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Option_For_The_Solver_For_K_epsilon_Model = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'I',
+ Option_For_The_Solver_For_K_Epsilon_Model = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'I',
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
defaut = 2 ,val_min = 2,val_max = 15,
fr = 'le mot cle est la dimension de lespace de KRILOV (valeurs conseillees entre 2 et 7)',
), # fin bloc b_gmres
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Preconditioning_For_K_epsilon_Model = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'TXM',
+ Preconditioning_For_K_Epsilon_Model = SIMP( statut = 'o',typ = 'TXM',
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
defaut = 'Diagonal' ,
into = ("Diagonal", "No preconditioning", "Diagonal condensed", "Crout", "Diagonal and crout", "Diagonal condensed and crout"),