--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+// Author : Anthony Geay (CEA/DEN)
+#include "Interpolation3D1D.hxx"
+#include "Interpolation.txx"
+#include "MeshElement.txx"
+#include "PointLocator3DIntersectorP0P0.txx"
+#include "PointLocator3DIntersectorP0P1.txx"
+#include "PointLocator3DIntersectorP1P0.txx"
+#include "PointLocator3DIntersectorP1P1.txx"
+#include "Log.hxx"
+#include "BBTree.txx"
+namespace INTERP_KERNEL
+ /**
+ * Very similar to Interpolation3D::interpolateMeshes, except for the bounding boxes that can be
+ * adjusted in a similar fashion as in InterpolationPlanar::performAdjustmentOfBB()
+ **/
+ template<class MyMeshType, class MatrixType>
+ int Interpolation3D1D::interpolateMeshes(const MyMeshType& srcMesh, const MyMeshType& targetMesh, MatrixType& result, const std::string& method)
+ {
+ if(InterpolationOptions::getIntersectionType() != PointLocator)
+ INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Invalid 3D/1D intersection type specified : must be PointLocator.");
+ typedef typename MyMeshType::MyConnType ConnType;
+ // create MeshElement objects corresponding to each element of the two meshes
+ const unsigned long numSrcElems = srcMesh.getNumberOfElements();
+ const unsigned long numTargetElems = targetMesh.getNumberOfElements();
+ LOG(2, "Source mesh has " << numSrcElems << " elements and target mesh has " << numTargetElems << " elements ");
+ std::vector<MeshElement<ConnType>*> srcElems(numSrcElems);
+ std::vector<MeshElement<ConnType>*> targetElems(numTargetElems);
+ std::map<MeshElement<ConnType>*, int> indices;
+ for(unsigned long i = 0 ; i < numSrcElems ; ++i)
+ srcElems[i] = new MeshElement<ConnType>(i, srcMesh);
+ for(unsigned long i = 0 ; i < numTargetElems ; ++i)
+ targetElems[i] = new MeshElement<ConnType>(i, targetMesh);
+ Intersector3D<MyMeshType,MatrixType>* intersector=0;
+ std::string methC = InterpolationOptions::filterInterpolationMethod(method);
+ if(methC=="P0P0")
+ { intersector=new PointLocator3DIntersectorP0P0<MyMeshType,MatrixType>(targetMesh, srcMesh, getPrecision());
+ }
+ else if(methC=="P0P1")
+ { intersector=new PointLocator3DIntersectorP0P1<MyMeshType,MatrixType>(targetMesh, srcMesh, getPrecision());
+ }
+ else if(methC=="P1P0")
+ { intersector=new PointLocator3DIntersectorP1P0<MyMeshType,MatrixType>(targetMesh, srcMesh, getPrecision());
+ }
+ else if(methC=="P1P1")
+ { intersector=new PointLocator3DIntersectorP1P1<MyMeshType,MatrixType>(targetMesh, srcMesh, getPrecision());
+ }
+ else
+ throw Exception("Invalid method choosed must be in \"P0P0\", \"P0P1\", \"P1P0\" or \"P1P1\".");
+ // create empty maps for all source elements
+ result.resize(intersector->getNumberOfRowsOfResMatrix());
+ // create BBTree structure
+ // - get bounding boxes
+ std::vector<double> bboxes(6*numSrcElems);
+ int* srcElemIdx = new int[numSrcElems];
+ for(unsigned long i = 0; i < numSrcElems ; ++i)
+ {
+ // get source bboxes in right order
+ const BoundingBox* box = srcElems[i]->getBoundingBox();
+ bboxes[6*i+0] = box->getCoordinate(BoundingBox::XMIN);
+ bboxes[6*i+1] = box->getCoordinate(BoundingBox::XMAX);
+ bboxes[6*i+2] = box->getCoordinate(BoundingBox::YMIN);
+ bboxes[6*i+3] = box->getCoordinate(BoundingBox::YMAX);
+ bboxes[6*i+4] = box->getCoordinate(BoundingBox::ZMIN);
+ bboxes[6*i+5] = box->getCoordinate(BoundingBox::ZMAX);
+ srcElemIdx[i] = srcElems[i]->getIndex();
+ }
+ adjustBoundingBoxes(bboxes);
+ const double *bboxPtr=0;
+ if(numSrcElems>0)
+ bboxPtr=&bboxes[0];
+ BBTree<3,ConnType> tree(bboxPtr, srcElemIdx, 0, numSrcElems);
+ // for each target element, get source elements with which to calculate intersection
+ // - calculate intersection by calling intersectCells
+ for(unsigned long i = 0; i < numTargetElems; ++i)
+ {
+ const BoundingBox* box = targetElems[i]->getBoundingBox();
+ const int targetIdx = targetElems[i]->getIndex();
+ // get target bbox in right order
+ double targetBox[6];
+ targetBox[0] = box->getCoordinate(BoundingBox::XMIN);
+ targetBox[1] = box->getCoordinate(BoundingBox::XMAX);
+ targetBox[2] = box->getCoordinate(BoundingBox::YMIN);
+ targetBox[3] = box->getCoordinate(BoundingBox::YMAX);
+ targetBox[4] = box->getCoordinate(BoundingBox::ZMIN);
+ targetBox[5] = box->getCoordinate(BoundingBox::ZMAX);
+ std::vector<ConnType> intersectElems;
+ tree.getIntersectingElems(targetBox, intersectElems);
+ if ( !intersectElems.empty() )
+ intersector->intersectCells(targetIdx,intersectElems,result);
+ }
+ // free allocated memory
+ delete [] srcElemIdx;
+ int ret=intersector->getNumberOfColsOfResMatrix();
+ delete intersector;
+ for(unsigned long i = 0 ; i < numSrcElems ; ++i)
+ {
+ delete srcElems[i];
+ }
+ for(unsigned long i = 0 ; i < numTargetElems ; ++i)
+ {
+ delete targetElems[i];
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
pt_c = coo.deepCopy(); pt_c[:,0] = 1.0; pt_c[:,1] = 0.0
# P = x*C+y*A + xy(B-A-C) + ORIGIN
coo2 = coo[:,0]*pt_c + coo[:, 1]*pt_a + coo[:, 0]*coo[:, 1]*(pt_b - pt_a - pt_c) + orig
sCoo = DataArrayDouble([0.0,0.0, -0.3,1.0, 2.0,3.0, 1.0,0.0],4,2)
- sCoo[:,0] += 10.0; sCoo[:,1] += 15.0;
+ sCoo[:,0] += 10.0; sCoo[:,1] += 15.0;
sConn = DataArrayInt([0,1,2,3])
s = MEDCoupling1SGTUMesh("source",NORM_QUAD4) ; s.setCoords(sCoo)
srcField.setMesh(s); srcField.setName("field")
tgtF = aRemapper.transferField(srcField, 1e+300)
- ref = [1.0, 1.75, 2.5, 3.25, 4.0, 1.25, 1.875, 2.5, 3.125, 3.75, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 1.75,
+ ref = [1.0, 1.75, 2.5, 3.25, 4.0, 1.25, 1.875, 2.5, 3.125, 3.75, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 1.75,
2.125, 2.5, 2.875, 3.25, 2.0, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3.0]
val = tgtF.getArray().getValues()
for i, ref_v in enumerate(ref):
- self.assertAlmostEqual(ref_v, val[i])
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(ref_v, val[i])
def testSwig2MappedBarycentricP1P13_1(self):
pt_1 = coo.deepCopy(); pt_1[:,0] = 0.0; pt_1[:,1] = 0.0; pt_1[:,2] = 1.0
pt_2 = coo.deepCopy(); pt_2[:,0] = 1.0; pt_2[:,1] = 0.0; pt_2[:,2] = 1.0
pt_3 = coo.deepCopy(); pt_3[:,0] = 2.0; pt_3[:,1] = 3.0; pt_3[:,2] = 1.0
pt_4 = coo.deepCopy(); pt_4[:,0] = -0.3; pt_4[:,1] = 1.0; pt_4[:,2] = 0.0
orig = coo.deepCopy(); orig[:,0] = 10.0; orig[:,1] = 15.0; orig[:,2] = 20.0
- pt_6 = coo.deepCopy(); pt_6[:,0] = 1.0; pt_6[:,1] = 0.0; pt_6[:,2] = 0.0
+ pt_6 = coo.deepCopy(); pt_6[:,0] = 1.0; pt_6[:,1] = 0.0; pt_6[:,2] = 0.0
pt_7 = coo.deepCopy(); pt_7[:,0] = 2.0; pt_7[:,1] = 3.0; pt_7[:,2] = 0.0
# P = x*p6 + y*p4 + z*p1 + xy*(p7-p6-p4) + xz*(p2-p1-p6) + yz*(p0-p4-p1) + xyz(p3-p7-p2-p0+p1+p6+p4)
x,y,z = coo[:,0],coo[:,1],coo[:,2]
x*y*(pt_7 - pt_6 - pt_4) + x*z*(pt_2 - pt_1 - pt_6) + y*z*(pt_0 - pt_4 - pt_1) + \
x*y*z*(pt_3 - pt_7 - pt_2 - pt_0 + pt_6 + pt_1 + pt_4) + orig
- sCoo = DataArrayDouble([-0.3,1.0,1.0, 0.0,0.0,1.0, 1.0,0.0,1.0, 2.0,3.0,1.0,
+ sCoo = DataArrayDouble([-0.3,1.0,1.0, 0.0,0.0,1.0, 1.0,0.0,1.0, 2.0,3.0,1.0,
-0.3,1.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 1.0,0.0,0.0, 2.0,3.0,0.0,],8,3)
- sCoo[:, 0] += 10.0; sCoo[:, 1] += 15.0; sCoo[:, 2] += 20.0;
+ sCoo[:, 0] += 10.0; sCoo[:, 1] += 15.0; sCoo[:, 2] += 20.0;
sConn = DataArrayInt([0,1,2,3,4, 5,6,7])
s = MEDCoupling1SGTUMesh("source",NORM_HEXA8) ; s.setCoords(sCoo)
tgtF = aRemapper.transferField(srcField, 1e+300)
# print tgtF.getArray().getValues()
- ref = [6.0, 6.251802698104413, 6.502397834044702, 6.7517940736426665, 7.0, 5.740554726834594,
- 6.1761835575796935, 6.6052985689637564, 7.009392769824465, 7.383488834310164,
- 5.487562931129931, 6.140664596972973, 6.720290674177548, 7.220534970454015, 7.651092836860121,
- 5.2407867837524345, 6.125759809889516, 6.82853486793175, 7.390880823876876, 7.848445254819061,
- 5.0, 6.12211344611157, 6.925740671133115, 7.529623182840827, 8.0, 5.0, 5.251802698104413,
- 5.502397834044702, 5.751794073642667, 6.0, 4.740554726834594, 5.1761835575796935,
+ ref = [6.0, 6.251802698104413, 6.502397834044702, 6.7517940736426665, 7.0, 5.740554726834594,
+ 6.1761835575796935, 6.6052985689637564, 7.009392769824465, 7.383488834310164,
+ 5.487562931129931, 6.140664596972973, 6.720290674177548, 7.220534970454015, 7.651092836860121,
+ 5.2407867837524345, 6.125759809889516, 6.82853486793175, 7.390880823876876, 7.848445254819061,
+ 5.0, 6.12211344611157, 6.925740671133115, 7.529623182840827, 8.0, 5.0, 5.251802698104413,
+ 5.502397834044702, 5.751794073642667, 6.0, 4.740554726834594, 5.1761835575796935,
5.6052985689637564, 6.009392769824465, 6.383488834310163, 4.487562931129931, 5.140664596972973,
- 5.720290674177548, 6.220534970454015, 6.651092836860121, 4.2407867837524345, 5.125759809889516,
- 5.828534867931749, 6.390880823876876, 6.848445254819061, 4.0, 5.122113446111569, 5.925740671133115,
- 6.529623182840827, 7.0, 4.0, 4.251802698104413, 4.502397834044702, 4.751794073642667, 5.0, 3.740554726834594,
- 4.176183557579693, 4.6052985689637564, 5.009392769824464, 5.383488834310164, 3.487562931129931,
- 4.140664596972973, 4.720290674177548, 5.220534970454015, 5.651092836860121, 3.240786783752434, 4.125759809889516, 4.82853486793175,
- 5.390880823876876, 5.848445254819061, 3.0, 4.122113446111569, 4.925740671133115, 5.529623182840827, 6.0, 3.0,
- 3.2518026981044135, 3.502397834044702, 3.7517940736426674, 4.0, 2.7405547268345933, 3.176183557579693,
- 3.6052985689637564, 4.009392769824465, 4.383488834310164, 2.487562931129931, 3.140664596972973, 3.7202906741775474, 4.220534970454015, 4.65109283686012, 2.2407867837524345, 3.1257598098895154, 3.828534867931749,
- 4.390880823876876, 4.848445254819061, 2.0, 3.1221134461115687, 3.9257406711331146, 4.529623182840826, 5.0, 2.0, 2.2518026981044135, 2.502397834044702, 2.7517940736426674, 3.0, 1.7405547268345936, 2.176183557579693, 2.6052985689637564,
- 3.0093927698244642, 3.3834888343101635, 1.4875629311299305, 2.1406645969729734, 2.720290674177548,
+ 5.720290674177548, 6.220534970454015, 6.651092836860121, 4.2407867837524345, 5.125759809889516,
+ 5.828534867931749, 6.390880823876876, 6.848445254819061, 4.0, 5.122113446111569, 5.925740671133115,
+ 6.529623182840827, 7.0, 4.0, 4.251802698104413, 4.502397834044702, 4.751794073642667, 5.0, 3.740554726834594,
+ 4.176183557579693, 4.6052985689637564, 5.009392769824464, 5.383488834310164, 3.487562931129931,
+ 4.140664596972973, 4.720290674177548, 5.220534970454015, 5.651092836860121, 3.240786783752434, 4.125759809889516, 4.82853486793175,
+ 5.390880823876876, 5.848445254819061, 3.0, 4.122113446111569, 4.925740671133115, 5.529623182840827, 6.0, 3.0,
+ 3.2518026981044135, 3.502397834044702, 3.7517940736426674, 4.0, 2.7405547268345933, 3.176183557579693,
+ 3.6052985689637564, 4.009392769824465, 4.383488834310164, 2.487562931129931, 3.140664596972973, 3.7202906741775474, 4.220534970454015, 4.65109283686012, 2.2407867837524345, 3.1257598098895154, 3.828534867931749,
+ 4.390880823876876, 4.848445254819061, 2.0, 3.1221134461115687, 3.9257406711331146, 4.529623182840826, 5.0, 2.0, 2.2518026981044135, 2.502397834044702, 2.7517940736426674, 3.0, 1.7405547268345936, 2.176183557579693, 2.6052985689637564,
+ 3.0093927698244642, 3.3834888343101635, 1.4875629311299305, 2.1406645969729734, 2.720290674177548,
3.2205349704540143, 3.6510928368601205, 1.2407867837524345, 2.125759809889516, 2.8285348679317495, 3.390880823876876, 3.848445254819061, 1.0, 2.1221134461115687, 2.9257406711331146, 3.529623182840827, 4.0]
val = tgtF.getArray().getValues()
for i, ref_v in enumerate(ref):
- self.assertAlmostEqual(ref_v, val[i])
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(ref_v, val[i])
@unittest.skipUnless(MEDCouplingHasNumPyBindings() and MEDCouplingHasSciPyBindings(),"requires numpy AND scipy")
@unittest.skipUnless(MEDCouplingHasNumPyBindings() and MEDCouplingHasSciPyBindings(),"requires numpy AND scipy")
def testP0P1Bary_1(self):
- rem.setMinDotBtwPlane3DSurfIntersect(0.99)# this line is important it is to tell to remapper to select only cells with very close orientation
+ rem.setMinDotBtwPlane3DSurfIntersect(0.99)# this line is important it is to tell to remapper to select only cells with very close orientation
@unittest.skipUnless(MEDCouplingHasNumPyBindings() and MEDCouplingHasSciPyBindings(),"requires numpy AND scipy")
def test1DPointLocator1(self):
"""This test focuses on PointLocator for P1P1 in 1D and 2DCurve."""
def test3D2Dand2D3DPointLocator1(self):
""" Non regression test solving SIGSEGV when using 3D<->3Dsurf pointlocator."""
+ def test3D1DPointLocatorBBoxAdjusted(self):
+ """ In case a 1D segment lies exactly on the interface between two 2D (or 3D) faces, the default
+ bounding box logic will make it non-intersecting with the surrounding 2D (or 3D) faces.
+ Test bounding box adjustment allowing to widen the BB to capture this.
+ """
+ m = MEDCouplingCMesh("source")
+ di, dd = DataArrayInt, DataArrayDouble
+ m.setCoordsAt(0, dd([0.0, 1.0, 2.0]))
+ m.setCoordsAt(1, dd([0.0, 1.0]))
+ m.setCoordsAt(2, dd([0.0, 1.0]))
+ m3d = m.buildUnstructured()
+ m1d = MEDCouplingUMesh("target", 1)
+ m1d.setCoords(dd([1.0,0.5,0.2 , 1.0,0.5,0.8], 2,3))
+ m1d.setConnectivity(di([NORM_SEG2, 0, 1]), di([0,3]))
+ rem = MEDCouplingRemapper()
+ rem.setPrecision(1e-12)
+ rem.setIntersectionType(PointLocator)
+ rem.prepare(m3d, m1d,"P0P1")
+ self.assertEqual(rem.getCrudeMatrix(), [{0: 1.0, 1: 1.0}, {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0}])
+ rem = MEDCouplingRemapper()
+ rem.setPrecision(1e-12)
+ rem.setIntersectionType(PointLocator)
+ rem.setBoundingBoxAdjustment(0.0)
+ rem.setBoundingBoxAdjustmentAbs(0.0)
+ rem.prepare(m3d, m1d,"P0P1")
+ self.assertEqual(rem.getCrudeMatrix(), [{}, {}])
+ pass
def testExtrudedOnDiffZLev1(self):
"""Non regression bug : This test is base on P0P0 ExtrudedExtruded. This test checks that if the input meshes are not based on a same plane // OXY the interpolation works"""
arrX=DataArrayDouble([0,1]) ; arrY=DataArrayDouble([0,1]) ; arrZ=DataArrayDouble([0,1,2])
def build2DSourceMesh_1(self):
sourceCoords=[-0.3,-0.3, 0.7,-0.3, -0.3,0.7, 0.7,0.7]
return sourceMesh;
def build2DTargetMesh_1(self):
targetCoords=[-0.3,-0.3, 0.2,-0.3, 0.7,-0.3, -0.3,0.2, 0.2,0.2, 0.7,0.2, -0.3,0.7, 0.2,0.7, 0.7,0.7 ]
targetConn=[0,3,4,1, 1,4,2, 4,5,2, 6,7,4,3, 7,8,5,4]
return targetMesh;
def setUp(self):