--- /dev/null
+#include "Interpolation3D.hxx"
+#include <stack>
+#include "MeshElement.hxx"
+#include "MeshRegion.hxx"
+#include "RegionNode.hxx"
+#include "TetraAffineTransform.hxx"
+#include "TransformedTriangle.hxx"
+using namespace INTERP_UTILS;
+using namespace MEDMEM;
+using namespace MED_EN;
+namespace MEDMEM
+ /**
+ * Default constructor
+ *
+ */
+ Interpolation3D::Interpolation3D()
+ {
+ // not implemented
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destructor
+ *
+ */
+ Interpolation3D::~Interpolation3D()
+ {
+ // not implemented
+ }
+ /**
+ * Main interface method of the class, which verifies that the meshes are valid for the calculation,
+ * and then returns the matrix of intersection volumes.
+ *
+ * @param srcMesh 3-dimensional source mesh
+ * @param targetMesh 3-dimesional target mesh, containing only tetraedra
+ * @returns vector containing for each element i of the source mesh, a map giving for each element j
+ * of the target mesh which i intersects, the volume of the intersection
+ */
+ IntersectionMatrix Interpolation3D::interpol_maillages(const MEDMEM::MESH& srcMesh, const MEDMEM::MESH& targetMesh)
+ {
+ //} it seems wasteful to make a copy here
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix;
+ // we should maybe do more sanity checking here - eliminating meshes that
+ // are too complicated
+ calculateIntersectionVolumes(srcMesh, targetMesh, matrix);
+ return matrix;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs a depth-first search over srcMesh, using bounding boxes to recursively eliminate the elements of targetMesh
+ * which cannot intersect smaller and smaller regions of srcMesh. At each level, each region is divided in two, forming
+ * a binary search tree with leaves consisting of only one element of the source mesh together with the elements of the
+ * target mesh that can intersect it. The recursion is implemented with a stack of RegionNodes, each one containing a
+ * source region and a target region. Each region has an associated bounding box and a vector of pointers to the elements
+ * that belong to it. Each element contains a bounding box, an element type and an index in the MEDMEM ConnectivityIndex array.
+ *
+ * @param srcMesh 3-dimensional source mesh
+ * @param targetMesh 3-dimesional target mesh, containing only tetraedra
+ * @param matrix vector of maps in which the result is stored
+ *
+ */
+ void Interpolation3D::calculateIntersectionVolumes(const MEDMEM::MESH& srcMesh, const MEDMEM::MESH& targetMesh, IntersectionMatrix& matrix)
+ {
+ // calculate descending connectivities
+ srcMesh.calculateConnectivity(MED_FULL_INTERLACE, MED_DESCENDING, MED_CELL);
+ targetMesh.calculateConnectivity(MED_FULL_INTERLACE, MED_DESCENDING, MED_CELL);
+ // create MeshElement objects corresponding to each element of the two meshes
+ const int numSrcElems = srcMesh.getNumberOfElements(MED_CELL, MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ const int numTargetElems = targetMesh.getNumberOfElements(MED_CELL, MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ // create empty maps for all source elements
+ matrix.resize(numSrcElems);
+ MeshElement* srcElems[numSrcElems];
+ MeshElement* targetElems[numTargetElems];
+ std::map<MeshElement*, int> indices;
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < numSrcElems ; ++i)
+ {
+ //const int index = srcMesh.getConnectivityIndex(MED_NODAL, MED_CELL)[i];
+ const medGeometryElement type = srcMesh.getElementType(MED_CELL, i + 1);
+ srcElems[i] = new MeshElement(i + 1, type, srcMesh);
+ }
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < numTargetElems ; ++i)
+ {
+ // const int index = targetMesh.getConnectivityIndex(MED_NODAL, MED_CELL)[i];
+ const medGeometryElement type = targetMesh.getElementType(MED_CELL, i + 1);
+ targetElems[i] = new MeshElement(i + 1, type, targetMesh);
+ }
+ // create initial RegionNode and fill up its source region with all the source mesh elements and
+ // its target region with all the target mesh elements whose bbox intersects that of the source region
+ RegionNode* firstNode = new RegionNode();
+ MeshRegion& srcRegion = firstNode->getSrcRegion();
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < numSrcElems ; ++i)
+ {
+ srcRegion.addElement(srcElems[i]);
+ }
+ MeshRegion& targetRegion = firstNode->getTargetRegion();
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < numTargetElems ; ++i)
+ {
+ if(!srcRegion.isDisjointWithElementBoundingBox( *(targetElems[i]) ))
+ {
+ targetRegion.addElement(targetElems[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ // using a stack, descend recursively, creating at each step two new RegionNodes having as source region the left and
+ // right part of the source region of the current node (determined using MeshRegion::split()) and as target region all the
+ // elements of the target mesh whose bounding box intersects the corresponding part
+ // Continue until the source region contains only one element, at which point the intersection volumes are
+ // calculated with all the remaining target mesh elements and stored in the matrix if they are non-zero.
+ stack<RegionNode*> nodes;
+ nodes.push(firstNode);
+ while(!nodes.empty())
+ {
+ RegionNode* currNode = nodes.top();
+ nodes.pop();
+ // std::cout << "Popping node " << std::endl;
+ if(currNode->getSrcRegion().getNumberOfElements() == 1)
+ {
+ // std::cout << " - One element" << std::endl;
+ // volume calculation
+ MeshElement* srcElement = *(currNode->getSrcRegion().getBeginElements());
+ // NB : srcElement indices are from 0 .. numSrcElements - 1
+ // targetElement indicies from 1 .. numTargetElements
+ // maybe this is not ideal ...
+ const int srcIdx = srcElement->getIndex() - 1;
+ std::map< int, double >* volumes = &(matrix[srcIdx]);
+ for(vector<MeshElement*>::const_iterator iter = currNode->getTargetRegion().getBeginElements() ;
+ iter != currNode->getTargetRegion().getEndElements() ; ++iter)
+ {
+ const double vol = calculateIntersectionVolume(*srcElement, **iter);
+ if(vol != 0.0)
+ {
+ const int targetIdx = (*iter)->getIndex();
+ volumes->insert(make_pair(targetIdx, vol));
+ std::cout << "Result : V (" << srcIdx << ", " << targetIdx << ") = " << matrix[srcIdx][targetIdx] << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // recursion
+ {
+ typedef MeshElement::ZoneBBoxComparison Cmp;
+ // std::cout << " - Recursion" << std::endl;
+ RegionNode* leftNode = new RegionNode();
+ RegionNode* rightNode = new RegionNode();
+ // split current source region
+ //} decide on axis
+ static Cmp::BoxAxis axis = Cmp::X;
+ currNode->getSrcRegion().split(leftNode->getSrcRegion(), rightNode->getSrcRegion(), axis);
+ // ugly hack to avoid problem with enum which does not start at 0
+ // I guess I ought to implement ++ for it instead ...
+ // Anyway, it basically chooses the next axis, circually
+ axis = (axis != Cmp::Z) ? static_cast<Cmp::BoxAxis>(axis + 1) : Cmp::X;
+ // add target elements of curr node that overlap the two new nodes
+ // std::cout << " -- Adding target elements" << std::endl;
+ int numLeftElements = 0;
+ int numRightElements = 0;
+ for(vector<MeshElement*>::const_iterator iter = currNode->getTargetRegion().getBeginElements() ;
+ iter != currNode->getTargetRegion().getEndElements() ; ++iter)
+ {
+ // std::cout << " --- New target node" << std::endl;
+ if(!leftNode->getSrcRegion().isDisjointWithElementBoundingBox(**iter))
+ {
+ leftNode->getTargetRegion().addElement(*iter);
+ ++numLeftElements;
+ }
+ if(!rightNode->getSrcRegion().isDisjointWithElementBoundingBox(**iter))
+ {
+ rightNode->getTargetRegion().addElement(*iter);
+ ++numRightElements;
+ }
+ }
+ if(numLeftElements != 0)
+ {
+ nodes.push(leftNode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete leftNode;
+ }
+ if(numRightElements != 0)
+ {
+ nodes.push(rightNode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete rightNode;
+ }
+ }
+ delete currNode;
+ // std::cout << "Next iteration. Nodes left : " << nodes.size() << std::endl;
+ }
+ // free allocated memory
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < numSrcElems ; ++i)
+ {
+ delete srcElems[i];
+ }
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < numTargetElems ; ++i)
+ {
+ delete targetElems[i];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates volume of intersection between an element of the source mesh and an element of the target mesh.
+ * The calculation passes by the following steps :
+ * a) test if srcElement is in the interior of targetElement -> if yes, return volume of srcElement
+ * --> test by call to Element::isElementIncludedIn
+ * b) test if targetElement is in the interior of srcElement -> if yes return volume of targetElement
+ * --> test by call to Element::isElementIncludedIn
+ * c) test if srcElement and targetElement are disjoint -> if yes return 0.0 [this test is only possible if srcElement is convex]
+ * --> test by call to Element::isElementTriviallyDisjointWith
+ * d) (1) find transformation M that takes the target element (a tetraeder) to the unit tetraeder
+ * --> call calculateTransform()
+ * (2) divide srcElement in triangles
+ * --> call triangulateElement()
+ * (3) for each triangle in element,
+ * (i) find polygones --> calculateIntersectionPolygones()
+ * (ii) calculate volume under polygones --> calculateVolumeUnderPolygone()
+ * (iii) add volume to sum
+ * (4) return det(M)*sumVolume (det(M) = 6*vol(targetElement))
+ *
+ * @param srcElement
+ * @param targetElement
+ * @returns volume of intersection between srcElement and targetElement
+ *
+ */
+ double Interpolation3D::calculateIntersectionVolume(const MeshElement& srcElement, const MeshElement& targetElement)
+ {
+ // std::cout << "Intersecting elems " << srcElement.getIndex() << " and " << targetElement.getIndex() << std::endl;
+ // (a), (b) and (c) not yet implemented
+ // (d) : without fine-level filtering (a) - (c) for the time being
+ // get array of points of target tetraeder
+ const double* tetraCorners[4];
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i)
+ {
+ tetraCorners[i] = targetElement.getCoordsOfNode(i + 1);
+ }
+ // create AffineTransform
+ TetraAffineTransform T( tetraCorners );
+ // T.dump();
+ // triangulate source element faces (assumed tetraeder for the time being)
+ // do nothing
+ vector<TransformedTriangle> triangles;
+ srcElement.triangulate(triangles, T);
+ double volume = 0.0;
+ // std::cout << "num triangles = " << triangles.size() << std::endl;
+ for(vector<TransformedTriangle>::iterator iter = triangles.begin() ; iter != triangles.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ // std::cout << std::endl << "= > Triangle " << ++i << std::endl;
+ iter->dumpCoords();
+ volume += iter->calculateIntersectionVolume();
+ }
+ std::cout << "Volume = " << volume << ", det= " << T.determinant() << std::endl;
+ //? trying without abs to see if the sign of the determinant will always cancel that of the volume
+ //? but maybe we should take abs( det ( T ) ) or abs ( 1 / det * vol )
+ //? fault in article, Grandy, [8] : it is the determinant of the inverse transformation that
+ // should be used
+ return 1.0 / T.determinant() * volume ;
+ }
// MEDMEM includes
#include "Interpolation.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Mesh.hxx"
// standard includes
#include <vector>
// typedefs
typedef std::vector< std::map< int, double > > IntersectionMatrix;
+class Interpolation3DTest;
+namespace INTERP_UTILS
+ class MeshElement;
+ class MeshRegion;
namespace MEDMEM
class Interpolation3D : public Interpolation
+ friend class ::Interpolation3DTest;
public :
* @returns volume of intersection between srcElement and targetElement
- double calculateIntersectionVolume(const Element srcElement&, const Element targetElement);
+ double calculateIntersectionVolume(const INTERP_UTILS::MeshElement& srcElement, const INTERP_UTILS::MeshElement& targetElement);
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
namespace INTERP_UTILS
// const double HUGE=1e300;
/*_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ */
- /* fonction pour reconstituer un polygone convexe à partir */
+* /* fonction pour reconstituer un polygone convexe à partir */
/* d'un nuage de point. */
/*_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ */
double x;
-// This test has no use
class TestBogusClass : public CppUnit::TestFixture
--- /dev/null
+#include "Interpolation3DTest.hxx"
+#include "MEDMEM_Mesh.hxx"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cmath>
+using namespace MEDMEM;
+using namespace std;
+double Interpolation3DTest::sumVolume(IntersectionMatrix m)
+ double vol = 0.0;
+ for(IntersectionMatrix::const_iterator iter = m.begin() ; iter != m.end() ; ++iter)
+ {
+ for(map<int, double>::const_iterator iter2 = iter->begin() ; iter2 != iter->end() ; ++iter2)
+ {
+ vol += fabs(iter2->second);
+ }
+ }
+ return vol;
+bool Interpolation3DTest::isIntersectionConsistent(IntersectionMatrix m)
+ bool res = true;
+ int i = 0;
+ for(IntersectionMatrix::const_iterator iter = m.begin() ; iter != m.end() ; ++iter)
+ {
+ for(map<int, double>::const_iterator iter2 = iter->begin() ; iter2 != iter->end() ; ++iter2)
+ {
+ // volume should be between 0 and 1 / 6
+ if(iter2->second < 0.0 - ERR_TOL || iter2->second > 1.0 / 6.0 + ERR_TOL)
+ {
+ cout << "Inconsistent intersection volume : V(" << i << ", " << iter2->first << ") = " << iter2->second << endl;
+ res = false;
+ }
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return res;
+void Interpolation3DTest::dumpIntersectionMatrix(IntersectionMatrix m)
+ int i = 0;
+ for(IntersectionMatrix::const_iterator iter = m.begin() ; iter != m.end() ; ++iter)
+ {
+ for(map<int, double>::const_iterator iter2 = iter->begin() ; iter2 != iter->end() ; ++iter2)
+ {
+ cout << "V(" << i << ", " << iter2->first << ") = " << iter2->second << endl;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+void Interpolation3DTest::setUp()
+ interpolator = new Interpolation3D();
+void Interpolation3DTest::tearDown()
+ delete interpolator;
+void Interpolation3DTest::reflexiveTetra()
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "=============================" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Reflexive tetra " << endl;
+ MESH unitMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/tetra1.med", "Mesh_1");
+ std::cout << std::endl << "*** unit tetra" << std::endl;
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix1 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(unitMesh, unitMesh);
+ std::cout << std::endl << "*** non-unit large tetra" << std::endl;
+ MESH largeMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/tetra2.med", "Mesh_1");
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix2 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(largeMesh, largeMesh);
+ std::cout << std::endl << "*** non-unit small tetra" << std::endl;
+ MESH smallMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/tetra2_scaled.med", "Mesh_2");
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix3 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(smallMesh, smallMesh);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0 / 6.0, sumVolume(matrix1), ERR_TOL);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(48.0, sumVolume(matrix2), ERR_TOL);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.75, sumVolume(matrix3), ERR_TOL);
+void Interpolation3DTest::tetraTetraTransl()
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "=============================" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Translated tetra " << endl;
+ MESH srcMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/tetra1.med", "Mesh_1");
+ MESH targetMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/tetra1_transl_delta.med", "Mesh_3");
+ std::cout << std::endl << "*** src - target" << std::endl;
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix1 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(srcMesh, targetMesh);
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "*** target - src" << std::endl;
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix2 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(targetMesh, srcMesh);
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "*** target - target" << std::endl;
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix3 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(targetMesh, targetMesh);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.152112, sumVolume(matrix1), 1.0e-6);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.152112, sumVolume(matrix2), 1.0e-6);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0 / 6.0, sumVolume(matrix3), ERR_TOL);
+void Interpolation3DTest::tetraTetraScale()
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "=============================" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Scaled included tetra " << endl;
+ MESH srcMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/tetra2.med", "Mesh_1");
+ MESH targetMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/tetra2_scaled.med", "Mesh_2");
+ std::cout << "*** src - target" << std::endl;
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix1 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(srcMesh, targetMesh);
+ std::cout << std::endl << "*** target - src" << std::endl;
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix2 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(targetMesh, srcMesh);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.75, sumVolume(matrix1), 1.0e-6);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.75, sumVolume(matrix2), 1.0e-6);
+void Interpolation3DTest::cyl1()
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "=============================" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Cylinders " << endl;
+ MESH srcMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/cyl1_fine.med", "Mesh_1");
+ MESH targetMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/cyl1_rot_moderate.med", "Mesh_2");
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix1 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(srcMesh, targetMesh);
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix2 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(targetMesh, srcMesh);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, isIntersectionConsistent(matrix1));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, isIntersectionConsistent(matrix2));
+ const double vol1 = sumVolume(matrix1);
+ const double vol2 = sumVolume(matrix2);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(3.09079e6, vol1, 1.0e2);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(3.09079e6, vol2, 1.0e2);
+void Interpolation3DTest::box1()
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "=============================" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Boxes " << endl;
+ MESH srcMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/box1_moderate.med", "Mesh_1");
+ MESH targetMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/box1_rot_moderate.med", "Mesh_2");
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix1 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(srcMesh, targetMesh);
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix2 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(targetMesh, srcMesh);
+ // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, isIntersectionConsistent(matrix1));
+ // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, isIntersectionConsistent(matrix2));
+ const double vol1 = sumVolume(matrix1);
+ const double vol2 = sumVolume(matrix2);
+ // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(vol1, vol2, 1.0);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(750684, vol1, 1.0);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(750684, vol2, 1.0);
+void Interpolation3DTest::tetra1()
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "=============================" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " General tetrahedra - 1-element meshes " << endl;
+ MESH srcMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/tetra1_gen.med", "Mesh_4");
+ MESH targetMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/tetra1_gen_rot.med", "Mesh_5");
+std::cout << "*** src - target" << std::endl;
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix1 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(srcMesh, targetMesh);
+ std::cout << "*** target - src" << std::endl;
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix2 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(targetMesh, srcMesh);
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "--------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "src - target" << std::endl;
+ dumpIntersectionMatrix(matrix1);
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "--------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "target - src" << std::endl;
+ dumpIntersectionMatrix(matrix2);
+ // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, isIntersectionConsistent(matrix1));
+ // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, isIntersectionConsistent(matrix2));
+ const double vol1 = sumVolume(matrix1);
+ const double vol2 = sumVolume(matrix2);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.0494584, vol1, 1.0e-7);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.0494584, vol2, 1.0e-7);
+void Interpolation3DTest::tetra3()
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "=============================" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " General tetrahedra 10-element meshes " << endl;
+ MESH srcMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/tetra3_moderate.med", "Mesh_1");
+ MESH targetMesh(MED_DRIVER, "meshes/tetra3_rot_moderate.med", "Mesh_3");
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix1 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(srcMesh, targetMesh);
+ IntersectionMatrix matrix2 = interpolator->interpol_maillages(targetMesh, srcMesh);
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "--------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "src - target" << std::endl;
+ dumpIntersectionMatrix(matrix1);
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "--------------------" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "target - src" << std::endl;
+ dumpIntersectionMatrix(matrix2);
+ // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, isIntersectionConsistent(matrix1));
+ // CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, isIntersectionConsistent(matrix2));
+ const double vol1 = sumVolume(matrix1);
+ const double vol2 = sumVolume(matrix2);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(538.76, vol1, 1.0);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(538.76, vol2, 1.0);
--- /dev/null
+#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
+#include "../Interpolation3D.hxx"
+#define ERR_TOL 1.0e-8
+using MEDMEM::Interpolation3D;
+class Interpolation3DTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( Interpolation3DTest );
+ CPPUNIT_TEST( reflexiveTetra );
+ CPPUNIT_TEST( tetraTetraTransl );
+ CPPUNIT_TEST( tetraTetraScale );
+ // CPPUNIT_TEST( box1 );
+ // CPPUNIT_TEST( cyl1 );
+ CPPUNIT_TEST( tetra1 );
+ // CPPUNIT_TEST( tetra3 );
+ void setUp();
+ void tearDown();
+ // tests
+ void reflexiveTetra();
+ void tetraTetraTransl();
+ void tetraTetraScale();
+ void cyl1();
+ void box1();
+ void tetra1();
+ void tetra3();
+ Interpolation3D* interpolator;
+ double sumVolume(IntersectionMatrix m);
+ bool isIntersectionConsistent(IntersectionMatrix m);
+ void dumpIntersectionMatrix(IntersectionMatrix m);
--- /dev/null
+#include "TetraAffineTransform.hxx"
--- /dev/null
+#include <math.h>
+#include <iostream>
+class TetraAffineTransformTest;
+namespace INTERP_UTILS
+ class TetraAffineTransform
+ {
+ friend class ::TetraAffineTransformTest;
+ public:
+ TetraAffineTransform(const double** pts)
+ {
+#if 0
+ do {
+ // three last points -> linear transform
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3 ; ++i)
+ {
+ for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j)
+ {
+ // NB we insert columns, not rows
+ _linearTransform[3*j + i] = (pts[i+1])[j] - (pts[0])[j];
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ calculateDeterminant();
+ //assert(_determinant != 0.0);
+ if(_determinant < 0.0)
+ {
+ // swap two columns
+ const double* tmp = pts[1];
+ pts[1] = pts[2];
+ pts[2] = tmp;
+ }
+ } while(_determinant < 0.0); // should do at most one more loop
+ // we need the inverse transform
+ invertLinearTransform();
+ // first point -> translation
+ // calculate here because translation takes place in "transformed space",
+ // or in other words b = -A*O where A is the linear transform
+ // and O is the position vector of the point that is mapped onto the origin
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
+ {
+ _translation[i] = -_linearTransform[3*i]*(pts[0])[0] - _linearTransform[3*i+1]*(pts[0])[1] - _linearTransform[3*i+2]*(pts[0])[2] ;
+ }
+ // precalculate determinant (again after inversion of transform)
+ calculateDeterminant();
+ }
+ void apply(double* destPt, const double* srcPt) const
+ {
+ double* dest = destPt;
+ const bool selfAllocation = (destPt == srcPt);
+ if(selfAllocation)
+ {
+ // alloc temporary memory
+ dest = new double[3];
+ //std::cout << "Oops! self-affectation" << std::endl;
+ }
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
+ {
+ // matrix - vector multiplication
+ dest[i] = _linearTransform[3*i] * srcPt[0] + _linearTransform[3*i + 1] * srcPt[1] + _linearTransform[3*i + 2] * srcPt[2];
+ // translation
+ dest[i] += _translation[i];
+ }
+ if(selfAllocation)
+ {
+ // copy result back to destPt
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
+ {
+ destPt[i] = dest[i];
+ }
+ delete[] dest;
+ }
+ }
+ double determinant() const
+ {
+ return _determinant;
+ }
+ void dump()
+ {
+ using namespace std;
+ std::cout << "A = " << std::endl << "[";
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ {
+ cout << _linearTransform[3*i] << ", " << _linearTransform[3*i + 1] << ", " << _linearTransform[3*i + 1];
+ if(i !=2 ) cout << endl;
+ }
+ cout << "]" << endl;
+ cout << "b = " << "[" << _translation[0] << ", " << _translation[1] << ", " << _translation[2] << "]" << endl;
+ }
+ private:
+ void invertLinearTransform()
+ {
+ //{ we copy the matrix for the lu-factorization
+ // maybe inefficient
+ double lu[9];
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < 9; ++i)
+ {
+ lu[i] = _linearTransform[i];
+ }
+ // calculate LU factorization
+ int idx[3];
+ factorizeLU(lu, idx);
+ // calculate inverse by forward and backward substitution
+ // store in _linearTransform
+ // NB _linearTransform cannot be overwritten with lu in the loop
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
+ {
+ // form standard base vector i
+ const double b[3] =
+ {
+ int(i == 0),
+ int(i == 1),
+ int(i == 2)
+ };
+ //std::cout << "b = [" << b[0] << ", " << b[1] << ", " << b[2] << "]" << std::endl;
+ double y[3];
+ forwardSubstitution(y, lu, b, idx);
+ double x[3];
+ backwardSubstitution(x, lu, y, idx);
+ // copy to _linearTransform matrix
+ // NB : this is a column operation, so we cannot
+ // do this directly when we calculate x
+ for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
+ {
+ _linearTransform[3*j + i] = x[idx[j]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void calculateDeterminant()
+ {
+ const double subDet[3] =
+ {
+ _linearTransform[4] * _linearTransform[8] - _linearTransform[5] * _linearTransform[7],
+ _linearTransform[3] * _linearTransform[8] - _linearTransform[5] * _linearTransform[6],
+ _linearTransform[3] * _linearTransform[7] - _linearTransform[4] * _linearTransform[6]
+ };
+ _determinant = _linearTransform[0] * subDet[0] - _linearTransform[1] * subDet[1] + _linearTransform[2] * subDet[2];
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Auxiliary methods for inverse calculation ///
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void factorizeLU(double* lu, int* idx) const
+ {
+ // 3 x 3 LU factorization
+ // initialise idx
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
+ {
+ idx[i] = i;
+ }
+ for(int k = 0; k < 2 ; ++k)
+ {
+ // find pivot
+ int i = k;
+ double max = fabs(lu[3*idx[k] + k]);
+ int row = i;
+ while(i < 3)
+ {
+ if(fabs(lu[3*idx[i] + k]) > max)
+ {
+ max = fabs(lu[3*idx[i] + k]);
+ row = i;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // swap rows
+ int tmp = idx[k];
+ idx[k] = idx[row];
+ idx[row] = tmp;
+ // calculate row
+ for(int j = k + 1 ; j < 3 ; ++j)
+ {
+ // l_jk = u_jk / u_kk
+ lu[3*idx[j] + k] /= lu[3*idx[k] + k];
+ for(int s = k + 1; s < 3 ; ++s)
+ {
+ // case s = k will always become zero, and then replaced by
+ // the l-value
+ // there's no need to calculate this explicitly
+ // u_js = u_js - l_jk * u_ks
+ lu[3*idx[j] + s] -= lu[3*idx[j] + k] * lu[3*idx[k] + s] ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void forwardSubstitution(double* x, const double* lu, const double* b, const int* idx) const
+ {
+ x[idx[0]] = ( b[idx[0]] );// / lu[3*idx[0]];
+ x[idx[1]] = ( b[idx[1]] - lu[3*idx[1]] * x[idx[0]] ); // / lu[3*idx[1] + 1];
+ x[idx[2]] = ( b[idx[2]] - lu[3*idx[2]] * x[idx[0]] - lu[3*idx[2] + 1] * x[idx[1]] ); // / lu[3*idx[2] + 2];
+ }
+ void backwardSubstitution(double* x, const double* lu, const double* b, const int* idx) const
+ {
+ x[idx[2]] = ( b[idx[2]] ) / lu[3*idx[2] + 2];
+ x[idx[1]] = ( b[idx[1]] - lu[3*idx[1] + 2] * x[idx[2]] ) / lu[3*idx[1] + 1];
+ x[idx[0]] = ( b[idx[0]] - lu[3*idx[0] + 1] * x[idx[1]] - lu[3*idx[0] + 2] * x[idx[2]] ) / lu[3*idx[0]];
+ }
+ double _translation[3];
+ double _linearTransform[9];
+ double _determinant;
+ };
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+#include "VectorUtils.hxx"
+#include <math.h>
+class CircularSortOrder
+ enum CoordType { XY, XZ, YZ };
+ CircularSortOrder(const double* barycenter, const double* pt0, const CoordType type)
+ : _pt0( pt0 )
+ {
+ // get the indices to use in determinant
+ _aIdx = (type == YZ) ? 2 : 0;
+ _bIdx = (type == XY) ? 1 : 2;
+ _a = barycenter[_aIdx] - pt0[_aIdx];
+ _b = barycenter[_bIdx] - pt0[_bIdx];
+ // std::cout << "Creating order of type " << type << " with pt0= " << vToStr(pt0) << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "a = " << _a << ", b = " << _b << std::endl;
+ }
+ bool operator()(const double* pt1, const double* pt2)
+ {
+ //{ calculations could be optimised here, avoiding intermediary affectations
+ const double diff[4] =
+ {
+ pt1[_aIdx] - _pt0[_aIdx], pt1[_bIdx] - _pt0[_bIdx], // pt1 - pt0
+ pt2[_aIdx] - _pt0[_aIdx], pt2[_bIdx] - _pt0[_bIdx], // pt2 - pt0
+ };
+ // We need to check if one of the points is equal to pt0,
+ // since pt0 should always end up at the beginning
+ // is pt1 == pt0 ? -> if yes, pt1 < pt2
+ if(diff[0] == 0.0 && diff[1] == 0.0)
+ return true;
+ // is pt2 == pt0 ? -> if yes pt2 < pt1
+ if(diff[2] == 0.0 && diff[3] == 0.0)
+ return false;
+ // normal case
+ const double det1 = _a*diff[1] - _b*diff[0];
+ const double det2 = _a*diff[3] - _b*diff[2];
+ return det1 < det2;
+ }
+ int _aIdx, _bIdx;
+ double _a, _b;
+ const double* _pt0;
+class ProjectedCentralCircularSortOrder
+ enum CoordType { XY, XZ, YZ };
+ ProjectedCentralCircularSortOrder(const double* barycenter, const CoordType type)
+ : _aIdx((type == YZ) ? 2 : 0),
+ _bIdx((type == XY) ? 1 : 2),
+ _a(barycenter[_aIdx]),
+ _b(barycenter[_bIdx])
+ {
+ }
+ bool operator()(const double* pt1, const double* pt2)
+ {
+ // calculate angles with the axis
+ const double ang1 = atan2(pt1[_aIdx] - _a, pt1[_bIdx] - _b);
+ const double ang2 = atan2(pt2[_aIdx] - _a, pt2[_bIdx] - _b);
+ return ang1 > ang2;
+ }
+ const int _aIdx, _bIdx;
+ const double _a, _b;
namespace INTERP_UTILS
+ // delete elements of polygons
+ for(std::vector<double*>::iterator it = _polygonA.begin() ; it != _polygonA.end() ; ++it)
+ {
+ delete[] *it;
+ }
+ for(std::vector<double*>::iterator it = _polygonB.begin() ; it != _polygonB.end() ; ++it)
+ {
+ delete[] *it;
+ }
double TransformedTriangle::calculateIntersectionVolume()
- // not implemented
- return 0.0;
+ // check first that we are not below z - plane
+ if(isTriangleBelowTetraeder())
+ {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ // get the sign of the volume - equal to the sign of the z-component of the normal
+ // of the triangle, u_x * v_y - u_y * v_x, where u = q - p and v = r - p
+ // if it is zero, the triangle is perpendicular to the z - plane and so the volume is zero
+ const double uv_xy[4] =
+ {
+ _coords[5*Q] - _coords[5*P], _coords[5*Q + 1] - _coords[5*P + 1], // u_x, u_y
+ _coords[5*R] - _coords[5*P], _coords[5*R + 1] - _coords[5*P + 1] // v_x, v_y
+ };
+ double sign = uv_xy[0] * uv_xy[3] - uv_xy[1] * uv_xy[2];
+ if(sign == 0.0)
+ {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ // normalize
+ sign = sign > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ std::cout << std::endl << "-- Calculating intersection polygons ... " << std::endl;
+ calculateIntersectionPolygons();
+ // calculate volume under A
+ std::cout << std::endl << "-- Treating polygon A ... " << std::endl;
+ double barycenter[3];
+ double volA = 0.0;
+ if(_polygonA.size() > 2)
+ {
+ calculatePolygonBarycenter(A, barycenter);
+ sortIntersectionPolygon(A, barycenter);
+ volA = calculateVolumeUnderPolygon(A, barycenter);
+ std::cout << "Volume is " << sign * volA << std::endl;
+ }
+ double volB = 0.0;
+ // if triangle is not in h = 0 plane, calculate volume under B
+ if(!isTriangleInPlaneOfFacet(XYZ) && _polygonB.size() > 2)
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl << "-- Treating polygon B ... " << std::endl;
+ calculatePolygonBarycenter(B, barycenter);
+ sortIntersectionPolygon(B, barycenter);
+ volB = calculateVolumeUnderPolygon(B, barycenter);
+ std::cout << "Volume is " << sign * volB << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl << "volA + volB = " << sign * (volA + volB) << std::endl << std::endl;
+ return sign * (volA + volB);
void TransformedTriangle::calculateIntersectionPolygons()
- // not implemented
+ assert(_polygonA.size() == 0);
+ assert(_polygonB.size() == 0);
+ // -- surface intersections
+ // surface - edge
+ for(TetraEdge edge = OX ; edge <= ZX ; edge = TetraEdge(edge + 1))
+ {
+ if(testSurfaceEdgeIntersection(edge))
+ {
+ //{ we only really need to calculate the point once
+ double* ptA = new double[3];
+ calcIntersectionPtSurfaceEdge(edge, ptA);
+ _polygonA.push_back(ptA);
+ std::cout << "Surface-edge : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A " << std::endl;
+ if(edge >= XY)
+ {
+ double* ptB = new double[3];
+ copyVector3(ptA, ptB);
+ _polygonB.push_back(ptB);
+ std::cout << "Surface-edge : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B " << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // surface - ray
+ for(TetraCorner corner = X ; corner < NO_TET_CORNER ; corner = TetraCorner(corner + 1))
+ {
+ if(testSurfaceRayIntersection(corner))
+ {
+ double* ptB = new double[3];
+ copyVector3(&COORDS_TET_CORNER[3 * corner], ptB);
+ _polygonB.push_back(ptB);
+ std::cout << "Surface-ray : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // -- segment intersections
+ for(TriSegment seg = PQ ; seg < NO_TRI_SEGMENT ; seg = TriSegment(seg + 1))
+ {
+ // segment - facet
+ for(TetraFacet facet = OYZ ; facet < NO_TET_FACET ; facet = TetraFacet(facet + 1))
+ {
+ if(testSegmentFacetIntersection(seg, facet))
+ {
+ double* ptA = new double[3];
+ calcIntersectionPtSegmentFacet(seg, facet, ptA);
+ _polygonA.push_back(ptA);
+ std::cout << "Segment-facet : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A" << std::endl;
+ if(facet == XYZ)
+ {
+ double* ptB = new double[3];
+ copyVector3(ptA, ptB);
+ _polygonB.push_back(ptB);
+ std::cout << "Segment-facet : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // segment - edge
+ for(TetraEdge edge = OX ; edge <= ZX ; edge = TetraEdge(edge + 1))
+ {
+ if(testSegmentEdgeIntersection(seg, edge))
+ {
+ double* ptA = new double[3];
+ calcIntersectionPtSegmentEdge(seg, edge, ptA);
+ _polygonA.push_back(ptA);
+ std::cout << "Segment-edge : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A" << std::endl;
+ if(edge >= XY)
+ {
+ double* ptB = new double[3];
+ copyVector3(ptA, ptB);
+ _polygonB.push_back(ptB);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // segment - corner
+ for(TetraCorner corner = O ; corner < NO_TET_CORNER ; corner = TetraCorner(corner + 1))
+ {
+ if(testSegmentCornerIntersection(seg, corner))
+ {
+ double* ptA = new double[3];
+ copyVector3(&COORDS_TET_CORNER[3 * corner], ptA);
+ _polygonA.push_back(ptA);
+ std::cout << "Segment-corner : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A" << std::endl;
+ if(corner != O)
+ {
+ double* ptB = new double[3];
+ _polygonB.push_back(ptB);
+ copyVector3(&COORDS_TET_CORNER[3 * corner], ptB);
+ std::cout << "Segment-corner : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // segment - ray
+ for(TetraCorner corner = X ; corner < NO_TET_CORNER ; corner = TetraCorner(corner + 1))
+ {
+ if(testSegmentRayIntersection(seg, corner))
+ {
+ double* ptB = new double[3];
+ copyVector3(&COORDS_TET_CORNER[3 * corner], ptB);
+ _polygonB.push_back(ptB);
+ std::cout << "Segment-ray : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // segment - halfstrip
+ for(TetraEdge edge = XY ; edge <= ZX ; edge = TetraEdge(edge + 1))
+ {
+ if(testSegmentHalfstripIntersection(seg, edge))
+ {
+ double* ptB = new double[3];
+ calcIntersectionPtSegmentHalfstrip(seg, edge, ptB);
+ _polygonB.push_back(ptB);
+ std::cout << "Segment-halfstrip : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // inclusion tests
+ for(TriCorner corner = P ; corner < NO_TRI_CORNER ; corner = TriCorner(corner + 1))
+ {
+ // { XYZ - inclusion only possible if in Tetrahedron?
+ // tetrahedron
+ if(testCornerInTetrahedron(corner))
+ {
+ double* ptA = new double[3];
+ copyVector3(&_coords[5*corner], ptA);
+ _polygonA.push_back(ptA);
+ std::cout << "Inclusion tetrahedron : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A" << std::endl;
+ }
+ // XYZ - plane
+ if(testCornerOnXYZFacet(corner))
+ {
+ double* ptB = new double[3];
+ copyVector3(&_coords[5*corner], ptB);
+ _polygonA.push_back(ptB);
+ std::cout << "Inclusion XYZ-plane : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
void TransformedTriangle::calculatePolygonBarycenter(const IntersectionPolygon poly, double* barycenter)
- // not implemented
+ std::cout << "--- Calculating polygon barycenter" << std::endl;
+ // get the polygon points
+ std::vector<double*>& polygon = (poly == A) ? _polygonA : _polygonB;
+ // calculate barycenter
+ const int m = polygon.size();
+ for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j)
+ {
+ barycenter[j] = 0.0;
+ }
+ if(m != 0)
+ {
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < m ; ++i)
+ {
+ const double* pt = polygon[i];
+ for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j)
+ {
+ barycenter[j] += pt[j] / double(m);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::cout << "Barycenter is " << vToStr(barycenter) << std::endl;
void TransformedTriangle::sortIntersectionPolygon(const IntersectionPolygon poly, const double* barycenter)
- // not implemented
+ std::cout << "--- Sorting polygon ..."<< std::endl;
+ using ::ProjectedCentralCircularSortOrder;
+ typedef ProjectedCentralCircularSortOrder SortOrder; // change is only necessary here and in constructor
+ typedef SortOrder::CoordType CoordType;
+ // get the polygon points
+ std::vector<double*>& polygon = (poly == A) ? _polygonA : _polygonB;
+ if(polygon.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ // determine type of sorting
+ CoordType type = SortOrder::XY;
+ if(poly == A) // B is on h = 0 plane -> ok
+ {
+ // is triangle parallel to x == 0 ?
+ if(isTriangleInPlaneOfFacet(OZX))
+ {
+ type = SortOrder::YZ;
+ }
+ else if(isTriangleInPlaneOfFacet(OYZ))
+ {
+ type = SortOrder::XZ;
+ }
+ }
+ // create order object
+ SortOrder order(barycenter, type);
+ // sort vector with this object
+ // NB : do not change place of first object, with respect to which the order
+ // is defined
+ sort((polygon.begin()), polygon.end(), order);
+ //stable_sort((++polygon.begin()), polygon.end(), order);
+ std::cout << "Sorted polygon is " << std::endl;
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < polygon.size() ; ++i)
+ {
+ std::cout << vToStr(polygon[i]) << std::endl;
+ }
double TransformedTriangle::calculateVolumeUnderPolygon(IntersectionPolygon poly, const double* barycenter)
- // not implemented
- return -3.14;
+ std::cout << "--- Calculating volume under polygon" << std::endl;
+ // get the polygon points
+ std::vector<double*>& polygon = (poly == A) ? _polygonA : _polygonB;
+ double vol = 0.0;
+ const int m = polygon.size();
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < m ; ++i)
+ {
+ const double* ptCurr = polygon[i]; // pt "i"
+ const double* ptNext = polygon[(i + 1) % m]; // pt "i+1" (pt m == pt 0)
+ const double factor1 = ptCurr[2] + ptNext[2] + barycenter[2];
+ const double factor2 =
+ ptCurr[0]*(ptNext[1] - barycenter[1])
+ + ptNext[0]*(barycenter[1] - ptCurr[1])
+ + barycenter[0]*(ptCurr[1] - ptNext[1]);
+ vol += (factor1 * factor2) / 6.0;
+ }
+ // std::cout << "Abs. Volume is " << vol << std::endl;
+ return vol;
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Detection of (very) degenerate cases ////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /**
+ * Checks if the triangle lies in the plane of a given facet
+ *
+ * @param facet one of the facets of the tetrahedron
+ * @returns true if PQR lies in the plane of the facet, false if not
+ */
+ bool TransformedTriangle::isTriangleInPlaneOfFacet(const TetraFacet facet)
+ {
+ // coordinate to check
+ const int coord = static_cast<int>(facet);
+ for(TriCorner c = P ; c < NO_TRI_CORNER ; c = TriCorner(c + 1))
+ {
+ // ? should have epsilon-equality here?
+ if(_coords[5*c + coord] != 0.0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ bool TransformedTriangle::isTriangleBelowTetraeder()
+ {
+ for(TriCorner c = P ; c < NO_TRI_CORNER ; c = TriCorner(c + 1))
+ {
+ // check z-coords for all points
+ if(_coords[5*c + 2] > 0.0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+void TransformedTriangle::dumpCoords()
+ std::cout << "Coords : ";
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < 3; ++i)
+ {
+ std::cout << vToStr(&_coords[5*i]) << ",";
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl;
class TransformedTriangleTest;
class TransformedTriangleIntersectTest;
+class TransformedTriangleCalcVolumeTest;
namespace INTERP_UTILS
friend class ::TransformedTriangleTest;
friend class ::TransformedTriangleIntersectTest;
+ friend class ::TransformedTriangleCalcVolumeTest;
* and the triangle.
/// Corners of tetrahedron
- enum TetraCorner { O = 0, X, Y, Z };
+ enum TetraCorner { O = 0, X, Y, Z, NO_TET_CORNER };
/// Edges of tetrahedron
- enum TetraEdge { OX = 0, OY, OZ, XY, YZ, ZX, H01, H10 };
+ enum TetraEdge { OX = 0, OY, OZ, XY, YZ, ZX, H01, H10, NO_TET_EDGE };
/// Facets (faces) of tetrahedron
- enum TetraFacet { OYZ = 0, OZX, OXY, XYZ };
+ enum TetraFacet { OYZ = 0, OZX, OXY, XYZ, NO_TET_FACET };
/// Corners of triangle
- enum TriCorner { P = 0, Q, R };
+ enum TriCorner { P = 0, Q, R, NO_TRI_CORNER };
/// Segments (edges) of triangle
- enum TriSegment { PQ = 0, QR, RP };
+ enum TriSegment { PQ = 0, QR, RP, NO_TRI_SEGMENT };
/// Polygons
- enum IntersectionPolygon{ A = 0, B };
+ enum IntersectionPolygon{ A = 0, B, NO_INTERSECTION_POLYGONS };
/// Double products
/// NB : order corresponds to TetraEdges (Grandy, table III)
- enum DoubleProduct { C_YZ = 0, C_ZX, C_XY, C_ZH, C_XH, C_YH, C_01, C_10 };
+ enum DoubleProduct { C_YZ = 0, C_ZX, C_XY, C_ZH, C_XH, C_YH, C_01, C_10, NO_DP };
TransformedTriangle(double* p, double* q, double* r);
double calculateIntersectionVolume();
+ // temporary debug method
+ void dumpCoords();
double calculateVolumeUnderPolygon(IntersectionPolygon poly, const double* barycenter);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Detection of (very) degenerate cases ////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ bool isTriangleInPlaneOfFacet(const TetraFacet facet);
+ bool isTriangleBelowTetraeder();
/// Intersection test methods and intersection point calculations ////////
bool testCornerInTetrahedron(const TriCorner corner) const;
bool testCornerOnXYZFacet(const TriCorner corner) const;
/// Utility methods used in intersection tests ///////////////
bool testSegmentIntersectsFacet(const TriSegment seg, const TetraFacet facet) const;
+ bool testSegmentIntersectsH(const TriSegment seg);
bool testSurfaceAboveCorner(const TetraCorner corner) const;
bool testTriangleSurroundsRay(const TetraCorner corner) const;
std::vector<double*> _polygonA, _polygonB;
double _barycenterA[3], _barycenterB[3];
+ // used for debugging
+ bool _validTP[4];
/// Constants /////////////////
// values used to decide how imprecise the double products
// should be to set them to 0.0
- static const double MACH_EPS; // machine epsilon
- static const double MULT_PREC_F; // precision of multiplications (Grandy : f)
- static const double THRESHOLD_F; // threshold for zeroing (Grandy : F/f)
+ static const long double MACH_EPS; // machine epsilon
+ static const long double MULT_PREC_F; // precision of multiplications (Grandy : f)
+ static const long double THRESHOLD_F; // threshold for zeroing (Grandy : F/f)
// signs associated with entries in DP_FOR_SEGMENT_FACET_INTERSECTION
static const double SIGN_FOR_SEG_FACET_INTERSECTION[12];
+ // coordinates of corners of tetrahedron
+ static const double COORDS_TET_CORNER[12];
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
namespace INTERP_UTILS
/// Constants /////////////////
+ const int TransformedTriangle::DP_OFFSET_1[8] = {1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 4, 1};
+ const int TransformedTriangle::DP_OFFSET_2[8] = {2, 0, 1, 3, 3, 3, 0, 4};
- // correspondance facet - double product
- // Grandy, table IV
- const TransformedTriangle::DoubleProduct TransformedTriangle::DP_FOR_SEG_FACET_INTERSECTION[12] =
+ const int TransformedTriangle::COORDINATE_FOR_DETERMINANT_EXPANSION[12] =
- C_XH, C_XY, C_ZX, // OYZ
- C_YH, C_YZ, C_XY, // OZX
- C_ZH, C_ZX, C_YZ, // OXY
- C_XH, C_YH, C_ZH // XYZ
+ 0, 1, 2, // O
+ 3, 1, 2, // X
+ 0, 3, 2, // Y
+ 0, 1, 3 // Z
- // signs associated with entries in DP_FOR_SEGMENT_FACET_INTERSECTION
- const double TransformedTriangle::SIGN_FOR_SEG_FACET_INTERSECTION[12] =
+ const TransformedTriangle::DoubleProduct TransformedTriangle::DP_FOR_DETERMINANT_EXPANSION[12] =
- 1.0, 1.0, -1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0, -1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0, -1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
+ C_YZ, C_ZX, C_XY, // O
+ C_YZ, C_ZH, C_YH, // X
+ C_ZH, C_ZX, C_XH, // Y
+ C_YH, C_XH, C_XY // Z
+ //const double TransformedTriangle::MACH_EPS = 1.0e-15;
+ const long double TransformedTriangle::MACH_EPS = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
+ const long double TransformedTriangle::MULT_PREC_F = 4.0 * TransformedTriangle::MACH_EPS;
+ const long double TransformedTriangle::THRESHOLD_F = 20.0;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Intersection test methods and intersection point calculations ////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /**
- * Tests if the given edge of the tetrahedron intersects the triangle PQR. (Grandy, eq [17])
- *
- * @param edge edge of tetrahedron
- * @returns true if PQR intersects the edge, and the edge is not in the plane of the triangle.
- */
- bool TransformedTriangle::testSurfaceEdgeIntersection(const TetraEdge edge) const
- {
- return testTriangleSurroundsEdge(edge) && testEdgeIntersectsTriangle(edge);
- }
+ const double TransformedTriangle::TRIPLE_PRODUCT_ANGLE_THRESHOLD = 0.1;
- /**
- * Calculates the point of intersection between the given edge of the tetrahedron and the
- * triangle PQR. (Grandy, eq [22])
- *
- * @pre testSurfaceEdgeIntersection(edge) returns true
- * @param edge edge of tetrahedron
- * @param pt array of three doubles in which to store the coordinates of the intersection point
- */
- void TransformedTriangle::calcIntersectionPtSurfaceEdge(const TetraEdge edge, double* pt) const
- {
- // not implemented
- }
- /**
- * Tests if the given segment of the triangle intersects the given facet of the tetrahedron.
- * (Grandy, eq. [19])
- *
- * @param seg segment of the triangle
- * @param facet facet of the tetrahedron
- * @returns true if the segment intersects the facet
- */
- bool TransformedTriangle::testSegmentFacetIntersection(const TriSegment seg, const TetraFacet facet) const
- {
- return testFacetSurroundsSegment(seg, facet) && testSegmentIntersectsFacet(seg, facet);
- }
+ // coordinates of corner ptTetCorner
+ const double TransformedTriangle::COORDS_TET_CORNER[12] =
+ {
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // O
+ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // X
+ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // Y
+ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 // Z
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Double and triple product calculations ///////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Calculates the point of intersection between the given segment of the triangle
- * and the given facet of the tetrahedron. (Grandy, eq. [23])
+ * Pre-calculates all double products for this triangle, and stores
+ * them internally. This method makes compensation for precision errors,
+ * and it is thus the "stable" double products that are stored.
- * @pre testSurfaceEdgeIntersection(seg, facet) returns true
- *
- * @param seg segment of the triangle
- * @param facet facet of the tetrahedron
- * @param pt array of three doubles in which to store the coordinates of the intersection point
- void TransformedTriangle::calcIntersectionPtSegmentFacet(const TriSegment seg, const TetraFacet facet, double* pt) const
+ void TransformedTriangle::preCalculateDoubleProducts(void)
- // not implemented
- }
+ if(_isDoubleProductsCalculated)
+ return;
- /**
- * Tests if the given segment of the triangle intersects the given edge of the tetrahedron (Grandy, eq. [20]
- *
- * @param seg segment of the triangle
- * @param edge edge of tetrahedron
- * @returns true if the segment intersects the edge
- */
- bool TransformedTriangle::testSegmentEdgeIntersection(const TriSegment seg, const TetraEdge edge) const
- {
- // facets shared by each edge
- static const TetraFacet FACET_FOR_EDGE[12] =
- {
- OXY, OZX, // OX
- OXY, OYZ, // OY
- OZX, OYZ, // OZ
- OXY, XYZ, // XY
- OYZ, XYZ, // YZ
- OZX, XYZ // ZX
- };
+ // aliases to shorten code
+ typedef TransformedTriangle::DoubleProduct DoubleProduct;
+ typedef TransformedTriangle::TetraCorner TetraCorner;
+ typedef TransformedTriangle::TriSegment TriSegment;
+ typedef TransformedTriangle TT;
- if(calcStableC(seg,DoubleProduct( edge )) != 0.0)
- {
- return false;
- }
- else
+ // -- calculate all unstable double products -- store in _doubleProducts
+ for(TriSegment seg = TT::PQ ; seg <= TT::RP ; seg = TriSegment(seg + 1))
- // check condition that the double products for one of the two
- // facets adjacent to the edge has a positive product
- bool isFacetCondVerified = false;
- TetraFacet facet[2];
- for(int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i)
+ for(DoubleProduct dp = TT::C_YZ ; dp <= TT::C_10 ; dp = DoubleProduct(dp + 1))
- facet[i] = FACET_FOR_EDGE[2*edge + i];
- // find the two c-values -> the two for the other edges of the facet
- int idx1 = 0 ;
- int idx2 = 1;
- DoubleProduct dp1 = DP_FOR_SEG_FACET_INTERSECTION[3*facet[i] + idx1];
- DoubleProduct dp2 = DP_FOR_SEG_FACET_INTERSECTION[3*facet[i] + idx2];
- if(dp1 == DoubleProduct( edge ))
- {
- idx1 = 2;
- dp1 = DP_FOR_SEG_FACET_INTERSECTION[3*facet[i] + idx1];
- }
- else if(dp2 == DoubleProduct( edge ))
- {
- idx2 = 2;
- dp2 = DP_FOR_SEG_FACET_INTERSECTION[3*facet[i] + idx2];
- }
- const double c1 = SIGN_FOR_SEG_FACET_INTERSECTION[3*facet[i]+idx1]*calcStableC(seg, dp1);
- const double c2 = SIGN_FOR_SEG_FACET_INTERSECTION[3*facet[i]+idx2]*calcStableC(seg, dp2);
- isFacetCondVerified = isFacetCondVerified || c1*c2 > 0.0;
- }
- if(!isFacetCondVerified)
- {
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- return testSegmentIntersectsFacet(seg, facet[0]) || testSegmentIntersectsFacet(seg, facet[1]);
+ _doubleProducts[8*seg + dp] = calcUnstableC(seg, dp);
- }
- /**
- * Calculates the point of intersection between the given segment of the triangle
- * and the given edge of the tetrahedron. (Grandy, eq. [25])
- *
- * @pre testSegmentEdgeIntersection(seg, edge) returns true
- *
- * @param seg segment of the triangle
- * @param edge edge of the tetrahedron
- * @param pt array of three doubles in which to store the coordinates of the intersection point
- */
- void TransformedTriangle::calcIntersectionPtSegmentEdge(const TriSegment seg, const TetraEdge edge, double* pt) const
- {
- // not implemented
- }
- /**
- * Tests if the given segment of the triangle intersects the given corner of the tetrahedron.
- * (Grandy, eq. [21])
- *
- * @param seg segment of the triangle
- * @param corner corner of the tetrahedron
- * @returns true if the segment intersects the corner
- */
- bool TransformedTriangle::testSegmentCornerIntersection(const TriSegment seg, const TetraCorner corner) const
- {
- // edges meeting at a given corner
- static const TetraEdge EDGES_FOR_CORNER[12] =
- {
- OX, OY, OZ, // O
- OX, XY, ZX, // X
- OY, XY, YZ, // Y
- OZ, ZX, YZ // Z
- };
- // facets meeting at a given corner
- static const TetraFacet FACETS_FOR_CORNER[12] =
+ // -- (1) for each segment : check that double products satisfy Grandy, [46]
+ // -- and make corrections if not
+ for(TriSegment seg = TT::PQ ; seg <= TT::RP ; seg = TriSegment(seg + 1))
- OXY, OYZ, OZX, // O
- OZX, OXY, XYZ, // X
- OYZ, XYZ, OXY, // Y
- OZX, XYZ, OYZ // Z
- };
+ const double term1 = _doubleProducts[8*seg + TT::C_YZ] * _doubleProducts[8*seg + TT::C_XH];
+ const double term2 = _doubleProducts[8*seg + TT::C_ZX] * _doubleProducts[8*seg + TT::C_YH];
+ const double term3 = _doubleProducts[8*seg + TT::C_XY] * _doubleProducts[8*seg + TT::C_ZH];
- // check double products are zero
- for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
- {
- const TetraEdge edge = EDGES_FOR_CORNER[3*corner + i];
- const DoubleProduct dp = DoubleProduct( edge );
- const double c = calcStableC(seg, dp);
- if(c != 0.0)
+ // std::cout << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "for seg " << seg << " consistency " << term1 + term2 + term3 << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "term1 :" << term1 << " term2 :" << term2 << " term3: " << term3 << std::endl;
+ // if(term1 + term2 + term3 != 0.0)
+ const int num_zero = (term1 == 0.0 ? 1 : 0) + (term2 == 0.0 ? 1 : 0) + (term3 == 0.0 ? 1 : 0);
+ const int num_neg = (term1 < 0.0 ? 1 : 0) + (term2 < 0.0 ? 1 : 0) + (term3 < 0.0 ? 1 : 0);
+ if(num_zero == 2 || (num_zero !=3 && num_neg == 0) || (num_zero !=3 && num_neg == 3))
- return false;
+ //std::cout << "inconsistent! "<< std::endl;
+ // find TetraCorner nearest to segment
+ double min_dist;
+ TetraCorner min_corner;
+ for(TetraCorner corner = TT::O ; corner <= TT::Z ; corner = TetraCorner(corner + 1))
+ {
+ // calculate distance corner - segment axis
+ // NB uses fact that TriSegment <=> TriCorner that is first point of segment (PQ <=> P)
+ const TriCorner ptP_idx = TriCorner(seg);
+ const TriCorner ptQ_idx = TriCorner( (seg + 1) % 3);
+ const double ptP[3] = { _coords[5*ptP_idx], _coords[5*ptP_idx + 1], _coords[5*ptP_idx + 2] };
+ const double ptQ[3] = { _coords[5*ptQ_idx], _coords[5*ptQ_idx + 1], _coords[5*ptQ_idx + 2] };
+ // coordinates of corner
+ const double ptTetCorner[3] =
+ {
+ COORDS_TET_CORNER[3*corner ],
+ COORDS_TET_CORNER[3*corner + 1],
+ COORDS_TET_CORNER[3*corner + 2]
+ };
+ // dist^2 = ( PQ x CP )^2 / |PQ|^2 where C is the corner point
+ // difference vectors
+ const double diffPQ[3] = { ptQ[0] - ptP[0], ptQ[1] - ptP[1], ptQ[2] - ptP[2] };
+ const double diffCornerP[3] = { ptP[0] - ptTetCorner[0], ptP[1] - ptTetCorner[1], ptP[2] - ptTetCorner[2] };
+ //{ use functions in VectorUtils for this
+ // cross product of difference vectors
+ const double cross[3] =
+ {
+ diffPQ[1]*diffCornerP[2] - diffPQ[2]*diffCornerP[1],
+ diffPQ[2]*diffCornerP[0] - diffPQ[0]*diffCornerP[2],
+ diffPQ[0]*diffCornerP[1] - diffPQ[1]*diffCornerP[0],
+ };
+ const double cross_squared = cross[0]*cross[0] + cross[1]*cross[1] + cross[2]*cross[2];
+ const double norm_diffPQ_squared = diffPQ[0]*diffPQ[0] + diffPQ[1]*diffPQ[1] + diffPQ[2]*diffPQ[2];
+ const double dist = cross_squared / norm_diffPQ_squared;
+ // update minimum (initializs with first corner)
+ if(corner == TT::O || dist < min_dist)
+ {
+ min_dist = dist;
+ min_corner = corner;
+ }
+ }
+ // set the three corresponding double products to 0.0
+ static const DoubleProduct DOUBLE_PRODUCTS[12] =
+ {
+ TT::C_YZ, TT::C_ZX, TT::C_XY, // O
+ TT::C_YZ, TT::C_ZH, TT::C_YH, // X
+ TT::C_ZX, TT::C_ZH, TT::C_XH, // Y
+ TT::C_XY, TT::C_YH, TT::C_XH // Z
+ };
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) {
+ DoubleProduct dp = DOUBLE_PRODUCTS[3*min_corner + i];
+ // std::cout << std::endl << "inconsistent dp :" << dp << std::endl;
+ _doubleProducts[8*seg + dp] = 0.0;
+ }
- // check segment intersect a facet
- for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
+ // -- (2) check that each double product statisfies Grandy, [47], else set to 0
+ for(TriSegment seg = TT::PQ ; seg <= TT::RP ; seg = TriSegment(seg + 1))
- const TetraFacet facet = FACETS_FOR_CORNER[3*corner + i];
- if(testSegmentIntersectsFacet(seg, facet))
+ for(DoubleProduct dp = TT::C_YZ ; dp <= TT::C_10 ; dp = DoubleProduct(dp + 1))
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
+ // find the points of the triangle
+ // 0 -> P, 1 -> Q, 2 -> R
+ const int pt1 = seg;
+ const int pt2 = (seg + 1) % 3;
- /**
- * Tests if the triangle PQR intersects the ray pointing in the upwards z - direction
- * from the given corner of the tetrahedron. (Grandy eq. [29])
- *
- * @param corner corner of the tetrahedron on the h = 0 facet (X, Y, or Z)
- * @returns true if the upwards ray from the corner intersects the triangle.
- */
- bool TransformedTriangle::testSurfaceRayIntersection(const TetraCorner corner) const
- {
- return testTriangleSurroundsRay( corner ) && testSurfaceAboveCorner( corner );
- }
+ // find offsets
+ const int off1 = DP_OFFSET_1[dp];
+ const int off2 = DP_OFFSET_2[dp];
- /**
- * Tests if the given segment of the triangle intersects the half-strip above the
- * given edge of the h = 0 plane. (Grandy, eq. [30])
- *
- * @param seg segment of the triangle
- * @param edge edge of the h = 0 plane of the tetrahedron (XY, YZ, ZX)
- * @returns true if the upwards ray from the corner intersects the triangle.
- */
- bool TransformedTriangle::testSegmentHalfstripIntersection(const TriSegment seg, const TetraEdge edg)
- {
- // get right index here to avoid "filling out" array
- const int edgeIndex = static_cast<int>(edg) - 3;
- // double products used in test
- // products 1 and 2 for each edge -> first condition in Grandy [30]
- // products 3 and 4 for each edge -> third condition
- // NB : some uncertainty whether these last are correct
- static const DoubleProduct DP_FOR_HALFSTRIP_INTERSECTION[12] =
- {
- C_10, C_01, C_ZH, C_YZ, // XY
- C_01, C_XY, C_XH, C_ZX, // YZ
- C_XY, C_10, C_YH, C_XY // ZX
- };
+ const long double term1 = static_cast<long double>(_coords[5*pt1 + off1]) * static_cast<long double>(_coords[5*pt2 + off2]);
+ const long double term2 = static_cast<long double>(_coords[5*pt1 + off2]) * static_cast<long double>(_coords[5*pt2 + off1]);
- // facets to use in second condition (S_m)
- {
- XYZ, // XY
- OYZ, // YZ
- OZX // ZX
- };
- const double cVals[4] =
- {
- calcStableC(seg, DP_FOR_HALFSTRIP_INTERSECTION[4*edgeIndex]),
- calcStableC(seg, DP_FOR_HALFSTRIP_INTERSECTION[4*edgeIndex + 1]),
- calcStableC(seg, DP_FOR_HALFSTRIP_INTERSECTION[4*edgeIndex + 2]),
- calcStableC(seg, DP_FOR_HALFSTRIP_INTERSECTION[4*edgeIndex + 3])
- };
+ const long double delta = MULT_PREC_F * ( std::abs(term1) + std::abs(term2) );
+ if( std::abs(static_cast<long double>(_doubleProducts[8*seg + dp])) < THRESHOLD_F*delta )
+ {
+ if(_doubleProducts[8*seg + dp] != 0.0)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Double product for (seg,dp) = (" << seg << ", " << dp << ") = " << std::abs(_doubleProducts[8*seg + dp]) << " is imprecise, reset to 0.0" << std::endl;
+ }
+ _doubleProducts[8*seg + dp] = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- const TetraFacet facet = FACET_FOR_HALFSTRIP_INTERSECTION[edgeIndex];
- // std::cout << "Halfstrip tests : " << (cVals[0]*cVals[1] < 0.0) << ", " << testSegmentIntersectsFacet(seg, facet) << ", " << (cVals[2]*cVals[3] > 0.0) << std::endl;
- return (cVals[0]*cVals[1] < 0.0) && testSegmentIntersectsFacet(seg, facet) && (cVals[2]*cVals[3] > 0.0);
+ _isDoubleProductsCalculated = true;
- * Calculates the point of intersection between the given segment of the triangle
- * and the halfstrip above the given edge of the tetrahedron. (Grandy, eq. [31])
+ * Pre-calculates all triple products for the tetrahedron with respect to
+ * this triangle, and stores them internally. This method takes into account
+ * the problem of errors due to cancellation.
- * @pre testSegmentHalfstripIntersection(seg, edge) returns true
- *
- * @param seg segment of the triangle
- * @param edge edge of the tetrahedron defining the halfstrip
- * @param pt array of three doubles in which to store the coordinates of the intersection point
- void TransformedTriangle::calcIntersectionPtSegmentHalfstrip(const TriSegment seg, const TetraEdge edge, double* pt) const
+ void TransformedTriangle::preCalculateTripleProducts(void)
- // not implemented
- }
- /**
- * Tests if the given segment of triangle PQR intersects the ray pointing
- * in the upwards z - direction from the given corner of the tetrahedron. (Grandy eq. [29])
- *
- * @param seg segment of the triangle PQR
- * @param corner corner of the tetrahedron on the h = 0 facet (X, Y, or Z)
- * @returns true if the upwards ray from the corner intersects the segment.
- */
- bool TransformedTriangle::testSegmentRayIntersection(const TriSegment seg, const TetraCorner corner) const
- {
- assert(corner == X || corner == Y || corner == Z);
+ if(_isTripleProductsCalculated)
+ return;
- // readjust index since O is not used
- const int cornerIdx = static_cast<int>(corner) - 1;
- // double products to use in test
- // dp 1 -> cond 1
- // dp 2-7 -> cond 3
- //? NB : last two rows are not completely understood and may contain errors
- static const DoubleProduct DP_SEGMENT_RAY_INTERSECTION[21] =
+ for(TetraCorner corner = O ; corner <= Z ; corner = TetraCorner(corner + 1))
- C_10, C_YH, C_ZH, C_01, C_XY, C_YH, C_XY, // X
- C_01, C_XH, C_ZH, C_XY, C_10, C_XH, C_ZX, // Y
- C_XY, C_YH, C_XH, C_10, C_01, C_ZH, C_YZ // Z
- };
+ bool isGoodRowFound = false;
- // facets to use
- //? not sure this is correct
- static const TetraFacet FACET_SEGMENT_RAY_INTERSECTION[3] =
- {
- OZX, // X
- OXY, // Y
- OYZ, // Z
- };
+ // find edge / row to use
+ int minRow;
+ double minAngle;
+ bool isMinInitialised = false;
- const DoubleProduct dp0 = DP_SEGMENT_RAY_INTERSECTION[7*cornerIdx];
- //? epsilon-equality here?
- if(dp0 == 0.0) // cond. 1
- {
- if(testSegmentIntersectsFacet(seg, FACET_SEGMENT_RAY_INTERSECTION[cornerIdx])) // cond. 2.1
- {
- const double H1 = _coords[5*seg + 4];
- const double H2 = _coords[5*( (seg + 1) % 3) + 4];
- // S_H -> cond. 2.2
- // std::cout << "H1 = " << H1 << ", H2= " << H2 << std::endl;
- if(H1*H2 <= 0.0 && H1 != H2) // should equality be in "epsilon-sense" ?
- {
- const double cVals[6] =
- {
- calcStableC(seg, DP_SEGMENT_RAY_INTERSECTION[7*cornerIdx + 1]),
- calcStableC(seg, DP_SEGMENT_RAY_INTERSECTION[7*cornerIdx + 2]),
- calcStableC(seg, DP_SEGMENT_RAY_INTERSECTION[7*cornerIdx + 3]),
- calcStableC(seg, DP_SEGMENT_RAY_INTERSECTION[7*cornerIdx + 4]),
- calcStableC(seg, DP_SEGMENT_RAY_INTERSECTION[7*cornerIdx + 5]),
- calcStableC(seg, DP_SEGMENT_RAY_INTERSECTION[7*cornerIdx + 6]),
+ for(int row = 1 ; row < 4 ; ++row)
+ {
+ DoubleProduct dp = DP_FOR_DETERMINANT_EXPANSION[3*corner + (row - 1)];
+ // get edge by using correspondance between Double Product and Edge
+ TetraEdge edge = TetraEdge(dp);
+ // use edge only if it is surrounded by the surface
+ if( testTriangleSurroundsEdge(edge) )
+ {
+ isGoodRowFound = true;
+ // -- calculate angle between edge and PQR
+ // find normal to PQR - cross PQ and PR
+ const double pq[3] =
+ {
+ _coords[5*Q] - _coords[5*P],
+ _coords[5*Q + 1] - _coords[5*P + 1],
+ _coords[5*Q + 2] - _coords[5*P + 2]
+ };
+ const double pr[3] =
+ {
+ _coords[5*R] - _coords[5*P],
+ _coords[5*R + 1] - _coords[5*P + 1],
+ _coords[5*R + 2] - _coords[5*P + 2]
+ };
+ const double normal[3] =
+ {
+ pq[1]*pr[2] - pq[2]*pr[1],
+ pq[2]*pr[0] - pq[0]*pr[2],
+ pq[0]*pr[1] - pq[1]*pr[0]
+ };
+ static const double EDGE_VECTORS[18] =
+ {
+ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // OX
+ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // OY
+ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, // OZ
+ 0.0,-1.0, 1.0, // YZ
+ 1.0, 0.0,-1.0, // ZX
+ -1.0,-1.0, 1.0 // XY
+ };
+ const double edgeVec[3] = {
+ EDGE_VECTORS[3*edge],
+ EDGE_VECTORS[3*edge + 1],
+ EDGE_VECTORS[3*edge + 2],
- // cond. 3
- return ( (cVals[0] + cVals[1])*(cVals[2] - cVals[3]) - cVals[4]*cVals[5] ) < 0.0;
- }
+ const double lenNormal = sqrt(normal[0]*normal[0] + normal[1]*normal[1] + normal[2]*normal[2]);
+ const double lenEdgeVec = sqrt(edgeVec[0]*edgeVec[0] + edgeVec[1]*edgeVec[1] + edgeVec[2]*edgeVec[2]);
+ const double dotProd = normal[0]*edgeVec[0] + normal[1]*edgeVec[1] + normal[2]*edgeVec[2];
+ const double angle = 3.14159262535 - acos( dotProd / ( lenNormal * lenEdgeVec ) );
+ if(!isMinInitialised || angle < minAngle)
+ {
+ minAngle = angle;
+ minRow = row;
+ isMinInitialised = true;
+ }
+ }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Tests if the given corner of triangle PQR lies in the interior of the unit tetrahedron
- * (0 <= x_p, y_p, z_p, h_p <= 1)
- *
- * @param corner corner of the triangle PQR
- * @returns true if the corner lies in the interior of the unit tetrahedron.
- */
- bool TransformedTriangle::testCornerInTetrahedron(const TriCorner corner) const
- {
- const double pt[4] =
- {
- _coords[5*corner], // x
- _coords[5*corner + 1], // y
- _coords[5*corner + 2], // z
- _coords[5*corner + 3] // z
- };
- for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i)
- {
- if(pt[i] < 0.0 || pt[i] > 1.0)
+ if(isGoodRowFound)
- return false;
+ {
+ _tripleProducts[corner] = calcTByDevelopingRow(corner, minRow, true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _tripleProducts[corner] = calcTByDevelopingRow(corner, minRow, false);
+ }
+ _validTP[corner] = true;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Tests if the given corner of triangle PQR lies on the facet h = 0 (the XYZ facet)
- * (0 <= x_p, y_p, z_p <= 1 && h_p = 0)
- *
- * @param corner corner of the triangle PQR
- * @returns true if the corner lies on the facet h = 0
- */
- bool TransformedTriangle::testCornerOnXYZFacet(const TriCorner corner) const
- {
- const double pt[4] =
- {
- _coords[5*corner], // x
- _coords[5*corner + 1], // y
- _coords[5*corner + 2], // z
- _coords[5*corner + 3] // h
- };
- if(pt[3] != 0.0)
- {
- return false;
- }
- for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
- {
- if(pt[i] < 0.0 || pt[i] > 1.0)
+ else
- return false;
+ // this value will not be used
+ // we set it to whatever
+ // std::cout << "Triple product not calculated for corner " << corner << std::endl;
+ _tripleProducts[corner] = -3.14159265;
+ _validTP[corner] = false;
- return true;
+ _isTripleProductsCalculated = true;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Utility methods used in intersection tests ///////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Tests if the triangle PQR surrounds the axis on which the
- * given edge of the tetrahedron lies.
+ * Returns the stable double product c_{xy}^{pq}
+ *
+ * @pre The stable double products have been calculated with preCalculateDoubleProducts.
+ * @param seg segment of triangle
+ * @param dp double product sought
+ *
+ * @returns stabilised double product c_{xy}^{pq}
- * @param edge edge of tetrahedron
- * @returns true if PQR surrounds edge, false if not (see Grandy, eq. [53])
- bool TransformedTriangle::testTriangleSurroundsEdge(const TetraEdge edge) const
+ double TransformedTriangle::calcStableC(const TriSegment seg, const DoubleProduct dp) const
- // NB DoubleProduct enum corresponds to TetraEdge enum according to Grandy, table III
- // so we can use the edge directly
- // optimization : we could use _doubleProducts directly here
- const double cPQ = calcStableC(TransformedTriangle::PQ, DoubleProduct(edge));
- const double cQR = calcStableC(TransformedTriangle::QR, DoubleProduct(edge));
- const double cRP = calcStableC(TransformedTriangle::RP, DoubleProduct(edge));
- // if two or more c-values are zero we disallow x-edge intersection
- // Grandy, p.446
- const int numZeros = (cPQ == 0.0 ? 1 : 0) + (cQR == 0.0 ? 1 : 0) + (cRP == 0.0 ? 1 : 0);
- return (cPQ*cQR >= 0.0) && (cQR*cRP >=0.0) && (cRP*cPQ >= 0.0) && numZeros < 2;
+ assert(_isDoubleProductsCalculated);
+ return _doubleProducts[8*seg + dp];
- * Tests if the corners of the given edge lie on different sides of the triangle PQR.
+ * Returns the stable triple product t_X for a given corner
+ * The triple product gives the signed volume of the tetrahedron between
+ * this corner and the triangle PQR. These triple products have been calculated
+ * in a way to avoid problems with cancellation.
- * @param edge edge of the tetrahedron
- * @returns true if the corners of the given edge lie on different sides of the triangle PQR
- * or if one (but not both) lies in the plane of the triangle.
+ * @pre double products have already been calculated
+ * @pre triple products have already been calculated
+ * @param corner corner for which the triple product is calculated
+ * @returns triple product associated with corner (see Grandy, eqs. [50]-[52])
- bool TransformedTriangle::testEdgeIntersectsTriangle(const TetraEdge edge) const
+ double TransformedTriangle::calcStableT(const TetraCorner corner) const
- assert(edge < H01);
- // correspondance edge - triple products
- // for edges OX, ..., ZX (Grandy, table III)
- static const TetraCorner TRIPLE_PRODUCTS[12] =
- {
- X, O, // OX
- Y, O, // OY
- Z, O, // OZ
- Y, Z, // YZ
- Z, X, // ZX
- X, Y // XY
- };
- // Grandy, [16]
- const double t1 = calcStableT(TRIPLE_PRODUCTS[2*edge]);
- const double t2 = calcStableT(TRIPLE_PRODUCTS[2*edge + 1]);
- //? should equality with zero use epsilon?
- return (t1*t2 <= 0.0) && (t1 - t2 != 0.0);
+ assert(_isTripleProductsCalculated);
+ // assert(_validTP[corner]);
+ return _tripleProducts[corner];
- * Tests if the given facet of the tetrahedron surrounds the axis on which the
- * given segment of the triangle lies.
+ * Calculates the given double product c_{xy}^{pq} = x_p*y_q - y_p*x_q for a
+ * a segment PQ of the triangle. This method does not compensate for
+ * precision errors.
+ *
+ * @param seg segment of triangle
+ * @param dp double product sought
+ *
+ * @returns double product c_{xy}^{pq}
- * @param seg segment of the triangle
- * @param facet facet of the tetrahedron
- * @returns true if the facet surrounds the segment, false if not (see Grandy, eq. [18])
- bool TransformedTriangle::testFacetSurroundsSegment(const TriSegment seg, const TetraFacet facet) const
+ double TransformedTriangle::calcUnstableC(const TriSegment seg, const DoubleProduct dp) const
+ // find the points of the triangle
+ // 0 -> P, 1 -> Q, 2 -> R
+ const int pt1 = seg;
+ const int pt2 = (seg + 1) % 3;
- const double signs[3] =
- {
- };
- const double c1 = signs[0]*calcStableC(seg, DP_FOR_SEG_FACET_INTERSECTION[3*facet]);
- const double c2 = signs[1]*calcStableC(seg, DP_FOR_SEG_FACET_INTERSECTION[3*facet + 1]);
- const double c3 = signs[2]*calcStableC(seg, DP_FOR_SEG_FACET_INTERSECTION[3*facet + 2]);
+ // find offsets
+ const int off1 = DP_OFFSET_1[dp];
+ const int off2 = DP_OFFSET_2[dp];
- return (c1*c3 > 0.0) && (c2*c3 > 0.0);
+ return _coords[5*pt1 + off1] * _coords[5*pt2 + off2] - _coords[5*pt1 + off2] * _coords[5*pt2 + off1];
- * Tests if the corners of the given segment lie on different sides of the given facet.
- *
- * @param seg segment of the triangle
- * @param facet facet of the tetrahedron
- * @returns true if the corners of the given segment lie on different sides of the facet
- * or if one (but not both) lies in the plane of the facet. (see Grandy, eq. [18])
- */
- bool TransformedTriangle::testSegmentIntersectsFacet(const TriSegment seg, const TetraFacet facet) const
- {
- // use correspondance facet a = 0 <=> offset for coordinate a in _coords
- // and also correspondance segment AB => corner A
- const double coord1 = _coords[5*seg + facet];
- const double coord2 = _coords[5*( (seg + 1) % 3) + facet];
- //? should we use epsilon-equality here in second test?
- // std::cout << "coord1 : " << coord1 << " coord2 : " << coord2 << std::endl;
- return (coord1*coord2 <= 0.0) && (coord1 != coord2);
- }
- /**
- * Tests if the triangle PQR lies above a given corner in the z-direction (implying that the
- * ray pointing upward in the z-direction from the corner can intersect the triangle)
- * (Grandy eq.[28])
- *
- * @param corner corner of the tetrahedron
- * @returns true if the triangle lies above the corner in the z-direction
+ * Calculates triple product associated with the given corner of tetrahedron, developing
+ * the determinant by the given row. The triple product gives the signed volume of
+ * the tetrahedron between this corner and the triangle PQR. If the flag project is true,
+ * one coordinate is projected out in order to eliminate errors in the intersection point
+ * calculation due to cancellation.
+ *
+ * @pre double products have already been calculated
+ * @param corner corner for which the triple product is calculated
+ * @param row row (1 <= row <= 3) used to calculate the determinant
+ * @param project indicates whether or not to perform projection as inidicated in Grandy, p.446
+ * @returns triple product associated with corner (see Grandy, [50]-[52])
- bool TransformedTriangle::testSurfaceAboveCorner(const TetraCorner corner) const
- {
- //? is it always YZ here ?
- const double normal = calcStableC(PQ, C_YZ) + calcStableC(QR, C_YZ) + calcStableC(RP, C_YZ);
- return ( calcStableT(corner) * normal ) >= 0.0;
- }
- /**
- * Tests if the triangle PQR surrounds the ray pointing upwards in the z-direction
- * from the given corner.
- *
- * @param corner corner on face XYZ of tetrahedron
- * @returns true if PQR surrounds ray, false if not (see Grandy, eq. [18])
- */
- bool TransformedTriangle::testTriangleSurroundsRay(const TetraCorner corner) const
+ double TransformedTriangle::calcTByDevelopingRow(const TetraCorner corner, const int row, const bool project) const
- assert(corner == X || corner == Y || corner == Z);
- // double products to use for the possible corners
- static const DoubleProduct DP_FOR_RAY_INTERSECTION[4] =
+ // --- sign before the determinant
+ // the sign used depends on the sign in front of the triple product (Grandy, [15]),
+ // and the convention used in the definition of the double products
+ // the sign in front of the determinant gives the following schema for the three terms (I):
+ // corner/row 1 2 3
+ // O (sign:+) + - +
+ // X (sign:-) - + -
+ // Y (sign:-) - + -
+ // Z (sign:-) - + -
+ // the 2x2 determinants are the following (C_AB <=> A_p*B_q - B_p*A_q, etc)
+ // corner/row 1 2 3
+ // O (sign:+) C_YZ C_XZ C_XY
+ // X (sign:-) C_YZ C_HZ C_HY
+ // Y (sign:-) C_HZ C_XZ C_XH
+ // Z (sign:-) C_YH C_XH C_XY
+ // these are represented in DP_FOR_DETERMINANT_EXPANSION,
+ // except for the fact that certain double products are inversed (C_AB <-> C_BA)
+ // comparing with the DOUBLE_PRODUCTS and using the fact that C_AB = -C_BA
+ // we deduce the following schema (II) :
+ // corner/row 1 2 3
+ // O (sign:+) + - +
+ // X (sign:-) + - -
+ // Y (sign:-) - - +
+ // Z (sign:-) + + +
+ // comparing the two schemas (I) and (II) gives us the following matrix of signs,
+ // putting 1 when the signs in (I) and (II) are equal and -1 when they are different :
+ static const int SIGNS[12] =
- DoubleProduct(0), // O - only here to fill out and make indices match
- C_10, // X
- C_01, // Y
- C_XY // Z
+ 1, 1, 1,
+ -1,-1, 1,
+ 1,-1,-1,
+ -1, 1,-1
- const DoubleProduct dp = DP_FOR_RAY_INTERSECTION[corner];
+ // find the offsets of the rows of the determinant
+ const int offset = COORDINATE_FOR_DETERMINANT_EXPANSION[3 * corner + (row - 1)];
+ const DoubleProduct dp = DP_FOR_DETERMINANT_EXPANSION[3 * corner + (row - 1)];
+ const int sign = SIGNS[3 * corner + (row - 1)];
- const double cPQ = calcStableC(PQ, dp);
const double cQR = calcStableC(QR, dp);
const double cRP = calcStableC(RP, dp);
+ const double cPQ = calcStableC(PQ, dp);
+ // coordinate to use for projection (Grandy, [57]) with edges
+ // OX, OY, OZ, YZ, ZX, XY in order :
+ // (y, z, x, h, h, h)
+ // for the first three we could also use {2, 0, 1}
+ static const int PROJECTION_COORDS[6] = { 1, 2, 0, 3, 3, 3 } ;
+ double alpha = 0.0;
+ const int coord = PROJECTION_COORDS[ dp ];
+ // coordinate values for P, Q and R
+ const double coordValues[3] = { _coords[5*P + coord], _coords[5*Q + coord], _coords[5*R + coord] };
+ if(project)
+ {
+ // products coordinate values with corresponding double product
+ const double coordDPProd[3] = { coordValues[0] * cQR, coordValues[1] * cRP, coordValues[0] * cPQ };
+ const double sumDPProd = coordDPProd[0] + coordDPProd[1] + coordDPProd[2];
+ const double sumDPProdSq = coordDPProd[0]*coordDPProd[0] + coordDPProd[1]*coordDPProd[1] + coordDPProd[2]*coordDPProd[2];
+ alpha = sumDPProd / sumDPProdSq;
+ }
- //? NB here we have no correction for precision - is this good?
- // Our authority Grandy says nothing
- return ( cPQ*cQR > 0.0 ) && ( cPQ*cRP > 0.0 );
+ const double p_term = _coords[5*P + offset] * cQR * (1.0 - alpha * coordValues[0] * cQR) ;
+ const double q_term = _coords[5*Q + offset] * cRP * (1.0 - alpha * coordValues[1] * cRP) ;
+ const double r_term = _coords[5*R + offset] * cPQ * (1.0 - alpha * coordValues[2] * cPQ) ;
+ // NB : using plus also for the middle term compensates for a double product
+ // which is inversely ordered
+ // std::cout << "Triple product for corner " << corner << ", row " << row << " = " << sign*( p_term + q_term + r_term ) << std::endl;
+ return sign*( p_term + q_term + r_term );
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef __VECTOR_UTILS_HXX__
+#define __VECTOR_UTILS_HXX__
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <math.h>
+namespace INTERP_UTILS
+ void copyVector3(const double* src, double* dest)
+ {
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
+ {
+ dest[i] = src[i];
+ }
+ }
+ const std::string vToStr(const double* pt)
+ {
+ std::stringstream ss(std::ios::out);
+ ss << "[" << pt[0] << ", " << pt[1] << ", " << pt[2] << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ void cross(const double* v1, const double* v2,double* res)
+ {
+ res[0] = v1[1]*v2[2] - v1[2]*v2[1];
+ res[1] = v1[2]*v2[0] - v1[0]*v2[2];
+ res[2] = v1[0]*v2[1] - v1[1]*v2[0];
+ }
+ double dot(const double* v1, const double* v2)
+ {
+ return v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2];
+ }
+ double norm(const double* v)
+ {
+ return sqrt(dot(v,v));
+ }
+ double angleBetweenVectors(const double* v1, const double* v2, const double* n)
+ {
+ const double denominator = dot(v1, v2);
+ double v3[3];
+ cross(v1, v2, v3);
+ const double numerator = dot(n, v3);
+ return atan2(numerator, denominator);
+ }