+++ /dev/null
- <config version="4.1.4"
- caption="SALOME v%1"
- copyright="<h5>Copyright (C) 2003-2008 OPEN CASCADE,<br>EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, CEDRAT, EDF R&D,<br>LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS</h5>"
- license="<h5>GNU LGPL</h5>"
- platforms="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- targetdir="${HOME}/salome_4.1.4"
- tempdir="/tmp"/>
- <buttons>
- <button label="Launch SALOME"
- tooltip="Click this button to launch SALOME"
- script="start_salome.sh"
- disable="false"/>
- <button label="Release Notes"
- tooltip="Click this button to read release notes"
- script="release_notes.sh"
- disable="false"/>
- </buttons>
- <products>
- <product name="KERNEL"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform KERNEL module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="51505,8360,160469"
- pickupenv="true"
- script="KERNEL.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="GUI"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform GUI module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="14083,12349,91968"
- script="GUI.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="GEOM"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform GEOM module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="20790,20800,139588"
- script="GEOM.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="MED"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform MED module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="102208,73840,317303"
- script="MED.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="SMESH"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform SMESH module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="24638,19840,128064"
- script="SMESH.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="VISU"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform VISU module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="17971,11396,95349"
- script="VISU.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="SUPERV"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform SUPERV module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="46223,5963,178795"
- script="SUPERV.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="NETGENPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform NETGEN meshing algorithm plugin">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="4701,430,12979"
- script="NETGENPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform GHS3D meshing algorithm plugin. For use this plugin you should add the path to ghs3d to your PATH environment variable.">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="276,169,6204"
- script="GHS3DPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="6947,305,29242"
- script="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="HexoticPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="6867,1773,19948"
- script="HexoticPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SMESH plugin from CEA sources">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="6843,1825,19916"
- script="BLSURFPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="COMPONENT"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform COMPONENT module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="2818,722,19201"
- script="COMPONENT.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="PYCALCULATOR"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform PYCALCULATOR module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="152,4419,5439"
- script="PYCALCULATOR.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="CALCULATOR"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform CALCULATOR module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="841,4883,8662"
- script="CALCULATOR.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="HELLO"
- type="component"
- description="Example SALOME C++ module: Hello.">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="237,4371,5884"
- script="HELLO.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="PYHELLO"
- type="component"
- description="Example SALOME Python module: Hello.">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="84,3902,560"
- script="PYHELLO.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="LIGHT"
- type="component"
- description="LIGHT SALOME module example">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="184,4491,5948"
- script="LIGHT.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="RANDOMIZER"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="108,3931,4775"
- script="RANDOMIZER.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="SIERPINSKY"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="373,4936,7110"
- script="SIERPINSKY.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="FILTER"
- type="component"
- description="Med Memory package">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="11186,5124,42568"
- script="FILTER.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="MULTIPR"
- type="component"
- description="Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME platform">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="4548,3014,21060"
- script="MULTIPR.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="YACS"
- type="component"
- description="Tool to supervise execution of complex interconnected scientific applications">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="false"
- installdiskspace="83522,7831,236730"
- script="YACS.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="SAMPLES"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME samples files">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="0,86825,0"
- script="SAMPLES.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="xdata"
- type="component"
- description="Python module for types declaration in python classes">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="0.5.52"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="6468,4553,16580"
- script="xdata-0.5.52.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="HXX2SALOME"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME module generator">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="493,3183,8139"
- script="HXX2SALOME.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="HXX2SALOMEDOC"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME module generator documentation">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="0,2446,0"
- script="HXX2SALOMEDOC.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="DOCUMENTATION"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME documentation">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="0,222045,0"
- script="DOCUMENTATION.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="tcltk"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Tcl/Tk library">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="8.4.14"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="10908,33633,50768"
- script="tcltk-8.4.14.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Python"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Python language interpreter">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="2.4.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="44915,43468,109774"
- script="Python-2.4.4.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Qt"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Multiplatform C++ GUI application framework">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="3.3.8"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="56785,79525,211403"
- script="qt-3.3.8.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="msg2qm"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Qt's resources compiler">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version=""
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="28,52,80"
- script="msg2qm.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Sip"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="C++ to Python bindings generation tool">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.7.3"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="496,3211,3707"
- script="sip-4.7.3.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="PyQt"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Python bindings for Qt library">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="3.17.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="9749,4097,57459"
- script="PyQt-3.17.4.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="boost"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Free peer-reviewed portable STL extension">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="1.34.1"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="431102,114519,545621"
- script="BOOST-1.34.1.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Swig"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="1.3.31"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="5529,23607,38444"
- script="SWIG-1.3.31.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="OpenCascade"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Open CASCADE version 6.3sp1">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="6.3sp1"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="238909,389774,1282214"
- script="CAS-6.3sp1.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Qwt"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="2-D plotting extension for Qt library">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.2.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="1038,9742,12899"
- script="qwt-4.2.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="OmniORB"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Open source Object Request Broker (ORB) library that implements the 2.3 specification of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="35416,20069,169736"
- script="omniORB-4.1.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Hdf"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Hierarchical Data Format library">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="5-1.6.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="4476,30564,54083"
- script="hdf5-1.6.4.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Med"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="MED format interface library">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="2.3.5"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="9643,9007,35327"
- script="med-2.3.5.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Metis"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Software package for partitioning unstructured graphs, partitioning meshes, and computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="4105,2143,6248"
- script="metis-4.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Scotch"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Software package and library devoted to static mapping, partitioning and sparce matrix block ordering og graph and meshes">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="9833,5563,15396"
- script="scotch-4.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Vtk"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Image processing, 3D graphics and visualization software system">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="5.0.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="57744,64493,362811"
- script="VTK-5.0.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Numeric"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Numerical extension to Python">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="24.2"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="2330,3838,10207"
- script="Numeric-24.2.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Graphviz"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Graph Drawing Programs set">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="2.16.1"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="17539,32112,101872"
- script="graphviz-2.16.1.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Doxygen"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL, etc.">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="1.5.6"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="4252,14899,41377"
- script="doxygen-1.5.6.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="docutils"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Utilites for processing plaintext documentation">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="0.3.9"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="1879,3656,6507"
- script="docutils-0.3.9.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="netgen"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Quadrangle meshing algorithmic tool">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.5"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="6264,53587,65167"
- script="netgen-4.5.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="TetMesh-GHS3D"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="An automatic tetrahedral mesh generator">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="4.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="0,5461,0"
- script="ghs3d-4.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="BLSurf"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="An automatic composite surface mesh generator">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="2.7.12"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="0,14688,0"
- script="blsurf-2.7.12.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="libxml2"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="XML C parser">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="2.6.27"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="15792,42738,83566"
- script="libxml2-2.6.27.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="elementtree"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="XML C parser">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="1.2.6"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="189,361,550"
- script="elementtree-1.2.6.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="cElementTree"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="XML C parser">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
- version="1.0.5"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="505,1661,2166"
- script="cElementTree-1.0.5.sh"/>
- </product>
- </products>
- <dependencies>
- <product name="KERNEL">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Numeric</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>libxml2</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="GUI">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Qwt</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Sip</dep>
- <dep>PyQt</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>libxml2</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="GEOM">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="MED">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Metis</dep>
- <dep>Scotch</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>libxml2</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="SMESH">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="VISU">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Qwt</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="SUPERV">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="NETGENPLUGIN">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>netgen</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>TetMesh-GHS3D</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>BLSurf</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="HexoticPLUGIN">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="COMPONENT">
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>Qwt</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Sip</dep>
- <dep>PyQt</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="PYCALCULATOR">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="CALCULATOR">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="HELLO">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="PYHELLO">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="LIGHT">
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="RANDOMIZER">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="SIERPINSKY">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>VISU</dep>
- <dep>RANDOMIZER</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="FILTER">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Qwt</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="MULTIPR">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="YACS">
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>libxml2</dep>
- <dep>elementtree</dep>
- <dep>cElementTree</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="msg2qm">
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Sip">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="PyQt">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>Sip</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="boost">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Swig">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>tcltk</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="OpenCascade">
- <dep>tcltk</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Qwt">
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="OmniORB">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Med">
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Vtk">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>tcltk</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Numeric">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Graphviz">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>tcltk</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Doxygen">
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="docutils">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="netgen">
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="xdata">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>PyQt</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="cElementTree">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="elementtree">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="HXX2SALOME">
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>HXX2SALOMEDOC</dep>
- </product>
- </dependencies>
--- /dev/null
+ <config version="4.1.4"
+ caption="SALOME v%1"
+ copyright="<h5>Copyright (C) 2003-2008 OPEN CASCADE,<br>EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, CEDRAT, EDF R&D,<br>LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS</h5>"
+ license="<h5>GNU LGPL</h5>"
+ platforms="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ targetdir="${HOME}/salome_4.1.4"
+ tempdir="/tmp"/>
+ <buttons>
+ <button label="Launch SALOME"
+ tooltip="Click this button to launch SALOME"
+ script="start_salome.sh"
+ disable="false"/>
+ <button label="Release Notes"
+ tooltip="Click this button to read release notes"
+ script="release_notes.sh"
+ disable="false"/>
+ </buttons>
+ <products>
+ <product name="KERNEL"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform KERNEL module">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="51505,8360,160469"
+ pickupenv="true"
+ script="KERNEL.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GUI"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GUI module">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="14083,12349,91968"
+ script="GUI.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GEOM"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GEOM module">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="20790,20800,139588"
+ script="GEOM.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MED"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform MED module">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="102208,73840,317303"
+ script="MED.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SMESH"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform SMESH module">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="24638,19840,128064"
+ script="SMESH.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="VISU"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform VISU module">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="17971,11396,95349"
+ script="VISU.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SUPERV"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform SUPERV module">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="46223,5963,178795"
+ script="SUPERV.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="NETGENPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform NETGEN meshing algorithm plugin">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="4701,430,12979"
+ script="NETGENPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GHS3D meshing algorithm plugin. For use this plugin you should add the path to ghs3d to your PATH environment variable.">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="276,169,6204"
+ script="GHS3DPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="6947,305,29242"
+ script="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HexoticPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="6867,1773,19948"
+ script="HexoticPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA sources">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="6843,1825,19916"
+ script="BLSURFPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="COMPONENT"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform COMPONENT module">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2818,722,19201"
+ script="COMPONENT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYCALCULATOR"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform PYCALCULATOR module">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="152,4419,5439"
+ script="PYCALCULATOR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="CALCULATOR"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform CALCULATOR module">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="841,4883,8662"
+ script="CALCULATOR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HELLO"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example SALOME C++ module: Hello.">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="237,4371,5884"
+ script="HELLO.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYHELLO"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example SALOME Python module: Hello.">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="84,3902,560"
+ script="PYHELLO.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="LIGHT"
+ type="component"
+ description="LIGHT SALOME module example">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="184,4491,5948"
+ script="LIGHT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="RANDOMIZER"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="108,3931,4775"
+ script="RANDOMIZER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SIERPINSKY"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="373,4936,7110"
+ script="SIERPINSKY.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="FILTER"
+ type="component"
+ description="Med Memory package">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="11186,5124,42568"
+ script="FILTER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MULTIPR"
+ type="component"
+ description="Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME platform">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="4548,3014,21060"
+ script="MULTIPR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACS"
+ type="component"
+ description="Tool to supervise execution of complex interconnected scientific applications">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="false"
+ installdiskspace="83522,7831,236730"
+ script="YACS.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SAMPLES"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME samples files">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="0,86825,0"
+ script="SAMPLES.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="xdata"
+ type="component"
+ description="Python module for types declaration in python classes">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="0.5.52"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="6468,4553,16580"
+ script="xdata-0.5.52.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOME"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME module generator">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="493,3183,8139"
+ script="HXX2SALOME.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOMEDOC"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME module generator documentation">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="0,2446,0"
+ script="HXX2SALOMEDOC.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="DOCUMENTATION"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME documentation">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="0,222045,0"
+ script="DOCUMENTATION.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="tcltk"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Tcl/Tk library">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="8.4.14"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="10908,33633,50768"
+ script="tcltk-8.4.14.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Python"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Python language interpreter">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="2.4.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="44915,43468,109774"
+ script="Python-2.4.4.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Multiplatform C++ GUI application framework">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="3.3.8"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="56785,79525,211403"
+ script="qt-3.3.8.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="msg2qm"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Qt's resources compiler">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version=""
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="28,52,80"
+ script="msg2qm.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sip"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="C++ to Python bindings generation tool">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.7.3"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="496,3211,3707"
+ script="sip-4.7.3.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PyQt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Python bindings for Qt library">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="3.17.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="9749,4097,57459"
+ script="PyQt-3.17.4.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="boost"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Free peer-reviewed portable STL extension">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="1.34.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="431102,114519,545621"
+ script="BOOST-1.34.1.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Swig"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="1.3.31"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5529,23607,38444"
+ script="SWIG-1.3.31.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OpenCascade"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Open CASCADE version 6.3sp1">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="6.3sp1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="238909,389774,1282214"
+ script="CAS-6.3sp1.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qwt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="2-D plotting extension for Qt library">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1038,9742,12899"
+ script="qwt-4.2.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OmniORB"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Open source Object Request Broker (ORB) library that implements the 2.3 specification of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="35416,20069,169736"
+ script="omniORB-4.1.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Hdf"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Hierarchical Data Format library">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="5-1.6.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="4476,30564,54083"
+ script="hdf5-1.6.4.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Med"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="MED format interface library">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="2.3.5"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="9643,9007,35327"
+ script="med-2.3.5.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Metis"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Software package for partitioning unstructured graphs, partitioning meshes, and computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="4105,2143,6248"
+ script="metis-4.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Scotch"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Software package and library devoted to static mapping, partitioning and sparce matrix block ordering og graph and meshes">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="9833,5563,15396"
+ script="scotch-4.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Vtk"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Image processing, 3D graphics and visualization software system">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="5.0.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="57744,64493,362811"
+ script="VTK-5.0.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Numeric"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Numerical extension to Python">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="24.2"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2330,3838,10207"
+ script="Numeric-24.2.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Graphviz"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Graph Drawing Programs set">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="2.16.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="17539,32112,101872"
+ script="graphviz-2.16.1.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Doxygen"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL, etc.">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="1.5.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="4252,14899,41377"
+ script="doxygen-1.5.6.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="docutils"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Utilites for processing plaintext documentation">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="0.3.9"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1879,3656,6507"
+ script="docutils-0.3.9.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="netgen"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Quadrangle meshing algorithmic tool">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.5"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="6264,53587,65167"
+ script="netgen-4.5.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="TetMesh-GHS3D"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="An automatic tetrahedral mesh generator">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="4.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="0,5461,0"
+ script="ghs3d-4.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSurf"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="An automatic composite surface mesh generator">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="2.7.12"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="0,14688,0"
+ script="blsurf-2.7.12.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libxml2"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="XML C parser">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="2.6.27"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="15792,42738,83566"
+ script="libxml2-2.6.27.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="elementtree"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="XML C parser">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="1.2.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="189,361,550"
+ script="elementtree-1.2.6.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cElementTree"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="XML C parser">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2006.0 64bit"
+ version="1.0.5"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="505,1661,2166"
+ script="cElementTree-1.0.5.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ </products>
+ <dependencies>
+ <product name="KERNEL">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Numeric</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GUI">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GEOM">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MED">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Metis</dep>
+ <dep>Scotch</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SMESH">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="VISU">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SUPERV">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="NETGENPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>netgen</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>TetMesh-GHS3D</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>BLSurf</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HexoticPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="COMPONENT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYCALCULATOR">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="CALCULATOR">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HELLO">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYHELLO">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="LIGHT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="RANDOMIZER">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SIERPINSKY">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>VISU</dep>
+ <dep>RANDOMIZER</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="FILTER">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MULTIPR">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACS">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>elementtree</dep>
+ <dep>cElementTree</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="msg2qm">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sip">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PyQt">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="boost">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Swig">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OpenCascade">
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qwt">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OmniORB">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Med">
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Vtk">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Numeric">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Graphviz">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Doxygen">
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="docutils">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="netgen">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="xdata">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cElementTree">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="elementtree">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOME">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>HXX2SALOMEDOC</dep>
+ </product>
+ </dependencies>
+++ /dev/null
- <config version="4.1.4"
- caption="SALOME v%1"
- copyright="<h5>Copyright (C) 2003-2008 OPEN CASCADE,<br>EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, CEDRAT, EDF R&D,<br>LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS</h5>"
- license="<h5>GNU LGPL</h5>"
- platforms="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- targetdir="${HOME}/salome_4.1.4"
- tempdir="/tmp"/>
- <buttons>
- <button label="Launch SALOME"
- tooltip="Click this button to launch SALOME"
- script="start_salome.sh"
- disable="false"/>
- <button label="Release Notes"
- tooltip="Click this button to read release notes"
- script="release_notes.sh"
- disable="false"/>
- </buttons>
- <products>
- <product name="KERNEL"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform KERNEL module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="51505,8360,160469"
- pickupenv="true"
- script="KERNEL.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="GUI"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform GUI module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="14083,12349,91968"
- script="GUI.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="GEOM"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform GEOM module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="20790,20800,139588"
- script="GEOM.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="MED"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform MED module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="102208,73840,317303"
- script="MED.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="SMESH"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform SMESH module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="24638,19840,128064"
- script="SMESH.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="VISU"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform VISU module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="17971,11396,95349"
- script="VISU.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="SUPERV"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform SUPERV module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="46223,5963,178795"
- script="SUPERV.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="NETGENPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform NETGEN meshing algorithm plugin">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="4701,430,12979"
- script="NETGENPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform GHS3D meshing algorithm plugin. For use this plugin you should add the path to ghs3d to your PATH environment variable.">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="276,169,6204"
- script="GHS3DPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="6947,305,29242"
- script="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="HexoticPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="6867,1773,19948"
- script="HexoticPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SMESH plugin from CEA sources">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="6843,1825,19916"
- script="BLSURFPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="COMPONENT"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform COMPONENT module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="2818,722,19201"
- script="COMPONENT.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="PYCALCULATOR"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform PYCALCULATOR module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="152,4419,5439"
- script="PYCALCULATOR.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="CALCULATOR"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform CALCULATOR module">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="841,4883,8662"
- script="CALCULATOR.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="HELLO"
- type="component"
- description="Example SALOME C++ module: Hello.">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="237,4371,5884"
- script="HELLO.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="PYHELLO"
- type="component"
- description="Example SALOME Python module: Hello.">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="84,3902,560"
- script="PYHELLO.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="LIGHT"
- type="component"
- description="LIGHT SALOME module example">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="184,4491,5948"
- script="LIGHT.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="RANDOMIZER"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="108,3931,4775"
- script="RANDOMIZER.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="SIERPINSKY"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="373,4936,7110"
- script="SIERPINSKY.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="FILTER"
- type="component"
- description="Med Memory package">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="11186,5124,42568"
- script="FILTER.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="MULTIPR"
- type="component"
- description="Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME platform">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="4548,3014,21060"
- script="MULTIPR.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="YACS"
- type="component"
- description="Tool to supervise execution of complex interconnected scientific applications">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="false"
- installdiskspace="83522,7831,236730"
- script="YACS.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="SAMPLES"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME samples files">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="0,86825,0"
- script="SAMPLES.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="xdata"
- type="component"
- description="Python module for types declaration in python classes">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="0.5.52"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="6468,4553,16580"
- script="xdata-0.5.52.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="HXX2SALOME"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME module generator">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="493,3183,8139"
- script="HXX2SALOME.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="HXX2SALOMEDOC"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME module generator documentation">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="0,2446,0"
- script="HXX2SALOMEDOC.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="DOCUMENTATION"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME documentation">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="0,222045,0"
- script="DOCUMENTATION.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="tcltk"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Tcl/Tk library">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="8.4.14"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="10908,33633,50768"
- script="tcltk-8.4.14.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Python"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Python language interpreter">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="2.4.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="44915,43468,109774"
- script="Python-2.4.4.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Qt"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Multiplatform C++ GUI application framework">
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- version="3.3.8"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="56785,79525,211403"
- script="qt-3.3.8.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="msg2qm"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Qt's resources compiler">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version=""
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="28,52,80"
- script="msg2qm.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Sip"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="C++ to Python bindings generation tool">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.7.3"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="496,3211,3707"
- script="sip-4.7.3.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="PyQt"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Python bindings for Qt library">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="3.17.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="9749,4097,57459"
- script="PyQt-3.17.4.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="boost"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Free peer-reviewed portable STL extension">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="1.34.1"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="431102,114519,545621"
- script="BOOST-1.34.1.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Swig"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="1.3.31"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="5529,23607,38444"
- script="SWIG-1.3.31.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="OpenCascade"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Open CASCADE version 6.3sp1">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="6.3sp1"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="238909,389774,1282214"
- script="CAS-6.3sp1.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Qwt"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="2-D plotting extension for Qt library">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.2.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="1038,9742,12899"
- script="qwt-4.2.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="OmniORB"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Open source Object Request Broker (ORB) library that implements the 2.3 specification of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.1.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="35416,20069,169736"
- script="omniORB-4.1.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Hdf"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Hierarchical Data Format library">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="5-1.6.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="4476,30564,54083"
- script="hdf5-1.6.4.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Med"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="MED format interface library">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="2.3.5"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="9643,9007,35327"
- script="med-2.3.5.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Metis"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Software package for partitioning unstructured graphs, partitioning meshes, and computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="4105,2143,6248"
- script="metis-4.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Scotch"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Software package and library devoted to static mapping, partitioning and sparce matrix block ordering og graph and meshes">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="9833,5563,15396"
- script="scotch-4.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Vtk"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Image processing, 3D graphics and visualization software system">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="5.0.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="57744,64493,362811"
- script="VTK-5.0.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Numeric"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Numerical extension to Python">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="24.2"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="2330,3838,10207"
- script="Numeric-24.2.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Graphviz"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Graph Drawing Programs set">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="2.16.1"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="17539,32112,101872"
- script="graphviz-2.16.1.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Doxygen"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL, etc.">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="1.5.6"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="4252,14899,41377"
- script="doxygen-1.5.6.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="docutils"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Utilites for processing plaintext documentation">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="0.3.9"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="1879,3656,6507"
- script="docutils-0.3.9.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="netgen"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Quadrangle meshing algorithmic tool">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.5"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="6264,53587,65167"
- script="netgen-4.5.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="TetMesh-GHS3D"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="An automatic tetrahedral mesh generator">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="4.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="0,5461,0"
- script="ghs3d-4.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="BLSurf"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="An automatic composite surface mesh generator">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="2.7.12"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="0,14688,0"
- script="blsurf-2.7.12.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="libxml2"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="XML C parser">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="2.6.27"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="15792,42738,83566"
- script="libxml2-2.6.27.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="elementtree"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="XML C parser">
- <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
- version="1.2.6"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="189,361,550"
- script="elementtree-1.2.6.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="cElementTree"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="XML C parser">
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- version="1.0.5"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="505,1661,2166"
- script="cElementTree-1.0.5.sh"/>
- </product>
- </products>
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- <product name="KERNEL">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Numeric</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>libxml2</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
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- <dep>Qwt</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Sip</dep>
- <dep>PyQt</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>libxml2</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
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- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Metis</dep>
- <dep>Scotch</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>libxml2</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>boost</dep>
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- <dep>Qt</dep>
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- <dep>Qwt</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
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- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
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- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
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- <dep>netgen</dep>
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- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>TetMesh-GHS3D</dep>
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- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
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- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
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- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>BLSurf</dep>
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- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
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- <dep>MED</dep>
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- <dep>docutils</dep>
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- <dep>MED</dep>
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- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
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- <dep>MED</dep>
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- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
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- </product>
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- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
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- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
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- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
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- <dep>MED</dep>
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- <dep>RANDOMIZER</dep>
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- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
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- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
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- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>libxml2</dep>
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- </product>
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- <dep>Qt</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>Qt</dep>
- </product>
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- </product>
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- </product>
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- <dep>tcltk</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>tcltk</dep>
- </product>
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- </product>
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- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
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- </product>
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- <dep>tcltk</dep>
- </product>
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- </product>
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- </product>
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- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>PyQt</dep>
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- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="elementtree">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
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- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>HXX2SALOMEDOC</dep>
- </product>
- </dependencies>
--- /dev/null
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+ script="GUI.sh"/>
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+ description="SALOME platform GEOM module">
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+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="20790,20800,139588"
+ script="GEOM.sh"/>
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+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform MED module">
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+ installdiskspace="102208,73840,317303"
+ script="MED.sh"/>
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+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform SMESH module">
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+ script="SMESH.sh"/>
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+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform VISU module">
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+ version="4.1.4"
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+ installdiskspace="17971,11396,95349"
+ script="VISU.sh"/>
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+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform SUPERV module">
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+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="46223,5963,178795"
+ script="SUPERV.sh"/>
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+ <product name="NETGENPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform NETGEN meshing algorithm plugin">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="4701,430,12979"
+ script="NETGENPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GHS3D meshing algorithm plugin. For use this plugin you should add the path to ghs3d to your PATH environment variable.">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="276,169,6204"
+ script="GHS3DPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="6947,305,29242"
+ script="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HexoticPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="6867,1773,19948"
+ script="HexoticPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA sources">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="6843,1825,19916"
+ script="BLSURFPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="COMPONENT"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform COMPONENT module">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2818,722,19201"
+ script="COMPONENT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYCALCULATOR"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform PYCALCULATOR module">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="152,4419,5439"
+ script="PYCALCULATOR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="CALCULATOR"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform CALCULATOR module">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="841,4883,8662"
+ script="CALCULATOR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HELLO"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example SALOME C++ module: Hello.">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="237,4371,5884"
+ script="HELLO.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYHELLO"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example SALOME Python module: Hello.">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="84,3902,560"
+ script="PYHELLO.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="LIGHT"
+ type="component"
+ description="LIGHT SALOME module example">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="184,4491,5948"
+ script="LIGHT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="RANDOMIZER"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="108,3931,4775"
+ script="RANDOMIZER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SIERPINSKY"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="373,4936,7110"
+ script="SIERPINSKY.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="FILTER"
+ type="component"
+ description="Med Memory package">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="11186,5124,42568"
+ script="FILTER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MULTIPR"
+ type="component"
+ description="Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME platform">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="4548,3014,21060"
+ script="MULTIPR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACS"
+ type="component"
+ description="Tool to supervise execution of complex interconnected scientific applications">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="false"
+ installdiskspace="83522,7831,236730"
+ script="YACS.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SAMPLES"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME samples files">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="0,86825,0"
+ script="SAMPLES.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="xdata"
+ type="component"
+ description="Python module for types declaration in python classes">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="0.5.52"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="6468,4553,16580"
+ script="xdata-0.5.52.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOME"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME module generator">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="493,3183,8139"
+ script="HXX2SALOME.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOMEDOC"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME module generator documentation">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="0,2446,0"
+ script="HXX2SALOMEDOC.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="DOCUMENTATION"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME documentation">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="0,222045,0"
+ script="DOCUMENTATION.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="tcltk"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Tcl/Tk library">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="8.4.14"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="10908,33633,50768"
+ script="tcltk-8.4.14.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Python"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Python language interpreter">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="2.4.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="44915,43468,109774"
+ script="Python-2.4.4.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Multiplatform C++ GUI application framework">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="3.3.8"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="56785,79525,211403"
+ script="qt-3.3.8.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="msg2qm"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Qt's resources compiler">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version=""
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="28,52,80"
+ script="msg2qm.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sip"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="C++ to Python bindings generation tool">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.7.3"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="496,3211,3707"
+ script="sip-4.7.3.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PyQt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Python bindings for Qt library">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="3.17.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="9749,4097,57459"
+ script="PyQt-3.17.4.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="boost"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Free peer-reviewed portable STL extension">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="1.34.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="431102,114519,545621"
+ script="BOOST-1.34.1.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Swig"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="1.3.31"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5529,23607,38444"
+ script="SWIG-1.3.31.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OpenCascade"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Open CASCADE version 6.3sp1">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="6.3sp1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="238909,389774,1282214"
+ script="CAS-6.3sp1.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qwt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="2-D plotting extension for Qt library">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1038,9742,12899"
+ script="qwt-4.2.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OmniORB"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Open source Object Request Broker (ORB) library that implements the 2.3 specification of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.1.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="35416,20069,169736"
+ script="omniORB-4.1.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Hdf"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Hierarchical Data Format library">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="5-1.6.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="4476,30564,54083"
+ script="hdf5-1.6.4.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Med"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="MED format interface library">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="2.3.5"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="9643,9007,35327"
+ script="med-2.3.5.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Metis"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Software package for partitioning unstructured graphs, partitioning meshes, and computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="4105,2143,6248"
+ script="metis-4.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Scotch"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Software package and library devoted to static mapping, partitioning and sparce matrix block ordering og graph and meshes">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="9833,5563,15396"
+ script="scotch-4.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Vtk"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Image processing, 3D graphics and visualization software system">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="5.0.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="57744,64493,362811"
+ script="VTK-5.0.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Numeric"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Numerical extension to Python">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="24.2"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2330,3838,10207"
+ script="Numeric-24.2.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Graphviz"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Graph Drawing Programs set">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="2.16.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="17539,32112,101872"
+ script="graphviz-2.16.1.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Doxygen"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL, etc.">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="1.5.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="4252,14899,41377"
+ script="doxygen-1.5.6.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="docutils"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Utilites for processing plaintext documentation">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="0.3.9"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="1879,3656,6507"
+ script="docutils-0.3.9.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="netgen"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Quadrangle meshing algorithmic tool">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.5"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="6264,53587,65167"
+ script="netgen-4.5.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="TetMesh-GHS3D"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="An automatic tetrahedral mesh generator">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="4.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="0,5461,0"
+ script="ghs3d-4.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSurf"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="An automatic composite surface mesh generator">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="2.7.12"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="0,14688,0"
+ script="blsurf-2.7.12.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libxml2"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="XML C parser">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="2.6.27"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="15792,42738,83566"
+ script="libxml2-2.6.27.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="elementtree"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="XML C parser">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="1.2.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="189,361,550"
+ script="elementtree-1.2.6.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cElementTree"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="XML C parser">
+ <installation os="Mandriva 2008.0 64bit"
+ version="1.0.5"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="505,1661,2166"
+ script="cElementTree-1.0.5.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ </products>
+ <dependencies>
+ <product name="KERNEL">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Numeric</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GUI">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GEOM">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MED">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Metis</dep>
+ <dep>Scotch</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SMESH">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="VISU">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SUPERV">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="NETGENPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>netgen</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>TetMesh-GHS3D</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>BLSurf</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HexoticPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="COMPONENT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYCALCULATOR">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="CALCULATOR">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HELLO">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYHELLO">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="LIGHT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="RANDOMIZER">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SIERPINSKY">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>VISU</dep>
+ <dep>RANDOMIZER</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="FILTER">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MULTIPR">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACS">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>elementtree</dep>
+ <dep>cElementTree</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="msg2qm">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sip">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PyQt">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="boost">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Swig">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OpenCascade">
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qwt">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OmniORB">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Med">
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Vtk">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Numeric">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Graphviz">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Doxygen">
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="docutils">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="netgen">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="xdata">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cElementTree">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="elementtree">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOME">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>HXX2SALOMEDOC</dep>
+ </product>
+ </dependencies>
+++ /dev/null
- <config version="4.1.4"
- caption="SALOME v%1"
- copyright="<h5>Copyright (C) 2003-2008 OPEN CASCADE,<br>EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, CEDRAT, EDF R&D,<br>LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS</h5>"
- license="<h5>GNU LGPL</h5>"
- platforms="Scientific SL 4.2"
- targetdir="${HOME}/salome_4.1.4"
- tempdir="/tmp"/>
- <buttons>
- <button label="Launch SALOME"
- tooltip="Click this button to launch SALOME"
- script="start_salome.sh"
- disable="false"/>
- <button label="Release Notes"
- tooltip="Click this button to read release notes"
- script="release_notes.sh"
- disable="false"/>
- </buttons>
- <products>
- <product name="KERNEL"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform KERNEL module">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="22407,9810,128736"
- pickupenv="true"
- script="KERNEL.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="GUI"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform GUI module">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="57997,6963,104784"
- script="GUI.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="GEOM"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform GEOM module">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="40742,12393,186274"
- script="GEOM.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="MED"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform MED module">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="64498,31729,361939"
- script="MED.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="SMESH"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform SMESH module">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="48564,11120,237632"
- script="SMESH.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="VISU"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform VISU module">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="25310,6650,110057"
- script="VISU.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="SUPERV"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform SUPERV module">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="40288,4990,238973"
- script="SUPERV.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="NETGENPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform NETGEN meshing algorithm plugin">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="2618,71,36361"
- script="NETGENPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform GHS3D meshing algorithm plugin. For use this plugin you should add the path to ghs3d to your PATH environment variable.">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="175,56,2518"
- script="GHS3DPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="175,56,2518"
- script="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="HexoticPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="175,56,2518"
- script="HexoticPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN"
- type="component"
- description="SMESH plugin from CEA sources">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
- script="BLSURFPLUGIN.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="COMPONENT"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform COMPONENT module">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="20252,481,36211"
- script="COMPONENT.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="PYCALCULATOR"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform PYCALCULATOR module">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="28,147,2073"
- script="PYCALCULATOR.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="CALCULATOR"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME platform CALCULATOR module">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="3559,324,16277"
- script="CALCULATOR.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="HELLO"
- type="component"
- description="Example SALOME C++ module: Hello.">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="2480,90,11785"
- script="HELLO.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="PYHELLO"
- type="component"
- description="Example SALOME Python module: Hello.">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="26,172,2021"
- script="PYHELLO.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="LIGHT"
- type="component"
- description="LIGHT SALOME module example">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="152,141,2914"
- script="LIGHT.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="RANDOMIZER"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
- script="RANDOMIZER.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="SIERPINSKY"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
- script="SIERPINSKY.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="FILTER"
- type="component"
- description="Med Memory package">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
- script="FILTER.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="MULTIPR"
- type="component"
- description="Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME platform">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
- script="MULTIPR.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="YACS"
- type="component"
- description="Tool to supervise execution of complex interconnected scientific applications">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="false"
- installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
- script="YACS.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="SAMPLES"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME samples files">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="0,34976,0"
- script="SAMPLES.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="xdata"
- type="component"
- description="Python module for types declaration in python classes">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="0.5.52"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="5215,51450,16479"
- script="xdata-0.5.52.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="HXX2SALOME"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME module generator">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="741,10242,14810"
- script="HXX2SALOME.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="HXX2SALOMEDOC"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME module generator documentation">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="2256,9691,12179"
- script="HXX2SALOMEDOC.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="DOCUMENTATION"
- type="component"
- description="SALOME documentation">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.4"
- disable="false"
- woguimode="true"
- installdiskspace="0,205188,0"
- script="DOCUMENTATION.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="tcltk"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Tcl/Tk library">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="8.4.14"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="23060,28789,62448"
- script="tcltk-8.4.14.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Python"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Python language interpreter">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="2.4.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="36916,32794,94704"
- script="Python-2.4.4.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Qt"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Multiplatform C++ GUI application framework">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="3.3.8"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="50369,62835,183782"
- script="qt-3.3.8.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="msg2qm"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Qt's resources compiler">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version=""
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="19,6,67"
- script="msg2qm.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Sip"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="C++ to Python bindings generation tool">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.7.3"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="352,1450,2520"
- script="sip-4.7.3.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="PyQt"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Python bindings for Qt library">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="3.17.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="15669,3936,76025"
- script="PyQt-3.17.4.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="boost"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Free peer-reviewed portable STL extension">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="1.34.1"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="19786,41770,86634"
- script="BOOST-1.34.1.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Swig"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="1.3.31"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="3026,11661,28526"
- script="SWIG-1.3.31.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="OpenCascade"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Open CASCADE version 6.3sp1">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="6.3sp1"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="217388,268394,1197926"
- script="CAS-6.3sp1.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Qwt"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="2-D plotting extension for Qt library">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.2.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="995,7200,12943"
- script="qwt-4.2.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="OmniORB"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Open source Object Request Broker (ORB) library that implements the 2.3 specification of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.1.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="31899,14551,102931"
- script="omniORB-4.1.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Hdf"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Hierarchical Data Format library">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="5-1.6.4"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="4229,26859,51689"
- script="hdf5-1.6.4.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Med"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="MED format interface library">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="2.3.5"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="7470,6445,26522"
- script="med-2.3.5.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Metis"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Software package for partitioning unstructured graphs, partitioning meshes, and computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="7470,6445,26522"
- script="metis-4.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Scotch"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Software package and library devoted to static mapping, partitioning and sparce matrix block ordering og graph and meshes">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="7470,6445,26522"
- script="scotch-4.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Vtk"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Image processing, 3D graphics and visualization software system">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="5.0.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="37001,38843,209035"
- script="VTK-5.0.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Numeric"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Numerical extension to Python">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="24.2"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="2396,3279,10236"
- script="Numeric-24.2.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Graphviz"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Graph Drawing Programs set">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="2.16.1"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="8551,15158,52891"
- script="graphviz-2.16.1.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="Doxygen"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL, etc.">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="1.5.6"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="6090,12671,38445"
- script="doxygen-1.5.6.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="docutils"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Utilites for processing plaintext documentation">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="0.3.9"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="2010,3342,6157"
- script="docutils-0.3.9.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="netgen"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="Quadrangle meshing algorithmic tool">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.5"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="5215,51450,16479"
- script="netgen-4.5.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="TetMesh-GHS3D"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="An automatic tetrahedral mesh generator">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="4.0"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="5615,51450,17231"
- script="ghs3d-4.0.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="BLSurf"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="An automatic composite surface mesh generator">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="2.7.12"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="5615,51450,17231"
- script="blsurf-2.7.12.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="libxml2"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="XML C parser">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="2.6.27"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="5215,51450,16479"
- script="libxml2-2.6.27.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="elementtree"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="XML C parser">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="1.2.6"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="5215,51450,16479"
- script="elementtree-1.2.6.sh"/>
- </product>
- <product name="cElementTree"
- type="prerequisite"
- description="XML C parser">
- <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
- version="1.0.5"
- disable="false"
- installdiskspace="5215,51450,16479"
- script="cElementTree-1.0.5.sh"/>
- </product>
- </products>
- <dependencies>
- <product name="KERNEL">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Numeric</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>libxml2</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="GUI">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Qwt</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Sip</dep>
- <dep>PyQt</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>libxml2</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="GEOM">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="MED">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Metis</dep>
- <dep>Scotch</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>libxml2</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="SMESH">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="VISU">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Qwt</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="SUPERV">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="NETGENPLUGIN">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>netgen</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>TetMesh-GHS3D</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>BLSurf</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="HexoticPLUGIN">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>SMESH</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="COMPONENT">
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>Qwt</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Sip</dep>
- <dep>PyQt</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="PYCALCULATOR">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="CALCULATOR">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="HELLO">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="PYHELLO">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="LIGHT">
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="RANDOMIZER">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="SIERPINSKY">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>VISU</dep>
- <dep>RANDOMIZER</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="FILTER">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Qwt</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="MULTIPR">
- <dep>boost</dep>
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>msg2qm</dep>
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- <dep>Med</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="YACS">
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Swig</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Doxygen</dep>
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- <dep>docutils</dep>
- <dep>libxml2</dep>
- <dep>elementtree</dep>
- <dep>cElementTree</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="msg2qm">
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Sip">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="PyQt">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>Sip</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="boost">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Swig">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>tcltk</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="OpenCascade">
- <dep>tcltk</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Qwt">
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="OmniORB">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Med">
- <dep>Hdf</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Vtk">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>tcltk</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Numeric">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Graphviz">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>tcltk</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="Doxygen">
- <dep>Graphviz</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="docutils">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="netgen">
- <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="xdata">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>PyQt</dep>
- <dep>OmniORB</dep>
- <dep>Vtk</dep>
- <dep>KERNEL</dep>
- <dep>GUI</dep>
- <dep>MED</dep>
- <dep>GEOM</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="cElementTree">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="elementtree">
- <dep>Python</dep>
- </product>
- <product name="HXX2SALOME">
- <dep>Qt</dep>
- <dep>HXX2SALOMEDOC</dep>
- </product>
- </dependencies>
--- /dev/null
+ <config version="4.1.4"
+ caption="SALOME v%1"
+ copyright="<h5>Copyright (C) 2003-2008 OPEN CASCADE,<br>EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, CEDRAT, EDF R&D,<br>LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS</h5>"
+ license="<h5>GNU LGPL</h5>"
+ platforms="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ targetdir="${HOME}/salome_4.1.4"
+ tempdir="/tmp"/>
+ <buttons>
+ <button label="Launch SALOME"
+ tooltip="Click this button to launch SALOME"
+ script="start_salome.sh"
+ disable="false"/>
+ <button label="Release Notes"
+ tooltip="Click this button to read release notes"
+ script="release_notes.sh"
+ disable="false"/>
+ </buttons>
+ <products>
+ <product name="KERNEL"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform KERNEL module">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="22407,9810,128736"
+ pickupenv="true"
+ script="KERNEL.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GUI"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GUI module">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="57997,6963,104784"
+ script="GUI.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GEOM"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GEOM module">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="40742,12393,186274"
+ script="GEOM.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MED"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform MED module">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="64498,31729,361939"
+ script="MED.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SMESH"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform SMESH module">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="48564,11120,237632"
+ script="SMESH.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="VISU"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform VISU module">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="25310,6650,110057"
+ script="VISU.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SUPERV"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform SUPERV module">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="40288,4990,238973"
+ script="SUPERV.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="NETGENPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform NETGEN meshing algorithm plugin">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="2618,71,36361"
+ script="NETGENPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform GHS3D meshing algorithm plugin. For use this plugin you should add the path to ghs3d to your PATH environment variable.">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="175,56,2518"
+ script="GHS3DPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="175,56,2518"
+ script="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HexoticPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="175,56,2518"
+ script="HexoticPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN"
+ type="component"
+ description="SMESH plugin from CEA sources">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
+ script="BLSURFPLUGIN.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="COMPONENT"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform COMPONENT module">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="20252,481,36211"
+ script="COMPONENT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYCALCULATOR"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform PYCALCULATOR module">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="28,147,2073"
+ script="PYCALCULATOR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="CALCULATOR"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME platform CALCULATOR module">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="3559,324,16277"
+ script="CALCULATOR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HELLO"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example SALOME C++ module: Hello.">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2480,90,11785"
+ script="HELLO.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYHELLO"
+ type="component"
+ description="Example SALOME Python module: Hello.">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="26,172,2021"
+ script="PYHELLO.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="LIGHT"
+ type="component"
+ description="LIGHT SALOME module example">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="152,141,2914"
+ script="LIGHT.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="RANDOMIZER"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
+ script="RANDOMIZER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SIERPINSKY"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME-based module implement simple interface to calculate Sierpinsky fields">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
+ script="SIERPINSKY.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="FILTER"
+ type="component"
+ description="Med Memory package">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
+ script="FILTER.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MULTIPR"
+ type="component"
+ description="Partitioning/decimation module for the SALOME platform">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
+ script="MULTIPR.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACS"
+ type="component"
+ description="Tool to supervise execution of complex interconnected scientific applications">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="false"
+ installdiskspace="208,221,2958"
+ script="YACS.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SAMPLES"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME samples files">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="0,34976,0"
+ script="SAMPLES.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="xdata"
+ type="component"
+ description="Python module for types declaration in python classes">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="0.5.52"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5215,51450,16479"
+ script="xdata-0.5.52.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOME"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME module generator">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="741,10242,14810"
+ script="HXX2SALOME.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOMEDOC"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME module generator documentation">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2256,9691,12179"
+ script="HXX2SALOMEDOC.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="DOCUMENTATION"
+ type="component"
+ description="SALOME documentation">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.4"
+ disable="false"
+ woguimode="true"
+ installdiskspace="0,205188,0"
+ script="DOCUMENTATION.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="tcltk"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Tcl/Tk library">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="8.4.14"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="23060,28789,62448"
+ script="tcltk-8.4.14.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Python"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Python language interpreter">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="2.4.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="36916,32794,94704"
+ script="Python-2.4.4.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Multiplatform C++ GUI application framework">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="3.3.8"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="50369,62835,183782"
+ script="qt-3.3.8.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="msg2qm"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Qt's resources compiler">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version=""
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="19,6,67"
+ script="msg2qm.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sip"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="C++ to Python bindings generation tool">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.7.3"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="352,1450,2520"
+ script="sip-4.7.3.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PyQt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Python bindings for Qt library">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="3.17.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="15669,3936,76025"
+ script="PyQt-3.17.4.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="boost"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Free peer-reviewed portable STL extension">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="1.34.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="19786,41770,86634"
+ script="BOOST-1.34.1.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Swig"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="1.3.31"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="3026,11661,28526"
+ script="SWIG-1.3.31.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OpenCascade"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Open CASCADE version 6.3sp1">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="6.3sp1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="217388,268394,1197926"
+ script="CAS-6.3sp1.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qwt"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="2-D plotting extension for Qt library">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.2.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="995,7200,12943"
+ script="qwt-4.2.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OmniORB"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Open source Object Request Broker (ORB) library that implements the 2.3 specification of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.1.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="31899,14551,102931"
+ script="omniORB-4.1.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Hdf"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Hierarchical Data Format library">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="5-1.6.4"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="4229,26859,51689"
+ script="hdf5-1.6.4.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Med"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="MED format interface library">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="2.3.5"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="7470,6445,26522"
+ script="med-2.3.5.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Metis"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Software package for partitioning unstructured graphs, partitioning meshes, and computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="7470,6445,26522"
+ script="metis-4.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Scotch"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Software package and library devoted to static mapping, partitioning and sparce matrix block ordering og graph and meshes">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="7470,6445,26522"
+ script="scotch-4.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Vtk"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Image processing, 3D graphics and visualization software system">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="5.0.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="37001,38843,209035"
+ script="VTK-5.0.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Numeric"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Numerical extension to Python">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="24.2"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2396,3279,10236"
+ script="Numeric-24.2.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Graphviz"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Graph Drawing Programs set">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="2.16.1"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="8551,15158,52891"
+ script="graphviz-2.16.1.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Doxygen"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL, etc.">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="1.5.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="6090,12671,38445"
+ script="doxygen-1.5.6.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="docutils"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Utilites for processing plaintext documentation">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="0.3.9"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="2010,3342,6157"
+ script="docutils-0.3.9.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="netgen"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="Quadrangle meshing algorithmic tool">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.5"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5215,51450,16479"
+ script="netgen-4.5.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="TetMesh-GHS3D"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="An automatic tetrahedral mesh generator">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="4.0"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5615,51450,17231"
+ script="ghs3d-4.0.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSurf"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="An automatic composite surface mesh generator">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="2.7.12"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5615,51450,17231"
+ script="blsurf-2.7.12.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="libxml2"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="XML C parser">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="2.6.27"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5215,51450,16479"
+ script="libxml2-2.6.27.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="elementtree"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="XML C parser">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="1.2.6"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5215,51450,16479"
+ script="elementtree-1.2.6.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cElementTree"
+ type="prerequisite"
+ description="XML C parser">
+ <installation os="Scientific SL 4.2"
+ version="1.0.5"
+ disable="false"
+ installdiskspace="5215,51450,16479"
+ script="cElementTree-1.0.5.sh"/>
+ </product>
+ </products>
+ <dependencies>
+ <product name="KERNEL">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Numeric</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GUI">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GEOM">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MED">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Metis</dep>
+ <dep>Scotch</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SMESH">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="VISU">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SUPERV">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="NETGENPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>netgen</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>TetMesh-GHS3D</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="GHS3DPRLPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="BLSURFPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>BLSurf</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HexoticPLUGIN">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>SMESH</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="COMPONENT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYCALCULATOR">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="CALCULATOR">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HELLO">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PYHELLO">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="LIGHT">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="RANDOMIZER">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="SIERPINSKY">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>VISU</dep>
+ <dep>RANDOMIZER</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="FILTER">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Qwt</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="MULTIPR">
+ <dep>boost</dep>
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>msg2qm</dep>
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ <dep>Med</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="YACS">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Swig</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Doxygen</dep>
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ <dep>docutils</dep>
+ <dep>libxml2</dep>
+ <dep>elementtree</dep>
+ <dep>cElementTree</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="msg2qm">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Sip">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="PyQt">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>Sip</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="boost">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Swig">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OpenCascade">
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Qwt">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="OmniORB">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Med">
+ <dep>Hdf</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Vtk">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Numeric">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Graphviz">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>tcltk</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="Doxygen">
+ <dep>Graphviz</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="docutils">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="netgen">
+ <dep>OpenCascade</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="xdata">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>PyQt</dep>
+ <dep>OmniORB</dep>
+ <dep>Vtk</dep>
+ <dep>KERNEL</dep>
+ <dep>GUI</dep>
+ <dep>MED</dep>
+ <dep>GEOM</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="cElementTree">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="elementtree">
+ <dep>Python</dep>
+ </product>
+ <product name="HXX2SALOME">
+ <dep>Qt</dep>
+ <dep>HXX2SALOMEDOC</dep>
+ </product>
+ </dependencies>