-SUBDIRS = idl src examples doc
+SUBDIRS = idl src doc
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2005 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# File : Makefile.in
-# Author : Vasily Rusyaev (Open Cascade NN)
-# Module : examples
-# $Header:
-curdir = $(shell pwd)
- (cd $(srcdir) ; cp -fr `ls | grep -v "Makefile.in"` $(curdir))
- rm -rf `ls | grep -v "Makefile"`
- rm -rf $(instdatadir)
- mkdir $(instdatadir)
- cp -rf `ls | grep -v "Makefile"` $(instdatadir)
- rm -rf $(instdatadir)
+++ /dev/null
-# T 2.23, 28: Displaying fields (scalar and vectorial) on nodes, change presentation options.
-# Uses MED files ResOK_0000.med and Fields_group3D.med
-# This script is equivalent to non-regression test script 003/A1
-import salome
-import visu_gui
-import SALOMEDS
-import VISU
-import os
-datadir = os.getenv("VISU_ROOT_DIR") + "/examples/"
-#%====================Stage1: Creating a new study====================%
-print "**** Stage1: Creating a new study"
-print "Creating a new study..................",
-myVisu = visu_gui.myVisu
-myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager()
-if myViewManager is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-#%====================Stage2: Importing MED file====================%
-print "**** Stage2: Importing MED file"
-print 'Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............',
-medFile = datadir + "ResOK_0000.med"
-myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
-if myResult is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print 'Creating new View3D...................',
-myView = myViewManager.Create3DView()
-if myView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-myMeshName = 'dom'
-myCellEntity = VISU.CELL
-myNodeEntity = VISU.NODE
-#%====================Stage3: Displaying vector field====================%
-print "**** Stage3: Displaying vector field"
-print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
-scalarmap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,'vitesse',1);
-if scalarmap is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-scalarmap.SetSize(0.15, 0.8)
-print "Creating Stream Lines.....",
-streamlines = myVisu.StreamLinesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,'vitesse',1);
-if streamlines is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Creating Vectors..........",
-vectors = myVisu.VectorsOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,'vitesse',1);
-if vectors is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Creating Iso Surfaces.....",
-isosurfaces = myVisu.IsoSurfacesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,'vitesse',1);
-if isosurfaces is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Creating Cut Planes.......",
-cutplanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,'vitesse',1);
-if cutplanes is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-cutplanes.SetOrientation(VISU.CutPlanes.YZ, 0, 0)
-#%====================Stage4: Opening a new study and Med file import====================%
-print "**** Stage4: Opening a new study and Med file import"
-print "Creating a new study..................",
-newStudy = salome.myStudyManager.NewStudy('newStudy')
-myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager()
-myView = myViewManager.Create3DView()
-if myView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print 'Importing "Fields_group3D.med"........',
-medFile = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
-myResult1 = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
-if myResult1 is None : print "Error"
-myView1 = myViewManager.Create3DView()
-if myView1 is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-#%====================Stage5: Displaying scalar field====================%
-print "**** Stage5: Displaying scalar field"
-myMeshName1 = 'mailles_MED'
-print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
-scalarmap1 = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult1,myMeshName1,myCellEntity,'scalar field',1);
-if scalarmap1 is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Creating Iso Surfaces.....",
-isosurfaces1 = myVisu.IsoSurfacesOnField(myResult1,myMeshName1,myCellEntity,'scalar field',1);
-if isosurfaces1 is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Creating Cut Planes.......",
-cutplanes1 = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult1,myMeshName1,myCellEntity,'scalar field',1);
-if cutplanes1 is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-cutplanes1.SetOrientation(VISU.CutPlanes.YZ, 0, 0)
-#%====================Stage6: Object browser popup====================%
-print "**** Stage6: Object browser popup"
-print "Creating mesh.............",
-mesh = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult1,myMeshName1,myCellEntity);
-if mesh is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Changing type of presentation of mesh:"
-PrsType = mesh.GetPresentationType()
-print "Presentation type..", PrsType
-PrsType = mesh.GetPresentationType()
-print "Presentation type.....", PrsType
-PrsType = mesh.GetPresentationType()
-print "Presentation type......", PrsType
-PrsType = mesh.GetPresentationType()
-print "Presentation type.....", PrsType
-print "Changing color of mesh....",
-aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0,0,1)
-print "OK"
-print "Renaming ScalarMap........",
-SObj = newStudy.FindObjectIOR(scalarmap1.GetID())
-newName = 'Renamed Object'
-SObj.Name = newName
-print "OK"
-print "Deleting Cut Planes.......",
-SObj = newStudy.FindObjectIOR(cutplanes1.GetID())
-myBuilder = newStudy.NewBuilder()
-print "OK"
-print "Changing first IsoSurfaces",
-print "OK"
-print "Hide IsoSurfaces..........",
-print "OK"
+++ /dev/null
-# T 2.24: Save/retrieve view parameters.
-# Uses MED file fra.med from ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/examples directory.
-# This script is equivalent to non-regression test script 003/A3
-import salome
-import visu_gui
-import SALOMEDS
-import VISU
-import os
-medFile = os.getenv("KERNEL_ROOT_DIR") + "/examples/fra.med"
-#%====================Stage1: Creating a new study====================%
-print "**** Stage1: Creating a new study "
-print "Creating a new study..................",
-myVisu = visu_gui.myVisu
-myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager()
-if myViewManager is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-#%====================Stage2: Saving view parameters before import====================%
-print "**** Stage2: Saving view parameters before import "
-myView = myViewManager.Create3DView()
-print "Zooming trihedron.....................",
-aScale = myView.GetParallelScale()
-print "OK"
-print "Rotating trihedron....................",
-aPoint = (100,100,100)
-print "OK"
-print "Saving view parameters................",
-aViewParamsName1 = 'ViewParams:1'
-aSaveRes = myView.SaveViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
-if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-#%====================Stage3: Import MED file====================%
-print "**** Stage3: Import MED file"
-print 'Importing "fra.med"...................',
-myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
-if myResult is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Creating mesh.........................",
-myMeshName = 'LE VOLUME'
-myCellEntity = VISU.CELL
-mesh = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult,myMeshName,myCellEntity);
-if mesh is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-#%====================Stage4: Saving view parameters after import====================%
-print "**** Stage4: Saving view parameters after import"
-print "Creating Scalar Map...................",
-myFieldName = 'TAUX_DE_VIDE'
-myNodeEntity = VISU.NODE
-scalarmap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,myFieldName,1);
-if scalarmap is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Zooming 3D view.......................",
-aScale = myView.GetParallelScale()
-print "OK"
-print "Setting view point(LEFT)..............",
-print "OK"
-print "Saving view parameters................",
-aViewParamsName2 = 'ViewParams:2'
-aSaveRes = myView.SaveViewParams(aViewParamsName2)
-if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Creating Cut Planes...................",
-cutplanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,myFieldName,1);
-if cutplanes is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Setting scaling.......................",
-#Define parameters of scaling:
-myXParam = 5
-myYParam = 5
-myZParam = 1
-myXAxis = VISU.View3D.XAxis
-myYAxis = VISU.View3D.YAxis
-myZAxis = VISU.View3D.ZAxis
-print "OK"
-print "Rotating 3d view......................",
-aPoint = (100,40,0)
-print "OK"
-print "Fit All...............................",
-print "OK"
-print "Saving view parameters................",
-aViewParamsName3 = 'ViewParams:3'
-aSaveRes = myView.SaveViewParams(aViewParamsName3)
-if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-#%====================Stage5: Restoring view parameters====================%
-print "**** Stage5: Restoring view parameters"
-print "Restoring first view parameters.......",
-aRestoreRes = myView.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
-if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Restoring second view parameters......",
-aRestoreRes = myView.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName2)
-if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Displaing only Scalar Map.............",
-print "OK"
-print "Displaing only Cut Planes.............",
-print "OK"
-print "Restoring third view parameters.......",
-aRestoreRes = myView.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName3)
-if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Displaing only Mesh...................",
-print "OK"
-print "Displaing only Scalar Map.............",
-print "OK"
-print "Displaing only Cut Planes.............",
-print "OK"
-#%====================Stage6: Changing of view parameters====================%
-print "**** Stage6: Changing of view parameters"
-print "Remove scaling........................",
-print "OK"
-print "Fit All...............................",
-print "OK"
-print "Rotating 3d view......................",
-aPoint = (0,60,150)
-print "OK"
-print "Resaving first view parameters........",
-aSaveRes = myView.SaveViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
-if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Restoring third view parameters.......",
-aRestoreRes = myView.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName3)
-if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Restoring first view parameters.......",
-aRestoreRes = myView.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
-if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Displaying only Mesh..................",
-print "OK"
-print "Displaying only Scalar Map............",
-print "OK"
-#%====================Stage7: Saving of created view parameters====================%
-print "**** Stage7: Saving of created view parameters"
-print "Saving study..........................",
-str = os.getenv("TmpDir")
-if str == None:
- str = "/tmp"
-file = str+'/VISU_005.hdf'
-salome.myStudyManager.SaveAs(file, salome.myStudy, 0)
-study_id = salome.myStudy._get_StudyId()
-print "OK"
-print "Opening just saved study..............",
-openedStudy = salome.myStudyManager.Open(file)
-myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager()
-myView1 = myViewManager.Create3DView()
-if myView1 is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Restoring first view parameters.......",
-aRestoreRes = myView1.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
-if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-Builder = openedStudy.NewBuilder()
-SCom = openedStudy.FindComponent("VISU")
-Builder.LoadWith(SCom ,myVisu)
-print "Displaying Scalar Map.................",
-SObj = openedStudy.FindObject('ScalarMap')
-scalarmap1 = visu_gui.visu.SObjectToObject(SObj)
-if scalarmap1 is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Displaying Cut Planes.................",
-SObj = openedStudy.FindObject('CutPlanes')
-cutplanes1 = visu_gui.visu.SObjectToObject(SObj)
-if cutplanes1 is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Restoring second view parameters......",
-aRestoreRes = myView1.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName2)
-if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Displaying Scalar Map.................",
-print "OK"
-print "Restoring third view parameters.......",
-aRestoreRes = myView1.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName3)
-if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Displaying Cut Planes.................",
-print "OK"
-#%====================Stage8: Changing of saved session====================%
-print "**** Stage8: Changing of saved session"
-print "Deleting ViewParams:3,1,2.............",
-SObj = openedStudy.FindObject(aViewParamsName3)
-SObj = openedStudy.FindObject(aViewParamsName1)
-SObj = openedStudy.FindObject(aViewParamsName2)
-print "OK"
-SObjList2 = openedStudy.FindObjectByName(aViewParamsName1, "VISU")
-print "FindObjectByName(aViewParamsName1, VISU) returned ", len(SObjList2), " objects"
-print "Zooming trihedron.....................",
-aScale = myView.GetParallelScale()
-print "OK"
-print "Rotating trihedron....................",
-aPoint = (200,40,-40)
-print "OK"
-print "Saving view parameters................",
-aSaveRes = myView1.SaveViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
-if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Renaming ViewParams:1.................",
-SObj = openedStudy.FindObject(aViewParamsName1)
-SObj.Name = "New_view"
-print "OK"
-print "Setting scaling.......................",
-#Define parameters of scaling:
-myXParam = 4
-myYParam = 4
-myZParam = 8
-myXAxis = VISU.View3D.XAxis
-myYAxis = VISU.View3D.YAxis
-myZAxis = VISU.View3D.ZAxis
-print "OK"
-print "Saving view parameters................",
-aSaveRes = myView1.SaveViewParams(aViewParamsName2)
-if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Restoring first view parameters.......",
-aRestoreRes = myView1.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
-if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Restoring second view parameters......",
-aRestoreRes = myView1.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName2)
-if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
+++ /dev/null
-# Animation of "vitesse" field, stored in file TimeStamps.med
-# This script is equivalent to non-regression test script 003/A5
-import salome
-import visu_gui
-import SALOMEDS
-import VISU
-import os
-import time
-medFile = os.getenv("KERNEL_ROOT_DIR") + "/examples/TimeStamps.med"
-print 'Importing "TimeStamps.med"................',
-myVisu = visu_gui.myVisu
-myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
-if myResult is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Creating Cut Lines........................",
-medMesh = 'dom'
-medField = "vitesse"
-aCutLines = myVisu.CutLinesOnField(myResult,'dom',VISU.NODE,medField,1.0)
-aCutLines.SetOrientation(VISU.CutPlanes.XY, 0, 0)
-aCutLines.SetOrientation2(VISU.CutPlanes.ZX, 0, 0)
-if aCutLines is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
-myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager();
-myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
-if myView is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-aCutLinesSObj = salome.myStudy.FindObjectIOR(aCutLines.GetID())
-aFather = aCutLinesSObj.GetFather().GetFather();
-print "Creating an Animation.....................",
-myAnim = myVisu.CreateAnimation(myView);
-if myAnim is None : print "Error"
-else : print "OK"
-print "Animation.................................",
-while 1:
- time.sleep(1)
- if not myAnim.isRunning():
- myAnim.stopAnimation()
- break
-print "OK"
+++ /dev/null
-# Show some results presentations in different 3D and 2D viewers
-# with different options (view parameters and display modes).
-# Uses MED files fra.med and TimeStamps.med from ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/examples directory.
-# Pay attention to a viewer title to know its purpose.
-# This script is equivalent to script VISU_SWIG/visu_view3d.py
-import os
-import time
-import math
-import VISU
-import SALOMEDS
-from visu_gui import *
-aDelay = 1
-myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager();
-myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
-myView.SetTitle("The window will be soon destroyed!")
-print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
-print "myView.Maximize()"
-print "myView.Restore()"
-print "myView.Minimize()"
-print "myViewManager.Destroy(myView)"
-medFile = "fra.med"
-myFieldName = "VITESSE";
-aMeshName ="LE VOLUME"
-anEntity = VISU.NODE
-aTimeStampId = 1
-medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
-myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
-myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
-print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
-aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.0,0.3,1.0)
-myView.SetTitle("The viewer will display ScalarMap")
-print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
-aScalarMap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult,aMeshName,anEntity,myFieldName,aTimeStampId)
-print "myView.Display(aScalarMap)"
-print "myView.SetFocalPoint(...)"
-print "myView.SetParallelScale(...)"
-aMax = aScalarMap.GetMax()
-aMin = aScalarMap.GetMin()
-aDelta = (aMax - aMin)/2.0
-aNbColors = aScalarMap.GetNbColors()
-aNbColors = 64
-for i in range(2,aNbColors) :
- aScalarMap.SetNbColors(i)
- aX = aMin + aDelta*i/aNbColors
- aY = aMax - aDelta*i/aNbColors
- aScalarMap.SetRange(aX,aY)
- myView.Update();
- time.sleep(aDelay)
-print "myView.Update()"
-print "myView.FitAll()"
-myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
-myView.SetTitle("Here we will display CutPlanes")
-print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
-aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.0,0.7,0.0)
-aCutPlanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult,aMeshName,anEntity,myFieldName,aTimeStampId)
-print "myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(...)"
-print "myView.DisplayOnly(aCutPlanes)"
-aPoint = myView.GetPointOfView();
-aPoint[0] = aPoint[0] + 10;
-print "myView.SetPointOfView(...)"
-print "myView.ScaleView(...)"
-aNbPlanes = aCutPlanes.GetNbPlanes()
-aNbPlanes = 30
-aXAngle = aCutPlanes.GetRotateX()
-aYAngle = aCutPlanes.GetRotateY()
-anOrientation = aCutPlanes.GetOrientationType()
-for i in range(aNbPlanes,1,-1) :
- aCutPlanes.SetNbPlanes(i)
- aX = math.pi/2.0*(aNbPlanes-i)/aNbPlanes
- aY = math.pi/2.0*(aNbPlanes-i)/aNbPlanes
- aCutPlanes.SetOrientation(anOrientation,aX,aY)
- myView.Update();
- time.sleep(aDelay)
-aNbPlanes = 10
-for i in range(1,aNbPlanes) :
- aCutPlanes.SetNbPlanes(i)
- myView.Update();
- time.sleep(aDelay)
-print "myView.SaveViewParams('AAA')"
-print "myView.Update()"
-print "myView.FitAll()"
-myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
-print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
-myView.SetTitle("IsoSurface's viewer")
-print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
-aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(1.0,0.7,0.0)
-aIsoSurfaces = myVisu.IsoSurfacesOnField(myResult, aMeshName, anEntity, myFieldName, aTimeStampId)
-print "myView.DisplayOnly(aCutPlanes)"
-aNbSurfaces = aIsoSurfaces.GetNbSurfaces()
-aNbSurfaces = 32
-for i in range(2,aNbSurfaces) :
- aIsoSurfaces.SetNbSurfaces(i)
- myView.Update();
- time.sleep(aDelay)
-print "myView.Update()"
-print "myView.FitAll()"
-myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
-myView.SetTitle("The viewer for CutLines")
-print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
-print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
-aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.7,0.7,0.7)
-aCutLines = myVisu.CutLinesOnField(myResult, aMeshName, anEntity, myFieldName, aTimeStampId)
-print "myView.DisplayOnly(aCutLines)"
-aSObj = myStudy.FindObjectIOR(aCutLines.GetID())
-aTable = myVisu.CreateTable( aSObj.GetID() )
-print "myVisu.CreateTable(...)"
-aTableView = myViewManager.CreateTableView(aTable)
-aTableView.SetTitle('Changed Title')
-aContainer = myVisu.CreateContainer()
-print "myVisu.CreateContainer(...)"
-aNbCurve = aTable.GetNbRows() - 1
-for i in range(2,aNbCurve):
- aCurve = myVisu.CreateCurve( aTable, 1, i )
- print i, aCurve
- aContainer.AddCurve(aCurve)
-myView = myViewManager.CreateXYPlot();
-myView.SetTitle("The viewer for Curves from CutLines")
-print "myViewManager.CreateXYPlot()"
-myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
-myView.SetTitle("The viewer for Animation")
-print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
-medFile = "TimeStamps.med"
-myFieldName = "vitesse";
-medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
-myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
-anAnim = myVisu.CreateAnimation(myView);
-aSObj = myStudy.FindObjectIOR(myResult.GetID())
-aSObj = aSObj.FindSubObject(1)[1]
-aSObj = aSObj.FindSubObject(2)[1]
-aSObj = aSObj.FindSubObject(2)[1]
-print "Generate presentations"
-print "Generate frames"
-print "Start Animation"
-while 1:
- time.sleep(1+aDelay)
- if not anAnim.isRunning():
- anAnim.stopAnimation()
- break
+++ /dev/null
-# Create a table and show it in Plot2d viewer
-# This script is equivalent to script VISU_SWIG/visu_big_table.py
-import salome
-import math
-import SALOMEDS
-import VISU
-#from visu_gui import *
-# >>> Getting study builder ==================================================
-myStudy = salome.myStudy
-myBuilder = myStudy.NewBuilder()
-# >>> Getting (loading) VISU component =======================================
-myVisu = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "VISU")
-myComponent = myStudy.FindComponent("VISU")
-if not myComponent:
- myComponent = myBuilder.NewComponent("VISU")
- aName = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributeName")
- aName.SetValue( salome.sg.getComponentUserName("VISU") )
- A2 = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributePixMap");
- aPixmap = A2._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributePixMap);
- aPixmap.SetPixMap( "ICON_OBJBROWSER_Visu" );
- myBuilder.DefineComponentInstance(myComponent,myVisu)
-# >>> Creating object with Table of real[ 200 * 20 ] =========================
-myTRealObject = myBuilder.NewObject(myComponent)
-AName = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myTRealObject, "AttributeName")
-AName.SetValue("Table Of Real")
-ARealTable = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myTRealObject, "AttributeTableOfReal")
-myHorNb = 10
-myVerNb = 200
-for j in range(0,myHorNb):
- k[j] = j*10+1
-ARealTable.SetRowTitle(1, "Frequency")
-ARealTable.SetRowUnit(1, "Hz")
-for i in range(1,myVerNb+1):
- for j in range(0,myHorNb):
- if j % 2 == 1:
- k[j] = math.log10(j*30*math.pi/180) * 20 + i * 15 + j*5
- else:
- k[j] = math.sin(j*30*math.pi/180) * 20 + i * 15 + j*5
- ARealTable.AddRow(k.values())
- ARealTable.SetRowTitle(i+1, "Power " + str(i))
- ARealTable.SetRowUnit(i+1, "Wt")
-ARealTable.SetTitle("Very useful data")
-# >>> Create Visu table ======================================================
-myVisuTableReal = myVisu.CreateTable( myTRealObject.GetID() )
-# >>> Create container and insert curves
-myContainer = myVisu.CreateContainer()
-# >>> Create curves ==========================================================
-for i in range(1,myVerNb+1):
- myCurve = myVisu.CreateCurve( myVisuTableReal, 1, i+1 )
- myContainer.AddCurve(myCurve)
-# >>> Updating Object Browser ================================================
-# >>> Display curves in Plot2d viewer ========================================
-myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager();
-myView = myViewManager.CreateXYPlot();
-myView.SetTitle("The viewer for Curves from the Table")
-# ============================================================================
+++ /dev/null
-# Import a table from file and show it in Plot2d viewer
-import salome
-import math
-import SALOMEDS
-import VISU
-#from visu_gui import *
-# >>> Getting study builder ==================================================
-myStudy = salome.myStudy
-myBuilder = myStudy.NewBuilder()
-# >>> Getting (loading) VISU component =======================================
-myVisu = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "VISU")
-myComponent = myStudy.FindComponent("VISU")
-if not myComponent:
- myComponent = myBuilder.NewComponent("VISU")
- aName = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributeName")
- #aName.SetValue("Visu")
- aName.SetValue( salome.sg.getComponentUserName("VISU") )
- A2 = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributePixMap");
- aPixmap = A2._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributePixMap);
- aPixmap.SetPixMap( "ICON_OBJBROWSER_Visu" );
- myBuilder.DefineComponentInstance(myComponent,myVisu)
-# >>> Import a tables from a file ============================================
-aFileName = os.getenv("VISU_ROOT_DIR") + "/examples/tables_test.xls"
-sobj = myVisu.ImportTables(aFileName)
-# >>> Create container and insert curves =====================================
-myContainer = myVisu.CreateContainer()
-chiter = myStudy.NewChildIterator(sobj)
-while chiter.More():
- sobj_table = chiter.Value()
- # >>> Create Visu table ====================================================
- myVisuTableReal = myVisu.CreateTable(sobj_table.GetID())
- nbRows = myVisuTableReal.GetNbRows()
- # >>> Create curves ========================================================
- for i in range(1, nbRows):
- myCurve = myVisu.CreateCurve(myVisuTableReal, 1, i+1)
- myContainer.AddCurve(myCurve)
- chiter.Next()
-# >>> Updating Object Browser ================================================
-# >>> Display curves in Plot2d viewer ========================================
-myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager();
-myView = myViewManager.CreateXYPlot();
-myView.SetTitle("The viewer for Curves from the Table")
-# ============================================================================
+++ /dev/null
-0 1
-1 2
-2 2.5
-#TITLE: Table toto 1
-#COLUMN_TITLES: toto 1 | titi2 | subtitle 2.3
-#COLUMN_UNITS: s kg/m3 m
-# It's a comment ...
-0 4.3 -3 #TITLE: row title 1
-1 5 6 #TITLE: row title 2
-# Another comment
-2 -7 4.5 #TITLE: row title 3
-#TITLE: sinus
-0.0 0.0
-0.01 0.125333233564
-0.02 0.248689887165
-0.03 0.368124552685
-0.04 0.481753674102
-0.05 0.587785252292
-0.06 0.684547105929
-0.07 0.770513242776
-0.08 0.844327925502
-0.09 0.904827052466
-0.1 0.951056516295
-0.11 0.982287250729
-0.12 0.998026728428
-0.13 0.998026728428
-0.14 0.982287250729
-0.15 0.951056516295
-0.16 0.904827052466
-0.17 0.844327925502
-0.18 0.770513242776
-0.19 0.684547105929
-0.2 0.587785252292
-0.21 0.481753674102
-0.22 0.368124552685
-0.23 0.248689887165
-0.24 0.125333233564
-0.25 1.22460635382e-16
-0.26 -0.125333233564
-0.27 -0.248689887165
-0.28 -0.368124552685
-0.29 -0.481753674102
-0.3 -0.587785252292
-0.31 -0.684547105929
-0.32 -0.770513242776
-0.33 -0.844327925502
-0.34 -0.904827052466
-0.35 -0.951056516295
-0.36 -0.982287250729
-0.37 -0.998026728428
-0.38 -0.998026728428
-0.39 -0.982287250729
-0.4 -0.951056516295
-0.41 -0.904827052466
-0.42 -0.844327925502
-0.43 -0.770513242776
-0.44 -0.684547105929
-0.45 -0.587785252292
-0.46 -0.481753674102
-0.47 -0.368124552685
-0.48 -0.248689887165
-0.49 -0.125333233564
-0.5 -2.44921270764e-16
-0.51 0.125333233564
-0.52 0.248689887165
-0.53 0.368124552685
-0.54 0.481753674102
-0.55 0.587785252292
-0.56 0.684547105929
-0.57 0.770513242776
-0.58 0.844327925502
-0.59 0.904827052466
-0.6 0.951056516295
-0.61 0.982287250729
-0.62 0.998026728428
-0.63 0.998026728428
-0.64 0.982287250729
-0.65 0.951056516295
-0.66 0.904827052466
-0.67 0.844327925502
-0.68 0.770513242776
-0.69 0.684547105929
-0.7 0.587785252292
-0.71 0.481753674102
-0.72 0.368124552685
-0.73 0.248689887165
-0.74 0.125333233564
-0.75 3.67381906147e-16
-0.76 -0.125333233564
-0.77 -0.248689887165
-0.78 -0.368124552685
-0.79 -0.481753674102
-0.8 -0.587785252292
-0.81 -0.684547105929
-0.82 -0.770513242776
-0.83 -0.844327925502
-0.84 -0.904827052466
-0.85 -0.951056516295
-0.86 -0.982287250729
-0.87 -0.998026728428
-0.88 -0.998026728428
-0.89 -0.982287250729
-0.9 -0.951056516295
-0.91 -0.904827052466
-0.92 -0.844327925502
-0.93 -0.770513242776
-0.94 -0.684547105929
-0.95 -0.587785252292
-0.96 -0.481753674102
-0.97 -0.368124552685
-0.98 -0.248689887165
-0.99 -0.125333233564
-1.0 -4.89842541529e-16
EXPORT_PYSCRIPTS = libVISU_Swig.py batchmode_visu.py batchmode_visu_table.py batchmode_visu_view3d.py \
visu_med.py visu_view3d.py visu.py visu_gui.py visu_prs_example.py \
visu_table.py visu_big_table.py visu_view.py visu_delete.py \
- visu_swig_test.py test_events.py batch_test_events.py visu_split_views.py
+ visu_swig_test.py test_events.py batch_test_events.py visu_split_views.py \
+ VISU_Example_01.py VISU_Example_02.py VISU_Example_03.py VISU_Example_04.py VISU_Example_05.py VISU_Example_06.py
--- /dev/null
+# T 2.23, 28: Displaying fields (scalar and vectorial) on nodes, change presentation options.
+# Uses MED files ResOK_0000.med and Fields_group3D.med
+# This script is equivalent to non-regression test script 003/A1
+import salome
+import visu_gui
+import SALOMEDS
+import VISU
+import os
+datadir = os.getenv("DATA_DIR") + "/MedFiles/"
+#%====================Stage1: Creating a new study====================%
+print "**** Stage1: Creating a new study"
+print "Creating a new study..................",
+myVisu = visu_gui.myVisu
+myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager()
+if myViewManager is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+#%====================Stage2: Importing MED file====================%
+print "**** Stage2: Importing MED file"
+print 'Import "ResOK_0000.med"...............',
+medFile = datadir + "ResOK_0000.med"
+myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
+if myResult is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print 'Creating new View3D...................',
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView()
+if myView is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+myMeshName = 'dom'
+myCellEntity = VISU.CELL
+myNodeEntity = VISU.NODE
+#%====================Stage3: Displaying vector field====================%
+print "**** Stage3: Displaying vector field"
+print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
+scalarmap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,'vitesse',1);
+if scalarmap is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+scalarmap.SetSize(0.15, 0.8)
+print "Creating Stream Lines.....",
+streamlines = myVisu.StreamLinesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,'vitesse',1);
+if streamlines is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Creating Vectors..........",
+vectors = myVisu.VectorsOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,'vitesse',1);
+if vectors is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Creating Iso Surfaces.....",
+isosurfaces = myVisu.IsoSurfacesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,'vitesse',1);
+if isosurfaces is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Creating Cut Planes.......",
+cutplanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,'vitesse',1);
+if cutplanes is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+cutplanes.SetOrientation(VISU.CutPlanes.YZ, 0, 0)
+#%====================Stage4: Opening a new study and Med file import====================%
+print "**** Stage4: Opening a new study and Med file import"
+print "Creating a new study..................",
+newStudy = salome.myStudyManager.NewStudy('newStudy')
+myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager()
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView()
+if myView is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print 'Importing "Fields_group3D.med"........',
+medFile = datadir + "Fields_group3D.med"
+myResult1 = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
+if myResult1 is None : print "Error"
+myView1 = myViewManager.Create3DView()
+if myView1 is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+#%====================Stage5: Displaying scalar field====================%
+print "**** Stage5: Displaying scalar field"
+myMeshName1 = 'mailles_MED'
+print "Creating Scalar Map.......",
+scalarmap1 = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult1,myMeshName1,myCellEntity,'scalar field',1);
+if scalarmap1 is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Creating Iso Surfaces.....",
+isosurfaces1 = myVisu.IsoSurfacesOnField(myResult1,myMeshName1,myCellEntity,'scalar field',1);
+if isosurfaces1 is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Creating Cut Planes.......",
+cutplanes1 = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult1,myMeshName1,myCellEntity,'scalar field',1);
+if cutplanes1 is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+cutplanes1.SetOrientation(VISU.CutPlanes.YZ, 0, 0)
+#%====================Stage6: Object browser popup====================%
+print "**** Stage6: Object browser popup"
+print "Creating mesh.............",
+mesh = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult1,myMeshName1,myCellEntity);
+if mesh is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Changing type of presentation of mesh:"
+PrsType = mesh.GetPresentationType()
+print "Presentation type..", PrsType
+PrsType = mesh.GetPresentationType()
+print "Presentation type.....", PrsType
+PrsType = mesh.GetPresentationType()
+print "Presentation type......", PrsType
+PrsType = mesh.GetPresentationType()
+print "Presentation type.....", PrsType
+print "Changing color of mesh....",
+aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0,0,1)
+print "OK"
+print "Renaming ScalarMap........",
+SObj = newStudy.FindObjectIOR(scalarmap1.GetID())
+newName = 'Renamed Object'
+SObj.Name = newName
+print "OK"
+print "Deleting Cut Planes.......",
+SObj = newStudy.FindObjectIOR(cutplanes1.GetID())
+myBuilder = newStudy.NewBuilder()
+print "OK"
+print "Changing first IsoSurfaces",
+print "OK"
+print "Hide IsoSurfaces..........",
+print "OK"
--- /dev/null
+# T 2.24: Save/retrieve view parameters.
+# Uses MED file fra.med from ${DATA_DIR}/MedFiles directory.
+# This script is equivalent to non-regression test script 003/A3
+import salome
+import visu_gui
+import SALOMEDS
+import VISU
+import os
+medFile = os.getenv("DATA_DIR") + "/MedFiles/fra.med"
+#%====================Stage1: Creating a new study====================%
+print "**** Stage1: Creating a new study "
+print "Creating a new study..................",
+myVisu = visu_gui.myVisu
+myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager()
+if myViewManager is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+#%====================Stage2: Saving view parameters before import====================%
+print "**** Stage2: Saving view parameters before import "
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView()
+print "Zooming trihedron.....................",
+aScale = myView.GetParallelScale()
+print "OK"
+print "Rotating trihedron....................",
+aPoint = (100,100,100)
+print "OK"
+print "Saving view parameters................",
+aViewParamsName1 = 'ViewParams:1'
+aSaveRes = myView.SaveViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
+if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+#%====================Stage3: Import MED file====================%
+print "**** Stage3: Import MED file"
+print 'Importing "fra.med"...................',
+myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
+if myResult is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Creating mesh.........................",
+myMeshName = 'LE VOLUME'
+myCellEntity = VISU.CELL
+mesh = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult,myMeshName,myCellEntity);
+if mesh is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+#%====================Stage4: Saving view parameters after import====================%
+print "**** Stage4: Saving view parameters after import"
+print "Creating Scalar Map...................",
+myFieldName = 'TAUX_DE_VIDE'
+myNodeEntity = VISU.NODE
+scalarmap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,myFieldName,1);
+if scalarmap is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Zooming 3D view.......................",
+aScale = myView.GetParallelScale()
+print "OK"
+print "Setting view point(LEFT)..............",
+print "OK"
+print "Saving view parameters................",
+aViewParamsName2 = 'ViewParams:2'
+aSaveRes = myView.SaveViewParams(aViewParamsName2)
+if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Creating Cut Planes...................",
+cutplanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult,myMeshName,myNodeEntity,myFieldName,1);
+if cutplanes is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Setting scaling.......................",
+#Define parameters of scaling:
+myXParam = 5
+myYParam = 5
+myZParam = 1
+myXAxis = VISU.View3D.XAxis
+myYAxis = VISU.View3D.YAxis
+myZAxis = VISU.View3D.ZAxis
+print "OK"
+print "Rotating 3d view......................",
+aPoint = (100,40,0)
+print "OK"
+print "Fit All...............................",
+print "OK"
+print "Saving view parameters................",
+aViewParamsName3 = 'ViewParams:3'
+aSaveRes = myView.SaveViewParams(aViewParamsName3)
+if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+#%====================Stage5: Restoring view parameters====================%
+print "**** Stage5: Restoring view parameters"
+print "Restoring first view parameters.......",
+aRestoreRes = myView.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
+if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Restoring second view parameters......",
+aRestoreRes = myView.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName2)
+if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Displaing only Scalar Map.............",
+print "OK"
+print "Displaing only Cut Planes.............",
+print "OK"
+print "Restoring third view parameters.......",
+aRestoreRes = myView.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName3)
+if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Displaing only Mesh...................",
+print "OK"
+print "Displaing only Scalar Map.............",
+print "OK"
+print "Displaing only Cut Planes.............",
+print "OK"
+#%====================Stage6: Changing of view parameters====================%
+print "**** Stage6: Changing of view parameters"
+print "Remove scaling........................",
+print "OK"
+print "Fit All...............................",
+print "OK"
+print "Rotating 3d view......................",
+aPoint = (0,60,150)
+print "OK"
+print "Resaving first view parameters........",
+aSaveRes = myView.SaveViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
+if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Restoring third view parameters.......",
+aRestoreRes = myView.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName3)
+if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Restoring first view parameters.......",
+aRestoreRes = myView.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
+if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Displaying only Mesh..................",
+print "OK"
+print "Displaying only Scalar Map............",
+print "OK"
+#%====================Stage7: Saving of created view parameters====================%
+print "**** Stage7: Saving of created view parameters"
+print "Saving study..........................",
+str = os.getenv("TmpDir")
+if str == None:
+ str = "/tmp"
+file = str+'/VISU_005.hdf'
+salome.myStudyManager.SaveAs(file, salome.myStudy, 0)
+study_id = salome.myStudy._get_StudyId()
+print "OK"
+print "Opening just saved study..............",
+openedStudy = salome.myStudyManager.Open(file)
+myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager()
+myView1 = myViewManager.Create3DView()
+if myView1 is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Restoring first view parameters.......",
+aRestoreRes = myView1.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
+if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+Builder = openedStudy.NewBuilder()
+SCom = openedStudy.FindComponent("VISU")
+Builder.LoadWith(SCom ,myVisu)
+print "Displaying Scalar Map.................",
+SObj = openedStudy.FindObject('ScalarMap')
+scalarmap1 = visu_gui.visu.SObjectToObject(SObj)
+if scalarmap1 is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Displaying Cut Planes.................",
+SObj = openedStudy.FindObject('CutPlanes')
+cutplanes1 = visu_gui.visu.SObjectToObject(SObj)
+if cutplanes1 is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Restoring second view parameters......",
+aRestoreRes = myView1.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName2)
+if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Displaying Scalar Map.................",
+print "OK"
+print "Restoring third view parameters.......",
+aRestoreRes = myView1.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName3)
+if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Displaying Cut Planes.................",
+print "OK"
+#%====================Stage8: Changing of saved session====================%
+print "**** Stage8: Changing of saved session"
+print "Deleting ViewParams:3,1,2.............",
+SObj = openedStudy.FindObject(aViewParamsName3)
+SObj = openedStudy.FindObject(aViewParamsName1)
+SObj = openedStudy.FindObject(aViewParamsName2)
+print "OK"
+SObjList2 = openedStudy.FindObjectByName(aViewParamsName1, "VISU")
+print "FindObjectByName(aViewParamsName1, VISU) returned ", len(SObjList2), " objects"
+print "Zooming trihedron.....................",
+aScale = myView.GetParallelScale()
+print "OK"
+print "Rotating trihedron....................",
+aPoint = (200,40,-40)
+print "OK"
+print "Saving view parameters................",
+aSaveRes = myView1.SaveViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
+if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Renaming ViewParams:1.................",
+SObj = openedStudy.FindObject(aViewParamsName1)
+SObj.Name = "New_view"
+print "OK"
+print "Setting scaling.......................",
+#Define parameters of scaling:
+myXParam = 4
+myYParam = 4
+myZParam = 8
+myXAxis = VISU.View3D.XAxis
+myYAxis = VISU.View3D.YAxis
+myZAxis = VISU.View3D.ZAxis
+print "OK"
+print "Saving view parameters................",
+aSaveRes = myView1.SaveViewParams(aViewParamsName2)
+if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Restoring first view parameters.......",
+aRestoreRes = myView1.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName1)
+if aSaveRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Restoring second view parameters......",
+aRestoreRes = myView1.RestoreViewParams(aViewParamsName2)
+if aRestoreRes != 1 : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
--- /dev/null
+# Animation of "vitesse" field, stored in file TimeStamps.med
+# This script is equivalent to non-regression test script 003/A5
+import salome
+import visu_gui
+import SALOMEDS
+import VISU
+import os
+import time
+medFile = os.getenv("DATA_DIR") + "/MedFiles/TimeStamps.med"
+print 'Importing "TimeStamps.med"................',
+myVisu = visu_gui.myVisu
+myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
+if myResult is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Creating Cut Lines........................",
+medMesh = 'dom'
+medField = "vitesse"
+aCutLines = myVisu.CutLinesOnField(myResult,'dom',VISU.NODE,medField,1.0)
+aCutLines.SetOrientation(VISU.CutPlanes.XY, 0, 0)
+aCutLines.SetOrientation2(VISU.CutPlanes.ZX, 0, 0)
+if aCutLines is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Creating a Viewer.........................",
+myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager();
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+if myView is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+aCutLinesSObj = salome.myStudy.FindObjectIOR(aCutLines.GetID())
+aFather = aCutLinesSObj.GetFather().GetFather();
+print "Creating an Animation.....................",
+myAnim = myVisu.CreateAnimation(myView);
+if myAnim is None : print "Error"
+else : print "OK"
+print "Animation.................................",
+while 1:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if not myAnim.isRunning():
+ myAnim.stopAnimation()
+ break
+print "OK"
--- /dev/null
+# Show some results presentations in different 3D and 2D viewers
+# with different options (view parameters and display modes).
+# Uses MED files fra.med and TimeStamps.med from ${DATA_DIR}/MedFiles directory.
+# Pay attention to a viewer title to know its purpose.
+# This script is equivalent to script VISU_SWIG/visu_view3d.py
+import os
+import time
+import math
+import VISU
+import SALOMEDS
+from visu_gui import *
+aDelay = 1
+myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager();
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+myView.SetTitle("The window will be soon destroyed!")
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+print "myView.Maximize()"
+print "myView.Restore()"
+print "myView.Minimize()"
+print "myViewManager.Destroy(myView)"
+medFile = "fra.med"
+myFieldName = "VITESSE";
+aMeshName ="LE VOLUME"
+anEntity = VISU.NODE
+aTimeStampId = 1
+medFile = os.getenv('DATA_DIR') + '/MedFIles/' + medFile
+myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
+aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.0,0.3,1.0)
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer will display ScalarMap")
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+aScalarMap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult,aMeshName,anEntity,myFieldName,aTimeStampId)
+print "myView.Display(aScalarMap)"
+print "myView.SetFocalPoint(...)"
+print "myView.SetParallelScale(...)"
+aMax = aScalarMap.GetMax()
+aMin = aScalarMap.GetMin()
+aDelta = (aMax - aMin)/2.0
+aNbColors = aScalarMap.GetNbColors()
+aNbColors = 64
+for i in range(2,aNbColors) :
+ aScalarMap.SetNbColors(i)
+ aX = aMin + aDelta*i/aNbColors
+ aY = aMax - aDelta*i/aNbColors
+ aScalarMap.SetRange(aX,aY)
+ myView.Update();
+ time.sleep(aDelay)
+print "myView.Update()"
+print "myView.FitAll()"
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+myView.SetTitle("Here we will display CutPlanes")
+print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
+aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.0,0.7,0.0)
+aCutPlanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult,aMeshName,anEntity,myFieldName,aTimeStampId)
+print "myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(...)"
+print "myView.DisplayOnly(aCutPlanes)"
+aPoint = myView.GetPointOfView();
+aPoint[0] = aPoint[0] + 10;
+print "myView.SetPointOfView(...)"
+print "myView.ScaleView(...)"
+aNbPlanes = aCutPlanes.GetNbPlanes()
+aNbPlanes = 30
+aXAngle = aCutPlanes.GetRotateX()
+aYAngle = aCutPlanes.GetRotateY()
+anOrientation = aCutPlanes.GetOrientationType()
+for i in range(aNbPlanes,1,-1) :
+ aCutPlanes.SetNbPlanes(i)
+ aX = math.pi/2.0*(aNbPlanes-i)/aNbPlanes
+ aY = math.pi/2.0*(aNbPlanes-i)/aNbPlanes
+ aCutPlanes.SetOrientation(anOrientation,aX,aY)
+ myView.Update();
+ time.sleep(aDelay)
+aNbPlanes = 10
+for i in range(1,aNbPlanes) :
+ aCutPlanes.SetNbPlanes(i)
+ myView.Update();
+ time.sleep(aDelay)
+print "myView.SaveViewParams('AAA')"
+print "myView.Update()"
+print "myView.FitAll()"
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+myView.SetTitle("IsoSurface's viewer")
+print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
+aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(1.0,0.7,0.0)
+aIsoSurfaces = myVisu.IsoSurfacesOnField(myResult, aMeshName, anEntity, myFieldName, aTimeStampId)
+print "myView.DisplayOnly(aCutPlanes)"
+aNbSurfaces = aIsoSurfaces.GetNbSurfaces()
+aNbSurfaces = 32
+for i in range(2,aNbSurfaces) :
+ aIsoSurfaces.SetNbSurfaces(i)
+ myView.Update();
+ time.sleep(aDelay)
+print "myView.Update()"
+print "myView.FitAll()"
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer for CutLines")
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
+aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.7,0.7,0.7)
+aCutLines = myVisu.CutLinesOnField(myResult, aMeshName, anEntity, myFieldName, aTimeStampId)
+print "myView.DisplayOnly(aCutLines)"
+aSObj = myStudy.FindObjectIOR(aCutLines.GetID())
+aTable = myVisu.CreateTable( aSObj.GetID() )
+print "myVisu.CreateTable(...)"
+aTableView = myViewManager.CreateTableView(aTable)
+aTableView.SetTitle('Changed Title')
+aContainer = myVisu.CreateContainer()
+print "myVisu.CreateContainer(...)"
+aNbCurve = aTable.GetNbRows() - 1
+for i in range(2,aNbCurve):
+ aCurve = myVisu.CreateCurve( aTable, 1, i )
+ print i, aCurve
+ aContainer.AddCurve(aCurve)
+myView = myViewManager.CreateXYPlot();
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer for Curves from CutLines")
+print "myViewManager.CreateXYPlot()"
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer for Animation")
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+medFile = "TimeStamps.med"
+myFieldName = "vitesse";
+medFile = os.getenv('DATA_DIR') + '/MedFiles/' + medFile
+myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
+anAnim = myVisu.CreateAnimation(myView);
+aSObj = myStudy.FindObjectIOR(myResult.GetID())
+aSObj = aSObj.FindSubObject(1)[1]
+aSObj = aSObj.FindSubObject(2)[1]
+aSObj = aSObj.FindSubObject(2)[1]
+print "Generate presentations"
+print "Generate frames"
+print "Start Animation"
+while 1:
+ time.sleep(1+aDelay)
+ if not anAnim.isRunning():
+ anAnim.stopAnimation()
+ break
--- /dev/null
+# Create a table and show it in Plot2d viewer
+# This script is equivalent to script VISU_SWIG/visu_big_table.py
+import salome
+import math
+import SALOMEDS
+import VISU
+#from visu_gui import *
+# >>> Getting study builder ==================================================
+myStudy = salome.myStudy
+myBuilder = myStudy.NewBuilder()
+# >>> Getting (loading) VISU component =======================================
+myVisu = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "VISU")
+myComponent = myStudy.FindComponent("VISU")
+if not myComponent:
+ myComponent = myBuilder.NewComponent("VISU")
+ aName = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributeName")
+ aName.SetValue( salome.sg.getComponentUserName("VISU") )
+ A2 = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributePixMap");
+ aPixmap = A2._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributePixMap);
+ aPixmap.SetPixMap( "ICON_OBJBROWSER_Visu" );
+ myBuilder.DefineComponentInstance(myComponent,myVisu)
+# >>> Creating object with Table of real[ 200 * 20 ] =========================
+myTRealObject = myBuilder.NewObject(myComponent)
+AName = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myTRealObject, "AttributeName")
+AName.SetValue("Table Of Real")
+ARealTable = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myTRealObject, "AttributeTableOfReal")
+myHorNb = 10
+myVerNb = 200
+for j in range(0,myHorNb):
+ k[j] = j*10+1
+ARealTable.SetRowTitle(1, "Frequency")
+ARealTable.SetRowUnit(1, "Hz")
+for i in range(1,myVerNb+1):
+ for j in range(0,myHorNb):
+ if j % 2 == 1:
+ k[j] = math.log10(j*30*math.pi/180) * 20 + i * 15 + j*5
+ else:
+ k[j] = math.sin(j*30*math.pi/180) * 20 + i * 15 + j*5
+ ARealTable.AddRow(k.values())
+ ARealTable.SetRowTitle(i+1, "Power " + str(i))
+ ARealTable.SetRowUnit(i+1, "Wt")
+ARealTable.SetTitle("Very useful data")
+# >>> Create Visu table ======================================================
+myVisuTableReal = myVisu.CreateTable( myTRealObject.GetID() )
+# >>> Create container and insert curves
+myContainer = myVisu.CreateContainer()
+# >>> Create curves ==========================================================
+for i in range(1,myVerNb+1):
+ myCurve = myVisu.CreateCurve( myVisuTableReal, 1, i+1 )
+ myContainer.AddCurve(myCurve)
+# >>> Updating Object Browser ================================================
+# >>> Display curves in Plot2d viewer ========================================
+myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager();
+myView = myViewManager.CreateXYPlot();
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer for Curves from the Table")
+# ============================================================================
--- /dev/null
+# Import a table from file and show it in Plot2d viewer
+import salome
+import math
+import SALOMEDS
+import VISU
+#from visu_gui import *
+# >>> Getting study builder ==================================================
+myStudy = salome.myStudy
+myBuilder = myStudy.NewBuilder()
+# >>> Getting (loading) VISU component =======================================
+myVisu = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "VISU")
+myComponent = myStudy.FindComponent("VISU")
+if not myComponent:
+ myComponent = myBuilder.NewComponent("VISU")
+ aName = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributeName")
+ #aName.SetValue("Visu")
+ aName.SetValue( salome.sg.getComponentUserName("VISU") )
+ A2 = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributePixMap");
+ aPixmap = A2._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributePixMap);
+ aPixmap.SetPixMap( "ICON_OBJBROWSER_Visu" );
+ myBuilder.DefineComponentInstance(myComponent,myVisu)
+# >>> Import a tables from a file ============================================
+aFileName = os.getenv("DATA_DIR") + "/Tables/tables_test.xls"
+sobj = myVisu.ImportTables(aFileName)
+# >>> Create container and insert curves =====================================
+myContainer = myVisu.CreateContainer()
+chiter = myStudy.NewChildIterator(sobj)
+while chiter.More():
+ sobj_table = chiter.Value()
+ # >>> Create Visu table ====================================================
+ myVisuTableReal = myVisu.CreateTable(sobj_table.GetID())
+ nbRows = myVisuTableReal.GetNbRows()
+ # >>> Create curves ========================================================
+ for i in range(1, nbRows):
+ myCurve = myVisu.CreateCurve(myVisuTableReal, 1, i+1)
+ myContainer.AddCurve(myCurve)
+ chiter.Next()
+# >>> Updating Object Browser ================================================
+# >>> Display curves in Plot2d viewer ========================================
+myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager();
+myView = myViewManager.CreateXYPlot();
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer for Curves from the Table")
+# ============================================================================
anEntity = VISU.NODE
aTimeStampId = 1
-medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
+medFile = os.getenv('DATA_DIR') + '/MedFiles/' + medFile
myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
medFile = "TimeStamps.med"
myFieldName = "vitesse";
-medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
+medFile = os.getenv('DATA_DIR') + '/MedFiles/' + medFile
myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
anAnim = myVisu.CreateAnimation(myView);
anEntity = VISU.NODE
aTimeStampId = 1
-medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
+medFile = os.getenv('DATA_DIR') + '/MedFiles/' + medFile
myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
aScalarMap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult,aMeshName,anEntity,myFieldName,aTimeStampId)
med_comp = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "MED")
-medDir = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/'
+medDir = os.getenv('DATA_DIR') + '/MedFiles/'
def importMedFrom(medDir,medFile):
medFile = medDir + medFile
myVisu = visu_gui.myVisu
medFile = "pointe.med"
-medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
+medFile = os.getenv('DATA_DIR') + '/MedFiles/' + medFile
print medFile
studyCurrent = salome.myStudyName
from libVISU_Swig import *
-medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/fra.med'
+medFile = os.getenv('DATA_DIR') + '/MedFiles/fra.med'
myPrs=ScalarMap(myCon,"LE VOLUME",0,"VITESSE",1)
anEntity = VISU.NODE
aTimeStampId = 1
-medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
+medFile = os.getenv('DATA_DIR') + '/MedFiles/' + medFile
myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
medFile = "TimeStamps.med"
myFieldName = "vitesse";
-medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
+medFile = os.getenv('DATA_DIR') + '/MedFiles/' + medFile
myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
anAnim = myVisu.CreateAnimation(myView);