boolean Reorient(in long_array IDsOfElements);
boolean ReorientObject(in SMESH_IDSource theObject);
+ /*!
+ * \brief Reorient faces contained in \a the2Dgroup.
+ * \param the2Dgroup - the mesh or its part to reorient
+ * \param theDirection - desired direction of normal of \a theFace
+ * \param theFace - ID of face whose orientation is checked.
+ * It can be < 1 then \a thePoint is used to find a face.
+ * \param thePoint - is used to find a face if \a theFace < 1.
+ * \return number of reoriented elements.
+ */
+ long Reorient2D(in SMESH_IDSource the2Dgroup,
+ in DirStruct theDirection,
+ in long theFace,
+ in PointStruct thePoint) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
* \brief Fuse neighbour triangles into quadrangles.