cpp_impl_a["long&"]="\tlong _%s;\n"
cpp_impl_a["short&"]="\tshort _%s;\n"
cpp_impl_a["unsigned&"]="\tunsigned _%s;\n"
- cpp_impl_a["std::string&"]="std::string _%s;\n"
+ cpp_impl_a["std::string&"]="\tstd::string _%s;\n"
cpp_impl_a["const MEDMEM::MESH&"]="\tMEDMEM::MESHClient* _%s = new MEDMEM::MESHClient(%s);\n" # MESHClient cannot be created on the stack (private constructor), so we create it on the heap and dereference it later (in treatment 4)
cpp_impl_a["const MEDMEM::MESH*"]="\tMEDMEM::MESHClient* _%s = new MEDMEM::MESHClient(%s);\n"
cpp_impl_a["const MEDMEM::SUPPORT&"]="\tMEDMEM::SUPPORTClient* _%s = new MEDMEM::SUPPORTClient(%s);\n" # SUPPORTClient cannot be created on the stack (protected destructor), so we create it on the heap and dereference it later (in treatment 4)