//C++ Includes
+#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
#include <Calcium.hxx>
#include <calcium.h>
#include <Superv_Component_i.hxx>
// init section
+#ifdef WITH_NUMPY
+ import_array()
PyObject* omnipy = PyImport_ImportModule((char*)"_omnipy");
if (!omnipy)
%include "carrays.i"
-%include "cpointer.i"
-/* Wrap a class interface around an "int *" */
-%pointer_class(int, intp);
-/* Wrap a class interface around an "float *" */
-%pointer_class(float, floatp);
-/* Wrap a class interface around an "double *" */
-%pointer_class(double, doublep);
%array_class(int, intArray);
%array_class(float, floatArray);
%array_class(double, doubleArray);
-%typemap(python,in) CORBA::Boolean
+#ifdef WITH_NUMPY
+ * Most of this code is borrowed from numpy distribution
+ * The following code originally appeared in enthought/kiva/agg/src/numeric.i,
+ * author unknown. It was translated from C++ to C by John Hunter. Bill
+ * Spotz has modified it slightly to fix some minor bugs, add some comments
+ * and some functionality.
+ */
+#include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
+/* Macros to extract array attributes.
+ */
+#define is_array(a) ((a) && PyArray_Check((PyArrayObject *)a))
+#define array_type(a) (int)(PyArray_TYPE(a))
+#define array_dimensions(a) (((PyArrayObject *)a)->nd)
+#define array_size(a,i) (((PyArrayObject *)a)->dimensions[i])
+#define array_is_contiguous(a) (PyArray_ISCONTIGUOUS(a))
+/* Given a PyObject, return a string describing its type.
+ */
+char* pytype_string(PyObject* py_obj) {
+ if (py_obj == NULL ) return "C NULL value";
+ if (PyCallable_Check(py_obj)) return "callable" ;
+ if (PyString_Check( py_obj)) return "string" ;
+ if (PyInt_Check( py_obj)) return "int" ;
+ if (PyFloat_Check( py_obj)) return "float" ;
+ if (PyDict_Check( py_obj)) return "dict" ;
+ if (PyList_Check( py_obj)) return "list" ;
+ if (PyTuple_Check( py_obj)) return "tuple" ;
+ if (PyFile_Check( py_obj)) return "file" ;
+ if (PyModule_Check( py_obj)) return "module" ;
+ if (PyInstance_Check(py_obj)) return "instance" ;
+ return "unkown type";
+/* Given a Numeric typecode, return a string describing the type.
+ */
+char* typecode_string(int typecode) {
+ char* type_names[20] = {"char","unsigned byte","byte","short",
+ "unsigned short","int","unsigned int","long",
+ "float","double","complex float","complex double",
+ "object","ntype","unkown"};
+ return type_names[typecode];
+/* Make sure input has correct numeric type. Allow character and byte
+ * to match. Also allow int and long to match.
+ */
+int type_match(int actual_type, int desired_type) {
+ return PyArray_EquivTypenums(actual_type, desired_type);
+/* Given a PyObject pointer, cast it to a PyArrayObject pointer if
+ * legal. If not, set the python error string appropriately and
+ * return NULL./
+ */
+PyArrayObject* obj_to_array_no_conversion(PyObject* input, int typecode) {
+ PyArrayObject* ary = NULL;
+ if (is_array(input) && (typecode == PyArray_NOTYPE ||
+ PyArray_EquivTypenums(array_type(input),
+ typecode))) {
+ ary = (PyArrayObject*) input;
+ }
+ else if is_array(input) {
+ char* desired_type = typecode_string(typecode);
+ char* actual_type = typecode_string(array_type(input));
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "Array of type '%s' required. Array of type '%s' given",
+ desired_type, actual_type);
+ ary = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ char * desired_type = typecode_string(typecode);
+ char * actual_type = pytype_string(input);
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "Array of type '%s' required. A %s was given",
+ desired_type, actual_type);
+ ary = NULL;
+ }
+ return ary;
+/* Convert the given PyObject to a Numeric array with the given
+ * typecode. On Success, return a valid PyArrayObject* with the
+ * correct type. On failure, the python error string will be set and
+ * the routine returns NULL.
+ */
+PyArrayObject* obj_to_array_allow_conversion(PyObject* input, int typecode,
+ int* is_new_object)
+ PyArrayObject* ary = NULL;
+ PyObject* py_obj;
+ if (is_array(input) && (typecode == PyArray_NOTYPE || type_match(array_type(input),typecode))) {
+ ary = (PyArrayObject*) input;
+ *is_new_object = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ py_obj = PyArray_FromObject(input, typecode, 0, 0);
+ /* If NULL, PyArray_FromObject will have set python error value.*/
+ ary = (PyArrayObject*) py_obj;
+ *is_new_object = 1;
+ }
+ return ary;
+/* Given a PyArrayObject, check to see if it is contiguous. If so,
+ * return the input pointer and flag it as not a new object. If it is
+ * not contiguous, create a new PyArrayObject using the original data,
+ * flag it as a new object and return the pointer.
+ */
+PyArrayObject* make_contiguous(PyArrayObject* ary, int* is_new_object,
+ int min_dims, int max_dims)
+ PyArrayObject* result;
+ if (array_is_contiguous(ary)) {
+ result = ary;
+ *is_new_object = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject((PyObject*)ary,
+ array_type(ary),
+ min_dims,
+ max_dims);
+ *is_new_object = 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+/* Convert a given PyObject to a contiguous PyArrayObject of the
+ * specified type. If the input object is not a contiguous
+ * PyArrayObject, a new one will be created and the new object flag
+ * will be set.
+ */
+PyArrayObject* obj_to_array_contiguous_allow_conversion(PyObject* input,
+ int typecode,
+ int* is_new_object) {
+ int is_new1 = 0;
+ int is_new2 = 0;
+ PyArrayObject* ary2;
+ PyArrayObject* ary1 = obj_to_array_allow_conversion(input, typecode,
+ &is_new1);
+ if (ary1) {
+ ary2 = make_contiguous(ary1, &is_new2, 0, 0);
+ if ( is_new1 && is_new2) {
+ Py_DECREF(ary1);
+ }
+ ary1 = ary2;
+ }
+ *is_new_object = is_new1 || is_new2;
+ return ary1;
+/* Test whether a python object is contiguous. If array is
+ * contiguous, return 1. Otherwise, set the python error string and
+ * return 0.
+ */
+int require_contiguous(PyArrayObject* ary) {
+ int contiguous = 1;
+ if (!array_is_contiguous(ary)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Array must be contiguous. A discontiguous array was given");
+ contiguous = 0;
+ }
+ return contiguous;
+/* Require the given PyArrayObject to have a specified number of
+ * dimensions. If the array has the specified number of dimensions,
+ * return 1. Otherwise, set the python error string and return 0.
+ */
+int require_dimensions(PyArrayObject* ary, int exact_dimensions) {
+ int success = 1;
+ if (array_dimensions(ary) != exact_dimensions) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "Array must have %d dimensions. Given array has %d dimensions",
+ exact_dimensions, array_dimensions(ary));
+ success = 0;
+ }
+ return success;
+/* Require the given PyArrayObject to have one of a list of specified
+ * number of dimensions. If the array has one of the specified number
+ * of dimensions, return 1. Otherwise, set the python error string
+ * and return 0.
+ */
+int require_dimensions_n(PyArrayObject* ary, int* exact_dimensions, int n) {
+ int success = 0;
+ int i;
+ char dims_str[255] = "";
+ char s[255];
+ for (i = 0; i < n && !success; i++) {
+ if (array_dimensions(ary) == exact_dimensions[i]) {
+ success = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!success) {
+ for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
+ sprintf(s, "%d, ", exact_dimensions[i]);
+ strcat(dims_str,s);
+ }
+ sprintf(s, " or %d", exact_dimensions[n-1]);
+ strcat(dims_str,s);
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "Array must have %s dimensions. Given array has %d dimensions",
+ dims_str, array_dimensions(ary));
+ }
+ return success;
+/* Require the given PyArrayObject to have a specified shape. If the
+ * array has the specified shape, return 1. Otherwise, set the python
+ * error string and return 0.
+ */
+int require_size(PyArrayObject* ary, int* size, int n) {
+ int i;
+ int success = 1;
+ int len;
+ char desired_dims[255] = "[";
+ char s[255];
+ char actual_dims[255] = "[";
+ for(i=0; i < n;i++) {
+ if (size[i] != -1 && size[i] != array_size(ary,i)) {
+ success = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!success) {
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if (size[i] == -1) {
+ sprintf(s, "*,");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf(s, "%d,", size[i]);
+ }
+ strcat(desired_dims,s);
+ }
+ len = strlen(desired_dims);
+ desired_dims[len-1] = ']';
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ sprintf(s, "%d,", array_size(ary,i));
+ strcat(actual_dims,s);
+ }
+ len = strlen(actual_dims);
+ actual_dims[len-1] = ']';
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "Array must have shape of %s. Given array has shape of %s",
+ desired_dims, actual_dims);
+ }
+ return success;
+/* input typemap */
+%define TYPEMAP_IN3(type,typecode)
+%typemap(in) type* IN_ARRAY3
+ (PyArrayObject* array=NULL, int is_new_object) {
+ int size[1] = {-1};
+ if ((SWIG_ConvertPtr($input, (void **) &$1, $1_descriptor,0)) == -1)
+ {
+ array = obj_to_array_contiguous_allow_conversion($input, typecode, &is_new_object);
+ if (!array || !require_dimensions(array,1) || !require_size(array,size,1)) SWIG_fail;
+ $1 = (type*) array->data;
+ }
+%typemap(freearg) type* IN_ARRAY3 {
+ if (is_new_object$argnum && array$argnum) Py_DECREF(array$argnum);
+TYPEMAP_IN3(int, PyArray_INT)
+TYPEMAP_IN3(float, PyArray_FLOAT )
+TYPEMAP_IN3(double, PyArray_DOUBLE)
+#undef TYPEMAP_IN3
+%apply int* IN_ARRAY3 {int *val};
+%apply float* IN_ARRAY3 {float *val};
+%apply double* IN_ARRAY3 {double *val};
+/* inplace typemaps */
+%define TYPEMAP_INPLACE3(type,typecode)
+%typemap(in) type* INPLACE_ARRAY3 (PyArrayObject* temp=NULL) {
+ if ((SWIG_ConvertPtr($input, (void **) &$1, $1_descriptor,0)) == -1)
+ {
+ temp = obj_to_array_no_conversion($input,typecode);
+ if (!temp || !require_contiguous(temp)) SWIG_fail;
+ $1 = (type*) temp->data;
+ }
+%apply int* INPLACE_ARRAY3 {int *lval};
+%apply float* INPLACE_ARRAY3 {float *lval};
+%apply double* INPLACE_ARRAY3 {double *lval};
+%typemap(in) CORBA::Boolean
-%typemap(python,in) CORBA::ORB_ptr
+%typemap(in) CORBA::ORB_ptr
try {
CORBA::Object_ptr obj = api->pyObjRefToCxxObjRef($input,1);
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "not a valid CORBA object ptr");
-%typemap(python,in) PortableServer::POA_ptr
+%typemap(in) PortableServer::POA_ptr
try {
CORBA::Object_ptr obj = api->pyObjRefToCxxObjRef($input,1);
-%typemap(python,in) Engines::Container_ptr
+%typemap(in) Engines::Container_ptr
try {
CORBA::Object_ptr obj = api->pyObjRefToCxxObjRef($input,1);
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "not a valid CORBA object ptr");
-%typemap(python,in) Ports::Port_ptr
+%typemap(in) Ports::Port_ptr
try {
CORBA::Object_ptr obj = api->pyObjRefToCxxObjRef($input,1);
-%typemap(python,out) Ports::Port_ptr , Ports::PortProperties_ptr
+%typemap(out) Ports::Port_ptr , Ports::PortProperties_ptr
$result = api->cxxObjRefToPyObjRef($1, 1);
+%apply int *OUTPUT { int *nval };
+%apply float *INOUT { float *ti };
+%apply float *INPUT { float *tf };
+%apply int *INOUT { int *niter };
+%apply double *INOUT { double *ti };
+%apply double *INPUT { double *tf };
extern "C" void create_calcium_port(Superv_Component_i* compo,char* name,char* type,char *mode,char* depend);
#define CP_TEMPS 40
#define CP_CONT 20
#define CP_ARRET 21
-int cp_een(void *component,int dep,float t,int n,char *nom,int nval,int *val);
-int cp_edb(void *component,int dep,double t,int n,char *nom,int nval,double *val);
+int cp_cd(void *component,char *name);
+int cp_een(void *component,int dep,float t,int n,char *nom,int nval,int *eval);
+int cp_edb(void *component,int dep,double t,int n,char *nom,int nval,double *eval);
+int cp_ere(void *component,int dep,float t,int n,char *nom,int nval,float *eval);
+int cp_ecp(void *component,int dep,float t,int n,char *nom,int nval,float *eval);
+int cp_elo(void *component,int dep,float t,int n,char *nom,int nval,int *eval);
+int cp_len(void *component,int dep,float *ti,float *tf,int *niter,char *nom,int nmax,int *nval,int *lval);
+int cp_ldb(void *component,int dep,double *ti,double *tf,int *niter,char *nom,int nmax,int *nval,double *lval);
+int cp_lre(void *component,int dep,float *ti,float *tf,int *niter,char *nom,int nmax,int *nval,float *lval);
+int cp_lcp(void *component,int dep,float *ti,float *tf,int *niter,char *nom,int nmax,int *nval,float *lval);
+int cp_llo(void *component,int dep,float *ti,float *tf,int *niter,char *nom,int nmax,int *nval,int *lval);
-int cp_len(void *component,int dep,float *INOUT,float *INPUT,int *INOUT,char *nom,int nmax,int *OUTPUT,int *val);
-int cp_ldb(void *component,int dep,double *INOUT,double *INPUT,int *INOUT,char *nom,int nmax,int *OUTPUT,double *val);
int cp_fin(void *component,int cp_end);