+ \brief Expand all branches for specified number of levels.
+ If \c levels < 0, all branches are expanded (the same results can
+ be achieved with expandAll() method).
+ \param levels number of levels to be opened
+ \sa collapseLevels(), setOpened()
+void QtxTreeView::expandLevels( const int levels )
+ setOpened( rootIndex(), levels+1, true );
+ \brief Collapse all branches for specified number of levels.
+ If \c levels < 0, all branches are collapsed (the same results can
+ be achieved with collapseAll() method).
+ \param levels number of levels to be collapsed
+ \sa expandLevels(), setOpened()
+void QtxTreeView::collapseLevels( const int levels )
+ setOpened( rootIndex(), levels+1, false );
+ \brief Expand/collapse the specified item (recursively).
+ \param index model index
+ \param levels number of levels to be expanded/collapsed
+ \param open if \c true, item is expanded, otherwise it is collapsed
+ \sa expandLevels(), collapseLevels()
+void QtxTreeView::setOpened( const QModelIndex& index, const int levels, bool open )
+ if ( !levels )
+ return;
+ if ( !index.isValid() && index != rootIndex() )
+ return;
+ setExpanded( index, open );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < model()->rowCount( index ); i++ ) {
+ QModelIndex child = model()->index( i, 0, index );
+ setOpened( child, levels-1, open );
+ }