//set sys.path and add a creation of the study.
fp << GetDumpStudyComment() << endl << endl;
fp << "import sys" << endl;
+ fp << "import os.path" << endl;
fp << "import " << aBatchModeScript << endl << endl;
fp << aBatchModeScript << ".salome_init()" << endl << endl;
- fp << _GetNoteBookAccess();
- fp << "sys.path.insert( 0, \'" << thePath << "\')" << endl << endl;
+ fp << _GetNoteBookAccess() << endl;
+ // IPAL21005 (Dump/load python script works only with absolute path)
+ // try to use '__file__' to get an absolute path to the generated scripts
+ // or use the path passed to this method (case of using execfile() command)
+ fp << "#Get absolute path to generated scripts:" << endl;
+ fp << "try:" << endl;
+ fp << " absPath = os.path.dirname(__file__)" << endl;
+ fp << "except NameError:" << endl;
+ fp << " absPath = \'" << thePath << "\'" << endl;
+ fp << " pass" << endl;
+ fp << "sys.path.insert( 0, absPath )" << endl << endl;
+ //fp << "sys.path.insert( 0, \'" << thePath << "\')" << endl << endl;
//Dump NoteBook Variables
fp << _GetStudyVariablesScript();