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SOLVERLAB is a geometrical and numerical C++/Python library designed for numerical analysts who work on the discretisation of partial differential equations on general shapes and meshes and would rather focus on high-level scripting. The goal is to provide simple MATLAB style functions for the generation and manipulation of meshes, fields and matrices. The library originates from [CDMATH](http://cdmath.jimdo.com), a collaborative workgroup with the same name. It is based on the [MEDcoupling](https://docs.salome-platform.org/latest/dev/MEDCoupling/tutorial/index.html) C++/python library of the [SALOME](http://www.salome-platform.org/) project for the handling of meshes and fields, and on the C++ library [PETSC](https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/) for the handling of matrices and linear solvers.
SOLVERLAB includes PDE systems