+ runSalomeCommon.py
- runSalomeSL.py
+ runSalomeOld.py
# remove processes dictionary file
- os.remove(filedict)
+ if os.path.exists(filedict):
+ os.remove(filedict)
if __name__ == "__main__":
class SalomeInstance:
def __init__(self):
+ import KernelBasis
+ KernelBasis.setSSLMode(False)
self.port = None
if args is None:
args = []
- sys.argv = ['runSalome'] + args
+ sys.argv = ['runSalomeOld'] + args
if with_gui:
import setenv
- import runSalome
- runSalome.runSalome()
+ import runSalomeOld
+ runSalomeOld.runSalome()
if not with_gui:
import salome
salomecfgname = "salome"
salomeappname = "SalomeApp"
script_nam = "pyscript"
+verbosity_nam = "verbosity"
# possible choices for the "embedded" and "standalone" parameters
embedded_choices = [ "registry", "study", "moduleCatalog", "cppContainer", "SalomeAppEngine" ]
+ # Verbosity
+ help_str = "Level of verbosity"
+ pars.add_argument("-V",
+ "--verbose",
+ metavar="<2/1/0>",
+ dest="verbosity",
+ default="0",
+ help=help_str)
# Positional arguments (hdf file, python file)
pars.add_argument("arguments", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
args[script_nam] = new_args
+ args[verbosity_nam] = cmd_opts.verbosity
# xterm
if cmd_opts.xterm is not None:
args[xterm_nam] = cmd_opts.xterm
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+# Copyright (C) 2022 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
import sys, os, string, glob, time, pickle, re
import orbmodule
import setenv
-from launchConfigureParser import verbose
from server import process_id, Server
import json
import subprocess
from salomeContextUtils import ScriptAndArgsObjectEncoder
+import runSalomeNoServer
+import runSalomeCommon
import platform
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger()
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from killSalome import killAllPorts
-def killLocalPort():
- """
- kill servers from a previous SALOME execution, if needed,
- on the CORBA port given in args of runSalome
- """
- from killSalomeWithPort import killMyPort
- my_port=str(args['port'])
- try:
- killMyPort(my_port)
- except Exception:
- print("problem in killLocalPort()")
- pass
- pass
-def givenPortKill(port):
- """
- kill servers from a previous SALOME execution, if needed,
- on the same CORBA port
- """
- from killSalomeWithPort import killMyPort
- my_port=port
- try:
- killMyPort(my_port)
- except Exception:
- print("problem in LocalPortKill(), killMyPort(%s)"%port)
- pass
- pass
def kill_salome(args):
Kill servers from previous SALOME executions, if needed;
if args['killall']:
- elif args['portkill']:
- givenPortKill(str(args['port']))
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Class definitions to launch CORBA Servers
-class InterpServer(Server):
- def __init__(self,args):
- self.args=args
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- self.CMD=['cmd', '/c', 'start cmd.exe', '/K', 'python']
- elif sys.platform == "darwin":
- env_ld_library_path=['env', 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=' + os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")]
- self.CMD=['xterm', '-e'] + env_ld_library_path + ['python']
- else:
- env_ld_library_path=['env', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=' + os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")]
- self.CMD=['xterm', '-e'] + env_ld_library_path + ['python']
- def run(self):
- global process_id
- command = self.CMD
- print("INTERPSERVER::command = ", command)
- import subprocess
- pid = subprocess.Popen(command).pid
- process_id[pid]=self.CMD
- self.PID = pid
-# ---
-def get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir):
- """Build a list of catalog paths (cata_path) to initialize the ModuleCatalog server
- """
- modules_cata={}
- cata_path=[]
- for module in list_modules:
- if module in modules_root_dir:
- module_root_dir=modules_root_dir[module]
- module_cata=module+"Catalog.xml"
- cata_file=os.path.join(module_root_dir, "share",setenv.salome_subdir, "resources",module.lower(), module_cata)
- if os.path.exists(cata_file):
- cata_path.append(cata_file)
- modules_cata[module]=cata_file
- else:
- cata_file=os.path.join(module_root_dir, "share",setenv.salome_subdir, "resources", module_cata)
- if os.path.exists(cata_file):
- cata_path.append(cata_file)
- modules_cata[module]=cata_file
- for path in os.getenv("SALOME_CATALOGS_PATH","").split(os.pathsep):
- if os.path.exists(path):
- for cata_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(path,"*Catalog.xml")):
- module_name= os.path.basename(cata_file)[:-11]
- if module_name not in modules_cata:
- cata_path.append(cata_file)
- modules_cata[module_name]=cata_file
- return cata_path
-class CatalogServer(Server):
- def __init__(self,args):
- self.args=args
- self.initArgs()
- self.SCMD1=['SALOME_ModuleCatalog_Server']
- if 'launcher' in self.args:
- pos = args['launcher'].find(":")
- if pos != -1:
- self.SCMD1+=['-ORBInitRef']
- machine = args['launcher'][0:pos]
- port = args['launcher'][pos+1:]
- self.SCMD1+=["NameService=corbaname::" + machine + ":" + port]
- self.SCMD1+=['-common']
- self.SCMD2=[]
- home_dir=os.path.expanduser("~")
- if home_dir is not None:
- self.SCMD2=['-personal',os.path.join(home_dir,'Salome', 'resources', 'CatalogModulePersonnel.xml')]
- def setpath(self,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
- list_modules = modules_list[:]
- list_modules.reverse()
- if self.args["gui"] :
- list_modules = ["KERNEL", "GUI"] + list_modules
- else :
- list_modules = ["KERNEL"] + list_modules
- cata_path=get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir)
- self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['"' + '"::"'.join(cata_path) + '"'] + self.SCMD2
-# ---
-class SalomeDSServer(Server):
- def __init__(self,args):
- self.args=args
- self.initArgs()
- self.CMD=['SALOMEDS_Server']
- if 'launcher' in self.args:
- pos = args['launcher'].find(":")
- if pos != -1:
- self.CMD+=['-ORBInitRef']
- machine = args['launcher'][0:pos]
- port = args['launcher'][pos+1:]
- self.CMD+=["NameService=corbaname::" + machine + ":" + port]
-# ---
-class ConnectionManagerServer(Server):
- def __init__(self,args):
- self.args=args
- self.initArgs()
- self.CMD=['SALOME_ConnectionManagerServer']
- if 'launcher' in self.args:
- pos = args['launcher'].find(":")
- if pos != -1:
- self.CMD+=['-ORBInitRef']
- machine = args['launcher'][0:pos]
- port = args['launcher'][pos+1:]
- self.CMD+=["NameService=corbaname::" + machine + ":" + port]
-# ---
-class RegistryServer(Server):
- def __init__(self,args):
- self.args=args
- self.initArgs()
- self.CMD=['SALOME_Registry_Server', '--salome_session','theSession']
- if 'launcher' in self.args:
- pos = args['launcher'].find(":")
- if pos != -1:
- self.CMD+=['-ORBInitRef']
- machine = args['launcher'][0:pos]
- port = args['launcher'][pos+1:]
- self.CMD+=["NameService=corbaname::" + machine + ":" + port]
-# ---
-class ContainerCPPServer(Server):
- def __init__(self,args,with_gui=False):
- self.args=args
- self.initArgs()
- self.CMD=['SALOME_Container']
- if 'launcher' in self.args:
- pos = args['launcher'].find(":")
- if pos != -1:
- self.CMD+=['-ORBInitRef']
- machine = args['launcher'][0:pos]
- port = args['launcher'][pos+1:]
- self.CMD+=["NameService=corbaname::" + machine + ":" + port]
- self.CMD+=['FactoryServer']
- if not with_gui and self.args["valgrind_session"]:
- l = ["valgrind"]
- val = os.getenv("VALGRIND_OPTIONS")
- if val:
- l += val.split()
- pass
- self.CMD = l + self.CMD
- pass
-# ---
-class LoggerServer(Server):
- def __init__(self,args):
- self.args=args
- self.initArgs()
- from salome_utils import generateFileName, getLogDir
- logfile = generateFileName( getLogDir(),
- prefix="logger",
- extension="log",
- with_username=True,
- with_hostname=True,
- with_port=True)
- print("===========================================================")
- print("Logger server: put log to the file:")
- print(logfile)
- print("===========================================================")
- self.CMD=['SALOME_Logger_Server', logfile]
- pass
- pass # end of LoggerServer class
-# ---
-class SessionServer(Server):
- def __init__(self,args,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
- self.args = args.copy()
- # Bug 11512 (Problems with runSalome --xterm on Mandrake and Debian Sarge)
- #self.args['xterm']=0
- #
- self.initArgs()
- self.SCMD1=['SALOME_Session_Server']
- if "SQUISH_PREFIX" in os.environ:
- if platform.system() == "Windows" :
- self.SCMD1 = [os.path.join(os.getenv("SQUISH_PREFIX"), "bin", "dllpreload.exe"),os.path.join(os.getenv("SQUISH_SALOME_PATH"), "W64", "GUI", "bin", "salome", self.SCMD1[0])]
- else :
- os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.environ["SQUISH_PREFIX"] + "/lib:" + os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]
- self.SCMD2=[]
- if 'launcher' in self.args:
- pos = args['launcher'].find(":")
- if pos != -1:
- self.SCMD1+=['-ORBInitRef']
- machine = args['launcher'][0:pos]
- port = args['launcher'][pos+1:]
- self.SCMD1+=["NameService=corbaname::" + machine + ":" + port]
- if 'registry' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD1+=['--with','Registry',
- '(','--salome_session','theSession',')']
- if 'moduleCatalog' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD1+=['--with','ModuleCatalog','(','-common']
- home_dir=os.path.expanduser("~")
- if home_dir is not None:
- self.SCMD2+=['-personal',os.path.join(home_dir,'Salome','resources','CatalogModulePersonnel.xml')]
- self.SCMD2+=[')']
- if 'study' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD2+=['--with','SALOMEDS','(',')']
- if 'cppContainer' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD2+=['--with','Container','(','FactoryServer',')']
- if 'SalomeAppEngine' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD2+=['--with','SalomeAppEngine','(',')']
- if 'cppContainer' in self.args['standalone'] or 'cppContainer' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD2+=['CPP']
- if 'pyContainer' in self.args['standalone'] or 'pyContainer' in self.args['embedded']:
- raise Exception('Python containers no longer supported')
- if self.args['gui']:
- session_gui = self.args.get('session_gui', True)
- if not session_gui:
- self.SCMD2+=['--hide-desktop']
- else:
- if not self.args['splash']:
- self.SCMD2+=['--hide-splash']
- pass
- if self.args['study_hdf'] is not None:
- self.SCMD2+=['--study-hdf=%s'%self.args['study_hdf']]
- pass
- pass
- if 'pyscript' in self.args and len(self.args['pyscript']) > 0:
- msg = json.dumps(self.args['pyscript'], cls=ScriptAndArgsObjectEncoder)
- self.SCMD2+=['--pyscript=%s'%(msg)]
- pass
- pass
- pass
- if self.args['noexcepthandler']:
- self.SCMD2+=['--no-exception-handler']
- if 'user_config' in self.args:
- self.SCMD2+=['--resources=%s'%self.args['user_config']]
- if 'modules' in self.args:
- list_modules = []
- #keep only modules with GUI
- for m in modules_list:
- if m not in modules_root_dir:
- list_modules.insert(0,m)
- else:
- fr1 = os.path.join(modules_root_dir[m],"share","salome","resources",m.lower(),"SalomeApp.xml")
- fr2 = os.path.join(modules_root_dir[m],"share","salome","resources","SalomeApp.xml")
- if os.path.exists(fr1) or os.path.exists(fr2):
- list_modules.insert(0,m)
- list_modules.reverse()
- self.SCMD2+=['--modules (%s)' % ":".join(list_modules)]
- pass
- if 'language' in self.args:
- self.SCMD2+=['--language=%s' % self.args['language']]
- pass
- def setpath(self,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
- list_modules = modules_list[:]
- list_modules.reverse()
- if self.args["gui"] :
- list_modules = ["KERNEL", "GUI"] + list_modules
- else :
- list_modules = ["KERNEL"] + list_modules
- cata_path=get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir)
- if ("gui" in self.args) & ('moduleCatalog' in self.args['embedded']):
- #Use '::' instead ":" because drive path with "D:\" is invalid on windows platform
- self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['"' + '"::"'.join(cata_path) + '"'] + self.SCMD2
- else:
- self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + self.SCMD2
- if 'test' in self.args:
- self.CMD+=['-test'] + self.args['test']
- elif 'play' in self.args:
- self.CMD+=['-play'] + self.args['play']
- if self.args["gdb_session"] or self.args["ddd_session"]:
- f = open(".gdbinit4salome", "w")
- f.write("set args ")
- args = " ".join(self.CMD[1:])
- args = args.replace("(", "\(")
- args = args.replace(")", "\)")
- f.write(args)
- f.write("\n")
- f.close()
- if self.args["ddd_session"]:
- self.CMD = ["ddd", "--command=.gdbinit4salome", self.CMD[0]]
- elif self.args["gdb_session"]:
- self.CMD = ["xterm", "-e", "gdb", "--command=.gdbinit4salome", self.CMD[0]]
- pass
- pass
- if self.args["valgrind_session"]:
- l = ["valgrind"]
- val = os.getenv("VALGRIND_OPTIONS")
- if val:
- l += val.split()
- pass
- self.CMD = l + self.CMD
- pass
-# ---
-class LauncherServer(Server):
- def __init__(self,args):
- self.args=args
- self.initArgs()
- self.SCMD1=['SALOME_LauncherServer']
- self.SCMD2=[]
- if args["gui"] :
- if 'registry' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD1+=['--with','Registry',
- '(','--salome_session','theSession',')']
- if 'moduleCatalog' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD1+=['--with','ModuleCatalog','(','-common']
- home_dir=os.path.expanduser("~")
- if home_dir is not None:
- self.SCMD2=['-personal',os.path.join(home_dir,'Salome','resources','CatalogModulePersonnel.xml')]
- self.SCMD2+=[')']
- if 'study' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD2+=['--with','SALOMEDS','(',')']
- if 'cppContainer' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD2+=['--with','Container','(','FactoryServer',')']
- def setpath(self,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
- list_modules = modules_list[:]
- list_modules.reverse()
- if self.args["gui"] :
- list_modules = ["KERNEL", "GUI"] + list_modules
- else :
- list_modules = ["KERNEL"] + list_modules
- cata_path=get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir)
- if ("gui" in self.args) & ('moduleCatalog' in self.args['embedded']):
- #Use '::' instead ":" because drive path with "D:\" is invalid on windows platform
- self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['"' + '"::"'.join(cata_path) + '"'] + self.SCMD2
- else:
- self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + self.SCMD2
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Launch all SALOME servers requested by args"""
init_time = os.times()
- if verbose(): print("startSalome ", args)
- #
- # Set server launch command
- #
- if 'server_launch_mode' in args:
- Server.set_server_launch_mode(args['server_launch_mode'])
- #
- # Wake up session option
- #
- if args['wake_up_session']:
- if "OMNIORB_CONFIG" not in os.environ:
- from salome_utils import generateFileName
- omniorbUserPath = os.getenv("OMNIORB_USER_PATH")
- kwargs={}
- if omniorbUserPath is not None:
- kwargs["with_username"]=True
- last_running_config = generateFileName(omniorbUserPath, prefix="omniORB",
- suffix="last",
- extension="cfg",
- hidden=True,
- **kwargs)
- os.environ['OMNIORB_CONFIG'] = last_running_config
- pass
- pass
- #
- # Initialisation ORB and Naming Service
- #
- clt=orbmodule.client(args)
- addToPidict(args)
- #
- # Wake up session option
- #
- if args['wake_up_session']:
- import Engines
- import SALOME
- import SALOMEDS
- import SALOME_ModuleCatalog
- import SALOME_Session_idl
- session = clt.waitNS("/Kernel/Session",SALOME.Session)
- status = session.GetStatSession()
- if status.activeGUI:
- from salome_utils import getPortNumber
- port = getPortNumber()
- msg = "Warning :"
- msg += "\n"
- msg += "Session GUI for port number %s is already active."%(port)
- msg += "\n"
- msg += "If you which to wake up another session,"
- msg += "\n"
- msg += "please use variable OMNIORB_CONFIG"
- msg += "\n"
- msg += "to get the correct session object in naming service."
- sys.stdout.write(msg+"\n")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- return clt
- session.GetInterface()
- args["session_object"] = session
- return clt
- # Launch Logger Server (optional)
- # and wait until it is registered in naming service
- #
- if args['logger']:
- myServer=LoggerServer(args)
- myServer.run()
- clt.waitLogger("Logger")
- addToPidict(args)
+ logger.debug("startSalome : {} ".format(args))
# Launch Session Server (to show splash ASAP)
if args["gui"] and not args['launcher_only']:
- mySessionServ = SessionServer(args,args['modules'],modules_root_dir)
+ mySessionServ = runSalomeNoServer.NoSessionServer(args,args['modules'],modules_root_dir)
- addToPidict(args)
- #
- # Launch Registry Server,
- # and wait until it is registered in naming service
- #
- if ('registry' not in args['embedded']) | (args["gui"] == 0) :
- myServer=RegistryServer(args)
- myServer.run()
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- clt.waitNS("/Registry")
- else:
- clt.waitNSPID("/Registry",myServer.PID)
- addToPidict(args)
- #
- # Launch Catalog Server,
- # and wait until it is registered in naming service
- #
- if ('moduleCatalog' not in args['embedded']) | (args["gui"] == 0):
- cataServer=CatalogServer(args)
- cataServer.setpath(modules_list,modules_root_dir)
- cataServer.run()
- import SALOME_ModuleCatalog
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- clt.waitNS("/Kernel/ModulCatalog",SALOME_ModuleCatalog.ModuleCatalog)
- else:
- clt.waitNSPID("/Kernel/ModulCatalog",cataServer.PID,SALOME_ModuleCatalog.ModuleCatalog)
- addToPidict(args)
- #
- # Launch SalomeDS Server,
- # and wait until it is registered in naming service
- #
- # print("ARGS = ",args)
- if ('study' not in args['embedded']) | (args["gui"] == 0):
- print("RunStudy")
- myServer=SalomeDSServer(args)
- myServer.run()
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- clt.waitNS("/Study")
- else:
- clt.waitNSPID("/Study",myServer.PID)
- addToPidict(args)
- #
- # Launch LauncherServer
- #
- if not 'launcher' in args:
- myCmServer = LauncherServer(args)
- myCmServer.setpath(modules_list,modules_root_dir)
- myCmServer.run()
- addToPidict(args)
- #
- # Launch ConnectionManagerServer
- #
- if not args['launcher_only']:
- myConnectionServer = ConnectionManagerServer(args)
- myConnectionServer.run()
- from Utils_Identity import getShortHostName
- if os.getenv("HOSTNAME") == None:
- if os.getenv("HOST") == None:
- os.environ["HOSTNAME"]=getShortHostName()
- else:
- os.environ["HOSTNAME"]=os.getenv("HOST")
- theComputer = getShortHostName()
- #
- # Launch local C++ Container (FactoryServer),
- # and wait until it is registered in naming service
- #
- if ('cppContainer' in args['standalone']) | (args["gui"] == 0) :
- myServer=ContainerCPPServer(args, with_gui=args["gui"]!=0)
- myServer.run()
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- clt.waitNS("/Containers/" + theComputer + "/FactoryServer")
- else:
- clt.waitNSPID("/Containers/" + theComputer + "/FactoryServer",myServer.PID)
- addToPidict(args)
- if 'pyContainer' in args['standalone']:
- raise Exception('Python containers no longer supported')
+ end_time = os.times()
# Wait until Session Server is registered in naming service
- if args["gui"] and not args['launcher_only']:
- import Engines
- import SALOME
- import SALOMEDS
- import SALOME_ModuleCatalog
- import SALOME_Session_idl
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- session=clt.waitNS("/Kernel/Session",SALOME.Session)
- else:
- session=clt.waitNSPID("/Kernel/Session",mySessionServ.PID,SALOME.Session)
- args["session_object"] = session
- end_time = os.times()
- if verbose(): print()
- print("Start SALOME, elapsed time : %5.1f seconds"% (end_time[4]
- - init_time[4]))
- # ASV start GUI without Loader
- #if args['gui']:
- # session.GetInterface()
+ logger.debug("Start SALOME, elapsed time : %5.1f seconds"% (end_time[4] - init_time[4]))
# additional external python interpreters
print("-- to get an external python interpreter:runSalome --interp=1")
- if verbose(): print("additional external python interpreters: ", nbaddi)
+ logger.debug("additional external python interpreters: {}".format(nbaddi))
if nbaddi:
for i in range(nbaddi):
except ImportError:
- return clt
+ return
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
global process_id
- clt=None
- clt = startSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
+ startSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
except Exception:
import traceback
addToKillList(pid, cmd, args['port'])
- if verbose(): print("""
+ logger.debug("""
Saving of the dictionary of Salome processes in %s
To kill SALOME processes from a console (kill all sessions from all ports):
python killSalome.py
the processes resulting from the previous execution.
- #
- # Print Naming Service directory list
- #
- if clt != None:
- if verbose():
- print()
- print(" --- registered objects tree in Naming Service ---")
- clt.showNS()
- pass
- if not args['gui'] or not args['session_gui']:
- if args['shutdown_servers']:
- class __utils__:
- def __init__(self, port):
- self.port = port
- import killSalomeWithPort
- self.killSalomeWithPort = killSalomeWithPort
- return
- def __del__(self):
- self.killSalomeWithPort.killMyPort(self.port)
- return
- pass
- def func(s):
- del s
- import atexit
- atexit.register(func, __utils__(args['port']))
- pass
- pass
- # run python scripts, passed as command line arguments
- toimport = []
- if 'gui' in args and 'session_gui' in args:
- if not args['gui'] or not args['session_gui']:
- if 'study_hdf' in args:
- toopen = args['study_hdf']
- if toopen:
- import salome
- salome.salome_init(path=toopen)
- if 'pyscript' in args:
- toimport = args['pyscript']
- from salomeContextUtils import formatScriptsAndArgs
- command = formatScriptsAndArgs(toimport, escapeSpaces=True)
- if command:
- proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
- addToKillList(proc.pid, command, args['port'])
- res = proc.wait()
- if res: sys.exit(1) # if there's an error when executing script, we should explicitly exit
- return clt
+ return
def execScript(script_path):
print('executing', script_path)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def registerEnv(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir):
- """
- Register args, modules_list, modules_root_dir in a file
- for further use, when SALOME is launched embedded in an other application.
- """
- from salome_utils import getTmpDir
- fileEnv = getTmpDir()
- from salome_utils import getUserName
- fileEnv += getUserName() + "_" + str(args['port']) \
- + '_' + args['appname'].upper() + '_env'
- fenv=open(fileEnv,'w')
- pickle.dump((args, modules_list, modules_root_dir),fenv)
- fenv.close()
- os.environ["SALOME_LAUNCH_CONFIG"] = fileEnv
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def no_main():
- """Salome Launch, when embedded in other application"""
- fileEnv = os.environ["SALOME_LAUNCH_CONFIG"]
- fenv=open(fileEnv,'r')
- args, modules_list, modules_root_dir = pickle.load(fenv)
- fenv.close()
- kill_salome(args)
- from searchFreePort import searchFreePort
- searchFreePort(args, 0)
- clt = useSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
- return clt
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def addToPidict(args):
global process_id
from addToKillList import addToKillList
def main(exeName=None):
"""Salome launch as a main application"""
- # define folder to store omniorb config (initially in virtual application folder)
- try:
- from salomeContextUtils import setOmniOrbUserPath
- setOmniOrbUserPath()
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- sys.exit(1)
- from salome_utils import getHostName
args, modules_list, modules_root_dir = setenv.get_config(exeName=exeName, keepEnvironment=keep_env)
- print("runSalome running on %s" % getHostName())
+ runSalomeCommon.setVerbose(args["verbosity"])
- save_config = True
- if 'save_config' in args:
- save_config = args['save_config']
- # --
- test = True
- if args['wake_up_session']:
- test = False
- pass
- if test and not 'launcher' in args:
- from searchFreePort import searchFreePort
- searchFreePort(args, save_config, args.get('useport'))
- pass
# --
- #setenv.main()
setenv.set_env(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir, keepEnvironment=keep_env)
- clt = useSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
- return clt,args
+ useSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
+ return args
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def foreGround(clt, args):
+def foreGround(args):
# --
if "session_object" not in args:
def runSalome():
- clt,args = main()
+ args = main()
# --
test = args['gui'] and args['session_gui']
test = test or args['wake_up_session']
if test:
from time import sleep
- foreGround(clt, args)
+ foreGround(args)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+## @package runSalome
+# \brief Module that provides services to launch SALOME
+import sys, os, string, glob, time, pickle, re
+import setenv
+from server import process_id, Server
+import json
+import subprocess
+from salomeContextUtils import ScriptAndArgsObjectEncoder
+import platform
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+class ColoredFormatter(logging.Formatter):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ logging.Formatter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def format(self, record):
+ RESET_SEQ = "\033[0m"
+ COLOR_SEQ = "\033[1;%dm"
+ record.levelname = COLOR_SEQ % ColoredFormatter.COLORS[record.levelname] + record.levelname + RESET_SEQ
+ return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
+def setVerbose(verbose):
+ global logger
+ formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s : %(asctime)s : %(message)s ',style='%')
+ formatter.default_time_format = '%H:%M:%S'
+ formatter.default_msec_format = "%s.%03d"
+ stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+ stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+ logger.addHandler(stream_handler)
+ verbose_map = { "0": logging.WARNING, "1": logging.INFO, "2": logging.DEBUG}
+ if verbose in verbose_map:
+ logger.setLevel(verbose_map[verbose])
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Class definitions to launch CORBA Servers
+class InterpServer(Server):
+ def __init__(self,args):
+ self.args=args
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ self.CMD=['cmd', '/c', 'start cmd.exe', '/K', 'python']
+ elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+ env_ld_library_path=['env', 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=' + os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")]
+ self.CMD=['xterm', '-e'] + env_ld_library_path + ['python']
+ else:
+ env_ld_library_path=['env', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=' + os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")]
+ self.CMD=['xterm', '-e'] + env_ld_library_path + ['python']
+ def run(self):
+ global process_id
+ command = self.CMD
+ print("INTERPSERVER::command = ", command)
+ import subprocess
+ pid = subprocess.Popen(command).pid
+ process_id[pid]=self.CMD
+ self.PID = pid
+# ---
+def get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir):
+ """Build a list of catalog paths (cata_path) to initialize the ModuleCatalog server
+ """
+ modules_cata={}
+ cata_path=[]
+ for module in list_modules:
+ if module in modules_root_dir:
+ module_root_dir=modules_root_dir[module]
+ module_cata=module+"Catalog.xml"
+ cata_file=os.path.join(module_root_dir, "share",setenv.salome_subdir, "resources",module.lower(), module_cata)
+ if os.path.exists(cata_file):
+ cata_path.append(cata_file)
+ modules_cata[module]=cata_file
+ else:
+ cata_file=os.path.join(module_root_dir, "share",setenv.salome_subdir, "resources", module_cata)
+ if os.path.exists(cata_file):
+ cata_path.append(cata_file)
+ modules_cata[module]=cata_file
+ for path in os.getenv("SALOME_CATALOGS_PATH","").split(os.pathsep):
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ for cata_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(path,"*Catalog.xml")):
+ module_name= os.path.basename(cata_file)[:-11]
+ if module_name not in modules_cata:
+ cata_path.append(cata_file)
+ modules_cata[module_name]=cata_file
+ return cata_path
+class CatalogServer(Server):
+ def __init__(self,args):
+ self.args=args
+ self.initArgs()
+ self.SCMD1=['SALOME_ModuleCatalog_Server']
+ if 'launcher' in self.args:
+ pos = args['launcher'].find(":")
+ if pos != -1:
+ self.SCMD1+=['-ORBInitRef']
+ machine = args['launcher'][0:pos]
+ port = args['launcher'][pos+1:]
+ self.SCMD1+=["NameService=corbaname::" + machine + ":" + port]
+ self.SCMD1+=['-common']
+ self.SCMD2=[]
+ home_dir=os.path.expanduser("~")
+ if home_dir is not None:
+ self.SCMD2=['-personal',os.path.join(home_dir,'Salome', 'resources', 'CatalogModulePersonnel.xml')]
+ def setpath(self,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
+ list_modules = modules_list[:]
+ list_modules.reverse()
+ if self.args["gui"] :
+ list_modules = ["KERNEL", "GUI"] + list_modules
+ else :
+ list_modules = ["KERNEL"] + list_modules
+ cata_path=get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir)
+ self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['"' + '"::"'.join(cata_path) + '"'] + self.SCMD2
+# ---
+class SalomeDSServer(Server):
+ def __init__(self,args):
+ self.args=args
+ self.initArgs()
+ self.CMD=['SALOMEDS_Server']
+ if 'launcher' in self.args:
+ pos = args['launcher'].find(":")
+ if pos != -1:
+ self.CMD+=['-ORBInitRef']
+ machine = args['launcher'][0:pos]
+ port = args['launcher'][pos+1:]
+ self.CMD+=["NameService=corbaname::" + machine + ":" + port]
+# ---
+class ConnectionManagerServer(Server):
+ def __init__(self,args):
+ self.args=args
+ self.initArgs()
+ self.CMD=['SALOME_ConnectionManagerServer']
+ if 'launcher' in self.args:
+ pos = args['launcher'].find(":")
+ if pos != -1:
+ self.CMD+=['-ORBInitRef']
+ machine = args['launcher'][0:pos]
+ port = args['launcher'][pos+1:]
+ self.CMD+=["NameService=corbaname::" + machine + ":" + port]
+# ---
+class RegistryServer(Server):
+ def __init__(self,args):
+ self.args=args
+ self.initArgs()
+ self.CMD=['SALOME_Registry_Server', '--salome_session','theSession']
+ if 'launcher' in self.args:
+ pos = args['launcher'].find(":")
+ if pos != -1:
+ self.CMD+=['-ORBInitRef']
+ machine = args['launcher'][0:pos]
+ port = args['launcher'][pos+1:]
+ self.CMD+=["NameService=corbaname::" + machine + ":" + port]
+# ---
+class ContainerCPPServer(Server):
+ def __init__(self,args,with_gui=False):
+ self.args=args
+ self.initArgs()
+ self.CMD=['SALOME_Container']
+ if 'launcher' in self.args:
+ pos = args['launcher'].find(":")
+ if pos != -1:
+ self.CMD+=['-ORBInitRef']
+ machine = args['launcher'][0:pos]
+ port = args['launcher'][pos+1:]
+ self.CMD+=["NameService=corbaname::" + machine + ":" + port]
+ self.CMD+=['FactoryServer']
+ if not with_gui and self.args["valgrind_session"]:
+ l = ["valgrind"]
+ val = os.getenv("VALGRIND_OPTIONS")
+ if val:
+ l += val.split()
+ pass
+ self.CMD = l + self.CMD
+ pass
+# ---
+class LoggerServer(Server):
+ def __init__(self,args):
+ self.args=args
+ self.initArgs()
+ from salome_utils import generateFileName, getLogDir
+ logfile = generateFileName( getLogDir(),
+ prefix="logger",
+ extension="log",
+ with_username=True,
+ with_hostname=True,
+ with_port=True)
+ print("===========================================================")
+ print("Logger server: put log to the file:")
+ print(logfile)
+ print("===========================================================")
+ self.CMD=['SALOME_Logger_Server', logfile]
+ pass
+ pass # end of LoggerServer class
+# ---
+import abc
+class CommonSessionServer(Server):
+ def __init__(self,args,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
+ self.args = args.copy()
+ # Bug 11512 (Problems with runSalome --xterm on Mandrake and Debian Sarge)
+ #self.args['xterm']=0
+ #
+ self.initArgs()
+ self.SCMD1=[self.getSessionServerExe()]
+ if "SQUISH_PREFIX" in os.environ:
+ if platform.system() == "Windows" :
+ self.SCMD1 = [os.path.join(os.getenv("SQUISH_PREFIX"), "bin", "dllpreload.exe"),os.path.join(os.getenv("SQUISH_SALOME_PATH"), "W64", "GUI", "bin", "salome", self.SCMD1[0])]
+ else :
+ os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.environ["SQUISH_PREFIX"] + "/lib:" + os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]
+ self.SCMD2=[]
+ if 'launcher' in self.args:
+ pos = args['launcher'].find(":")
+ if pos != -1:
+ self.SCMD1+=['-ORBInitRef']
+ machine = args['launcher'][0:pos]
+ port = args['launcher'][pos+1:]
+ self.SCMD1+=["NameService=corbaname::" + machine + ":" + port]
+ if 'registry' in self.args['embedded']:
+ self.SCMD1+=['--with','Registry',
+ '(','--salome_session','theSession',')']
+ if 'moduleCatalog' in self.args['embedded']:
+ self.SCMD1+=['--with','ModuleCatalog','(','-common']
+ home_dir=os.path.expanduser("~")
+ if home_dir is not None:
+ self.SCMD2+=['-personal',os.path.join(home_dir,'Salome','resources','CatalogModulePersonnel.xml')]
+ self.SCMD2+=[')']
+ if 'study' in self.args['embedded']:
+ self.SCMD2+=['--with','SALOMEDS','(',')']
+ if 'cppContainer' in self.args['embedded']:
+ self.SCMD2+=['--with','Container','(','FactoryServer',')']
+ if 'SalomeAppEngine' in self.args['embedded']:
+ self.SCMD2+=['--with','SalomeAppEngine','(',')']
+ if 'cppContainer' in self.args['standalone'] or 'cppContainer' in self.args['embedded']:
+ self.SCMD2+=['CPP']
+ if 'pyContainer' in self.args['standalone'] or 'pyContainer' in self.args['embedded']:
+ raise Exception('Python containers no longer supported')
+ if self.args['gui']:
+ session_gui = self.args.get('session_gui', True)
+ if not session_gui:
+ self.SCMD2+=['--hide-desktop']
+ else:
+ if not self.args['splash']:
+ self.SCMD2+=['--hide-splash']
+ pass
+ if self.args['study_hdf'] is not None:
+ self.SCMD2+=['--study-hdf=%s'%self.args['study_hdf']]
+ pass
+ pass
+ if 'pyscript' in self.args and len(self.args['pyscript']) > 0:
+ msg = json.dumps(self.args['pyscript'], cls=ScriptAndArgsObjectEncoder)
+ self.SCMD2+=['--pyscript=%s'%(msg)]
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
+ if self.args['noexcepthandler']:
+ self.SCMD2+=['--no-exception-handler']
+ if 'user_config' in self.args:
+ self.SCMD2+=['--resources=%s'%self.args['user_config']]
+ if 'modules' in self.args:
+ list_modules = []
+ #keep only modules with GUI
+ for m in modules_list:
+ if m not in modules_root_dir:
+ list_modules.insert(0,m)
+ else:
+ fr1 = os.path.join(modules_root_dir[m],"share","salome","resources",m.lower(),"SalomeApp.xml")
+ fr2 = os.path.join(modules_root_dir[m],"share","salome","resources","SalomeApp.xml")
+ if os.path.exists(fr1) or os.path.exists(fr2):
+ list_modules.insert(0,m)
+ list_modules.reverse()
+ self.SCMD2+=['--modules (%s)' % ":".join(list_modules)]
+ pass
+ if 'language' in self.args:
+ self.SCMD2+=['--language=%s' % self.args['language']]
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def getSessionServerExe(self):
+ pass
+ def setpath(self,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
+ list_modules = modules_list[:]
+ list_modules.reverse()
+ if self.args["gui"] :
+ list_modules = ["KERNEL", "GUI"] + list_modules
+ else :
+ list_modules = ["KERNEL"] + list_modules
+ cata_path=get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir)
+ if ("gui" in self.args) & ('moduleCatalog' in self.args['embedded']):
+ #Use '::' instead ":" because drive path with "D:\" is invalid on windows platform
+ self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['"' + '"::"'.join(cata_path) + '"'] + self.SCMD2
+ else:
+ self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + self.SCMD2
+ if 'test' in self.args:
+ self.CMD+=['-test'] + self.args['test']
+ elif 'play' in self.args:
+ self.CMD+=['-play'] + self.args['play']
+ if self.args["gdb_session"] or self.args["ddd_session"]:
+ f = open(".gdbinit4salome", "w")
+ f.write("set args ")
+ args = " ".join(self.CMD[1:])
+ args = args.replace("(", "\(")
+ args = args.replace(")", "\)")
+ f.write(args)
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.close()
+ if self.args["ddd_session"]:
+ self.CMD = ["ddd", "--command=.gdbinit4salome", self.CMD[0]]
+ elif self.args["gdb_session"]:
+ self.CMD = ["xterm", "-e", "gdb", "--command=.gdbinit4salome", self.CMD[0]]
+ pass
+ pass
+ if self.args["valgrind_session"]:
+ l = ["valgrind"]
+ val = os.getenv("VALGRIND_OPTIONS")
+ if val:
+ l += val.split()
+ pass
+ self.CMD = l + self.CMD
+ pass
+class SessionServer(CommonSessionServer):
+ def __init__(self,args,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
+ super().__init__(args,modules_list,modules_root_dir)
+ import KernelBasis
+ KernelBasis.setSSLMode(False)
+ def getSessionServerExe(self):
+ return "SALOME_Session_Server"
+# ---
+class LauncherServer(Server):
+ def __init__(self,args):
+ self.args=args
+ self.initArgs()
+ self.SCMD1=['SALOME_LauncherServer']
+ self.SCMD2=[]
+ if args["gui"] :
+ if 'registry' in self.args['embedded']:
+ self.SCMD1+=['--with','Registry',
+ '(','--salome_session','theSession',')']
+ if 'moduleCatalog' in self.args['embedded']:
+ self.SCMD1+=['--with','ModuleCatalog','(','-common']
+ home_dir=os.path.expanduser("~")
+ if home_dir is not None:
+ self.SCMD2=['-personal',os.path.join(home_dir,'Salome','resources','CatalogModulePersonnel.xml')]
+ self.SCMD2+=[')']
+ if 'study' in self.args['embedded']:
+ self.SCMD2+=['--with','SALOMEDS','(',')']
+ if 'cppContainer' in self.args['embedded']:
+ self.SCMD2+=['--with','Container','(','FactoryServer',')']
+ def setpath(self,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
+ list_modules = modules_list[:]
+ list_modules.reverse()
+ if self.args["gui"] :
+ list_modules = ["KERNEL", "GUI"] + list_modules
+ else :
+ list_modules = ["KERNEL"] + list_modules
+ cata_path=get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir)
+ if ("gui" in self.args) & ('moduleCatalog' in self.args['embedded']):
+ #Use '::' instead ":" because drive path with "D:\" is invalid on windows platform
+ self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['"' + '"::"'.join(cata_path) + '"'] + self.SCMD2
+ else:
+ self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + self.SCMD2
# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
import setenv
-import runSalome
+import runSalomeCommon
import os
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger()
-class NoSessionServer(runSalome.SessionServer):
+class NoSessionServer(runSalomeCommon.CommonSessionServer):
def __init__(self,args,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
- for i in range (len(self.SCMD1)):
- if self.SCMD1[i] == "SALOME_Session_Server" :
- self.SCMD1[i] = "SALOME_Session_Server_No_Server"
- os.putenv("SALOME_EMB_SERVANT", "1")
os.putenv("SalomeAppSLConfig", SalomeAppSLConfig)
+ def getSessionServerExe(self):
+ return "SALOME_Session_Server_No_Server"
+from server import process_id
+from addToKillList import addToKillList,killList
def main():
args, modules_list, modules_root_dir = setenv.get_config()
mySessionServ = NoSessionServer(args, args.get('modules', []), modules_root_dir)
+ runSalomeCommon.setVerbose(mySessionServ.args["verbosity"])
+ if mySessionServ.args["killall"]:
+ killList()
+ logger.debug("Effective args : {}".format(mySessionServ.args))
mySessionServ.setpath(modules_list, modules_root_dir)
+ for pid, cmd in list(process_id.items()):
+ logger.debug("Killing {} {}".format(pid, cmd))
+ addToKillList(pid, cmd)
if __name__ == "__main__":
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+## @package runSalome
+# \brief Module that provides services to launch SALOME
+import sys, os, string, glob, time, pickle, re
+import orbmodule
+import setenv
+from launchConfigureParser import verbose
+from server import process_id, Server
+import json
+import subprocess
+from salomeContextUtils import ScriptAndArgsObjectEncoder
+import platform
+from runSalomeCommon import setVerbose, InterpServer, CatalogServer, SalomeDSServer, ConnectionManagerServer, RegistryServer, ContainerCPPServer, LoggerServer, CommonSessionServer, SessionServer, LauncherServer
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from killSalome import killAllPorts
+def killLocalPort():
+ """
+ kill servers from a previous SALOME execution, if needed,
+ on the CORBA port given in args of runSalome
+ """
+ from killSalomeWithPort import killMyPort
+ my_port=str(args['port'])
+ try:
+ killMyPort(my_port)
+ except Exception:
+ print("problem in killLocalPort()")
+ pass
+ pass
+def givenPortKill(port):
+ """
+ kill servers from a previous SALOME execution, if needed,
+ on the same CORBA port
+ """
+ from killSalomeWithPort import killMyPort
+ my_port=port
+ try:
+ killMyPort(my_port)
+ except Exception:
+ print("problem in LocalPortKill(), killMyPort(%s)"%port)
+ pass
+ pass
+def kill_salome(args):
+ """
+ Kill servers from previous SALOME executions, if needed;
+ depending on args 'killall' or 'portkill', kill all executions,
+ or only execution on the same CORBA port
+ """
+ if args['killall']:
+ killAllPorts()
+ elif args['portkill']:
+ givenPortKill(str(args['port']))
+def startGUI(clt):
+ """Salome Session Graphic User Interface activation"""
+ import Engines
+ import SALOME
+ import SALOMEDS
+ import SALOME_ModuleCatalog
+ import SALOME_Session_idl
+ session=clt.waitNS("/Kernel/Session",SALOME.Session)
+ session.GetInterface()
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def startSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir):
+ """Launch all SALOME servers requested by args"""
+ init_time = os.times()
+ if verbose(): print("startSalome ", args)
+ #
+ # Set server launch command
+ #
+ if 'server_launch_mode' in args:
+ Server.set_server_launch_mode(args['server_launch_mode'])
+ #
+ # Wake up session option
+ #
+ if args['wake_up_session']:
+ if "OMNIORB_CONFIG" not in os.environ:
+ from salome_utils import generateFileName
+ omniorbUserPath = os.getenv("OMNIORB_USER_PATH")
+ kwargs={}
+ if omniorbUserPath is not None:
+ kwargs["with_username"]=True
+ last_running_config = generateFileName(omniorbUserPath, prefix="omniORB",
+ suffix="last",
+ extension="cfg",
+ hidden=True,
+ **kwargs)
+ os.environ['OMNIORB_CONFIG'] = last_running_config
+ pass
+ pass
+ #
+ # Initialisation ORB and Naming Service
+ #
+ clt=orbmodule.client(args)
+ addToPidict(args)
+ #
+ # Wake up session option
+ #
+ if args['wake_up_session']:
+ import Engines
+ import SALOME
+ import SALOMEDS
+ import SALOME_ModuleCatalog
+ import SALOME_Session_idl
+ session = clt.waitNS("/Kernel/Session",SALOME.Session)
+ status = session.GetStatSession()
+ if status.activeGUI:
+ from salome_utils import getPortNumber
+ port = getPortNumber()
+ msg = "Warning :"
+ msg += "\n"
+ msg += "Session GUI for port number %s is already active."%(port)
+ msg += "\n"
+ msg += "If you which to wake up another session,"
+ msg += "\n"
+ msg += "please use variable OMNIORB_CONFIG"
+ msg += "\n"
+ msg += "to get the correct session object in naming service."
+ sys.stdout.write(msg+"\n")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ return clt
+ session.GetInterface()
+ args["session_object"] = session
+ return clt
+ # Launch Logger Server (optional)
+ # and wait until it is registered in naming service
+ #
+ if args['logger']:
+ myServer=LoggerServer(args)
+ myServer.run()
+ clt.waitLogger("Logger")
+ addToPidict(args)
+ # Launch Session Server (to show splash ASAP)
+ #
+ if args["gui"] and not args['launcher_only']:
+ mySessionServ = SessionServer(args,args['modules'],modules_root_dir)
+ mySessionServ.setpath(modules_list,modules_root_dir)
+ mySessionServ.run()
+ addToPidict(args)
+ #
+ # Launch Registry Server,
+ # and wait until it is registered in naming service
+ #
+ if ('registry' not in args['embedded']) | (args["gui"] == 0) :
+ myServer=RegistryServer(args)
+ myServer.run()
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ clt.waitNS("/Registry")
+ else:
+ clt.waitNSPID("/Registry",myServer.PID)
+ addToPidict(args)
+ #
+ # Launch Catalog Server,
+ # and wait until it is registered in naming service
+ #
+ if ('moduleCatalog' not in args['embedded']) | (args["gui"] == 0):
+ cataServer=CatalogServer(args)
+ cataServer.setpath(modules_list,modules_root_dir)
+ cataServer.run()
+ import SALOME_ModuleCatalog
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ clt.waitNS("/Kernel/ModulCatalog",SALOME_ModuleCatalog.ModuleCatalog)
+ else:
+ clt.waitNSPID("/Kernel/ModulCatalog",cataServer.PID,SALOME_ModuleCatalog.ModuleCatalog)
+ addToPidict(args)
+ #
+ # Launch SalomeDS Server,
+ # and wait until it is registered in naming service
+ #
+ # print("ARGS = ",args)
+ if ('study' not in args['embedded']) | (args["gui"] == 0):
+ print("RunStudy")
+ myServer=SalomeDSServer(args)
+ myServer.run()
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ clt.waitNS("/Study")
+ else:
+ clt.waitNSPID("/Study",myServer.PID)
+ addToPidict(args)
+ #
+ # Launch LauncherServer
+ #
+ if not 'launcher' in args:
+ myCmServer = LauncherServer(args)
+ myCmServer.setpath(modules_list,modules_root_dir)
+ myCmServer.run()
+ addToPidict(args)
+ #
+ # Launch ConnectionManagerServer
+ #
+ if not args['launcher_only']:
+ myConnectionServer = ConnectionManagerServer(args)
+ myConnectionServer.run()
+ from Utils_Identity import getShortHostName
+ if os.getenv("HOSTNAME") == None:
+ if os.getenv("HOST") == None:
+ os.environ["HOSTNAME"]=getShortHostName()
+ else:
+ os.environ["HOSTNAME"]=os.getenv("HOST")
+ theComputer = getShortHostName()
+ #
+ # Launch local C++ Container (FactoryServer),
+ # and wait until it is registered in naming service
+ #
+ if ('cppContainer' in args['standalone']) | (args["gui"] == 0) :
+ myServer=ContainerCPPServer(args, with_gui=args["gui"]!=0)
+ myServer.run()
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ clt.waitNS("/Containers/" + theComputer + "/FactoryServer")
+ else:
+ clt.waitNSPID("/Containers/" + theComputer + "/FactoryServer",myServer.PID)
+ addToPidict(args)
+ if 'pyContainer' in args['standalone']:
+ raise Exception('Python containers no longer supported')
+ #
+ # Wait until Session Server is registered in naming service
+ #
+ if args["gui"] and not args['launcher_only']:
+ import Engines
+ import SALOME
+ import SALOMEDS
+ import SALOME_ModuleCatalog
+ import SALOME_Session_idl
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ session=clt.waitNS("/Kernel/Session",SALOME.Session)
+ else:
+ session=clt.waitNSPID("/Kernel/Session",mySessionServ.PID,SALOME.Session)
+ args["session_object"] = session
+ end_time = os.times()
+ if verbose(): print()
+ print("Start SALOME, elapsed time : %5.1f seconds"% (end_time[4]
+ - init_time[4]))
+ # ASV start GUI without Loader
+ #if args['gui']:
+ # session.GetInterface()
+ #
+ # additional external python interpreters
+ #
+ nbaddi=0
+ try:
+ if 'interp' in args:
+ nbaddi = args['interp']
+ except Exception:
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print("-------------------------------------------------------------")
+ print("-- to get an external python interpreter:runSalome --interp=1")
+ print("-------------------------------------------------------------")
+ if verbose(): print("additional external python interpreters: ", nbaddi)
+ if nbaddi:
+ for i in range(nbaddi):
+ print("i=",i)
+ anInterp=InterpServer(args)
+ anInterp.run()
+ # set PYTHONINSPECT variable (python interpreter in interactive mode)
+ if args['pinter']:
+ os.environ["PYTHONINSPECT"]="1"
+ try:
+ import readline
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ return clt
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def useSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir):
+ """
+ Launch all SALOME servers requested by args,
+ save list of process, give info to user,
+ show registered objects in Naming Service.
+ """
+ global process_id
+ clt=None
+ try:
+ clt = startSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
+ except Exception:
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print()
+ print()
+ print("--- Error during Salome launch ---")
+ # print(process_id)
+ from addToKillList import addToKillList
+ from killSalomeWithPort import getPiDict
+ filedict = getPiDict(args['port'])
+ for pid, cmd in list(process_id.items()):
+ addToKillList(pid, cmd, args['port'])
+ pass
+ if verbose(): print("""
+ Saving of the dictionary of Salome processes in %s
+ To kill SALOME processes from a console (kill all sessions from all ports):
+ python killSalome.py
+ To kill SALOME from the present interpreter, if it is not closed :
+ killLocalPort() --> kill this session
+ (use CORBA port from args of runSalome)
+ givenPortKill(port) --> kill a specific session with given CORBA port
+ killAllPorts() --> kill all sessions
+ runSalome, with --killall option, starts with killing
+ the processes resulting from the previous execution.
+ """%filedict)
+ #
+ # Print Naming Service directory list
+ #
+ if clt != None:
+ if verbose():
+ print()
+ print(" --- registered objects tree in Naming Service ---")
+ clt.showNS()
+ pass
+ if not args['gui'] or not args['session_gui']:
+ if args['shutdown_servers']:
+ class __utils__:
+ def __init__(self, port):
+ self.port = port
+ import killSalomeWithPort
+ self.killSalomeWithPort = killSalomeWithPort
+ return
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.killSalomeWithPort.killMyPort(self.port)
+ return
+ pass
+ def func(s):
+ del s
+ import atexit
+ atexit.register(func, __utils__(args['port']))
+ pass
+ pass
+ # run python scripts, passed as command line arguments
+ toimport = []
+ if 'gui' in args and 'session_gui' in args:
+ if not args['gui'] or not args['session_gui']:
+ if 'study_hdf' in args:
+ toopen = args['study_hdf']
+ if toopen:
+ import salome
+ salome.salome_init(path=toopen)
+ if 'pyscript' in args:
+ toimport = args['pyscript']
+ from salomeContextUtils import formatScriptsAndArgs
+ command = formatScriptsAndArgs(toimport, escapeSpaces=True)
+ if command:
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
+ addToKillList(proc.pid, command, args['port'])
+ res = proc.wait()
+ if res: sys.exit(1) # if there's an error when executing script, we should explicitly exit
+ return clt
+def execScript(script_path):
+ print('executing', script_path)
+ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(script_path)))
+ exec(compile(open(script_path).read(), script_path, 'exec'),globals())
+ del sys.path[0]
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def registerEnv(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir):
+ """
+ Register args, modules_list, modules_root_dir in a file
+ for further use, when SALOME is launched embedded in an other application.
+ """
+ from salome_utils import getTmpDir
+ fileEnv = getTmpDir()
+ from salome_utils import getUserName
+ fileEnv += getUserName() + "_" + str(args['port']) \
+ + '_' + args['appname'].upper() + '_env'
+ fenv=open(fileEnv,'w')
+ pickle.dump((args, modules_list, modules_root_dir),fenv)
+ fenv.close()
+ os.environ["SALOME_LAUNCH_CONFIG"] = fileEnv
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def no_main():
+ """Salome Launch, when embedded in other application"""
+ fileEnv = os.environ["SALOME_LAUNCH_CONFIG"]
+ fenv=open(fileEnv,'r')
+ args, modules_list, modules_root_dir = pickle.load(fenv)
+ fenv.close()
+ kill_salome(args)
+ from searchFreePort import searchFreePort
+ searchFreePort(args, 0)
+ clt = useSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
+ return clt
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def addToPidict(args):
+ global process_id
+ from addToKillList import addToKillList
+ for pid, cmd in list(process_id.items()):
+ addToKillList(pid, cmd, args['port'])
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def main(exeName=None):
+ """Salome launch as a main application"""
+ # define folder to store omniorb config (initially in virtual application folder)
+ try:
+ from salomeContextUtils import setOmniOrbUserPath
+ setOmniOrbUserPath()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ from salome_utils import getHostName
+ args, modules_list, modules_root_dir = setenv.get_config(exeName=exeName, keepEnvironment=keep_env)
+ print("runSalome running on %s" % getHostName())
+ kill_salome(args)
+ save_config = True
+ if 'save_config' in args:
+ save_config = args['save_config']
+ # --
+ test = True
+ if args['wake_up_session']:
+ test = False
+ pass
+ if test and not 'launcher' in args:
+ from searchFreePort import searchFreePort
+ searchFreePort(args, save_config, args.get('useport'))
+ pass
+ # --
+ #setenv.main()
+ setenv.set_env(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir, keepEnvironment=keep_env)
+ clt = useSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
+ return clt,args
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def foreGround(clt, args):
+ # --
+ if "session_object" not in args:
+ return
+ session = args["session_object"]
+ # --
+ # Wait until gui is arrived
+ # tmax = nbtot * dt
+ # --
+ gui_detected = False
+ dt = 0.1
+ nbtot = 100
+ nb = 0
+ session_pid = None
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ status = session.GetStatSession()
+ gui_detected = status.activeGUI
+ session_pid = session.getPID()
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ if gui_detected:
+ break
+ from time import sleep
+ sleep(dt)
+ nb += 1
+ if nb == nbtot:
+ break
+ pass
+ # --
+ if not gui_detected:
+ return
+ # --
+ from salome_utils import getPortNumber
+ port = getPortNumber()
+ # --
+ server = Server({})
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ server.CMD = [os.getenv("PYTHONBIN"), "-m", "killSalomeWithPort", "--spy", "%s"%(session_pid or os.getpid()), "%s"%(port)]
+ else:
+ server.CMD = ["killSalomeWithPort.py", "--spy", "%s"%(session_pid or os.getpid()), "%s"%(port)]
+ server.run(True)
+ # os.system("killSalomeWithPort.py --spy %s %s &"%(os.getpid(), port))
+ # --
+ dt = 1.0
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ status = session.GetStatSession()
+ assert status.activeGUI
+ except Exception:
+ break
+ from time import sleep
+ sleep(dt)
+ pass
+ pass
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ from killSalomeWithPort import killMyPort
+ killMyPort(port)
+ pass
+ return
+def runSalome():
+ clt,args = main()
+ # --
+ test = args['gui'] and args['session_gui']
+ test = test or args['wake_up_session']
+ # --
+ # The next test covers the --pinter option or if var PYTHONINSPECT is set
+ # --
+ test = test and not os.environ.get('PYTHONINSPECT')
+ # --
+ # The next test covers the python -i $KERNEL_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/runSalome.py case
+ # --
+ try:
+ from ctypes import POINTER, c_int, cast, pythonapi
+ iflag_ptr = cast(pythonapi.Py_InteractiveFlag, POINTER(c_int))
+ test = test and not iflag_ptr.contents.value
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ # --
+# test = test and os.getenv("SALOME_TEST_MODE", "0") != "1"
+ test = test and args['foreground']
+ # --
+ if test:
+ from time import sleep
+ sleep(3.0)
+ foreGround(clt, args)
+ pass
+ pass
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ runSalome()
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2021 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-## @package runSalome
-# \brief Module that provides services to launch SALOME
-import sys, os, string, glob, time, pickle, re
-import orbmodule
-import setenv
-from launchConfigureParser import verbose
-from server import process_id, Server
-import json
-import subprocess
-from salomeContextUtils import ScriptAndArgsObjectEncoder
-import platform
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-from killSalome import killAllPorts
-def killLocalPort():
- """
- kill servers from a previous SALOME execution, if needed,
- on the CORBA port given in args of runSalome
- """
- from killSalomeWithPort import killMyPort
- my_port=str(args['port'])
- try:
- killMyPort(my_port)
- except:
- print("problem in killLocalPort()")
- pass
- pass
-def givenPortKill(port):
- """
- kill servers from a previous SALOME execution, if needed,
- on the same CORBA port
- """
- from killSalomeWithPort import killMyPort
- my_port=port
- try:
- killMyPort(my_port)
- except:
- print("problem in LocalPortKill(), killMyPort(%s)"%port)
- pass
- pass
-def kill_salome(args):
- """
- Kill servers from previous SALOME executions, if needed;
- depending on args 'killall' or 'portkill', kill all executions,
- or only execution on the same CORBA port
- """
- if args['killall']:
- killAllPorts()
- elif args['portkill']:
- givenPortKill(str(args['port']))
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Class definitions to launch CORBA Servers
-class InterpServer(Server):
- def __init__(self,args):
- self.args=args
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- self.CMD=['cmd', '/c', 'start cmd.exe', '/K', 'python']
- elif sys.platform == "darwin":
- env_ld_library_path=['env', 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=' + os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")]
- self.CMD=['xterm', '-e'] + env_ld_library_path + ['python']
- else:
- env_ld_library_path=['env', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=' + os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")]
- self.CMD=['xterm', '-e'] + env_ld_library_path + ['python']
- def run(self):
- global process_id
- command = self.CMD
- print("INTERPSERVER::command = ", command)
- import subprocess
- pid = subprocess.Popen(command).pid
- process_id[pid]=self.CMD
- self.PID = pid
-# ---
-def get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir):
- """Build a list of catalog paths (cata_path) to initialize the ModuleCatalog server
- """
- modules_cata={}
- cata_path=[]
- for module in list_modules:
- if module in modules_root_dir:
- module_root_dir=modules_root_dir[module]
- module_cata=module+"Catalog.xml"
- cata_file=os.path.join(module_root_dir, "share",setenv.salome_subdir, "resources",module.lower(), module_cata)
- if os.path.exists(cata_file):
- cata_path.append(cata_file)
- modules_cata[module]=cata_file
- else:
- cata_file=os.path.join(module_root_dir, "share",setenv.salome_subdir, "resources", module_cata)
- if os.path.exists(cata_file):
- cata_path.append(cata_file)
- modules_cata[module]=cata_file
- for path in os.getenv("SALOME_CATALOGS_PATH","").split(os.pathsep):
- if os.path.exists(path):
- for cata_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(path,"*Catalog.xml")):
- module_name= os.path.basename(cata_file)[:-11]
- if module_name not in modules_cata:
- cata_path.append(cata_file)
- modules_cata[module_name]=cata_file
- return cata_path
-class LoggerServer(Server):
- def __init__(self,args):
- self.args=args
- self.initArgs()
- from salome_utils import generateFileName, getLogDir
- logfile = generateFileName( getLogDir(),
- prefix="logger",
- extension="log",
- with_username=True,
- with_hostname=True,
- with_port=True)
- print("===========================================================")
- print("Logger server: put log to the file:")
- print(logfile)
- print("===========================================================")
- self.CMD=['SALOME_Logger_Server', logfile]
- pass
- pass # end of LoggerServer class
-# ---
-class SessionServer(Server):
- def __init__(self,args,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
- self.args = args.copy()
- # Bug 11512 (Problems with runSalome --xterm on Mandrake and Debian Sarge)
- #self.args['xterm']=0
- #
- self.initArgs()
- self.SCMD1=['SALOME_Session_Server_No_Server']
- if "SQUISH_PREFIX" in os.environ:
- if platform.system() == "Windows" :
- self.SCMD1 = [os.path.join(os.getenv("SQUISH_PREFIX"), "bin", "dllpreload.exe"),os.path.join(os.getenv("SQUISH_SALOME_PATH"), "W64", "GUI", "bin", "salome", self.SCMD1[0])]
- else :
- os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.environ["SQUISH_PREFIX"] + "/lib:" + os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]
- self.SCMD2=[]
- if 'launcher' in self.args:
- pos = args['launcher'].find(":")
- if pos != -1:
- self.SCMD1+=['-ORBInitRef']
- machine = args['launcher'][0:pos]
- port = args['launcher'][pos+1:]
- self.SCMD1+=["NameService=corbaname::" + machine + ":" + port]
- if 'registry' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD1+=['--with','Registry',
- '(','--salome_session','theSession',')']
- if 'moduleCatalog' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD1+=['--with','ModuleCatalog','(','-common']
- home_dir=os.path.expanduser("~")
- #if home_dir is not None:
- # self.SCMD2+=['-personal',os.path.join(home_dir,'Salome','resources','CatalogModulePersonnel.xml')]
- self.SCMD2+=[')']
- if 'study' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD2+=['--with','SALOMEDS','(',')']
- if 'cppContainer' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD2+=['--with','Container','(','FactoryServer',')']
- if 'SalomeAppEngine' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD2+=['--with','SalomeAppEngine','(',')']
- if 'cppContainer' in self.args['standalone'] or 'cppContainer' in self.args['embedded']:
- self.SCMD2+=['CPP']
- if 'pyContainer' in self.args['standalone'] or 'pyContainer' in self.args['embedded']:
- raise Exception('Python containers no longer supported')
- if self.args['gui']:
- session_gui = self.args.get('session_gui', True)
- if not session_gui:
- self.SCMD2+=['--hide-desktop']
- else:
- if not self.args['splash']:
- self.SCMD2+=['--hide-splash']
- pass
- if self.args['study_hdf'] is not None:
- self.SCMD2+=['--study-hdf=%s'%self.args['study_hdf']]
- pass
- pass
- if 'pyscript' in self.args and len(self.args['pyscript']) > 0:
- msg = json.dumps(self.args['pyscript'], cls=ScriptAndArgsObjectEncoder)
- self.SCMD2+=['--pyscript=%s'%(msg)]
- pass
- pass
- pass
- if self.args['noexcepthandler']:
- self.SCMD2+=['--no-exception-handler']
- if 'user_config' in self.args:
- self.SCMD2+=['--resources=%s'%self.args['user_config']]
- if 'modules' in self.args:
- list_modules = []
- #keep only modules with GUI
- for m in modules_list:
- if m not in modules_root_dir:
- list_modules.insert(0,m)
- else:
- fr1 = os.path.join(modules_root_dir[m],"share","salome","resources",m.lower(),"SalomeApp.xml")
- fr2 = os.path.join(modules_root_dir[m],"share","salome","resources","SalomeApp.xml")
- if os.path.exists(fr1) or os.path.exists(fr2):
- list_modules.insert(0,m)
- list_modules.reverse()
- self.SCMD2+=['--modules (%s)' % ":".join(list_modules)]
- pass
- if 'language' in self.args:
- self.SCMD2+=['--language=%s' % self.args['language']]
- #print(self.SCMD1)
- #print(self.SCMD2)
- pass
- def setpath(self,modules_list,modules_root_dir):
- list_modules = modules_list[:]
- list_modules.reverse()
- if self.args["gui"] :
- list_modules = ["KERNEL", "GUI"] + list_modules
- else :
- list_modules = ["KERNEL"] + list_modules
- cata_path=get_cata_path(list_modules,modules_root_dir)
- if ("gui" in self.args) & ('moduleCatalog' in self.args['embedded']):
- #Use '::' instead ":" because drive path with "D:\" is invalid on windows platform
- self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + ['"' + '"::"'.join(cata_path) + '"'] + self.SCMD2
- else:
- self.CMD=self.SCMD1 + self.SCMD2
- if 'test' in self.args:
- self.CMD+=['-test'] + self.args['test']
- elif 'play' in self.args:
- self.CMD+=['-play'] + self.args['play']
- if self.args["gdb_session"] or self.args["ddd_session"]:
- f = open(".gdbinit4salome", "w")
- f.write("set args ")
- args = " ".join(self.CMD[1:])
- args = args.replace("(", "\(")
- args = args.replace(")", "\)")
- f.write(args)
- f.write("\n")
- f.close()
- if self.args["ddd_session"]:
- self.CMD = ["ddd", "--command=.gdbinit4salome", self.CMD[0]]
- elif self.args["gdb_session"]:
- self.CMD = ["xterm", "-e", "gdb", "--command=.gdbinit4salome", self.CMD[0]]
- pass
- pass
- if self.args["valgrind_session"]:
- l = ["valgrind"]
- val = os.getenv("VALGRIND_OPTIONS")
- if val:
- l += val.split()
- pass
- self.CMD = l + self.CMD
- pass
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def startGUI(clt):
- """Salome Session Graphic User Interface activation"""
- import Engines
- import SALOME
- import SALOMEDS
- import SALOME_ModuleCatalog
- import SALOME_Session_idl
- session=clt.waitNS("/Kernel/Session",SALOME.Session)
- session.GetInterface()
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def startSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir):
- #print(400*"*")
- #print(args)
- """Launch all SALOME servers requested by args"""
- init_time = os.times()
- if verbose(): print("startSalome ", args)
- #
- # Set server launch command
- #
- if 'server_launch_mode' in args:
- Server.set_server_launch_mode(args['server_launch_mode'])
- #
- # Wake up session option
- #
- if args['wake_up_session']:
- if "OMNIORB_CONFIG" not in os.environ:
- from salome_utils import generateFileName
- omniorbUserPath = os.getenv("OMNIORB_USER_PATH")
- kwargs={}
- if omniorbUserPath is not None:
- kwargs["with_username"]=True
- last_running_config = generateFileName(omniorbUserPath, prefix="omniORB",
- suffix="last",
- extension="cfg",
- hidden=True,
- **kwargs)
- os.environ['OMNIORB_CONFIG'] = last_running_config
- pass
- pass
- #
- # Initialisation ORB and Naming Service
- #
- addToPidict(args)
- #
- # Wake up session option
- #
- if args['wake_up_session']:
- import Engines
- import SALOME
- import SALOMEDS
- import SALOME_ModuleCatalog
- import SALOME_Session_idl
- session = clt.waitNS("/Kernel/Session",SALOME.Session)
- status = session.GetStatSession()
- if status.activeGUI:
- from salome_utils import getPortNumber
- port = getPortNumber()
- msg = "Warning :"
- msg += "\n"
- msg += "Session GUI for port number %s is already active."%(port)
- msg += "\n"
- msg += "If you which to wake up another session,"
- msg += "\n"
- msg += "please use variable OMNIORB_CONFIG"
- msg += "\n"
- msg += "to get the correct session object in naming service."
- sys.stdout.write(msg+"\n")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- return clt
- session.GetInterface()
- args["session_object"] = session
- return clt
- # Launch Logger Server (optional)
- # and wait until it is registered in naming service
- #
- if args['logger']:
- myServer=LoggerServer(args)
- myServer.run()
- clt.waitLogger("Logger")
- addToPidict(args)
- from Utils_Identity import getShortHostName
- if os.getenv("HOSTNAME") == None:
- if os.getenv("HOST") == None:
- os.environ["HOSTNAME"]=getShortHostName()
- else:
- os.environ["HOSTNAME"]=os.getenv("HOST")
- theComputer = getShortHostName()
- # ASV start GUI without Loader
- #if args['gui']:
- # session.GetInterface()
- #
- # additional external python interpreters
- #
- nbaddi=0
- try:
- if 'interp' in args:
- nbaddi = args['interp']
- except:
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- print("-------------------------------------------------------------")
- print("-- to get an external python interpreter:runSalome --interp=1")
- print("-------------------------------------------------------------")
- if verbose(): print("additional external python interpreters: ", nbaddi)
- if nbaddi:
- for i in range(nbaddi):
- print("i=",i)
- anInterp=InterpServer(args)
- anInterp.run()
- # set PYTHONINSPECT variable (python interpreter in interactive mode)
- if args['pinter']:
- os.environ["PYTHONINSPECT"]="1"
- try:
- import readline
- except ImportError:
- pass
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def useSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir):
- """
- Launch all SALOME servers requested by args,
- save list of process, give info to user,
- show registered objects in Naming Service.
- """
- global process_id
- clt=None
- try:
- startSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
- except:
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- print()
- print()
- print("--- Error during Salome launch ---")
- # print(process_id)
- from addToKillList import addToKillList
- from killSalomeWithPort import getPiDict
- filedict = getPiDict(args['port'])
- for pid, cmd in list(process_id.items()):
- addToKillList(pid, cmd, args['port'])
- pass
- import salome
- salome.standalone()
- SalomeAppSLConfig=os.getenv("SalomeAppConfig","")
- os.putenv("SalomeAppSLConfig", SalomeAppSLConfig)
- if args["gui"] and not args['launcher_only']:
- mySessionServ = SessionServer(args,args['modules'],modules_root_dir)
- mySessionServ.setpath(modules_list,modules_root_dir)
- mySessionServ.run()
- addToPidict(args)
- if verbose(): print("""
- Saving of the dictionary of Salome processes in %s
- To kill SALOME processes from a console (kill all sessions from all ports):
- python killSalome.py
- To kill SALOME from the present interpreter, if it is not closed :
- killLocalPort() --> kill this session
- (use CORBA port from args of runSalome)
- givenPortKill(port) --> kill a specific session with given CORBA port
- killAllPorts() --> kill all sessions
- runSalome, with --killall option, starts with killing
- the processes resulting from the previous execution.
- """%filedict)
- #
- # Print Naming Service directory list
- #
- if clt != None:
- if verbose():
- print()
- print(" --- registered objects tree in Naming Service ---")
- clt.showNS()
- pass
- # run python scripts, passed as command line arguments
- toimport = []
- if 'gui' in args and 'session_gui' in args:
- if not args['gui'] or not args['session_gui']:
- if 'study_hdf' in args:
- toopen = args['study_hdf']
- if toopen:
- import salome
- salome.salome_init(path=toopen)
- if 'pyscript' in args:
- toimport = args['pyscript']
- from salomeContextUtils import formatScriptsAndArgs
- command = formatScriptsAndArgs(toimport, escapeSpaces=True)
- if command:
- proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
- addToKillList(proc.pid, command, args['port'])
- res = proc.wait()
- if res: sys.exit(1) # if there's an error when executing script, we should explicitly exit
- return clt
-def execScript(script_path):
- print('executing', script_path)
- sys.path.insert(0, os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(script_path)))
- exec(compile(open(script_path).read(), script_path, 'exec'),globals())
- del sys.path[0]
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def registerEnv(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir):
- """
- Register args, modules_list, modules_root_dir in a file
- for further use, when SALOME is launched embedded in an other application.
- """
- from salome_utils import getTmpDir
- fileEnv = getTmpDir()
- from salome_utils import getUserName
- fileEnv += getUserName() + "_" + str(args['port']) \
- + '_' + args['appname'].upper() + '_env'
- fenv=open(fileEnv,'w')
- pickle.dump((args, modules_list, modules_root_dir),fenv)
- fenv.close()
- os.environ["SALOME_LAUNCH_CONFIG"] = fileEnv
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def no_main():
- """Salome Launch, when embedded in other application"""
- fileEnv = os.environ["SALOME_LAUNCH_CONFIG"]
- fenv=open(fileEnv,'r')
- args, modules_list, modules_root_dir = pickle.load(fenv)
- fenv.close()
- kill_salome(args)
- from searchFreePort import searchFreePort
- searchFreePort(args, 0)
- clt = useSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
- return clt
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def addToPidict(args):
- global process_id
- from addToKillList import addToKillList
- for pid, cmd in list(process_id.items()):
- addToKillList(pid, cmd, args['port'])
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def main(exeName=None):
- """Salome launch as a main application"""
- from salome_utils import getHostName
- args, modules_list, modules_root_dir = setenv.get_config(exeName=exeName, keepEnvironment=keep_env)
- print("runSalome running on %s" % getHostName())
- # --
- #setenv.main()
- setenv.set_env(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir, keepEnvironment=keep_env)
- clt = useSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
- return clt,args
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def foreGround(clt, args):
- # --
- if "session_object" not in args:
- return
- session = args["session_object"]
- # --
- # Wait until gui is arrived
- # tmax = nbtot * dt
- # --
- gui_detected = False
- dt = 0.1
- nbtot = 100
- nb = 0
- session_pid = None
- while 1:
- try:
- status = session.GetStatSession()
- gui_detected = status.activeGUI
- session_pid = session.getPID()
- except:
- pass
- if gui_detected:
- break
- from time import sleep
- sleep(dt)
- nb += 1
- if nb == nbtot:
- break
- pass
- # --
- if not gui_detected:
- return
- # --
- from salome_utils import getPortNumber
- port = getPortNumber()
- # --
- server = Server({})
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- server.CMD = [os.getenv("PYTHONBIN"), "-m", "killSalomeWithPort", "--spy", "%s"%(session_pid or os.getpid()), "%s"%(port)]
- else:
- server.CMD = ["killSalomeWithPort.py", "--spy", "%s"%(session_pid or os.getpid()), "%s"%(port)]
- server.run(True)
- # os.system("killSalomeWithPort.py --spy %s %s &"%(os.getpid(), port))
- # --
- dt = 1.0
- try:
- while 1:
- try:
- status = session.GetStatSession()
- assert status.activeGUI
- except:
- break
- from time import sleep
- sleep(dt)
- pass
- pass
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- from killSalomeWithPort import killMyPort
- killMyPort(port)
- pass
- return
-def runSalome():
- clt,args = main()
- # --
- test = args['gui'] and args['session_gui']
- test = test or args['wake_up_session']
- # --
- # The next test covers the --pinter option or if var PYTHONINSPECT is set
- # --
- test = test and not os.environ.get('PYTHONINSPECT')
- # --
- # The next test covers the python -i $KERNEL_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/runSalome.py case
- # --
- try:
- from ctypes import POINTER, c_int, cast, pythonapi
- iflag_ptr = cast(pythonapi.Py_InteractiveFlag, POINTER(c_int))
- test = test and not iflag_ptr.contents.value
- except:
- pass
- # --
-# test = test and os.getenv("SALOME_TEST_MODE", "0") != "1"
- test = test and args['foreground']
- # --
- if test:
- from time import sleep
- sleep(3.0)
- foreGround(clt, args)
- pass
- pass
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- runSalome()
import platform
from salomeContextUtils import SalomeContextException
+from addToKillList import killList
def usage():
msg = '''\
- start Start a new SALOME instance.
+ start Start a new SALOME instance. Start a single SALOME_Session_Server_No_Server
+ process with environment relevant to the application and hosting all servants in it.
context Initialize SALOME context. Current environment is extended.
shell Initialize SALOME context, attached to the last created SALOME
instance if any, and executes scripts passed as command arguments.
User works in a Shell terminal. SALOME environment is set but
application is not started.
- connect Connect a Python console to the active SALOME instance.
- remote run command in SALOME environment from remote call, ssh or rsh.
- kill <port(s)> Terminate SALOME instances running on given ports for current user.
- Port numbers must be separated by blank characters.
- killall Terminate *all* SALOME running instances for current user.
- Do not start a new one.
test Run SALOME tests.
info Display some information about SALOME.
doc <module(s)> Show online module documentation (if available).
Module names must be separated by blank characters.
help Show this message.
+ remote run command in SALOME environment from remote call, ssh or rsh.
+ withsession Start a new SWS SALOME instance with multiple servers hosting all servants.
+ connect In SWS context, Connect a Python console to the active SALOME instance.
+ kill <port(s)> In SWS context, Terminate SALOME instances running on given ports for current user.
+ Port numbers must be separated by blank characters.
+ killall Terminate *all* SALOME running SWS instances for current user.
+ Do not start a new one.
If no command is given, default is start.
options = args[1:]
availableCommands = {
- 'start' : '_runAppli',
- 'sessionless' : '_sessionless',
+ 'start' : '_sessionless',
+ 'withsession' : '_runAppli',
'context' : '_setContext',
'shell' : '_runSession',
'remote' : '_runRemote',
return 0
# try to default to "start" command
- command = "_runAppli"
+ command = "_sessionless"
res = getattr(self, command)(options) # run appropriate method
if args is None:
args = []
# Initialize SALOME environment
- sys.argv = ['runSalome'] + args
+ sys.argv = ['runSalomeOld'] + args
import setenv
- setenv.main(True, exeName="salome start")
+ setenv.main(True, exeName="salome withsession")
- import runSalome
- runSalome.runSalome()
+ import runSalomeOld
+ runSalomeOld.runSalome()
return 0
proc = subprocess.Popen(["killSalomeWithPort.py", str(port)])
return 0
from killSalome import killAllPorts
+ killList()
return 0
if "-v" in args or "--version" in args:
print("Running with python", platform.python_version())
- return self._runAppli(["--version"])
+ return self._sessionless(["--version"])
return 0
#include "KernelBasis.hxx"
-static bool DEFAULT_SSL_MODE = false;
+static bool DEFAULT_SSL_MODE = true;
static bool GUI_MODE = false;
// IOR of SALOME_Embedded_NamingService servant
def standalone():
- import os
- os.environ[__EMB_SERVANT_ENV_VAR_NAME] = "1"
+ pass
+def withServers():
import KernelBasis
- KernelBasis.setSSLMode(True)
+ KernelBasis.setSSLMode(False)
def salome_init(path=None, embedded=False):
- import os
import KernelBasis
- if __EMB_SERVANT_ENV_VAR_NAME in os.environ:
- KernelBasis.setSSLMode(True)
- #
if KernelBasis.getSSLMode():
if KernelBasis.getIOROfEmbeddedNS() == "":
salome_init_without_session(path, embedded)
#include "SALOME_KernelServices.hxx"
#include "Basics_Utils.hxx"
+#include "KernelBasis.hxx"
#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
#include CORBA_CLIENT_HEADER(SALOME_TestComponent)
void KernelHelpersUnitTests::setUp()
+ setSSLMode(false);
// ============================================================================
import sys, os,signal,string,subprocess
import subprocess
-import runSalome
+import runSalomeOld
import setenv
import orbmodule
import TestKiller
# launch CORBA logger server
# kill Test process
struct stat statbuf;
if(stat(getenv("APPLI"), &statbuf) ==0 && S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode))
// case where AppliPath hold a salome launcher file
- launch_script_stream << _resource_definition.AppliPath << " shell -p \"$appli_port\" python " << _job_file_name_complete << " > logs/python_" << _launch_date << ".log 2>&1" << std::endl;
+ launch_script_stream << _resource_definition.AppliPath << " shell -- python " << _job_file_name_complete << " > logs/python_" << _launch_date << ".log 2>&1" << std::endl;
- launch_script_stream << _resource_definition.AppliPath << "/salome shell -p \"$appli_port\" python " << _job_file_name_complete << " > logs/python_" << _launch_date << ".log 2>&1" << std::endl;
+ launch_script_stream << _resource_definition.AppliPath << "/salome shell -- python " << _job_file_name_complete << " > logs/python_" << _launch_date << ".log 2>&1" << std::endl;
launch_script_stream << "} > $CATALOG_FILE" << std::endl;
launch_script_stream << "fi" << std::endl;
- if(_activateSession)
- {
- // Create file for ns-port-log
- if (is_launcher_file)
- // for a salome application file, we write NS_PORT_FILE_PATH in working directory
- launch_script_stream << "NS_PORT_FILE_PATH=$(mktemp " << work_directory << "/nsport_" << _launch_date << "_XXXXXX) &&\n";
- else
- launch_script_stream << "NS_PORT_FILE_PATH=$(mktemp " << _resource_definition.AppliPath << "/USERS/nsport_XXXXXX) &&\n";
- // Launch SALOME with an appli
- if (is_launcher_file)
- launch_script_stream << _resource_definition.AppliPath << " start --terminal --ns-port-log=\"$NS_PORT_FILE_PATH\" --server-launch-mode=fork ";
- else
- launch_script_stream << _resource_definition.AppliPath << "/salome start --terminal --ns-port-log=\"$NS_PORT_FILE_PATH\" --server-launch-mode=fork ";
- launch_script_stream << "> logs/salome_" << _launch_date << ".log 2>&1 &&" << std::endl;
- launch_script_stream << "current=0 &&\n"
- << "stop=20 &&\n"
- << "while ! test -s \"$NS_PORT_FILE_PATH\"\n"
- << "do\n"
- << " sleep 2\n"
- << " current=$((current+1))\n"
- << " if [ \"$current\" -eq \"$stop\" ] ; then\n"
- << " echo Error Naming Service failed ! >&2\n"
- << " exit\n"
- << " fi\n"
- << "done &&\n"
- << "appli_port=$(cat \"$NS_PORT_FILE_PATH\") &&\n"
- << "rm \"$NS_PORT_FILE_PATH\" &&\n";
- }
// Call real job type
// log the exit code
launch_script_stream << "echo $? > logs/exit_code.log" << std::endl;
- // End
- if(_activateSession)
- {
- if (is_launcher_file)
- launch_script_stream << _resource_definition.AppliPath << " kill \"$appli_port\"" << std::endl;
- else
- launch_script_stream << _resource_definition.AppliPath << "/salome kill \"$appli_port\"" << std::endl;
- }
// Return
import sys, os,signal,string,subprocess
import subprocess
-import runSalome
+import runSalomeOld
import setenv
import orbmodule
import TestKiller
# launch CORBA logger server
# launch registry server
# launch module catalog server
# launch launcher server
-myCmServer = runSalome.LauncherServer(args)
+myCmServer = runSalomeOld.LauncherServer(args)
import sys, os,signal,string,subprocess
import subprocess
-import runSalome
+import runSalomeOld
import setenv
import orbmodule
import TestKiller
# launch CORBA logger server
# launch registry server
# launch module catalog server
# launch container manager server
-myCmServer = runSalome.LauncherServer(args)
+myCmServer = runSalomeOld.LauncherServer(args)
import sys, os,signal,string,subprocess
import subprocess
-import runSalome
+import runSalomeOld
import setenv
import orbmodule
import TestKiller
# launch CORBA logger server
# kill Test process
import sys, os,signal,string,subprocess
import subprocess
-import runSalome
+import runSalomeOld
import orbmodule
import TestKiller
import setenv
# launch CORBA logger server
# kill Test process
import sys, os,signal,string,subprocess
import subprocess
-import runSalome
+import runSalomeOld
import orbmodule
import TestKiller
import setenv
# launch CORBA logger server
# kill Test process
import sys, signal,string,subprocess
import subprocess
-import runSalome
import setenv
# get SALOME environment :
import sys, os,signal,string,subprocess
import subprocess
-import runSalome
+import runSalomeOld
import orbmodule
import TestKiller
import setenv
# launch CORBA logger server
# kill Test process
import sys, os,signal,string,subprocess
import subprocess
-import runSalome
+import runSalomeOld
import setenv
import orbmodule
import TestKiller
# launch CORBA logger server
# launch registry server
# launch module catalog server
# launch container manager server
-myCmServer = runSalome.LauncherServer(args)
+myCmServer = runSalomeOld.LauncherServer(args)
# kill Test process
import sys, os,signal,string,subprocess
import subprocess
-import runSalome
+import runSalomeOld
import orbmodule
import TestKiller
import setenv
# launch CORBA logger server
# kill Test process