#include "ModuleBase_IViewer.h"
#include <GeomAPI_PlanarEdges.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_Edge.h>
#include <ModelAPI_Events.h>
#include <ModelAPI_Tools.h>
#include <Events_InfoMessage.h>
#include <Events_Loop.h>
+#include <Config_PropManager.h>
#include <AIS_ColoredDrawer.hxx>
#include <AIS_InteractiveContext.hxx>
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Builder.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
+#include <BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh.hxx>
: ViewerData_AISShape(TopoDS_Shape()), myResult(theResult), myAdditionalSelectionPriority(0),
myTransparency(1), myIsSubstituted(false)
- std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Shape> aShapePtr = ModelAPI_Tools::shape(theResult);
+ GeomShapePtr aShapePtr = ModelAPI_Tools::shape(theResult);
TopoDS_Shape aShape = aShapePtr->impl<TopoDS_Shape>();
+ // Workaround for Sketch subshapes which has no discrete representation
+ // until sketch faces are built and displayed.
+ // Thus, perform discretization of such edges.
+ if (theResult->groupName() == ModelAPI_ResultConstruction::group() &&
+ aShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE) {
+ GeomEdgePtr anEdgePtr = GeomEdgePtr(new GeomAPI_Edge(aShapePtr));
+ if (anEdgePtr->isCircle() || anEdgePtr->isArc()) {
+ TopoDS_Edge anEdge = TopoDS::Edge(aShape);
+ TopLoc_Location aLoc;
+ Handle(Poly_Polygon3D) aPoly3D = BRep_Tool::Polygon3D(anEdge, aLoc);
+ if (aPoly3D.IsNull()) {
+ double aDeflection = Config_PropManager::real("Visualization", "body_deflection");
+ BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh(aShape, aDeflection);
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Activate individual repaintng if this is a part of compsolid