return 1;
- TopoDS_Shape aPntShape;
- TopoDS_Vertex aVertex;
- bool isFound = false;
- TopAbs_ShapeEnum iType = TopAbs_SOLID;
- //Standard_Real aWhat_Mass = 0., aWhere_Mass = 0.;
- Standard_Real tab_aWhat[4], tab_aWhere[4];
- Standard_Real dl_l = 1e-3;
- Standard_Real min_l, Tol_0D, Tol_1D, Tol_2D, Tol_3D, Tol_Mass;
- Standard_Real aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax;
- Bnd_Box BoundingBox;
- gp_Pnt aPnt, aPnt_aWhat, tab_Pnt[2];
- GProp_GProps aProps;
- iType = GEOMUtils::GetTypeOfSimplePart(theWhat);
+ // Check shape type.
+ TopAbs_ShapeEnum iType = GEOMUtils::GetTypeOfSimplePart(theWhat);
if (iType == TopAbs_SHAPE) {
// Error: An attempt to extract a shape of not supported type.
return 2;
- TopExp_Explorer Exp_aWhat ( theWhat, iType );
- TopExp_Explorer Exp_aWhere ( theWhere, iType );
- TopExp_Explorer Exp_Edge ( theWhere, TopAbs_EDGE );
- // Find the shortest edge in theShapeWhere shape
- BRepBndLib::Add(theWhere, BoundingBox);
- BoundingBox.Get(aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax);
- min_l = fabs(aXmax - aXmin);
- if( min_l < fabs(aYmax - aYmin) ) min_l = fabs(aYmax - aYmin);
- if( min_l < fabs(aZmax - aZmin) ) min_l = fabs(aZmax - aZmin);
- min_l /= dl_l;
- // Mantis issue 0020908 BEGIN
- if (!Exp_Edge.More()) {
- min_l = Precision::Confusion();
- }
- // Mantis issue 0020908 END
- for ( Standard_Integer nbEdge = 0; Exp_Edge.More(); Exp_Edge.Next(), nbEdge++ ) {
- TopExp_Explorer Exp_Vertex( Exp_Edge.Current(), TopAbs_VERTEX);
- for ( Standard_Integer nbVertex = 0; Exp_Vertex.More(); Exp_Vertex.Next(), nbVertex++ ) {
- aPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( Exp_Vertex.Current() ) );
- tab_Pnt[nbVertex] = aPnt;
- }
- if ( ! tab_Pnt[0].IsEqual(tab_Pnt[1], dl_l) ) {
- BRepGProp::LinearProperties(Exp_Edge.Current(), aProps);
- if ( aProps.Mass() < min_l ) min_l = aProps.Mass();
+ // Compute confusion tolerance.
+ Standard_Real aTolConf = Precision::Confusion();
+ Standard_Integer i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ TopExp_Explorer anExp(i == 0 ? theWhere : theWhat, TopAbs_VERTEX);
+ for (; anExp.More(); anExp.Next()) {
+ const TopoDS_Vertex aVtx = TopoDS::Vertex(anExp.Current());
+ const Standard_Real aTolVtx = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(aVtx);
+ if (aTolVtx > aTolConf) {
+ aTolConf = aTolVtx;
+ }
- // Compute tolerances
- Tol_0D = dl_l;
- Tol_1D = dl_l * min_l;
- Tol_2D = dl_l * ( min_l * min_l) * ( 2. + dl_l);
- Tol_3D = dl_l * ( min_l * min_l * min_l ) * ( 3. + (3 * dl_l) + (dl_l * dl_l) );
- if (Tol_0D < Precision::Confusion()) Tol_0D = Precision::Confusion();
- if (Tol_1D < Precision::Confusion()) Tol_1D = Precision::Confusion();
- if (Tol_2D < Precision::Confusion()) Tol_2D = Precision::Confusion();
- if (Tol_3D < Precision::Confusion()) Tol_3D = Precision::Confusion();
+ // Compute mass tolerance.
+ Bnd_Box aBoundingBox;
+ Standard_Real aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax;
+ Standard_Real aMassTol;
- Tol_Mass = Tol_3D;
- if ( iType == TopAbs_VERTEX ) Tol_Mass = Tol_0D;
- else if ( iType == TopAbs_EDGE ) Tol_Mass = Tol_1D;
- else if ( iType == TopAbs_FACE ) Tol_Mass = Tol_2D;
+ BRepBndLib::Add(theWhere, aBoundingBox);
+ BRepBndLib::Add(theWhat, aBoundingBox);
+ aBoundingBox.Get(aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax);
+ aMassTol = Max(aXmax - aXmin, aYmax - aYmin);
+ aMassTol = Max(aMassTol, aZmax - aZmin);
+ aMassTol *= aTolConf;
- // Searching for the sub-shapes inside the ShapeWhere shape
+ // Compute the result.
+ TopExp_Explorer Exp_aWhat (theWhat, iType);
+ TopExp_Explorer Exp_aWhere (theWhere, iType);
+ Standard_Real tab_aWhat[4], tab_aWhere[4];
+ gp_Pnt aPnt, aPnt_aWhat;
+ TopoDS_Shape aPntShape;
+ TopoDS_Vertex aVertex;
+ bool isFound = false;
TopTools_MapOfShape map_aWhere;
- for ( Exp_aWhere.ReInit(); Exp_aWhere.More(); Exp_aWhere.Next() ) {
+ for (; Exp_aWhere.More(); Exp_aWhere.Next()) {
if (!map_aWhere.Add(Exp_aWhere.Current()))
continue; // skip repeated shape to avoid mass addition
GetShapeProperties( Exp_aWhere.Current(), tab_aWhere, aPnt );
for ( Exp_aWhat.ReInit(); Exp_aWhat.More(); Exp_aWhat.Next() ) {
GetShapeProperties( Exp_aWhat.Current(), tab_aWhat, aPnt_aWhat );
- if ( fabs(tab_aWhat[3] - tab_aWhere[3]) <= Tol_Mass && aPnt_aWhat.Distance(aPnt) <= Tol_1D )
+ if (fabs(tab_aWhat[3] - tab_aWhere[3]) <= aMassTol && aPnt_aWhat.Distance(aPnt) <= aTolConf)
isFound = true;
else {
- if ( (tab_aWhat[3] - tab_aWhere[3]) > Tol_Mass ) {
+ if ((tab_aWhat[3] - tab_aWhere[3]) > aMassTol) {
aPntShape = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex( aPnt ).Shape();
aVertex = TopoDS::Vertex( aPntShape );
BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape aWhereDistance ( aVertex, Exp_aWhere.Current() );
BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape aWhatDistance ( aVertex, Exp_aWhat.Current() );
- if ( aWhereDistance.IsDone() && aWhatDistance.IsDone() &&
- fabs(aWhereDistance.Value() - aWhatDistance.Value()) <= Tol_1D )
+ if (aWhereDistance.IsDone() && aWhatDistance.IsDone() &&
+ fabs(aWhereDistance.Value() - aWhatDistance.Value()) <= aTolConf)
// 0020162: "EDF 961 GEOM : Getinplace is getting additionnal orthogonal faces"
// aVertex must be projected to the same point on Where and on What
gp_Pnt pOnWhat = aWhatDistance.PointOnShape2(1);
gp_Pnt pOnWhere = aWhereDistance.PointOnShape2(1);
- isFound = ( pOnWhat.Distance(pOnWhere) <= Tol_1D );
+ isFound = (pOnWhat.Distance(pOnWhere) <= aTolConf);
if ( isFound && iType == TopAbs_FACE )
// check normals at pOnWhat and pOnWhere