import time
import socket
+import os
import sys
import threading
import SocketServer
import struct
import ctypes
+import logging
+def createLogger():
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ ch = logging.StreamHandler()
+ ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(threadName)s:%(message)s")
+ ch.setFormatter(formatter)
+ logger.addHandler(ch)
+ return logger
+logger = createLogger()
if sys.platform == 'win32':
import multiprocessing.reduction # make sockets pickable/inheritable
return port
def releasePort(self, port):
+ logger.debug("PortManager.releasePort %s"%port)
with self.__lock:
if port in self.__lockedPorts:
class _ThreadedTCPRequestHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
response = "%s" % (RELEASE_PORT_ACK_MSG)
_send(self.request, response)
- #print "RELEASE_PORT:", port
+ logger.debug("RELEASE_PORT: %s"%port)
if not pm.isBusy():
- #print "Close server"
+ logger.debug("Close server")
+ config_file, lock_file = _getConfigurationFilename()
+ try:
+ os.remove(config_file)
+ pmlock.release()
+ os.remove(lock_file)
+ except:
+ pass
#print pm
elif data == STOP_SERVER_MSG:
- #print "Close server"
+ logger.debug("Close server")
+ elif data == TEST_SERVER_MSG:
+ _send(self.request, TEST_SERVER_ACK_MSG)
class _ThreadedTCPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.TCPServer):
-pm_address = ('', 51843)
-def __getServer(address):
+# A file locker (Linux only)
+import fcntl
+class PortManagerLock:
+ def __init__(self, filename, readonly=False, blocking=True):
+ self.filename = filename
+ # This will create it if it does not exist already
+ logger.debug("Create lock on %s"%filename)
+ mode = 'w'
+ if readonly:
+ mode = 'r'
+ self.handle = open(filename, mode)
+ # go back to beginning of file to read it multiple times
+ self.__blocking = blocking
+ def acquire(self):
+ mode = fcntl.LOCK_EX
+ if not self.__blocking: # Raise an IOError exception if file has already been locked
+ mode = mode | fcntl.LOCK_NB
+ fcntl.flock(self.handle, mode)
+ logger.debug("lock acquired %s"%self.__blocking)
+ def release(self):
+ fcntl.flock(self.handle, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+ logger.debug("lock released")
+ def __del__(self):
+ if logger:
+ logger.debug("Close lock file")
+ self.handle.close()
+# Server address has to be shared by different processes, without any common
+# ancestor.
+# The "simplest" solution is to define it here as a global variable. Unfortunately,
+# availability of the corresponding socket is not guaranted at all. If PortManager
+# tries to use a socket it does not own, server is not created (it is identified as
+# already existing), clients then connect on this socket but message passing
+# between clients and server will not work and SALOME launch will crash.
+# We can introduce a port verification procedure automatically called by importing
+# this module (i.e. when creating the server). This procedure consists in creating
+# a client which sends a specific message to the server that has to be tested. And
+# loop on port numbers until a free socket is found and associated to a new server.
+# Another approach is to let Python socket API select a free port number, then store
+# it to a file on server host machine in order to be shared with clients.
+# The logical part can be defined as follows. When server is started (by importing
+# this module), write server port number to a specific file (do not use a temporary
+# file name). Each client then read server address from this same file ; if file is
+# not nound, it is an error (add appropriate processing).
+# Server could also check file existence and try to use the same address as previous
+# server in order to avoid opening too many unecessary sockets ; but we need to apply
+# the above verification procedure. This processing is not necessary because TCP socket
+# timeout will automatically close unused sockets.
+def _getConfigurationFilename():
+ omniorbUserPath = os.getenv("OMNIORB_USER_PATH")
+ from salome_utils import generateFileName
+ portmanager_config = generateFileName(omniorbUserPath,
+ prefix="omniORB",
+ suffix="PortManager",
+ extension="cfg",
+ hidden=True)
+ lock_file = portmanager_config + "-lock"
+ return (portmanager_config, lock_file)
+def __checkServer():
+ while True:
+ logger.debug("CHECKING SERVER")
+ status = __newClient(TEST_SERVER_MSG)
+ if status == TEST_SERVER_ACK_MSG:
+ break
+ return (status == TEST_SERVER_ACK_MSG)
+def __getServerAddress(readonly=True):
+ address = ("localhost", 0)
+ config_file, lock_file = _getConfigurationFilename()
+ lock = PortManagerLock(config_file, readonly, blocking=True)
+ lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ address = eval(
+ except (IOError, SyntaxError) as e:
+ logger.debug("no configuration file")
+ pass
+ finally:
+ lock.release()
+ return address
+def __setServerAddress(address):
+ config_file, lock_file = _getConfigurationFilename()
+ lock = PortManagerLock(config_file, readonly=False, blocking=True)
+ lock.acquire()
+ logger.debug("setServerAddress: %s"%str(address))
+ lock.handle.write(str(address))
+ lock.release()
+def __getServer():
+ address = __getServerAddress(readonly=False)
SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True # can be restarted immediately
server = _ThreadedTCPServer(address, _ThreadedTCPRequestHandler, False) # Do not automatically bind
server.allow_reuse_address = True # Prevent 'cannot bind to address' errors on restart
+ server.server_bind() # Manually bind, to support allow_reuse_address
+ __setServerAddress(server.server_address)
+ server.server_activate()
return server
+pmlock = None
def __startServer():
- global pm_address
- server = __getServer(pm_address)
- server.server_bind() # Manually bind, to support allow_reuse_address
- server.server_activate()
- pm_address = server.server_address
+ config_file, lock_file = _getConfigurationFilename()
+ global pmlock
+ pmlock = PortManagerLock(lock_file, readonly=False, blocking=False)
+ pmlock.acquire()
+ server = __getServer()
# Start a thread with the server -- that thread will then start one
# more thread for each request
server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever, name="SALOME_PortManager")
#print "Server loop running in thread:", server_thread.getName()
- #print "Server address:", pm_address
- #return address
- #print "Server already started"
- #print "Server address:", pm_address
- #return pm_address
+ logger.debug("Server already started")
-def __newClient(address, message):
+def __newClient(message):
+ address = __getServerAddress(readonly=True)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- #print "connect client to", address
+ logger.debug("connect client to %s"%str(address))
_send(sock, message)
response = _receive(sock)
if response.startswith(GET_PORT_ACK_MSG):
port = int(response[len(GET_PORT_ACK_MSG)+1:])
- #print "GET_PORT:", port
+ logger.debug("GET_PORT: %s"%port)
return port
elif response == RELEASE_PORT_ACK_MSG:
- #print "Received: %s" % response
+ logger.debug("Received: %s" % response)
return 0
+ elif response == TEST_SERVER_ACK_MSG:
+ logger.debug("Server is ok")
+ pass
except socket.error:
- #print "Unable to connect to server"
+ logger.debug("Unable to connect to server")
return -1
def getPort(preferedPort=None):
if preferedPort:
- return __newClient(pm_address, "%s: %s"%(GET_PREFERED_PORT_MSG,preferedPort))
+ return __newClient("%s: %s"%(GET_PREFERED_PORT_MSG,preferedPort))
- return __newClient(pm_address, GET_PORT_MSG)
+ return __newClient(GET_PORT_MSG)
def releasePort(port):
- __newClient(pm_address, "%s: %s"%(RELEASE_PORT_MSG,port))
+ logger.debug("application asks for releasePort %s"%port)
+ __newClient("%s: %s"%(RELEASE_PORT_MSG,port))
def stopServer():
- __newClient(pm_address, STOP_SERVER_MSG)
+ __newClient(STOP_SERVER_MSG)
# Auto start: unique instance ; no effect if called multiple times
+logger.debug("Server started... do check...")