#include "StdMeshers_ProjectionSource2D.hxx"
#include "StdMeshers_ProjectionUtils.hxx"
+#include "StdMeshers_FaceSide.hxx"
+#include "SMDS_EdgePosition.hxx"
+#include "SMDS_FacePosition.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_Hypothesis.hxx"
#include "SMESHDS_SubMesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Block.hxx"
+#include "SMESH_Comment.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Gen.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Mesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_MesherHelper.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Pattern.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMesh.hxx"
#include "SMESH_subMeshEventListener.hxx"
-#include "SMESH_Comment.hxx"
-#include "SMDS_EdgePosition.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
* \brief Preform projection in case if tgtFace.IsPartner( srcFace ) and in case
* if projection by transformation is possible
- * \param tgtFace - target face
- * \param srcFace - source face
- * \param tgtMesh - target mesh
- * \param srcMesh - source mesh
- * \retval bool - true if succeeded
helper.IsQuadraticSubMesh( tgtFace );
helper.SetElementsOnShape( true );
+ SMESH_MesherHelper srcHelper( *srcMesh );
+ srcHelper.SetSubShape( srcFace );
const SMDS_MeshNode* nullNode = 0;
SMESHDS_SubMesh* srcSubDS = srcMesh->GetMeshDS()->MeshElements( srcFace );
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = srcSubDS->GetElements();
+ vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > tgtNodes;
while ( elemIt->more() ) // loop on all mesh faces on srcFace
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = elemIt->next();
- vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > tgtFaceNodes;
- tgtFaceNodes.reserve( elem->NbNodes() );
- SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr nodeIt = elem->nodesIterator();
- while ( nodeIt->more() ) // loop on nodes of the source element
+ const int nbN = elem->NbCornerNodes();
+ tgtNodes.resize( nbN );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nbN; ++i ) // loop on nodes of the source element
- const SMDS_MeshNode* srcNode = (const SMDS_MeshNode*) nodeIt->next();
- if (elem->IsMediumNode(srcNode))
- continue;
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* srcNode = elem->GetNode(i);
srcN_tgtN = src2tgtNodes.insert( make_pair( srcNode, nullNode )).first;
if ( srcN_tgtN->second == nullNode )
// create a new node
gp_Pnt tgtP = gp_Pnt(srcNode->X(),srcNode->Y(),srcNode->Z()).Transformed( trsf );
- srcN_tgtN->second = helper.AddNode( tgtP.X(), tgtP.Y(), tgtP.Z() );
- //MESSAGE(tgtP.X() << " " << tgtP.Y() << " " << tgtP.Z());
+ SMDS_MeshNode* n = helper.AddNode( tgtP.X(), tgtP.Y(), tgtP.Z() );
+ srcN_tgtN->second = n;
+ gp_Pnt2d srcUV = srcHelper.GetNodeUV( srcFace, srcNode,
+ elem->GetNode( helper.WrapIndex(i+1,nbN)));
+ n->SetPosition( new SMDS_FacePosition( srcUV.X(), srcUV.Y() ));
- tgtFaceNodes.push_back( srcN_tgtN->second );
+ tgtNodes[i] = srcN_tgtN->second;
// create a new face (with reversed orientation)
- //MESSAGE("tgtFaceNodes.size() " << tgtFaceNodes.size());
- switch (tgtFaceNodes.size())
- {
- case 3:
- case 6:
- helper.AddFace(tgtFaceNodes[0], tgtFaceNodes[2], tgtFaceNodes[1]);
- break;
- case 4:
- case 8:
- helper.AddFace(tgtFaceNodes[0], tgtFaceNodes[3], tgtFaceNodes[2], tgtFaceNodes[1]);
- break;
- }
+ switch ( nbN )
+ {
+ case 3: helper.AddFace(tgtNodes[0], tgtNodes[2], tgtNodes[1]); break;
+ case 4: helper.AddFace(tgtNodes[0], tgtNodes[3], tgtNodes[2], tgtNodes[1]); break;
+ }
return true;
- }
+ } // bool projectPartner()
+ //================================================================================
+ /*!
+ * \brief Preform projection in case if the faces are similar in 2D space
+ */
+ //================================================================================
+ bool projectBy2DSimilarity(const TopoDS_Face& tgtFace,
+ const TopoDS_Face& srcFace,
+ SMESH_Mesh * tgtMesh,
+ SMESH_Mesh * srcMesh,
+ const TAssocTool::TShapeShapeMap& shape2ShapeMap)
+ {
+ // 1) Preparation
+ // get ordered src EDGEs
+ TError err;
+ TSideVector srcWires =
+ StdMeshers_FaceSide::GetFaceWires( srcFace, *srcMesh,/*theIgnoreMediumNodes = */false, err);
+ if ( err && !err->IsOK() )
+ return false;
+ // make corresponding sequence of tgt EDGEs
+ TSideVector tgtWires( srcWires.size() );
+ for ( unsigned iW = 0; iW < srcWires.size(); ++iW )
+ {
+ list< TopoDS_Edge > tgtEdges;
+ StdMeshers_FaceSidePtr srcWire = srcWires[iW];
+ for ( int iE = 0; iE < srcWire->NbEdges(); ++iE )
+ tgtEdges.push_back( TopoDS::Edge( shape2ShapeMap( srcWire->Edge( iE ))));
+ tgtWires[ iW ].reset( new StdMeshers_FaceSide( tgtFace, tgtEdges, tgtMesh,
+ /*theIsForward = */ true,
+ /*theIgnoreMediumNodes = */false));
+ if ( srcWires[iW]->GetUVPtStruct().size() !=
+ tgtWires[iW]->GetUVPtStruct().size())
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 2) Find transformation
+ gp_Trsf2d trsf;
+ {
+ // get ordered nodes data
+ const vector<UVPtStruct>& srcUVs = srcWires[0]->GetUVPtStruct();
+ const vector<UVPtStruct>& tgtUVs = tgtWires[0]->GetUVPtStruct();
+ // get 2 pairs of corresponding UVs
+ gp_XY srcP0( srcUVs[0].u, srcUVs[0].v );
+ gp_XY srcP1( srcUVs[1].u, srcUVs[1].v );
+ gp_XY tgtP0( tgtUVs[0].u, tgtUVs[0].v );
+ gp_XY tgtP1( tgtUVs[1].u, tgtUVs[1].v );
+ // make transformation
+ gp_Trsf2d fromTgtCS, toSrcCS; // from/to global CS
+ gp_Ax2d srcCS( srcP0, gp_Vec2d( srcP0, srcP1 ));
+ gp_Ax2d tgtCS( tgtP0, gp_Vec2d( tgtP0, tgtP1 ));
+ toSrcCS .SetTransformation( srcCS );
+ fromTgtCS.SetTransformation( tgtCS );
+ fromTgtCS.Invert();
+ trsf = fromTgtCS * toSrcCS;
+ // check transformation
+ const double tol = 1e-5 * gp_Vec2d( srcP0, srcP1 ).Magnitude();
+ const int nbCheckPnt = Min( 10, srcUVs.size()-2 );
+ const int dP = ( srcUVs.size()-2 ) / nbCheckPnt;
+ for ( unsigned iP = 2; iP < srcUVs.size(); iP += dP )
+ {
+ gp_Pnt2d srcUV( srcUVs[iP].u, srcUVs[iP].v );
+ gp_Pnt2d tgtUV( tgtUVs[iP].u, tgtUVs[iP].v );
+ gp_Pnt2d tgtUV2 = srcUV.Transformed( trsf );
+ if ( tgtUV.Distance( tgtUV2 ) > tol )
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // 3) Projection
+ typedef map<const SMDS_MeshNode* , const SMDS_MeshNode*, TIDCompare> TN2NMap;
+ TN2NMap src2tgtNodes;
+ TN2NMap::iterator srcN_tgtN;
+ // fill src2tgtNodes in with nodes on EDGEs
+ for ( unsigned iW = 0; iW < srcWires.size(); ++iW )
+ {
+ const vector<UVPtStruct>& srcUVs = srcWires[iW]->GetUVPtStruct();
+ const vector<UVPtStruct>& tgtUVs = tgtWires[iW]->GetUVPtStruct();
+ for ( unsigned i = 0; i < srcUVs.size(); ++i )
+ src2tgtNodes.insert( make_pair( srcUVs[i].node, tgtUVs[i].node ));
+ }
+ // make elements
+ SMESH_MesherHelper helper( *tgtMesh );
+ helper.SetSubShape( tgtFace );
+ helper.IsQuadraticSubMesh( tgtFace );
+ helper.SetElementsOnShape( true );
+ Handle(Geom_Surface) tgtSurface = BRep_Tool::Surface( tgtFace );
+ SMESH_MesherHelper srcHelper( *srcMesh );
+ srcHelper.SetSubShape( srcFace );
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* nullNode = 0;
+ SMESHDS_SubMesh* srcSubDS = srcMesh->GetMeshDS()->MeshElements( srcFace );
+ SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr elemIt = srcSubDS->GetElements();
+ vector< const SMDS_MeshNode* > tgtNodes;
+ bool uvOK;
+ while ( elemIt->more() ) // loop on all mesh faces on srcFace
+ {
+ const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = elemIt->next();
+ const int nbN = elem->NbCornerNodes();
+ tgtNodes.resize( nbN );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nbN; ++i ) // loop on nodes of the source element
+ {
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* srcNode = elem->GetNode(i);
+ srcN_tgtN = src2tgtNodes.insert( make_pair( srcNode, nullNode )).first;
+ if ( srcN_tgtN->second == nullNode )
+ {
+ // create a new node
+ gp_Pnt2d srcUV = srcHelper.GetNodeUV( srcFace, srcNode,
+ elem->GetNode( helper.WrapIndex(i+1,nbN)), &uvOK);
+ gp_Pnt2d tgtUV = srcUV.Transformed( trsf );
+ gp_Pnt tgtP = tgtSurface->Value( tgtUV.X(), tgtUV.Y() );
+ SMDS_MeshNode* n = helper.AddNode( tgtP.X(), tgtP.Y(), tgtP.Z() );
+ n->SetPosition( new SMDS_FacePosition( tgtUV.X(), tgtUV.Y() ));
+ srcN_tgtN->second = n;
+ }
+ tgtNodes[i] = srcN_tgtN->second;
+ }
+ // create a new face (with reversed orientation)
+ switch ( nbN )
+ {
+ case 3: helper.AddFace(tgtNodes[0], tgtNodes[2], tgtNodes[1]); break;
+ case 4: helper.AddFace(tgtNodes[0], tgtNodes[3], tgtNodes[2], tgtNodes[1]); break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ } // bool projectBy2DSimilarity()
} // namespace
if ( projectPartner( tgtFace, srcFace, tgtMesh, srcMesh, shape2ShapeMap ))
return true;
+ if ( projectBy2DSimilarity( tgtFace, srcFace, tgtMesh, srcMesh, shape2ShapeMap ))
+ return true;
// --------------------
// Prepare to mapping
// --------------------