nom = "PYTEL", op = None,
fr = u"Définition d'un cas pour le lanceur Pytel",
ang = u"Definition of a case for the Pytel launcher",
- CODE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into = codelist, defaut = "telemac2d",
+ CODE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into = codelist, defaut = "telemac2d",
fr = u"Code à exécuter",
ang = u"Code to run"),
FICHIER_CAS = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = 'Fichier',
fr = u"Fichier de description du cas",
ang = u"Case description file"),
- REPERTOIRE_TRAVAIL = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = 'Repertoire',
+ REPERTOIRE_TRAVAIL = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = 'Repertoire',
fr = u"Répertoire de travail",
ang = u"Working directory"),
import salome
-convertion_script_template = """ %(input_file)s -b %(log_file)s -o %(output_file)s
job_script_template = """#!/bin/sh
. %(env_file)s
timestr = timestr.replace(' ', '_')
work_dir = res_work_dir + "/" + job_params.job_name + "_" + timestr
job_params.work_directory = work_dir
# Create Launcher job
launcher = salome.naming_service.Resolve('/SalomeLauncher')
self.chooseInputDataDirectoryButton.clicked.connect( self.choose_input_dir)
- self.telemacRootDirLE.setText("/home/projets-bgq/systel/V6P2")
- self.telemacEnvFileLE.setText("/home/projets-bgq/systel/V6P2/config/")
+ self.telemacRootDirLE.setText("/projets/systel/V7P2")
+ self.telemacEnvFileLE.setText("/projets/systel/V7P2/config/")
casedir = os.path.dirname(pytel_params["FICHIER_CAS"])
# Populate resource combo box
res_manager = salome.naming_service.Resolve("/ResourcesManager")
res_params = salome.ResourceParameters()
res_list = res_manager.GetFittingResources(res_params)
self.pytel_params = pytel_params
def choose_input_dir(self):
followed by data conversion scripts.
interm_files = [] # Intermediate files that can eventually be deleted in the end
# Get and eventually create working directory
if "REPERTOIRE_TRAVAIL" in param_dict:
wrkdir = param_dict["REPERTOIRE_TRAVAIL"]
# Run the code itself
code = param_dict["CODE"]
- cmd += "$TELEMAC_DIR/scripts/python27/ -w %s -r $TELEMAC_DIR %s %s" % \
+ cmd += " -w %s %s %s" % \
(wrkdir, code, steering_filepath)
cmd += " ; rc=$?"
comment = str(filePath),
# Create "Variables" item
+ from TelApy.api.generate_study import generate_yacs
with open(filePath) as jdcfile:
jdc =
params = jdc_to_dict(jdc, ["TELEMAC2D", "_F"])
- input_vars = get_jdc_dict_var_as_tuple(params, "VARIABLE_ENTREE")
- output_vars = get_jdc_dict_var_as_tuple(params, "VARIABLE_SORTIE")
- input_varname_list = [var["NOM"].strip() for var in input_vars]
- # Remove duplicates
- input_varname_list = list(set(input_varname_list))
- input_var_list = [study_exchange_vars.Variable(varname) for varname in input_varname_list]
- output_var_list = [study_exchange_vars.Variable(var["NOM"].strip()) for var in output_vars]
- exchange_vars = study_exchange_vars.ExchangeVariables(input_var_list, output_var_list)
- study_exchange_vars.createSObjectForExchangeVariables(sobj, exchange_vars, icon = VARS_ICON)
+ yacs_scheme = generate_yacs(params)
+ # TODO: Replace that by adding yacs scheme and python script ?
def find_or_create_coupling1d2d_case(self, filePath):
# --- rules ---
-# # This macro is used to transform the list of libraries against which the
-# # module is linked into a list of linker flags (-L and -l). If we just use the
-# # list of libraries in the linker command, the full path of the libraries is
-# # registered in the module dependencies, so it doesn't work when the installation
-# # is moved.
-# # Get the library filename without the shortest extension. We can't use
-# # command GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT with option NAME_WE because it returns
-# # the filename without the longest extension. For example, we need to get
-# # "libpython2.7" from "" and not "libpython2".
-# # Python wrapping for Telemac2D created with f2py
-# SET(T2D_WRAP_API_PYF_FILE apit2d.pyf)
-# SET(T2D_WRAP_API_SRC_FILES ${TELEMAC_API_SRC_DIR}/api_handle_var_t2d.f90
-# ${TELEMAC_API_SRC_DIR}/api_interface_t2d.f90
-# ${TELEMAC_API_SRC_DIR}/api_handle_error_t2d.f90)
-# # This sed string is used to add necessary definitions to the pyf file
-# SET(SEDSTRING "s:python module _apit2d ! in:python module _apit2d ! in\\nusercode '''const int nb_var_t2d=100\\;\\n''':")
-# )
-# COMMAND f2py -h ${T2D_WRAP_API_PYF_FILE} -m _apit2d ${T2D_WRAP_API_SRC_FILES}
-# skip: get_boolean_t2d_d get_double_t2d_d get_integer_t2d_d get_string_t2d_d get_var_size_t2d_d
-# set_boolean_t2d_d set_double_t2d_d set_integer_t2d_d set_string_t2d_d :
-# )
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SALOME HYDRO module. If not, see <>.
-import sys
-import os
-import tempfile
-from ctypes import cdll
-class Telemac2D(object):
- _instanciated = False
- _api_module = None
- def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- if cls._instanciated:
- raise Exception("Telemac2D instance already exists")
- instance = super(Telemac2D, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
- cls._instanciated = True
- return instance
- def __init__(self, user_fortran = None):
- self.user_fortran_lib = None
- self.user_fortran_lib_path = None
- # User Fortran MUST be loaded before apit2d importation
- if user_fortran is not None:
- self._load_user_fortran(user_fortran)
- if Telemac2D._api_module is None:
- import salome.hydro.telemac2d._apit2d
- Telemac2D._api_module = sys.modules["salome.hydro.telemac2d._apit2d"]
- else:
- reload(Telemac2D._api_module)
- self.api = Telemac2D._api_module.api_interface_t2d
- self.errapi = Telemac2D._api_module.api_handle_error_t2d
-, ierr = self.api.run_set_config_t2d(6, 2)
- self.handle_error("run_set_config_t2d", ierr)
- def __del__(self):
- # No way to cleanly unload user fortran lib, so I don't know if it's possible
- # to reload and use another one in the same process (to be tested)
- if self.user_fortran_lib_path is not None:
- os.remove(self.user_fortran_lib_path)
- Telemac2D._instanciated = False
- def _load_user_fortran(self, fortran_filename):
- basename = os.path.basename(fortran_filename)
- root = os.path.splitext(basename)[0]
- (fd, self.user_fortran_lib_path) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix = root + "_", suffix = ".so")
- os.close(fd)
- python_version = "%d.%d" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
- t2d_ld_flags = "-L${TELEMAC_DIR}/builds/salome/wrap_api/lib -lapi -ltelemac2d -lsisyphe -ltomawac "
- #t2d_ld_flags += "-lbief -lparallel -lpartel -lgretel -lhermes -ldamocles -lspecial "
- t2d_ld_flags += "-lbief -lparallel -lhermes -ldamocles -lspecial "
- t2d_ld_flags += "-L${MED3HOME}/lib -L${HDF5HOME}/lib -lhdf5 -lmed"
- command = "gfortran %s -shared -o %s -L${PYTHONHOME}/lib -lpython%s %s -I${TELEMAC_DIR}/wrap_api/include -fPIC" % \
- (fortran_filename, self.user_fortran_lib_path, python_version, t2d_ld_flags)
- ret = os.system(command)
- if ret != 0:
- raise Exception("Cannot compile user fortran file %s" % fortran_filename)
- self.user_fortran_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(self.user_fortran_lib_path)
- def handle_error(self, funcname, ierr):
- if ierr != 0:
- raise Exception('Error in function %s:\n Error code: %d\n Error message: %s' %
- (funcname, ierr, self.errapi.err_mess.tostring().strip()))
- def run_read_case_t2d(self, steering_filename, dico_filename = None):
- if dico_filename is None:
- dico_filename = os.path.join(os.getenv("TELEMAC_DIR"), "sources", "telemac2d", "telemac2d.dico")
- if not os.path.isfile(steering_filename):
- raise Exception("Steering file {0} does not exist".format(steering_filename))
- if not os.path.isfile(dico_filename):
- raise Exception("Dictionary file {0} does not exist".format(dico_filename))
- ierr = self.api.run_read_case_t2d(, steering_filename, dico_filename)
- self.handle_error("run_read_case_t2d", ierr)
- def get_double(self, varname, *args):
- args = list(args) + [0] * (3 - len(args)) # Fill last parameters with 0
- value, ierr = self.api.get_double_t2d(, varname, *args)
- self.handle_error("get_double_t2d", ierr)
- return value
- def set_double(self, varname, value, *args):
- args = list(args) + [0] * (3 - len(args)) # Fill last parameters with 0
- ierr = self.api.set_double_t2d(, varname, value, *args)
- self.handle_error("set_double_t2d", ierr)
- def get_integer(self, varname, *args):
- args = list(args) + [0] * (3 - len(args)) # Fill last parameters with 0
- value, ierr = self.api.get_integer_t2d(, varname, *args)
- self.handle_error("get_integer_t2d", ierr)
- return value
- def set_integer(self, varname, value, *args):
- args = list(args) + [0] * (3 - len(args)) # Fill last parameters with 0
- ierr = self.api.set_integer_t2d(, varname, value, *args)
- self.handle_error("set_integer_t2d", ierr)
- def get_string(self, varname):
- value, ierr = self.api.get_string_t2d(, varname, 144)
- self.handle_error("get_string_t2d", ierr)
- return value.tostring().strip()
- def set_string(self, varname, value):
- padded_value = value + " " * (144 - len(value)) # Pad with spaces
- ierr = self.api.set_string_t2d(, varname, padded_value, 144)
- self.handle_error("set_string_t2d", ierr)
- def run_all_timesteps(self):
- ntimesteps = self.get_integer("MODEL.NTIMESTEPS")
- for i in xrange(ntimesteps):
- ierr = self.api.run_timestep_t2d(
- self.handle_error("run_timestep_t2d", ierr)
- def finalize(self):
- ierr = self.api.run_finalize_t2d(
- self.handle_error("run_finalize_t2d", ierr)
- def save_state(self, state = None):
- nbpoints = self.get_integer('MODEL.NPOIN')
- if state is None:
- state = Telemac2DState(nbpoints)
- elif state.nbpoints != nbpoints:
- raise Exception("Allocated state size (%d) is different from the size "
- "of Telemac2D state (%d)" % (state.nbpoints, nbpoints))
- for i in xrange(nbpoints):
- #state.h[i] = self.get_double('MODEL.WATERDEPTH', i+1)
- #state.u[i] = self.get_double('MODEL.VELOCITYU' , i+1)
- #state.v[i] = self.get_double('MODEL.VELOCITYV' , i+1)
- # The following lines are an optimization of the previous ones,
- # to be replaced by a proper array copy
- state.h[i] = self.api.get_double_t2d(, 'MODEL.WATERDEPTH', i+1, 0, 0)[0]
- state.u[i] = self.api.get_double_t2d(, 'MODEL.VELOCITYU' , i+1, 0, 0)[0]
- state.v[i] = self.api.get_double_t2d(, 'MODEL.VELOCITYV' , i+1, 0, 0)[0]
- return state
- def restore_state(self, state):
- nbpoints = self.get_integer('MODEL.NPOIN')
- if state.nbpoints != nbpoints:
- raise Exception("Allocated state size (%d) is different from the size "
- "of Telemac2D state (%d)" % (state.nbpoints, nbpoints))
- for i in xrange(nbpoints):
- #self.set_double('MODEL.WATERDEPTH', state.h[i], i+1)
- #self.set_double('MODEL.VELOCITYU' , state.u[i], i+1)
- #self.set_double('MODEL.VELOCITYV' , state.v[i], i+1)
- # The following lines are an optimization of the previous ones,
- # to be replaced by a proper array copy
- self.api.set_double_t2d(, 'MODEL.WATERDEPTH', state.h[i], i+1, 0, 0)
- self.api.set_double_t2d(, 'MODEL.VELOCITYU' , state.u[i], i+1, 0, 0)
- self.api.set_double_t2d(, 'MODEL.VELOCITYV' , state.v[i], i+1, 0, 0)
-class Telemac2DState:
- def __init__(self, nbpoints):
- self.nbpoints = nbpoints
- self.h = [0.0] * nbpoints
- self.u = [0.0] * nbpoints
- self.v = [0.0] * nbpoints
nom = "TELEMAC2D", op = None,
fr = u"Définition d'un cas d'étude Telemac2D",
ang = u"Definition of a Telemac2D study case",
- FICHIER_CAS = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = 'Fichier',
+ STEERING_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = 'Fichier',
fr = u"Fichier de description du cas",
ang = u"Case description file"),
- FICHIER_GEOMETRIE = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = 'Fichier',
- fr = u"Fichier de géométrie",
- ang = u"Geometry file"),
- FICHIER_CONDITIONS_LIMITES = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = 'Fichier',
- fr = u"Fichier de conditions limites",
- ang = u"Boundary conditions file"),
- FICHIER_DICO = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = 'Fichier',
- fr = "Fichier Dico",
- ang = u"Dictionary file"),
- FICHIER_FORTRAN_UTILISATEUR = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = 'Fichier',
+ USER_FORTRAN = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = 'Fichier',
fr = "Fichier Fortran utilisateur",
ang = u"Fortran user file"),
- RESULTAT = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = ('Fichier', 'Tous les fichiers (*)', "Sauvegarde"),
- fr = u"Fichier de résultat",
- ang = u"Result file"),
- VARIABLE_SORTIE = FACT(statut = 'f', max = '**',
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE = FACT(statut = 'f', max = '**',
fr = u"Variable de sortie du calcul",
ang = u"Computation output variable",
- NOM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = 'TXM',
+ NAME = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = 'TXM',
fr = u"Nom de la variable",
ang = u"Variable name"),
- VARIABLE_T2D = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = 'TXM',
- fr = u'Variable Telemac2D (ex : "MODEL.VELOCITYU(2443)")',
- ang = u'Telemac2D variable (ex : "MODEL.VELOCITYU(2443)")'),
- ),
- VARIABLE_ENTREE = FACT(statut = 'f', max = '**',
- fr = u"Variable d'entrée du calcul",
- ang = u"Computation input variable",
- NOM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = 'TXM',
- fr = u"Nom de la variable",
- ang = u"Variable name"),
- VARIABLE_MODELE_T2D = FACT(statut = "o",
+ VAR_INFO = FACT(statut = "o",
fr = u'Variable du modèle Telemac2D',
ang = u'Telemac2D model variable',
- NOM_VARIABLE_MODELE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = 'TXM',
+ VAR_NAME = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = 'TXM',
fr = u'Nom de la variable du modèle (ex: "MODEL.DEBIT")',
ang = u'Model variable name (ex: "MODEL.DEBIT")'),
- ZONE_DE_DEFINITION = FACT(statut = "o",
+ ZONE_DEF = FACT(statut = "o",
ang = u'Variable definition area',
fr = u'Zone de définition de la variable',
- regles = (UN_PARMI('INDICE', 'POLYGONE')),
- INDICE = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = "I",
+ regles = (UN_PARMI('INDEX', 'POLYGON')),
+ INDEX = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = Tuple(3),
+ defaut = (0,0,0),
ang = "Index of the point / border",
fr = u"Indice du point ou de la frontière",
- ),
- POLYGONE = SIMP(statut = "f",
+ validators = VerifTypeTuple(('I', 'I', 'I')),
+ ),
+ POLYGON = SIMP(statut = "f",
+ typ = Tuple(2),
+ max = '**',
+ fr = u"Liste des sommets (coordonnées X,Y) du "
+ u"polygone définissant le contour de la zone",
+ ang = "List of points (X,Y coordinates) of the "
+ "polygon defining the border of the area",
+ validators = VerifTypeTuple(('R', 'R')),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ INPUT_VARIABLE = FACT(statut = 'f', max = '**',
+ fr = u"Variable d'entrée du calcul",
+ ang = u"Computation input variable",
+ NAME = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = 'TXM',
+ fr = u"Nom de la variable (format Python)",
+ ang = u"Variable name (Python format)"),
+ VAR_INFO = FACT(statut = "o",
+ fr = u'Variable du modèle Telemac2D',
+ ang = u'Telemac2D model variable',
+ VAR_NAME = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = 'TXM',
+ fr = u'Nom de la variable du modèle (ex: "MODEL.DEBIT")',
+ ang = u'Model variable name (ex: "MODEL.DEBIT")'),
+ DEFAULT_VALUE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = 'TXM',
+ fr = u'Valeur par défaut',
+ ang = u'Default value'),
+ ZONE_DEF = FACT(statut = "o",
+ ang = u'Variable definition area',
+ fr = u'Zone de définition de la variable',
+ regles = (UN_PARMI('INDEX', 'POLYGON')),
+ INDEX = SIMP(statut = "f", typ = Tuple(3),
+ defaut = (0,0,0),
+ ang = "Index of the variable",
+ fr = u"Indice de la variabme",
+ validators = VerifTypeTuple(('I', 'I', 'I')),
+ ),
+ POLYGON = SIMP(statut = "f",
typ = Tuple(2),
- max = '**',
+ max = '**',
fr = u"Liste des sommets (coordonnées X,Y) du "
u"polygone définissant le contour de la zone",
ang = "List of points (X,Y coordinates) of the "
"polygon defining the border of the area",
validators = VerifTypeTuple(('R', 'R')),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2012-2015 EDF
-# This file is part of SALOME HYDRO module.
-# SALOME HYDRO module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# SALOME HYDRO module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with SALOME HYDRO module. If not, see <>.
-import math
-from itertools import izip,cycle
-EPS = 10**-9
-def is_in_polygon(x,y,poly):
- """
- Returns True if the point (x,y) is in the polygon poly
- Warning the polygon must be distinct (no indentical points)
- """
- angle = -1.0
- while True:
- angle += 1.0
- if(angle > 360.0):
- # Special case of a point on the contour
- return True
- a = math.cos(angle*math.pi/180.0)
- b = math.sin(angle*math.pi/180.0)
- nsect = 0
- # Loop on all the segment of the polygon
- # TODO: Pythonize that loop
- n = len(poly)
- next_angle = False
- for i in range(0,n):
- xdep,ydep = poly[i]
- # next element
- xarr,yarr = poly[(i+1) % n]
- # Case the point is on the polygon
- if (abs(x-xdep)<EPS) and (abs(y-ydep)<EPS):
- nsect = 1
- break
- det = a*(ydep-yarr) - b*(xdep-xarr)
- if abs(det) < EPS:
- next_angle = True
- break
- mu = ( (xdep-x)*(ydep-yarr)-(ydep-y)*(xdep-xarr) ) / det
- llambda = ( a *(ydep-y )- b *(xdep-x ) ) / det
- # if the intersection point is a vertex, increases the angle
- # otherwise the point would be counted twice instead of just once
- if ((abs(x+a*mu-xdep) <= EPS and abs(y+b*mu-ydep) <= EPS) or\
- (abs(x+a*mu-xarr) <= EPS and abs(y+b*mu-yarr) <= EPS)):
- next_angle = True
- break
- if(mu >= -EPS and llambda >= -EPS and llambda <= (1.0+EPS)):
- nsect += 1
- # If
- if not next_angle:
- break
- return (nsect % 2) == 1
-def get_list_points_in_polygon(t2d_inst, poly):
- """
- Returns the list of points from the mesh that are in the polygon poly
- t2d_inst : is the Telemac2D instance
- poly : is a list of (x,y) coordiantes defining the polygon
- """
- # Get the number of point in the mesh
- npoin = t2d_inst.get_integer('MODEL.NPOIN')
- point_in_polygon = []
- # Loop on all mesh points
- for i in range(1, npoin + 1):
- # Get the cooridnates of point i
- x = t2d_inst.get_double('MODEL.X', i)
- y = t2d_inst.get_double('MODEL.Y', i)
- # If point is in polygon add it to the list of points
- if is_in_polygon(x,y,poly):
- point_in_polygon.append(i)
- return point_in_polygon
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- l = [(0.0,0.0),(0.0,1.0),(1.0,2.0),(2.0,2.0),(2.0,0.0)]
- print is_in_polygon(1.0,1.0,l),True
- print is_in_polygon(0.0,0.0,l),True
- print is_in_polygon(-1.0,1.0,l),False
- print is_in_polygon(2.0,0.0,l),True