+void SauvLoaderTest::testMed2SauvOnAMeshWithVoidFamily()
+ // Create a mesh with 2 quads.
+ const int spaceDim = 2;
+ const int nbOfNodes = 6;
+ double coords[nbOfNodes*spaceDim] = {0,0, 1,0, 1,1, 0,1, 2,0, 2,1};
+ int conn[8]={0,1,2,3, 1,4,5,2};
+ MEDCouplingUMesh *mesh2d=MEDCouplingUMesh::New("Mesh",spaceDim);
+ mesh2d->allocateCells(2);
+ mesh2d->insertNextCell(INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QUAD4,4,conn);
+ mesh2d->insertNextCell(INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_QUAD4,4,conn+4);
+ mesh2d->finishInsertingCells();
+ DataArrayDouble *myCoords=DataArrayDouble::New();
+ myCoords->alloc(nbOfNodes,spaceDim);
+ std::copy(coords,coords+nbOfNodes*spaceDim,myCoords->getPointer());
+ mesh2d->setCoords(myCoords);
+ myCoords->decrRef();
+ // create a MedFileUMesh
+ MEDFileUMesh* m= MEDFileUMesh::New();
+ m->setMeshAtLevel(0,mesh2d);
+ // Create families and groups
+ DataArrayInt *fam = DataArrayInt::New();
+ fam->alloc(2,1);
+ int elemsFams[2] = {-2,-3};
+ std::copy(elemsFams,elemsFams+2,fam->getPointer());
+ m->setFamilyFieldArr(0,fam);
+ std::map<std::string,int> theFamilies;
+ theFamilies["FAM_-1"]=-1;
+ theFamilies["FAM_-2"]=-2;
+ theFamilies["FAM_-3"]=-3;
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > theGroups;
+ theGroups["Group1"].push_back("FAM_-2");
+ theGroups["Group2"].push_back("FAM_-3");
+ theGroups["Grouptot"].push_back("FAM_-1");
+ theGroups["Grouptot"].push_back("FAM_-2");
+ theGroups["Grouptot"].push_back("FAM_-3");
+ m->setFamilyInfo(theFamilies);
+ m->setGroupInfo(theGroups);
+ // write to MED for visual check
+ //const char* medFile = "mesh_with_void_family.med";
+ //m->write(medFile, 2);
+ // write to SAUV
+ const char* sauvFile = "mesh_with_void_family.sauv";
+ MEDFileData* medData = MEDFileData::New();
+ MEDFileMeshes* medMeshes = MEDFileMeshes::New();
+ SauvWriter* sw=SauvWriter::New();
+ medMeshes->setMeshAtPos(0, m);
+ medData->setMeshes(medMeshes);
+ sw->setMEDFileDS(medData);
+ sw->write(sauvFile);
+ // read SAUV and check groups
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<SauvReader> sr=SauvReader::New(sauvFile);
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<MEDFileData> d2=sr->loadInMEDFileDS();
+ MEDFileUMesh * m2 = static_cast<MEDFileUMesh*>( d2->getMeshes()->getMeshAtPos(0) );
+ std::vector<std::string > groups = m->getGroupsNames();
+ std::cout << "Number of groups: " << groups.size() << std::endl;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(3,(int)groups.size());
+ MEDCouplingUMesh * grp1 = m2->getGroup(0, "Group1");
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1,(int)grp1->getNumberOfCells());
+ MEDCouplingUMesh * grp2 = m2->getGroup(0, "Group2");
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1,(int)grp2->getNumberOfCells());
+ MEDCouplingUMesh * grptot = m2->getGroup(0, "Grouptot");
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2,(int)grptot->getNumberOfCells());
+ // clean
+ mesh2d->decrRef();
+ medData->decrRef();
+ medMeshes->decrRef();
+ fam->decrRef();
+ m->decrRef();
+ sw->decrRef();
+ grp1->decrRef();
+ grp2->decrRef();
+ grptot->decrRef();
void SauvLoaderTest::testMed2Sauv()
// read pointe.med
void SauvLoaderTest::tearDown()
- const int nbFilesToRemove = 2;
- const char* fileToRemove[nbFilesToRemove] = { "allPillesTest.med", "pointe.sauv" };
+ const int nbFilesToRemove = 3;
+ const char* fileToRemove[nbFilesToRemove] = { "allPillesTest.med", "pointe.sauv", "mesh_with_void_family.sauv" };
for ( int i = 0; i < nbFilesToRemove; ++i )
#ifdef WIN32