+ /*!
+ * \brief Object creation parameters
+ *
+ * Is returned by GEOM_Object::GetCreationInformation()
+ */
+ struct Parameter
+ {
+ string name;
+ //any value;
+ string value;
+ };
+ typedef sequence<Parameter> Parameters;
+ struct CreationInformation
+ {
+ string operationName;
+ Parameters params;
+ };
typedef sequence<string> string_array;
typedef sequence<short> short_array;
* \brief Return list of notebook variables used for object creation separated by ":" symbol
string GetParameters();
+ /*!
+ * \brief Return name of operation and values of parameters used for object creation
+ */
+ CreationInformation GetCreationInformation();
- // # GEOM_IOperations:
+ // # GEOM_IOperations:
* \brief Basic methods of all geometric operations
* \brief Make a thick solid from a surface shape (face or shell)
* \param theObject Surface from which the thick solid is made
* \param theThickness Value of the thickness
+ * \param isCopy To make a copy of \a theObject ot to modify \a theObject.
* \return New GEOM_Object, containing the created pipe if isCopy = true
* or the modified object if isCopy = false
* \param theR Radius of the disk
* \param theRatio Relative size of the central square diagonal against the disk diameter
* \param theOrientation Plane on which the disk will be built
+ * \param thePattern Division pattern. It can be GEOM.SQUARE or GEOM.HEXAGON
* \return New GEOM_Object, containing the created shape.
GEOM_Object MakeDividedDisk (in double theR,
* \param theVec Vector, normal to the plane of the disk.
* \param theR Disk radius.
* \param theRatio Relative size of the central square diagonal against the disk diameter
+ * \param thePattern Division pattern. It can be GEOM.SQUARE or GEOM.HEXAGON
* \return New GEOM_Object, containing the created disk.
GEOM_Object MakeDividedDiskPntVecR ( in GEOM_Object thePnt,
* Builds a cylinder prepared for hexa meshes
* \param theR Radius of the cylinder
* \param theH Height of the cylinder
+ * \param thePattern Division pattern. It can be GEOM.SQUARE or GEOM.HEXAGON
* \return New GEOM_Object, containing the created shape.
GEOM_Object MakeDividedCylinder (in double theR,
in double theH,
in pattern thePattern );
* Create a smoothing surface from a set of points