# Gestion d'une seule valeur (eventuellement un tuple ou un complexe)
if maDefinition.max == 1 :
+ # A verifier
if maDefinition.into != [] and maDefinition.into != None:
if len(maDefinition.into) < 4 :
from monWidgetRadioButton import MonWidgetRadioButton
# Gestion des listes
else :
- if maDefinition.into != [] and maDefinition.into != None:
+ #if maDefinition.into != [] and maDefinition.into != None:
+ # Attention pas fini --> on attend une liste de ASSD avec ordre
+ if self.item.wait_assd() and self.item.is_list_SansOrdreNiDoublon():
+ from monWidgetPlusieursInto import MonWidgetPlusieursInto
+ widget=MonWidgetPlusieursInto(self,maDefinition,monNom,monObjet,parentQt,maCommande)
+ elif self.item.has_into():
if self.item.is_list_SansOrdreNiDoublon():
from monWidgetPlusieursInto import MonWidgetPlusieursInto
# self.debutToolTip=nomTraduit+"\n"
if longueur >= nomMax :
- print "je formate"
- print"________"
- print nouveauNom
- print"________"
- print self
- #self.label.setTextFormat(Qt.AutoText)
- #self.agrandit()
else :
def agrandit(self):
# inutile pour certains widgets
if self.height() < 40 :
- print "j agrandis"
- #self.setMaximumHeight(50)
- #self.principalLayout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop)
- #self.label.resize(self.label.width(),200)
- print self.label.height()
- print self.height()
- print "__________"
def setValeurs(self):
def setCommentaire(self):
c = self.debutToolTip
- if self.node.item.definition.validators : c+=self.node.item.definition.validators.aide()
+ #if self.node.item.definition.validators : c+=self.node.item.definition.validators.aide()
if self.objSimp.get_fr() != None and self.objSimp.get_fr() != "":
c2 = '<html><head/><body><p>'+c+str(self.objSimp.get_fr())+"</p></body></html>"
from Extensions.i18n import tr
from feuille import Feuille
-from monWidgetSimpTuple import MonWidgetSimpTuple
+from monWidgetSimpBase import MonWidgetSimpBase
from desWidgetHeure import Ui_WidgetHeure
-class MonWidgetHeure (Ui_WidgetHeure,MonWidgetSimpTuple):
+class MonWidgetHeure (Ui_WidgetHeure,MonWidgetSimpBase):
def __init__(self,node,monSimpDef,nom,objSimp,parentQt,commande):
- self.nbValeurs=3
- MonWidgetSimpTuple.__init__(self,node,monSimpDef,nom,objSimp,parentQt,commande)
- if self.objSimp.isImmuable() :
- self.lineEditVal1.setDisabled(True)
- self.lineEditVal2.setDisabled(True)
- self.lineEditVal3.setDisabled(True)
- self.lineEditVal1.setStyleSheet(QString.fromUtf8("background:rgb(244,244,244);\n" "border:0px;\n"))
- self.lineEditVal2.setStyleSheet(QString.fromUtf8("background:rgb(244,244,244);\n" "border:0px;\n"))
- self.lineEditVal3.setStyleSheet(QString.fromUtf8("background:rgb(244,244,244);\n" "border:0px;\n"))
- self.lineEditVal1.setToolTip(tr("Valeur non modifiable"))
- self.lineEditVal2.setToolTip(tr("Valeur non modifiable"))
- self.lineEditVal3.setToolTip(tr("Valeur non modifiable"))
- else :
- self.maCommande.listeAffichageWidget.append(self.lineEditVal1)
- #self.maCommande.listeAffichageWidget.append(self.lineEditVal2)
- #self.maCommande.listeAffichageWidget.append(self.lineEditVal3)
+ MonWidgetSimpBase.__init__(self,node,monSimpDef,nom,objSimp,parentQt,commande)
class MonWidgetPlusieursInto (Ui_WidgetPlusieursInto,Feuille):
def __init__(self,node,monSimpDef,nom,objSimp,parentQt,commande):
- #print "MonWidgetPlusieursInto", nom, self
+ print "MonWidgetPlusieursInto", nom, self
- self.maCommande.listeAffichageWidget.append(self.lineEditVal1)
+ # try except si la liste des possibles est vide
+ # prevoir qqchose
+ try :
+ self.maCommande.listeAffichageWidget.append(self.lineEditVal1)
+ except :
+ pass
def setValeurs(self):
- #print "dans setValeurs"
- #print self.node.item.definition.validators
#print self.monSimpDef.into
#if len(self.monSimpDef.into)*20 > 400 : self.setMinimumHeight(400)
#else : self.setMinimumHeight(len(self.monSimpDef.into)*30)
else :
- self.listeAAfficher=self.monSimpDef.into
+ self.listeAAfficher=self.node.item.get_liste_possible([])
+ self.PourEtreCoche=self.listeValeursCourantes
+ if self.objSimp.wait_assd() :
+ self.listeAAfficher=self.node.item.get_sd_avant_du_bon_type()
+ self.PourEtreCoche=[]
+ for concept in self.listeValeursCourantes:
+ self.PourEtreCoche.append(concept.nom)
if len(self.listeAAfficher)*20 > 400 : self.setMinimumHeight(400)
else : self.setMinimumHeight(len(self.listeAAfficher)*30)
- if self.monSimpDef.into[i] in self.listeValeursCourantes :
+ #if self.monSimpDef.into[i] in self.listeValeursCourantes :
+ if self.listeAAfficher[i] in self.PourEtreCoche :
def changeValeur(self):
self.listeValeursCourantes = []
- print "changeValeur ____________" , self.monSimpDef.into, len(self.monSimpDef.into)
+ #print "changeValeur ____________" , self.monSimpDef.into, len(self.monSimpDef.into)
for i in range (1,len(self.listeAAfficher)+1):
'Matrice' : tr(u'Une Matrice est attendue. '),
'Fichier' : tr(u'Un fichier est attendu. '),
'FichierNoAbs' : tr(u'Un fichier est attendu. '),
- 'Repertoire' : tr(u'Un repertoire est attendu. ')}
+ 'Repertoire' : tr(u'Un repertoire est attendu. '),
+ 'Heure' : tr(u'Heure sous la forme HH:MM'),
+ 'Date' : tr(u'Date sous la forme JJ/MM/AA')}
if mc.type[0] != types.ClassType:
commentaire = d_aides.get(mc.type[0], tr("Type de base inconnu"))
else : commentaire=""
if obj not in into:
raise ValError(
- _(tr(u"La valeur : %s ne fait pas partie des choix possibles %s")),
- repr(obj), into))
+ _(tr(u"La valeur : %s ne fait pas partie des choix possibles %s")), repr(obj), into))
# on est dans le cas d'un ensemble continu de valeurs possibles
# (intervalle)
--- /dev/null
+NetworkFile = r"C:\Users\J15773\Documents\GTDosier\PSENdocs\Victoria\JAMAIQUE\2030Conv_HFP2.sav"\r
+PSSE_PATH = "C:/Program Files/PTI/PSSE33/PSSBIN" #emplacement de PSSE\r
+def ExtractGeneratorandLoadList(NetworkFile,PSSE_PATH):\r
+ import os\r
+ import sys\r
+ sys.path.append(PSSE_PATH)\r
+ os.environ['PATH'] += ';' + PSSE_PATH + ';'\r
+ import psspy\r
+ import redirect\r
+ ###initialization PSSE\r
+ psspy.psseinit(10000)\r
+ _i=psspy.getdefaultint()\r
+ _f=psspy.getdefaultreal()\r
+ _s=psspy.getdefaultchar()\r
+ redirect.psse2py()\r
+ # Silent execution of PSSe\r
+ islct=6 # 6=no output; 1=standard\r
+ psspy.progress_output(islct)\r
+ #open Network File\r
+ psspy.case(NetworkFile)\r
+ #Extract Loads\r
+ sid = -1 #all buses\r
+ flag = 1 #all in service loads/generators (4 all loads/generators)\r
+ string = ['NUMBER']\r
+ ierr,iarray = psspy.aloadint(sid,flag,string)\r
+ string = ['NAME','ID','EXNAME']\r
+ ierr,carray = psspy.aloadchar(sid,flag,string)\r
+ LoadList = [] # [Bus name, load ID, extended bus name, bus number]\r
+ for i in range(len(iarray[0])):\r
+ LoadList.append([carray[0][i].strip(),carray[1][i],carray[2][i],iarray[0][i]])\r
+ #Extract Generators\r
+ sid = -1 #all buses\r
+ flag = 1 #all in service loads/generators (4 all loads/generators)\r
+ \r
+ string = ['NUMBER']\r
+ ierr,iarray = psspy.amachint(sid,flag,string)\r
+ string = ['NAME','ID','EXNAME']\r
+ ierr,carray = psspy.amachchar(sid,flag,string)\r
+ MachineList = [] # [Bus name, machine ID, extended bus name, bus number]\r
+ for i in range(len(iarray[0])):\r
+ MachineList.append([carray[0][i].strip(),carray[1][i],carray[2][i],iarray[0][i]])\r
+ return MachineList, LoadList\r
+ \r
+def ExtractGeneratorandLoadList2(NetworkFile,PSSE_PATH):\r
+ MachineList = [['GT 6', '1 ', 'GT 6 11.500', 10], ['GT 7', '1 ', 'GT 7 11.500', 11], ['GT10', '1 ', 'GT10 11.500', 12], ['GT 5', '1 ', 'GT 5 11.500', 13], ['NEWHUNT', '1 ', 'NEWHUNT 11.500', 15], ['BSTMB', '1 ', 'BSTMB 11.500', 23], ['HYD_MAG', '1 ', 'HYD_MAG 6.9000', 25], ['RF1', '1 ', 'RF1 13.800', 37], ['OH2', '1 ', 'OH2 13.800', 41], ['RF2', '1 ', 'RF2 13.800', 42], ['GT3', '1 ', 'GT3 11.500', 43], ['OH3', '1 ', 'OH3 13.800', 47], ['OH4', '1 ', 'OH4 13.800', 50], ['OH6', '1 ', 'OH6 13.800', 52], ['GT 11', '1 ', 'GT 11 11.500', 56], ['B6_BUS13', '1 ', 'B6_BUS13 13.800', 57], ['GT8', '1 ', 'GT8 11.500', 58], ['HYDRR', '1 ', 'HYDRR 6.9000', 59], ['GT9', '1 ', 'GT9 11.500', 63], ['HYD_UWR', '1 ', 'HYD_UWR 6.9000', 64], ['HYD_RIOB', '1 ', 'HYD_RIOB 6.9000', 65], ['HRYD_LW', '1 ', 'HRYD_LW 6.9000', 68], ['GT13B', '1 ', 'GT13B 11.500', 76], ['GT12B', '1 ', 'GT12B 11.500', 77], ['CSPRING', '1 ', 'CSPRING 69.000', 91], ['OLDHARB1', '1 ', 'OLDHARB1 138.00', 114], ['WIGTON', '1 ', 'WIGTON 0.6900', 202], ['JEPWK1', '1 ', 'JEPWK1 11.500', 300], ['JEPWK1', '2 ', 'JEPWK1 11.500', 300], ['JEPWK1', '3 ', 'JEPWK1 11.500', 300], ['JEPWK2', '1 ', 'JEPWK2 11.500', 301], ['JEPWK2', '2 ', 'JEPWK2 11.500', 301], ['JEPWK2', '3 ', 'JEPWK2 11.500', 301], ['W_MUN1', '1 ', 'W_MUN1 69.000', 503], ['HYD_RHORN', '1 ', 'HYD_RHORN 69.000', 711]]\r
+ LoadList= [['TREDEGAR', '1 ', 'TREDEGAR 69.000', 5], ['HOPE', '1 ', 'HOPE 69.000', 16], ['MILCHELT', '1 ', 'MILCHELT 69.000', 17], ['PARADISE', '1 ', 'PARADISE 69.000', 24], ['BLEDGE', '1 ', 'BLEDGE 69.000', 26], ['CANE RIV', '1 ', 'CANE RIV 69.000', 27], ['HIGHGATE', '1 ', 'HIGHGATE 69.000', 29], ['QUEENS D', '1 ', 'QUEENS D 69.000', 30], ['OCHO', '1 ', 'OCHO 69.000', 32], ['BOGUE_69', '1 ', 'BOGUE_69 69.000', 33], ['ROSE HAL', '1 ', 'ROSE HAL 69.000', 35], ['OH1', '1 ', 'OH1 13.800', 36], ['RF1', '1 ', 'RF1 13.800', 37], ['CEMENT C', '1 ', 'CEMENT C 69.000', 38], ['OBAY69', '1 ', 'OBAY69 69.000', 39], ['DUNCANS6', '1 ', 'DUNCANS6 69.000', 40], ['OH2', '1 ', 'OH2 13.800', 41], ['RF2', '1 ', 'RF2 13.800', 42], ['3MLS69', '1 ', '3MLS69 69.000', 45], ['WBLVD69', '1 ', 'WBLVD69 69.000', 46], ['OH3', '1 ', 'OH3 13.800', 47], ['PORT ANT', '1 ', 'PORT ANT 69.000', 48], ['OH4', '1 ', 'OH4 13.800', 50], ['B6_BUS13', '1 ', 'B6_BUS13 13.800', 57], ['GREENWOO', '1 ', 'GREENWOO 69.000', 60], ['LYSSONS', '1 ', 'LYSSONS 69.000', 61], ['PORUS', '1 ', 'PORUS 69.000', 62], ['R RIVER', '1 ', 'R RIVER 69.000', 66], ['MARTHA B', '1 ', 'MARTHA B 69.000', 67], ['WKH69', '1 ', 'WKH69 69.000', 69], ['PNASUS69', '1 ', 'PNASUS69 69.000', 70], ['ANNOTTO', '1 ', 'ANNOTTO 69.000', 71], ['UW RIVER', '1 ', 'UW RIVER 69.000', 74], ['KNDAL 69', '1 ', 'KNDAL 69 69.000', 75], ['MONYMUSK', '1 ', 'MONYMUSK 69.000', 78], ['OROCABES', '1 ', 'OROCABES 69.000', 79], ['MAGGOTTY', '1 ', 'MAGGOTTY 69.000', 80], ['UP PARK', '1 ', 'UP PARK 69.000', 82], ['TWICKENH', '1 ', 'TWICKENH 69.000', 85], ['MAY PEN', '1 ', 'MAY PEN 69.000', 88], ['PAJ', '1 ', 'PAJ 69.000', 89], ['GROAD_69', '1 ', 'GROAD_69 69.000', 90], ['CSPRING', '1 ', 'CSPRING 69.000', 91], ['S_ TREE6', '1 ', 'S_ TREE6 69.000', 92], ['NAGGOS H', '1 ', 'NAGGOS H 69.000', 94], ['GOODYEAR', '1 ', 'GOODYEAR 69.000', 99], ['HBAY_69', '1 ', 'HBAY_69 69.000', 101], ['RFORT69', '1 ', 'RFORT69 69.000', 102], ['RHODEN P', '1 ', 'RHODEN P 69.000', 105], ['DUHANEY6', '1 ', 'DUHANEY6 69.000', 107], ['CARDIFF', '1 ', 'CARDIFF 69.000', 109], ['JAB13.8', '1 ', 'JAB13.8 13.800', 112], ['JAM13.8', '1 ', 'JAM13.8 13.800', 113]]\r
+ return MachineList, LoadList\r
+if __name__ == "__main__":\r
+ MachineList,LoadList= ExtractGeneratorandLoadList2(NetworkFile,PSSE_PATH)\r
+ print MachineList, LoadList\r
from Accas import *
+import opsPSEN
class loi ( ASSD ) : pass
class variable ( ASSD ) : pass
+class sd_charge ( ASSD ) : pass
+class sd_generateur ( ASSD ) : pass
+class sd_busbar ( sd_generateur,sd_charge ) : pass
import types
class Tuple:
#CONTEXT.debug = 1
+JdC = JDC_CATA ( code = 'PSEN',
execmodul = None,
-## regles = ( AU_MOINS_UN ( 'CRITERIA' ),
-## AU_MOINS_UN ( 'MODEL' ),
- #),
+ regles = ( AU_MOINS_UN ( 'PARAMETRES_PSSE' ),
+ ),
) # Fin JDC_CATA
# fin entete
# --------------------------------------------------
+ sd_prod = sd_generateur,
+ UIinfo = {"groupes": ("CACHE")},
+ op = None,
+ fr = "Generateur",
+ ang = "Generator",
+ ID = SIMP ( statut = 'o', typ = "TXM", fr = "num bus", ang = "num bus",),
+ sd_prod = sd_charge,
+ UIinfo = {"groupes": ("CACHE")},
+ op = None,
+ fr = "Charge",
+ ang = "Load",
+ ID = SIMP ( statut = 'o', typ = "TXM", fr = "num bus", ang = "num bus",),
+ sd_prod = sd_busbar,
+ UIinfo = {"groupes": ("CACHE")},
+ op = None,
+ fr = "Generateur",
+ ang = "Generator",
+ ID = SIMP ( statut = 'o', typ = "TXM", fr = "num bus", ang = "num bus",),
+ op=None,
+ docu = "",
+ COUT_COMBUSTIBLE = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ=bool,
+ defaut=True,
+ ),
+ COUT_DELESTAGE = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ=bool,
+ defaut=False,
+ ),
+ COUT_MVAR = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ=bool,
+ defaut=False,
+ ),
+ IMAP = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ='TXM',
+ into=['RateA','RateB','RateC'],
+ defaut=False,
+ ),
op = None,
docu = "",
- SAMPLE = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- val_min=0,
+ SIZE_PACKAGE = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = "I",
+ val_min=10,
+ defaut=100,
+ NUMBER_PACKAGE = SIMP ( statut = "f",
+ typ = "I",
+ val_min=1,
+ ),
+ CONVERGENCE = SIMP ( statut = "f",
+ typ="I",
+ into=[1],
+ ),
STUDY = SIMP ( statut = "o",
typ = "TXM",
into = ( 'N-1', 'Load', 'Wind-1', 'Wind-2', 'PV' ),
-OPF_Parameters = PROC ( nom = "OPF_Parameters",
- op = None,
- docu = "",
- Minimize_fuel_cost = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "TXM",
- into=('True','False'),
- defaut='False',
- fr="Choix cout fuel"
- ),
- Minimize_adj_bus_shunt = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "TXM",
- into=('True','False'),
- defaut='False',
- fr="Choix minimize bus shunts"
- ),
- Minimize_adj_bus_loads = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "TXM",
- into=('True','False'),
- defaut='False',
- fr="Choix minimize bus loads"
- ),
-PSSe_Irate = PROC ( nom = "PSSe_Irate",
- op = None,
- docu = "",
- Rate_A = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "TXM",
- into=('True','False'),
- defaut='False',
- fr="Choix rate A"
- ),
- Rate_B = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "TXM",
- into=('True','False'),
- defaut='False',
- fr="Choix rate B"
- ),
- Rate_C = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "TXM",
- into=('True','False'),
- defaut='False',
- fr="Choix rate C"
- ),
sd_prod = loi,
op = 68,
fr = "Definitions des lois marginales utilisees par les variables d'entree",
+# Choisir generateur ou charge
+ TypeMachine = SIMP ( statut='o', typ='TXM',
+ into = ('charge','vent1','vent2','pv','N-1',),
+ ),
+ TypeComposant = SIMP (statut='o', typ='TXM',
+ into = ('Generateur','Charge'),),
+ b_gener = BLOC (condition = "TypeComposant == 'Generateur'",
+ #Generateur = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_generateur),),
+ Generateur = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_generateur,max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon"),),
+ b_charge = BLOC (condition = "TypeComposant == 'Charge'",
+ #charge = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_charge,max="**", homo="SansOrdreNiDoublon"),),
+ charge = SIMP(statut='o',typ=sd_charge),),
# Type de distribution
- Type_Model = SIMP ( statut='o', typ='TXM',
- into = ('type_1','type_2','type_3','type_4',
- ),
- ),
Kind = SIMP ( statut = "o", typ = "TXM",
- into = ( "Beta",
+ into = ( "NonParametrique",
+ #"Beta",
- "Gamma",
- "Geometric",
- "Gumbel",
+ #"Gamma",
+ #"Geometric",
+ #"Gumbel",
- "Laplace",
- "Logistic",
- "LogNormal",
- "MultiNomial",
- "NonCentralStudent",
+ #"Laplace",
+ #"Logistic",
+ #"LogNormal",
+ #"MultiNomial",
+ #"NonCentralStudent",
- "Poisson",
- "Rayleigh",
- "Student",
- "Triangular",
+ #"Poisson",
+ #"Rayleigh",
+ #"Student",
+ "PDF_from_file",
+ #"Triangular",
ang = "1D marginal distribution",
# Definition des parametres selon le type de la loi
- BETA = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Beta', ) ",
- Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "TXM",
- max = 1,
- into = ( "RT", "MuSigma" ),
- defaut = "RT",
- fr = "Parametrage de la loi beta",
- ang = "Beta distribution parameter set",
- ),
- RT_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'RT', ) ",
- R = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Parametre R de la loi | R > 0",
- ang = "R parameter | R > 0",
- ),
- # T > R
- T = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Parametre T de la loi | T > R",
- ang = "T parameter | T > R",
- ),
- ), # Fin BLOC RT_Parameters
- MuSigma_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigma', ) ",
- Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
- ang = "Mean value",
- ),
- Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
- ang = "Standard deviation",
- ),
- ), # Fin BLOC MuSigma_Parameters
- A = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
- ang = "Support lower bound",
- ),
- # B > A
- B = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Borne superieure du support de la loi",
- ang = "Support upper bound",
- ),
+ NONPARAM = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'NonParametrique', ) ",
+ FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
+ fr = "Nom du modele physique",
+ ang = "Physical model identifier",
+ ),
+ ),
- ), # Fin BLOC BETA
+# BETA = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Beta', ) ",
+# Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "TXM",
+# max = 1,
+# into = ( "RT", "MuSigma" ),
+# defaut = "RT",
+# fr = "Parametrage de la loi beta",
+# ang = "Beta distribution parameter set",
+# ),
+# RT_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'RT', ) ",
+# R = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Parametre R de la loi | R > 0",
+# ang = "R parameter | R > 0",
+# ),
+# # T > R
+# T = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Parametre T de la loi | T > R",
+# ang = "T parameter | T > R",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC RT_Parameters
+# MuSigma_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigma', ) ",
+# Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
+# ang = "Mean value",
+# ),
+# Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
+# ang = "Standard deviation",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC MuSigma_Parameters
+# A = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
+# ang = "Support lower bound",
+# ),
+# # B > A
+# B = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Borne superieure du support de la loi",
+# ang = "Support upper bound",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC BETA
- GAMMA = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Gamma', ) ",
- Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "TXM",
- max = 1,
- into = ( "KLambda", "MuSigma" ),
- defaut = "KLambda",
- fr = "Parametrage de la loi gamma",
- ang = "Gamma distribution parameter set",
- ),
- KLambda_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'KLambda', ) ",
- K = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Parametre K de la loi | K > 0",
- ang = "K parameter | K > 0",
- ),
- Lambda = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Parametre Lambda de la loi | Lambda > 0",
- ang = "Lambda parameter | Lambda > 0",
- ),
- ), # Fin BLOC KLambda_Parameters
- MuSigma_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigma', ) ",
- Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
- ang = "Mean value",
- ),
- Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
- ang = "Standard deviation",
- ),
- ), # Fin BLOC MuSigma_Parameters
- Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Borne inferieure du supoport de la loi",
- ang = "Support lower bound",
- ),
- ), # Fin BLOC GAMMA
- GEOMETRIC = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Geometric', ) ",
- P = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- val_max = 1.,
- fr = "Parametre P | 0 < P < 1",
- ang = "P parameter | 0 < P < 1",
- ),
- GUMBEL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Gumbel', ) ",
- Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "TXM",
- max = 1,
- into = ( "AlphaBeta", "MuSigma" ),
- defaut = "AlphaBeta",
- fr = "Parametrage de la loi gumbel",
- ang = "Gumbel distribution parameter set",
- ),
- AlphaBeta_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'AlphaBeta', ) ",
- Alpha = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Parametre Alpha de la loi | Alpha > 0",
- ang = "Alpha parameter | Alpha > 0",
- ),
- Beta = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Parametre Beta de la loi",
- ang = "Beta parameter",
- ),
- ), # Fin BLOC AlphaBeta_Parameters
- MuSigma_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigma', ) ",
- Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
- ang = "Mean value",
- ),
- Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
- ang = "Standard deviation",
- ),
+# GAMMA = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Gamma', ) ",
+# Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "TXM",
+# max = 1,
+# into = ( "KLambda", "MuSigma" ),
+# defaut = "KLambda",
+# fr = "Parametrage de la loi gamma",
+# ang = "Gamma distribution parameter set",
+# ),
+# KLambda_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'KLambda', ) ",
+# K = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Parametre K de la loi | K > 0",
+# ang = "K parameter | K > 0",
+# ),
+# Lambda = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Parametre Lambda de la loi | Lambda > 0",
+# ang = "Lambda parameter | Lambda > 0",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC KLambda_Parameters
+# MuSigma_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigma', ) ",
+# Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
+# ang = "Mean value",
+# ),
+# Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
+# ang = "Standard deviation",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC MuSigma_Parameters
+# Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Borne inferieure du supoport de la loi",
+# ang = "Support lower bound",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC GAMMA
- ), # Fin BLOC MuSigma_Parameters
- ), # Fin BLOC GUMBEL
+# GEOMETRIC = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Geometric', ) ",
+# P = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# val_max = 1.,
+# fr = "Parametre P | 0 < P < 1",
+# ang = "P parameter | 0 < P < 1",
+# ),
+# GUMBEL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Gumbel', ) ",
+# Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "TXM",
+# max = 1,
+# into = ( "AlphaBeta", "MuSigma" ),
+# defaut = "AlphaBeta",
+# fr = "Parametrage de la loi gumbel",
+# ang = "Gumbel distribution parameter set",
+# ),
+# AlphaBeta_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'AlphaBeta', ) ",
+# Alpha = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Parametre Alpha de la loi | Alpha > 0",
+# ang = "Alpha parameter | Alpha > 0",
+# ),
+# Beta = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Parametre Beta de la loi",
+# ang = "Beta parameter",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC AlphaBeta_Parameters
+# MuSigma_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigma', ) ",
+# Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
+# ang = "Mean value",
+# ),
+# Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
+# ang = "Standard deviation",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC MuSigma_Parameters
+# ), # Fin BLOC GUMBEL
- LAPLACE = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Laplace', ) ",
- Lambda = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Parametre Lambda | Lambda > 0",
- ang = "Lambda parameter | Lambda > 0",
- ),
- Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
- ang = "Mean value",
- ),
- LOGNORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'LogNormal', ) ",
- Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "TXM",
- max = 1,
- into = ( "MuSigmaLog", "MuSigma", "MuSigmaOverMu" ),
- defaut = "MuSigmaLog",
- fr = "Parametrage de la loi lognormale",
- ang = "Lognormal distribution parameter set",
- ),
- MuSigma_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigma', ) ",
- Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
- ang = "Mean value",
- ),
- Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
- ang = "Standard deviation",
- ),
- ), # Fin BLOC MuSigma_Parameters
- MuSigmaOverMu_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigmaOverMu', ) ",
- Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
- ang = "Mean value",
- ),
- SigmaOverMu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Rapport ecart type / moyenne de la loi",
- ang = "Standard deviation / mean value ratio",
- ),
- ), # Fin BLOC MuSigmaOverMu_Parameters
- MuSigmaLog_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigmaLog', ) ",
- MuLog = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Moyenne du log",
- ang = "Log mean value",
- ),
- SigmaLog = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Ecart type du log",
- ang = "Log standard deviation",
- ),
- ), # Fin BLOC MuSigmaLog_Parameters
- Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
- ang = "Support lower bound",
- ),
- LOGISTIC = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Logistic', ) ",
- Alpha = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Borne inferieure du supoport de la loi",
- ang = "Support lower bound",
- ),
- Beta = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Parametre Beta de la loi | Beta > 0",
- ang = "Beta parameter | Beta > 0",
- ),
- MULTINOMIAL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'MultiNomial', ) ",
- N = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "I",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Parametre N de la loi | N > 0",
- ang = "N parameter | N > 0",
- ),
- # Il faut definir une collection de couples ( x,p )
- Values = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
- typ = "R",
- max = '**',
- fr = "Liste de probabilités",
- ang = "Probability list",
- validators=VerifTypeTuple(('R','R')),
- ),
- NONCENTRALSTUDENT = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'NonCentralStudent', ) ",
- Nu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Parametre Nu de la loi | Nu > 0",
- ang = "Nu parameter | Nu > 0",
- ),
- Delta = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Parametre Delta de la loi | Delta > 0",
- ang = "Delta parameter | Delta > 0",
- ),
- Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Parametre Gamma de centrage de la loi",
- ang = "Gamma parameter",
- ),
+# LAPLACE = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Laplace', ) ",
+# Lambda = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Parametre Lambda | Lambda > 0",
+# ang = "Lambda parameter | Lambda > 0",
+# ),
+# Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
+# ang = "Mean value",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC LAPLACE
+# LOGNORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'LogNormal', ) ",
+# Settings = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "TXM",
+# max = 1,
+# into = ( "MuSigmaLog", "MuSigma", "MuSigmaOverMu" ),
+# defaut = "MuSigmaLog",
+# fr = "Parametrage de la loi lognormale",
+# ang = "Lognormal distribution parameter set",
+# ),
+# MuSigma_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigma', ) ",
+# Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
+# ang = "Mean value",
+# ),
+# Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Ecart type de la loi",
+# ang = "Standard deviation",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC MuSigma_Parameters
+# MuSigmaOverMu_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigmaOverMu', ) ",
+# Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Moyenne de la loi",
+# ang = "Mean value",
+# ),
+# SigmaOverMu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Rapport ecart type / moyenne de la loi",
+# ang = "Standard deviation / mean value ratio",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC MuSigmaOverMu_Parameters
+# MuSigmaLog_Parameters = BLOC ( condition = " Settings in ( 'MuSigmaLog', ) ",
+# MuLog = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Moyenne du log",
+# ang = "Log mean value",
+# ),
+# SigmaLog = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Ecart type du log",
+# ang = "Log standard deviation",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC MuSigmaLog_Parameters
+# Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
+# ang = "Support lower bound",
+# ),
+# LOGISTIC = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Logistic', ) ",
+# Alpha = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Borne inferieure du supoport de la loi",
+# ang = "Support lower bound",
+# ),
+# Beta = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Parametre Beta de la loi | Beta > 0",
+# ang = "Beta parameter | Beta > 0",
+# ),
+# MULTINOMIAL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'MultiNomial', ) ",
+# N = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "I",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Parametre N de la loi | N > 0",
+# ang = "N parameter | N > 0",
+# ),
+# # Il faut definir une collection de couples ( x,p )
+# Values = SIMP ( statut = 'o',
+# typ = "R",
+# max = '**',
+# fr = "Liste de probabilités",
+# ang = "Probability list",
+# validators=VerifTypeTuple(('R','R')),
+# ),
+# NONCENTRALSTUDENT = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'NonCentralStudent', ) ",
+# Nu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Parametre Nu de la loi | Nu > 0",
+# ang = "Nu parameter | Nu > 0",
+# ),
+# Delta = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Parametre Delta de la loi | Delta > 0",
+# ang = "Delta parameter | Delta > 0",
+# ),
+# Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Parametre Gamma de centrage de la loi",
+# ang = "Gamma parameter",
+# ),
NORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Normal', ) ",
- POISSON = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Poisson', ) ",
- Lambda = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 0.,
- fr = "Parametre Lambda de la loi | Lambda > 0",
- ang = "Lambda parameter | Lambda > 0",
- ),
- RAYLEIGH = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Rayleigh', ) ",
- Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Parametre Sigma de la loi | Sigma > 0",
- ang = "Sigma parameter | Sigma > 0",
- ),
- Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
- ang = "Support lower bound",
- ),
- STUDENT = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Student', ) ",
- Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Parametre Mu de la loi",
- ang = "Mu parameter",
- ),
- Nu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- val_min = 2.,
- fr = "Parametre Nu de la loi | Nu > 2",
- ang = "Nu parameter | Nu > 2",
- ),
- Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Parametre Sigma de la loi",
- ang = "Sigma parameter",
- ),
- TRIANGULAR = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Triangular', ) ",
- A = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi | A < M < B",
- ang = "Support lower bound | A < M < B",
- ),
- M = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Mode de la loi | A < M < B",
- ang = "Mode | A < M < B",
- ),
- B = SIMP ( statut = "o",
- typ = "R",
- max = 1,
- fr = "Borne superieure du support de la loi | A < M < B",
- ang = "Support upper bound | A < M < B",
- ),
+# POISSON = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Poisson', ) ",
+# Lambda = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 0.,
+# fr = "Parametre Lambda de la loi | Lambda > 0",
+# ang = "Lambda parameter | Lambda > 0",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC POISSON
+# RAYLEIGH = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Rayleigh', ) ",
+# Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Parametre Sigma de la loi | Sigma > 0",
+# ang = "Sigma parameter | Sigma > 0",
+# ),
+# Gamma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi",
+# ang = "Support lower bound",
+# ),
+ PDF = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'PDF_from_file', ) ",
+ FileName = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+ typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),
+ fr = "Nom du modele physique",
+ ang = "Physical model identifier",
+ ),
+ ),
+# STUDENT = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Student', ) ",
+# Mu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Parametre Mu de la loi",
+# ang = "Mu parameter",
+# ),
+# Nu = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# val_min = 2.,
+# fr = "Parametre Nu de la loi | Nu > 2",
+# ang = "Nu parameter | Nu > 2",
+# ),
+# Sigma = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Parametre Sigma de la loi",
+# ang = "Sigma parameter",
+# ),
+# ), # Fin BLOC STUDENT
+# TRIANGULAR = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'Triangular', ) ",
+# A = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Borne inferieure du support de la loi | A < M < B",
+# ang = "Support lower bound | A < M < B",
+# ),
+# M = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Mode de la loi | A < M < B",
+# ang = "Mode | A < M < B",
+# ),
+# B = SIMP ( statut = "o",
+# typ = "R",
+# max = 1,
+# fr = "Borne superieure du support de la loi | A < M < B",
+# ang = "Support upper bound | A < M < B",
+# ),
TRUNCATEDNORMAL = BLOC ( condition = " Kind in ( 'TruncatedNormal', ) ",
+ op=None,
+ fr = "Chargement des generateurs et des charges",
+ ang = "Physical model wrapper load",
+ sd_prod = opsPSEN.INCLUDE,
+ op_init = opsPSEN.INCLUDE_context,
+ #sd_prod=None,
+ fichier_ini = 1,
+ fichier_sav=SIMP(statut="o", typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.sav);;All Files (*)',),),
+ dossier_resultat=SIMP(statut="o",typ='Repertoire'),
+ fichier_lignes=SIMP(statut="o" ,typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),),
+ fichier_groupes=SIMP(statut="o", typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),),
+ fichier_parc=SIMP(statut="o" ,typ = ('Fichier', 'Wrapper Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)',),),
+ chemin_psse=SIMP(statut="o",typ='Repertoire'),
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2013 EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+import re
+#from ExtractGeneratorandLoadList import ExtractGeneratorandLoadList
+from ExtractGeneratorandLoadList import ExtractGeneratorandLoadList2
+def INCLUDE(self,chemin_psse,fichier_sav,**args):
+ """
+ Fonction sd_prod pour la macro INCLUDE
+ """
+ print "INCLUDE", self
+ reevalue=0
+ if hasattr(self,'fichier_ini'):
+ reevalue=1
+ if self.fichier_ini == fichier_sav : return
+ if hasattr(self,'old_context_fichier_init' ):
+ for concept in self.old_context_fichier_init.values():
+ self.jdc.delete_concept(concept)
+ self.jdc_aux=None
+ self.contexte_fichier_init={}
+ self.reevalue_sd_jdc()
+ self.jdc.reset_context()
+ self.fichier_ini=fichier_sav
+ self.contexte_fichier_init = {}
+ self.fichier_unite = 999
+ self.fichier_err = None
+ self.fichier_text=""
+ unite = 999
+ pattern_debut_ligne = re.compile(r'^[0-9].*')
+ try:
+ MachineListOrigin,LoadListOrigin= ExtractGeneratorandLoadList2(fichier_sav,chemin_psse)
+ except :
+ if self.jdc.appli is not None:
+ self.jdc.appli.affiche_alerte("Error", 'An error happened in ExtractGeneratorandLoadList execution ')
+ self.g_context = {}
+ self.etapes = []
+ self.jdc_aux = None
+ self.fichier_err = str(exc)
+ self.contexte_fichier_init = {}
+ MachineList=[]
+ LoadList=[]
+ BusBarList=[]
+ for m in MachineListOrigin:
+ if m in LoadListOrigin : BusBarList.append(m)
+ else : MachineList.append(m)
+ for m in LoadListOrigin:
+ if m not in MachineListOrigin : LoadList.append(m)
+ for m in MachineList:
+ nouv=m[0].replace(' ','_')
+ nouveau=nouv.replace('.','_')
+ nom = nouveau+"__"+str(m[1])
+ if pattern_debut_ligne.match(nom): nom='_'+nom
+ id = str(m[3])
+ self.fichier_text += "%s=MONGENER(ID='%s',);\n" % (nom, id)
+ for m in BusBarList:
+ nouv=m[0].replace(' ','_')
+ nouveau=nouv.replace('.','_')
+ nom = nouveau+"__"+str(m[1])
+ if pattern_debut_ligne.match(nom): nom='_'+nom
+ id = str(m[3])
+ self.fichier_text += "%s=MONBUSBAR(ID='%s',);\n" % (nom, id)
+ for m in LoadList:
+ nouv=m[0].replace(' ','_')
+ nouveau=nouv.replace('.','_')
+ nom = nouveau+"__"+str(m[1])
+ if pattern_debut_ligne.match(nom): nom='_'+nom
+ if pattern_debut_ligne.match(nom): print 'match'
+ id = str(m[3])
+ self.fichier_text += "%s=MACHARGE(ID='%s',);\n" % (nom, id)
+ import Extensions.jdc_include
+ self.JdC_aux = Extensions.jdc_include.JDC_CATA_INCLUDE(code='PSEN', execmodul=None)
+ self.make_contexte_include(None, self.fichier_text)
+ self.old_context_fichier_init = self.contexte_fichier_init
+ self.parent.record_unit(unite, self)
+def INCLUDE_context(self,d):
+ """
+ Fonction op_init pour macro INCLUDE
+ """
+ for k,v in self.g_context.items():
+ d[k]=v
- ('PSEN','default',os.path.join(repIni,'PSEN_Cata.py'),'dico','python'),
+ ('PSEN','default',os.path.join(repIni,'PSEN_Cata.py'),'PSEN','python'),
<string notr="true"/>
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
+ <property name="spacing">
+ <number>3</number>
+ </property>
<property name="margin">
<string notr="true">background-color : rgb(248,247,246)</string>
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_4">
+ <property name="topMargin">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="bottomMargin">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
<widget class="QFrame" name="frame_2">
<property name="sizePolicy">
+ <item>
+ <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>71</width>
+ <height>18</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <zorder>horizontalSpacer_2</zorder>
- <height>512</height>
+ <height>530</height>
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
- <item>
- <spacer name="verticalSpacer">
- <property name="orientation">
- <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeType">
- <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
- <size>
- <width>10</width>
- <height>5</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </spacer>
- </item>
- <width>936</width>
- <height>60</height>
+ <width>736</width>
+ <height>62</height>
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <width>936</width>
- <height>60</height>
+ <width>658</width>
+ <height>61</height>
<property name="sizePolicy">
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="173"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="170"/>
<source>%s n'est pas un fichier valide</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="255"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="252"/>
<source>Nombre d'arguments de %s incorrect (min = %s, max = %s)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="277"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="274"/>
<source>La valeur : %s ne fait pas partie des choix possibles %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="766"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="763"/>
<source>%s n'est pas de la bonne longueur</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1189"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1186"/>
<source>valeur dans l'intervalle %s , %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1201"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1198"/>
<source>La valeur doit etre comprise entre %s et %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1222"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1219"/>
<source>%s doit etre inferieur a %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1225"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1222"/>
<source>longueur de liste comprise entre %s et %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1228"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1225"/>
<source>Le cardinal de la liste doit etre compris entre %s et %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1255"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1252"/>
<source>%s devrait etre de longueur inferieure a %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1258"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1255"/>
<source>%s devrait etre de longueur superieure a %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1315"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1312"/>
<source>%s contient des valeurs non paires</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1359"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1356"/>
<source>%s contient des valeurs hors des choix possibles: %s </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="309"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="306"/>
<source>%s n'est pas une chaine de longueur comprise entre %s et %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="315"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="312"/>
<source>TXM de longueur entre %s et %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="533"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="530"/>
<source>valeur %s obligatoire</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="548"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="545"/>
<source>%s ne contient pas les elements obligatoires : %s </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="637"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="634"/>
<source>%s absent</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="686"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="683"/>
<source>%s est un doublon</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="742"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="739"/>
<source>longueur de la chaine entre %s et %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="745"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="742"/>
<source>Longueur de la chaine incorrecte</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="802"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="799"/>
<source>%s n'est pas une chaine</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="819"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="816"/>
<source>liste %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="822"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="819"/>
<source>La liste doit etre en ordre %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="834"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="831"/>
<source>%s n'est pas par valeurs croissantes</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="838"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="835"/>
<source>%s n'est pas par valeurs decroissantes</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="897"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="894"/>
<source>%s n'est pas du bon type</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1418"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1415"/>
<source>valeur %s pour la somme des cles A et B </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1493"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1490"/>
<source>valeur de %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1541"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1538"/>
<source>valeur d'instance de %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1577"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1574"/>
<source>%s devrait etre de type %s </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1670"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1667"/>
<source>%s n'est pas dans %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1557"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1554"/>
<source>: verifie les types dans un tuple</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="600"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="597"/>
<source>%s ne contient pas les elements devant etre presents ensemble: %s </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="650"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="647"/>
<source>%s n'est pas autorise : %s </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1194"/>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1191"/>
<source>%s devrait etre comprise entre %s et %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Extensions/commande_comm.py" line="61"/>
- <source>Objet commande commentarisé invalide</source>
+ <location filename="../../Extensions/parametre_eval.py" line="170"/>
+ <source>Un concept de nom %s existe déjà !</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Extensions/interpreteur_formule.py" line="97"/>
- <source>La formule passee à l'interpreteur doit etre sous forme de tuple</source>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="177"/>
+ <source>%s n'est pas un repertoire valide</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Extensions/nuplet.py" line="104"/>
- <source>Début </source>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="192"/>
+ <source>Type non encore gere %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Ihm/I_FORM_ETAPE.py" line="159"/>
- <source>Un concept de nom %s existe déjà !</source>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="193"/>
+ <source>%s (de type %s) n'est pas d'un type autorise: %s %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Extensions/parametre.py" line="188"/>
- <source>Pas de nom donné au paramètre </source>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="287"/>
+ <source>La valeur : %s est en dehors du domaine de validite [ %s , %s ]</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Extensions/parametre.py" line="193"/>
- <source>Le paramètre %s ne peut valoir None</source>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="582"/>
+ <source>%s present ensemble</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../generator/generator_aplat.py" line="147"/>
- <source>Format pas implémenté : %s</source>
+ <location filename="../../Validation/V_PROC_ETAPE.py" line="68"/>
+ <source>unknown keywords : %s</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Ihm/I_FORM_ETAPE.py" line="138"/>
- <source>Impossible de réaliser la vérification de la formule</source>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/viewManager.py" line="182"/>
+ <source>Creation Parametre indisponible</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/viewManager.py" line="182"/>
- <source>Creation Paramètre indisponible</source>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monFonctionPanel.py" line="62"/>
+ <source>La cardinalite n'est pas correcte, la derniere valeur est ignoree</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/viewManager.py" line="182"/>
- <source>les paramètres sont liés à un jeu de données</source>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monFonctionPanel.py" line="110"/>
+ <source> n est pas un tuple de </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/viewManager.py" line="294"/>
- <source>Fichier non encore nommé </source>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monFonctionPanel.py" line="112"/>
+ <source> valeurs</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1560"/>
- <source>Les types entrés ne sont pas permis</source>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetCreeParam.py" line="74"/>
+ <source>La Creation de parametre n est possible que dans un jeu de données</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="180"/>
- <source>%s n'est pas un repertoire valide</source>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetCreeParam.py" line="87"/>
+ <source>Valeur incorrecte</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="195"/>
- <source>Type non encore gere %s</source>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetCreeParam.py" line="96"/>
+ <source> n est pas un identifiant correct
+ </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="196"/>
- <source>%s (de type %s) n'est pas d'un type autorise: %s %s</source>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetMatrice.py" line="61"/>
+ <source>Entrer un float SVP</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="290"/>
- <source>La valeur : %s est en dehors du domaine de validite [ %s , %s ]</source>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetMatrice.py" line="66"/>
+ <source>Entrer un float inferieur a </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="585"/>
- <source>%s present ensemble</source>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetMatrice.py" line="71"/>
+ <source>Entrer un float superieur a </source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
- <location filename="../../Validation/V_PROC_ETAPE.py" line="68"/>
- <source>unknown keywords : %s</source>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetMatrice.py" line="94"/>
+ <source>Mauvaise execution </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetMatrice.py" line="94"/>
+ <source>impossible d executer la methode </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetMatrice.py" line="118"/>
+ <source>Mauvaise Commande </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetMatrice.py" line="118"/>
+ <source>Aucune variable connue</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetMatrice.py" line="164"/>
+ <source>Mauvaise dimension de matrice</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetMatrice.py" line="162"/>
+ <source>le nombre de ligne n est pas egal a </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetMatrice.py" line="164"/>
+ <source>le nombre de colonne n est pas egal a </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetMatrice.py" line="172"/>
+ <source>Mauvaise Valeur</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetMatrice.py" line="172"/>
+ <source>l element </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetMatrice.py" line="172"/>
+ <source>n est pas correct</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetParam.py" line="87"/>
+ <source>Modification Impossible</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetParam.py" line="87"/>
+ <source>le parametre n'est pas valide</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetParam.py" line="101"/>
+ <source> n est pas un identifiant correct</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetParam.py" line="120"/>
+ <source>Valeur incorrecte: </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetParam.py" line="123"/>
+ <source>Valeur incorrecte </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetParam.py" line="126"/>
+ <source>Valeur correcte </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetSDCOInto.py" line="77"/>
+ <source>impossible d'evaluer : </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../Extensions/commande_comm.py" line="61"/>
+ <source>Objet commande commentarisee invalide</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../Extensions/interpreteur_formule.py" line="97"/>
+ <source>La formule passee a l'interpreteur doit etre sous forme de tuple</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../Extensions/nuplet.py" line="104"/>
+ <source>Debut </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../Extensions/parametre.py" line="188"/>
+ <source>Pas de nom donne au parametre </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../Extensions/parametre.py" line="193"/>
+ <source>Le parametre %s ne peut valoir None</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../generator/generator_aplat.py" line="147"/>
+ <source>Format non implemente : %s</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../Ihm/I_FORM_ETAPE.py" line="138"/>
+ <source>Impossible de realiser la verification de la formule</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../Ihm/I_FORM_ETAPE.py" line="159"/>
+ <source>Un concept de nom %s existe deja !</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/monWidgetCreeParam.py" line="100"/>
+ <source> existe deja
+ </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/viewManager.py" line="182"/>
+ <source>les parametres sont lies a un jeu de donnees</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../InterfaceQT4/viewManager.py" line="294"/>
+ <source>Fichier non encore nomme </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../Noyau/N_VALIDATOR.py" line="1557"/>
+ <source>Les types entres ne sont pas permis</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ <name>WidgetDate</name>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetDate.ui" line="26"/>
+ <source>Form</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetDate.ui" line="91"/>
+ <source>Affiche le rapport de validation du mot-clef</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetDate.ui" line="236"/>
+ <source>...</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetDate.ui" line="152"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p>aaa</p><p>dqsklmdqm</p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message encoding="UTF-8">
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetDate.ui" line="230"/>
+ <source>Détruit le mot-clef</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ <name>WidgetHeure</name>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetHeure.ui" line="26"/>
+ <source>Form</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetHeure.ui" line="86"/>
+ <source>Affiche le rapport de validation du mot-clef</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetHeure.ui" line="209"/>
+ <source>...</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetHeure.ui" line="132"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p>aaa</p><p>dqsklmdqm</p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetHeure.ui" line="145"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message encoding="UTF-8">
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetHeure.ui" line="203"/>
+ <source>Détruit le mot-clef</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <name>WidgetInformative</name>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetInformation.ui" line="26"/>
+ <source>Form</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ <name>WidgetParam</name>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="26"/>
+ <source>DCommandeUnique</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="182"/>
+ <source>...</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message encoding="UTF-8">
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="141"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p><span style=" color:#000000;">Paramètre</span></p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message encoding="UTF-8">
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="176"/>
+ <source>Détruit le commentaire</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="460"/>
+ <source>Affiche les commandes possibles</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="230"/>
+ <source>&Commandes</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="472"/>
+ <source>Shift+A, Alt+A, Alt+A, Alt+A</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message encoding="UTF-8">
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="269"/>
+ <source>Affiche le formulaire de la commande précédente</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="278"/>
+ <source><<</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="315"/>
+ <source>Affiche le formulaire de la commande suivante</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="324"/>
+ <source>>></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="385"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p>Valeur: </p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="425"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p>Nom: </p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="469"/>
+ <source>Verifie la valeur</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetParam.ui" line="487"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p><br/></p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ <name>WidgetPlusieursIntoOrdonne</name>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetPlusieursIntoOrdonne.ui" line="26"/>
+ <source>Form</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetPlusieursIntoOrdonne.ui" line="91"/>
+ <source>Affiche le rapport de validation du mot-clef</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetPlusieursIntoOrdonne.ui" line="606"/>
+ <source>...</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetPlusieursIntoOrdonne.ui" line="157"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p>aaa</p><p>dqsklmdqm</p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetPlusieursIntoOrdonne.ui" line="176"/>
+ <source>TextLabel</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetPlusieursIntoOrdonne.ui" line="372"/>
+ <source>Remonte d'une ligne</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetPlusieursIntoOrdonne.ui" line="408"/>
+ <source>Descend d'une ligne</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message encoding="UTF-8">
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetPlusieursIntoOrdonne.ui" line="444"/>
+ <source>Détruit une ligne</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetPlusieursIntoOrdonne.ui" line="479"/>
+ <source>ajoute une ligne</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetPlusieursIntoOrdonne.ui" line="529"/>
+ <source>visualise l'ensemble des valeurs</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message encoding="UTF-8">
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetPlusieursIntoOrdonne.ui" line="600"/>
+ <source>Détruit le mot-clef</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ <name>WidgetSDCOInto</name>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetSDCOInto.ui" line="26"/>
+ <source>Form</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetSDCOInto.ui" line="91"/>
+ <source>Affiche le rapport de validation du mot-clef</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetSDCOInto.ui" line="315"/>
+ <source>...</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetSDCOInto.ui" line="152"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p>aaa</p><p>dqsklmdqm</p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message encoding="UTF-8">
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetSDCOInto.ui" line="186"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p>Structures de données du type requis </p><p><br/></p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetSDCOInto.ui" line="243"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p>ou Nom du concept</p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message encoding="UTF-8">
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetSDCOInto.ui" line="309"/>
+ <source>Détruit le mot-clef</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ <name>WidgetUniqueSDCO</name>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetUniqueSDCO.ui" line="26"/>
+ <source>Form</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetUniqueSDCO.ui" line="82"/>
+ <source>Affiche le rapport de validation du mot-clef</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetUniqueSDCO.ui" line="229"/>
+ <source>...</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetUniqueSDCO.ui" line="143"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p>aaa</p><p>dqsklmdqm</p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetUniqueSDCO.ui" line="181"/>
+ <source>Attend un objet de type CO </source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message encoding="UTF-8">
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetUniqueSDCO.ui" line="223"/>
+ <source>Détruit le mot-clef</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <name>WidgetVide</name>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetVide.ui" line="26"/>
+ <source>Form</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetVide.ui" line="296"/>
+ <source>...</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetVide.ui" line="129"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p><span style=" color:#0055ff;">Label</span></p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message encoding="UTF-8">
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetVide.ui" line="158"/>
+ <source>Attend un objet de type XXXX. Il faut le créer</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+<context encoding="UTF-8">
+ <name>desWidgetCreeParam</name>
+ <message encoding="UTF-8">
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetCreeParam.ui" line="14"/>
+ <source>Gestion des Paramètres</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetCreeParam.ui" line="153"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p>Nom: </p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetCreeParam.ui" line="180"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p>Valeur: </p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message encoding="UTF-8">
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetCreeParam.ui" line="208"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p><span style=" text-decoration: underline;">Créer un paramètre</span></p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <name>desWidgetMatrice</name>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetMatrice.ui" line="14"/>
+ <source>Dialog</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetMatrice.ui" line="64"/>
+ <source>Affiche le rapport de validation du mot-clef</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetMatrice.ui" line="70"/>
+ <source>...</source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
+ <message>
+ <location filename="../../UiQT4/desWidgetMatrice.ui" line="125"/>
+ <source><html><head/><body><p>aaa</p><p>dqsklmdqm</p></body></html></source>
+ <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+ </message>
import traceback
import types,string,re,os
from Extensions.i18n import tr
-from generator_python import PythonGenerator
+from generator_dicoImbrique import DicoImbriqueGenerator
+import pdb
+from numpy import zeros
def entryPoint():
-class PSENGenerator(PythonGenerator):
+class PSENGenerator(DicoImbriqueGenerator):
Ce generateur parcourt un objet de type JDC et produit
un texte au format eficas et
def gener(self,obj,format='brut',config=None):
+ print "je passe dans gener"
+ #self.MachineDico = obj.MachineDico
+ #self.LoadDico = obj.LoadDico
+ #self.LineDico = obj.LineDico
+ #self.TransfoDico = obj.TransfoDico
# Cette instruction genere le contenu du fichier de commandes (persistance)
- self.text=PythonGenerator.gener(self,obj,format)
+ self.text=DicoImbriqueGenerator.gener(self,obj,format)
return self.text
def initDico(self) :
- self.textePourRun = texte_debut
+ DicoImbriqueGenerator.initDico(self)
+ #self.Entete = 'MachineDico = ' + str(self.MachineDico) +'\n'
+ #self.Entete += 'LoadDico = ' + str(self.LoadDico) +'\n'
+ #self.Entete += 'LineDico = ' + str(self.LineDico) +'\n'
+ #self.Entete += 'TransfoDico = ' + str(self.TransfoDico) +'\n'
+ #self.Entete +='\n'
def writeDefault(self,fn) :
- print self.textePourRun
- def ajoutRun(self) :
- self.textePourRun+=" write_mesh_crack();\n"
- self.textePourRun+=" do_mesh_crack(0);\n"
- self.textePourRun+=" nice_cut(20.);\n"
- self.textePourRun+=' export_mesh("'+self.cracked_name+'","med");\n'
- self.textePourRun+="}"
+ DicoImbriqueGenerator.writeDefault(self,fn)
+ return
# analyse de chaque noeud de l'arbre
- def generMCSIMP(self,obj) :
- """recuperation de l objet MCSIMP"""
- #print dir(obj)
- s=PythonGenerator.generMCSIMP(self,obj)
- if obj.nom in ListeConcatene :
- stringListe=""
- for val in obj.val:
- stringListe+=str(val)+" "
- self.textePourRun+=" "+obj.nom+ "='"+ stringListe[0:-1]+ "';\n"
- return s
- if obj.nom=="elset_radius" :
- self.textePourRun+=" if_must_define_elset=1;\n"
- if obj.nom=="sane_name" :
- self.textePourRun+=" import_mesh('"+obj.val+"');\n"
- if obj.nom=="cracked_name" : self.cracked_name=obj.val
- if obj.nom=="repertoire" :
- print "PNPNPN a traiter"
- return s
- self.textePourRun+=" "+obj.nom+ "=" + s[0:-1]+ ";\n"
- return s
+## def generMCSIMP(self,obj) :
+## """recuperation de l objet MCSIMP"""
+## #print dir(obj)
+## self.dicoMCSIMP[obj.nom]=obj.val
+## self.dicoTemp[obj.nom]=obj.val
+## s=DicoImbriqueGenerator.generMCSIMP(self,obj)
+## return s
+## def generETAPE(self,obj):
+## self.dicoTemp={}
+## s=DicoImbriqueGenerator.generETAPE(self,obj)
+## if obj.nom=="DISTRIBUTION" : self.dicoLois[obj.sd.nom]=self.dicoTemp
+## self.dicoTemp={}
+## return s
# si repertoire on change tous les noms de fichier
def initDico(self) :
+ self.Entete = ''
print "je passe par writeDefault"
fileDico = fn[:fn.rfind(".")] + '.py'
f = open( str(fileDico), 'wb')
- f.write( str(self.Dico) )
+ f.write( self.Entete + "Dico =" + str(self.Dico) )
def generMCSIMP(self,obj) :
"""recuperation de l objet MCSIMP"""
- dicoCourant=self.Dico
- for i in liste [0:-1]:
- if not(dicoCourant.has_key(i)) : dicoCourant[i]={}
- dicoCourant=dicoCourant[i]
- dicoCourant[liste[-1]]=obj.valeur
+ nom=obj.etape.nom
+ if hasattr(obj.etape,'sdnom') and obj.etape.sdnom != None and obj.etape.sdnom != "" :
+ nom = nom+ obj.etape.sdnom
+ if not(self.Dico.has_key(nom)) : dicoCourant={}
+ else : dicoCourant=self.Dico [nom]
+ if hasattr(obj.valeur,'nom'):dicoCourant[liste[-1]]=obj.valeur.nom
+ else : dicoCourant[liste[-1]]=obj.valeurFormatee
+ self.Dico[nom]=dicoCourant
return s