Document previous = aPublication.value().getPreviousVersion();
if (previous != null) {
Publication oldoc = step.getDocument(previous.getIndex());
- boolean done = getStepService().remove(step, oldoc); // Decrements the configuration tag count of document
-/* if (done) {
- oldoc = getPublicationDAO().merge(oldoc); //RKV: to avoid: NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session
- //RKV: use delete-orphan by removing from project element, see StepService.remove
- //RKV: getPublicationDAO().delete(oldoc); // WARNING: Potential problem because it's not automatically done as orphan object
- }
-*/ }
+ getStepService().remove(step, oldoc); // Decrements the configuration tag count of document
+ }
getStepService().add(step, aPublication); // Increments the configuration tag count of document
// Import the document properties and update of the study