+ SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti.h
+ SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti.cpp
--- /dev/null
+#include <SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti.h>
+#include <SketchSolver_Group.h>
+#include <SketchSolver_Error.h>
+#include <SketchPlugin_Arc.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeDouble.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeInteger.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeRefList.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_ResultConstruction.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_Dir2d.h>
+#include <GeomAPI_XY.h>
+#include <math.h>
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti::processEntities(const std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >& theEntAndCopies)
+ // Keep all objects unchanged (only initial object may be changed by user)
+ myCircsAndCopies.clear();
+ std::vector<std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >::const_iterator anEntIt = theEntAndCopies.begin();
+ std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator aCpIt;
+ for (; anEntIt != theEntAndCopies.end(); ++anEntIt) {
+ std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> aCircs;
+ aCpIt = anEntIt->begin();
+ // Obtain initial points
+ Slvs_Entity anInitial = myStorage->getEntity(*aCpIt);
+ if (anInitial.type == SLVS_E_POINT_IN_2D || anInitial.type == SLVS_E_POINT_IN_3D)
+ myInitialPoints.insert(anInitial.h);
+ else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4 && anInitial.point[i] != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN; i++)
+ myInitialPoints.insert(anInitial.point[i]);
+ }
+ // Fix the copies
+ for (++aCpIt; aCpIt != anEntIt->end(); ++aCpIt) {
+ const Slvs_Entity& anEntity = myStorage->getEntity(*aCpIt);
+ std::vector<Slvs_hConstraint> aNewConstr;
+ if (anEntity.type == SLVS_E_CIRCLE) {
+ aCircs.push_back(anEntity.distance);
+ // for circles we fix only center
+ aNewConstr = myStorage->fixEntity(anEntity.point[0]);
+ } else
+ aNewConstr = myStorage->fixEntity(*aCpIt);
+ if (anEntity.type == SLVS_E_ARC_OF_CIRCLE)
+ aCircs.push_back(anEntity.h);
+ mySlvsConstraints.insert(mySlvsConstraints.end(), aNewConstr.begin(), aNewConstr.end());
+ }
+ if (!aCircs.empty()) {
+ if (anInitial.type == SLVS_E_CIRCLE)
+ aCircs.insert(aCircs.begin(), anInitial.distance);
+ else
+ aCircs.insert(aCircs.begin(), anInitial.h);
+ myCircsAndCopies.push_back(aCircs);
+ }
+ }
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti::update(ConstraintPtr theConstraint)
+ cleanErrorMsg();
+ if (!theConstraint || theConstraint == myBaseConstraint) {
+ AttributeRefListPtr anInitialRefList = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefList>(
+ myBaseConstraint->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A()));
+ AttributeIntegerPtr aNbCopies = myBaseConstraint->integer(nameNbCopies());
+ if (anInitialRefList->size() != myNumberOfObjects || aNbCopies->value() != myNumberOfCopies) {
+ remove(myBaseConstraint);
+ process();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ updateLocal();
+ SketchSolver_Constraint::update();
+bool SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti::remove(ConstraintPtr theConstraint)
+ cleanErrorMsg();
+ if (theConstraint && theConstraint != myBaseConstraint)
+ return false;
+ bool isFullyRemoved = true;
+ std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aCIter = mySlvsConstraints.begin();
+ for (; aCIter != mySlvsConstraints.end(); aCIter++)
+ isFullyRemoved = myStorage->removeConstraint(*aCIter) && isFullyRemoved;
+ mySlvsConstraints.clear();
+ std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFeatIt = myFeatureMap.begin();
+ for (; aFeatIt != myFeatureMap.end(); aFeatIt++)
+ myStorage->removeEntity(aFeatIt->second);
+ myStorage->removeUnusedEntities();
+ std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity> aFeatureMapCopy = myFeatureMap;
+ if (isFullyRemoved) {
+ myFeatureMap.clear();
+ myAttributeMap.clear();
+ myValueMap.clear();
+ } else
+ cleanRemovedEntities();
+ // Restore initial features
+ std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFIter = aFeatureMapCopy.begin();
+ for (; aFIter != aFeatureMapCopy.end(); ++aFIter)
+ {
+ if (myFeatureMap.find(aFIter->first) != myFeatureMap.end())
+ continue; // the feature was not removed
+ Slvs_hEntity anEntity = myGroup->getFeatureId(aFIter->first);
+ if (anEntity != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
+ myFeatureMap[aFIter->first] = anEntity;
+ }
+ // Clear list of rotated points
+ myPointsAndCopies.clear();
+ myInitialPoints.clear();
+ return true;
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti::addFeature(FeaturePtr theFeature)
+ SketchSolver_Constraint::addFeature(theFeature);
+ std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFeatIt = myFeatureMap.find(theFeature);
+ if (aFeatIt == myFeatureMap.end())
+ return;
+ // store list of points of the feature
+ const Slvs_Entity& theEntity = myStorage->getEntity(aFeatIt->second);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ if (theEntity.point[i] != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
+ myPointsJustUpdated.insert(theEntity.point[i]);
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti::adjustConstraint()
+ double aRelCoord[2] = {0.0, 0.0}; // relative coordinates of point
+ double anAbsCoord[2] = {0.0, 0.0}; // absolute coordinates of point
+ std::list<Slvs_Constraint> aCoincident = myStorage->getConstraintsByType(SLVS_C_POINTS_COINCIDENT);
+ std::list<Slvs_Constraint>::const_iterator aCoIt;
+ // Update positions of all points to satisfy angles
+ std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >::const_iterator aPointsIter = myPointsAndCopies.begin();
+ std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator aCopyIter;
+ for (; aPointsIter != myPointsAndCopies.end(); ++aPointsIter) {
+ aCopyIter = aPointsIter->begin();
+ const Slvs_Entity& anInitial = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ anAbsCoord[i] = myStorage->getParameter(anInitial.param[i]).val;
+ getRelative(anAbsCoord[0], anAbsCoord[1], aRelCoord[0], aRelCoord[1]);
+ // if the point is coincident with another one which is temporary fixed (moved by user),
+ // we will update its position correspondingly
+ Slvs_hConstraint aFixed;
+ for (aCoIt = aCoincident.begin(); aCoIt != aCoincident.end(); ++aCoIt) {
+ if ((aCoIt->ptA == anInitial.h && myInitialPoints.find(aCoIt->ptB) != myInitialPoints.end()) ||
+ (aCoIt->ptB == anInitial.h && myInitialPoints.find(aCoIt->ptA) != myInitialPoints.end())) {
+ Slvs_hEntity anOtherId = aCoIt->ptA == anInitial.h ? aCoIt->ptB : aCoIt->ptA;
+ if (!myStorage->isTemporary(aFixed) &&
+ myPointsJustUpdated.find(anOtherId) == myPointsJustUpdated.end())
+ continue; // nothing to change
+ const Slvs_Entity& anOtherPnt = myStorage->getEntity(anOtherId);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ Slvs_Param anInitParam = myStorage->getParameter(anInitial.param[i]);
+ const Slvs_Param& anOtherParam = myStorage->getParameter(anOtherPnt.param[i]);
+ anInitParam.val = anOtherParam.val;
+ myStorage->updateParameter(anInitParam);
+ anAbsCoord[i] = anOtherParam.val;
+ }
+ getRelative(anAbsCoord[0], anAbsCoord[1], aRelCoord[0], aRelCoord[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ // update copied points
+ aCopyIter = aPointsIter->begin();
+ for (++aCopyIter; aCopyIter != aPointsIter->end(); ++aCopyIter) {
+ // transform coordinates
+ transformRelative(aRelCoord[0], aRelCoord[1]);
+ getAbsolute(aRelCoord[0], aRelCoord[1], anAbsCoord[0], anAbsCoord[1]);
+ const Slvs_Entity& aTarget = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ Slvs_Param aParam = myStorage->getParameter(aTarget.param[i]);
+ aParam.val = anAbsCoord[i];
+ myStorage->updateParameter(aParam);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::list<Slvs_Constraint> aDiamConstr;
+ for (aPointsIter = myCircsAndCopies.begin(); aPointsIter != myCircsAndCopies.end(); ++aPointsIter) {
+ aCopyIter = aPointsIter->begin();
+ const Slvs_Entity& anInitial = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
+ if (anInitial.type == SLVS_E_DISTANCE) {
+ const Slvs_Param& anInitRad = myStorage->getParameter(anInitial.param[0]);
+ for (++aCopyIter; aCopyIter != aPointsIter->end(); ++aCopyIter) {
+ const Slvs_Entity& aCopy = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
+ Slvs_Param aCopyRad = myStorage->getParameter(aCopy.param[0]);
+ aCopyRad.val = anInitRad.val;
+ myStorage->updateParameter(aCopyRad);
+ }
+ } else if (anInitial.type == SLVS_E_ARC_OF_CIRCLE) {
+ const Slvs_Entity& aCenterEnt = myStorage->getEntity(anInitial.point[0]);
+ const Slvs_Entity& aStartEnt = myStorage->getEntity(anInitial.point[1]);
+ if (aDiamConstr.empty())
+ aDiamConstr = myStorage->getConstraintsByType(SLVS_C_DIAMETER);
+ // Calculate diameter of initial arc
+ double aDiam = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ double d = myStorage->getParameter(aStartEnt.param[i]).val -
+ myStorage->getParameter(aCenterEnt.param[i]).val;
+ aDiam += d * d;
+ }
+ aDiam = sqrt(aDiam) * 2.0;
+ // Update the Diameter constraints of copied arcs
+ for (++aCopyIter; aCopyIter != aPointsIter->end(); ++aCopyIter) {
+ std::list<Slvs_Constraint>::iterator aDCIt = aDiamConstr.begin();
+ for (; aDCIt != aDiamConstr.end(); ++aDCIt)
+ if (aDCIt->entityA == *aCopyIter) {
+ aDCIt->valA = aDiam;
+ myStorage->updateConstraint(*aDCIt);
+ aDiamConstr.erase(aDCIt);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ myPointsJustUpdated.clear();
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2014-20xx CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File: SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti.h
+// Created: 2 Sep 2015
+// Author: Artem ZHIDKOV
+#ifndef SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti_H_
+#define SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti_H_
+#include "SketchSolver.h"
+#include <SketchSolver_Constraint.h>
+#include <vector>
+/** \class SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti
+ * \ingroup Plugins
+ * \brief Common base class for the Multi constraints
+ */
+class SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti : public SketchSolver_Constraint
+ SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti(ConstraintPtr theConstraint) :
+ SketchSolver_Constraint(theConstraint),
+ myNumberOfObjects(0),
+ myNumberOfCopies(0)
+ {}
+ virtual int getType() const
+ { return SLVS_C_UNKNOWN; }
+ /// \brief Update constraint
+ virtual void update(ConstraintPtr theConstraint = ConstraintPtr());
+ /// \brief Tries to remove constraint
+ /// \return \c false, if current constraint contains another SketchPlugin constraints (like for multiple coincidence)
+ virtual bool remove(ConstraintPtr theConstraint = ConstraintPtr());
+ /// \brief Adds a feature to constraint and create its analogue in SolveSpace
+ virtual void addFeature(FeaturePtr theFeature);
+ /// \brief Converts SketchPlugin constraint to a list of SolveSpace constraints
+ virtual void process()
+ { /* do nothing here */ }
+ /// \brief Collect entities and their copies, like circles and arcs
+ void processEntities(const std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >& theEntAndCopies);
+ /// \brief Generate list of attributes of constraint in order useful for SolveSpace constraints
+ /// \param[out] theValue numerical characteristic of constraint (e.g. distance)
+ /// \param[out] theAttributes list of attributes to be filled
+ virtual void getAttributes(double& theValue, std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>& theAttributes)
+ { /* do nothing here */ }
+ /// \brief This method is used in derived objects to check consistence of constraint.
+ virtual void adjustConstraint();
+ /// \brief Update parameters of derived classes
+ virtual void updateLocal() = 0;
+ /// \brief Returns name of NUMBER_OF_COPIES parameter for corresponding feature
+ virtual const std::string& nameNbCopies() = 0;
+ /// \brief Convert absolute coordinates to relative coordinates
+ virtual void getRelative(double theAbsX, double theAbsY, double& theRelX, double& theRelY) = 0;
+ /// \brief Convert relative coordinates to absolute coordinates
+ virtual void getAbsolute(double theRelX, double theRelY, double& theAbsX, double& theAbsY) = 0;
+ /// \brief Apply transformation for relative coordinates
+ virtual void transformRelative(double& theX, double& theY) = 0;
+ size_t myNumberOfObjects; ///< number of previous initial objects
+ size_t myNumberOfCopies; ///< number of previous copies of initial objects
+ std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> > myPointsAndCopies; ///< list of initial points and their copies
+ std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> > myCircsAndCopies; ///< list of circles and their copies (to change their radii together)
+ std::set<Slvs_hEntity> myPointsJustUpdated; ///< list of points touched by user
+ std::set<Slvs_hEntity> myInitialPoints; ///< list of points containing initial objects
#include <math.h>
-static double squareDistance(
- StoragePtr theStorage, const Slvs_hEntity& thePoint1, const Slvs_hEntity& thePoint2)
- Slvs_Entity aPoint1 = theStorage->getEntity(thePoint1);
- Slvs_Entity aPoint2 = theStorage->getEntity(thePoint2);
- double x1 = theStorage->getParameter(aPoint1.param[0]).val;
- double y1 = theStorage->getParameter(aPoint1.param[1]).val;
- double x2 = theStorage->getParameter(aPoint2.param[0]).val;
- double y2 = theStorage->getParameter(aPoint2.param[1]).val;
- return (x1-x2) * (x1-x2) + (y1-y2) * (y1-y2);
void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation::getAttributes(
Slvs_hEntity& theCenter, double& theAngle,
std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >& thePoints,
- // Keep all objects unchanged (only initial object may be changed by user)
- myCircsAndCopies.clear();
- std::vector<std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >::const_iterator anEntIt = anEntitiesAndCopies.begin();
- std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator aCpIt;
- for (; anEntIt != anEntitiesAndCopies.end(); ++anEntIt) {
- std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> aCircs;
- aCpIt = anEntIt->begin();
- // Obtain initial points
- Slvs_Entity anInitial = myStorage->getEntity(*aCpIt);
- if (anInitial.type == SLVS_E_POINT_IN_2D || anInitial.type == SLVS_E_POINT_IN_3D)
- myInitialPoints.insert(anInitial.h);
- else {
- for (int i = 0; i < 4 && anInitial.point[i] != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN; i++)
- myInitialPoints.insert(anInitial.point[i]);
- }
- // Fix the copies
- for (++aCpIt; aCpIt != anEntIt->end(); ++aCpIt) {
- const Slvs_Entity& anEntity = myStorage->getEntity(*aCpIt);
- std::vector<Slvs_hConstraint> aNewConstr;
- if (anEntity.type == SLVS_E_CIRCLE) {
- aCircs.push_back(anEntity.distance);
- // for circles we fix only center
- aNewConstr = myStorage->fixEntity(anEntity.point[0]);
- } else
- aNewConstr = myStorage->fixEntity(*aCpIt);
- if (anEntity.type == SLVS_E_ARC_OF_CIRCLE)
- aCircs.push_back(anEntity.h);
- mySlvsConstraints.insert(mySlvsConstraints.end(), aNewConstr.begin(), aNewConstr.end());
- }
- if (!aCircs.empty()) {
- if (anInitial.type == SLVS_E_CIRCLE)
- aCircs.insert(aCircs.begin(), anInitial.distance);
- else
- aCircs.insert(aCircs.begin(), anInitial.h);
- myCircsAndCopies.push_back(aCircs);
- }
- }
+ processEntities(anEntitiesAndCopies);
-void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation::update(ConstraintPtr theConstraint)
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation::updateLocal()
- cleanErrorMsg();
- if (!theConstraint || theConstraint == myBaseConstraint) {
- AttributeRefListPtr anInitialRefList = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefList>(
- myBaseConstraint->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A()));
- AttributeIntegerPtr aNbCopies = myBaseConstraint->integer(SketchPlugin_MultiRotation::NUMBER_OF_COPIES_ID());
- if (anInitialRefList->size() != myNumberOfObjects || aNbCopies->value() != myNumberOfCopies) {
- remove(myBaseConstraint);
- process();
- return;
- }
- }
// update angle value
myAngle = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble>(
- SketchSolver_Constraint::update();
-bool SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation::remove(ConstraintPtr theConstraint)
- cleanErrorMsg();
- if (theConstraint && theConstraint != myBaseConstraint)
- return false;
- bool isFullyRemoved = true;
- std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aCIter = mySlvsConstraints.begin();
- for (; aCIter != mySlvsConstraints.end(); aCIter++)
- isFullyRemoved = myStorage->removeConstraint(*aCIter) && isFullyRemoved;
- mySlvsConstraints.clear();
- std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFeatIt = myFeatureMap.begin();
- for (; aFeatIt != myFeatureMap.end(); aFeatIt++)
- myStorage->removeEntity(aFeatIt->second);
- myStorage->removeUnusedEntities();
- std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity> aFeatureMapCopy = myFeatureMap;
- if (isFullyRemoved) {
- myFeatureMap.clear();
- myAttributeMap.clear();
- myValueMap.clear();
- } else
- cleanRemovedEntities();
- // Restore initial features
- std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFIter = aFeatureMapCopy.begin();
- for (; aFIter != aFeatureMapCopy.end(); ++aFIter)
- {
- if (myFeatureMap.find(aFIter->first) != myFeatureMap.end())
- continue; // the feature was not removed
- Slvs_hEntity anEntity = myGroup->getFeatureId(aFIter->first);
- if (anEntity != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
- myFeatureMap[aFIter->first] = anEntity;
- }
- // Clear list of rotated points
- myPointsAndCopies.clear();
- myInitialPoints.clear();
- return true;
-void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation::addFeature(FeaturePtr theFeature)
- SketchSolver_Constraint::addFeature(theFeature);
- std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFeatIt = myFeatureMap.find(theFeature);
- if (aFeatIt == myFeatureMap.end())
- return;
- // store list of points of the feature
- const Slvs_Entity& theEntity = myStorage->getEntity(aFeatIt->second);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- if (theEntity.point[i] != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
- myPointsJustUpdated.insert(theEntity.point[i]);
void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation::adjustConstraint()
- if (abs(myAngle) < tolerance) {
+ if (fabs(myAngle) < tolerance) {
// Obtain coordinates of rotation center
Slvs_Entity aRotCenter = myStorage->getEntity(myRotationCenter);
- double aCenterXY[2];
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- aCenterXY[i] = myStorage->getParameter(aRotCenter.param[i]).val;
- double cosA = cos(myAngle * PI / 180.0);
- double sinA = sin(myAngle * PI / 180.0);
- double aVec[2]; // coordinates of vector defining a direction from rotation center to a point
- // Update positions of all points to satisfy angles
- std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >::const_iterator aPointsIter = myPointsAndCopies.begin();
- std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator aCopyIter;
- for (; aPointsIter != myPointsAndCopies.end(); ++aPointsIter) {
- aCopyIter = aPointsIter->begin();
- const Slvs_Entity& anInitial = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- aVec[i] = myStorage->getParameter(anInitial.param[i]).val - aCenterXY[i];
- // if the point is coincident with another one which is temporary fixed (moved by user),
- // we will update its position correspondingly
- Slvs_hConstraint aFixed;
- for (aCoIt = aCoincident.begin(); aCoIt != aCoincident.end(); ++aCoIt) {
- if ((aCoIt->ptA == anInitial.h && myInitialPoints.find(aCoIt->ptB) != myInitialPoints.end()) ||
- (aCoIt->ptB == anInitial.h && myInitialPoints.find(aCoIt->ptA) != myInitialPoints.end())) {
- Slvs_hEntity anOtherId = aCoIt->ptA == anInitial.h ? aCoIt->ptB : aCoIt->ptA;
- if (!myStorage->isTemporary(aFixed) &&
- myPointsJustUpdated.find(anOtherId) == myPointsJustUpdated.end())
- continue; // nothing to change
+ myCenterCoord[0] = myStorage->getParameter(aRotCenter.param[0]).val;
+ myCenterCoord[1] = myStorage->getParameter(aRotCenter.param[1]).val;
- const Slvs_Entity& anOtherPnt = myStorage->getEntity(anOtherId);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- Slvs_Param anInitParam = myStorage->getParameter(anInitial.param[i]);
- const Slvs_Param& anOtherParam = myStorage->getParameter(anOtherPnt.param[i]);
- anInitParam.val = anOtherParam.val;
- myStorage->updateParameter(anInitParam);
- aVec[i] = anOtherParam.val - aCenterXY[i];
- }
- }
- }
+ myRotationVal[0] = sin(myAngle * PI / 180.0);
+ myRotationVal[1] = cos(myAngle * PI / 180.0);
- // update copied points
- aCopyIter = aPointsIter->begin();
- for (++aCopyIter; aCopyIter != aPointsIter->end(); ++aCopyIter) {
- // rotate direction
- double aTemp = aVec[0] * cosA - aVec[1] * sinA;
- aVec[1] = aVec[0] * sinA + aVec[1] * cosA;
- aVec[0] = aTemp;
+ SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti::adjustConstraint();
- const Slvs_Entity& aTarget = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- Slvs_Param aParam = myStorage->getParameter(aTarget.param[i]);
- aParam.val = aCenterXY[i] + aVec[i];
- myStorage->updateParameter(aParam);
- }
- }
- }
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation::getRelative(
+ double theAbsX, double theAbsY, double& theRelX, double& theRelY)
+ theRelX = theAbsX - myCenterCoord[0];
+ theRelY = theAbsY - myCenterCoord[1];
- std::list<Slvs_Constraint> aDiamConstr;
- for (aPointsIter = myCircsAndCopies.begin(); aPointsIter != myCircsAndCopies.end(); ++aPointsIter) {
- aCopyIter = aPointsIter->begin();
- const Slvs_Entity& anInitial = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
- if (anInitial.type == SLVS_E_DISTANCE) {
- const Slvs_Param& anInitRad = myStorage->getParameter(anInitial.param[0]);
- for (++aCopyIter; aCopyIter != aPointsIter->end(); ++aCopyIter) {
- const Slvs_Entity& aCopy = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
- Slvs_Param aCopyRad = myStorage->getParameter(aCopy.param[0]);
- aCopyRad.val = anInitRad.val;
- myStorage->updateParameter(aCopyRad);
- }
- } else if (anInitial.type == SLVS_E_ARC_OF_CIRCLE) {
- const Slvs_Entity& aCenterEnt = myStorage->getEntity(anInitial.point[0]);
- const Slvs_Entity& aStartEnt = myStorage->getEntity(anInitial.point[1]);
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation::getAbsolute(
+ double theRelX, double theRelY, double& theAbsX, double& theAbsY)
+ theAbsX = theRelX + myCenterCoord[0];
+ theAbsY = theRelY + myCenterCoord[1];
- if (aDiamConstr.empty())
- aDiamConstr = myStorage->getConstraintsByType(SLVS_C_DIAMETER);
- // Calculate diameter of initial arc
- double aDiam = 0.0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- double d = myStorage->getParameter(aStartEnt.param[i]).val -
- myStorage->getParameter(aCenterEnt.param[i]).val;
- aDiam += d * d;
- }
- aDiam = sqrt(aDiam) * 2.0;
- // Update the Diameter constraints of copied arcs
- for (++aCopyIter; aCopyIter != aPointsIter->end(); ++aCopyIter) {
- std::list<Slvs_Constraint>::iterator aDCIt = aDiamConstr.begin();
- for (; aDCIt != aDiamConstr.end(); ++aDCIt)
- if (aDCIt->entityA == *aCopyIter) {
- aDCIt->valA = aDiam;
- myStorage->updateConstraint(*aDCIt);
- aDiamConstr.erase(aDCIt);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation::transformRelative(double& theX, double& theY)
+ // rotate direction
+ // myRotationVal[0] = sinA, myRotationVal[1] = cosA
+ double aTemp = theX * myRotationVal[1] - theY * myRotationVal[0];
+ theY = theX * myRotationVal[0] + theY * myRotationVal[1];
+ theX = aTemp;
- myPointsJustUpdated.clear();
+const std::string& SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation::nameNbCopies()
+ return SketchPlugin_MultiRotation::NUMBER_OF_COPIES_ID();
#define SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation_H_
#include "SketchSolver.h"
-#include <SketchSolver_Constraint.h>
-#include <vector>
+#include <SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti.h>
/** \class SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation
* \ingroup Plugins
* \brief Convert rotated features to the list of SolveSpace constraints
-class SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation : public SketchSolver_Constraint
+class SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation : public SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti
SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiRotation(ConstraintPtr theConstraint) :
- SketchSolver_Constraint(theConstraint),
- myNumberOfObjects(0),
- myNumberOfCopies(0)
+ SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti(theConstraint)
virtual int getType() const
- /// \brief Update constraint
- virtual void update(ConstraintPtr theConstraint = ConstraintPtr());
- /// \brief Tries to remove constraint
- /// \return \c false, if current constraint contains another SketchPlugin constraints (like for multiple coincidence)
- virtual bool remove(ConstraintPtr theConstraint = ConstraintPtr());
- /// \brief Adds a feature to constraint and create its analogue in SolveSpace
- virtual void addFeature(FeaturePtr theFeature);
/// \brief Converts SketchPlugin constraint to a list of SolveSpace constraints
virtual void process();
- /// \brief Generate list of attributes of constraint in order useful for SolveSpace constraints
- /// \param[out] theValue numerical characteristic of constraint (e.g. distance)
- /// \param[out] theAttributes list of attributes to be filled
- virtual void getAttributes(double& theValue, std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>& theAttributes)
- { /* do nothing here */ }
/// \brief Generate list of rotated entities
/// \param[out] theCenter ID of central point of rotation
/// \param[out] theAngle rotation angle
/// \brief This method is used in derived objects to check consistence of constraint.
virtual void adjustConstraint();
+ /// \brief Update parameters (called from base class)
+ virtual void updateLocal();
+ /// \brief Convert absolute coordinates to relative coordinates
+ virtual void getRelative(double theAbsX, double theAbsY, double& theRelX, double& theRelY);
+ /// \brief Convert relative coordinates to absolute coordinates
+ virtual void getAbsolute(double theRelX, double theRelY, double& theAbsX, double& theAbsY);
+ /// \brief Apply transformation for relative coordinates
+ virtual void transformRelative(double& theX, double& theY);
+ /// \brief Returns name of NUMBER_OF_COPIES parameter for corresponding feature
+ virtual const std::string& nameNbCopies();
- size_t myNumberOfObjects; ///< number of previous initial objects
- size_t myNumberOfCopies; ///< number of previous copies of initial objects
Slvs_hEntity myRotationCenter; ///< ID of center of rotation
- double myAngle; ///< angle of rotation
- std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> > myPointsAndCopies; ///< list of initial points and their rotated copies
- std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> > myCircsAndCopies; ///< list of circles and their copies (to change their radii together)
+ double myAngle; ///< angle of rotation
- std::set<Slvs_hEntity> myPointsJustUpdated; ///< list of points touched by user
- std::set<Slvs_hEntity> myInitialPoints; ///< list of points containig initial objects
+ double myCenterCoord[2]; ///< coordinates of rotation center
+ double myRotationVal[2]; ///< sinus and cosinus of rotation angle
- // Keep all objects unchanged (only initial object may be changed by user)
- myCircsAndCopies.clear();
- std::vector<std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >::const_iterator anEntIt = anEntitiesAndCopies.begin();
- std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator aCpIt;
- for (; anEntIt != anEntitiesAndCopies.end(); ++anEntIt) {
- std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> aCircs;
- aCpIt = anEntIt->begin();
- // Obtain initial points
- Slvs_Entity anInitial = myStorage->getEntity(*aCpIt);
- if (anInitial.type == SLVS_E_POINT_IN_2D || anInitial.type == SLVS_E_POINT_IN_3D)
- myInitialPoints.insert(anInitial.h);
- else {
- for (int i = 0; i < 4 && anInitial.point[i] != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN; i++)
- myInitialPoints.insert(anInitial.point[i]);
- }
- // Fix the copies
- for (++aCpIt; aCpIt != anEntIt->end(); ++aCpIt) {
- const Slvs_Entity& anEntity = myStorage->getEntity(*aCpIt);
- std::vector<Slvs_hConstraint> aNewConstr;
- if (anEntity.type == SLVS_E_CIRCLE) {
- aCircs.push_back(anEntity.distance);
- // for circles we fix only center
- aNewConstr = myStorage->fixEntity(anEntity.point[0]);
- } else
- aNewConstr = myStorage->fixEntity(*aCpIt);
- if (anEntity.type == SLVS_E_ARC_OF_CIRCLE)
- aCircs.push_back(anEntity.h);
- mySlvsConstraints.insert(mySlvsConstraints.end(), aNewConstr.begin(), aNewConstr.end());
- }
- if (!aCircs.empty()) {
- if (anInitial.type == SLVS_E_CIRCLE)
- aCircs.insert(aCircs.begin(), anInitial.distance);
- else
- aCircs.insert(aCircs.begin(), anInitial.h);
- myCircsAndCopies.push_back(aCircs);
- }
- }
+ processEntities(anEntitiesAndCopies);
-void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation::update(ConstraintPtr theConstraint)
- cleanErrorMsg();
- if (!theConstraint || theConstraint == myBaseConstraint) {
- AttributeRefListPtr anInitialRefList = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefList>(
- myBaseConstraint->attribute(SketchPlugin_Constraint::ENTITY_A()));
- AttributeIntegerPtr aNbCopies = myBaseConstraint->integer(SketchPlugin_MultiTranslation::NUMBER_OF_COPIES_ID());
- if (anInitialRefList->size() != myNumberOfObjects ||
- (size_t)aNbCopies->value() != myNumberOfCopies) {
- remove(myBaseConstraint);
- process();
- return;
- }
- }
- SketchSolver_Constraint::update();
-bool SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation::remove(ConstraintPtr theConstraint)
- cleanErrorMsg();
- if (theConstraint && theConstraint != myBaseConstraint)
- return false;
- bool isFullyRemoved = true;
- std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aCIter = mySlvsConstraints.begin();
- for (; aCIter != mySlvsConstraints.end(); aCIter++)
- isFullyRemoved = myStorage->removeConstraint(*aCIter) && isFullyRemoved;
- mySlvsConstraints.clear();
- std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFeatIt = myFeatureMap.begin();
- for (; aFeatIt != myFeatureMap.end(); aFeatIt++)
- myStorage->removeEntity(aFeatIt->second);
- std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity> aFeatureMapCopy = myFeatureMap;
- if (isFullyRemoved) {
- myFeatureMap.clear();
- myAttributeMap.clear();
- myValueMap.clear();
- } else
- cleanRemovedEntities();
- // Restore initial features
- std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFIter = aFeatureMapCopy.begin();
- for (; aFIter != aFeatureMapCopy.end(); ++aFIter)
- {
- if (myFeatureMap.find(aFIter->first) != myFeatureMap.end())
- continue; // the feature was not removed
- Slvs_hEntity anEntity = myGroup->getFeatureId(aFIter->first);
- if (anEntity != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
- myFeatureMap[aFIter->first] = anEntity;
- }
- return true;
-void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation::addFeature(FeaturePtr theFeature)
- SketchSolver_Constraint::addFeature(theFeature);
- std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFeatIt = myFeatureMap.find(theFeature);
- if (aFeatIt == myFeatureMap.end())
- return;
- // store list of points of the feature
- const Slvs_Entity& theEntity = myStorage->getEntity(aFeatIt->second);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- if (theEntity.point[i] != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
- myPointsJustUpdated.insert(theEntity.point[i]);
void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation::adjustConstraint()
Slvs_Entity aTranslationLine = myStorage->getEntity(myTranslationLine);
aXY[2*i] = myStorage->getParameter(aPnt.param[0]).val;
aXY[2*i+1] = myStorage->getParameter(aPnt.param[1]).val;
- double aDelta[2] = {aXY[2] - aXY[0], aXY[3] - aXY[1]};
- if (fabs(aDelta[0]) + fabs(aDelta[1]) < tolerance) {
+ myDelta[0] = aXY[2] - aXY[0];
+ myDelta[1] = aXY[3] - aXY[1];
+ if (fabs(myDelta[0]) + fabs(myDelta[1]) < tolerance) {
- std::list<Slvs_Constraint> aCoincident = myStorage->getConstraintsByType(SLVS_C_POINTS_COINCIDENT);
- std::list<Slvs_Constraint>::const_iterator aCoIt;
- double aCoord[2];
- // Update positions of all points to satisfy distances
- std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >::const_iterator aPointsIter = myPointsAndCopies.begin();
- std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator aCopyIter;
- for (; aPointsIter != myPointsAndCopies.end(); ++aPointsIter) {
- aCopyIter = aPointsIter->begin();
- const Slvs_Entity& anInitial = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- aCoord[i] = myStorage->getParameter(anInitial.param[i]).val;
- // if the point is coincident with another one which is temporary fixed (moved by user),
- // we will update its position correspondingly
- Slvs_hConstraint aFixed;
- for (aCoIt = aCoincident.begin(); aCoIt != aCoincident.end(); ++aCoIt) {
- if ((aCoIt->ptA == anInitial.h && myInitialPoints.find(aCoIt->ptB) != myInitialPoints.end()) ||
- (aCoIt->ptB == anInitial.h && myInitialPoints.find(aCoIt->ptA) != myInitialPoints.end())) {
- Slvs_hEntity anOtherId = aCoIt->ptA == anInitial.h ? aCoIt->ptB : aCoIt->ptA;
- if (!myStorage->isTemporary(aFixed) &&
- myPointsJustUpdated.find(anOtherId) == myPointsJustUpdated.end())
- continue; // nothing to change
- const Slvs_Entity& anOtherPnt = myStorage->getEntity(anOtherId);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- Slvs_Param anInitParam = myStorage->getParameter(anInitial.param[i]);
- const Slvs_Param& anOtherParam = myStorage->getParameter(anOtherPnt.param[i]);
- anInitParam.val = anOtherParam.val;
- myStorage->updateParameter(anInitParam);
- aCoord[i] = anOtherParam.val;
- }
- }
- }
- // update copied points
- aCopyIter = aPointsIter->begin();
- for (++aCopyIter; aCopyIter != aPointsIter->end(); ++aCopyIter) {
- // update position
- aCoord[0] += aDelta[0];
- aCoord[1] += aDelta[1];
+ SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti::adjustConstraint();
- const Slvs_Entity& aTarget = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- Slvs_Param aParam = myStorage->getParameter(aTarget.param[i]);
- aParam.val = aCoord[i];
- myStorage->updateParameter(aParam);
- }
- }
- }
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation::getRelative(
+ double theAbsX, double theAbsY, double& theRelX, double& theRelY)
+ theRelX = theAbsX;
+ theRelY = theAbsY;
- std::list<Slvs_Constraint> aDiamConstr;
- for (aPointsIter = myCircsAndCopies.begin(); aPointsIter != myCircsAndCopies.end(); ++aPointsIter) {
- aCopyIter = aPointsIter->begin();
- const Slvs_Entity& anInitial = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
- if (anInitial.type == SLVS_E_DISTANCE) {
- const Slvs_Param& anInitRad = myStorage->getParameter(anInitial.param[0]);
- for (++aCopyIter; aCopyIter != aPointsIter->end(); ++aCopyIter) {
- const Slvs_Entity& aCopy = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
- Slvs_Param aCopyRad = myStorage->getParameter(aCopy.param[0]);
- aCopyRad.val = anInitRad.val;
- myStorage->updateParameter(aCopyRad);
- }
- } else if (anInitial.type == SLVS_E_ARC_OF_CIRCLE) {
- const Slvs_Entity& aCenterEnt = myStorage->getEntity(anInitial.point[0]);
- const Slvs_Entity& aStartEnt = myStorage->getEntity(anInitial.point[1]);
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation::getAbsolute(
+ double theRelX, double theRelY, double& theAbsX, double& theAbsY)
+ theAbsX = theRelX;
+ theAbsY = theRelY;
- if (aDiamConstr.empty())
- aDiamConstr = myStorage->getConstraintsByType(SLVS_C_DIAMETER);
- // Calculate diameter of initial arc
- double aDiam = 0.0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- double d = myStorage->getParameter(aStartEnt.param[i]).val -
- myStorage->getParameter(aCenterEnt.param[i]).val;
- aDiam += d * d;
- }
- aDiam = sqrt(aDiam) * 2.0;
- // Update the Diameter constraints of copied arcs
- for (++aCopyIter; aCopyIter != aPointsIter->end(); ++aCopyIter) {
- std::list<Slvs_Constraint>::iterator aDCIt = aDiamConstr.begin();
- for (; aDCIt != aDiamConstr.end(); ++aDCIt)
- if (aDCIt->entityA == *aCopyIter) {
- aDCIt->valA = aDiam;
- myStorage->updateConstraint(*aDCIt);
- aDiamConstr.erase(aDCIt);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation::transformRelative(double& theX, double& theY)
+ // translate coordinates
+ theX += myDelta[0];
+ theY += myDelta[1];
- myPointsJustUpdated.clear();
+const std::string& SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation::nameNbCopies()
+ return SketchPlugin_MultiTranslation::NUMBER_OF_COPIES_ID();
#define SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation_H_
#include "SketchSolver.h"
-#include <SketchSolver_Constraint.h>
+#include <SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti.h>
/** \class SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation
* \ingroup Plugins
* \brief Convert translated features to the list of SolveSpace constraints
-class SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation : public SketchSolver_Constraint
+class SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation : public SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti
SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation(ConstraintPtr theConstraint) :
- SketchSolver_Constraint(theConstraint),
- myNumberOfObjects(0),
- myNumberOfCopies(0),
+ SketchSolver_ConstraintMulti(theConstraint),
virtual int getType() const
- /// \brief Update constraint
- virtual void update(ConstraintPtr theConstraint = ConstraintPtr());
- /// \brief Tries to remove constraint
- /// \return \c false, if current constraint contains another SketchPlugin constraints (like for multiple coincidence)
- virtual bool remove(ConstraintPtr theConstraint = ConstraintPtr());
- /// \brief Adds a feature to constraint and create its analogue in SolveSpace
- virtual void addFeature(FeaturePtr theFeature);
/// \brief Converts SketchPlugin constraint to a list of SolveSpace constraints
virtual void process();
- /// \brief Generate list of attributes of constraint in order useful for SolveSpace constraints
- /// \param[out] theValue numerical characteristic of constraint (e.g. distance)
- /// \param[out] theAttributes list of attributes to be filled
- virtual void getAttributes(double& theValue, std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>& theAttributes)
- { /* do nothing here */ }
/// \brief Generate list of translated entities
/// \param[out] theStartPoint ID of start point of translation
/// \param[out] theEndPoint ID of final point of translation
/// \brief This method is used in derived objects to check consistence of constraint.
virtual void adjustConstraint();
+ /// \brief Update parameters (called from base class)
+ virtual void updateLocal()
+ {}
+ /// \brief Convert absolute coordinates to relative coordinates
+ virtual void getRelative(double theAbsX, double theAbsY, double& theRelX, double& theRelY);
+ /// \brief Convert relative coordinates to absolute coordinates
+ virtual void getAbsolute(double theRelX, double theRelY, double& theAbsX, double& theAbsY);
+ /// \brief Apply transformation for relative coordinates
+ virtual void transformRelative(double& theX, double& theY);
+ /// \brief Returns name of NUMBER_OF_COPIES parameter for corresponding feature
+ virtual const std::string& nameNbCopies();
- size_t myNumberOfObjects; ///< number of previous initial objects
- size_t myNumberOfCopies; ///< number of previous copies of initial objects
Slvs_hEntity myTranslationLine; ///< ID of translation line
- std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> > myPointsAndCopies; ///< list of initial points and their translated copies
- std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> > myCircsAndCopies; ///< list of circles and their copies (to change their radii together)
- std::set<Slvs_hEntity> myPointsJustUpdated; ///< list of points touched by user
- std::set<Slvs_hEntity> myInitialPoints; ///< list of points containig initial objects
+ double myDelta[2]; ///< increment of translation