SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup was detached into separate file.
+ SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup.h
+ SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup.cpp
--- /dev/null
+// File: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup.cpp
+// Created: 27 May 2014
+// Author: Artem ZHIDKOV
+#include "SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup.h"
+#include <SketchSolver_Constraint.h>
+#include <Events_Loop.h>
+#include <GeomDataAPI_Dir.h>
+#include <GeomDataAPI_Point.h>
+#include <GeomDataAPI_Point2D.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeDouble.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_AttributeRefList.h>
+#include <ModelAPI_Data.h>
+#include <Model_Events.h>
+#include <SketchPlugin_Constraint.h>
+#include <SketchPlugin_Arc.h>
+#include <SketchPlugin_Circle.h>
+#include <SketchPlugin_Line.h>
+#include <SketchPlugin_Point.h>
+#include <SketchPlugin_Sketch.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+/// Tolerance for value of parameters
+const double tolerance = 1.e-10;
+/// This value is used to give unique index to the groups
+static Slvs_hGroup myGroupIndexer = 0;
+/** \brief Search the entity/parameter with specified ID in the list of elements
+ * \param[in] theEntityID unique ID of the element
+ * \param[in] theEntities list of elements
+ * \return position of the found element or -1 if the element is not found
+ */
+template <typename T>
+static int Search(const uint32_t& theEntityID, const std::vector<T>& theEntities);
+// ========================================================
+// ========= SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup ===============
+// ========================================================
+ SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup(boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> theWorkplane)
+ : myID(++myGroupIndexer),
+ myParamMaxID(0),
+ myEntityMaxID(0),
+ myConstrMaxID(0),
+ myConstraintMap(),
+ myNeedToSolve(false),
+ myConstrSolver()
+ myParams.clear();
+ myEntities.clear();
+ myConstraints.clear();
+ // Initialize workplane
+ myWorkplane.h = SLVS_E_UNKNOWN;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ assert(addWorkplane(theWorkplane));
+ addWorkplane(theWorkplane);
+ myParams.clear();
+ myEntities.clear();
+ myConstraints.clear();
+ myConstraintMap.clear();
+ // If the group with maximal identifier is deleted, decrease the indexer
+ if (myID == myGroupIndexer)
+ myGroupIndexer--;
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: isBaseWorkplane
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: verify the group is based on the given workplane
+// ============================================================================
+bool SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::isBaseWorkplane(
+ boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> theWorkplane) const
+ return theWorkplane == mySketch;
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: isInteract
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: verify are there any entities in the group used by given constraint
+// ============================================================================
+bool SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::isInteract(
+ boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint> theConstraint) const
+ // Check the group is empty
+ if (myWorkplane.h != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN && myConstraints.empty())
+ return true;
+ // Go through constraint entities and verify if some of them already in the group
+ for (int i = 0; i < CONSTRAINT_ATTR_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr> aCAttrRef =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr>(
+ theConstraint->data()->attribute(CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTES[i])
+ );
+ if (!aCAttrRef) continue;
+ if (myEntityMap.find(aCAttrRef->attr()) != myEntityMap.end())
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Entities did not found
+ return false;
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: changeConstraint
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: create/update the constraint in the group
+// ============================================================================
+bool SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::changeConstraint(
+ boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint> theConstraint)
+ // There is no workplane yet, something wrong
+ if (myWorkplane.h == SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
+ return false;
+ // Search this constraint in the current group to update it
+ std::map<boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint>, Slvs_hConstraint>::const_iterator
+ aConstrMapIter = myConstraintMap.find(theConstraint);
+ std::vector<Slvs_Constraint>::iterator aConstrIter;
+ if (aConstrMapIter != myConstraintMap.end())
+ {
+ int aConstrPos = Search(aConstrMapIter->second, myConstraints);
+ aConstrIter = myConstraints.begin() + aConstrPos;
+ }
+ // Get constraint type and verify the constraint parameters are correct
+ SketchSolver_Constraint aConstraint(theConstraint);
+ int aConstrType = aConstraint.getType();
+ if (aConstrType == SLVS_C_UNKNOWN ||
+ (aConstrMapIter != myConstraintMap.end() && aConstrIter->type != aConstrType))
+ return false;
+ const std::vector<std::string>& aConstraintAttributes = aConstraint.getAttributes();
+ // Create constraint parameters
+ double aDistance = 0.0; // scalar value of the constraint
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble> aDistAttr =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble>(theConstraint->data()->attribute(CONSTRAINT_ATTR_VALUE));
+ if (aDistAttr)
+ {
+ aDistance = aDistAttr->value();
+ if (aConstrMapIter != myConstraintMap.end() && fabs(aConstrIter->valA - aDistance) > tolerance)
+ {
+ myNeedToSolve = true;
+ aConstrIter->valA = aDistance;
+ }
+ }
+ Slvs_hEntity aConstrEnt[CONSTRAINT_ATTR_SIZE]; // parameters of the constraint
+ for (unsigned int indAttr = 0; indAttr < CONSTRAINT_ATTR_SIZE; indAttr++)
+ {
+ aConstrEnt[indAttr] = SLVS_E_UNKNOWN;
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr> aConstrAttr =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr>(
+ theConstraint->data()->attribute(aConstraintAttributes[indAttr])
+ );
+ if (!aConstrAttr) continue;
+ aConstrEnt[indAttr] = changeEntity(aConstrAttr->attr());
+ }
+ if (aConstrMapIter == myConstraintMap.end())
+ {
+ // Create SolveSpace constraint structure
+ Slvs_Constraint aConstraint =
+ Slvs_MakeConstraint(++myConstrMaxID, myID, aConstrType, myWorkplane.h,
+ aDistance, aConstrEnt[0], aConstrEnt[1], aConstrEnt[2], aConstrEnt[3]);
+ myConstraints.push_back(aConstraint);
+ myConstraintMap[theConstraint] = aConstraint.h;
+ }
+ return true;
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: changeEntity
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: create/update the element affected by any constraint
+// ============================================================================
+Slvs_hEntity SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::changeEntity(
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theEntity)
+ // If the entity is already in the group, try to find it
+ std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator
+ aEntIter = myEntityMap.find(theEntity);
+ std::vector<Slvs_Param>::const_iterator aParamIter; // looks at first parameter of already existent entity or at the end of vector otherwise
+ if (aEntIter == myEntityMap.end()) // no such entity => should be created
+ aParamIter = myParams.end();
+ else
+ { // the entity already exists
+ int aEntPos = Search(aEntIter->second, myEntities);
+ int aParamPos = Search(myEntities[aEntPos].param[0], myParams);
+ aParamIter = myParams.begin() + aParamPos;
+ }
+ // Look over supported types of entities
+ // Point in 3D
+ boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point> aPoint =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point>(theEntity);
+ if (aPoint)
+ {
+ Slvs_hParam aX = changeParameter(aPoint->x(), aParamIter);
+ Slvs_hParam aY = changeParameter(aPoint->y(), aParamIter);
+ Slvs_hParam aZ = changeParameter(aPoint->z(), aParamIter);
+ if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
+ return aEntIter->second;
+ // New entity
+ Slvs_Entity aPtEntity = Slvs_MakePoint3d(++myEntityMaxID, myID, aX, aY, aZ);
+ myEntities.push_back(aPtEntity);
+ myEntityMap[theEntity] = aPtEntity.h;
+ return aPtEntity.h;
+ }
+ // All entities except 3D points are created on workplane. So, if there is no workplane yet, then error
+ if (myWorkplane.h == SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
+ return SLVS_E_UNKNOWN;
+ // Point in 2D
+ boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> aPoint2D =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(theEntity);
+ if (aPoint2D)
+ {
+ Slvs_hParam aU = changeParameter(aPoint2D->x(), aParamIter);
+ Slvs_hParam aV = changeParameter(aPoint2D->y(), aParamIter);
+ if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
+ return aEntIter->second;
+ // New entity
+ Slvs_Entity aPt2DEntity = Slvs_MakePoint2d(++myEntityMaxID, myID, myWorkplane.h, aU, aV);
+ myEntities.push_back(aPt2DEntity);
+ myEntityMap[theEntity] = aPt2DEntity.h;
+ return aPt2DEntity.h;
+ }
+ // Scalar value (used for the distance entities)
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble> aScalar =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble>(theEntity);
+ if (aScalar)
+ {
+ Slvs_hParam aValue = changeParameter(aScalar->value(), aParamIter);
+ if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
+ return aEntIter->second;
+ // New entity
+ Slvs_Entity aDistance = Slvs_MakeDistance(++myEntityMaxID, myID, myWorkplane.h, aValue);
+ myEntities.push_back(aDistance);
+ myEntityMap[theEntity] = aDistance.h;
+ return aDistance.h;
+ }
+ // SketchPlugin features
+ boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> aFeature =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SketchPlugin_Feature>(theEntity);
+ if (aFeature)
+ { // Verify the feature by its kind
+ const std::string& aFeatureKind = aFeature->getKind();
+ // Line
+ if ("SketchLine") == 0)
+ {
+ Slvs_hEntity aStart = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(LINE_ATTR_START));
+ Slvs_hEntity aEnd = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(LINE_ATTR_END));
+ if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
+ return aEntIter->second;
+ // New entity
+ Slvs_Entity aLineEntity = Slvs_MakeLineSegment(++myEntityMaxID, myID, myWorkplane.h, aStart, aEnd);
+ myEntities.push_back(aLineEntity);
+ myEntityMap[theEntity] = aLineEntity.h;
+ return aLineEntity.h;
+ }
+ // Circle
+ else if ("SketchCircle") == 0)
+ {
+ Slvs_hEntity aCenter = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(CIRCLE_ATTR_CENTER));
+ Slvs_hEntity aRadius = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(CIRCLE_ATTR_RADIUS));
+ if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
+ return aEntIter->second;
+ // New entity
+ Slvs_Entity aCircleEntity =
+ Slvs_MakeCircle(++myEntityMaxID, myID, myWorkplane.h, aCenter, myWorkplane.normal, aRadius);
+ myEntities.push_back(aCircleEntity);
+ myEntityMap[theEntity] = aCircleEntity.h;
+ return aCircleEntity.h;
+ }
+ // Arc
+ else if ("SketchArc") == 0)
+ {
+ Slvs_hEntity aCenter = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(ARC_ATTR_CENTER));
+ Slvs_hEntity aStart = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(ARC_ATTR_START));
+ Slvs_hEntity aEnd = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(ARC_ATTR_END));
+ if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
+ return aEntIter->second;
+ Slvs_Entity anArcEntity = Slvs_MakeArcOfCircle(++myEntityMaxID, myID,
+ myWorkplane.h, myWorkplane.normal, aCenter, aStart, aEnd);
+ myEntities.push_back(anArcEntity);
+ myEntityMap[theEntity] = anArcEntity.h;
+ return anArcEntity.h;
+ }
+ // Point (it has low probability to be an attribute of constraint, so it is checked at the end)
+ else if ("SketchPoint") == 0)
+ {
+ Slvs_hEntity aPoint = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(POINT_ATTR_COORD));
+ if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
+ return aEntIter->second;
+ // Both the sketch point and its attribute (coordinates) link to the same SolveSpace point identifier
+ myEntityMap[theEntity] = aPoint;
+ return aPoint;
+ }
+ }
+ /// \todo Other types of entities
+ // Unsupported or wrong entity type
+ return SLVS_E_UNKNOWN;
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: changeNormal
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: create/update the normal of workplane
+// ============================================================================
+Slvs_hEntity SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::changeNormal(
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theDirX,
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theDirY,
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theNorm)
+ boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Dir> aDirX =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Dir>(theDirX);
+ boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Dir> aDirY =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Dir>(theDirY);
+ if (!aDirX || !aDirY ||
+ (fabs(aDirX->x()) + fabs(aDirX->y()) + fabs(aDirX->z()) < tolerance) ||
+ (fabs(aDirY->x()) + fabs(aDirY->y()) + fabs(aDirY->z()) < tolerance))
+ return SLVS_E_UNKNOWN;
+ // quaternion parameters of normal vector
+ double qw, qx, qy, qz;
+ Slvs_MakeQuaternion(aDirX->x(), aDirX->y(), aDirX->z(),
+ aDirY->x(), aDirY->y(), aDirY->z(),
+ &qw, &qx, &qy, &qz);
+ double aNormCoord[4] = {qw, qx, qy, qz};
+ // Try to find existent normal
+ std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator
+ aEntIter = myEntityMap.find(theNorm);
+ std::vector<Slvs_Param>::const_iterator aParamIter; // looks to the first parameter of already existent entity or to the end of vector otherwise
+ if (aEntIter == myEntityMap.end()) // no such entity => should be created
+ aParamIter = myParams.end();
+ else
+ { // the entity already exists, update it
+ int aEntPos = Search(aEntIter->second, myEntities);
+ int aParamPos = Search(myEntities[aEntPos].param[0], myParams);
+ aParamIter = myParams.begin() + aParamPos;
+ }
+ // Change parameters of the normal
+ Slvs_hParam aNormParams[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ aNormParams[i] = changeParameter(aNormCoord[i], aParamIter);
+ if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
+ return aEntIter->second;
+ // Create a normal
+ Slvs_Entity aNormal = Slvs_MakeNormal3d(++myEntityMaxID, myID,
+ aNormParams[0], aNormParams[1], aNormParams[2], aNormParams[3]);
+ myEntities.push_back(aNormal);
+ myEntityMap[theNorm] = aNormal.h;
+ return aNormal.h;
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: addWorkplane
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: create workplane for the group
+// ============================================================================
+bool SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::addWorkplane(
+ boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> theSketch)
+ if (myWorkplane.h || theSketch->getKind().compare("Sketch") != 0)
+ return false; // the workplane already exists or the function parameter is not Sketch
+ mySketch = theSketch;
+ updateWorkplane();
+ return true;
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: updateWorkplane
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: update parameters of workplane
+// ============================================================================
+bool SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::updateWorkplane()
+ // Get parameters of workplane
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> aDirX = mySketch->data()->attribute(SKETCH_ATTR_DIRX);
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> aDirY = mySketch->data()->attribute(SKETCH_ATTR_DIRY);
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> aNorm = mySketch->data()->attribute(SKETCH_ATTR_NORM);
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> anOrigin = mySketch->data()->attribute(SKETCH_ATTR_ORIGIN);
+ // Transform them into SolveSpace format
+ Slvs_hEntity aNormalWP = changeNormal(aDirX, aDirY, aNorm);
+ if (!aNormalWP) return false;
+ Slvs_hEntity anOriginWP = changeEntity(anOrigin);
+ if (!anOriginWP) return false;
+ if (!myWorkplane.h)
+ {
+ // Create workplane
+ myWorkplane = Slvs_MakeWorkplane(++myEntityMaxID, myID, anOriginWP, aNormalWP);
+ // Workplane should be added to the list of entities
+ myEntities.push_back(myWorkplane);
+ }
+ return true;
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: changeParameter
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: create/update value of parameter
+// ============================================================================
+Slvs_hParam SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::changeParameter(
+ const double& theParam,
+ std::vector<Slvs_Param>::const_iterator& thePrmIter)
+ if (thePrmIter != myParams.end())
+ { // Parameter should be updated
+ int aParamPos = thePrmIter - myParams.begin();
+ if (fabs(thePrmIter->val - theParam) > tolerance)
+ {
+ myNeedToSolve = true; // parameter is changed, need to resolve constraints
+ myParams[aParamPos].val = theParam;
+ }
+ thePrmIter++;
+ return myParams[aParamPos].h;
+ }
+ // Newly created parameter
+ Slvs_Param aParam = Slvs_MakeParam(++myParamMaxID, myID, theParam);
+ myParams.push_back(aParam);
+ myNeedToSolve = true;
+ // The list of parameters is changed, move iterator to the end of the list to avoid problems
+ thePrmIter = myParams.end();
+ return aParam.h;
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: resolveConstraints
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: solve the set of constraints for the current group
+// ============================================================================
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::resolveConstraints()
+ if (!myNeedToSolve)
+ return;
+ myConstrSolver.setGroupID(myID);
+ myConstrSolver.setParameters(myParams);
+ myConstrSolver.setEntities(myEntities);
+ myConstrSolver.setConstraints(myConstraints);
+ if (myConstrSolver.solve() == SLVS_RESULT_OKAY)
+ { // solution succeeded, store results into correspondent attributes
+ // Obtain result into the same list of parameters
+ if (!myConstrSolver.getResult(myParams))
+ return;
+ std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator
+ anEntIter = myEntityMap.begin();
+ for ( ; anEntIter != myEntityMap.end(); anEntIter++)
+ updateAttribute(anEntIter->first, anEntIter->second);
+ }
+ /// \todo Implement error handling
+ removeTemporaryConstraints();
+ myNeedToSolve = false;
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: mergeGroups
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: append specified group to the current group
+// ============================================================================
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::mergeGroups(
+ const SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup& theGroup)
+ // If specified group is empty, no need to merge
+ if (theGroup.myConstraintMap.empty())
+ return ;
+ // NOTE: The possibility, that some elements are placed into both groups, is around 0,
+ // so the objects should be copied with changing the indexes
+ // Maps between old and new indexes of SolveSpace elements:
+ std::map<Slvs_hParam, Slvs_hParam> aParamMap;
+ std::map<Slvs_hEntity, Slvs_hEntity> anEntityMap;
+ std::map<Slvs_hConstraint, Slvs_hConstraint> aConstrMap;
+ // Go through copying constraints
+ std::vector<Slvs_Constraint>::const_iterator aConstrIter = theGroup.myConstraints.begin();
+ for ( ; aConstrIter != theGroup.myConstraints.end(); aConstrIter++)
+ {
+ Slvs_Constraint aConstraintCopy = *aConstrIter;
+ // Go through constraint entities
+ Slvs_hEntity* anEntities[CONSTRAINT_ATTR_SIZE] = {
+ &(aConstraintCopy.ptA), &(aConstraintCopy.ptB),
+ &(aConstraintCopy.entityA), &(aConstraintCopy.entityB)
+ };
+ for (int indEnt = 0; indEnt < CONSTRAINT_ATTR_SIZE; indEnt++)
+ {
+ if (*(anEntities[indEnt]) == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (anEntityMap.find(*(anEntities[indEnt])) != anEntityMap.end())
+ { // entity is already copied
+ *(anEntities[indEnt]) = anEntityMap[*(anEntities[indEnt])];
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Copy entity
+ Slvs_Entity anEntityCopy = theGroup.myEntities[Search(*(anEntities[indEnt]), theGroup.myEntities)];
+ // Go through entity parameters
+ const int aNbEntParams = 4; // maximal number of entity parameters
+ for (int indPrm = 0; indPrm < aNbEntParams; indPrm++)
+ {
+ if (anEntityCopy.param[indPrm] == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (aParamMap.find(anEntityCopy.param[indPrm]) != aParamMap.end())
+ {
+ anEntityCopy.param[indPrm] = aParamMap[anEntityCopy.param[indPrm]];
+ continue;
+ }
+ Slvs_Param aParamCopy = theGroup.myParams[Search(anEntityCopy.param[indPrm], theGroup.myParams)];
+ aParamMap[aParamCopy.h] = ++myParamMaxID;
+ aParamCopy.h = myParamMaxID;
+ myParams.push_back(aParamCopy);
+ }
+ anEntityMap[anEntityCopy.h] = ++myEntityMaxID;
+ anEntityCopy.h = myEntityMaxID;
+ myEntities.push_back(anEntityCopy);
+ *(anEntities[indEnt]) = anEntityCopy.h;
+ }
+ aConstraintCopy.h = ++myConstrMaxID;
+ myConstraints.push_back(aConstraintCopy);
+ aConstrMap[aConstrIter->h] = aConstraintCopy.h;
+ }
+ // Append maps of SketchPlugin to SolveSpace parameters
+ std::map<boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint>, Slvs_hConstraint>::const_iterator
+ aSPConstrMapIter = theGroup.myConstraintMap.begin();
+ for ( ; aSPConstrMapIter!= theGroup.myConstraintMap.end(); aSPConstrMapIter++)
+ {
+ std::map<Slvs_hConstraint, Slvs_hConstraint>::iterator aFind = aConstrMap.find(aSPConstrMapIter->second);
+ if (aFind != aConstrMap.end())
+ myConstraintMap[aSPConstrMapIter->first] = aFind->second;
+ }
+ std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator
+ aSPEntMapIter = theGroup.myEntityMap.begin();
+ for ( ; aSPEntMapIter != theGroup.myEntityMap.end(); aSPEntMapIter++) {
+ std::map<Slvs_hEntity, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFind = anEntityMap.find(aSPEntMapIter->second);
+ if (aFind != anEntityMap.end())
+ myEntityMap[aSPEntMapIter->first] = aFind->second;
+ }
+ // Add temporary constraints
+ std::list<Slvs_hConstraint>::const_iterator aTempConstrIter = theGroup.myTempConstraints.begin();
+ for ( ; aTempConstrIter != theGroup.myTempConstraints.end(); aTempConstrIter++)
+ {
+ std::map<Slvs_hConstraint, Slvs_hConstraint>::iterator aFind = aConstrMap.find(*aTempConstrIter);
+ if (aFind != aConstrMap.end())
+ myTempConstraints.push_back(aFind->second);
+ }
+ myTempConstraints.sort();
+ myNeedToSolve = myNeedToSolve || theGroup.myNeedToSolve;
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: updateGroup
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: search removed entities and constraints
+// ============================================================================
+bool SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::updateGroup()
+ // Check for valid sketch
+ if (!mySketch->data()->isValid())
+ return true;
+ // Fast check for constraint validity. If all constraints are valid, no need to update the group
+ std::map<boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint>, Slvs_hConstraint>::reverse_iterator
+ aConstrIter = myConstraintMap.rbegin();
+ bool isAllValid = true;
+ for ( ; isAllValid && aConstrIter != myConstraintMap.rend(); aConstrIter++)
+ if (!aConstrIter->first->data()->isValid())
+ isAllValid = false;
+ if (isAllValid)
+ return false;
+ // Remove invalid constraints.
+ // There only constraint will be deleted (parameters and entities) will be removed below
+ std::list< boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint> > aConstrToDelete;
+ std::map<Slvs_hEntity, bool> anEntToDelete; // entities will be removed if no valid constraints use them
+ for (aConstrIter = myConstraintMap.rbegin(); aConstrIter != myConstraintMap.rend(); aConstrIter++)
+ {
+ bool isValid = aConstrIter->first->data()->isValid();
+ int aConstrPos = Search(aConstrIter->second, myConstraints);
+ if (aConstrPos < (int)myConstraints.size())
+ {
+ Slvs_hEntity aConstrEnt[] = {
+ myConstraints[aConstrPos].ptA, myConstraints[aConstrPos].ptB,
+ myConstraints[aConstrPos].entityA, myConstraints[aConstrPos].entityB};
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ if (aConstrEnt[i] != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ if (anEntToDelete.find(aConstrEnt[i]) == anEntToDelete.end())
+ anEntToDelete[aConstrEnt[i]] = !isValid;
+ else if (isValid) // constraint is valid => no need to remove its entities
+ anEntToDelete[aConstrEnt[i]] = false;
+ }
+ if (!isValid)
+ {
+ myConstraints.erase(myConstraints.begin() + aConstrPos);
+ if (aConstrIter->second == myConstrMaxID) // When the constraint with highest ID is removed, decrease indexer
+ myConstrMaxID--;
+ aConstrToDelete.push_front(aConstrIter->first);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::list< boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint> >::iterator aDelIter;
+ for (aDelIter = aConstrToDelete.begin(); aDelIter != aConstrToDelete.end(); aDelIter++)
+ myConstraintMap.erase(*aDelIter);
+ // Remove invalid and unused entities
+ std::map<Slvs_hEntity, bool>::reverse_iterator aEDelIter;
+ for (aEDelIter = anEntToDelete.rbegin(); aEDelIter != anEntToDelete.rend(); aEDelIter++)
+ if (aEDelIter->second)
+ {
+ int anEntPos = Search(aEDelIter->first, myEntities);
+ std::vector<Slvs_Entity>::iterator aEntIter = myEntities.begin() + anEntPos;
+ // Number of parameters for the entity
+ int aNbParams = 0;
+ while (aEntIter->param[aNbParams]) aNbParams++;
+ if (aNbParams == 0) continue;
+ // Decrease parameter indexer if there are deleted parameter with higher IDs
+ if (aEntIter->param[aNbParams-1] == myParamMaxID)
+ myParamMaxID -= aNbParams;
+ // Remove parameters of the entity
+ int aParamPos = Search(aEntIter->param[0], myParams);
+ myParams.erase(myParams.begin() + aParamPos,
+ myParams.begin() + aParamPos + aNbParams);
+ // Remove entity
+ if (aEDelIter->first == myEntityMaxID)
+ myEntityMaxID--;
+ myEntities.erase(myEntities.begin() + anEntPos);
+ // Remove such entity from myEntityMap
+ std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator
+ anEntMapIter = myEntityMap.begin();
+ for ( ; anEntMapIter != myEntityMap.end(); anEntMapIter++)
+ if (anEntMapIter->second == aEDelIter->first)
+ break;
+ if (anEntMapIter != myEntityMap.end())
+ myEntityMap.erase(anEntMapIter);
+ }
+ return false;
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: updateAttribute
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: update features of sketch after resolving constraints
+// ============================================================================
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::updateAttribute(
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theAttribute,
+ const Slvs_hEntity& theEntityID)
+ // Search the position of the first parameter of the entity
+ int anEntPos = Search(theEntityID, myEntities);
+ int aFirstParamPos = Search(myEntities[anEntPos].param[0], myParams);
+ // Look over supported types of entities
+ // Point in 3D
+ boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point> aPoint =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point>(theAttribute);
+ if (aPoint)
+ {
+ aPoint->setValue(myParams[aFirstParamPos].val,
+ myParams[aFirstParamPos+1].val,
+ myParams[aFirstParamPos+2].val);
+ return ;
+ }
+ // Point in 2D
+ boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> aPoint2D =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(theAttribute);
+ if (aPoint2D)
+ {
+ aPoint2D->setValue(myParams[aFirstParamPos].val,
+ myParams[aFirstParamPos+1].val);
+ return ;
+ }
+ // Scalar value
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble> aScalar =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble>(theAttribute);
+ if (aScalar)
+ {
+ aScalar->setValue(myParams[aFirstParamPos].val);
+ return ;
+ }
+ /// \todo Support other types of entities
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: updateEntityIfPossible
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: search the entity in this group and update it
+// ============================================================================
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::updateEntityIfPossible(
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theEntity)
+ if (myEntityMap.find(theEntity) != myEntityMap.end())
+ {
+ // If the attribute is a point and it is changed (the group needs to rebuild),
+ // probably user has dragged this point into this position,
+ // so it is necessary to add constraint which will guarantee the point will not change
+ // Store myNeedToSolve flag to verify the entity is really changed
+ bool aNeedToSolveCopy = myNeedToSolve;
+ myNeedToSolve = false;
+ changeEntity(theEntity);
+ if (myNeedToSolve) // the entity is changed
+ {
+ // Verify the entity is a point and add temporary constraint of permanency
+ boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point> aPoint =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point>(theEntity);
+ boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> aPoint2D =
+ boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(theEntity);
+ if (aPoint || aPoint2D)
+ addTemporaryConstraintWhereDragged(theEntity);
+ }
+ // Restore flag of changes
+ myNeedToSolve = myNeedToSolve || aNeedToSolveCopy;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: addTemporaryConstraintWhereDragged
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: add transient constraint SLVS_C_WHERE_DRAGGED for the entity,
+// which was moved by user
+// ============================================================================
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::addTemporaryConstraintWhereDragged(
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theEntity)
+ // Find identifier of the entity
+ std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator
+ anEntIter = myEntityMap.find(theEntity);
+ // Create SLVS_C_WHERE_DRAGGED constraint
+ Slvs_Constraint aWDConstr = Slvs_MakeConstraint(++myConstrMaxID, myID, SLVS_C_WHERE_DRAGGED,
+ myWorkplane.h, 0.0, anEntIter->second, 0, 0, 0);
+ myConstraints.push_back(aWDConstr);
+ myTempConstraints.push_back(aWDConstr.h);
+// ============================================================================
+// Function: removeTemporaryConstraints
+// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+// Purpose: remove all transient SLVS_C_WHERE_DRAGGED constraints after
+// resolving the set of constraints
+// ============================================================================
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::removeTemporaryConstraints()
+ std::list<Slvs_hConstraint>::reverse_iterator aTmpConstrIter;
+ for (aTmpConstrIter = myTempConstraints.rbegin(); aTmpConstrIter != myTempConstraints.rend(); aTmpConstrIter++)
+ {
+ int aConstrPos = Search(*aTmpConstrIter, myConstraints);
+ myConstraints.erase(myConstraints.begin() + aConstrPos);
+ // If the removing constraint has higher index, decrease the indexer
+ if (*aTmpConstrIter == myConstrMaxID)
+ myConstrMaxID--;
+ }
+ myTempConstraints.clear();
+// ========================================================
+// ========= Auxiliary functions ===============
+// ========================================================
+template <typename T>
+int Search(const uint32_t& theEntityID, const std::vector<T>& theEntities)
+ int aResIndex = theEntityID <= theEntities.size() ? theEntityID - 1 : 0;
+ int aVecSize = theEntities.size();
+ while (aResIndex >= 0 && theEntities[aResIndex].h > theEntityID)
+ aResIndex--;
+ while (aResIndex < aVecSize && theEntities[aResIndex].h < theEntityID)
+ aResIndex++;
+ if (aResIndex == -1)
+ aResIndex = aVecSize;
+ return aResIndex;
--- /dev/null
+// File: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup.h
+// Created: 27 May 2014
+// Author: Artem ZHIDKOV
+#ifndef SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup_Headerfile
+#define SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup_Headerfile
+#include "SketchSolver.h"
+#include <SketchSolver_Solver.h>
+#include <SketchPlugin_Constraint.h>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+/** \class SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+ * \ingroup DataModel
+ * \brief Keeps the group of constraints which based on the same entities
+ */
+class SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
+ /** \brief New group based on specified workplane.
+ * Throws an exception if theWorkplane is not an object of SketchPlugin_Sketch type
+ * \remark Type of theSketch is not verified inside
+ */
+ SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup(boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> theWorkplane);
+ ~SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup();
+ /// \brief Returns group's unique identifier
+ inline const Slvs_hGroup& getId() const
+ {return myID;}
+ /// \brief Returns true if the group has no constraints yet
+ inline bool isEmpty() const
+ {return myConstraints.empty();}
+ /** \brief Adds or updates a constraint in the group
+ * \param[in] theConstraint constraint to be changed
+ * \return \c true if the constraint added or updated successfully
+ */
+ bool changeConstraint(boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint> theConstraint);
+ /** \brief Verifies the constraint uses the objects from this group
+ * \param[in] theConstraint constraint for verification of interaction
+ * \return \c true if the constrained objects are used in current group
+ */
+ bool isInteract(boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint> theConstraint) const;
+ /** \brief Verifies the specified feature is equal to the base workplane for this group
+ * \param[in] theWorkplane the feature to be compared with base workplane
+ * \return \c true if workplanes are the same
+ */
+ bool isBaseWorkplane(boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> theWorkplane) const;
+ boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> getWorkplane() const
+ { return mySketch; }
+ /** \brief Update parameters of workplane. Should be called when Update event is coming.
+ * \return \c true if workplane updated successfully, \c false if workplane parameters are not consistent
+ */
+ bool updateWorkplane();
+ /** \brief If the entity is in this group it will updated
+ * \param[in] theEntity attribute, which values should update SolveSpace entity
+ */
+ void updateEntityIfPossible(boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theEntity);
+ /** \brief Searches invalid features and constraints in the group and avoids them
+ * \return \c true if the group's sketch is invalid and the group should be removed
+ */
+ bool updateGroup();
+ /** \brief Add specified group to this one
+ * \param[in] theGroup group of constraint to be added
+ */
+ void mergeGroups(const SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup& theGroup);
+ /** \brief Start solution procedure if necessary and update attributes of features
+ */
+ void resolveConstraints();
+ /** \brief Adds or updates an entity in the group
+ *
+ * The parameters of entity will be parsed and added to the list of SolveSpace parameters.
+ * Parameters of certain entity will be placed sequentially in the list.
+ *
+ * \param[in] theEntity the object of constraint
+ * \return identifier of changed entity or 0 if entity could not be changed
+ */
+ Slvs_hEntity changeEntity(boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theEntity);
+ /** \brief Adds or updates a normal in the group
+ *
+ * Normal is a special entity in SolveSpace, which defines a direction in 3D and
+ * a rotation about this direction. So, SolveSpace represents normals as unit quaternions.
+ *
+ * To define a normal there should be specified two coordinate axis
+ * on the plane transversed to created normal.
+ *
+ * \param[in] theDirX first coordinate axis of the plane
+ * \param[in] theDirY second coordinate axis of the plane
+ * \param[in] theNorm attribute for the normal (used to identify newly created entity)
+ * \return identifier of created or updated normal
+ */
+ Slvs_hEntity changeNormal(boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theDirX,
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theDirY,
+ boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theNorm);
+ /** \brief Adds or updates a parameter in the group
+ * \param[in] theParam the value of parameter
+ * \param[in] thePrmIter the cell in the list of parameters which should be changed
+ * (the iterator will be increased if it does not reach the end of the list)
+ * \return identifier of changed parameter; when the parameter cannot be created, returned ID is 0
+ */
+ Slvs_hParam changeParameter(const double& theParam,
+ std::vector<Slvs_Param>::const_iterator& thePrmIter);
+ /** \brief Change values of attribute by parameters received from SolveSpace solver
+ * \param[in,out] theAttribute pointer to the attribute to be changed
+ * \param[in] theEntityID identifier of SolveSpace entity, which contains updated data
+ */
+ void updateAttribute(boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theAttribute, const Slvs_hEntity& theEntityID);
+ /** \brief Adds a constraint for a point which should not be changed during computations
+ * \param[in] theEntity the base for the constraint
+ */
+ void addTemporaryConstraintWhereDragged(boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theEntity);
+ /** \brief Remove all temporary constraint after computation finished
+ */
+ void removeTemporaryConstraints();
+ /** \brief Creates a workplane from the sketch parameters
+ * \param[in] theSketch parameters of workplane are the attributes of this sketch
+ * \return \c true if success, \c false if workplane parameters are not consistent
+ */
+ bool addWorkplane(boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> theSketch);
+ // SolveSpace entities
+ Slvs_hGroup myID; ///< the index of the group
+ Slvs_Entity myWorkplane; ///< Workplane for the current group
+ std::vector<Slvs_Param> myParams; ///< List of parameters of the constraints
+ Slvs_hParam myParamMaxID; ///< Actual maximal ID of parameters (not equal to myParams size)
+ std::vector<Slvs_Entity> myEntities; ///< List of entities of the constaints
+ Slvs_hEntity myEntityMaxID; ///< Actual maximal ID of entities (not equal to myEntities size)
+ std::vector<Slvs_Constraint> myConstraints; ///< List of constraints in SolveSpace format
+ Slvs_hConstraint myConstrMaxID; ///< Actual maximal ID of constraints (not equal to myConstraints size)
+ bool myNeedToSolve; ///< Indicator that something changed in the group and constraint system need to be rebuilt
+ SketchSolver_Solver myConstrSolver; ///< Solver for set of equations obtained by constraints
+ // SketchPlugin entities
+ boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> mySketch; ///< Equivalent to workplane
+ std::map<boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint>, Slvs_hConstraint>
+ myConstraintMap; ///< The map between SketchPlugin and SolveSpace constraints
+ std::list<Slvs_hConstraint> myTempConstraints; ///< The list of identifiers of temporary constraints
+ std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>
+ myEntityMap; ///< The map between parameters of constraints and their equivalent SolveSpace entities
#include "SketchSolver_ConstraintManager.h"
-#include <SketchSolver_Constraint.h>
#include <Events_Loop.h>
-#include <GeomDataAPI_Dir.h>
-#include <GeomDataAPI_Point.h>
-#include <GeomDataAPI_Point2D.h>
#include <ModelAPI_AttributeDouble.h>
#include <ModelAPI_AttributeRefList.h>
#include <ModelAPI_Data.h>
#include <Model_Events.h>
#include <SketchPlugin_Constraint.h>
-#include <SketchPlugin_ConstraintCoincidence.h>
#include <SketchPlugin_Arc.h>
#include <SketchPlugin_Circle.h>
#include <SketchPlugin_Point.h>
#include <SketchPlugin_Sketch.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-/// Tolerance for value of parameters
-const double tolerance = 1.e-10;
// Initialization of constraint manager self pointer
SketchSolver_ConstraintManager* SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::_self = 0;
/// Global constraint manager object
SketchSolver_ConstraintManager* myManager = SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::Instance();
-/// This value is used to give unique index to the groups
-static Slvs_hGroup myGroupIndexer = 0;
-/** \brief Search the entity/parameter with specified ID in the list of elements
- * \param[in] theEntityID unique ID of the element
- * \param[in] theEntities list of elements
- * \return position of the found element or -1 if the element is not found
- */
-template <typename T>
-static int Search(const uint32_t& theEntityID, const std::vector<T>& theEntities);
// ========================================================
// ========= SketchSolver_ConstraintManager ===============
-// ========================================================
-// ========= SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup ===============
-// ========================================================
- SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup(boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> theWorkplane)
- : myID(++myGroupIndexer),
- myParamMaxID(0),
- myEntityMaxID(0),
- myConstrMaxID(0),
- myConstraintMap(),
- myNeedToSolve(false),
- myConstrSolver()
- myParams.clear();
- myEntities.clear();
- myConstraints.clear();
- // Initialize workplane
- myWorkplane.h = SLVS_E_UNKNOWN;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- assert(addWorkplane(theWorkplane));
- addWorkplane(theWorkplane);
- myParams.clear();
- myEntities.clear();
- myConstraints.clear();
- myConstraintMap.clear();
- // If the group with maximal identifier is deleted, decrease the indexer
- if (myID == myGroupIndexer)
- myGroupIndexer--;
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: isBaseWorkplane
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: verify the group is based on the given workplane
-// ============================================================================
-bool SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::isBaseWorkplane(
- boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> theWorkplane) const
- return theWorkplane == mySketch;
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: isInteract
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: verify are there any entities in the group used by given constraint
-// ============================================================================
-bool SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::isInteract(
- boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint> theConstraint) const
- // Check the group is empty
- if (myWorkplane.h != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN && myConstraints.empty())
- return true;
- // Go through constraint entities and verify if some of them already in the group
- for (int i = 0; i < CONSTRAINT_ATTR_SIZE; i++)
- {
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr> aCAttrRef =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr>(
- theConstraint->data()->attribute(CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTES[i])
- );
- if (!aCAttrRef) continue;
- if (myEntityMap.find(aCAttrRef->attr()) != myEntityMap.end())
- return true;
- }
- // Entities did not found
- return false;
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: changeConstraint
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: create/update the constraint in the group
-// ============================================================================
-bool SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::changeConstraint(
- boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint> theConstraint)
- // There is no workplane yet, something wrong
- if (myWorkplane.h == SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
- return false;
- // Search this constraint in the current group to update it
- std::map<boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint>, Slvs_hConstraint>::const_iterator
- aConstrMapIter = myConstraintMap.find(theConstraint);
- std::vector<Slvs_Constraint>::iterator aConstrIter;
- if (aConstrMapIter != myConstraintMap.end())
- {
- int aConstrPos = Search(aConstrMapIter->second, myConstraints);
- aConstrIter = myConstraints.begin() + aConstrPos;
- }
- // Get constraint type and verify the constraint parameters are correct
- SketchSolver_Constraint aConstraint(theConstraint);
- int aConstrType = aConstraint.getType();
- if (aConstrType == SLVS_C_UNKNOWN ||
- (aConstrMapIter != myConstraintMap.end() && aConstrIter->type != aConstrType))
- return false;
- const std::vector<std::string>& aConstraintAttributes = aConstraint.getAttributes();
- // Create constraint parameters
- double aDistance = 0.0; // scalar value of the constraint
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble> aDistAttr =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble>(theConstraint->data()->attribute(CONSTRAINT_ATTR_VALUE));
- if (aDistAttr)
- {
- aDistance = aDistAttr->value();
- if (aConstrMapIter != myConstraintMap.end() && fabs(aConstrIter->valA - aDistance) > tolerance)
- {
- myNeedToSolve = true;
- aConstrIter->valA = aDistance;
- }
- }
- Slvs_hEntity aConstrEnt[CONSTRAINT_ATTR_SIZE]; // parameters of the constraint
- for (unsigned int indAttr = 0; indAttr < CONSTRAINT_ATTR_SIZE; indAttr++)
- {
- aConstrEnt[indAttr] = SLVS_E_UNKNOWN;
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr> aConstrAttr =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeRefAttr>(
- theConstraint->data()->attribute(aConstraintAttributes[indAttr])
- );
- if (!aConstrAttr) continue;
- aConstrEnt[indAttr] = changeEntity(aConstrAttr->attr());
- }
- if (aConstrMapIter == myConstraintMap.end())
- {
- // Create SolveSpace constraint structure
- Slvs_Constraint aConstraint =
- Slvs_MakeConstraint(++myConstrMaxID, myID, aConstrType, myWorkplane.h,
- aDistance, aConstrEnt[0], aConstrEnt[1], aConstrEnt[2], aConstrEnt[3]);
- myConstraints.push_back(aConstraint);
- myConstraintMap[theConstraint] = aConstraint.h;
- }
- return true;
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: changeEntity
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: create/update the element affected by any constraint
-// ============================================================================
-Slvs_hEntity SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::changeEntity(
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theEntity)
- // If the entity is already in the group, try to find it
- std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator
- aEntIter = myEntityMap.find(theEntity);
- std::vector<Slvs_Param>::const_iterator aParamIter; // looks at first parameter of already existent entity or at the end of vector otherwise
- if (aEntIter == myEntityMap.end()) // no such entity => should be created
- aParamIter = myParams.end();
- else
- { // the entity already exists
- int aEntPos = Search(aEntIter->second, myEntities);
- int aParamPos = Search(myEntities[aEntPos].param[0], myParams);
- aParamIter = myParams.begin() + aParamPos;
- }
- // Look over supported types of entities
- // Point in 3D
- boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point> aPoint =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point>(theEntity);
- if (aPoint)
- {
- Slvs_hParam aX = changeParameter(aPoint->x(), aParamIter);
- Slvs_hParam aY = changeParameter(aPoint->y(), aParamIter);
- Slvs_hParam aZ = changeParameter(aPoint->z(), aParamIter);
- if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
- return aEntIter->second;
- // New entity
- Slvs_Entity aPtEntity = Slvs_MakePoint3d(++myEntityMaxID, myID, aX, aY, aZ);
- myEntities.push_back(aPtEntity);
- myEntityMap[theEntity] = aPtEntity.h;
- return aPtEntity.h;
- }
- // All entities except 3D points are created on workplane. So, if there is no workplane yet, then error
- if (myWorkplane.h == SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
- return SLVS_E_UNKNOWN;
- // Point in 2D
- boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> aPoint2D =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(theEntity);
- if (aPoint2D)
- {
- Slvs_hParam aU = changeParameter(aPoint2D->x(), aParamIter);
- Slvs_hParam aV = changeParameter(aPoint2D->y(), aParamIter);
- if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
- return aEntIter->second;
- // New entity
- Slvs_Entity aPt2DEntity = Slvs_MakePoint2d(++myEntityMaxID, myID, myWorkplane.h, aU, aV);
- myEntities.push_back(aPt2DEntity);
- myEntityMap[theEntity] = aPt2DEntity.h;
- return aPt2DEntity.h;
- }
- // Scalar value (used for the distance entities)
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble> aScalar =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble>(theEntity);
- if (aScalar)
- {
- Slvs_hParam aValue = changeParameter(aScalar->value(), aParamIter);
- if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
- return aEntIter->second;
- // New entity
- Slvs_Entity aDistance = Slvs_MakeDistance(++myEntityMaxID, myID, myWorkplane.h, aValue);
- myEntities.push_back(aDistance);
- myEntityMap[theEntity] = aDistance.h;
- return aDistance.h;
- }
- // SketchPlugin features
- boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> aFeature =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SketchPlugin_Feature>(theEntity);
- if (aFeature)
- { // Verify the feature by its kind
- const std::string& aFeatureKind = aFeature->getKind();
- // Line
- if ("SketchLine") == 0)
- {
- Slvs_hEntity aStart = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(LINE_ATTR_START));
- Slvs_hEntity aEnd = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(LINE_ATTR_END));
- if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
- return aEntIter->second;
- // New entity
- Slvs_Entity aLineEntity = Slvs_MakeLineSegment(++myEntityMaxID, myID, myWorkplane.h, aStart, aEnd);
- myEntities.push_back(aLineEntity);
- myEntityMap[theEntity] = aLineEntity.h;
- return aLineEntity.h;
- }
- // Circle
- else if ("SketchCircle") == 0)
- {
- Slvs_hEntity aCenter = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(CIRCLE_ATTR_CENTER));
- Slvs_hEntity aRadius = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(CIRCLE_ATTR_RADIUS));
- if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
- return aEntIter->second;
- // New entity
- Slvs_Entity aCircleEntity =
- Slvs_MakeCircle(++myEntityMaxID, myID, myWorkplane.h, aCenter, myWorkplane.normal, aRadius);
- myEntities.push_back(aCircleEntity);
- myEntityMap[theEntity] = aCircleEntity.h;
- return aCircleEntity.h;
- }
- // Arc
- else if ("SketchArc") == 0)
- {
- Slvs_hEntity aCenter = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(ARC_ATTR_CENTER));
- Slvs_hEntity aStart = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(ARC_ATTR_START));
- Slvs_hEntity aEnd = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(ARC_ATTR_END));
- if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
- return aEntIter->second;
- Slvs_Entity anArcEntity = Slvs_MakeArcOfCircle(++myEntityMaxID, myID,
- myWorkplane.h, myWorkplane.normal, aCenter, aStart, aEnd);
- myEntities.push_back(anArcEntity);
- myEntityMap[theEntity] = anArcEntity.h;
- return anArcEntity.h;
- }
- // Point (it has low probability to be an attribute of constraint, so it is checked at the end)
- else if ("SketchPoint") == 0)
- {
- Slvs_hEntity aPoint = changeEntity(aFeature->data()->attribute(POINT_ATTR_COORD));
- if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
- return aEntIter->second;
- // Both the sketch point and its attribute (coordinates) link to the same SolveSpace point identifier
- myEntityMap[theEntity] = aPoint;
- return aPoint;
- }
- }
- /// \todo Other types of entities
- // Unsupported or wrong entity type
- return SLVS_E_UNKNOWN;
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: changeNormal
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: create/update the normal of workplane
-// ============================================================================
-Slvs_hEntity SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::changeNormal(
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theDirX,
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theDirY,
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theNorm)
- boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Dir> aDirX =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Dir>(theDirX);
- boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Dir> aDirY =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Dir>(theDirY);
- if (!aDirX || !aDirY ||
- (fabs(aDirX->x()) + fabs(aDirX->y()) + fabs(aDirX->z()) < tolerance) ||
- (fabs(aDirY->x()) + fabs(aDirY->y()) + fabs(aDirY->z()) < tolerance))
- return SLVS_E_UNKNOWN;
- // quaternion parameters of normal vector
- double qw, qx, qy, qz;
- Slvs_MakeQuaternion(aDirX->x(), aDirX->y(), aDirX->z(),
- aDirY->x(), aDirY->y(), aDirY->z(),
- &qw, &qx, &qy, &qz);
- double aNormCoord[4] = {qw, qx, qy, qz};
- // Try to find existent normal
- std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator
- aEntIter = myEntityMap.find(theNorm);
- std::vector<Slvs_Param>::const_iterator aParamIter; // looks to the first parameter of already existent entity or to the end of vector otherwise
- if (aEntIter == myEntityMap.end()) // no such entity => should be created
- aParamIter = myParams.end();
- else
- { // the entity already exists, update it
- int aEntPos = Search(aEntIter->second, myEntities);
- int aParamPos = Search(myEntities[aEntPos].param[0], myParams);
- aParamIter = myParams.begin() + aParamPos;
- }
- // Change parameters of the normal
- Slvs_hParam aNormParams[4];
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- aNormParams[i] = changeParameter(aNormCoord[i], aParamIter);
- if (aEntIter != myEntityMap.end()) // the entity already exists
- return aEntIter->second;
- // Create a normal
- Slvs_Entity aNormal = Slvs_MakeNormal3d(++myEntityMaxID, myID,
- aNormParams[0], aNormParams[1], aNormParams[2], aNormParams[3]);
- myEntities.push_back(aNormal);
- myEntityMap[theNorm] = aNormal.h;
- return aNormal.h;
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: addWorkplane
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: create workplane for the group
-// ============================================================================
-bool SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::addWorkplane(
- boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> theSketch)
- if (myWorkplane.h || theSketch->getKind().compare("Sketch") != 0)
- return false; // the workplane already exists or the function parameter is not Sketch
- mySketch = theSketch;
- updateWorkplane();
- return true;
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: updateWorkplane
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: update parameters of workplane
-// ============================================================================
-bool SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::updateWorkplane()
- // Get parameters of workplane
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> aDirX = mySketch->data()->attribute(SKETCH_ATTR_DIRX);
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> aDirY = mySketch->data()->attribute(SKETCH_ATTR_DIRY);
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> aNorm = mySketch->data()->attribute(SKETCH_ATTR_NORM);
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> anOrigin = mySketch->data()->attribute(SKETCH_ATTR_ORIGIN);
- // Transform them into SolveSpace format
- Slvs_hEntity aNormalWP = changeNormal(aDirX, aDirY, aNorm);
- if (!aNormalWP) return false;
- Slvs_hEntity anOriginWP = changeEntity(anOrigin);
- if (!anOriginWP) return false;
- if (!myWorkplane.h)
- {
- // Create workplane
- myWorkplane = Slvs_MakeWorkplane(++myEntityMaxID, myID, anOriginWP, aNormalWP);
- // Workplane should be added to the list of entities
- myEntities.push_back(myWorkplane);
- }
- return true;
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: changeParameter
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: create/update value of parameter
-// ============================================================================
-Slvs_hParam SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::changeParameter(
- const double& theParam,
- std::vector<Slvs_Param>::const_iterator& thePrmIter)
- if (thePrmIter != myParams.end())
- { // Parameter should be updated
- int aParamPos = thePrmIter - myParams.begin();
- if (fabs(thePrmIter->val - theParam) > tolerance)
- {
- myNeedToSolve = true; // parameter is changed, need to resolve constraints
- myParams[aParamPos].val = theParam;
- }
- thePrmIter++;
- return myParams[aParamPos].h;
- }
- // Newly created parameter
- Slvs_Param aParam = Slvs_MakeParam(++myParamMaxID, myID, theParam);
- myParams.push_back(aParam);
- myNeedToSolve = true;
- // The list of parameters is changed, move iterator to the end of the list to avoid problems
- thePrmIter = myParams.end();
- return aParam.h;
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: resolveConstraints
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: solve the set of constraints for the current group
-// ============================================================================
-void SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::resolveConstraints()
- if (!myNeedToSolve)
- return;
- myConstrSolver.setGroupID(myID);
- myConstrSolver.setParameters(myParams);
- myConstrSolver.setEntities(myEntities);
- myConstrSolver.setConstraints(myConstraints);
- if (myConstrSolver.solve() == SLVS_RESULT_OKAY)
- { // solution succeeded, store results into correspondent attributes
- // Obtain result into the same list of parameters
- if (!myConstrSolver.getResult(myParams))
- return;
- std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator
- anEntIter = myEntityMap.begin();
- for ( ; anEntIter != myEntityMap.end(); anEntIter++)
- updateAttribute(anEntIter->first, anEntIter->second);
- }
- /// \todo Implement error handling
- removeTemporaryConstraints();
- myNeedToSolve = false;
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: mergeGroups
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: append specified group to the current group
-// ============================================================================
-void SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::mergeGroups(
- const SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup& theGroup)
- // If specified group is empty, no need to merge
- if (theGroup.myConstraintMap.empty())
- return ;
- // NOTE: The possibility, that some elements are placed into both groups, is around 0,
- // so the objects should be copied with changing the indexes
- // Maps between old and new indexes of SolveSpace elements:
- std::map<Slvs_hParam, Slvs_hParam> aParamMap;
- std::map<Slvs_hEntity, Slvs_hEntity> anEntityMap;
- std::map<Slvs_hConstraint, Slvs_hConstraint> aConstrMap;
- // Go through copying constraints
- std::vector<Slvs_Constraint>::const_iterator aConstrIter = theGroup.myConstraints.begin();
- for ( ; aConstrIter != theGroup.myConstraints.end(); aConstrIter++)
- {
- Slvs_Constraint aConstraintCopy = *aConstrIter;
- // Go through constraint entities
- Slvs_hEntity* anEntities[CONSTRAINT_ATTR_SIZE] = {
- &(aConstraintCopy.ptA), &(aConstraintCopy.ptB),
- &(aConstraintCopy.entityA), &(aConstraintCopy.entityB)
- };
- for (int indEnt = 0; indEnt < CONSTRAINT_ATTR_SIZE; indEnt++)
- {
- if (*(anEntities[indEnt]) == 0)
- continue;
- if (anEntityMap.find(*(anEntities[indEnt])) != anEntityMap.end())
- { // entity is already copied
- *(anEntities[indEnt]) = anEntityMap[*(anEntities[indEnt])];
- continue;
- }
- // Copy entity
- Slvs_Entity anEntityCopy = theGroup.myEntities[Search(*(anEntities[indEnt]), theGroup.myEntities)];
- // Go through entity parameters
- const int aNbEntParams = 4; // maximal number of entity parameters
- for (int indPrm = 0; indPrm < aNbEntParams; indPrm++)
- {
- if (anEntityCopy.param[indPrm] == 0)
- continue;
- if (aParamMap.find(anEntityCopy.param[indPrm]) != aParamMap.end())
- {
- anEntityCopy.param[indPrm] = aParamMap[anEntityCopy.param[indPrm]];
- continue;
- }
- Slvs_Param aParamCopy = theGroup.myParams[Search(anEntityCopy.param[indPrm], theGroup.myParams)];
- aParamMap[aParamCopy.h] = ++myParamMaxID;
- aParamCopy.h = myParamMaxID;
- myParams.push_back(aParamCopy);
- }
- anEntityMap[anEntityCopy.h] = ++myEntityMaxID;
- anEntityCopy.h = myEntityMaxID;
- myEntities.push_back(anEntityCopy);
- *(anEntities[indEnt]) = anEntityCopy.h;
- }
- aConstraintCopy.h = ++myConstrMaxID;
- myConstraints.push_back(aConstraintCopy);
- aConstrMap[aConstrIter->h] = aConstraintCopy.h;
- }
- // Append maps of SketchPlugin to SolveSpace parameters
- std::map<boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint>, Slvs_hConstraint>::const_iterator
- aSPConstrMapIter = theGroup.myConstraintMap.begin();
- for ( ; aSPConstrMapIter!= theGroup.myConstraintMap.end(); aSPConstrMapIter++)
- {
- std::map<Slvs_hConstraint, Slvs_hConstraint>::iterator aFind = aConstrMap.find(aSPConstrMapIter->second);
- if (aFind != aConstrMap.end())
- myConstraintMap[aSPConstrMapIter->first] = aFind->second;
- }
- std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator
- aSPEntMapIter = theGroup.myEntityMap.begin();
- for ( ; aSPEntMapIter != theGroup.myEntityMap.end(); aSPEntMapIter++) {
- std::map<Slvs_hEntity, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFind = anEntityMap.find(aSPEntMapIter->second);
- if (aFind != anEntityMap.end())
- myEntityMap[aSPEntMapIter->first] = aFind->second;
- }
- // Add temporary constraints
- std::list<Slvs_hConstraint>::const_iterator aTempConstrIter = theGroup.myTempConstraints.begin();
- for ( ; aTempConstrIter != theGroup.myTempConstraints.end(); aTempConstrIter++)
- {
- std::map<Slvs_hConstraint, Slvs_hConstraint>::iterator aFind = aConstrMap.find(*aTempConstrIter);
- if (aFind != aConstrMap.end())
- myTempConstraints.push_back(aFind->second);
- }
- myTempConstraints.sort();
- myNeedToSolve = myNeedToSolve || theGroup.myNeedToSolve;
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: updateGroup
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: search removed entities and constraints
-// ============================================================================
-bool SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::updateGroup()
- // Check for valid sketch
- if (!mySketch->data()->isValid())
- return true;
- // Fast check for constraint validity. If all constraints are valid, no need to update the group
- std::map<boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint>, Slvs_hConstraint>::reverse_iterator
- aConstrIter = myConstraintMap.rbegin();
- bool isAllValid = true;
- for ( ; isAllValid && aConstrIter != myConstraintMap.rend(); aConstrIter++)
- if (!aConstrIter->first->data()->isValid())
- isAllValid = false;
- if (isAllValid)
- return false;
- // Remove invalid constraints.
- // There only constraint will be deleted (parameters and entities) will be removed below
- std::list< boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint> > aConstrToDelete;
- std::map<Slvs_hEntity, bool> anEntToDelete; // entities will be removed if no valid constraints use them
- for (aConstrIter = myConstraintMap.rbegin(); aConstrIter != myConstraintMap.rend(); aConstrIter++)
- {
- bool isValid = aConstrIter->first->data()->isValid();
- int aConstrPos = Search(aConstrIter->second, myConstraints);
- if (aConstrPos < (int)myConstraints.size())
- {
- Slvs_hEntity aConstrEnt[] = {
- myConstraints[aConstrPos].ptA, myConstraints[aConstrPos].ptB,
- myConstraints[aConstrPos].entityA, myConstraints[aConstrPos].entityB};
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- if (aConstrEnt[i] != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
- {
- if (anEntToDelete.find(aConstrEnt[i]) == anEntToDelete.end())
- anEntToDelete[aConstrEnt[i]] = !isValid;
- else if (isValid) // constraint is valid => no need to remove its entities
- anEntToDelete[aConstrEnt[i]] = false;
- }
- if (!isValid)
- {
- myConstraints.erase(myConstraints.begin() + aConstrPos);
- if (aConstrIter->second == myConstrMaxID) // When the constraint with highest ID is removed, decrease indexer
- myConstrMaxID--;
- aConstrToDelete.push_front(aConstrIter->first);
- }
- }
- }
- std::list< boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint> >::iterator aDelIter;
- for (aDelIter = aConstrToDelete.begin(); aDelIter != aConstrToDelete.end(); aDelIter++)
- myConstraintMap.erase(*aDelIter);
- // Remove invalid and unused entities
- std::map<Slvs_hEntity, bool>::reverse_iterator aEDelIter;
- for (aEDelIter = anEntToDelete.rbegin(); aEDelIter != anEntToDelete.rend(); aEDelIter++)
- if (aEDelIter->second)
- {
- int anEntPos = Search(aEDelIter->first, myEntities);
- std::vector<Slvs_Entity>::iterator aEntIter = myEntities.begin() + anEntPos;
- // Number of parameters for the entity
- int aNbParams = 0;
- while (aEntIter->param[aNbParams]) aNbParams++;
- if (aNbParams == 0) continue;
- // Decrease parameter indexer if there are deleted parameter with higher IDs
- if (aEntIter->param[aNbParams-1] == myParamMaxID)
- myParamMaxID -= aNbParams;
- // Remove parameters of the entity
- int aParamPos = Search(aEntIter->param[0], myParams);
- myParams.erase(myParams.begin() + aParamPos,
- myParams.begin() + aParamPos + aNbParams);
- // Remove entity
- if (aEDelIter->first == myEntityMaxID)
- myEntityMaxID--;
- myEntities.erase(myEntities.begin() + anEntPos);
- // Remove such entity from myEntityMap
- std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator
- anEntMapIter = myEntityMap.begin();
- for ( ; anEntMapIter != myEntityMap.end(); anEntMapIter++)
- if (anEntMapIter->second == aEDelIter->first)
- break;
- if (anEntMapIter != myEntityMap.end())
- myEntityMap.erase(anEntMapIter);
- }
- return false;
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: updateAttribute
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: update features of sketch after resolving constraints
-// ============================================================================
-void SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::updateAttribute(
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theAttribute,
- const Slvs_hEntity& theEntityID)
- // Search the position of the first parameter of the entity
- int anEntPos = Search(theEntityID, myEntities);
- int aFirstParamPos = Search(myEntities[anEntPos].param[0], myParams);
- // Look over supported types of entities
- // Point in 3D
- boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point> aPoint =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point>(theAttribute);
- if (aPoint)
- {
- aPoint->setValue(myParams[aFirstParamPos].val,
- myParams[aFirstParamPos+1].val,
- myParams[aFirstParamPos+2].val);
- return ;
- }
- // Point in 2D
- boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> aPoint2D =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(theAttribute);
- if (aPoint2D)
- {
- aPoint2D->setValue(myParams[aFirstParamPos].val,
- myParams[aFirstParamPos+1].val);
- return ;
- }
- // Scalar value
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble> aScalar =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ModelAPI_AttributeDouble>(theAttribute);
- if (aScalar)
- {
- aScalar->setValue(myParams[aFirstParamPos].val);
- return ;
- }
- /// \todo Support other types of entities
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: updateEntityIfPossible
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: search the entity in this group and update it
-// ============================================================================
-void SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::updateEntityIfPossible(
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theEntity)
- if (myEntityMap.find(theEntity) != myEntityMap.end())
- {
- // If the attribute is a point and it is changed (the group needs to rebuild),
- // probably user has dragged this point into this position,
- // so it is necessary to add constraint which will guarantee the point will not change
- // Store myNeedToSolve flag to verify the entity is really changed
- bool aNeedToSolveCopy = myNeedToSolve;
- myNeedToSolve = false;
- changeEntity(theEntity);
- if (myNeedToSolve) // the entity is changed
- {
- // Verify the entity is a point and add temporary constraint of permanency
- boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point> aPoint =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point>(theEntity);
- boost::shared_ptr<GeomDataAPI_Point2D> aPoint2D =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<GeomDataAPI_Point2D>(theEntity);
- if (aPoint || aPoint2D)
- addTemporaryConstraintWhereDragged(theEntity);
- }
- // Restore flag of changes
- myNeedToSolve = myNeedToSolve || aNeedToSolveCopy;
- }
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: addTemporaryConstraintWhereDragged
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: add transient constraint SLVS_C_WHERE_DRAGGED for the entity,
-// which was moved by user
-// ============================================================================
-void SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::addTemporaryConstraintWhereDragged(
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theEntity)
- // Find identifier of the entity
- std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator
- anEntIter = myEntityMap.find(theEntity);
- // Create SLVS_C_WHERE_DRAGGED constraint
- Slvs_Constraint aWDConstr = Slvs_MakeConstraint(++myConstrMaxID, myID, SLVS_C_WHERE_DRAGGED,
- myWorkplane.h, 0.0, anEntIter->second, 0, 0, 0);
- myConstraints.push_back(aWDConstr);
- myTempConstraints.push_back(aWDConstr.h);
-// ============================================================================
-// Function: removeTemporaryConstraints
-// Class: SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
-// Purpose: remove all transient SLVS_C_WHERE_DRAGGED constraints after
-// resolving the set of constraints
-// ============================================================================
-void SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup::removeTemporaryConstraints()
- std::list<Slvs_hConstraint>::reverse_iterator aTmpConstrIter;
- for (aTmpConstrIter = myTempConstraints.rbegin(); aTmpConstrIter != myTempConstraints.rend(); aTmpConstrIter++)
- {
- int aConstrPos = Search(*aTmpConstrIter, myConstraints);
- myConstraints.erase(myConstraints.begin() + aConstrPos);
- // If the removing constraint has higher index, decrease the indexer
- if (*aTmpConstrIter == myConstrMaxID)
- myConstrMaxID--;
- }
- myTempConstraints.clear();
-// ========================================================
-// ========= Auxiliary functions ===============
-// ========================================================
-template <typename T>
-int Search(const uint32_t& theEntityID, const std::vector<T>& theEntities)
- int aResIndex = theEntityID <= theEntities.size() ? theEntityID - 1 : 0;
- int aVecSize = theEntities.size();
- while (aResIndex >= 0 && theEntities[aResIndex].h > theEntityID)
- aResIndex--;
- while (aResIndex < aVecSize && theEntities[aResIndex].h < theEntityID)
- aResIndex++;
- if (aResIndex == -1)
- aResIndex = aVecSize;
- return aResIndex;
#include "SketchSolver.h"
#include <SketchSolver_Solver.h>
+#include <SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup.h>
#include <Events_Listener.h>
#include <SketchPlugin_Constraint.h>
void resolveConstraints();
- class SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup;
/** \brief Searches list of groups which interact with specified constraint
* \param[in] theConstraint constraint to be found
* \param[out] theGroups list of group indexes interacted with constraint
std::vector<SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup*> myGroups; ///< Groups of constraints
-/** \class SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
- * \ingroup DataModel
- * \brief Keeps the group of constraints which based on the same entities
- */
-class SketchSolver_ConstraintManager::SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup
- /** \brief New group based on specified workplane.
- * Throws an exception if theWorkplane is not an object of SketchPlugin_Sketch type
- * \remark Type of theSketch is not verified inside
- */
- SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup(boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> theWorkplane);
- ~SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup();
- /// \brief Returns group's unique identifier
- inline const Slvs_hGroup& getId() const
- {return myID;}
- /// \brief Returns true if the group has no constraints yet
- inline bool isEmpty() const
- {return myConstraints.empty();}
- /** \brief Adds or updates a constraint in the group
- * \param[in] theConstraint constraint to be changed
- * \return \c true if the constraint added or updated successfully
- */
- bool changeConstraint(boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint> theConstraint);
- /** \brief Verifies the constraint uses the objects from this group
- * \param[in] theConstraint constraint for verification of interaction
- * \return \c true if the constrained objects are used in current group
- */
- bool isInteract(boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint> theConstraint) const;
- /** \brief Verifies the specified feature is equal to the base workplane for this group
- * \param[in] theWorkplane the feature to be compared with base workplane
- * \return \c true if workplanes are the same
- */
- bool isBaseWorkplane(boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> theWorkplane) const;
- boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> getWorkplane() const
- { return mySketch; }
- /** \brief Update parameters of workplane. Should be called when Update event is coming.
- * \return \c true if workplane updated successfully, \c false if workplane parameters are not consistent
- */
- bool updateWorkplane();
- /** \brief If the entity is in this group it will updated
- * \param[in] theEntity attribute, which values should update SolveSpace entity
- */
- void updateEntityIfPossible(boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theEntity);
- /** \brief Searches invalid features and constraints in the group and avoids them
- * \return \c true if the group's sketch is invalid and the group should be removed
- */
- bool updateGroup();
- /** \brief Add specified group to this one
- * \param[in] theGroup group of constraint to be added
- */
- void mergeGroups(const SketchSolver_ConstraintGroup& theGroup);
- /** \brief Start solution procedure if necessary and update attributes of features
- */
- void resolveConstraints();
- /** \brief Adds or updates an entity in the group
- *
- * The parameters of entity will be parsed and added to the list of SolveSpace parameters.
- * Parameters of certain entity will be placed sequentially in the list.
- *
- * \param[in] theEntity the object of constraint
- * \return identifier of changed entity or 0 if entity could not be changed
- */
- Slvs_hEntity changeEntity(boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theEntity);
- /** \brief Adds or updates a normal in the group
- *
- * Normal is a special entity in SolveSpace, which defines a direction in 3D and
- * a rotation about this direction. So, SolveSpace represents normals as unit quaternions.
- *
- * To define a normal there should be specified two coordinate axis
- * on the plane transversed to created normal.
- *
- * \param[in] theDirX first coordinate axis of the plane
- * \param[in] theDirY second coordinate axis of the plane
- * \param[in] theNorm attribute for the normal (used to identify newly created entity)
- * \return identifier of created or updated normal
- */
- Slvs_hEntity changeNormal(boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theDirX,
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theDirY,
- boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theNorm);
- /** \brief Adds or updates a parameter in the group
- * \param[in] theParam the value of parameter
- * \param[in] thePrmIter the cell in the list of parameters which should be changed
- * (the iterator will be increased if it does not reach the end of the list)
- * \return identifier of changed parameter; when the parameter cannot be created, returned ID is 0
- */
- Slvs_hParam changeParameter(const double& theParam,
- std::vector<Slvs_Param>::const_iterator& thePrmIter);
- /** \brief Change values of attribute by parameters received from SolveSpace solver
- * \param[in,out] theAttribute pointer to the attribute to be changed
- * \param[in] theEntityID identifier of SolveSpace entity, which contains updated data
- */
- void updateAttribute(boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theAttribute, const Slvs_hEntity& theEntityID);
- /** \brief Adds a constraint for a point which should not be changed during computations
- * \param[in] theEntity the base for the constraint
- */
- void addTemporaryConstraintWhereDragged(boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute> theEntity);
- /** \brief Remove all temporary constraint after computation finished
- */
- void removeTemporaryConstraints();
- /** \brief Creates a workplane from the sketch parameters
- * \param[in] theSketch parameters of workplane are the attributes of this sketch
- * \return \c true if success, \c false if workplane parameters are not consistent
- */
- bool addWorkplane(boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> theSketch);
- // SolveSpace entities
- Slvs_hGroup myID; ///< the index of the group
- Slvs_Entity myWorkplane; ///< Workplane for the current group
- std::vector<Slvs_Param> myParams; ///< List of parameters of the constraints
- Slvs_hParam myParamMaxID; ///< Actual maximal ID of parameters (not equal to myParams size)
- std::vector<Slvs_Entity> myEntities; ///< List of entities of the constaints
- Slvs_hEntity myEntityMaxID; ///< Actual maximal ID of entities (not equal to myEntities size)
- std::vector<Slvs_Constraint> myConstraints; ///< List of constraints in SolveSpace format
- Slvs_hConstraint myConstrMaxID; ///< Actual maximal ID of constraints (not equal to myConstraints size)
- bool myNeedToSolve; ///< Indicator that something changed in the group and constraint system need to be rebuilt
- SketchSolver_Solver myConstrSolver; ///< Solver for set of equations obtained by constraints
- // SketchPlugin entities
- boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Feature> mySketch; ///< Equivalent to workplane
- std::map<boost::shared_ptr<SketchPlugin_Constraint>, Slvs_hConstraint>
- myConstraintMap; ///< The map between SketchPlugin and SolveSpace constraints
- std::list<Slvs_hConstraint> myTempConstraints; ///< The list of identifiers of temporary constraints
- std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Attribute>, Slvs_hEntity>
- myEntityMap; ///< The map between parameters of constraints and their equivalent SolveSpace entities