+from GeomAPI import *
from GeomDataAPI import *
from ModelAPI import *
-from GeomAPI import *
+import math
+# Useful subroutines
+def distance(pointA, pointB):
+ """
+ subroutine to calculate distance between two points
+ result of calculated distance is has 10**-5 precision
+ """
+ xdiff = math.pow((pointA.x() - pointB.x()), 2)
+ ydiff = math.pow((pointA.y() - pointB.y()), 2)
+ return round(math.sqrt(xdiff + ydiff), 5)
+def createNAngle(theSketch, theN, theRadius, theEdgeLength=0):
+ # Create an N-Angle at (0,0)
+ rad = 2. * math.pi / theN
+ points = []
+ for a in xrange(theN):
+ x = round(math.cos(rad * a), 10) * theRadius
+ y = round(math.sin(rad * a), 10) * theRadius
+ points.append((x, y))
+ # Close the contour
+ points.append(points[0])
+ # Create lines iterating over (A,B), (B,C), ... (N,A)
+ allStartPoints = []
+ allEndPoints = []
+ allLines = []
+ for begin, end in zip(points[:-1], points[1:]):
+ aSketchLine = theSketch.addFeature("SketchLine")
+ aStartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ anEndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aSketchLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ aStartPoint.setValue(begin[0], begin[1])
+ anEndPoint.setValue(end[0], end[1])
+ allStartPoints.append(aStartPoint)
+ allEndPoints.append(anEndPoint)
+ allLines.append(aSketchLine)
+ theSketch.execute()
+ # Shift a start point to the end of list:
+ # (Bb, Cb, Ab) zip (Ae, Be, Ce) --> ((Ae, Bb), (Cb, Be), (Ab, Ce))
+ allStartPoints.append(allStartPoints.pop(0))
+ # Make lines coincident:
+ for pointA, pointB in zip(allStartPoints, allEndPoints):
+ aCoincidence = theSketch.addFeature("SketchConstraintCoincidence")
+ aCoincidence.refattr("ConstraintEntityA").setAttr(pointA)
+ aCoincidence.refattr("ConstraintEntityB").setAttr(pointB)
+ return allLines
+def fixLineLength(theSketch, theLines, theEdgeLength=0):
+ aFirstLineLength = theEdgeLength
+ # Make give lines fixed length:
+ for aLine in theLines:
+ aLengthConstraint = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchConstraintLength")
+ refattrA = aLengthConstraint.refattr("ConstraintEntityA")
+ refattrA.setObject(modelAPI_ResultConstruction(aLine.firstResult()))
+ if aFirstLineLength == 0:
+ pointA = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ pointB = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ aFirstLineLength = distance(pointA, pointB)
+ aLengthConstraint.real("ConstraintValue").setValue(aFirstLineLength)
+def moveTo(theLines, theDeltaX, theDeltaY):
+ for aLine in theLines:
+ aStart = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ anEnd = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ aStart.setValue(aStart.x() + theDeltaX, aStart.y() + theDeltaY)
+ anEnd.setValue(anEnd.x() + theDeltaX, anEnd.y() + theDeltaY)
# Initialization of the test
-__updated__ = "2014-11-21"
+__updated__ = "2014-11-27"
aSession = ModelAPI_Session.get()
aDocument = aSession.moduleDocument()
norm.setValue(0, 0, 1)
-# TODO: implement test
+# Create 4x4 polygons N = {5, 21}
-assert (False)
+deltaX = deltaY = 50.
+n = 5
+for i in xrange(4):
+ for j in xrange(4):
+ allNangleLines = createNAngle(aSketchFeature, n, 50)
+ fixLineLength(aSketchFeature, allNangleLines)
+ moveTo(allNangleLines, deltaX, deltaY)
+ n += 1
+ deltaX += 110.
+ deltaY += 110.
+ deltaX = 50.
# End of test
--- /dev/null
+ TestSnowflake.py
+from GeomAPI import *
+from GeomDataAPI import *
+from ModelAPI import *
+import collections
+import math
+import random
+# Useful subroutines
+def mirrorDiagonal(theSketch, allLines):
+ result = []
+ for aLine in allLines:
+ aStartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ anEndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ aNewLine = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchLine")
+ aNewStartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aNewLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ aNewEndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aNewLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ aNewStartPoint.setValue(aStartPoint.y(), aStartPoint.x())
+ aNewEndPoint.setValue(anEndPoint.y(), anEndPoint.x())
+ result.append(aNewLine)
+ allLines.extend(result)
+def mirrorX(theSketch, allLines):
+ result = []
+ for aLine in allLines:
+ aStartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ anEndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ aNewLine = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchLine")
+ aNewStartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aNewLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ aNewEndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aNewLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ aNewStartPoint.setValue(aStartPoint.x() * -1., aStartPoint.y())
+ aNewEndPoint.setValue(anEndPoint.x() * -1., anEndPoint.y())
+ result.append(aNewLine)
+ allLines.extend(result)
+def mirrorY(theSketch, allLines):
+ result = []
+ for aLine in allLines:
+ aStartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ anEndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ aNewLine = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchLine")
+ aNewStartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aNewLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ aNewEndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aNewLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ aNewStartPoint.setValue(aStartPoint.x(), aStartPoint.y() * -1.)
+ aNewEndPoint.setValue(anEndPoint.x(), anEndPoint.y() * -1.)
+ result.append(aNewLine)
+ allLines.extend(result)
+def initContour(theNumLines):
+ prevPoint = (35, 0)
+ result = []
+ deltaY = random.uniform(20, 25)
+ for i in xrange(1, theNumLines):
+ rangeXMax = (prevPoint[1] + deltaY) * (30. / i if i % 2 != 0 else 2)
+ newX = random.uniform(prevPoint[1] + deltaY,
+ max(rangeXMax, prevPoint[1] + deltaY + 25.))
+ newPoint = (round(newX, 4), round(prevPoint[1] + deltaY, 4))
+ result.append((prevPoint, newPoint))
+ prevPoint = newPoint
+ # Close the contour
+ result.append((prevPoint, (prevPoint[1], prevPoint[1])))
+ return result
+def makeLinesCoincident(theSketch, allLines):
+ allPoints = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for aLine in allLines:
+ aStartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ anEndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ aStartPointValue = (aStartPoint.x(), aStartPoint.y())
+ anEndPointValue = (anEndPoint.x(), anEndPoint.y())
+ allPoints[aStartPointValue].append(aStartPoint)
+ allPoints[anEndPointValue].append(anEndPoint)
+ for keyPoint, valuePoints in allPoints.iteritems():
+ if len(valuePoints) != 2:
+ print "Strange point: ", keyPoint, "has in coincidence: ", len(valuePoints)
+ continue
+ aConstraint = theSketch.addFeature("SketchConstraintCoincidence")
+ aConstraint.refattr("ConstraintEntityA").setAttr(valuePoints[0])
+ aConstraint.refattr("ConstraintEntityB").setAttr(valuePoints[1])
+# Initialization of the test
+__updated__ = "2014-11-27"
+aSession = ModelAPI_Session.get()
+aDocument = aSession.moduleDocument()
+# Creation of a sketch
+aSketchCommonFeature = aDocument.addFeature("Sketch")
+aSketchFeature = modelAPI_CompositeFeature(aSketchCommonFeature)
+origin = geomDataAPI_Point(aSketchFeature.attribute("Origin"))
+origin.setValue(0, 0, 0)
+dirx = geomDataAPI_Dir(aSketchFeature.attribute("DirX"))
+dirx.setValue(1, 0, 0)
+diry = geomDataAPI_Dir(aSketchFeature.attribute("DirY"))
+diry.setValue(0, 1, 0)
+norm = geomDataAPI_Dir(aSketchFeature.attribute("Norm"))
+norm.setValue(0, 0, 1)
+# 1 With the predefined contour or a new random generated in X0Y
+# 2 Make complete contour using the diagonal, X and Y mirror symmetry
+# 3 Link all lines in contour with coincidence
+initialContour = [((35, 0), (134.8224, 22.0494)), ((134.8224, 22.0494), (71.987, 44.0988)),
+ ((71.987, 44.0988), (205.1448, 66.1482)), ((205.1448, 66.1482), (127.862, 88.1976)),
+ ((127.862, 88.1976), (416.861, 110.247)), ((416.861, 110.247), (233.0475, 132.2964)),
+ ((233.0475, 132.2964), (251.1518, 154.3458)), ((251.1518, 154.3458), (351.0993, 176.3952)),
+ ((351.0993, 176.3952), (432.3397, 198.4446)), ((432.3397, 198.4446), (223.3246, 220.494)),
+ ((223.3246, 220.494), (617.4069, 242.5434)), ((617.4069, 242.5434), (479.6524, 264.5928)),
+ ((479.6524, 264.5928), (453.5778, 286.6422)), ((453.5778, 286.6422), (541.3463, 308.6916)),
+ ((541.3463, 308.6916), (564.5509, 330.741)), ((564.5509, 330.741), (636.9284, 352.7904)),
+ ((636.9284, 352.7904), (383.5946, 374.8398)), ((383.5946, 374.8398), (403.3764, 396.8892)),
+ ((403.3764, 396.8892), (463.9447, 418.9386)), ((463.9447, 418.9386), (669.1751, 440.988)),
+ ((669.1751, 440.988), (602.2044, 463.0374)), ((602.2044, 463.0374), (942.0456, 485.0868)),
+ ((942.0456, 485.0868), (526.574, 507.1362)), ((526.574, 507.1362), (826.3619, 529.1856)),
+ ((826.3619, 529.1856), (576.9488, 551.235)), ((576.9488, 551.235), (624.5595, 573.2844)),
+ ((624.5595, 573.2844), (648.7146, 595.3338)), ((648.7146, 595.3338), (1194.6944, 617.3832)),
+ ((1194.6944, 617.3832), (646.6597, 639.4326)), ((646.6597, 639.4326), (839.8201, 661.482)),
+ ((839.8201, 661.482), (690.7487, 683.5314)), ((690.7487, 683.5314), (1350.2538, 705.5808)),
+ ((1350.2538, 705.5808), (731.0722, 727.6302)), ((731.0722, 727.6302), (1324.0992, 749.6796)),
+ ((1324.0992, 749.6796), (790.4873, 771.729)), ((790.4873, 771.729), (813.9883, 793.7784)),
+ ((813.9883, 793.7784), (828.9997, 815.8278)), ((828.9997, 815.8278), (1321.9798, 837.8772)),
+ ((1321.9798, 837.8772), (872.1503, 859.9266)), ((872.1503, 859.9266), (859.9266, 859.9266))]
+# Regenerate contour
+# initialContour = initContour(40)
+allLines = []
+for begin, end in initialContour:
+ aNewLine = aSketchFeature.addFeature("SketchLine")
+ aStartPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aNewLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ anEndPoint = geomDataAPI_Point2D(aNewLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ aStartPoint.setValue(begin[0], begin[1])
+ anEndPoint.setValue(end[0], end[1])
+ allLines.append(aNewLine)
+mirrorDiagonal(aSketchFeature, allLines)
+mirrorX(aSketchFeature, allLines)
+mirrorY(aSketchFeature, allLines)
+makeLinesCoincident(aSketchFeature, allLines)
+# End of test