planeButton = new QPushButton (GroupBox1);
+ planeButton->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed,QSizePolicy::Fixed));
planeButton->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_RESTORE" ) );
GroupPt->RB_Point2->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_REL" ) );
GroupPt->RB_Point3->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_SEL" ) );
+ GroupPt2 = new EntityGUI_Point( MainWidget->DestCnt );
+ GroupPt2->GroupPoint->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_ADD_PARAMS" ) );
+ GroupPt2->RB_Point1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_NONE" ) );
+ GroupPt2->RB_Point2->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_RADIUS" ) );
+ GroupPt2->RB_Point3->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER" ) );
GroupD1 = new EntityGUI_Dir1( MainWidget->DestCnt );
GroupD1->GroupDir1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_DIR" ) );
GroupD2->RB_Dir23->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_Y" ) );
Group1Sel = new EntityGUI_1Sel( MainWidget->SkeletonCnt );
Group1Sel->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_POINT2" ) );
Group1Sel->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_VALUES" ) );
Group1Sel->buttonApply->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_APPLY" ) );
Group1Sel->buttonRedo->setIcon( image2 );
Group1Sel->LineEdit1->setReadOnly( true );
+ Group2Sel = new EntityGUI_2Sel1Check( MainWidget->SkeletonCnt );
+ Group2Sel->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_VALUES" ) );
+ Group2Sel->buttonApply->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_APPLY" ) );
+ Group2Sel->checkBox->setText( tr( "GEOM_REVERSE" ) );
+ Group2Sel->PushButton1->setIcon( image0 );
+ Group2Sel->PushButton2->setIcon( image0 );
+ Group2Sel->buttonUndo->setIcon( image1 );
+ Group2Sel->buttonRedo->setIcon( image2 );
+ Group2Sel->LineEdit1->setReadOnly( true );
+ Group2Sel->LineEdit2->setReadOnly( true );
+ Group1Sel1Spin = new EntityGUI_1Sel1Spin1Check( MainWidget->SkeletonCnt );
+ Group1Sel1Spin->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_VALUES" ) );
+ Group1Sel1Spin->buttonApply->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_APPLY" ) );
+ Group1Sel1Spin->checkBox->setText( tr( "GEOM_REVERSE" ) );
+ Group1Sel1Spin->PushButton1->setIcon( image0 );
+ Group1Sel1Spin->buttonUndo->setIcon( image1 );
+ Group1Sel1Spin->buttonRedo->setIcon( image2 );
+ Group1Sel1Spin->LineEdit1->setReadOnly( true );
Group1Spin = new EntityGUI_1Spin( MainWidget->SkeletonCnt );
Group1Spin->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_VALUES" ) );
Group1Spin->buttonApply->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_APPLY" ) );
Group2Spin->buttonUndo->setIcon( image1 );
Group2Spin->buttonRedo->setIcon( image2 );
- Group3Spin = new EntityGUI_3Spin( MainWidget->SkeletonCnt );
+ Group3Spin = new EntityGUI_3Spin1Check( MainWidget->SkeletonCnt );
Group3Spin->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_VALUES" ) );
Group3Spin->buttonApply->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_APPLY" ) );
+ Group3Spin->checkBox->setText( tr( "GEOM_REVERSE" ) );
Group3Spin->buttonUndo->setIcon( image1 );
Group3Spin->buttonRedo->setIcon( image2 );
- Group4Spin = new EntityGUI_4Spin( MainWidget->SkeletonCnt );
+ Group4Spin = new EntityGUI_4Spin1Check( MainWidget->SkeletonCnt );
Group4Spin->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_VALUES" ) );
Group4Spin->buttonApply->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_APPLY" ) );
+ Group4Spin->checkBox->setText( tr( "GEOM_REVERSE" ) );
Group4Spin->buttonUndo->setIcon( image1 );
Group4Spin->buttonRedo->setIcon( image2 );
+ //myErrLabel = new QLabel( MainWidget->DestCnt );
QGridLayout* DestCntLayout = new QGridLayout( MainWidget->DestCnt );
DestCntLayout->setMargin( 0 ); DestCntLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
- DestCntLayout->addWidget( GroupPt, 0, 0, 1, 2 );
- DestCntLayout->addWidget( GroupD1, 1, 0 );
- DestCntLayout->addWidget( GroupD2, 1, 1 );
+ DestCntLayout->addWidget( GroupPt, 0, 0 );
+ DestCntLayout->addWidget( GroupPt2, 0, 1 );
+ DestCntLayout->addWidget( GroupD1, 0, 0 );
+ DestCntLayout->addWidget( GroupD2, 0, 1 );
QVBoxLayout* SkeletonCntlayout = new QVBoxLayout( MainWidget->SkeletonCnt );
SkeletonCntlayout->setMargin( 0 ); SkeletonCntlayout->setSpacing( 6 );
SkeletonCntlayout->addWidget( Group1Sel, 0, 0 );
+ SkeletonCntlayout->addWidget( Group2Sel, 0, 0 );
+ SkeletonCntlayout->addWidget( Group1Sel1Spin, 0, 0 );
SkeletonCntlayout->addWidget( Group1Spin, 0, 0 );
SkeletonCntlayout->addWidget( Group2Spin, 0, 0 );
SkeletonCntlayout->addWidget( Group3Spin, 0, 0 );
connect( Group1Sel->buttonApply, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnApply() ) );
connect( Group1Sel->buttonUndo, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnUndo() ) );
connect( Group1Sel->buttonRedo, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnRedo() ) );
+ connect( Group2Sel->buttonApply, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnApply() ) );
+ connect( Group2Sel->buttonUndo, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnUndo() ) );
+ connect( Group2Sel->buttonRedo, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnRedo() ) );
+ connect( Group1Sel1Spin->buttonApply, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnApply() ) );
+ connect( Group1Sel1Spin->buttonUndo, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnUndo() ) );
+ connect( Group1Sel1Spin->buttonRedo, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnRedo() ) );
connect( Group1Spin->buttonApply, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnApply() ) );
connect( Group1Spin->buttonUndo, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnUndo() ) );
connect( Group1Spin->buttonRedo, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnRedo() ) );
connect( MainWidget->ButtonGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( TypeClicked( int ) ) );
connect( ButtonGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( DestClicked( int ) ) );
connect( GroupPt->ButtonGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( PointClicked( int ) ) );
+ connect( GroupPt2->ButtonGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( Point2Clicked( int ) ) );
connect( GroupD1->ButtonGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( Dir1Clicked( int ) ) );
connect( GroupD2->ButtonGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( Dir2Clicked( int ) ));
connect( Group1Sel->LineEdit1, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( LineEditReturnPressed() ) );
connect( Group1Sel->PushButton1, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( SetEditCurrentArgument() ) );
+ connect( Group2Sel->LineEdit1, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( LineEditReturnPressed() ) );
+ connect( Group2Sel->LineEdit2, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( LineEditReturnPressed() ) );
+ connect( Group2Sel->PushButton1, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( SetEditCurrentArgument() ) );
+ connect( Group2Sel->PushButton2, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( SetEditCurrentArgument() ) );
+ connect( Group1Sel1Spin->LineEdit1, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( LineEditReturnPressed() ) );
+ connect( Group1Sel1Spin->PushButton1, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( SetEditCurrentArgument() ) );
+ connect( Group1Sel1Spin->SpinBox_DX, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
connect( Group1Spin->SpinBox_DX, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
connect( Group2Spin->SpinBox_DX, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
connect( Group2Spin->SpinBox_DY, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
connect( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DZ, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
connect( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DS, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
+ connect( Group3Spin->checkBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( CheckBoxClicked( int ) ) );
+ connect( Group4Spin->checkBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( CheckBoxClicked( int ) ) );
+ connect( Group2Sel->checkBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( CheckBoxClicked( int ) ) );
+ connect( Group1Sel1Spin->checkBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( CheckBoxClicked( int ) ) );
connect( ComboBox1, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( SelectionIntoArgument() ) );
connect( planeButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ActivateLocalCS() ) );
// install event filter on spin-boxes to provide Apply action on Return pressed
+ Group1Sel1Spin->SpinBox_DX->installEventFilter(this);
if (object == Group1Spin->SpinBox_DX) {
return true;
+ } else if (object == Group1Sel1Spin->SpinBox_DX) {
+ Group1Sel1Spin->buttonApply->animateClick();
+ return true;
} else if (object == Group2Spin->SpinBox_DX ||
object == Group2Spin->SpinBox_DY) {
mySketchState = FIRST_POINT;
globalSelection( GEOM_POINT );
+ myCheckFlag = 0;
myLastX1 = 0.0;
myLastY1 = 0.0;
myLastX2 = 0.0;
double step = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->doubleValue( "Geometry", "SettingsGeomStep", 100.0 );
/* min, max, step and decimals for spin boxes */
+ initSpinBox( Group1Sel1Spin->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
initSpinBox( Group1Spin->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
initSpinBox( Group2Spin->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
initSpinBox( Group2Spin->SpinBox_DY, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
void EntityGUI_SketcherDlg::InitClick()
disconnect( myGeometryGUI->getApp()->selectionMgr(), 0, this, 0 );
+ myCheckFlag = 0;
+ Group2Sel->hide();
+ Group1Sel1Spin->hide();
myConstructorId = constructorId;
if ( myConstructorId == 0 ) { // SEGMENT
+ GroupPt2->setEnabled( false );
GroupD2->setEnabled( true );
MainWidget->RB_Dest1->setEnabled( true );
MainWidget->RB_Dest1->setChecked( true );
DestClicked( 1 );
else if ( myConstructorId == 1 ) { // ARC
+ GroupPt2->setEnabled( true );
GroupD2->setEnabled( false );
MainWidget->RB_Dest1->setEnabled( true );
- MainWidget->RB_Dest2->setChecked( true );
- DestClicked( 0 );
+ MainWidget->RB_Dest1->setChecked( true );
+ DestClicked( 1 );
void EntityGUI_SketcherDlg::DestClicked( int constructorId )
+ GroupPt2->hide();
// Point
GroupPt->RB_Point1->setChecked( true );
+ GroupPt2->show();
+ Group3Spin->checkBox->show();
+ Group4Spin->checkBox->show();
PointClicked( 1 ); // XY
else if ( constructorId == 0 ) {
GroupD1->RB_Dir11->setChecked( true );
+ Group3Spin->checkBox->hide();
+ Group4Spin->checkBox->hide();
Dir1Clicked( 2 ); // Angle
// function : PointClicked()
// purpose : Radio button management
void EntityGUI_SketcherDlg::PointClicked( int constructorId )
+ myConstructorPntId = constructorId;
+ GroupPt2->RB_Point1->setChecked( true );
+ GroupPt->RB_Point3->setEnabled( true );
+ Point2Clicked( 1 );
+// function : Point2Clicked()
+// purpose : Radio button management
+void EntityGUI_SketcherDlg::Point2Clicked( int constructorId )
// Get setting of step value from file configuration
double step = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->doubleValue( "Geometry", "SettingsGeomStep", 100.0 );
- if ( (myConstructorId == 0) || (myConstructorId == 1) ) { // SEGMENT OR ARC
- if ( constructorId == 1 ) { // XY
+ if ( myConstructorPntId == 1 ) { // XY
+ if ( constructorId == 1 ){ // No additional parameter
mySketchType = PT_ABS;
initSpinBox( Group2Spin->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
initSpinBox( Group2Spin->SpinBox_DY, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( false, true, true, myLineWidth );
- else if ( constructorId == 0 ) { // DXDY
+ else if ( constructorId == 0 ){ // Point + radius
+ mySketchType = PT_ABS_RADIUS;
+ initSpinBox( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
+ initSpinBox( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
+ initSpinBox( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step/10.0, "length_precision" );
+ Group3Spin->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_X2" ) );
+ Group3Spin->TextLabel2->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_Y2" ) );
+ Group3Spin->TextLabel3->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_RADIUS2" ) );
+ myDX = 0.0;
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue( myDX );
+ myDY = 0.0;
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue( myDY );
+ myRadius=0.0;
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( myRadius );
+ Group3Spin->show();
+ Group3Spin->buttonApply->setFocus();
+ GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( false, true, true, myLineWidth );
+ }
+ else if ( constructorId == 2 ){ // Point + center
+ mySketchType = PT_ABS_CENTER;
+ initSpinBox( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
+ initSpinBox( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DY, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
+ initSpinBox( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DZ, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
+ initSpinBox( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DS, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
+ Group4Spin->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_X2" ) );
+ Group4Spin->TextLabel2->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_Y2" ) );
+ Group4Spin->TextLabel3->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER_X" ) );
+ Group4Spin->TextLabel4->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER_Y" ) );
+ myDX = 0.0;
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue( myDX );
+ myDY = 0.0;
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue( myDY );
+ myXc = 0.0;
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( myXc );
+ myYc = 0.0;
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DS->setValue( myYc );
+ Group4Spin->show();
+ Group4Spin->buttonApply->setFocus();
+ GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( false, true, true, myLineWidth );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( myConstructorPntId == 0 ) { // DXDY
+ if ( constructorId == 1 ){ // No additional parameter
mySketchType = PT_RELATIVE;
initSpinBox( Group2Spin->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
initSpinBox( Group2Spin->SpinBox_DY, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( false, true, true, myLineWidth );
- else if ( constructorId == 2 ) { // Selection
+ else if ( constructorId == 0 ){ // Point + radius
+ mySketchType = PT_REL_RADIUS;
+ initSpinBox( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
+ initSpinBox( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
+ initSpinBox( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step/10.0, "length_precision" );
+ Group3Spin->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_DX2" ) );
+ Group3Spin->TextLabel2->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_DY2" ) );
+ Group3Spin->TextLabel3->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_RADIUS2" ) );
+ myDX = 10.0;
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue( myDX );
+ myDY = 0.0;
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue( myDY );
+ myRadius=5.0;
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( myRadius );
+ Group3Spin->show();
+ Group3Spin->buttonApply->setFocus();
+ GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( false, true, true, myLineWidth );
+ }
+ else if ( constructorId == 2 ){ // Point + center
+ mySketchType = PT_REL_CENTER;
+ initSpinBox( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
+ initSpinBox( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DY, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
+ initSpinBox( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DZ, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
+ initSpinBox( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DS, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
+ Group4Spin->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_DX2" ) );
+ Group4Spin->TextLabel2->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_DY2" ) );
+ Group4Spin->TextLabel3->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER_DX" ) );
+ Group4Spin->TextLabel4->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER_DY" ) );
+ myDX = 0.0;
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue( myDX );
+ myDY = 0.0;
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue( myDY );
+ myDXc = 0.0;
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( myDXc );
+ myDYc = 0.0;
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DS->setValue( myDYc );
+ Group4Spin->show();
+ Group4Spin->buttonApply->setFocus();
+ GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( false, true, true, myLineWidth );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( myConstructorPntId == 2 ) { // Selection
+ if ( constructorId == 1 ){ // No additional parameter
mySketchType = PT_SEL;
myEditCurrentArgument = Group1Sel->LineEdit1;
+ Group1Sel->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_END_POINT2" ) );
+ else if ( constructorId == 0 ){ // Point + radius
+ mySketchType = PT_SEL_RADIUS;
+ myEditCurrentArgument = Group1Sel1Spin->LineEdit1;
+ initSpinBox( Group1Sel1Spin->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step/10.0, "length_precision" );
+ Group1Sel1Spin->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_END_POINT2" ) );
+ Group1Sel1Spin->TextLabel2->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_RADIUS2" ) );
+ myRadius=0.0;
+ Group1Sel1Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue( myRadius );
+ Group1Sel1Spin->show();
+ Group1Sel1Spin->buttonApply->setFocus();
+ SelectionIntoArgument();
+ }
+ else if ( constructorId == 2 ){ // Point + center
+ mySketchType = PT_SEL_CENTER;
+ myEditCurrentArgument = Group2Sel->LineEdit1;
+ Group2Sel->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_END_POINT2" ) );
+ Group2Sel->TextLabel2->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER2" ) );
+ Group2Sel->LineEdit1->setEnabled(true);
+ Group2Sel->PushButton1->setDown(true);
+ Group2Sel->LineEdit2->setEnabled(false);
+ Group2Sel->PushButton2->setDown(false);
+ Group2Sel->show();
+ Group2Sel->buttonApply->setFocus();
+ SelectionIntoArgument();
+ }
- connect( myGeometryGUI->getApp()->selectionMgr(),
- SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( SelectionIntoArgument() ) );
+ connect( myGeometryGUI->getApp()->selectionMgr(),
+ SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( SelectionIntoArgument() ) );
Group4Spin->TextLabel2->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_VY2" ) );
Group4Spin->TextLabel3->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_RADIUS2" ) );
Group4Spin->TextLabel4->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_ANGLE2" ) );
+ initSpinBox( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DZ, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" );
+ initSpinBox( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, 0.1, "length_precision" );
+ initSpinBox( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DY, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, 0.1, "length_precision" );
+ initSpinBox( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DS, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, 5., "length_precision" );
myDX = 0.0;
Group4Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue( myDX );
myDY = 0.0;
GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( false, true, true, myLineWidth );
+// function : CheckBoxClicked()
+// purpose : CheckBox management
+void EntityGUI_SketcherDlg::CheckBoxClicked(int State)
+ myCheckFlag = State;
+ GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( false, true, true, myLineWidth );
// function : ClickOnCancel()
Group2Spin->buttonApply->isEnabled() && Group2Spin->isVisible() ||
Group3Spin->buttonApply->isEnabled() && Group3Spin->isVisible() ||
Group4Spin->buttonApply->isEnabled() && Group4Spin->isVisible() ||
- Group1Sel ->buttonApply->isEnabled() && Group1Sel->isVisible() ) {
+ Group1Sel->buttonApply->isEnabled() && Group1Sel->isVisible() ||
+ Group2Sel->buttonApply->isEnabled() && Group2Sel->isVisible() ||
+ Group1Sel1Spin->buttonApply->isEnabled() && Group1Sel1Spin->isVisible() ) {
myIsAllAdded = true;
+ else if ( sender() == Group1Sel1Spin->buttonApply ) {
+ (Group1Sel1Spin->SpinBox_DX)->setFocus();
+ (Group1Sel1Spin->SpinBox_DX)->selectAll();
+ }
else if ( sender() == Group2Spin->buttonApply ) {
void EntityGUI_SketcherDlg::setEnabledUndo( bool value )
Group1Sel->buttonUndo->setEnabled( value );
+ Group2Sel->buttonUndo->setEnabled( value );
+ Group1Sel1Spin->buttonUndo->setEnabled( value );
Group1Spin->buttonUndo->setEnabled( value );
Group2Spin->buttonUndo->setEnabled( value );
Group3Spin->buttonUndo->setEnabled( value );
void EntityGUI_SketcherDlg::setEnabledRedo( bool value )
Group1Sel->buttonRedo->setEnabled( value );
+ Group2Sel->buttonRedo->setEnabled( value );
+ Group1Sel1Spin->buttonRedo->setEnabled( value );
Group1Spin->buttonRedo->setEnabled( value );
Group2Spin->buttonRedo->setEnabled( value );
Group3Spin->buttonRedo->setEnabled( value );
+ if (nbSel == 1 && myEditCurrentArgument == Group1Sel1Spin->LineEdit1) {
+ Standard_Boolean aRes = Standard_False;
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aSelectedObject = GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject(aSelList.First(), aRes);
+ if (!CORBA::is_nil(aSelectedObject) && aRes) {
+ TopoDS_Shape aShape;
+ if (GEOMBase::GetShape(aSelectedObject, aShape, TopAbs_VERTEX)) {
+ gp_Trsf aTrans;
+ gp_Ax3 aWPlane = GetActiveLocalCS();
+ aTrans.SetTransformation(aWPlane);
+ BRepBuilderAPI_Transform aTransformation (aShape, aTrans, Standard_False);
+ aShape = aTransformation.Shape();
+ gp_Pnt aPnt;
+ if ( GEOMBase::VertexToPoint( aShape, aPnt ) ) {
+ myX = aPnt.X();
+ myY = aPnt.Y();
+ Group1Sel1Spin->LineEdit1->setText( GEOMBase::GetName( aSelectedObject ) );
+ if( Group3Spin->isVisible() && mySketchType == PT_ABS ) {
+ disconnect( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
+ disconnect( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue(myX);
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue(myY);
+ connect( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
+ connect( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
+ } else if ( Group3Spin->isVisible() && mySketchType == PT_RELATIVE ) {
+ if ( myLastX1 && myLastY1 ) {
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue(myX - myLastX1);
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue(myY - myLastY1);
+ } else {
+ if ( mySketchState != FIRST_POINT ) {
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue(myX - tmpX);
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue(myY - tmpY);
+ } else {
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue(myX);
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue(myY);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (nbSel == 1 && myEditCurrentArgument == Group2Sel->LineEdit1) {
+ Standard_Boolean aRes = Standard_False;
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aSelectedObject = GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject(aSelList.First(), aRes);
+ if (!CORBA::is_nil(aSelectedObject) && aRes) {
+ TopoDS_Shape aShape;
+ if (GEOMBase::GetShape(aSelectedObject, aShape, TopAbs_VERTEX)) {
+ gp_Trsf aTrans;
+ gp_Ax3 aWPlane = GetActiveLocalCS();
+ aTrans.SetTransformation(aWPlane);
+ BRepBuilderAPI_Transform aTransformation (aShape, aTrans, Standard_False);
+ aShape = aTransformation.Shape();
+ gp_Pnt aPnt;
+ if ( GEOMBase::VertexToPoint( aShape, aPnt ) ) {
+ myX = aPnt.X();
+ myY = aPnt.Y();
+ Group2Sel->LineEdit1->setText( GEOMBase::GetName( aSelectedObject ) );
+ if( Group4Spin->isVisible() && mySketchType == PT_ABS ) {
+ disconnect( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DX, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
+ disconnect( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DY, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue(myX);
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue(myY);
+ connect( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DX, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
+ connect( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DY, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
+ } else if ( Group4Spin->isVisible() && mySketchType == PT_RELATIVE ) {
+ if ( myLastX1 && myLastY1 ) {
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue(myX - myLastX1);
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue(myY - myLastY1);
+ } else {
+ if ( mySketchState != FIRST_POINT ) {
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue(myX - tmpX);
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue(myY - tmpY);
+ } else {
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue(myX);
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue(myY);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (nbSel == 1 && myEditCurrentArgument == Group2Sel->LineEdit2) {
+ if (!Group2Sel->LineEdit1->text().isEmpty()){ //Check wether or not Linedit2 has been modified
+ myX=tmpX; // If yes keep the old values of X and Y
+ myY=tmpY;
+ }
+ Standard_Boolean aRes = Standard_False;
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aSelectedObject = GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject(aSelList.First(), aRes);
+ if (!CORBA::is_nil(aSelectedObject) && aRes) {
+ TopoDS_Shape aShape;
+ if (GEOMBase::GetShape(aSelectedObject, aShape, TopAbs_VERTEX)) {
+ gp_Trsf aTrans;
+ gp_Ax3 aWPlane = GetActiveLocalCS();
+ aTrans.SetTransformation(aWPlane);
+ BRepBuilderAPI_Transform aTransformation (aShape, aTrans, Standard_False);
+ aShape = aTransformation.Shape();
+ gp_Pnt aPnt;
+ if ( GEOMBase::VertexToPoint( aShape, aPnt ) ) {
+ myXc = aPnt.X();
+ myYc = aPnt.Y();
+ Group2Sel->LineEdit2->setText( GEOMBase::GetName( aSelectedObject ) );
+ if( Group4Spin->isVisible() && mySketchType == PT_ABS ) {
+ disconnect( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DZ, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
+ disconnect( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DS, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue(myXc);
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DS->setValue(myYc);
+ connect( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DZ, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
+ connect( Group4Spin->SpinBox_DS, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) );
+ } else if ( Group4Spin->isVisible() && mySketchType == PT_RELATIVE ) {
+ if ( myLastX1 && myLastY1 ) {
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue(myXc - myLastX1);
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DS->setValue(myYc - myLastY1);
+ } else {
+ if ( mySketchState != FIRST_POINT ) {
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue(myXc - tmpX);
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DS->setValue(myYc - tmpY);
+ } else {
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue(myXc);
+ Group4Spin->SpinBox_DS->setValue(myYc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( false, true, true, myLineWidth );
myEditCurrentArgument = Group1Sel->LineEdit1;
+ else if ( sender() == Group1Sel1Spin->PushButton1 ) {
+ myEditCurrentArgument = Group1Sel1Spin->LineEdit1;
+ myEditCurrentArgument->setFocus();
+ }
+ else if ( sender() == Group2Sel->PushButton1 ) {
+ myEditCurrentArgument = Group2Sel->LineEdit1;
+ Group2Sel->PushButton2->setDown(false);
+ Group2Sel->PushButton1->setDown(true);
+ Group2Sel->LineEdit2->setEnabled(false);
+ Group2Sel->LineEdit1->setEnabled(true);
+ // myEditCurrentArgument->setFocus();
+ }
+ else if ( sender() == Group2Sel->PushButton2 ) {
+ myEditCurrentArgument = Group2Sel->LineEdit2;
+ Group2Sel->PushButton1->setDown(false);
+ Group2Sel->PushButton2->setDown(true);
+ Group2Sel->LineEdit1->setEnabled(false);
+ Group2Sel->LineEdit2->setEnabled(true);
+ // myEditCurrentArgument->setFocus();
+ }
void EntityGUI_SketcherDlg::LineEditReturnPressed()
- if ( sender() == Group1Sel->LineEdit1 ) {
+ if ( sender() == Group1Sel->LineEdit1 )
myEditCurrentArgument = Group1Sel->LineEdit1;
+ else if ( sender() == Group1Sel1Spin->LineEdit1 )
+ myEditCurrentArgument = Group1Sel1Spin->LineEdit1;
+ else if ( sender() == Group2Sel->LineEdit1 )
+ myEditCurrentArgument = Group2Sel->LineEdit1;
+ else if ( sender() == Group2Sel->LineEdit2 )
+ myEditCurrentArgument = Group2Sel->LineEdit2;
+ /* User name of object input management */
+ /* If successfull the selection is changed and signal emitted... */
+ /* so SelectionIntoArgument() is automatically called. */
+ const QString objectUserName = myEditCurrentArgument->text();
+ QWidget* thisWidget = (QWidget*)this;
- /* User name of object input management */
- /* If successfull the selection is changed and signal emitted... */
- /* so SelectionIntoArgument() is automatically called. */
- const QString objectUserName = myEditCurrentArgument->text();
- QWidget* thisWidget = (QWidget*)this;
- LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSelMgr = myGeometryGUI->getApp()->selectionMgr();
- SALOME_ListIO aSelList;
- aSelMgr->selectedObjects(aSelList);
+ LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSelMgr = myGeometryGUI->getApp()->selectionMgr();
+ SALOME_ListIO aSelList;
+ aSelMgr->selectedObjects(aSelList);
- if (GEOMBase::SelectionByNameInDialogs(thisWidget, objectUserName, aSelList))
- myEditCurrentArgument->setText( objectUserName );
- }
+ if (GEOMBase::SelectionByNameInDialogs(thisWidget, objectUserName, aSelList))
+ myEditCurrentArgument->setText( objectUserName );
//myGeometryGUI->SetState( 0 );
globalSelection( GEOM_POINT );
myEditCurrentArgument = Group1Sel->LineEdit1;
+ if ( sender() == Group1Sel->LineEdit1 ) {
+ myEditCurrentArgument = Group1Sel->LineEdit1;
+ myEditCurrentArgument->setFocus();
+ }
+ else if ( sender() == Group1Sel1Spin->LineEdit1 ) {
+ myEditCurrentArgument = Group1Sel1Spin->LineEdit1;
+ myEditCurrentArgument->setFocus();
+ }
+ else if ( sender() == Group2Sel->LineEdit1 ) {
+ myEditCurrentArgument = Group2Sel->LineEdit1;
+ myEditCurrentArgument->setFocus();
+ }
+ else if ( sender() == Group2Sel->LineEdit2 ) {
+ myEditCurrentArgument = Group2Sel->LineEdit2;
+ myEditCurrentArgument->setFocus();
+ }
GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( false, true, true, myLineWidth );
void EntityGUI_SketcherDlg::ValueChangedInSpinBox( double newValue )
QObject* send = (QObject*)sender();
- Standard_Real vx, vy, vz, vs;
- vx = vy = vz = vs = 0.0;
+ Standard_Real vx, vy, vz, vs, minRad;
+ vx = vy = vz = vs = minRad =0.0;
+ SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
+ int aPrecision = resMgr->integerValue( "Geometry", "length_precision", 6 );
+ double LastDecimal = 0.0;
QString vxStr, vyStr, vzStr, vsStr;
if ( send == Group1Spin->SpinBox_DX ) {
vx = newValue; vxStr = newValueStr;
+ else if ( send == Group1Sel1Spin->SpinBox_DX ) {
+ vx = newValue; vxStr = newValueStr;
+ }
else if ( send == Group2Spin->SpinBox_DX ) {
vx = newValue; vxStr = newValueStr;
vy = Group2Spin->SpinBox_DY->value(); vyStr = Group2Spin->SpinBox_DY->text();
else if ( send == Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX ) {
vx = newValue; vxStr = newValueStr;
vy = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->value(); vyStr = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->text();
+ vz = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->value();
+ if ( (mySketchType == PT_REL_RADIUS || mySketchType == PT_ABS_RADIUS) && (vx != 0 || vy != 0) ) {
+ minRad = 0.5 * Sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy); //Computation of the minimum acceptable radius for the arc calculation
+ if (aPrecision >= 0) // 'f' format in the QString
+ LastDecimal = aPrecision;
+ else // 'g' format in the Qstring
+ LastDecimal = qAbs( aPrecision ) - ceil( log10(minRad) );
+ minRad = ceil(pow(10,LastDecimal) * minRad) / pow(10,LastDecimal); // Rounded up at the last allowed decimal place
+ if ( Abs(vz) < minRad){
+ if (vz < 0.0)
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( - minRad );
+ else
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( minRad );
+ }
+ }
vz = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->value(); vzStr = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->text();
else if ( send == Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY ) {
vx = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->value(); vxStr = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->text();
vy = newValue; vyStr = newValueStr;
vz = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->value(); vzStr = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->text();
+ if ( (mySketchType == PT_REL_RADIUS || mySketchType == PT_ABS_RADIUS) && (vx != 0 || vy != 0)){
+ minRad = 0.5 * Sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy); //Computation of the minimum acceptable radius for the arc calculation
+ if (aPrecision >= 0) // 'f' format in the QString
+ LastDecimal = aPrecision;
+ else // 'g' format in the QString
+ LastDecimal = qAbs( aPrecision ) - ceil( log10(minRad) );
+ minRad = ceil(pow(10,LastDecimal) * minRad) / pow(10,LastDecimal); // Rounded up at the last allowed decimal place
+ if ( Abs(vz) < minRad){
+ if (vz < 0.0)
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( - minRad );
+ else
+ Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( minRad );
+ }
+ }
+ vz = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->value(); vzStr = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->text();
else if ( send == Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ ) {
vx = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->value(); vxStr = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->text();
myDY = vy;
myDXStr = vxStr;
myDYStr = vyStr;
- }
+ }
+ if ( mySketchType == PT_ABS_RADIUS ) {
+ myX = vx;
+ myY = vy;
+ myRadius=vz;
+ myXStr = vxStr;
+ myYStr = vyStr;
+ myRadiusStr = vzStr;
+ }
+ else if ( mySketchType == PT_REL_RADIUS ) {
+ myDX = vx;
+ myDY = vy;
+ myRadius=vz;
+ myDXStr = vxStr;
+ myDYStr = vyStr;
+ myRadiusStr = vzStr;
+ }
+ else if ( mySketchType == PT_SEL_RADIUS ) {
+ myRadius = vx;
+ myRadiusStr = vxStr;
+ }
+ if ( mySketchType == PT_ABS_CENTER ) {
+ myX = vx;
+ myY = vy;
+ myXc = vz;
+ myYc = vs;
+ myXStr = vxStr;
+ myYStr = vyStr;
+ myXcStr = vzStr;
+ myYcStr = vsStr;
+ }
+ else if ( mySketchType == PT_REL_CENTER ) {
+ myDX = vx;
+ myDY = vy;
+ myDXc = vz;
+ myDYc = vs;
+ myDXStr = vxStr;
+ myDYStr = vyStr;
+ myDXcStr = vzStr;
+ myDYcStr = vsStr;
+ }
if ( mySketchType == DIR_ANGLE_LENGTH ) {
myAngle = vx;
myRadius = vy;
QString myNewCommand = ":";
+ SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
+ int aPrecision = resMgr->integerValue( "Geometry", "length_precision", 6 );
+ int DigNum = qAbs(aPrecision); // options for the format of numbers in myNewCommand
+ char Format = 'f';
+ if ( aPrecision < 0 ) // f --> DigNum is the number of digits after the decimal point
+ Format = 'g'; // g --> DigNum is the maximum number of significant digits
if ( mySketchState == FIRST_POINT ) {
if ( mySketchType == PT_ABS || mySketchType == PT_SEL ) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "F " + QString::number( myX ) + " " + QString::number( myY );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "F " + QString::number( myX, Format, DigNum) + " " + QString::number( myY, Format, DigNum);
theParameters = myXStr + ":" + myYStr;
if ( mySketchType == PT_RELATIVE) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "F " + QString::number( myDX ) + " " + QString::number( myDY );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "F " + QString::number( myDX, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myDY, Format, DigNum );
theParameters = myDXStr + ":" + myDYStr;
return myNewCommand;
if ( myConstructorId == 0 ) { // SEGMENT
if ( mySketchType == PT_ABS || mySketchType == PT_SEL ) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "TT " + QString::number( myX ) + " " + QString::number( myY );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "TT " + QString::number( myX, Format, DigNum) + " " + QString::number( myY, Format, DigNum);
theParameters = myXStr + ":" + myYStr;
if ( mySketchType == PT_RELATIVE) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "T " + QString::number( myDX ) + " " + QString::number( myDY );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "T " + QString::number( myDX, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myDY, Format, DigNum );
theParameters = myDXStr + ":" + myDYStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_ANGLE_LENGTH ) {
myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "R " + QString::number( myAngle );
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "L " + QString::number( myLength );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "L " + QString::number( myLength, Format, DigNum );
theParameters = myAngleStr + ":" + myLengthStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_ANGLE_X ) {
myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "R " + QString::number( myAngle );
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "IX " + QString::number( myX );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "IX " + QString::number( myX, Format, DigNum);
theParameters = myAngleStr + ":" + myXStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_ANGLE_Y ) {
myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "R " + QString::number( myAngle );
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "IY " + QString::number( myY );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "IY " + QString::number( myY, Format, DigNum);
theParameters = myAngleStr + ":" + myYStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_PER_LENGTH ) {
myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "R " + QString::number( 90.0 );
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "L " + QString::number( myLength );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "L " + QString::number( myLength, Format, DigNum );
theParameters = QString::number( 90.0 ) + ":" + myLengthStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_PER_X ) {
myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "R " + QString::number( 90.0 );
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "IX " + QString::number( myX );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "IX " + QString::number( myX, Format, DigNum);
theParameters = QString::number( 90.0 ) + ":" + myXStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_PER_Y ) {
myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "R " + QString::number( 90.0 );
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "IY " + QString::number( myY );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "IY " + QString::number( myY, Format, DigNum);
theParameters = QString::number( 90.0 ) + ":" + myYStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_TAN_LENGTH ) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "L " + QString::number( myLength );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "L " + QString::number( myLength, Format, DigNum );
theParameters = myLengthStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_TAN_X ) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "IX " + QString::number( myX );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "IX " + QString::number( myX, Format, DigNum);
theParameters = myXStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_TAN_Y) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "IY " + QString::number(myY);
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "IY " + QString::number(myY, Format, DigNum);
theParameters = myYStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_DXDY_LENGTH ) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "D " + QString::number( myDX ) + " " + QString::number( myDY );
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "L " + QString::number( myLength );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "D " + QString::number( myDX, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myDY, Format, DigNum );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "L " + QString::number( myLength, Format, DigNum );
theParameters = myDXStr + ":" + myDYStr + ":" + myLengthStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_DXDY_X ) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "D " + QString::number( myDX ) + " " + QString::number( myDY );
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "IX " + QString::number( myX );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "D " + QString::number( myDX, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myDY, Format, DigNum );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "IX " + QString::number( myX, Format, DigNum);
theParameters = myDXStr + ":" + myDYStr + ":" + myXStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_DXDY_Y ) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "D " + QString::number( myDX ) + " " + QString::number( myDY );
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "IY " + QString::number( myY );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "D " + QString::number( myDX, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myDY, Format, DigNum );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "IY " + QString::number( myY, Format, DigNum);
theParameters = myDXStr + ":" + myDYStr + ":" + myYStr;
else if ( myConstructorId == 1 ) { // ARC
if ( mySketchType == PT_ABS || mySketchType == PT_SEL ) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "AA " + QString::number( myX ) + " " + QString::number( myY );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "AA " + QString::number( myX, Format, DigNum) + " " + QString::number( myY, Format, DigNum);
theParameters = myXStr + ":" + myYStr;
if ( mySketchType == PT_RELATIVE) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "A " + QString::number( myDX ) + " " + QString::number( myDY );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "A " + QString::number( myDX, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myDY, Format, DigNum );
theParameters = myDXStr + ":" + myDYStr;
- }
+ }
+ if ( mySketchType == PT_ABS_RADIUS || mySketchType == PT_SEL_RADIUS ) {
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "UU " + QString::number( myX, Format, DigNum) + " " + QString::number( myY, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myRadius , Format, DigNum)+ " " + QString::number( myCheckFlag );
+ theParameters = myXStr + ":" + myYStr + ":" + myRadiusStr;
+ }
+ if ( mySketchType == PT_REL_RADIUS) {
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "U " + QString::number( myDX, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myDY, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myRadius, Format, DigNum )+ " " + QString::number( myCheckFlag );
+ theParameters = myDXStr + ":" + myDYStr + ":" + myRadiusStr;
+ }
+ if ( mySketchType == PT_ABS_CENTER || mySketchType == PT_SEL_CENTER ) {
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "EE " + QString::number( myX, Format, DigNum) + " " + QString::number( myY, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myXc , Format, DigNum) + " " + QString::number( myYc , Format, DigNum)+ " " + QString::number( myCheckFlag ) + " " + QString::number( 0 );
+ theParameters = myXStr + ":" + myYStr + ":" + myXcStr+ ":" + myYcStr;
+ }
+ if ( mySketchType == PT_REL_CENTER) {
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "E " + QString::number( myDX, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myDY, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myDXc, Format, DigNum )+ " " + QString::number( myDYc, Format, DigNum )+ " " + QString::number( myCheckFlag )+ " " + QString::number( 0 );
+ theParameters = myDXStr + ":" + myDYStr + ":" + myDXcStr + ":" + myDYcStr ;
+ }
if ( mySketchType == DIR_ANGLE_LENGTH ) {
myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "R " + QString::number( myAngle );
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "C " + QString::number( myRadius ) + " " + QString::number( myLength );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "C " + QString::number( myRadius, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myLength, Format, DigNum );
theParameters = myAngleStr + ":" + myRadiusStr + ":" + myLengthStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_PER_LENGTH ) {
myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "R " + QString::number( 90.0 );
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "C " + QString::number( myRadius ) + " " + QString::number( myLength );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "C " + QString::number( myRadius, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myLength, Format, DigNum );
theParameters = QString::number( 90.0 ) + ":" + myRadiusStr + ":" + myLengthStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_TAN_LENGTH ) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "C " + QString::number( myRadius ) + " " + QString::number( myLength );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "C " + QString::number( myRadius, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myLength, Format, DigNum );
theParameters = myRadiusStr + ":" + myLengthStr;
if ( mySketchType == DIR_DXDY_LENGTH ) {
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "D " + QString::number( myDX ) + " " + QString::number( myDY );
- myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "C " + QString::number( myRadius ) + " " + QString::number( myLength );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + "D " + QString::number( myDX, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myDY, Format, DigNum );
+ myNewCommand = myNewCommand + ":" + "C " + QString::number( myRadius, Format, DigNum ) + " " + QString::number( myLength, Format, DigNum );
theParameters = myDXStr + ":" + myDYStr + ":" + myRadiusStr + ":" + myLengthStr;
if( Group1Spin->isVisible() ) {
ok = Group1Spin->SpinBox_DX->isValid( msg, toCorrect ) && ok;
+ else if( Group1Sel1Spin->isVisible() ) {
+ ok = Group1Sel1Spin->SpinBox_DX->isValid( msg, toCorrect ) && ok;
+ }
else if( Group2Spin->isVisible() ) {
ok = Group2Spin->SpinBox_DX->isValid( msg, toCorrect ) && ok;
ok = Group2Spin->SpinBox_DY->isValid( msg, toCorrect ) && ok;
//Current Shape
QString Command2 = Command1 + GetNewCommand( aParameters );
Sketcher_Profile aProfile2( Command2.toAscii() );
+ //Error Message
+ if ( mySketchType == PT_ABS_CENTER ||
+ mySketchType == PT_REL_CENTER ){
+ Group4Spin->label->show();
+ Group4Spin->label->setText(QString(aProfile2.ErrMsg().c_str()));
+ }
+ else
+ Group4Spin->label->hide();
+ if ( mySketchType == PT_SEL_CENTER ){
+ Group2Sel->label->show();
+ Group2Sel->label->setText(QString(aProfile2.ErrMsg().c_str()));
+ }
+ else
+ Group2Sel->label->hide();
if ( aProfile2.IsDone() )
myShape2 = aProfile2.GetShape();
if ( ( mySketchState != FIRST_POINT &&
myLastX1 == myLastX2 && myLastY1 == myLastY2 ) || myIsAllAdded ) {
cmd = myCommand.join( "" );
if ( Group1Sel->isVisible() ) {
Group1Sel->buttonApply->setEnabled( false );
+ if ( Group2Sel->isVisible() ) {
+ Group2Sel->buttonApply->setEnabled( false );
+ //Group2Sel->buttonApply->setFocus();
+ }
+ if ( Group1Sel1Spin->isVisible() ) {
+ Group1Sel1Spin->buttonApply->setEnabled( false );
+ //Group1Sel1Spin->buttonApply->setFocus();
+ }
if ( Group1Spin->isVisible() ) {
Group1Spin->buttonApply->setEnabled( false );
Group1Sel->buttonApply->setEnabled( true );
+ if ( Group2Sel->isVisible() ) {
+ Group2Sel->buttonApply->setEnabled( true );
+ //Group2Sel->buttonApply->setFocus();
+ }
+ if ( Group1Sel1Spin->isVisible() ) {
+ Group1Sel1Spin->buttonApply->setEnabled( true );
+ //Group1Sel1Spin->buttonApply->setFocus();
+ }
if ( Group1Spin->isVisible() ) {
Group1Spin->buttonApply->setEnabled( true );
return false;
if ( Group1Sel->isVisible() && !Group1Sel->buttonApply->isEnabled() ||
+ Group2Sel->isVisible() && !Group2Sel->buttonApply->isEnabled() ||
+ Group1Sel1Spin->isVisible() && !Group1Sel1Spin->buttonApply->isEnabled() ||
Group1Spin->isVisible() && !Group1Spin->buttonApply->isEnabled() ||
Group2Spin->isVisible() && !Group2Spin->buttonApply->isEnabled() ||
Group3Spin->isVisible() && !Group3Spin->buttonApply->isEnabled() ||
void EntityGUI_SketcherDlg::SetDoubleSpinBoxStep( double step )
+ Group1Sel1Spin->SpinBox_DX->setSingleStep(step);