Our <b>TUI Scripts</b> provide you with useful examples of the use of
\ref tui_sketcher_page "Sketcher".
+A wrapper also exists to help in the construction of a sketcher using simple commands.
+The description of this wrapper can be found in the <a class="el" target="_new" href="../../tui/GEOM/docutils/docapi.html#module-salome.geom.sketcher">
+dedicated page</a> of the <a class="el" target="_new" href="../../tui/GEOM/docutils/index.html">salome.geom python package</a>.
<li>\subpage tui_import_export_page</li>
- <li>\subpage tui_viewing_geom_objs_page</li>
<li>\subpage tui_creating_geom_objs_page</li>
<li>\ref tui_basic_geom_objs_page</li>
<li>\ref tui_sketcher_page</li>
<li>\ref tui_advanced_geom_objs_page</li>
+ <li>\subpage tui_viewing_geom_objs_page</li>
<li>\subpage tui_transformation_page</li>
<li>\ref tui_basic_operations_page</li>
<b>SALOME NoteBook</b> allows defining variables to be used for creation and modification of objects.
+A detailed description of the SALOME NoteBook can be found the the GUI documentation.
\image html using_notebook_geom.png "Definition of variables in SALOME NoteBook"
\image html box3.png "Use of variables for creation of a box in Geometry module"