MY_PERFORMANCE_LOG_ENTRY_IN_GLBS = "my_log_4_this_session"
+MY_KEY_TO_DETECT_FINISH = "neib av tuot"
class Generic(SALOME__POA.GenericObj):
"""A Python implementation of the GenericObj CORBA IDL"""
def __init__(self,poa):
-def ExecCrashProofGeneric( code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession, keepFilesToReplay ):
+def ExecCrashProofGeneric( code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession, keepFilesToReplay, closeEyesOnErrorAtExit = False):
Equivalent of exec(code,context) but executed in a separate subprocess to avoid to make the current process crash.
containerRef (Engines.Container) : Container ref (retrieving the Files to created when keepFilesToReplay is set to False)
instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession (LogOfCurrentExecutionSession) : instance of LogOfCurrentExecutionSession to build remotely the reference in order to log information
keepFilesToReplay (bool) : if True when something goes wrong during execution all the files to replay post mortem case are kept. If False only error is reported but files to replay are destoyed.
+ closeEyesOnErrorAtExit (bool) : if True in case of crash of subprocess, if MY_KEY_TO_DETECT_FINISH is displayed at the end of stdout
import pickle
import subprocess as sp
import CORBA
+ #
+ def IsConsideredAsOKRun( returnCode, closeEyesOnErrorAtExit , stderr ):
+ if returnCode == 0:
+ return True
+ if not closeEyesOnErrorAtExit:
+ return False
def InternalExecResistant( code, context, outargsname):
orb = CORBA.ORB_init([''])
return os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(fname)[len(EXEC_CODE_FNAME_PXF):] )[0]
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.getcwd(),prefix=EXEC_CODE_FNAME_PXF,suffix=".py", mode="w", delete = False) as codeFd:
codeFd.write( code )
+ codeFd.write( """
+import sys
+sys.stderr.flush()""".format( MY_KEY_TO_DETECT_FINISH ) )
codeFileName = os.path.basename( )
contextFileName = "contextsafe_{}.pckl".format( RetrieveUniquePartFromPfx( codeFileName ) )
stderr = stderr.decode()
sys.stdout.write( stdout ) ; sys.stdout.flush()
sys.stderr.write( stderr ) ; sys.stderr.flush()
- if returnCode == 0:
+ if IsConsideredAsOKRun( returnCode, closeEyesOnErrorAtExit , stderr ):
pcklData = instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession._remote_handle.getObj()
if len(pcklData) > 0:
ret = pickle.loads( pcklData )
context.update( evParams.result )
+ if returnCode != 0:
+ print( "WARNING : Following code has generated non zero return code ( {} ) but considered as OK\n{}".format( returnCode, code ) )
return ret
- if returnCode != 0:
+ else:
if keepFilesToReplay:
evParams.destroyOnKO( containerRef )
raise RuntimeError(f"Subprocess launched {evParams.strDependingOnReturnCode(keepFilesToReplay,returnCode)}stdout :\n{stdout}\nstderr :\n{stderr}")
def ExecCrashProofWithReplay( code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession ):
- return ExecCrashProofGeneric(code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession, True)
+ return ExecCrashProofGeneric(code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession, True, True)
def ExecCrashProofWithoutReplay( code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession ):
- return ExecCrashProofGeneric(code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession, False)
+ return ExecCrashProofGeneric(code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession, False, False)
def ExecLocal( code, context, outargsname, containerRef, instanceOfLogOfCurrentSession ):
exec( code, context )