TopoDS_Face aNewFace;
aBuilder.MakeFace(aNewFace, aPlane, Precision::Confusion());
- // sort wires according to the original edges as well as faces
+ // sort inner wires according to the original edges as well as faces
TopTools_ListOfShape aWires;
TopExp_Explorer aWireExp(aFace, TopAbs_WIRE);
for (; aWireExp.More(); aWireExp.Next())
- sortAreas(aWires, theEdges);
+ if (aWires.Size() > 2) {
+ TopoDS_Shape anOuterWire = aWires.First();
+ aWires.RemoveFirst();
+ sortAreas(aWires, theEdges);
+ aWires.Prepend(anOuterWire);
+ }
// iterate on wires
for (TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aWIt(aWires); aWIt.More(); aWIt.Next()) {